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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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team usa is back! let's see that enhanced 4k from xfinity. wow. everything you'd want is right here when you say... “olympics” so, what if your favorite athlete is... "grant hollowa”" nice. or you can't get enough... “swimming” definitely adding that to favorites. now let's check... “medal coun”" and when is gymnastics on? “olympic schedule” it's that easy. find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. and spinning take back control with liberal flavonoid
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resolutely, aomma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. >> all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 is cnn breaking news? we do have breaking news. vice president kamala harris picking up some major endorsements, more of them today as she's working to secure the democratic nomination just 24 hours after president biden announced his withdrawal from his 2024 campaign, harris has shot up endorsements from more than 100 congressional democrats including distance few minutes ago. a big one, former house speaker nancy pelosi, we're also expecting to hear from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer and house minority leader hakeem jeffries at any moment, sources telling cnn they will also be endorsing the vice president as the democratic party's nominee. cnn's manu raju is on capitol hill manu, it seems like at this point it's getting safer to say harris is the presumptive nominee here yeah,
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all signs are pointing in that direction as republicans or democratic potential rivals for the presidential the democratic nomination falling in line behind kamala harris and also democratic leaders doing so as well. >> nancy pelosi, part of that group of top democrats who had expressed serious concern by joe biden carried hang on as the democratic nominee. also, chuck schumer, hakeem, jeffries at private meetings expressing concerns of the democratic caucus is about joe biden remaining there at the top. we have not heard an explicit endorsement from schumer or jeffries, but that is expected to come soon. now, this all comes as both sides are now scrambling to figure out what it would mean for the fall campaign with harris at the top of the ticket, i put the question to republican congressman tim burchett of tennessee, about the fact that they will be going up against someone who would be the first black south asian woman who could be president united states. and what that means for the republican campaign biden said first off, he said he's going to hire a black female
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for vice president in that not just skipped over. >> what about what about white females? what about any other group i it, just, when you go down that route you take mediocrity and that's what they have right now as vice president suggesting she's d she was a dei hire 100%. she was idea he said he was going to hire and then she didn't record is abysmal we know that as a former prosecutor, she can prosecute the case against a convicted felon and make the case to the american people that she is really primed and ready to take over as the leader of our country. and that allows congressman, congressman dan goldman, a democrat from new york, expressing what allied other democrats are saying, they believe that she can draw a sharper contrast with down trump then joe biden was able to also to bolster key parts of the democratic coalition that was frankly
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struggling that joe biden was struggling to put back act together again with or as minority voters, young voters, and the like, perhaps harris can do that. but what does she do to vulnerable democrats in key districts, in key states and other key question for democratic leaders as they assess this huge change to the top of the ticket and what it means for their efforts to keep control, the senate and take back the house monta, we'll keep our eye there on the hill. a lot of things moving and shaking today. thank you for that. let's go now to cnn's eva mckend. she's live outside of the vice president's residence there in a sort of rainy washington, dc today. eva harris is heading au to wilmington, delaware. she's going to be meeting with campaign staff today. this is a big meeting it is brianna is vitally important. it is the first time that she will have the opportunity to meet with campaign staff in delaware since president biden announced that he will not be seeking reelection. and that's good serve as a real moral boost up for the staffers i'm from all
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over the country. now, hearing from potentially the new top of the ticket and this is what it has been for harris the last several hours, just a lot of these conversations we know she spent over towers on the phone calling governors members of congress. civil rights leaders, labor leaders all kind of just get the democratic coalition in line because support her in these critical weeks ahead, those people that she's speaking with telling me that she fully understands that this is not going to be a coronation and then she is going to have to work to shore up support in the coming weeks. we know that after this stop in delaware, she will head to milwaukee. that was a previously scheduled campaign stop she had in her capacity as vice president. as of this hour, the campaign telling us that that stop is still a scheduled to happen. and then brianna, it seems to me that she would be eager now
