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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 22, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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country, for europe and for the world. thanks it's to him transatlantic cooperation is close. nato is strong, and the usa is a good and reliable partner for us. of course, all of this, as europe remains in massive turmoil with that invasion of ukraine, that russia is conducting. and therefore also volodymyr zelenskyy, the president of ukraine. he also came out and he said the following, quote, many strong decisions have been made in recent years and they will be remembered as bold steps taken by president biden in response to challenging times, of course, speaking first and foremost about the challenging times that ukraine is facing and to support that the ukrainians are getting from the the u.s. of course, all that a little bit in doubt with a possible trump presidency on the horizon, we know that there was a phone call between former president trump and volodymyr zelenskyy, just in the past couple of days. and finally, justin trudeau of canada, the u.s. is neighbor. i've known president biden for years as president. he is a partner to canadians and a true friend to
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president biden. and the first lady. thank you. so as you can see, john on a lot of praise coming internationally for the president's decision and for his legacy, john yeah, more than boilerplate. >> i think in some cases here, frederik pleitgen in berlin. >> thank you very much great to see you this morning. new hire of new central, a busy hour starts now when for in conservation to excite meant. >> but what happens now, president biden has bowed out of the race and vice president kamala harris with his support is pushing to secure the democratic nomination, but could someone like senator joe manchin, who is starting to talk about this, try to challenge her bid, will talk all about that as soon as biden announced he was out a tidal wave of money started coming in and it's back to the drawing board for donald trump's campaign after crafting a campaign to take on joe biden, he's now focusing attacks on
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kamala harris. of course, i'm sara sidner with john berman and kate bolduan. this is cnn newsroom central what a year this last week has been, and what a week this one now is setting up to be with biden out and harris jumping in the latest was today at this unprecedented moment and presidential politics is now independent senator from west virginia, joe manchin suggesting he's dipping his toe in the waters. >> maybe saying on cnn just this morning it's pursuing the process i have been very humbled by people calling and asked him, would you be considered would you consider would you talk about us as my main thing is that we have a voice. >> i want the middle to have a voice, but i think it would help camila to have a little bit of a process to where she could explain articulate, and
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have a dialogue and i'm just told just now on cbs, joe manchin now trying to clarify the unclarity, saying he will not be a president, be a candidate for president? >> so it continues all of this and there's not a lot of time democrats have just four weeks to figure things out before the convention kicks off on august 19, the country is just 100 days out, just over 100 days out from election day. some voting begins in september, just to show you what the timeline looks like, a huge number of democrats have now endorsed kamala harris. we're going to hear from her this morning. and previously scheduled event but one that will now include her first public remarks since the entire political world shifted and since she said in a letter that she intends to earn and win the nomination, cnn's arlette sines and eva mckend joining us now, tracking all of this, arlette first i want to start with you. what's next for joe biden president biden remains
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here at his home in rehoboth beach, delaware just one day after making that stunning decision vision to bow out of the race, he continues to recover from covid-19. >> but in that letter announcing that he would not run for reelection, the president also said he wants to address the nation this week to talk about his decision. it's still unclear when exactly that might take place as the president continues to say here and we're home with beach, delaware. we're still waiting to hear when he will return to the white house, but also president biden very quickly threw his support within 30 minutes of bowing out of the race behind vice president kamala harris. and what you have scene is the campaign in many ways start to mobilize towards the harris campaign. they've changed twitter accounts from biden hq to kamel hq. they've changed logos and they are also still trying to turn their fundraising towards her candidacy, a source. this morning saying that harris, in the last day since president biden endorsed her for the democratic nomination. she's
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brought in 49.6 million from grassroots online donations alone of many donors have said that they are now feeling reenergized about giving to this democratic campaign. now, the president biden has step aside and harris we'll be seeking the democratic nomination, but harris does have a lot of work to do before she can secure the democratic nomination. she said in her own statement that she intends to earn and win that nomination heading into the august convention. now, there have been many prominent democrats who have come out and supported harris, but she has been working the phones, spent about ten hours on the phone yesterday, reaching out to democratic party leaders, including former presidents bill clinton and barak obama. now clinton endorse harris is nominee or run for the nomination obama has yet to do that, but this is a democratic process that will need to play out in the coming weeks it's harris intention to go forward and tried to seek that a democratic nomination with the backing of president joe biden.
