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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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donald trump is considering a reduction in intelligent sharing with members of nato that trump advisers have told allied countries that the reduced intel-sharing would be part of a broader plan to scale back us support with the military alliance what impact would that have? how worried or european officials about that clearly worried because they're bringing the concerns too political in this reporting every european official i've spoken to is worried about the possibility of a trump presidency they're worried about everything from trump potentially pulling the u.s. out of nato. that's the most extreme or forcing ukraine to negotiate with russia and possibly give up territory but also all the increments along the way not just intelligence sharing, but the u.s still keeps a lot of troops in europe during the last trump administration, there was a drawdown in those troops. could
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you see something like that? all of these things mean that the europeans have to take more responsibility for their own defense on themselves and they're worried about that i'm kim, it's great to see you. general as always. thank you so much. and new hour of cnn, new central starts now with brand new polling that shows a majority of his own supporters want him to drop out. >> can president biden saved his campaign? with a press conference today? dangerous and deadly heat in texas temperature soaring with more than 1 million people without power. and this is four days after hurricane beryl hit and dartmouth under investigation for an alleged hazing incident after a student was found dead? i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sara sidner. this is cnn news central happening
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right now, president biden's fight to stay in the 2024 race and disproved democratic doubters comes to a head today with press conference. >> this evening, his first since the cnn debate, the exact unscripted type event that democrats say president biden has needed if he's going to shake off calls to exit and if he's going to get democratic lawmakers, donors, and voters to stop rethinking the whole thing. now add to that conversation, new polling out from abc news this morning showing biden and donald trump continue to run evenly nationally with no real post-debate change in voter preferences. yet the same poll finds 62% of democrats and democratic leaning voters in this poll said that he should step aside 54% of self-proclaimed biden supporters say that biden should step aside and as this is also as the first sitting democratic senator, senator peter welch says publicly in a
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new op-ed that he also thinks joe biden should end his run. cnn's arlette saenz is at the white house for us. another day, another round of headlines and more hand-wringing and real concerns being voiced amongst democrats. what are you hearing? from there about today and tonight or let well, kate, president biden is facing a key test today as he sat to hold that first solo news conference while he's looking to keep his candidacy alive. now, these solo press conferences have become a rarity in the biden white house as well. to be only the 15th time that he has taken questions by himself at a press conference before reporters. and the first time that he is doing so this year it comes as his allies have really encouraged biden to engage in press conferences, town halls, to try to show voters that he can engage in these impromptu, unscripted session since following last month's debate. but it's also coming as the president is facing significant heat from within his own party about his decision to remain in
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this race so far, there have been ten a democratic lawmakers up on capitol hill who have publicly called for biden to step aside many ard the expressing concerns privately, even as there are some very visible of public backers of biden's candidacy at this moment, of course, yesterday, former house speaker nancy pelosi seemed to leave the door open to the possibility that biden could reconsider his decision to stay in the race, even though he and his team have been adamant that he will see this through until november. there are also concerns about how biden's debate performance, and the path forward could impact fundraising for the campaign going forward, one source of familiar with the situation told me that it's been a rough go with donors as there have been a number of defections from the donor class another democratic strategist saying, quote, everything is frozen because no one knows what's going to happen. everyone is in wait and see mode. so these are all some of the challenges facing president biden in this moment this afternoon, some key
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members of his campaign team and his team here at the white house and jen o'malley, dillon, dillon, steve rachetti, mike donilon will actually be briefing senate democrats up on capitol hill today. sources told cnn that senator chuck schumer invited the campaign officials. they are to talk to senators so they could hear out their concerns. a personally, but it's been very clear in the last 24 hours that even as the president has been adamant about remaining in this race, there are still some serious concerns within certain pockets of the democratic party and for president biden, his main goals today are essentially to show voters that he is up for a second term, but also trying to keep any further democratic dissent and check that's a good point. it's good to see you, arlette. thank you so much for your reporting, sir. >> all right. now, cnn's chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny, is joining us. the narratives surrounding president biden has changed and gotten far worse in the last 24 hours, you've got senators coming out against him now, more than one and now we've got this poll well, showing the