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that the national conversation has shifted away from this, will he won't he conversation to get back to talking about the issues. we know that she has been particularly strong talking about reproductive rights on the campaign trail she recently held an vince focused on that issue in michigan, where she featured two former republican women to really show how the administration was trying to appeal to a broad swath of the electorate, which she really had to work cut out for her and not much time to make her case brianna. >> that's right. the clock is ticking. eva mckend live outside the naval observatory. thank you for that report. earlier today, kamala harris, his campaign quietly debuted their new logo. they are using the same font in inheres for president that was used in president biden's campaign. a spokesperson presumed confirming i believe he came jeffries is coming out right now, so let's go back and
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listening. but roic patriotic transformational leader who will. go down in american history as one of the greatest public servants of all time when president biden and vice president harris first took office on january 20 of 2021 the biden-harris team assumed a public health crisis. and economic crisis. and the democracy crisis. in the immediate aftermath of january 6. at the same time and thanks to the leadership of president joe biden and his partnership with vice president kamala harris they were able to rescue the country from a once in a century pandemic and to turn the situation around so we could return to normalcy thanks
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to the leadership of president biden and his partnership with vice president harris they were able to save the economy from a once in a decade or so recession, like situation and set us on a positive path. so that everyday americans could thrive in every single zip code across america thanks to the leadership of president biden and his partnership with vice president harris dignity and decency and a democratic way of life was restored to the oval office and 1,600 pennsylvania avenue. we all a debt of gratitude to president biden for his tremendous leadership. and i'm also thankful for the incredible partnership that he has had for the last three-and-a-half years would
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vice president kamala harris ali hollich, leader jeffries will you endorse kamala harris and then i have one other question for you well, leadership when i are scheduled to meet with vice president harris shortly the house came back into session today. >> the senate does not come back into session tomorrow. i'm excited for that meeting and let me say this. that vice president kamala harris has excited the community she's excited the house democratic caucus and she's exciting the country and so i'm looking forward to sitting down with her in person in short order which leader schumer and we'll have more to say about the path forward. as soon as that meeting good question what does president biden need to do these final few months to ease
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the path to help to you know, while he's in office, to ease the path to make it easier for democrats to put the house into keep the white house while president biden is going to continue to do his job and he's put the country first. >> he's put the american people first he's put hard working american taxpayers first, which is what president biden has always done and as a result of his leadership, we've seen transformational change fixing our crumbling bridges, roads, tunnels, airports, our sewer and water systems, rescuing the economy from the once-in-a-century pandemic gun safety legislation for the first time in 30 years, standing up for our veterans, bringing domestic manufacturing jobs back home to the country and passing the inflation reduction act which is the largest investment in combatting the climate crisis in the history of the world. we still have more work to do we still have to lower costs. we still have to end price gouging we have to continue to grow the middle-class defend democracy
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and fight for reproductive freedom. president biden will continue to do that job along with vice president harris and democrats in the house and the senate has been a few weeks of very intense discussions about biden being at the top of the ticket. what can you shed to the american public about the concerns that you conveyed to the president about staying on the top of the ticket as a private conversation with president joe biden that will remain private leaders. >> leader. i mean, there has been a lot of reporting about what was said and wasn't so just for the record, can you just he clear did you ever tell the president that he could hurt democrats chances are taking back the majority if he stayed in the race. and secondly, secondly, what do you say to those, whether it's ron klain or congressional republicans, who claim that democratic party leaders are elected officials to push the president. >> now, president, joe biden, is a heroic patriotic, and transformational figure. and he
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will go down in history as one of the greatest public servants of all time that much is clear i had a private conversation with president biden to express the perspectives that we're wide ranging of the house democratic caucus. that conversation will remain private in terms of my republican colleagues for president donald trump and extreme maga republicans are having a meltdown right now. a complete and total meltdown. why? because their presidential nominees and popular the extreme maga, republican policies are unpopular, including trying to impose a nationwide abortion ban on the american people and they're project 2025 is unpopular. having a meltdown right now, all we want to do as democrats is have a debate about moving the country forward and continuing to put people over politics for just a moment to
