tv CNN News Central CNN July 15, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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they're having to tear up those speeches and rewrite them. now, aljamal well, we know that president trump jay-z has align you was are you was before you got here and that's the thing about donald trump. he was this guy who was a pugilist and he was going to fight. and we all expected him to do that we'll see if he changes his speech, how it really works out. i think that when we watch president biden over the last couple of days, i think he's reminded people of why they voted for him in the first place. because here's a guy who's showing leadership. he's reached out to donald trump, who is the victim in this case. it may shore that he talked to him he's talking to the american people repeatedly. he's leading the foreign national security team and all the legal experts to talk about the in the situation room what's occurring and then again, talking to the american public and keeping all of us informed about this and so i think that's what people want a steady leadership. and somebody who's going to put the country first and not put themselves their own particular interests first. and that's who i think we'd like to see from
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donald trump. is this a moment where he's going to put the country first as well. i think that could help get us to a place where we can all figure out how we live together. quick last word, margaret i couldn't agree with you more, jamal and to your point, the reason we take a pause is to really recalibrate how we move forward together and how we, how we, what do we learn from this moment and what's kind of transcend this moment. >> and so i do hope are all rethinking our rhetoric, the republicans and the democrats. as you think we use this moment to rise together as a country it could be actually a beautiful moment for this country to see people sort of coming together one quick last point. i think the other thing that president trump, president biden has done, which is important, he shown that when you win an election, you still have a responsibility to take care of those who've lost an election, you're not just the winner in the president of the people supported you the president of everyone. and i think that is something that president trump should think about if he is going to be reelected, he should be doing the same thing jamal simmons, margaret hoover, john berman, so nice to be next to you today. all right. thank you so
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much. new hour of cnn, new central starts right now. >> and we are live in milwaukee, wisconsin at the site of this week's republican national convention. it kicks off. today and happening right now, a real gut check on american politics calls for unity, demands for answers as republicans begin to gather here and the investigation into what went so wrong and why to allow a man to nearly assassinate the former president. all of it taking place together. now, nearly 48 hours after that assassination contempt, we are standing by to learn more and hear more from donald trump who could announce. his running mate. really, anytime now. he is already today revealing new details about his goals for the days ahead in here in wisconsin and how they have really been
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recalibrated today. and now breaking just moments ago, we are now seeing new video and new perspective of his would-be assassin as that man was scaling the roof where he was perched and where he began to open fire last hour, we learned that the secret service did not personally sweep that building. you're looking at relying on local law enforcement to do so ahead of the rally there, we have team coverage on all of it here in milwaukee. john berman, sara sidner is standing by in new york let's start with cnn's steve contorno for the very latest that we're hearing from donald trump and his team this morning. steve, what are you hearing from his team about all of the new details that have been coming out, not just that last night, but already this morning about the investigation. and what their and what more is going on? >> okay. donald trump's campaign is determined to show that they have resolve in moving ahead with this convention, despite the
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harrowing experiences of the past 48 hours, trump himself arrived in milwaukee last night, we actually caught a glimpse of his motorcade going by as it arrived at the hotel. he is determined to show that he will not be deterred by the events that took place on saturday and he gave a series of interviews yesterday where he shared some of the details of what he experienced fans from his end to what it was like to have that moment on the stage feeling the bullet hit him in the ear. he told the new york post that when the agents took him down, it was like being hit by quote linebackers they said they hit me so hard my shoes fell off. he also went on to describe that photo that has been circling the globe at this point, that one of him holding the fist up with the american flag behind him, he said usually you have to die to have an iconic photo. now, he's also been previewing how this convention has changed somewhat in light of what transpired on saturday. he said he tossed out the speech he was prepared to give an interview