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>> right now, eva, let's talk more about what we could be hearing today from vice president harris. what are you hearing? >> later this morning. she will give remarks honoring ncaa championship teams it's unclear if she will well address this shake-up in the democratic ticket. but what she has been doing behind the scenes, kate, is trying to shore up support internally among democrats ten hours on the phone with governors, members of congress, civil rights leaders. she had a conversation with her pastor where he prayed over her because the next few weeks will be trying. i spoke to the head of the congressional black caucus okay. and he told me though president biden endorsed her, she is under no illusion that this is going to be a coronation. she very much understands that she is going to have to battle it out over the coming weeks now, i've
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been on the campaign trail with her speaking to voters many democratic voters told me that they were excited about the process effect of harris leading the top of the ticket other voters, though, although they are excited, they are still concerned about this last-minute shakeup and for are concerned about her ability to win. let's listen i'm upset and i'm sad about it because now that well, kevin o. >> harris on the ticket now, so we just got to stand behind her and push wanted the ticket so she can win. >> i was so happy when i heard it because i just don't think that he's up to it. so i was really excited to see that, but i'm a little worried that she can't win i think she's great. i will vote for her. i would love for her to win, but i'm not sure our country is ready for that candidate what i can also tell you is that her
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allies are eager for this matchup between her and trump to come into focus. >> they think pitting a prosecutor against a convicted felon is a winning strategy. kate eva. >> thank you so much, much more to come. really appreciate your reporting as always terrific perspective there. so through all the upheaval, the last month, one man has been on the leading edge of reporting on what might be about to happen next. >> that man is with us now, cnn, chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny, chef, it is great to see you. i mean, everything i just said there you have been pressing pressing and pressing on this ever since that historic debate in june. so my question to you is, what now, what are you looking for? what are we about to see? >> well, john, it's been remarkable at how swiftly the democratic party has coalesced behind vice president kamala harris for as long as those 24 days felt to many democrats yesterday was simply a time warp of how fast this came
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together. really, you could just feel, just to talk new a variety of democratic officials, elected officials, party leaders, this cloud lift from the party and a sense of optimism said in any sense of purpose however, going forward here in the next couple of days, what we have our eye on is vice president harris going to complete her consolidation of the party. we saw one endorsement after another yesterday, really hour by hour by hour. we know she's spent time on the phone as eva was saying there with 100 different lawmakers, party officials, et cetera. so we also saw state delegations. these democratic delegations coming out in support of her. i'm told hold more will do that today. several are meeting today. so this idea of an open convention has largely been closed she has the support of president biden, which of course is key, and the support of labor unions and different groups. so the biggest i'm challenge for her
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next is deciding and she'll of course be doing this on on her terms behind closed doors, finding a running mate yesterday, she started out as joe biden's running mate. today, she is looking for one of her own and that of course is top of mind for her and her biggest decision that voters will judge her on it since i have you i'm not going to let you go without a follow-up. jeff who could be that running mate, who are the top names being considered, right? maybe not being considered, but being floated out there look, this isn't something that she just started thinking about yesterday. >> i mean, i think we have to look back to june 28, perhaps even before that. she'd definitely played the role of loyal vice president, but of course she was thinking about what was to come and the names of the potential candidates likely looking to governors, look at pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, north carolina governor roy cooper. this is very interesting because she has an existing relationship with roy cooper. they both served as attorneys general together arizona now, senator
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mark kelly as well, kentucky governor andy bashir, that is slightly more difficult because if he would be a pick, the lieutenant governor of kentucky is a republican. >> so would she want to sort of upset that potential other governors as well, jb pritzker from illinois, perhaps perhaps a gretchen whitmer from michigan. that would certainly it'd be historic in its own right, but really shapiro and cooper are people who many democrats believe she has her eye on, but going forward, i think also john isn't it aos going to sort of stick their head up? joe manchin did a little bit. he put it right back down. he's not running as a link. kamora told you in the last hour, unlikely that any democrat we'll challenge her in chicago. john, look, i'm glad you mentioned the manchin thing because manchin seemed to suggest a kasie hunt at 6:55, that he might be pursuing this, but it likes 726. >> he says, no so manchin, the manchin balloon popped by joe manchin like 35 minutes after it was first inflated. another