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number of americans that think he should step aside that's a big number. is that going to break the dam now, which now has quite a few holes in it. >> good morning, sara. it is a big number and particularly i think 67% of americans are saying in this new abc news washington post poll that president biden should step aside, but look at the number of democrats that is about 55%, 54% there. so that is perhaps significant as well. but i think the numbers that really have the attention of the biden campaign and the white house as well as, of course, democrats on capitol hill are what down-ballot races are seeing if there's any numbers that will sort of drive a decision here. and again, this isn't a decision only reached by numbers. it's a build on so many things, but it will be the damage that it could be caused causing two races for the house, races for the senate. so that is what some of those worry is coming from here. but of course, the biden campaign and the white house will point
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to the fact that he's still essentially in a margin of error race essentially tied with former president donald trump. but but that's in a national poll. if you look battleground by battleground, and those battlegrounds had been expanding over the last couple of weeks since the debate that is causing worry for so many democrats. sara, with this tight of a race, the battleground states are the key, and i'm sure they're watching them as you said, very, very closely, i want to talk to you. >> look, we've seen some big donors, big holiday we were donors coming out against president biden running for reelection. i'm curious what you think about what's happening with kamala harris is she waiting in the wings? she's still out there in front standing by the president, as you would expect, a vice president to do she is sara, she is in the most unusual in complicated of positions here. you can think of it as a historic holding pattern. she is doing her day job and that has to be the vice president of the united states. she is part of this ticket. it's the biden ticket. so she's been campaigning across the country this week from las vegas to
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dallas. she'll be in north carolina later today. don't forget that to state that biden campaign is trying to make a swing state as well. they believe that they could gain some ground there but i was struck by some of her comments in dallas yesterday as she's trying to rally those troops our nation is counting on the leaders in this room to guide us forward because we know when we organize mountains, move when we mobilize nations change and when we vote we make history so the vice president was addressing a sorority group there of african american women in dallas and clearly trying to make a key that the lifeblood of the democratic party largely african-american women, are still with the party. the question is for what ticket? so the vice president has been loyal to president biden. there is no daylight between them.
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she said he is running, but sara, the question is, if this moves along in a different direction, is she waiting in the wings? of course, she is she's the vice president. what the role is for but as time moves along here, it does become more difficult to replace the democratic ticket, but she of course is first among those who would be at the ticket again, it's the biden harris campaign. so she would own the infrastructure, she would own the fundraising as well. but she has been dutifully campaigning here as all of these events have been unfolding, this week in washington. but sara, as we begin this day, there is no doubt that the president is in a much more precarious situation, that he was just a day ago. >> very different from what we saw at the beginning of the week. i do want to ask you i just about the unprecedented nature of this. we talk a lot about how donald trump is always doing these things that are unprecedented. this is also in that same ilk what donald
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trump is doing is in the same ilk, i'm not sure. i'm following you, sarah. sorry. maybe i'm saying what's happening to president biden. >> what's happening now to him? we often talk about president trump and president of nature of the things that he does, the norms that he breaks this is also in that same line of absolutely unprecedented movement among a party running for president it absolutely is in sorry, i need another cup of coffee this morning to follow your line of thinking, my friend, but look, it is unprecedented. >> this is something that there is history is not our best guide for this here. and for all all the calls for president biden to reconsider a lot of people are giving them space. i am still hearing from so many people what speaker pelosi said yesterday, wait until the weekends, and then let's see what his decision is. this is a decision again that only president biden can make he and his family can make this alone.