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what the concerns you're hearing from members in swing districts who are concerned about the president possibly dragging down ballot and how this potentially changes that equation by changing the competence that's what we're looking forward to. >> we are going to do everything we need to do as house democrats to win back control of the house of representatives. and vacate the extreme maga republican majority in november when is that? when that meeting today tomorrow. >> we're waiting on leader schumer to get back into town, as well as to get exact confirmation from vice president harris thanks excited. that has been kind of congress speak to particularly the fact the caucus about her versus the press well, we're looking at a frame of change versus the status quo moving the country forward, versus donald trump and extreme maga, republicans who want to turn back the clock, defending
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freedom like a woman's freedom to make her own reproductive health care dozens versus the nationwide abortion ban that donald trump and extreme maga, republicans want to jam down the throats of the american people were looking at building an economy from the middle out and the bottom-up that works for everyday americans versus the extreme maga republican plans. >> and donald trump's plans to drive a big tax cut down on throats of the american people that benefit the wealthy, the well-off and welcome last question. last question. last that's what i'm looking forward and excited for the meeting that we will have in short order with vice president kamala harris a personal level all right. >> you were listening there to house minority leader hakeem jeffries, who went right up to the line, brianna, and said a lot of glowing things about kamala harris, but didn't quite endorse her instead, saying he wants to meet with the senate majority leader, chuck schumer and harris not sure when that
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meeting is going to happen, just yet, but they're going to sit down with her as jamie gangel reported, just a little bit earlier, we are expecting both of them to ultimately endorsed her. the question now it seems to just be when yes. >> exactly. joining us now is pollster and communications strategist frank luntz, watching all of this with great interest, what a weekend it has been and beginning to this week what do you think as you were looking at kamala harris, who is, presumptively the presumptive nominee. at this point in time, we see all this support coalescing around her. what do you think based on what you hear from voters? >> the same states are in play but just different voters right now. and we're still going to be fighting over as he's talked about hard-working taxpayers. and i think that the key voting bloc is the one that j.d. vance tried to address on wednesday and she's been addressing for a whole career, people who live paycheck to paycheck. i don't call them blue collar. i don't calm working class because
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those are insulting labels. there are people who struggle they have jobs, but they are one paycheck away from disaster. and they're looking for two things. do they understand my concerns my fears? my hopes and do they have solutions to make my life better? it's both of them. >> i'll give you the example back in 2008 sorry, 2012, mitt romney was able to prove that he had the solutions to people's problems but it was unable to show the empathy that he understood them. >> barack obama, the public didn't think he had the solutions. i thought romney was better at that, but they thought that he empathized better. so the winning candidate in 2024 will have the empathy for the people that paycheck-to-paycheck and the solution to make their day-to-day quality of life better. >> and frank, of course, you're talking to voters all the time. you really have your finger on the pulse of what they're kind of thinking through. there's been a lot of talk around or we
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coordinating the vice president did his she earned it. will people accept her as? the nominee or will they feel like this was something that was shoved upon them? what is your sense in talking to voters about how they think about that? >> you're going to accept it and what the trump campaign doesn't realize is that if there was an opponent to her of one of these possible other presidential nominees jumped in and then they tried to silence them. then they would have an issue. but no one's challenging her. and it is a coordination and it's okay because there is no alternative i think that focusing on the process is missing the real concerns of voters inflation absolutely still matters. and it's something that both biden and harris dismissed i think abortion rights a matter for young women, then factor two groups that are going to be energized from this young women who thought that joe biden was too old and they were not attracted to donald trump. they were not participating. they're