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with the washington examiner. he said, quotes, the speech i was going to give was a real humdinger. had this not happen, this would have been one of the most incredible speeches. honestly, it's going to be a whole different speech now. and really we are expecting a whole different case. convention in terms of tone. they are marching ahead with the program mostly as planned. obviously, there's a lot that's still up in the air. we don't know when and how he will now once his running mate, that will be determined in the next 48 hours, though, we do expect that given the situation, perhaps there's some new information they're considering as they pick their running mad. that was certainly the case after the debate where they weren't sure if joe biden would stay in the race and that have become part of the decision over who they would pick as trump's running mate hey, well now there's obviously new information. this has been a new perspective for donald trump. will it affect who he chooses? we'll find that out in the next coming days here. >> steve thank you so much for those new details. let's bring in cnn's danny freeman now he's live at the scene where
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the shooting took place on saturday. and danny, there are new details that have been coming out this morning about the investigation. what's the very latest? >> that's right, kate. but before we get to those new details, i just want to talk to that video that you mentioned earlier in the show because it is truly stunning to look at what you're looking at is video. just moments before those shots rang out at that rally back on saturday. and you can see what appears to be the suspected would be assassin the gunman crawling on the roof of the building just outside of the perimeter before the shooting takes place. and you can hear in this video supporters of the former president, seemingly alerting law enforcement and raising the alarm that there is a shooter on the roof. so again, that video i think we're going to be looking at for some time, but just because it is so disturbing to see the shooter thomas crooks, crawling on that roof prior to what ultimately happened. now, i also want to mention kate directly to your
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question to the latest on the investigation we are learning from us secret services spokesperson telling our cnn's whitney wild that the secret service did not sweep that building that we're talking about, where the gunman perched and ultimately fired at former president trump. the spokesperson say that there was supposed to be local law enforcement in charge of sweeping and being in control of that particular building. and i'll remind you, kate, we've been talking about that building being outside of the specific perimeter, but as also we've seen from all of the maps and diagrams and just seeing get here in person, it is still incredibly close with that site line of the former president and the stage. the secret service said they do not know who is responsible. who was responsible for securing that building, but i did reach out to pennsylvania state police for comment after the u.s. secret service released that information to us earlier the day. i do want to take a moment, though, kate, to actually bring you some eyewitness account from that moment about the shooter. it's
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sad that i don't believe we've played on cnn before that was gathered by our alayna treene, take a listen no line of sight then they even looked at us and said, you know, where's he at we were pointing to them. you know, he's right there. they just they were too close to the building one officer didn't try to climb up on the building and and he got all the way up and he just wanted to get up on top. and then he just kind of let go and fell to the ground. i don't know if the guy startled him or what exactly happened know kate, i'll had just one more thing about the investigation into the shooter himself, thomas matthew crooks we of course, at this point are still waiting for a motive. >> the fbi has not been able to at least figure out or announced yet any potential motive for the shooting. but our own john miller did report in the past few hours that the shooter did purchase 50 rounds
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of ammunition at a local gun store, just hours before the shooting oh, thank you so much. any and also just getting in some more reporting while you were just on air from cnn's whitney wild saying this about the investigation, about that building, were just looking at in terms of the video, a source familiar with the investigation says one of two local counter sniper teams, local counter for sniper teams was supposed to cover the building where the gunman was perched. the source noted it was a designated post in the operational plan more details are trickling in important details when you add them all together to learn how it went so wrong and how that man was able to get on that building just as you're looking at that video, this new video well, coming in, danny, thank you so much. let's go over now to cnn's ryan young. he's here in milwaukee, he's tracking the security measures that are in place have been in place and new measures now in place in light of the tragedy this weekend for the convention, ryan, how have things changed?