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so for all of the sort of asked about this and there is considerable lengths, we still do not know if his mind has changed at all, but sara, it's unprecedented in the sense that we are less than four months before the general election. it almost feels like the primary campaign for democrats that never happened is unfolding right now. and that is not a position where they would like to be because they wanted it to be talking all about donald trump instead this has become all about joe biden jeff zeleny, we all need a little extra coffee. thank you so much i appreciate it john. right. dozens are dead from record-breaking heat and more than 1 million remain under threat due to power outages a new move by convicted felon, alec murdoch, and his fight for a new trial and water slides, friendship bracelets offensive strategy against the west, the phone activities available to children north korea had a new summer camp this election season cnn has you covered, no
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grow your business easily with freelancers five night shortly continue to add on descoping all right. >> new this morning, at least 28 suspected heat-related deaths have been reported in the u.s. >> this month in texas, more than 1 million customers are still without power for days after beryl hit at least two people died from carbon monoxide poisoning will try to cool their homes and an elderly woman died after the generator running her oxygen machine shut down cnn senior national correspondent, ed lavandera is with us from texas, also meteorologist derek van dam. ed, first to you, i know people in texas are getting frustrated now yeah there has been mounting frustration, not just
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from residents, but from city leaders, even the governor calling for an investigation of how or the power restoration has been handled. >> so a great deal of criticism centered at a accompany a power utility company called center point, which services most of the houston area overall, 1.3 million cars mr. myers still without power about one point, almost 1.1 of those customers in the houston area. and really the frustration has been geared toward that. the lack of communication that residents feeling community leaders feel from the power utility companies this as to why it's the progress being made on the power restoration. and so people resorting to all sorts of tactics to get themselves a cooled off one family had found a ac unit that they connected to a generator and sealed off with plastic tarps field themselves off into one small room in their home to keep cool, there's also been concern among animal animals are folks in the houston area
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concerned about dogs out in the heat to people resorting to sitting in a car with it, with their dogs to making sure that they're okay. so those are the kinds of things that many people are dealing with in the houston area. john, is this the heat continues to intensify and the center point company is saying that this is the largest power outage they've ever had. i had to deal with defending their actions, saying that they've got 1 million people back online within 48 hours and they say that another 700,000 or so, we'll be back online by the end of this weekend. john end of the weekend. >> all right. that's the whole lot of days. they're going to have to be sitting in that heat and derek van dam to you. so what is the forecast over the next few days? >> yeah. well here in lies. the problem i was in houston. i saw the damage on the ground. there is a lot of trees, shrubs, there's a lot of down power lines. and trying to do the post storm cleanup in heat indexes that are reaching 100 degrees or more is downright dangerous heat advisories in
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place for the greater houston metropolitan the area even though there's a slight onshore component to the wind keeping the metro area of houston slightly cooler than the past day or so it really doesn't make much of a difference considering that there is very little electricity across this area because of what was hurricane beryl that barreled through the region earlier this week leaving in the destruction behind in its wake. so authorities are warning people to be familiar with the signs of heat-related illnesses dizziness, headaches confusion, muscle cramps. that is when you start to see the warning signs and you need to take note, you have to cool that individual down immediately called 911 even now, just a few hours after sunrise, we're starting to feel the impacts of the humidity and the mercury in the thermometer, it is going to be downright brutal going forward. so the days over the next couple of days, the race is on to get that power turned back on to the people, cool them down as successfully as possible. it's not only texas, but it's the western us under the heat extreme heat for las
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vegas, we know we've had five kids consecutive days where the temperature has reached 115 or greater all-time record high temperatures set in las vegas earlier this week, really contextualizes what's happening over the western parts of the country. another 100 record high temperatures possible over the coming days with triple-digit heat from palm springs to vegas bakersfield, north poured into sacramento. john with so much of summer left to go or thanks to derek van dam, ed lavendera as well. kate university has suspended a fraternity and sorority over hazing allegations. and after a tragedy student found dead in a nearby river. new reporting on that, we have coming out. and the moment a flight is forced to abort takeoff after the crew is reporting more than one tire blowing out i loved cnn live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his
