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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> so she can pick someone who i think will strengthen her in places where she needs to be strengthened probably a more moderate candidate, white candidate, someone who can appeal particularly in places like pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin, because if she doesn't win those states, she's likely not to win the presidency, certainly pennsylvania, but the other states normally follow. >> i got to ask you very quickly here. one of the groups that president biden had trouble with were younger democratic voters, is that different now, do you being able to energize accurate? >> yeah. well, i've just heard from a lot of young people in last 12 hours and there is a level of excitement. the grassroots fundraising reflect some of the excitement as you mentioned but there is a sense among younger people that here's something i can get into. she's more contemporary, she's, she's sort of understands contemporary culture and she looks more so like tomorrow than yesterday so
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i think you're going to see a more activated youth vote or more activated vote in the black community perhaps in the hispanic community. i think she's going to have to work at that. i do think that as harry said whereas there was very little change chance for democrats 24 hours ago, there is a real sense of possibility now david axelrod, great to see you ai want to ride for us good to stand around with you, you know, it's important this stretch those legs. thanks very much. >> so a new hour with new happenings of cnn, new central starts right now kamala harris is about to make her very first public appearance since biden dropped out and she jumped into the presidential race. what will her message be? the new reporting on the hours that she spent on the phone, working the phones already trying to shore up support among fellow
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democrats. and then there's joe manchin the independent senator from west virginia, saying that he was pursuing the process and looking at a possible presidential bid and just as quickly says that he is not what this means. for democrats as they wade into further into unchartered presidential waters and in the hotseat, the director of the secret service is about to come face to face with congress testifying on capitol hill for the first time since the attempted assassination on donald trump i'm kate bolduan with sara sidner and john berman. this is cnn news central there's a whole lot of developments in a whole lot of breaking news this morning. here's the latest two key members of democratic leadership are now throwing their support behind kamala harris house democratic whip katherine clark, and the chair of the house democratic caucus, pete aguilar. also this morning, kentucky's governor is throwing his support behind kamala harris and that's not
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just any governor andy beshear has been really seen as one of the break glass in case of emergency candidates if biden had dropped out, now he's standing with but harris and is seen as a contender to possibly be her vice presidential pick are you at least open to the possibility of being a running mate to vice president harris well, i think if somebody calls you on that, what you do is at least listen and i want the american people to know what a kentucky and is and what they look like. because let me just tell you that j.d. vance ain't from here this, flood of support is also showing up in the fundraising numbers to harris raised more than 49 million in grassroots donations since the biden announcement and we could be hearing, as i mentioned, could be hearing from her for the very first time this morning. >> that's where our eva mckend comes in outside the naval observatory for us again this morning. about what are we expecting to happen today kate,
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later this morning, she will give remarks honoring ncaa he championship teams. >> we don't know yet if she will address the shake-up in the democratic ticket or if she will want president biden to have that first opportunity. what we do know kate, is that she has been working the phones, speaking to president obama speaking to the clintons, speaking to governors, members of congress, faith leaders who she prayed with her, her pastor yesterday to really strengthen her in the weeks ahead, i spoke to the head of the congressional black caucus and he told me that she's under no illusion that she will just be able to waltz into this she knows that she is going to have to work for this nomination despite the fact that she got president biden's endorsement. now something that she has on her side hide is the support of key democratic coalitions, groups like higher heights, some black voters, matter for
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instance, thousands of black women on an hours-long call yesterday strategizing about the best way to support her in the weeks ahead also of consequences though, is who is she going to tap for her running mate? that is the big question right now, governor andy bashir, kentucky's governor this is one of the names on that list. take a listen to what he had to say about her earlier this morning i as a as a prosecutor, as an attorney general, like i used to be, she prosecuted rapist, domestic abusers, stood for victims and put away those those abusers now look at the other side where j.d. >> vance calls pregnancy arising from rape inconvenient know it's just plain wrong one thing is for sure kate, her allies are really eager for this matchup between her and trump they've come into focus. >> they believe that she has a