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>> kate, it's so important to note that the rnc back in may was complaining about the secret service and the fact they wanted an extended perimeter as we talk about what's coming forward. they wanted more security. but as you can see, they've locked this down. they said they feel confident with this plan and this is one of the hard landscape that you see around the city of milwaukee right now you can't get through this checkpoint a lesser law enforcement, but you can see how harden this area is and this goes all around the city right now, bridges have been shut down, but walkie rivers been shut down. we talked to the mayor this morning. you talked about the deployment and the plan that's been going on for 18 months to make sure all this safe. take a listen to what the mayor had to say this morning about this in total operation what i can tell you is that the designation that we have here in the city of milwaukee for this convention is a national special security event, is the highest designation that our federal government i'm in provides for an event of this caliber of this magnitude. so i feel pretty confident in what we've
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worked to establish in terms of public safety for this event over the course of the last over the course of the last 18 months kate, over the last few days, we've been told about the increasing efforts in terms of locking this area down and you see the officers moving through. >> i will also say there's concern about people moving through the soft areas with weapons that's something they considered to talk about, will be walking with protesters a little later this morning that still continues in terms of large protests expected will be watching this all throughout the day absolutely ryan thank you, steve. danny. thank you all great reporting this morning for us john, i'll throw it back to you. >> all right. with us now, cnn senior law enforcement analyst, former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey, commissioner, thanks so much for being with us. i want to read again the latest bit of reporting we just got in and we are getting so much information now every 20 the minutes or so this comes from our whitney wild who says a source familiar with the investigation, says one of two local counter sniper teams, local counter sniper
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teams was supposed to cover the building where the gunman was perched. the source noted it was a designated post in the operational plan. now, people need to know secret service works with local law enforcement wherever principals go, wherever presidents or candidates go. but what's the significance there that it was the locals who are supposed to be watching this building well first of all, there's going to be a lot of information trickling in its this investigation unfolds, there's no question in my mind that's probably accurate. that was outside the inner perimeter that the secret service had designated. but here's the issue. in my opinion the secret service and i know historically that's the way they have done things. but they're going to have to rethink that. and then my opinion change to a degree, it doesn't mean that you don't trust that you don't use local and state law enforcement. they have to they're not large enough to do it all themselves. but it's like reagan said, years ago, trust. but verify in
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other words trust them to put an operational plan together. but then verify that they actually doing what they're supposed to be doing and people are in the places they're supposed to be because you can delegate authority, you can not delegate responsibility. and the responsibility for the protection of the former president and the current president, united states, is the united states secret service period. and so they have a responsibility for making sure that all plans are in place and people are doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing. so they can protect not only the president or former president, but all those people they come to a rally ali, i know it's difficult, but that's what they're going to have to rethink that. >> whitney is also reporting that the secret service had not swept that specific building where the shooter was perched. now, i don't know if that's because it was in the local law enforcement purview and maybe secret service was hoping that local law enforcement what have swept it. but given the proximity to the podium, do you
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feel as if this building would have needed to be swept sure. >> absolutely should have been swept. and again, hope does it get the job done? i mean, you've got to verify and make sure stuff gets done and the secret service isn't the only agency capable of sweeping of building you don't state police can do it. fbi can do at atf can do it. there are a lot of agencies that can sweep a building and again, your responsibility because that is your overall responsibilities, protection of the former president and the current president and so forth, is to make sure stuff is getting done. this guy got within 100 in 50 yards of a former president united states at an elevated position on a flat roof. i mean, come on. that should not happen, period. and we can finger point all we want. bottom line is something has to change and outdoor rally is totally different from what we're looking at at the rnc. that's an indoor event. you can harden the perimeter all those things are in place and i believe that one is secure
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outdoors, which is where most of these things are going to take place they've got to do a better job i will say the issue of whether it was swept and whose should have swept. >> it might be moot in this case because that would have happened hours and hours before the event itself. we don't know exactly when he has gunman managed to climb on top, but it does appear as if it was after that building would have been swept into the bottom line is they would have had to have been on this building. are looking at this building the whole time, correct? >> well, that's the whole point, john, after you tweak than you secure. i mean, as the whole purpose of the sweep is to make sure it's safe, but then you secure it with people with people. and so that wasn't done apparently and that's the problem. >> no i think the assessment you just gave their come on is the one that a lot of people have. this morning and are hoping they'll get to the bottom of what these investigations charles ramsey always great to see you. thank you so much, sara. all right. this morning, president biden will get an updated briefing on the investigation into the defamation attempt on former president trump. we are live at the white house, coming up in
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just a bit. and at any moment we could learn who donald trump has tapped as his vice presidential running mate. that's ahead. >> when you saw this guilty plea, were you surprised do you think the criticism has been there? because bring court might take this up. what's the outcome though? how's that for a clip in america? >> laura coates live week nights at 11 eastern on cnn you want to close out should i? normally, i'd hold, but taking the gains as smart here right feel more competent. >> what's docx ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app, when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jp morgan wealth management we've always love taking care of our health, but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. >> we realized somehow maintenance jobs not worth the risk.
