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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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direct redefining insurance. >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn this is cnn breaking news we begin with the breaking news, vice president kamala harris, working swiftly to lock up her party's nomination following a whirlwind 24 hours after president joe biden. >> and now i'll sit he would not seek reelection. democrats are now rallying around the new potential nominee, just this afternoon, harris secured endorsements from former house speaker nancy pelosi and the
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democratic delegation from pennsylvania, which is the latest of seven state delegations to pledge their support harris is expected to meet with senate majority leader chuck schumer and house minority leader, hakeem jeffries. >> soon see cnn has correspondents covering all of these latest developments for you. we'll start first on capitol hill with our chief congressional correspondent, manu raja manu, what more are you hearing about this potential meeting with the vice president that we're told is coming very soon and an expected endorsement from both of them yeah, they are expected to endorse kamala harris in the coming days. it's uncertain about whether it's going to be today. in fact, they're meeting does not sound like it will happen today. chuck schumer, the sentiment joining they are probably need now back in washington. in fact, typically on a day when they're not in session like they're not in the senate. he's back in new york tomorrow. the senate returns to session. we also know that kamala harris is visiting campaign headquarters in delaware, and that's going to be part of the reason why they're still trying to figure out a schedule going forward, but make no mistake about it.
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the democratic party party is very much falling in line behind kamala harris. both are potential rivals on the campaign trail and democratic leaders in the house and the senate, even some vulnerable democrats who are not certain about what she would bring to the tablet ticket and whether they should align themselves with some of them very much saying that they do support her and also importantly, getting an endorsement from nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house, who had been part of that group of democrats who have been privately raising concerns about the viability of joe biden at the top of the ticket. but now that he has stepped decide kamala harris as the likely standard bearer, it's very clear whether democratic party is. they want to reframe the debate in start to focus on donald trump after weeks of turmoil inside the party as they grapple with how to deal with biden at the top of the ticket how are republicans responding to this? i mean, are they surprised? would you say they're concerned what is what are the vibes you're getting there? >> yeah, a little bit of both
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some of them say that look, it's gonna make no difference who the nominee is, especially someone who comes from the biden ministration, the number two under joe biden because they had been attacking inflation, the border come like harris being someone who had been tasked with trying to figure out the root causes of migration problem in her work and trying to deal with what's going on in mexico and central american countries. but given the problems at the border, they're trying to tie that to her as you can hear from a number of republicans who i spoke with about this earlier today i don't think it matters who the democrats run can't change the facts. >> facts are in three-and-a-half years, we went from a secure border to note to know border and she's the borders our what sort biggest liability. >> i think the border i mean, i think it was their biggest liability to begin with, and she was tasked with fixing it and that has not gone. >> well, should be tougher to beat she will not be tougher to beat no, not at all. we're excited about commonly been at the top of the ticket but even so, republicans will
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acknowledge that this is a much different race with kamala harris. >> there, given that the concerns about age and about believe they ability to do the job over the next four years that had been so profound and so pervasive among the american public simply is not the same with someone like kamala harris. there, someone who could potentially energize the democratic base the way that joe biden was simply unable to so debit republicans still figuring out their exact strategy on what to go after her on. but they're indicating their immigration. we've front and center as they try to shift their focus to the new democratic candidate in the until now, many kamala harris. >> all right. manu raju on the hill. thank you so much for that latest reporting. we want to go now to cnn's priscilla alvarez, who's in wilmington, delaware, and priscilla, the vice president, is traveling there later today. what are you learning about about her travels and her campaign? in plans well, just got this as a campaign that has undergone a seismic shift over the last 24 hours alone.
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>> and now, the vice president is on her way to the buildings behind me. the campaign in headquarters where she is going to say hello to staff. that is the way that this has been described. an opportunity for her to meet face to face after what has been just a pivotal moment in this campaign. now, i will tell you in speaking with sources, the mood in headquarters is mixed. there is some relief there is also sadness, and there's also a lot of excitement. of course, some of the initial anxieties and questions among staffers was whether there was going to be a change in location patient, weather headquarters was going to move elsewhere up until this point. there's no indication that that will be the case. they were also wondering if they were still going to have jobs and leadership has also reassured them and that they still have jobs on this campaign and of course, it was notable that in the moments after the president announced that he was no longer seeking reelection, he also put his support behind the vice president and said that she had his full endorsement and tried to unite democrats behind her.