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the big thing that just had jeff that and while we were just talking, pete aguilar he is the senior most members in the house leadership just backing the vice president there. so maybe we'll see more of the democratic leadership coming out over the next few minutes as well. these things happening by the minute, jeff, great to see you great work. hopefully we'll get you back home with some new reporting soon. sara lots of excitement going on here and lots of changes, love plenty of news for you to go out through the next couple of hours or as republicans have already, as you might imagine, begun their attacks on vice president kamala harris. >> the secret service director is prepared to admit failures that allowed the assassination attempt on donald trump. what to expect from what is going to be an aggressive hearing on capitol hill and hundreds more flights canceled this good morning how long are these folks going to have to wait after that it issue that caused this chaos in airports will talk all about those things sen. more coming up on the
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e dizziness and spinning take back control with lipo flavonoid. >> yeah, please nato your question. the limit of what is capable ready to show the world how good i am. >> i train all over the globe. and that's what you're going to see an awol whole different beast bst we wednesday night dynamite at 8:00 on tbs so far, there have been overwhelming support from democrats for vice president kamala harris is brand new, less than a day old presidential campaign minutes ago, senator joe manchin clarify that he will not run for the white house he was no longer a democrat, however, so does that mean that harris has a clear path to clinch the nomination? >> let's discuss with democratic congresswoman from florida, debbie wassermann schultz. thank you so much for coming in this morning. >> having is there.
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>> okay. we just got this is just happening right now. kathleen clark, the minority whip, has backed kamala harris, pete aguilar has backed kamala harris. do you expect all of the house leadership to endorse her? this fast and very quickly. >> i do because joe biden and kamala harris together, i've had the most successful administration in modern times, and they are a team. his decision, which was selfless and put country over party to end his campaign and endorsed kamala harris it sends a very strong message, not only to our leadership, but to our convention delegates. that his desire and his signal is that he liked his delegates to end our elected leaders across the country to support kamalaharris as our democratic party nominee. and i'm proud to endorse her and proud of our precip i do want to ask you about some of the attacks as you might imagine, there are
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attacks from the other side of the aisle. >> they have begun, they actually began before she announced, but they are now in full swing. i want to get your response to them one of the attacks is, hey, look at the republicans we just voted our guy in. the voters had to say the dumped are just browning someone's that the voters did not choose what's your response to that attack well, i mean that's statement from a desperate party that just nominated a 34 count, convicted felon who's an adjudicated rapist and who has pledged to avenge his enemies. >> his political enemies and as he takes office joe biden and kamala harris ran together as a ticket, are 14 million voters that nominated the golden, nominate joe biden also supported kamala harris. she earned those votes right alongside him. and she will earn the support of the majority, probably near unanimity of our convention delegates because they have
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earned that support through the success of their administration. >> the reduction in prescription drug costs, the capping of per district prescription drug costs in medicare most gun significant gun safety reform in 30 years reshoring american jobs through computer chips manufacturing here in the united states, investments in climate change and infrastructure that we're historic this is a record that they ran on together and kamala harris will carry that torch forward and she's earned the support of elected officials across the country. and dark convention delegates. >> it sounds like what you're saying is look voters in the primaries voted for president biden, but they know it's the biden-harris ticket in the end, they come as they did her name is on the ballot too i mean, when you go to a poll here in florida, it's not just the president's name was on the ballot. it's the vice president's name as well. it's a ticket that you're voting voting to support. so
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it's a logical transfer to the vice president who don't button that. look, if joe biden had not course her, if there was not a situation where she had earn those votes to than you know, i would say that probably delegates would would be more likely to think about other candidates. but i don't want harris has fought side-by-side with joe biden, and she has helped adopt and push through the agenda that has made americans lives better. and she also is, i think our delegates are elected officials very clearly understand that the contrast between a former us, former attorney general and the largest state in the country, a former federal, former district attorney someone who was prosecuting and putting bad guys in jail versus a resident who just convicted and could be sent to jail former president. that's a pretty clear contrast. and the american people are going to choose law and order and safety and