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strong case to make and that she can be a compelling candidate as a former prosecutor boeing up against a convicted felon, kate it's great to see eva. thank you so much, sir. >> all right. this morning, we're learning part of biden's decision to drop out came down to a conversation with two of his closest advisors who told him that a path to victory was basically non-existent. cnn's arlette sines is rehoboth beach, delaware. arlette what is next what happens next for this administration? he is staying in office to be clear yes. >> white house officials have stressed that president biden does intend to remain in office. and at this time right now, he is currently still here in rehoboth beach, delaware at his home where he's been recovering since covid after his covid diagnosis last week. now, the last 48 hours have really been trying one for president biden as he reached that difficult decision to bow out of this 2024 campaign and
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throw his full support behind his vice president. got kamala harris for the president's part in announcing his decision not to seek reelection. he said that he does plan to address the nation at some point about this, we're still learning or trying to learn when exactly president biden will return to the white house. much of the president's schedule right now is contingent on him clearing covid and actually returning to the white house. we've also learned that his meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu likely would occur mid to late lot in the week other, they're still working to try to firm up that timing due to his covid diagnosis, biden had also been scheduled to travel out west for campaign fundraising. he was going to have at least one fundraiser in california on friday. it's unclear whether that will proceed, but president biden really has thrown his full support between behind vice president kamala harris. you have also seen the biden-harris campaign really transition there parathas to supporting harris his campaign. now,
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they've changed social media sites from biden hq to camila hq. they've changed logos. they also have been really pushing their fundraising machine to try to turn out and get more support for financial support for harris is a candidacy, as you noted earlier? the campaign brought in 49.6 million in the last days since biden endorsed harris to become the democratic nominee, donors have told cnn that they are feeling re-energize about giving to the harris campaign in the wake of this decision from president biden yesterday. but still as eva noted, there is still a long road ahead for vice president kamala harris as she is trying to secure this democratic nomination. saying yesterday that she plans to earn and win that heading into the august convention and there are certainly signs this morning, lots of democratic leadership coming forward one by one one to support her. >> arlette saenz. thank you so much for that, john. >> all right. with me now, cnn political commentator bakari sellers and democratic strategist joe trippi. gentlemen, let me just review
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what's happened over the last few minutes. joe manchin sort of dipped his toe in saying he was pursuing the process, then yanked it out or maybe cut the toe off. he's out. he says he's not running. andy beshear the governor of kentucky, fully endorsing vice president kamala harris, and the number two and three democrats in the house just endorse kamalaharris as well. pete aguilar and katherine clark. so that's all just happened. that's where things are headed. bakari, i just want to start with you you've got your your ear to the ground here. grassroots people, you're in touch with everyone. what are you hearing? it's morning and nothing but excitement if we want to be hundred percent honest, i mean, i don't think we had this level of excitement before i just did the rickey smiley morning show, big urban, i think that's what they call it colloquially, but i call it black radio show. >> that is transmitted throughout the country country. people are excited about kamala harris and one of the things that's unique about this campaign is that kamala harris, you can see the history she represents, but the campaign also realizes that they have to go into rural pennsylvania, that they have to go into grand
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rapids, that they have to go outside of milwaukee, wisconsin and bring in some of those other voters that joe biden did extremely well with. i'm talking about farmers. i'm talking about white rural voters it's suburban white women. so this campaign is unique and you have this level of excitement where people are like, okay now we have a puncher's chance. the last thing that i'll say is that this race is clearly a contrast. i mean, it's a present versus past. it's something we couldn't do just 24 hours ago. and i think people in joe can probably talk about this as a strategist who has been around politics since before i was born. it can talk about what those type of contrast actually mean and what that looks like. >> joe trippi, bakari sellers, she called you old. do you care to respond? i told him i called him sees it. >> i called him season be a seasoned, not old. >> all right. so let me ask a different question that you if i can seize. >> i don't know as a seasoned political operative. >> if you were running the campaign of vice president kamala harris right now, what do you do? what is that
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campaign going forward look, i think the most significant thing that joe biden did was he kept his promise to be a bridge to the future he didn't just pass the torch to commonly harris he's pass the torch to whole new generation of new leaders in the democratic party that we're all talking about now, the sheer and shapiro whitmer, and others, that are going to be whether they compete for the nomination or for vice, to be her vice president. >> i think is going to change the entire frame of this race to be about the future. i mean, really about the future about her ideas and hurricane campaign combined with all these new leaders in the party that i think will be out there. so i think that's part of the frame because i think the future is not something that trump j.d. vance maga and project 25 are they're not