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now the vice president has been engaged been multiple phone calls just yesterday, ten hours of phone calls to over 100 democratic officials that message that she had for all of those in those phone calls will now becoming here to campaign headquarters as he tries to rally staff. and what has been a remarkable change just within the last 24 hours and priscilla privately, what has harris his message been to allies in talking with sources that have been on some of these phone calls with her, they say that her message is really that she's going to or wants to earn this nomination. and that she has seen speaking their support and up until this point, she is getting it privately and publicly. we're also seeing how donors are supporting this ticket as they pour in milan plans of dollars, that of course had been a recent challenge for this for this campaign, as there were so many questions circling in the president's candidacy. but now that it is clear that she is the lead of this party's ticket
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they are pouring in money as the allies to are getting behind her so these conversations which will continue in the days to come, is the vice president essentially saying that she intends to earn this nomination and that she hopes that she can have the support of the democratic party, a unified democratic party, going into next few months. >> all right. priscilla alvarez for us there in wilmington, delaware. thank you so much. and here with us at the desk, cnn's jeff zeleny, who has some new reporting about potential vice president picks for the harris campaign and jeff some names keep bubbling up. >> they do and look, this is going to be a truncated process. we're used to previous campaigns where this has thought about for a long time, thinking back to four years ago this summer, just because you will remember covering the biden campaign with us. it's sort of stretched on for months. was senator harris going to be his pig? this is going to be much shorter, will probably know the answer to this in less than two two weeks. so the people who are emerging or governors, governors are seen as the most
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likely because one, the senate definitely is in play and they don't want to remove any seats, except you'll see on the screen there mark kelly from arizona, the lone senator. we are told whose life plea to be considered in this mix. he has a good relationship with vice president harris. but look at some of the other governors there on the screen. josh shapiro from pennsylvania, we talked so much about how the commonwealth of pennsylvania is just at the heart of this race. of course, he's at the heart of this conversation, but roy cooper from north carolina, he's a term limited governor. he's heading out of office this year. he has a long relationship with vice president harris. she was down there just a couple of weeks ago campaigning. and i believe these are live pictures of her heading to wilmington, of course, this is a big moment for her as well to meet her staff for the first time. who she's inheriting, but we should point out this has been the biden-harris campaign. yeah. so she's long been in the mix this when everyone has a
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different opinion on who is the best person to run with kamala harris some who've said mark kelly is so easy, i think but might have been van jones last last night. he was saying, you know astronaut, former fighter pilot, i think it was easy to define, easy to put up there. then you have governor shapiro, pennsylvania, so maybe some built-in votes in a very important state. that last one, how important would that be? do you think in the calculus of who she should pick? >> i think having a relationship with someone is always the most important, particularly when she's basically jumping into a moving car here she did not go through the primary process getting her her advisors around her. she'll need someone she can trust, i think has a relationship but north carolina is also a swing state so that's sort of a twofer. but again, this is her big first big presidential level decision. she has never made one like this at this point. so we're being told that to lawyers now are
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beginning to look through all the backgrounds of these people. the reason that we might hear some other names, that perhaps a business person or it's hard military person. but the reality here with the truncated process, most democrats, we've been speaking with think it has to be someone who's run for office before to be even slightly vetted, but even having run for statewide office totally different thing than being the vice presidential nominee. >> what's so fascinating about this is yes, the glare of the national, the white-hot glare of the national spotlight is different than what any of those governors or even the senator has done. >> so grafton, but andy beshear this morning, the governor of kentucky, he came right out of the gate and a lot of these additions are happening in real time and they went on, on msnbc and he went right after j.d. vance so he's not from here. he doesn't know eastern kentucky, of course, trying to use that, so he doesn't have as big of a relationship. governor beshear with vice president harris, so they're all trying to support her and to a person on that list they've all