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security and confidence rather than a choice of going back to a toxic stew of unethical criminality can i ask you about, you know, someone who wants to be in the position that kamala harris is in right now. >> trump's vice presidential pick, j.d. vance has said that he tweeted out or exit out of river the heck. we call it these days, but here's what he's he says she owns all of these failures and she lied for nearly four years about biden's mental capacity, saddling the nation with the president who can't do the job what do you say to him after he went after her for saying, hey, you hid this from us basically, what was happening with president biden? >> i stayed jd vance's hypocrisy is breathtaking. this is a guy that less than a year and a half ago was one of the number one opponents of donald trump. he could not possibly have said have had hurled more criticism at someone who is now
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his running mate. this is someone who is a chameleon, was willing to stay and do anything to attain power and that's just another example of how unethical and slimy the republican ticket is. we've got integrity and salt solidarity and experience in joe biden and kamala harris and like i said along the campaign trail as the campaign progresses, certainly after hopefully in my opinion, kamala harris's is elected as our party's nominee we will see the contrast that will be very clear. >> congresswoman debbie wassermann schultz. thank you so much for coming and talking to us this morning. appreciate your time. congresswoman okay. donald trump is on the attack and so are house republicans the case that they're trying to make now to get president biden out of the white house before january. and dangerous heat continues today, fueling wildfires so far this year, 63 large fires have burned more than 1 million acres fires in
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riverside county, california, now forcing more than 1,000 homes to be evacuated. we'll be right back this election season. >> stay with cnn cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts following cnn, going old as part of the journey even when you have heart failure but when he had shortness of breath, carpel tunnel syndrome and lower back pain. we wondered, could these be warning signs of something bigger? thank goodness. we called his current, you because these were signs of attr see a rare and serious disease that gets worse over time. if you see any of the warnings don't wait. ask a cardiologist about at trc today a gerber life would like to talk to you about guaranteed life insurance?
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back. what's it like to hear from the people actually living the headlines? i'm audie cornish, my cnn podcast. we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories i've got a lot of questions. >> you, assignment with audie cornish. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts this morning, donald trump's campaign is making a pivot quickly, trying to shift from attacking president biden to now attacking kamala harris one pro-trump super pac is already putting out a new ad attacking her record and the white house and accusing her of covering up joe biden's quote obvious mental decline. >> cnn's steve contorno is in ohio where j.d. vance is holding going to be holding his first solo campaign events since becoming donald donald trump's running mate what are you expecting to hear, steve okay. >> donald trump's campaign has really began preparing for this
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outcome several weeks ago when they realized that the democratic hand-wringing over joe biden's debate performance was not subsiding. and during that time, the began researching some of the other potential democrats who white replace joe biden, including governors whitmer and shapiro, governor andy beshear, senator kelly of arizona. but really their focus intensified from the beginning on vice president harris, and they put out an internal poll looking at donald trump versus harris. and they also began increasing number of times they were attacking her in their campaign, redick used so at the republican national convention, no democrat was criticized more than joe biden, except kamala harris. so she's definitely been on their mind for a while. and now we're seeing already a super pac maga inc. up on the air with a ad criticizing her over her relationship with joe biden. take a look at what it said camila knew joe couldn do the job, so she did it. look what she got done, a border
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invasion, runaway inflation, the american dream, dead. they created this mess. they know camila owns this failed record now that ad will be airing in arizona, georgia, nevada, and pennsylvania, obviously for huge key battlegrounds, there also planning to attack around some of the issues that they were going to attack joe biden over immigration crime, the economy. >> but this is going to be a very different campaign going forward. you think back to the convention, there were so many effecting moments attacking joe biden over his afghanistan record from the families of those soldiers who died there and those were some of the moments that are now going to be more difficult to attack senator or vice president harris over and we're going to get our first glimpse at the campaign's message going forward later today, senator j.d. vance will be holding an event behind me in middletown, ohio. this is the town he grew up in. it's where the setting moles of hillbilly elegy his, not his memoir the hollywood