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going to win that fight. i don't believe she she she will. on the other hand, the other thing though is lean into the prosecution being the prosecutor, i mean, she's stood in court face down and a convicted rapist felons fraud she's not going to back down now not, not win democracy is at stake. i would prosecute the case against trump, prosecute the case for working people, prosecute the case for democracy and our future and she's that aggressive. i don't think the trump people have a clue what, what's coming for them right now bakari, if i go back to something you said before you said you were just doing a chat with what you call urban radio or that black radio, as you said? >> that's a group african american voters are a group where joe biden has been underperforming. so based on what you heard this morning on that radio show, based on what you think the possibilities might be going forward. if i'm not mistaken, you were an early supporter of vice-premier
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kamala harris, then then senator harris when she was running for president in 2020, do you think how much do you think she can or will galvanize the african american vote? >> that's a good, good point. i want to first just kind of posture the question because what we saw with joe biden was he wasn't donald trump in no point in time was going to get 20 it was one of the african-american vote, if you believe that, i'll just go ahead and say you the bridge in brooklyn but what the question was was, was he going to be able to raise turn out to levels in which would sustain him and be able to carry him through some of the doldrums and kind of ruts that he found himself in kamala harris is going to have to do something a little similar because commonly harris, if she's able to hit 40% of the white vote and then she'll be president of the united states. and if she's not able to hit 40%, she's around 38, 39%. then she's going to need the african-american community, young voters and hispanic voters to come mount in insanely high numbers. that energy is real though she's on a path to do that. you had
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44,000 black woman on a call last night. you have black man on a call tonight. you had gary chambers and michael blake and roland martin all situating that. you have the divine nine, which are the nine fraternities and sororities. you have the ame church, you have all of these organizations who are now energized in this battle for democracy i see and it's just this is something that wasn't there yesterday. i had people calling me saying i just gave $25. now, how do i get tickets to chicago? i mean, this is a newfound type of excitement that they have or we had in the party and look, you know, again, black voters, particularly black women are going to be the energy we just have to power more people into this boat. or as we build it. >> so joe, you said the campaign needs to be about the future. what do you do with president biden if you are the harris campaign going forward, how much do you want him on the trail? do you want it? speaking? live at the democratic convention oh, look, i think at the convention it's
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going to, i mean, it will be a roaring room when he walks in not just because he stopped donald trump in 2020 and the job he's done as president for the last three-and-a-half years, but this self act to put his put the party in the country ahead of, you clearly what he wanted to keep continue to do. >> so i don't think that's going to be an issue at all i do think she needs to make this her campaign and about her ideas and to have enjoy the free tatum of now speaking where she has made the head differences or may have a different approach on immigration or some of these other issues. i think she's also prepared in a better way because of the fbi and a prosecutor to take on crime and some of the other things that the trump was going to throw it at biden. so i don't think it's an issue about anything. i think i expect the president to do exactly what he said
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concentrate on things like ceasefire in gaza continuing to build the alliance against putin and defend ukraine and do the work continue the work of service for these last months, he'll be in office and put turn the campaign trail to the nominee, the person that'll be out there and there will be i think bakari is right as she picks a vice presidential candidate, there'll be some excitement in that process and who that might be. i think the intention, the attention politically is obviously going to move to that new ticket joe trippi, bakari sellers great to see both of you. thanks so much. really appreciate it. sir. thanks. all right it was just a matter of hours before the trump team dropped. >> their new attack ads. at against kamala harris. plus, we'll speak with the senator who is up for reelection and who happens to know the inner
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workings of a presidential campaign? virginia democrat tim kaine joins us live on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn when you're the leader is as the clean up and restoration, how do you make like him? never even happened happened but whatever comes your way, there's a pro for them. >> serve bro like never even happened you're paying shouldn't be minimized or forgotten when medicine gets