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vp, and their plan to take back the white house follow cnn for complete coverage that republican national convention starts it's monday at 8:00 on cnn was at trouble losing weight and keeping saying discover the power of week-old what rigobi i lost 35 pounds as some lost the war 46 pounds we go the un keeping the weight off. we go be help you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing my risk. we go v is the only fda approved for weight management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events and adults with no disease and with either obesity or overweight we go vision be used for semaglutide or glp-1 the medicines don't take wegovy if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia
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again? a steel brought to get chunk by chums shortly, us to like john sina all this, we get eight on discovery inch dream on macs police are investigating whether hazing at dartmouth college played a role in the death of one of the schools students the university has suspended one fraternity and sorority after a 20-year-old student died this weekend, won jang was found in the connecticut river after he attended a social event held nearby out or is before cnn's athena jones is tracking this for us. clearly a lot not known but true, true chat, tragedy. what are you learning? it really is, it's a sad story. >> police are still trying to get to the bottom of it. friends of won jang said he was last seen around 9:30 p.m. on saturday at the docks near the dartmouth boathouse on the connecticut river and there was an informal gathering that's where they last saw him when he didn't show up to an event the next day, they reported to authorities, a search began. items were found near the dock that indicated jang had never left the area in so the began searching that area, divers
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entering the water, searching the water about three-and-a-hal f hours after jang was reported missing his body was found in that connecticut river near the dock where he was last seen. now the cause of death, as you indicated, it's still unclear that the investigation is ongoing, but police chief charlie dennis called it a tragic event, asked the public to come forward, anyone with information to come forward to help the investigation. and he explained why police are looking into whether hazing might've been involved. take a listen. >> there is some evidence of some some alcohol involved, certainly from witnesses and in talking to things like that. so again, that's all part of our investigation. we did receive an anonymous email this morning through the college that they may be some hazing involves. so certainly we will look into that and so certainly that's, that's concerning. there's been a spate of hazing incidents at colleges across the country in recent years. we know that jang had been a member of a fraternity called the beta alpha omega fraternity. and the university has now suspended that fraternity along with the sorority alpha phi spokesperson wouldn't say what, what
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involvement these two greek organizations may they have had in this incident at all, but they did say that at the time of the incident that fraternity beta alpha omega was on alcohol probation after being on suspension in the fall, winter, and spring-term. this sorority alpha phi hat was in good standing after being on probation in the fall term. the beta alpha omega's local chapter and alpha phi's national chapter did not get back to us when we reached out for comment, but jang was described as an amazing guy who was always smiling. he was his high school's valedictorian in middletown, delaware, and he'd been setting biomedical engineering and economics a friend of his responded to the news of his passing the listen this very i've. said when he first got to music, met with some friends right around here, and we just wanted to log talking about all the great things about why, you know how here because, you know, makes jokes, makes people laugh so i'm just a terrible story wolf. >> we'll find out more as this
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investigation unfolds, but we know that hazing is a real issue, in a very common one among a greek organizations that can imagine was the family getting the call. i mean, what, what seemed like an amazing person with hutches bright future? kind of him. and then this, thanks to theano. thanks, sir. >> all right. president biden's precarious path to november, the new reporting. another have his top allies on the hill. what that person is saying, will he support a new candidate? and summer camp in north korea where kids from russia and trying to go to learn all about the bad day news in america et me
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footlong divers the world might not be ready for them, but at breed aza your wallet definitely is a place where my we may go to it can you imagine be remembered like that nobody told the whole truth a live look now at the white house and capitol hill, where calls for joe biden to step aside are growing where we are standing by this morning to hear or learn any new details. and there will be a press conference as well today as president biden prepares for his highly pivotal news conference. later on, as he