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endorsed her candidacy. >> he was advertising his relationship, which would have been pitbull if she goes and chooses me, made that clear. it's really interesting. jeff zeleny. thank you so much. great reporting all weekend. still ahead. >> secret service director kimberly cheatle, facing tough questions. the capital today after admitting her agency failed to protect former president trump. but will she give into the now bipartisan calls to resign and new body cam footage just in showing the shocking moments in illinois sheriffs his deputy shot and killed a black woman in her own home. we'll have those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central the yet moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn vehicle breakdowns are costly,
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ten eastern on cnn here just moments ago, senator j.d vance held his first solo campaign rally since former president trump chose him as his running mate. >> the event in his home state of ohio in his hometown, coming just 24 hours after president biden dropped out of the race and endorse vice president kamala harris to replace him at the top of the democrats thank ticket. >> it is a change the trump team has spent weeks preparing for and a source tells cnn there'll be going after here as with new attack ads in key swing states cnn's steve contorno was at jd vance's rally. steve, what did we hear from him today? >> jessica was interesting is about halfway through as 45 minutes speech before he even mentioned vice president harris at all. and what he did, he attacked her on some very familiar territory on immigration, on energy, on crime, those are areas that the trump fans campaign has been attacking joe biden over for
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weeks and similarly, trying now to tie her to his administration's policies, he also said he was quote, kind of off that donald trump will get to debate her instead of him and he also suggested that the two have a different worldview and attacked her over how she would lead this country. take a listen to what she said. he said what i see her give a speech, and she talks about the history of this country, not with appreciation, but with condemnation. and look, of course, every country just like every family certainly mine has its pockmarks right? not everything is perfect. it's never going to be. but you, if you want to lead this country, you should feel grateful for it. you should feel a sense of gratitude and i never hear that gratitude come through when i listened to kamala harris now we know that the trump campaign and aligned super pac will be spending a lot of time and money on the airwaves and
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coming weeks going after the former vice or the vice president who is not going to be the democratic nominee potentially. >> and including with ads that are going to run in a series of swing states in the coming weeks showing that this race is going to continue to be fought on new battlegrounds you au over the past few weeks have been a lot of discussion about this race shifting to the midwest and into the rust belt states that so-called blue wall. but the ads are going to be run in arizona in georgia suggesting that this map could be expanding once again, as we have a new candidate in here, who could be some new energy, new voters to the mix and certainly change the calculus for some of those swing voters. >> all right, steve contorno for us there in ohio. thanks so much for that reporting and joining us now to discuss this new state of the race, matt bennett, democratic strategist and former white house deputy assistant the president for intergovernmental affairs in the clinton administration. also with us jamal simmons, former communications director for vice president harris, and former deputy assistant to president biden matt, we can
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start first with you. >> we heard j.d. vance today accusing kamala harris of lying to voters about biden's mental capacity how do you think the harris campaign can best combat that narrative and push back on it? >> i just don't think that's a thing that voters are going to be thinking about when they vote in november. i think it's complete nonsense. everything that vance said in the clip, you played and what i've seen from his performance today was absolute malarkey. his joe biden would say. and i think what's clear is the date do not know how to attack vice president harris. they have spent a year or more preparing to run against joe biden, and now they've got to throw that playbook out. and then apparently somehow they don't have a new one. so what you heard from bats, these very weak kind of pathetic attacks about how she dealt with biden rather than her record or what she would do as president. so i