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possible options that was what we're hearing from some voters this morning. >> we're also hearing of key endorsements. the kamala harris has picked up this morning, including one governor is seen as a possible vp pick and two members of house democratic leadership with the political world completely shifting overnight. what does this now mean for democrats chances at the white house and also democrats up and down the ticket. if you're following the money, that can tell you something, nearly 50 million raised for the now harris campaign, all sins, biden's announcement yesterday afternoon joining us right now is democratic senator from virginia, tim kaine, senator. it's great to see you, you through your support behind harris yesterday. do you think it is clear and evident that she will be the eventual nominee? >> kate, i think she will be, but she does have to earn it. and i know she says that's what she's going to do. everybody going into that convention in chicago who were pledged delegates to joe biden. he's not in the race and that means they are free to vote for whoever they want. and so calm
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on needs to make the case to the delegates. i'm glad to support or many others are as well. but but those delegates are going to vote with their hearts on that first round. i think kamel will be the nominee, but she's not taking it for granted. >> senator in. >> multiple questions for you on how this is reset the race for you and the commonwealth because virginia's in the spotlight. we've been hearing that i know you've been you've know that biden beat trump in virginia by ten points in 20, the biden campaign had become increasingly worried that he could lose in the commonwealth, you're up for reelection this cycle, so you're watching it as close as anybody how do you think kamala harris do you think kamala harris has reset the race in the commonwealth? how do you think she has impacted in this announcement has impacted your race? >> kate camilla's reset this race in two ways. she's a prosecutor and she's
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prosecuted folks who've been convicted of fraud. she's prosecuted people who have been charged with sexual assaults or sexual harassment, and she's going to be standing on the stage with a convicted felon who was also found civilly liable textual assault. i liked that matchup between the prosecutor and the felon, but even more important, she's the future donald trump is yesterday's chaos and why would we go back to it? america broke up with this guy four years ago because of unnecessary pandemic deaths economic meltdown of violence on attack on the capitol y. go back to that pass. let's embrace the future in any race, man, i'm going to bet on the future over the past. >> do you think that the commonwealth is better off for democrats? do you think you're better off having kamala harris at the top of the ticket? >> let me just say this. i'm excited about it. people, you know, people worried after the debate. no ifs, ands or buts and, you know, i could see as i've been campaigning around virginia, i feel good about my own numbers, but people were
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worried about the presidential. you had folks who felt like they hoped that president biden would step aside, but then you also had people full who were usually loyal to president biden and they didn't want push aside the plea result. they would accept as one that he came to and he came to it in an amazing way. he did what george washington and teddy roosevelt did decided, even though i can run again, even though i've been a good president, even though i want to run again, it's the right moment to pass the torch. and that's what democrats are doing. we're passing the torch to the future while the republicans are going into the cul-de-sac of the past. >> you were on the ticket with hillary clinton in 2016. can you imagine moving into launch a new campaign 100 days out from the from the election. what it's your advice now, as she needs to be needs to be looking to pick a vp well first, there is meant this excitement around this.
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>> i agree with your earlier panelists. it's meetings i was doing yesterday and today. there's a real energy and we were we were lacking a little but of energy, but before the debate, we had unity but not energy. after the debate, we were looking for both. now we have energy and unity and we need to make it work on the vice president. most important thing is she's got to find somebody that she feels completely comfortable with because you want that person in the room helping you make the hard decisions. the good news is democrats have a deep bench. some great governors, some great senators, right? house members. she's, she's going to have an embarrassment of riches usually it takes about two months to do the vp vetting. she's got to put that in the microwave and doing about two-and-a-half minutes. but the good news is we got a great talent pool and i know she's going to find somebody that will generate additional excitement for this future focus ticket center is always good to see you. >> thank you so much for coming in thank john, as you know, kate, you have to cover it if
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you put it in the microwave, else it might splatter i was waiting to see what they say extend the metaphor. >> we are standing by for a secret, the secret service director to arrive on capitol hill to explain why he says they failed to protect donald trump this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn i got it. >> i got discover performance in rare form. he got it. >> but she's delayed get offers on selective sport models at the golden opportunity sales event if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now, they're
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now and see how much you can save it's hard to watch yourself be pulled out of the building but a tornado kamala harris isn't formerly his opponent yet for the presidency, but donald trump's campaign not wasting any time and going on the attack,