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fights off growing calls to step aside in the 2024 race with us now to discuss cnn political commentator karen finney, good million less fbi from bluestack strategies founder and former president iser two former house speaker, john boehner. thank you, ladies, both for coming in i want to start with this brand new polling. we will go to the house and and, and talk a little bit about the senate as well. and what's happening there. but first, we've got this new polling, just in from abc news. and if you look at it, it shows how people are feeling. this is not pundit it's, this is not elites, as we've been hearing from the biden camp. these are potential voters who are registered and it shows that 67% of the people who were pulled think that biden should step aside. it also talks about donald trump 50% saying he should also step aside. this is like the double haters thing, right in their faces when it comes to this. but let me, let me first talk to you when it comes to this
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poll and you're looking at this, karen, is this going to be the thing that may push more democrats? to tell joe biden to step aside is this a key here that could push this and make the dam break not if they actually look a little further into the paul. i mean, those numbers that you said are important, but also in that poll, it shows the race is otherwise static in terms of, in the question of who would you vote for you see, i believe actually biden maybe up one point. and so again, that's sort of for the biden who has said, i'm in this to win it and believing that he that there's a path. now, here's what i think is important today. both the press conference and we've seen reports and i've heard that the campaign is putting together some data to take to the hill to make the case,
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right? to say, here's the pathway that we see, and here's the way we're going to get those votes. that could help stem the tide but we'll see because the press conference today is critical, it seems like every time everything he does now since the problematic debate, it's critical because people don't want to see the same personally saw on that stage. and if they do, it's going to make it worse for him. i wouldn't talk to you now we've gotten the new york times opinion piece has just come out initially, we saw one that called for biden to step aside. now, it's saying this about donald trump. let's take a look at that opinion piece. it's donald trump is unfit to lead. and so too you more why republicans having the conversation about donald trump, i can get that's what your answer is to me as we did say what you will about republicans, we let 13, 14 people run in the primary we at least had that opportunity. >> dean phillips, who tried to run against joe biden, was shunned from the party for even
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speaking up and saying it's time to pass the torch now, i will say if republicans ultimately ended up with donald trump and then he got to the rnc, potentially for letting that happen. if 13, 14 people and then he put his daughter-in-law in place, in charge there and that is what transpired what we really just tried, right? we at least tried and had this conversation 13, 40 people said he's not who should be leading us into this next cycle. we have not won with him at the helm. so at the beginning people understood that they've largely ignored it because he has pushed forward and he as the nominee. but they're not wrong in these polls are telling you what america will have been saying this whole cycle. we do not want this rematch of 2020 and that's been repeated and it feels as though the american people aren't aren't being heard because the big money that is in play here is what's pushing these two old white men in front of our faces. and it feels as though it's not, we're not being heard. and i think that's what the frustration and an my biggest fear is the lack of voter turnout. >> i think that's the biggest fear to care and i know you have something to say about that. go ahead. yeah well, i was just going to say let's remember donald trump changed the rules and two of the states
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to make it harder. specifically targeting some of those people who are running against him so both i mean, in both instances, these two men were determined to be their nominees. they got the votes. they've got the delegates but again, i think your ultimate points, sarah, is right, which is i think we're in a situation now, both men, right? there's plenty of criticism on both sides you know, i would argue donald trump is a criminal charged and found guilty over 34 counts. job joe biden believes he has a record to run on, but i do think again that the press conference today is an important moment. we'll see if they're able to turn the time. and again, i think the strategy was trying to get through this week, get through the nato conference. he's now got this interview scheduled for monday at nbc. i don't know if it's going to be enough to be perfectly honest but i think there's also a feeling among some that see the
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vulnerabilities of donald trump, which makes them think that perhaps joe biden can win and perhaps it is too risky to try to you know, go through a process and have a new candidate at the top of the ticket, whether that would be vice president harris or someone else? >> karen, i'm really curious about what you think about you talked about. he's doing an interview, he's now doing a press conference. but we haven't seen much of this, shouldn't have been doing this all along. sort of prove all along that he's he's rigorous and ready for ready for the work ahead. >> yeah. look my way as a press person, as a comms person, i would have i'm much more into being aggressive and get out there. so i don't know the answer to why not? i don't know if that was a staffing decision or that was a decision made with the president? yes. and i think it would have been better to even if he was working the phones that first weekend after the debate or that we were hearing that, right? that there were that they were moving