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not going to come out in droves because of harris and the black vote which really matters and states like north carolina and georgia, they're going to participate because of harris but in the end, three states that matter, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, she's gala choose someone, and she's got gretchen whitmer who said she went take it. there will be two women on the ticket. if two women can host cnn, why can't two women be president and vice president? i think that shapiro's probably the candidate that she goes with because that's the state she wants to win, or kelley in the senator from arizona, or the governor of north carolina, all three cases the governor is popular enough that it takes a state that may have been leaning republican and puts it in democratic camp and shapiro very, very popular in pennsylvania so that is an interesting one. it's very interesting, but there is something that i, that i would address with you, which is, you
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can see it already trump has no hesitation, is no filter is no self-censor and she will fight him attack for attack in so for insult and i'm afraid of negativity of this campaign trump was unable to control himself. does speech that he wrote for last thursday night was very powerful. and very unified. but that's not what he delivered he wrote a 45 minute speech. he ad-libbed and other 45 minutes and it's all the negativity that voters don't like. she's got more discipline she's better able to stick to the teleprompter and stick to the message but i'm really concerned about whatever debate they have because there will be no holds barred no boundaries and we're already at a breaking point democratically. and i'm just afraid that this could push the country over the edge. >> you are watching as we
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watched a republican congressman congressman burchett saying that he thinks that kamala harris is a dei hire. and this is a refrain. we've been seeing this play out in this secret service hearing. we've been hearing this play out as some republicans are talking about kamala harris, or maybe even just privately. >> what do you think about that line of attack the public believes that dei has gone too far and in fact, what they're asking for is not diversity equity and inclusion. what they're asking for he is mutual respect the id that i see you for your talents, now, for your gender enough, your age. now, fear ethnicity and they want to make sure that everyone has an equal shot, an equal opportunity at that brass ring and they think the dei goes too far in looking at someone's identity rather than their capability that said, an
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overt attack or calling someone a dei hire makes the public turn against you they don't want that kind of labeling the whole purpose of where we are right now in 2024 is to stop the labeling, stop the identification stop the the labeling that basically cuts us off from each other i don't want to sound like a kumbaya like this is the 1960s and all that but public is saying, let's make sure everyone is equal opportunity, but they're not saying let's have equal equal outcomes and most importantly, stopped criticizing people for how they look. stop criticizing for who they are, and start focusing on their skills and their talents and very interesting stuff. >> and it's going to be so fascinating to see how this plays out. and once we really
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get to see her, she defined herself, trump defines her how that all shapes up. all right? >> thanks, fred. thank you so much. all right. manu raju is there on the hill for us, our chief congressional correspondent. manu, it was notable that we didn't get an endorsement their outright from jeffries, although it is expected, what was that about? >> yeah, he. was interesting because there could be a variety of reasons. sometimes members don't like to offer their endorsement in the halls of the capitol, given it's obviously a very political but nature to offer an endorsement. and this is not necessarily a political institution, although it is obviously a very political institution, but nevertheless, other members are willing, been quick dan doors, kamala harris was keen, jeffries indicated there is that he wants to have a meeting first with the vice president and with chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, who will also has not yet endorsed kamala harris. he wants to have a meeting with her first and expect that to happen in the next couple of days, but the reason for this here is for jeffries, to really sent his signal but the party is indeed
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coalescing behind kamala harris. they see that there's a new chapter in the fall campaign. this is a party that has been so badly divided over the last several weeks. jeopardy has heard so many concerns from democrats and joe biden stay at the top of the ticket. he had that private meetings. jeffries did with the president just before they left town last week, i tried to ask him specifically about what specific concerns he relayed or any light he can shed about that conversation with the president of the united states. he declined to say seen as a private discussion that will remain private. in cetera, count joe biden's record was a very much effort here by jefferies to turn the page, pass the last few weeks, trying to move on to the new chapter to get his party to try to frame the debate between harris and trump in the months ahead, even if he didn't explicitly an alphabet endorsement, you can bet that is coming soon as questions since she has no other major rival in this race, but a different answer. in 2d from democratic leaders who had been distraught over joe biden's chances over the last