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think she poses a brand new problem for the trump campaign the biggest problem of course, is that she is 19 years younger than donald trump and suddenly he is the oldest nominee for a major party ever for present, he is the old man in this race and they have no idea how to deal that jamal, i see your smiling. >> you're very happy. i can tell. what do you think about sort of, i guess the problem set now that republicans have but also that's not enough for a harris ticket. she's really got to make a case for her candidacy. let's remember, she does have arguably the uphill battle here. so how does she do that? >> well, first of all, we start off this election campaign with a couple of things working in kamala harris, vice president harris, his favor. first of all, she's she's already in the white house. she's got national security briefings. he's been spitting a lot of time working on a lot of the
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issues people care about. so you see these qualifications for her that people might want to bring up whether or not she can do the job of being president. i think she's been a pardon to the president for the last three years. and so that is fine. at the same time, you know, she can pick and choose if things about the administration that she wants to talk about and highlight the things that she might not want to talk about and highlight and we talk about a question like immigration j.d. vance has to ask his boss why didn't donald trump won the house republicans to pass an immigration bill that would have solved some of the problems that it is. they complain about, they play politics with immigration instead of taking, instead of doing the right thing for the country. and last i'll just say comma harris is change and so often in politics, it's changed versus more of the same. and donald trump looks like the old news. kamala harris is the new news. and i think that enthusiasm is bubbling up through the democratic party and that, that's what is generating $150 million in donations for the future for pac or $50 million for now now
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harris campaign or 44,000 person call last night with black women from all over the country who then raised $1.5 million and started making phone calls to state delegations they enthusiasm on the democratic side is pretty intense. >> jamal, i want to stick with you for a second because i sitting here 24 hours later, i'm pretty struck by the moves that kamala harris and the team around her, the endorsements they've been able to wrap back up the money that has been raised, which you just outlined what you're just huge sums of money in 24 hours and listen, she's had to walk in incredibly fine line. i've been in a very tricky situation for weeks now as she's been very loyal to president biden and couldn't put a foot wrong in terms of looking like she wanted him to get out or trying to go around him. and yet, when the time came, she moved quickly and so there had to be some kind of thought to this. the fact that she moved very, very quickly. do what do you make of what she was able to do in the last 20 four hours and
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how that all came together well, the first thing i'll say is when you're vice president you're always thinking a little bit about what it might be like to run for president, right so when you're making decisions, you go to a town, you meet with people. >> maybe you bring some people in who are democratic party official joel's maybe you have a labor meeting with some folks when you're in town who might have something to say about this later? she didn't just start from scratch. i mean, she's been meeting with a lot of democrats around the country. also, you raise money a lot and you're vice president. so this is going to fundraisers all over the country, all the time for the last three years and meeting with democrats. she's also when focused on policy issues in places in which he's meeting people. so i think again, she didn't just start from scratch. of course. i'm sure there were some people who are thinking about how to do this and more formally, maybe making some beginning phone calls and just checking in with people, make sure they have the same the right set of numbers. the email addresses all work that kind of thing. but there's no
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way that vice president harris could start to really formally campaign for this while president biden was in it, because any smell of this loyalty, i just think would have been bad form. she's not the kind of person and it would have been bad politics mount. >> let's play veepstakes the best game since wordle who do you think she should pick the good news for the democratic party and for the vice president is that she's got a long list of very impressive people to choose from but traditionally, it would probably be a governor of some kind obviously, governor beshear and cooper had been on that list. >> governor shapiro, i think governor polis, who is extraordinary really popular and colorado should be on the list. but she's got a very deep well to fish in here and it might not be a politician. i mean, she might end up with a businessperson or a military leader we don't know. but what i do know is she's going to think very hard about this.