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assassination of former president donald trump. >> biden has now repeatedly come public lay out to condemn the attack on his political rivals since the tragedy happened. and there's also new reporting that donald trump says he received a call from president biden and the trump described it as fine and very nice. and last night, president biden gave a rare oval office address. calling on all americans to now bring the temperature down a former president was shot an american citizen killed while simply exercising his freedom to support the candidate of his choosing. >> we cannot, we must not go down this road in america cnn's arlette saenz is live at the white house. >> arlette, we are hearing a call for unity from the white house, from donald trump what are you hearing from there today? >> well, kate, it's clear president biden and his team are really navigating a sensitive and complex political moment as the president is urging americans to lower the
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temperature in this country in the wake of that assess assassination attempt against donald trump. now president biden altered part of his schedule. he was set to travel down to austin, texas today and instead is here at the white house this morning and afternoon. he is in just about 90 minutes set to receive yves another briefing from homeland security and law enforcement officials about this shooting yesterday, he spent some time in the situation room, a receiving a briefing as well well, at a time when the president has pledged all federal resources available to help with this fbi investigation, as well as call for an independent review of the security situation at that butler, pennsylvania rally. now the president so far has spoken three times since saturday night's shooting. that includes a rare oval office dress last evening, it was actually only the third time president biden spoke from the oval office. and he had a message encouraging americans to really tone down the political but rhetoric tone
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down the anger and division in this country as they are charting the path forward in the wake of this assassination attempt, take a listen to the president just yesterday want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and to remember we may disagree. we are not enemies. we are neighbors we are friends, co-workers, citizens, and most importantly, we are fellow americans we must stand together. yesterday's shooting at donald trump's rally in pennsylvania calls on all of us to take a step back take stock of where we are how are we go forward from here now one key challenge for president biden going forward is how he will make his arguments about trump in this campaign. >> his campaign official said that after tonight's interview that airs with nbc's lester holt, the president and democrats will return to campaign activity as that republican national convention is getting underway in milwaukee can a campaign
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official said that the president will focus on pushing his forward-looking agenda while painting trump and republicans agenda as a backward looking vision shan for the country. so we will see how the president balances all of this as he is calling for unity in this moment balance is the perfect word in a very difficult way. >> great to find that balance for everybody both campaigns at this point, arlette, thank you so much for reporting. i'll send it back to sara in new york. >> alright. thank you so much, kate, joining us now, democratic strategist, julie roginsky and former republican congressman for pennsylvania, the keystone state, charlie dent thing thank you both so much for coming in this morning for us. i want to start with you, mr. done. when you see what has happened here this this moment, this terrifying moment in american history. do you think this is finally really going to stop the divisive vitriolic, dark, and disturbing rhetoric that we have been seeing throughout this campaign well, i certainly hope so, sara, but i'm not
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terribly optimistic. >> you know, each side in this debate views the other as evil. and illegitimate. our political discourse has descended into a really deep dark place. i certainly hope that these calls for unity from both former president trump and joe biden and everybody else. last for some time, but i suspect they won't but if we can't have unity, maybe we can at least have civility. can we get back to a point in this country where we actually debate ideas, policies, and principles without all the name-calling the insults. and the hyperbolic rhetoric. i mean, that's what i miss. i mean, as a former congressman now, after gabby giffords was shot, i had to build a safe room in my district office for my staff and escape routes who would think that the threat levels against them? elected officials and candidates is intolerably high. so i hope that this moment lasts this is an
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opportunity for the country maybe to reset the political discourse. and we can only hope it lasts. i might be a little bit skeptical, but please prove me wrong. >> yeah, it's interesting because the fbi has been saying over and over again that there's a threat level that is heightened when it comes to terroristic activity. but as you said, there's a threat level within the country by its own people against those who are elected. i want to talk to you, julie, about president biden. he himself and we just heard him calling for unity. his campaign has said, look we, are going to pull arcci are campaign ads for right now. he has called former president trump to wish him well, not phone call the president said went, well, what is it look like going forward for him in his campaign? at this moment? >> well, he set the tone, right? he said the town by doing an oval office address. he said the town by reaching out to his opponent who has called him every name of the book to wish him well and, now we have the republican convention coming up. and i think it's very important to find out what kind of tone the
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republicans are going to set tonight on the first night of their convention. if i were advising donald trump we, would have told him yesterday to go visit the family of the man at the rally who died. he did not do that. would have actually told him to do a speech of his own calling for unity. he did not do that. now, he has the opportunity could he potentially tonight to instruct anybody speaking from the stage to have a unity message to say enough is enough as, as congressman dent said, let's debate ideas. let's not debate personalities. now, he's ahead. he's doing well, it behooves him to do this because the few independents were sitting on the sidelines might have that message be something that appeals to them. i have no confidence that that's what's going to happen. look, he's got some like mark robinson who is running north carolina speaking at the convention this week, somebody who called on somebody who said that some of our opponents might need killing, right? some people might need killing. their people who have jd vance, people who have horrible rhetoric that immediately came out for this horrible shooting and said this is the democrats fault.