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movie. and so we're going to i his has shifted message today too. >> good to see you, steve. thank you, john. all right. >> we do have breaking news, kate, we just heard from a key democratic governor who until now had not officially endorsed vice president kamala harris. so what did he just say this morning? we are standing by for new information on that also, quote, we fail that is the message because the secret service director is prepared to tell congress this morning during a hearing on the assassination attempt of donald trump, will she be able to hold onto our job let me introduce
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this horse glenn close, was millions of possibilities. you could look whoever you want to be. >> that's my line, looking yeah. >> tv on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn my father chose me to succeed him no matter the consequences house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max right? >> we do have more breaking news kentucky governor andy bashir just officially endorsed vice president kamala harris. that is a key pickup for her. he is one of them more prominent people who had yet to endorse in bashir himself is being discussed as a possible
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vice presidential pick for kamala harris also, just in harris picked up two key endorsements in the house, democratic leadership, katherine clark, who is the house democratic whip she has endorsed harris and peace he, aguilar essentially number three in the house, he too has endorsed there are still a few prominent folks who have not. i'm talking about former president barak obama, former house speaker nancy pelosi, and the top democratic leaders in congress, hakeem jeffries, the minority leader in the house, and chuck schumer, the senate majority leader. they have held off endorsing at least for now. we'll see if that lasts throughout the morning cnn's congressional correspondent, lauren fox, here with the latest word of things, dan lauren yeah. >> good morning, john. we are seeing swift number of democratic endorsements coming out for harris this morning. this obviously comes off the tails of last night when you saw a number for of rank and file democrats swiftly coming out both to celebrate biden's legacy and then turn their
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attention on the fact that they will do everything in their power to try to elect kamala harris to be the next president of the united states. you also this morning are hearing those two top democratic leaders in the house, both peter aguilar and katherine clark coming out in support of harris, and i want to read briefly, part of angular statement. he says, quote, make no mistake. this election will be the fight of our lives. the american people have a clear choice. we can restore reproductive freedom for millions of women living under a cruel abortion ban continue to lower everyday costs and ensure the american economy works for every family and every zip code. or we can reelect donald trump, who will sign a national abortion ban into law eliminate the $35 a month insulin guaranteed to our seniors and roll back thousands of american clean energy jobs. as you noted, john, we're still waiting for word from both leader jeffries and leader
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schumer over in the senate to see whether or not they will endorse harris this morning. our colleague dana bash had reporting yesterday that they had been holding off in part because they wanted members the rank and file, as well as voters jurors, to have an opportunity to reflect on what they wanted next. now that so many democrats are swiftly coming out in support of harris, though that may change quickly. lawmakers are back in washington in the house starting this evening, the senate returns tomorrow, but john, obviously, we have seen a lot of endorsements coming out over the last 20 four hours for harris, it's been very interesting after what was a month of sort uncertainty and chaos, a lot of organization, all of a sudden in the democratic party, lauren fox, great to see you. thank you very much. >> joining us right now is democratic congressman raja krishnamoorthi of illinois. it's good to see you. thank you so much for coming in cars, but you have thrown your support behind kamala harris harris what lauren and jon were just talking about, he came jeffries, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they've stayed silent
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so far. why do you think that is? >> well. i think in part, you'll have to ask them but i think that there are a lot of candidates out there who are at the last time that people had asked them were interested in potentially running. and so i think they also want but the process to unfold all that being said, i'm supporting kamala harris through this process in my hometown of chicago at the democratic national convention, which will be, let's say, must-see tv at this point i was going to that's what i was going to ask you. i mean, what should the process look like? what is the convention going to look like? flag well, as you know, the delegates now have been released by joe biden. >> and so they will have to vote again on the nominee and so kamala harris is going to have to win their support i