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quickly to show momentum. i think that would have helped. i certainly think that was part of what hurt them in the beginning. >> i want to talk about kamala harris, vice president harris has been on the trail. she has been very, very, very there's no daylight between them. you see her standing by joe biden as you would expect, a vice president to do. but of course, she's on the ticket and she would likely be the person who takes over over if biden steps down already, we're seeing a lot of attacks from republicans mri and karen. i want you to listen to this. we heard from mr. gorka, who is a conspiracy theorist and also a former trump white house adviser. but sebastian gorka said this in his line of attack she's a dei hire, she's a woman. she's colored that for. she's gotta be good. and at least her brain doesn't literally freeze in mid-sentence she's his colored colored that it's also this
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thing. every racist person says the achievements of black people are because of their, you know, their color. or in this case, he said a woman and color is this line of attack. and i'm gonna go to you more first, going to backfire to try to use that kind of language against kamala harris i don't see right now where he was on, but i'm assuming that because of the fact that he was on a far-right network now is not going to backfire on him. a lot of what most people in the trump world say and do actually gets some positive reactions, which for me as a woman is infuriating because my worth is not based on my body part. it is my intellect and it's who i am and who i bring to the table and what i bring to the table. it's really frustrating when this is the kind of comments we hear across the board. we hear it. i've been here, here's my entire career but that being said, it doesn't mean that just because she is a woman or if she weren't, that she is the next person best person to be in the white house. i think we take things based on her work, her merit and again, she is
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sitting behind joe biden and she's staying with him and has not said that she is trying to lead ahead of him or anything like that but what i think is the bigger context here is the vice president role in any election before we haven't really haven't paid as much attention to it and this election because of their ages, is becoming more and more important. and it's critical that we take a look at it as voters really think about who donald trump ends up choosing and looking at vice president kamala harris as if that's the end of ticket come november. that's what we need to really look at. because china will it will hold anyone but the reality is, is 78 and 81 life happens things could happen are coming fast and furious that come on now because there is some, because there's fear, right? because it's warranted. right? >> here. and i know you want to say something, but i will i'm let you very, very quickly. just very quickly. trump was always going to attack her with classic tropes against women and black women in particular, i think it will backfire,
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particularly with suburban women who don't like seeing that nastiness from him, but not in right-wing circles as more pointed out. >> maura. gillespie, karen finney. thank you so much for this great conversation. appreciate it. thanks josh the latest read on the country's fight against inflation. >> good news for consumers, new data just out showing a favorite inflation gauge cooling further, let's get over to cnn's paula newton. she's got the numbers boris, paula, what are you learning yeah. >> kate cooling a little bit more than expected as well if you see annual inflation there at 3%. but this is what is so interesting, kate, the month to month down 0.1. listen, i know he's numbers perhaps don't mean much in the grand scheme of things when you're going to the grocery store. but think about it, what cost you 100 bucks in those basket of goods last year on average, cost you $103. that is very good news, not just for consumers, but as we were just having the political discussion, it is a
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number that the white house will welcome as well. i want you to look at this annualized chart, though, when we talk about what has happened since the pandemic and you will see post pandemic that spike in prices. that is what everyone is feeling at the grocery store with insurance costs, whatever you name it, we were feeling it now, not so much. you will see the dip and then now what is so key kate, is that this is the first time we've seen any signs of deflation since the pandemic, and that is truly significant news it is being noticed by the markets kate, as you can imagine, dow futures popped when we saw this. i will though say that the s&p and the nasdaq already in record territory? we could set a new record for the dow today if this kind of strong market continues, that is good for the, for or one case that everyone has. well, what i really want to focus here is on interest rates, right? everyone is looking for a little relief on that. we had last week the jobs report it showed unemployment rising just a