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obviously this is all of joe biden's feet. that's not the kind of rhetoric that i think helps him. but if that's what he's going to do than i think president biden needs to respond in kind, not by making this a personality contest, but by saying, look, i'm the one who is trying to unify and bring the country together. the device of rhetoric continues. >> let's put up the comments by jd vance and also tim scott, both i'm made comments immediately following and jd vance blaming democrats that turns out the shooter, according to investigators, is a registered republican, but you see the comments there? i'm from the two of them immediately following this, we've also though heard from donald trump who said, look, i have, i had this humdinger of a speech that i was about to give and now he says he's completely changed his speech to one of unity we just heard from representative nancy mace, who said the same thing that she has ripped up her speech and she will change what she's going to say. let me ask you for recovery from dent when you
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hear the words a humdinger of a speech, and that it's being changed does mr. trump have to give some acknowledgement that he is someone who has among many others, but he more than perhaps anyone else has used this dark and dangerous and inflammatory language while he has been campaigning well, i hope that that there's a moment of humility and reflection for everybody to think about. >> what what they've done, what we've all done, maybe to create this, this difficult moment in this country. that's what i hope. and then some of that rhetoric you just put up on the screen. it's inflammatory, it's incendiary, it's very unhelpful. you know, when my friends steve scalise was shot at the baseball practice, he was shot by a bernie sanders supporter. my reaction wasn't all of the blame. bernie sanders, of course, i didn't think bernie
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sanders anything to do with it. he was he was appalled like everybody else. and i think this is where we've got a check our our worst impulses sometimes and take a moment and recognize that we are all people and that we have a common humanity that are we are debating with our opponents are not, they're not our enemies, they're just they're our fellow citizens. we might think they're a little politically misguided and we have to debate them. but we have to start talking to each other, like we're like we actually respect one another until we get to that point. i think it's going to be hard for us. i get it. politics is fair enough. support. in many cases and it's a tough arena, but we have to have some rules. and we just don't seem to have them anymore least to have you used to have norms and guidelines. they just don't they just don't exist yeah, politics has never been nice, but it doesn't have to be violent toward dan. >> thank you so much. angela roginsky, i appreciate both of you. chatting with me this morning we are standing by for
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donald trump to make his first appearance at the republican national convention. >> you can see live pictures right there. so people walking down on the floor. his first appearance since the assassination attempt and this morning we're getting new firsthand accounts from witnesses to what happened in pennsylvania saturday night that grimy film on your teeth, dr. gee really the bill double tap bacteria which can cause cavities. >> most toothpaste quit working in minutes, but crespo helps antibacterial fluoride protects all day stuff cavity before they start crafts, what's considered normal for years the cat is interesting, but if your cat isn't there, corky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. >> now, there's one cia zelenskyy is a once monthly injection to control your cat's away pain. veterinary professionals ministering zelenskyy, who are pregnant, giant to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. self-injection could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. asked your bet about to land since yet and
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filter revisit lee today, every weekday morning here are the five things you need to know to start your day, get the news, you need au about this for and earnings call headline in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays on and max said it today, both donald trump and president biden are calling for unity in the wake of saturday's assassination attempt on donald trump, both republicans and democrats are echoing, we are seeing that today, echoing their party leaders this morning, as the republican national convention here in milwaukee is kicking off in just hours. >> we're also today hearing more from the people who were
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at that rally on saturday. what they experienced, what they lived through, and how that it is impacting them as the reality of how close a call it really was for so many is setting in president trump shot in the ear one man in the bleachers behind him killed. as he was shielding his family to others injured and sent to the hospital joining me right now is republican congressman from pennsylvania, mike kelly. he was at saturday's rally in butler. you were front row right there with your wife, your children and your some of your some of your children from your grandchildren right there with you. congressman what sticking with you most right now, as you've had a day to process and a day to be with your family and kind of worked through what the country has experienced here yeah. and thank you for having a saga that the day started off so incredibly wonderful this is my hometown.