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believe that she will. and so i think there'll be a process for allowing for anyone else who wants to enter the fray to do so. but i think kamala harris is going to be a formidable contender. >> congressman dean phillips, he has been pushing the his idea for a process would include a straw poll among democratic delegates a potential candidates, then harris in the top three or something, that would come up in the straw poll, do a series of televised town halls before voting at the convention? is that something you think would work i'm open to whatever process the dnc has i think late last night, jamie harrison said that they were going to kind of unfold this process in the coming days. >> i have to tell you my my phone was just lit up last night with text messages and phone calls i received numerous emails. there's just a burst of energy and enthusiasm right now, regardless of what process
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is designated, i'm sure that the anc is going to do a good job in laying that out. but i think that everyone is a extremely grateful to president biden for his incredible edible service and putting the country above himself. and then be excited at the prospect of a convention that's going to select the next nominee. >> vp pick. do you have someone or a type of someone that you think would be a good partner for harris you're trying to get me into trouble ai so never just trying to get some answers i good. trouble, good trouble. well, i think that they're excellent candidates. look, you know, my own governor, jb pritzker, as a fabulous potential pick. but i don't know what, you know kamala harris is going to decide. i look forward to learning more about that you are also just shifting because it's happening in just a few minutes, really, you're on the oversight
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committee in this morning, the secret service director is going to be testifying before your committee. >> what do you want to learn from her? what answer are you going to do? demand this morning well, there's a number of topics where there's gonna be some really hard questions asked of her. >> for instance, the timeline is very puzzling in the 20 minutes leading up to the shooting, there were at least three instances where secret service and law enforcement were alerted to the specific shooter in question. and yet the rally was not paused. another issue is the ag are building that's the building upon which the shooter was perched was outside of the security perimeter. even though it was well within rifle range of the stage upon which donald trump stood and so questions about this, as well as other topics are going to are bound. and i think director cheatle is going to need to answer a lot of them today? >> yeah. there's also this new
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reporting that the secret service officials have repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel sought by trump's security detail in the two years leading up to that assassination attempt, the agency is admitting this now that there were requests that were denied, i asked the secretary of homeland security about this last week. >> i want to play for you. what he said that's that's a baseless and irresponsible statement. >> and is one that is unequivocally false unequivocally false? >> what is going on here i don't know. >> and that's one of the questions that are going to be asked today my overall read on the situation is that this was a terrible security failure. and director cheatle is going to have to come in and answer for exactly what happened then i guess i guess i should just mention the reason why in part we are coming together as
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republicans and democrats with regard to this particular probe, is that we have an ongoing presidential campaign, right now and we have the democratic national convention in about 28 days and so, given that we are right in the midst of a presidential campaign, we need answers quickly. we need the investigation to wrap up, and then the lessons learned to be implemented right now yeah congressman always good to have you. >> thank you very, very much thank you so much. >> hate. of course, sir. >> all right. are the numbers and kamala harris has psi to secure the nomination vacations delayed the lingering issues that still have some families in a holding pattern at the airport after that glitch, we will talk about all that coming up up. >> our mission here at cnn is that the news comes first
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started at four hers the ceo is about to take takeoff. there's no one that goes the things i do we are
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personal in what for wrestling can be doubly wednesday night dynamite get aid on tbs i'm katelyn polantz at the federal courthouse in washington and this is cnn you can believe it it is day four of the massive flight delays and cancellations after that, it tech outage of last week already more than 700 flights have been canceled today. the vast majority of them with delta airlines, hundreds more have been delayed according to flightaware i mean, people are obviously desperate to get home. >> one estimate indicates the related costs from the outage could be upwards of 1 $1 billion yes and at least 14 palestinians, including six children, have been killed in an israeli attack in khan younis. >> that's according to the hamas-run palestinian health ministry, which says 36 people were also wounded earlier today, the idf ordered people in eastern neighborhoods of khan younis to evacuate, saying