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releasing this just hours after president biden dropped out kamel and knew joe couldn do the job. so she did it look what she got done, a border invasion, runaway inflation, the american dream, dead they created this mess. they know kamala owns this failed record the harris campaign hasn't officially released a new ad, but one that she used for her 2020 campaign went viral again on social media this weekend, likely a preview of what we're going to see in her attacks on donald trump he is owned by the big banks. she's the attorney general who beat the biggest banks in america and forced them to pay homeowners $18 billion these tearing us apart she'll bring us together this is trump and in every possible way, this is the anti trump so if that's what you're looking
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for in your next president there's really only one comma the other attack line we've been seeing this morning from republicans aimed directly at president biden there calling on him to resign immediately. i am sure he is not listening. cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox joining me now, what are you hearing lauren on the hill today yeah. >> i mean, obviously a stark division between republicans and democrats and how they are grappling with this news coming out of yesterday. that president joe biden is no longer going to be seeking a second term. what you're seeing from democrats is them quickly coalescing around the vice president kamala harris to lead this ticket that comes after months of internal or excuse me, after a month of colonel disagreement over whether or not they wanted to stick with biden and so many democrats that i've been talking to over the course of the last 48 hours are just ready for that internal
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disagreement to end, they are ready to unite. they are ready to get ready to continue working. and i just want to note that that's obviously in star a distinction from what you're hearing from republicans who are preparing and readying their attacks against harris, but also saying that the president is no longer fit to sir, that is what speaker of the house mike johnson is arguing. you also have nancy mace, a republican saying that she will bring forward a resolution to start the 25th amendment saying that harris should take over. now, i would just know that we still have not heard from the top democratic leaders in the house or senate. chuck schumer or leader hakeem jeffries in the house. but we are hearing from other leaders, including pete aguilar, katherine clark, the next two democrats in leadership but in the house of representatives, and they are saying that they're going to do everything that they can to get behind kamala harris to support her and make her the 47th president the united states. >> there just this morning
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during our hours, they endorsed kamala harris as well, and we expect to see more. thank you so much. lauren fox for your reporting there on the hill. john so as you have seen, as sara was mentioning, these endorsements have been coming in quickly this morning and we are getting new comments in from people being floated as potential jill vice presidential picks on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn looking nature boy, was that bad? it's a man finch they give seats to females in a bonding ritual get
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come. plus, cleanups, a breeze would know grimy ground now and no scrubbing. it, just rinses clean. it's never been easier. get your free design consultation schedule. you're one day installation and start loving for new bathroom, shower right away. >> call or go online right now for a limited time offer? only weeks left to get three installation and no interest and so payments for up to one year go go-to jacuzzi bathroom or call 800 to 014057. that's 800 014057. call or go online now, at simply safe, we designed the number one rated home security system powered by 24/7 professional monitoring for half the cost of traditional high security you stay safe for less than $1 a day? there's no safe like simply save. >> i'm melissa bell in paris and this is cnn all right.
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breaking news, just getting word that maryland governor wes moore, the young popular democrat there, he now to has endorsed vice president kamala harris for the democratic presidential nomination. so he is just one more key endorsement that she has picked up over the last several hours that includes kentucky governor andy bashir and it concludes some key members of the democratic house leadership, including the democratic whip, katherine clark, and the conference chair, pete aguilar. the two and three in the democratic house delegation there with me now is a member of the house democratic caucus from california, eric swalwell. he was one of the first members of congress who officially endorsing kamala harris yesterday, although it feels like weeks and weeks ago now, i mentioned clark and aguilar officially endorsing what what are you hearing from your colleagues and democratic leadership right now? >> people are fired up. their excited 100 and 106 days to go. but we can do it we've got a
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candidate who's tough. she's real, she's smart. and most importantly, ready? >> in terms of the contest at this point it doesn't seem like there will be much of a contest here. how much of a problem do you see that as well? >> i know she's ready to earn it and there's a way for someone to run against her. and if they don't, that probably says a lot about the strength of her candidacy. and if someone's going to challenge her, i know she's going to win it, but that's not up to her. she can't control who runs against her but she's ready and she is making a case that donald trump is the distant past and she's the future. and that's a lot different than you the position we were in just 24 hours. >> okay. that's really we heard it from senator tim kaine. we heard it from strategist joe trippi. now we're hearing it from you. the past versus the future. is that now deliberate messaging from the i guess harris campaign? >> well, look, it's donald trump's messaging, right? he