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few weeks, much more upbeat now with biden out of the race and harris very much yes. >> there was a different tone today that is for sure manu raju on the hill. >> thanks so much still ahead this hour on cnn news central, after spending months declaring president biden fit for office, donald trump's campaign is reportedly scrambling to restrategize they're biden now has dropped out of the race to be behind the scenes of his campaign, won't say rear show of bipartisanship on capitol hill where the head of the secret service is facing the bipartisan grilling over the assassination attempt of donald trump. lawmakers from both sides. now calling for her there were sufficient resources. what do you just start given to? >> you? just say there were sufficient resources frozen, shocked someone got killed. they were not sufficient reason forces clearly bad job for a minute meet the jennifer's gen
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they need to do to see exactly what a campaign against kamala harris. but look like the things you have to remember, but they've spent millions of dollars in modeling and data research in order to beat president joe biden. and they felt sincerely confident in that effort. not only did they feel like they were going to win some of these key battleground states, but they actually fell but one point, they had the ability to expand the map. they saw the lack of enthusiasm around joe biden and they saw that continuing to shrink that amount of enthusiasm. now this is a different story. now if you talk to some of trump's advisers, they say they built their campaign around donald trump, not around joe biden. they also say that they can link kamala harris to biden's administration and to his policies. and that is what made donald trump more popular. and what i'm talking about there is particularly when donald trump are used in terms of immigration crime, inflation, all of the things that he pulled ahead of joe biden on. but if you read the tea leaves and you actually talk to some of his allies, there is a level at a news level of concern because they don't really exactly what this means when it
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comes to kamala harris being in this role one of the things to look at is who kamala harris could potentially bring to the table in terms of voters that joe biden just was not successful with. now, there's also an argument on the other side that she could also lose some voters that were there for joe biden biden, but the reason why you this back and-forth back and forth, they just don't know. this is very knew. the one thing we can point out is that we know that of all of the people that they were considering potential candidates to run against. they were most focused on kamala harris. they've already launched ads against her, not just the campaign is going to, but also maga inc. the super pac has already started placing ads in battleground states, but we're still in a very preliminary time. obviously, she's not the nominee yet, but they are still trying to figure out what this looks like and whether or not they're going to pour the exact same amount of resources into data gathering and modeling to attack kamala harris that they did for joe biden. and when they decide to do that again, she's not yet the nominee, so all of these are moving parts right now.
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they had of course, been anticipating that this could happen, but now that it actually appears to be in the works, they've got a lot to do to try to shift gears all right. >> kristen holmes with the latest reporting for us. thank you so much. brianna all right. >> let's talk now with meghan hays, who served in the biden white house, is director of message planning. she is a consultant for the democratic national convention, and we're also joined by mark mckinnon, former adviser to george w bush and john mccain in and the creator of the political docu series, the circus, always entertaining and informative. meghan to you. former president trump is now saying that he wants it's to move the next presidential debate to fox news. i wonder how you think this is going to pan out here and whether you expect the harris campaign to respond in any amenable way to this request? >> look, i think that the vice president will be able to debate donald trump wherever and whatever platform he wants to do that on. i don't know
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that he'll accept, but i don't worry about her. debating skills here. i think it is just like donald trump to want to change the game plan as we're moving. now, as we are progressing through and how he had the new opponent now. so it will be interesting to see, but i would not worry about that's presidents debating skills mark, what do you think? >> i mean, could she actually tried to appeal to more people there au 100%? >> i think she's, she's got real advantages coming into base because she's, you know, one of the things going to happen here is that she's going to exceed expectations i'm a people we're going to see her and say, well, that's a little that is much different than what i've heard about her performance that will be much better. >> the thing is going to happen with harris, which is already happening is she's going to erase the enthusiasm gap, which you mentioned in an earlier segment. >> what do you reporters did and that's critical because they've tuesday asm gap difference between trump and biden was 25 points. >> and that's key for anybody who's been involved in campaigns, the enthusiasm of your base really indicates
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whether or not they're going to show up and get out and vote. and that's where biden really out of problem and i can guarantee you that thank gap is going to be significantly diminished with the harris campaign, people are democrats, lucy, i still think trump will be favored to win, but it will now be competitive and democrats will be excited and that enthusiasm gap will be erased and if harris is smart with i think she is entertain will be shield i said i'll debate donald trump anytime, anywhere, any place, just as donald trump was saying about joe biden mark, what do you think about how you've seen the trump campaign, donald trump, j.d. vance and those close to them try to kind of retool things in respond to this shift well, we know from reporting that they at this point in the campaign had made at concluded that biden was going to be the nominee, that he wasn't going to step down. >> so they're planning and resources were shipped in that direction. now, listen, they're