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it would be quote, acting forcefully against terrorist organizations and firefighters are battling to wildfires in riverside, california so far both vernon thousand acres. and of course people in about 1,500 homes to evacuate. more than 25 million people are under heat. heat alerts on the west coast right now with no relief, insights several record-breaking temperatures are expected to be tied or broken this week it feels like we are becoming a broken record when it comes to this arrow true story. >> thank you so much, kate. now the president biden has bowed out of the race, and vice president kamala harris looks likely to be the democratic nominee. how do voters feel about a potential harris trump matchup? cnn senior data reporter harry enten, joining me now straight from the beach. anyway rouen for you young. you'll be fine yeah. so the question is can she do better than joe biden when it comes to
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her and donald trump cheek, she can't do worse. so let's take a look at the most recent polling we possibly can. so this is the net favorability rating. this is favorable minus unfavorable rating. this was taken after the republican national convention. look at joe biden biden's net favorability rating. it was -23 points is unfavorable, which 23 points higher than his favorable. now, look, vice president harris isn't exactly beloved, but she's at -11 points. that's a universe away from this -23 points. and more than that, it's in the same area as donald trump's -11 points. so while harris has no shoes, to win for sure, she's a much better bet than joe biden, who was, let's just put it this way. deeply, deeply unpopular. no incumbent had ever won with his low ratings. look at that, that -23, you just can't win with that saying, look, voters said that they didn't like either candidate now they have someone new that could be another thing. i do want to ask you about the swing states, the all important swing states is, what are the swing states look like? >> yes. so this is before the rnc as just trump versus both
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biden and harris. this is pennsylvania and virginia. and what's important to note here is look in pennsylvania, which is a key pivotal battleground. the commonwealth look joe biden was behind donald trump by three points. trump was up by three harris only down by zero point trump is only up by point. we see the same pattern in virginia biden, led by three points. but look at that. harris did better plus five. so we see that harris overall seems to be doing about two points better in these key battleground states. now we'll see how these numbers look after the rnc, after harris, of course, has now the likely democratic nominee. but the polling beforehand suggests that that harris would do better even by just a small margin. but of course, elections in this country are so so tight that two points can make all the depressing within the margin of error. >> this is well within the margin of error from the state of pennsylvania between harris and of course, donald trump. >> it's so interesting, right? i want to ask you about the endorsements that are happening. do they mean anything? what what do voters think about and these endorsements are coming fast and furious now we are seeing like the leadership just go one after the other, come out and
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say, we back, harris. >> yes. so look we've never had anything quite like this in the modern era. but what we do know is that what candidates get at least 50% or more of the endorsements? look at that. they've won the nomination ten times. the only person to ever lose the nomination was hillary clinton back in 2008. remember she lost it to barak obama but they were pretty close endorsements, but only lost one time. if you get the majority of the endorsements like harris is getting right now, and no one else is getting any that's a pretty surefire bet to win the nomination. but here of course, is the thing, right? these of course are from members of congress and governors as well. how about how the voters feel? how do democratic voters feel? so we had a recent poll from new hampshire. look at this. this is not a state but i think a lot of people expect harris would do particularly well. it's a very white state we know or we believe that harris is based within the democratic party, is african americans. look at this. she led pete buttigieg with 50% of the buttigieg was way back at just 14%. and if we look nationally, look at this 76% of democrats nationally said that they would be satisfied with harris was the nominee so at this particular point, it looks like
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she has endorsements from elected officials and it looked like the voters are behind her as well. so unless something rapidly changes, of course and this cycle, who the heck knows, it looks like harris is going to be the democratic nominee. and when it comes, of course, to the voters, what we see as look at that again in pennsylvania and virginia, she is either leading in virginia junior or an end within the margin of error race with donald trump in the state of pennsylvania game on. >> she has a real shot is yes. >> that's exactly right. if biden didn't have much of a shot, kamala harris has a real shot. >> all right. august 19, the convention is going to start. it'll be really interesting. alright thank you for being here. thank you for coming off your vacation, ai now why now, john, one key data point that you guys were just talking about there since president biden dropped yesterday afternoon. democrats say that nearly $50 million in grass news, grassroots donations have poured in so you can see there's some doozy asm there with me this morning. we're lucky to have cnn senior political commentator, david axelrod, great to see you. i want to talk about what we've seen in just the last hour and