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wanted to make age an issue in this campaign. okay. mr. trump will just make your age is the oldest person to be president, and issue. but there's an even higher number 91 that's a number of felonies. you're facing and you've been convicted by about a third of them, and you're going up against a tough former prosecutor. and so he's got a much different opponent now and he has every reason to be obsessed now with process rather than about the case, he should be making for the american, how effective do you think the age issue could be for democrats now, if at all, i mean, it's a pretty big shift to go from being concerned about your candidates age to being on the offense about it, i promise you you're never going to hear donald trump asked his opponent to take a cognitive test. >> again. >> we've probably heard the last of that so you think but do you think that democrats can be on offense on it au yes. >> not just age, but the future and somebody who understands the issues that are right in front of us. and where we need to go, especially on reproductive rights kamala
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harris has been the champion for women's rights over the last four years, and she's been on this college campus tour and it hasn't been talked about enough how but she draws thousands of young students when she goes to these campuses and fires them up about their rights and how they vanished. like that. under donald trump, and how she'll be the one who can defend them in, bring them back. >> so you pass through the same prosecutor's office as harris did? you have a lot of connections and ties with her. what is it that you think will make her a uniquely effective candidate well, she and i worked in the same office in the same courtrooms. >> earl warren was the district attorney in the office that she worked under, which means that is deep and ethics in every young lawyer is always nervous. the first couple of times you appear in court because you stand before a judge and they say counsel, state your appearance, and you say kamala harris for the people and that was her case when she ran for president in 2020. and she made
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that case in the courtroom and now she's making it across the country. she's running for the people on the issues they care about. and by the way, john donald trump has been going around saying he's going to easily beat kamala harris well, she's heard this before from other sexual predators and rapists when she was prosecutor harris and if he wants to know how this movie ends, he won't have to look too far, but he's going to have to go to a prison to find out because she put away a lot of bad guys and she's ready to make the next case for the country. >> you mentioned the 2020 campaign and luxury level. what i mentioned this, but you did run in that campaign for a second yourself she didn't win. in fact, you know, she dropped out before iowa, what went wrong for her? >> in 2020, really 2019 for her that she can or should learn from going forward while she was picked as vice president, right? >> so a lot went right for her to continue the prosecutors analogy. i guess she's been
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second chair under one of the most consequential presidents ever second share the infrastructure legislation. second share to the chips manufacturing bills. second chair to the gun safety legislation. so my kids will drive on roads that biden-harris administration built. they'll use phones powered by chips that they manufactured and they'll feed their families with jobs 16 million of them that they created. >> but to be fair, my question was what didn't work? why didn't it work? why didn't it take in 2020? yes. >> look, i think it took him that she's vice president and i saw as many solve when we were out there for the moment, we were in joe biden was the right person. the seasoned hand that we needed to beat donald trump. and now the country is asking us to look toward the future and she's the right one to take us. all right. so floats, names for running me, assuming it will not be you because you're from california to happen that hole in state issue. >> so i'm sorry about that. i'm sorry for your loss. know. >> it's my children's gain, but we have a we have a deep deep bench, obviously you saw
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it in the 2020 field, but you see across the country many of the governors who are leaving are say name, names, give me the problem that we have to make i'll people disappointed because we're going to have that problem. but we've got a lot of great names. what do you think that's got a lot of great names? >> what type of person do you should you pick a state? should she pick someone younger? go out of her way if you want this to be at the future, does it have to be someone below a certain age? >> she's got a lot of time to think this through. >> she has a lot of times he's gotten like weakness, shortness amount of time, history of modern elections. she's got a lot of time. it's just got a deep bench of talent and that's that's gonna be fine in the country, as i said, if you're not picked as the vice president, you've got this team of avengers around her who will be out there helping make the case for the future. >> what she call you gonna be like, it's going to be energetic. >> and so many constituents and supporters across it country have been texting me saying, what state can i go to the knock on doors what is the link to contribute? and she has shattered records and the last 24 hours the money she's raised
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from small donors, it's energetic and it's because people are fired up to when carson eric swalwell. >> thank you so much for coming in grave danger here in person the us secret service called up to capitol hill. >> this morning, the agency's director about to face lawmakers for what promises to be hours of tough questions about security failures leading up to the assassination attempt on donald trump. the director is prepared to say, we failed. >> is that going to be enough erin burnett outfront tonight, it's seven on cnn from pep in their step to shine in their coats. >> and people switch their dogs foods, the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic, but there's no magic involved it's just smarter, healthier pet food it's amazing what real food can deal what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from united health a good choice for people on medicare it's smart for you to have now, i'm 65