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>> this is where i've lived all my life. my grandchildren were with me into my of course, my wife was there. and so when when these things happen, it's like it was so surrealistic, it's like you could hear pop, pop, pop, pop. and i saw the president go down and ethanol my god, somebody just shot the president then i hear behind me in the stand somebody crying. oh my gosh. he's been he's heard he's hurting. i turned around, i could see people with blood on their shirts and stuff. where's vicki worst the grandchildren? where my friends and so it's like one of those things you're kind of caught between a lot of different things going on at the same time. and you're you you're just going to mechanically you're going through through it your first concern is for your loved ones and for those that are in the same spots very unusual day, but i got to tell you when when you sit back and you think about it now my grandson charles was with me and he goes grandpop. why would anybody tried to kill president trump? and i said charles, i can't answer that now for a 9-year-old to try and process what's going on may have was there helaena was there and they're trying to understand what happened but wonderfully,
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you know, we had a chance to talk a little bit saturday night my wife everybody got that. we went to mass sunday morning and they got back into their regular life and they're heading by the way, they're heading to milwaukee right now. they want to be part of what's going to happen very unusual moment. i mean, this is something nobody should ever have to experienced a child should ever have to be there. but the confusion that took place, the people people that were watching it. i think one of the moments that caught me more than anything else as i'm really people, the security people's everybody down and everybody down. and people were laying on top of each other and trying to shield people what i looked up, i stood up to see the president will stand up and then put his arm up in the air. and people then started chanting usa, usa. and i thought at that moment well, that's the guy you want to be in the huddle with. that's the quarterback. you want calling the play. that's the guy who says, okay, this is a play were going to run. this is a snap count. let's go out there. everybody do what they're
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supposed to do. and, we'll win. and then i thought that was so inspiring not to see a kiah was coddling away from, please somebody help me, but a guy who was being defined in standing at the top and addressing a crowd. i can't that could've been 30, 40,000 people. we don't know exactly, but it was incredible turnout and an incredible day that happened a moment in history i'm hoping the american people understand what took place on saturday in butler, pennsylvania at the butler farm show grounds where the for-each kids show their show off their animals, where we celebrate the rural area and they agriculture community. if this can happen at that spot in america, than there is something wrong. there is something dramatically wrong. we better take a look and people ask me, who spoke, do you think it is or was? and i said, iris? my thing is a go find a mirror and look in that mirror. and that reflection, that person looking back at you is the person most responsible for what you think, what you say and how you act. we've got
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to make sure that we act all the time, not as republicans, not as democrats, but as americans. these are not red and blue issues. these are red, white, and blue issues come together. let's make sure that if we have an election coming up, look at who the candidates are, who do you think is the strongest leader for you going into the next four years? that's all i'm asking people to do. you don't have to get all spun up. you know what if i get all wrapped around the axle and yelling things that other people just look at it, yet registered getting formed, get out and vote, and make sure that we all do our part to make america great again. and kind of been deference to the million-and-a-half men and women in uniform that gave their lives to give us this opportunity. how can we be so casual about these things? we can't be. it's time to get fully engaged. let's unify under the red, white, and blue flag that we all salute. let's make sure that we understand if it's. to be it's up to me. we've got to make sure that we are americans first before anything else and we are
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hearing that what you're saying, we're hearing that from president biden. >> we heard in his oval office address last night about bringing the temperature down and we're hearing that from donald trump today. you interview. and really his first reaction to what he lived through. one of the things that he said was how this is how this is, he's recalibrating how he's looking at this coming week with the convention when he said i had all prepared an extremely tough speech are really good. all really good all about the corrupt, horrible administration. but i threw it away. i want to try to do tonight our country, but i don't know if that's possible. people are very divided. i have covered you for years, congressman, you have been in the politics, quote, unquote game for many years do people are very divided, were no one, no one is blind to that. do you think it is possible? do you think if not unity civility could return in a real way? >> yeah, but i think kate, what