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there, there, they're highly capable bunch. >> he's got got the atm with them now, they'll turn on a dime. >> so sorry, did not buy second. i want to listen into j.d. vance because he's actually speaking about kamala harris. let's listen then we'll talk about it is not okay. >> ladies and gentlemen, you cannot for 3.5 years take a guy who clearly didn't have the mental capacity to do the job kamala harris lied about it. my senate democratic colleagues lied about it the media lied about it. every single person who saw joe biden knew that he wasn't capable of doing the job. and for three years they said nothing until he became political dead weight that is not a way to run a country that is not a way to run a political party that is an insult to voters. >> and so and i really believe, even though i think the leadership of that party is corrupt, i really believe that most americans are
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fundamentally good weather. >> they're democrat, republican, or independent. my life has taught me to put my faith and people because they put their faith in me and gave me a lot of opportunities so so my my message to democrats who are disgusted by this process, disgusted by how antidemocratic it is you are welcome in the republican party where we think we should persuade voters and not lie to voters come on in the water's warm thank you guys. >> i just, you know we love you. too, ma'am. god bless you just got to say this entire
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system of ours is about, you got to persuade voters. you've got to win their votes. you don't decide who the president is in smoke-filled rooms with billionaires and senior elected officials. you let the people decide that's what we believe even this room and that's what we're going to fight for. i promise you i just by the way i think about takebacks i was told i was going to get to make kamala harris and now president trump is going to get to the bader i'm kind of off about that. >> if i'm being honest with you so i just i just so i just
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want to say to middletown and a lot of forgotten communities all across our country because we really have been forgotten in middletown, ohio they think that we're backwards. >> they think that were bad people. they think that we don't know how to do anything and we do. ladies and gentlemen, this is where things are made. this is the source of america's greatness. >> all right, let's get back to our conversation. meghan, i want to ask you how democrats feel about this argument. we keep hearing. we just heard it there from j.d. vance. it's the kamala harris as enabler of of joe biden in decline argument are democrats worried about that no, because this is simply not true. >> it's false, it's a false narrative. there's a different between being the president for the last three-and-a-half years and filling his term and then not running for president for another four years. so there's a big difference there also, they've done more together than any other the president and vice president in modern history, they've created more
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jobs they thought for the middle-class. their record is impeccable to run on as together or separate. so to say that she is enabling him is a rich comment coming from people who have done so much work for the american people in the last three-and-a-half years mark, do you think that she is vulnerable to that argument i don't because, you know, when you look at the record, biden has one of the most successful administration of any president in history. >> so the issue was not whether or not he was capable of being president during the last three years was whether or not he was it's up for the job for the next four so i think that line of attack is is faulty i don't think it's going to work for republicans, and i also think this whole process argument about the fact that this was undemocratic or something is also going to fall flat. >> and i think that this is just an example. >> that is really kind of cut the republicans flat footed and they need to figure out where to take this debate, but where they have a right now, i don't think it's very effective yeah, it's interesting to see
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where megan kamala harris might be able to capitalize with, with some voters. >> because if you look at her approval disapproval you know, her her she sort of has a wider range than biden, right. so she has kind of this maybe ability to do something with that. it'll depend i suppose, on her, but which voters are used specifically looking at meghan to see what impact she might really bring a change for in the polls yeah. >> and look, we talked about these six or seven battleground states with these voters on the margin, we're looking at suburban women. you're looking at white women here. you're looking at women who care about their reproductive freedoms. and i think that that's one place that she can capitalize on where i think that the vp or i'm sorry, that the president might have been losing on or not being able to turn nikki haley independent voters that trump haters that we have talked about a lot. so i do think she has a lot to capitalize. and when you win or winning states by 10,000 votes, she has a real opportunity to make a difference here and to get those voters back in the