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6:51 am or amazon i lauren fox on capitol hill all right this. is happening right now. house speaker mike johnson taking
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questions, talking about where he is going to go next, which is going to be that very, very big hearing you see right now the head of the secret service, kimberly cheatle walking up and going to go into that hearing where she will be grilled. no doubt on the failures of securing the area where former president donald trump was nearly assassinated, where another man was killed, two others injured. let's go ahead and bring in jonathan wackrow, who is here to talk with us about. i just want to keep this up so we can see set the scene here mike johnson still speaking there. he has talked a bit about kamala harris as the vice president who now hopes to ascend to the presidency. and he is about to grill the head of the secret service. let's go ahead and go to jonathan wackrow, who can talk us through this. she's got some prepared opening remarks director cheatle is expected to acknowledge the agency did fail when former president donald trump took to the stage, they,
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they failed in their preparation. they failed in their execution what are you expecting? what else would you expect to hear from her? because if you start at that point, you know, it's going to devolve from there when the members get a chance to question her yeah. >> well, good morning, sara and listen with the vice president harris now, entering the presidential race, the pressure on the secret service just got higher. it's going to further stretch in already resource resource-constrained agency. and i think you're going to see that theme come out today. it's going to set up for a really pressure-filled congressional hearing were a lot of things need to be answered there two key things that i actually want to hear today that come from the secret service. it's really transparency and accountability on the transparency side we really need to understand in the post-incident management of the shooting what happened so what went wrong what have they identified to date that they can share that won't impact any criminal investigation. and what are they doing to rectify
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that when it comes to accountability, i want to hear it again. i want it reinforce that the director of the secret service is taking full accountability for those security lapses and not shifting any type of blame on local resources other government agencies that were involved into the security plan on that day, the buck stops with the director of the secret service and you're going to see some really tough questioning coming out of that we are watching her walk into the chamber now and waiting for everyone to take their seats. and you'll be hearing some of this live on cnn. i do want to ask you about these calls from people on both sides of the aisle and people who've been doing this a long time, a former members, for example, the secret service coming out and saying, she's got to step down, what are your thoughts on that listen, you have one mission is to ensure that our political leaders are safe. >> that mission failed on that
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saturday when the former president hadn assassination attempt against him, we have to understand dan from the director today as she's still in the seat what type of operational decisions in resource management constraints potentially lead to that moment happening right from there. and it's going to be only from that line of questioning in the transparent answers given by the director that we're going to be able to answer. two things. thanks. was this an isolated incident where security failures occurred but are not systemic to the secret service, or do we have a much larger problem. the director has to be able to tell members of congress as well as the general public that the election is safe. now that we have a net new candidate entering to the race. the. pressure is on the director and the secret service as a whole. and what i'll see we'll see as this hearing continues, really, the direction that this secret secret service is going to take. are they going to be defiant? are they going to be defensive or are they going to have that transparent and
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accountable narrative moving forward, but to your question, sara i think the directors you time is limited and i think you'll see multiple calls today from different members of congress on both sides of the aisle that will be calling for her resignation. >> jonathan wackrow. thank you so much for that. that is about to start in just a second here. >> hello so much happening today. ai mean, where do we even begin an end will look, i think what we've seen as we've seen, leaders calling the less coalescing around kamala harris, we've also seen this message, this clear message from members where they are now saying this election isn't about the past, it's about the future, and they're looking forward to that contrast. >> now, there's a lot of exciting candidates, ron thank you so much for joining us. this is cnn new central and newsroom. up next what's it like to hear from the people? >> actually living the headlines? i'm audie cornish, might cnn podcast we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories. >> i've got a lot of questions you assignment with audie cornish. >> listen wherever you get your
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