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if you look at policy versus politics, if you look at the record versus strong rhetoric, there's very, very clear differences between the way the previous administration when president trump was in office and this current administration i think we need to get back to what is is it that we have to really debate? what is it that we have to evaluate america's position in the world domestically? are we doing the right things for the people that we all represent and people tell me what, you know, what kelly i didn't vote for you, but i appreciate the fact that you did this or that and i said, well, listen, i didn't know too right now. you didn't vote for me but one thing i wish we would all do study the records, look at the policies, and make it make a decision. what isn't the best interest of america? american citizens and our position globally? how does the rest of the world looks at us on saturday, we looked like a third world country. where if you don't like or whatever it is, you're running against, look, just don't vote for who who you don't like, vote for who you do like vote for who you've
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studied the records to see who can do the best job. but it's become too much just back-and-forth, back-and-forth. some of the language has become way, way, way too off the charts. and i will just say it's easy to get caught up in but the idea for me is always when you come out of that locker room. and now i'm talking about the united states participating in olympics. listen, i think that we should all look at america. we just don't want to participate. we want to dominate. we want to have the best policy in the world, with the best people in the world the greatest country, greatest nation the world has ever known who has been so blessed by the divinity that we believe in whatever you believe the is fine. i just say yesterday, my wife took our grandchildren to mass they came back from that and of course they celebrated going to receiving the sacrum, everything else i think that is who america is. let's look about who it was can't be before us. the sacrifices that they made, the give us these opportunities. and let's put whatever rhetoric that we have behind us, look at records,
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look at results, look at where we're going as a nation, and then make a decision what isn't the best interest of not only yourself, but those coming after us? then the future generations that's the whole key to where we are coming this has been a rough couple of years for people. saturday was rough for the folks that were at that rally we can rally now as a nation to make a determination who is going to lead us the next four years. so i'm just asking people, let's look at the game films. let's look at the best policies for america, and then let's make a decision. who we vote for, who we went in office, who we went to be our quarterback to call the right place at the right time to win the game. i don't want to just participate. i want america to dominate in the best sense of it. >> congressman. thank you so much for coming on. and again, for what you and your family and your port so again, grandchildren are now needing to process it's really good to see your face. thank you so much for coming in.
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>> thank you very much. thank you this morning, a new one must sort of unfamiliar strategy from the trump campaign. >> what they say will be a new message of unity following his near death experience we are standing by as really any moment now, donald trump could announce his choice for running mate every day, more people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food with made from real meat and veg portion for your dog and delivered right to your door. >> it's smarter, healthier, pet food. >> i'm nfl hall of famer, dan marino, you know, i used to be afraid of things like defensive lines and losing games but what's insane is that years later by biggest fear became trial hi to fall asleep. but the insanity stop. ron learned about relaxing of sleep. i started sleeping again the first night while i might not be worried about winning games anymore, i still want to perform at the top of my game, relaxing them, sleep completely
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nomination and any minute anymore now he could be announcing and revealing who his running mate pick is. after all of this, joining me right now is cnn senior political analyst mark preston we've heard throughout the weird last night. we've heard throughout the morning. i've heard for many of the elected officials that we had on the show this morning, the call for unity, the call for bringing the temperature down it is important. it needs to happen. i'm wondering though, what that looks like when it transitions onto this stage, when this really gets underway, what do you, what do you think this is? this is going to look like me and i saw like it dooms i doomsday say you're here, but maybe just reality. but the reality is, is that we are already back into what we are going to see, the politicking come back. i mean, the fact is, and i said this yesterday and i do mean this is that the nation can allow a 20 20-year-old lone gunman on the roof who tries to assess fascinate somebody feels to make us change who we are. now, we'll see over the next
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four nights the trump campaign, which is more discipline than we've ever seen before, is trying to keep the speaker's focused on these issues because it looks good, it looks good for donald trump and it allows him to seem more presidential. >> and then also interesting reporting from axios and others, if they don't, he does not want people to be throwing out the script, dialing up the rhetoric on the statistic more to stay on point. then you've got the flip side of what the, what the biden campaign is experiencing right now you know but president biden being presidential, giving the oval office remarks. but there's also this call between the biden campaign and dnc they held with staffers and it said ahead of the prime time address, button, jen o'malley dillon, the campaign chair, said, there's no charted course for what we're going through in this country and for this campaign how what i mean, what, what a moment for a rival campaign to have to navigate as well. i think are let described