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independent voters back into the democratic camp. >> what interesting times we're living and you never know what tomorrow is going to bring. that seems to be how it feels lately, mark mckinnon, meghan hays. thank you so much to both of you really appreciate it. >> he's going to excite gen z voters to get, we're going, we're going to see it's certainly going to throw a wildcard in the things here. the head of the secret service facing. i mean, just searing questions from lawmakers over the assassination attempt against former president trump lawmakers are furious about her answers, really her lack thereof, we'll have that next right to be in new york giant? >> yes, sir. let's do it our team still add in pieces, still have the draft with the agency. think on, let's have a conversation it's unlike anywhere else season with the new york giants streaming exclusively on max greetings
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and z fold6 when you trade in your current phone. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. i'm katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn breaking news just moments ago, congressman jamie raskin, the top democrat on the house oversight committee, called for secret service director kimberly cheatle to resign he joins other lawmakers on both sides of the aisle after contentious hearing today so far, director cheatle has resisted calls to resign following the assassination attempt of donald trump. >> here to talk more about this with us is juliette kayyem, cnn's senior national security analyst and former more assistant secretary with the department of homeland security juliette, i know you personally have said that you think kimberly cheatle should resign as well. now we hear jamie raskin saying it. he joins as i mentioned, many others on both sides of the aisle do you think
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that will happen and do you think today makes it all but? inevitable yes. >> i mean, what how i feel is less relevant than how jamie raskin feels who's on the co-chair. this is a committee, by the way, that never agrees across the aisle and his call for resignation doesn't it doesn't mean that she absolutely should resign. i think what it means, however, is that she should consider whether she can successfully lead the secret service through this heightened threat environment. of the 2024 election, a piece of this that we're not talking about is kamala harris is about to be the nominee for the democrats. and if, if history is any indication her gender or her race will also breed new intelligence threats and so there's a lot, there's, there's people who could step up. and i know why she's
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staying in. she believes she can leave the agency through this. but this is jamie raskin turning on the administration is rare. and i think they ought to listen to it and we've been dipping in and out, showing viewers what this hearing has sounded and looked like today. >> and time after time again, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle pressing her for answers to questions, and she was rather evasive or not making it available some information. now, clearly to be fair, they don't know everything yet, and that's understandable. there's still sorting through all of this but do you think that did you notice that as well? and kind of what were your takeaways as you're watching this hearing i've talked to people at dhs about what's the theory of this hearing and today and what they know is one, as you said, not all the information shan is known. >> and secondly, there is an
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independent review and the relationship between the secret service and the local and state entities, law enforcement entities in pennsylvania is going to be examined in the meanwhile, the secret service is facing an election with law lots of protectees and lots of changes ahead and so the narrative that it was the state and locals false is not sustainable. i get why therefore, she couldn't answer particular questions. fran townsend is now in jenin apollo tono are now leaving the white house is independent independent review. we will learn from i'm them. either she didn't know the answer or was thinking about the threat of environment and ahead, the problem was, was there was an assassination attempt on donald trump. and the agency needs to account for it. and also needs to figure out how it it's going to move forward if other names are viable, that can step up to
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the plate my my opinion is the white house should consider that at this stage, only because you you know, when you run an agency like that, you really need support from the hill. and if you lose jamie raskin it's just it's hard to do that because of his leadership role in the homeland security committee. i'm sure he did not come to this easily and just quickly before we let you go, we do have this new reporting that former president trump security detail complain that it wasn't being given and i've resource resources by the secret service. >> and now that the secret, we know the secret service acknowledged, denied some of those requests. is that surprise you it doesn't explain this to people as hard, but entities are always asking for more security. >> i don't mean that to be funny, given what's happened before, but there's always a request for more the secret service made a determination based on the threat environment, based on whether they had specific intelligence.