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little bit to 4.1% combined and with these new numbers, kate that gives fed chair, federal reserve chair jay powell a little bit more room here to decrease rates, perhaps as soon as september good news for consumers all around this morning, kate, good news consumers all around and hitting that markers you see in the bottom of your screen, prices falling for the first time since the pandemic it's a big deal, paula. thank you so much, john. >> that is a thing indeed. alright, this morning for the first time, nato leaders are calling china. i decisive enabler of russia's war in ukraine. this declaration came with a not-so-thinly-veiled threat of repercussions with us. now, former us ambassador to nato, evil dollar thanks so much for being with us ambassador. how important is this statement? why do you think they're making it now well, because the chinese are helping the russians to build up its defense industry, russia is engaged and his changed his economy into a war economy. >> and that is fundamentally
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enabled by the chinese who are providing everything short of fully made weapons to allow russia to continue to fight this war in that regard, china has become not just an enabler, i would say a participant in this direct confrontation, which is in direct violation of international law, which is in direct violation of every norm and custom that china's seems to talk about and uphold and therefore, it's just appropriate to say we see you and we're going to do something about it if you don't stop so let me put a picture up here on the wall here that's why i'm here. you can see vladimir putin and president xi meeting. they had this summit some two years ago, very close relationship. they declared nato has said there will be repercussions. what can nato do about this well, the most obvious thing is can do in the united states has already done this is to put sanctions
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on those businesses that are directly engaged in helping the russians if other nato countries were to do the same were in the case of most europeans, the european union, or to do the same, that will have a significant impact on their ability to be part of the more global market. >> you can go further and actually put sanctions on banks and that are enabling these companies needs to continue to do this and basically say you can't be part of the dollar financial system. so there are means economically to really pressure the chinese to say their costs. hear that are going to cost you dearly and you better rethink the extent of which you want to continue to support this war. >> obviously, in political spheres today everyone has their eyes on president biden to hold a news conference today at the end of this nato summit very important for the u.s. campaign. how are the other nato leaders looking at that news conference? will they be
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watching in the same way? >> no, they won't be watching it the same way because they don't they don't have a direct view on on the elections other than the fact that the question of whether joe biden runs raises the issue of who's going to be the next president. and they do have a really big stake in that because it's one thing is clear is that donald trump's view of nato, which was just stated a couple of days ago and is a rally in doral, florida, door gables, in which he once again repeated that those nations that are quote, delinquent, which no nation is by the way, he would not defend them i'm against the russian attack. so they are concerned about who is going to lead the united states is going to be joe biden or another person who believes in nato? or is it going to be a return to donald trump who threatened to leave nato in his last major summit certainly hanging over this entire meeting over the
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course of this week, ambassador evil will always good to talk to you. thank you very much, sara. >> all right ahead. this morning, what witnesses are saying on the stand and alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial, where he could face eight two months in prison if convicted and look at this dangerous situation a flight came to a very quick end after look there, you see multiple tires blown while we out. when the plane was just about to takeoff, we'll have that story coming up i love milwaukee cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their planning to take that the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention yes. starts monday at 8:00 on cnn with generative ai on aws. companies are already transforming how they work to generate new ideas and turn experiments into reality
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night impress be no glue, many sure. if he continues to just go i lauren fox on capitol hill protesters marched in the streets of milwaukee wednesday, demanding for security guards be charged in the death of
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dvontaye mitchell. he is the black man who died after being pinned down by those security guards outside of a hotel. some of the encounter was captured on video. his family is demanding answers president says they have not gotten any they have drawn comparisons between his death and george floyd now the city's district attorney says his office is reviewing the death as a homicide case. the security officers have been terminated from their jobs convicted murderer alec murdoch is now asking south carolina china's supreme court to review part of his case and is hoping to get a new trial. his legal team, once the court to take another look at a judge's decision that denied his plea for a retrial based on allegations tens of jury tampering, his team point and accuse a. now former count court clerk of making comments to the jury that cross the line, implying murdoch was guilty while the trial will still underway, murdoch is in prison being convicted of killing his wife and son at their estate in 2021 trucks