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it as sensitive and delicate. it seems fraught seems harder than sensitive and delicate to, you know, it's one of these situations where there in a rock and a hard place, no matter what president biden does, he's going to be scrutinized for what he says in how he looks. >> look no matter if this had not even happened and on saturday, we would still be scrutinizing president biden whenever he went before the public. right. but we've saw him three times since this shooting appear before the cameras, including that oval office address? they're trying i think to walk a very fine line of looking presidential, not looking like they're campaigning, but at the same time, they are because they want him to look presidential and in control at tv ads are going to have to go back on air outgo she cations is going to pick back up i guess it's how you thread the needle and how you create some balance might be the call, but with respect au, i like that idea. >> who knew in that especially coming from you? i know what kidding board. this good to see
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6:55 am or amazon i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn saturday's assassination attempt on former president trump is a new, of course, major historical moment, but political violence in america, not new at all. 19-12, former president theodore roosevelt, like trump, was campaigning to get back in the oval office. he was shot on his way to a campaign speech in milwaukee which is coincidentally where this year's republican national convention will begin this morning in just a bit here for more on the historical nature of all of this. we are
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joined by presidential historian allan lichtman and doug brinkley were very lucky to have you gentlemen here this morning. i am curious from your perspective, if you look at the litany of people who have either been assassinated, had assassination attempts against them. this is not new. so when you saw this news, what was your initial response to it all? >> yeah. well, might and i'm going to start i'm sorry. elon. i'll start with you yes. >> this isn't new and all, of course violence, political violence is endemic in america. and here's my first thought. something no one else has talked about. yes. this was a horrible tragedy that involves a former president and presidential candidate, but mass shootings like this are as common in america as the
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sunrise that occur every single day. the very day after this tragedy seven people were killed in a mass shooting in alabama. as storing i draw on the model of the shooting of ronald reagan when his staunchly conservative republican press secretary james brady was grievously wounded, instead of seeking revenge or political advantage, he brought the country together to adopt the first major gun control measures to deal with this epidemic of gun violence. that's a top killer of our kids that kills murders 40 americans every day are murdered by a gun and many more commit suicide by gun at american today is i'm sorry to have to break him off. we have some major breaking news. i'm reading this right off the paper judge. aileen cannon in
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florida, has dismissed the classified documents case against donald trump because the special prosecution, the special counsel prosecution, she says, is in violation of the employments clause of the constitution. judge aileen cannon, of course, who is the trump appointed judge overseeing the classified documents case, has dismissed the case because of the appointments clause. this is something that judge clarence thomas had written about in the immunity decision here before, but it's interesting the judge cannon is basing it all on this. let's get right to kaitlan polantz, who's covering this, who i hope has much more information for us, kaitlan, what are you learning john, we're still reading this decision from judge aileen cannon out of the southern district of florida. >> but this is a monumental moment that closes the case against donald trump for mishandling classified records at mar-a-lago for ubs
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instructions of justice. those were the charges. there were other people facing those charges as well. and what judge cannon has now found is that case closed the special counsel's office does not have the power we're to bring these charges in federal court. she writes that any schedule hearings are canceled, any pending motions are denied as moot. any pending deadlines are terminated. that's it. this, judge believes this case cannot go on on of course, there is the possibility that the justice department could appeal, but this is the trial judge that has been handling this case for a year now, citing essentially with what justice thomas wrote in his recent currents in the looking at the special counsel's office and judge cannon says that under the constitution and united states law, the special counsel cannot conduct this prosecution. that's it. john. >> just to be clear, is she saying that special counsels in
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general full stop can't prosecute people ever and she's just applying it at this point to this case for the first time, because this is a non oval ruling from a district judge yeah. >> so john, i'm not going to get that far down the the reasoning yet because i haven't read the full opinion and it's quite low long. but she does appear to be saying that this is just not something that complies with the constitution the way that the justice department and the executive branch is putting in place a space special counsel like jack smith, we've had several special counsels now several of them have faced these sorts of tasks in court before and have survived their cases, have survived jack smith is a little bit different than others in that he was appointed out out from outside of the justice department. but i will read more i get back
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