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and then obviously based on an open event, they clearly miscalculated. i'm not defending them, but they clearly miscalculated. but the denial of it should not be viewed or should not be viewed as as well. they were out to get trump and i know there's lots of conspiracy theories out there. a huge mistake was made aid agency needs to figure out what happened. but sometimes the explanation is not as conspiratorial as people think. they, they miscalculated the threat environment and they miscalculated what they needed to do to protect the outside, the interior space and there's a bunch of other things that they didn't do. but in particular, that issue all right. >> juliette kayyem. thank you so much for that context. we appreciate it thank you. we are witnessing an avalanche of support for vice president kamala harris to be the next democratic presidential
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nominee. but republican house speaker mike johnson, telling cnn in her nomination will be met with legal challenges in multiple states. more on that next judge oliver garland, was known for his nomination to the united states supreme court that didn't die of natural causes this morning the judge had a lot of enemies description is the name of the game. >> trust me someone's been following me for days florida where he wouldn't do already done it this is a future. go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes. >> au ai ai, like it who wants to come see the future, get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow you know what's brilliant think about it boring is the unsung
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if you or a loved one have knees with helium up, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 37 hundred vice president kamala harris has not yet officially on the top of the ticket, but republican house speaker mike johnson has already warning democrats they should expect legal challenges at the state level if harris becomes the democratic nominee some of the states there are impediments to just switching someone out like that 14 million people went through the process and shows this nominee, joe biden, now a handful of people have gotten together to decided he is no longer suitable that's not how this system works. they are violating democratic principles and i think that's a real problem and i think there'll be a lot said about that in the days ahead cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider joins us now. >> jessica, what do we know about these potential legal challenges? >> well, at this point we're not aware of any legal challenges that have been filed. and what we've learned from lawyers is that if any challenges were filed, it
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wouldn't be until after kamala harris or maybe anyone else was the official nominee, the point that the house speaker is trying to make here, it's likely it wouldn't hold up in court. it's that the primary voters and all of these states it's they went to the polls. they pick joe biden and somehow maybe the will of the voters as being subverted here. but what all election law experts have been telling us is that the voters, unfortunately, at least in the primary process, aren't the final word. it's the delegates cnn's team has been reaching out to dozens of the democratic delegates. obviously, it looks like kamala harris is the clear choice here and typically that's what courts defer to. in fact, ben ginsburg is a republican election lawyer. this is how he put it to our team saying as a legal matter, it is up to the convention to nominate candidate and all the legal precedent is on courts deferring to the party's choice for its nominee, and then giving voters the choice so i've spoken to some election lawyers. they're saying that even republican talk of this is
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just trying to throw sand in the gears create chaos. who knows if they'll actually file. but again, it looks most probable that they would have to wait until there was an official nominee to even get any reception or traction in the courts and even then it's pretty much a long shot bid since the delegates of the one the ones who really control this process, they're at least trying to create this illusion of illegitimacy or so jessica schneider. thank you so much for that. we appreciate it vice president kamala harris is on her way to delaware. she will be meeting with president biden's campaign team as sources tell cnn, democratic leaders because in congress could endorsing her as soon as today, we'll have much more on that ahead this election season, state which cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business, follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn
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direct redefining insurance. >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn this is cnn breaking news we begin with the breaking news, vice president kamala harris, working swiftly to lock up her party's nomination following a whirlwind 24 hours after president joe biden. >> and now i'll sit he would not seek reelection. democrats are now rallying around the new potential nominee, just this afternoon, harris secured endorsements from former house


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