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a half or so. yeah. >> joe manchin dipped his toe and then pulled it out. >> like said, i'm looking at the process, but i'm not actually running practiced move for joe manchin, andy beshear endorsed kamala harris katherine clark, pete aguilar, democratic leadership seem to rally around her. what are we seeing literally right now. >> we're seeing coalescence. i mean, look, i think that the critical hours after biden's announcement were very, very strong for kamala harris. it was a campaign of shock and awe. they just reeled in endorsement it's her endorsement in and i think the impression was this train is leaving the station and it's time to get on board every almost every single potential opponent of hers jumped on board yesterday, several of them are being mentioned as potential vice presidential candidates. the message is very, very clear. she's going to be the nominee of the democratic party who is this election now? >> going to be about back when
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biden was running, they wanted this election to be about donald trump. but is it still going to be about donald trump? is it going to be above vice president harris if it's her well, listen, that's the goal of each campaign, right? when you're an embattled incumbent and in some ways they're each embattled incumbents. we can talk a little bit more about that. and kamala harris, you want to make the race about the other person. and trump had successfully done that and primarily because of biden's age, some of the issues remain the same. but their message was the world's out of control biden's not in command. he's weak. trump is strong. vote for trump. and they were having success with more complicated now because kamala harris is far younger than trump, she's energetic. she can take the case to trump and she those sheet they will try and tie her to biden's record i certainly on issues like immigration she isn't joe biden and she can in some ways craft her own message and go on the attack. so this is a race that the trump
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campaign didn't want they may prefer her to someone completely unknown who would be harder for two caricature in the way they want a caricature her, but they didn't want this race. they thought they had at one, they've built a whole campaign around joe biden. now joe biden has gone, it's complicated. >> how does she handle how would you advise the harris campaign to handle horse strikes and her weaknesses, how to address where you think she might be we will look first of all, there are aspects of kamala harris that people have not that people don't know a lot about. i mean, she really was a career prosecutor and that is an aspect of her that i think she should lean into she should have our own perspective on how to how to address issues like the border. but i think more importantly, she needs to shift the issue, debate issues that favor clearly on the issue of abortion rights. she's going
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to be there. she's been the administration's spokesperson on that but there are a lot of sort of middle-class working class economic issues on which democrats are in one place. and donald trump is a different place. and it's not on the side of working class people whether it's taxes or regulation or any other any other 90 number of other issues health care pharmaceuticals, and she needs to go on the attack here and she has the capability to do it. again, when you're a prosecutor, you know how to prosecute a case i grew up covering politics, thinking that the vice presidential selection mattered a lot in then, i think for the last 20 years, we flipped in thought it didn't matter very much now, if the nominee is vice president harris and she's picking a running mate, how important will that pick b? >> and who might be the most advantageous you know, i think it is important in the sense that this is your first presidential decision and it sends a signal about where you're, where you're going.
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>> so she can pick someone who i think will strengthen her in places where she needs to be strengthened probably a more moderate candidate, white candidate, someone who can appeal particularly in places like pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin, because if she doesn't win those states, she's likely not to win the presidency, certainly pennsylvania, but the other states normally follow. >> i got to ask you very quickly here. one of the groups that president biden had trouble with were younger democratic voters, is that different now, do you being able to energize accurate? >> yeah. well, i've just heard from a lot of young people in last 12 hours and there is a level of excitement. the grassroots fundraising reflect some of the excitement as you mentioned but there is a sense among younger people that here's something i can get into. she's more contemporary, she's, she's sort of understands contemporary culture and she looks more so like tomorrow than yesterday


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