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rolling that is the moment at american airlines flight 590 was forced to abort takeoff yesterday morning at tampa interests national airport. >> more than one tire blowing out there. the faa says the crew reported multiple blown tires. the very good news here, no one was injured there are two, albeit probably very scary, all on onboard were okay. sarah azari summer camp in north korea looks a whole lot different than the summer fun american kids are used to we're now hearing from a russian student who opens up about the brainwashing. he says he experienced while spending weeks in north korea as a teenager cnn senior international correspondent will ripley gives us a look inside at this different kind of summer camp the russian and north korean leaders budding alliance at full speed for the
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world to see vladimir putin and kim jong un toasting a stronger partnership than ever before. intent on taking down the u.s president is also a murderous dictator. >> so there is no surprise urethral off is a russian graduate students studying in the u.s. he was in high school in russia in 2015 and 2016 when his parents sent him on to summer trips to north korea russia, one of the only nations pyongyang's still allows in on government controlled sightseeing trips, we let anything beyond young and we spent two days in the capital. they showed us some attractions. they showed us they are museum. this, this show as dolphins frolova says, he's not surprised to see rising russian tourism in kim's heavily sanctioned secrets, state russian tourists is one of the pipelines they can use to get this currency in
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the country. >> because once i was there, it was one of their purpose is just to you the people like milk cows just to get the most the money they wanted. >> he visited the same souvenir shops i did on my 19 reporting trips to north korea. you don't need to read korean to know what this means here. the u.s. capitol, there symbolism says it all. shops overflowing with anti-u.s. propaganda. it wasn't like like straightforward propaganda. it was brainwashing. you through different ways for olaf spent two weeks at this international children's camp on north korea's east coast summer fun mixed with daily chores like cleaning giant statues of the late leaders, which was also very strange. >> it was like six 6:00 in the morning and we'll just call to clean some dust out from this monuments after morning chores
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mandatory usyk lessons sometimes the people who are for just to sing propaganda songs about like the great leaders of north korea, kimmel's son kim and kim jong and basically we were forced to speak the songs as well. i think we're like he korean, but they were translated into russian he says even the video games had an anti-american theme. >> they were like driving tanks, like destroying the white house in the u.s. it reminds me of this exchange with to north korean campers playing that same video games who do you want to fight to be, fight to sworn enemy americans. what if i told you, i'm an american, you want to shoot me to yes. lesson from kim and putin to the next generation sir, i remember those youngsters later asked me, are
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you a good american or a bad american? i said, i'm a good one and they said, okay, we'll allow you to live. so they were actually very polite and friendly even as they were telling me they want to annihilate the united states i expect appearance that a lot in north korea and it was interesting for me to speak with that russian youngster, and he was fed the same propaganda that we were during all of our reporting crips there. >> it was interesting. you said, who do you want to kill? and i thought they were going to say, you but they pretty much did in the end, but you said you were a good american. are there any other nations besides russia? that are able to visit north korea at this point right now, based on all of the conversations i'm having with my sources, including tour operators, it is only russians who are getting visas right now before the pandemic, the largest source of inbound tourism to north korea wasn't even russia, it was china, but chinese tourists are not allowed it. even nations like sweden that have diplomatic relations with north korea and have embassies that have been closed the last four years during the pandemic they are not even being allowed into
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continue their diplomatic work. so north korea right now is arguably the most isolated. it has been in decades. the only people who are getting and right now at least russians, sara it tells you a lot about where they are in the world right now and the relationship with russia. i know you have been in many, many, many, many times. we will see what happens next. will ripley. thank you so much. that was a really interesting story. a new hour of cnn, new central starts right now the brand new poll showing the two who thirds of americans want him to drop out more than half of his own supporters. >> can a news conference today change the trajectory of president biden's campaign? court about to resume in the involuntary manslaughter trial of alec baldwin. prosecutor say baldwin playing a dangerous game of make-believe on set. and then breaking just moments ago, prices just fell for the first time since the pandemic. i guess what you're looking at as live live,


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