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they're going to vet these candidates very carefully. and i think the most important factor here is chemistry. i worked on the 92 campaign when bill clinton ticked al gore, it was seen as an odd pit because he was his next-door neighbor and they looked very similar and their demographics, but it worked incredibly well because the chemistry was really there. i think she needs that and i think she'll get it jamal, who do you think she should pick well, first of all, i'm the one last night, brianna, who said maria lee, one of the gop candidate because he was he was a fighter pilot and astronaut. so he gets stopped talking there but no break though. >> you said that jamaal and i was like hot. that is that's really interesting. what does smart, smart thing to say i appreciate the compliment but so yes, mark kelly is where you start. >> i think she's also got some great relationships where people talk about military
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leaders, mark milley, the general former chair of the joint chiefs of staff. i don't know if he's interested in the job, but that's somebody ai at least give him an interview and let's see if he's interested in if the chemistry works. as matt just said. the democratic party often thinks that governors are the solution because we have this, we do have the romance of the governors from jimmy carter and bill clinton. but the truth is, we have nominated a governor for president and 30 years, right since 1992. the senator seemed to be the ones who are able to make it through the gauntlet. and she's thinking about the future. and somebody who she can work with it might be that mark kelly, who also comes with the help of his wife, gabby giffords who is also a victim of political violence could be a couple that will look very good on the stage and be able to work together well with doug emhoff and vice president harris, and then would be president harris will know soon-ish. >> we understand sure process. >> i think really interesting though, to sort of play the game and think about who it might be jamal matt. >> thank you so much and jamal,
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thank you for correcting me on that it's you can credit where credit is due thanks, guys still ahead, president biden saying that he's looking forward to finishing his term and that is despite calls from some republicans that he should step down, we're going to discuss what the final months of a biden presidency could look like next this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn chin up stiff upper lip real men don't ask for help today. many of these ideas no longer hold true especially if you have advanced prostate cancer so challenge what you've been told. >> asked your doctor about your psm a status and what it could mean for you. >> one scan can change he's the
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started today, i've learned thoughts on capitol hill now, the president
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biden has ended his reelection bid and endorsed vice president kamala harris. >> his focus now turns to his final months in office. we'll get more details he addresses the nation later this week. but for now, we're joined by cnn presidential historian tim naftali tim, this good time to have a presidential historian around. let me tell you. we are living through some history right now. so first, let me just ask you to put into perspective the last really week, starting with the assassination attempt and then now this unprecedented and historic decision by president biden to step aside one thing we always hope to find or historical parallels to help us make sense of our current de well, we've just lived through a series of unprecedented experiences are events that will be remembered for decades to come and people years from now will ask us what it was like to live in this period. the way we asked people who live through 1968, what it was
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like to be alive it at that time well, the really the period of traumatic, shocking events begins with the debate and the fact that the president challenged donald trump. and yet really performed very poorly. and not only perform poorly, but they didn such a way that brought to the fore those concerns that had been talked about. among democrats concerns about his age. so you have the president from that moment on wanting to show that the debate was an anomaly, was unusual when in fact it really wasn't. so he was fighting for his political life. and while he was fighting for his political life his coalition of elected democrats and democratic leaders was fraying. and he began, there was pressure building mainly behind the scenes. but then of course, more and more public, publicly for him to leave. and it was during that process that we
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witnessed the shocking assassination attempt on donald trump and that shocking assassination attempt on donald trump shook the republican party, but also the democratic party and for awhile was uncertain if democrats would stop pushing president biden to step aside because they would seek unity at a traumatic moment for all americans but what happened was the pressure began, continued to build. there was a moment when we all paused and process the fact that someone had tried to murder donald trump and then politics continued and the democratic party's push continued. and the president made clear he didn't wanna leave the president. did not want to lead. the president was to prove to everyone that that not only was he the right standard bearer in 2024, but he could he could be a great president. he had what it took but like the drip, drip, drip, that ultimately erodes the stone in the end, the president had, had to come to terms with
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the fact that he had lost the authority, that he had spent 50 years building in the democratic party and it was because his own body, it failed him. and so we saw for the very first time in our history a president on the verge of being renominating renominated stepping to one side, we'd had presidents decided not to run again when they had the opportunity to run again. but those presidents had decided in a manner of their own choosing months before a nominating convention. in the case of joe biden, it was just weeks before a convention all of this had never happened before. so we americans have now experienced a new series of cases that later generations will keep comparing what they experienced two were the first to have seen all of this and you know, that you make such a good point. >> we are living history. it is, it is unprecedented times. tim naftali, thank you for that perspective. we really appreciate it thank you, jessica. still ahead. ai
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contentious hearing on capitol hill and now lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are calling on the secret service director to resign following the assassination attempt at former president trump. we're going to bring you the latest on that my father believed that it was meant to unite the round he may be king house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on max stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson. >> we all have that list of home improvement projects would need to do. and if replacing your home's windows and doors is on that list you want to know that it's going to be affordable. i'm from renewable by anderson and we've helped thousands of customers who are on a budget get our windows and doors for their home. how do we do it? well, here's something you don't expect to hear from a window company. you don't have to upgrade all your windows and doors at the same time. we're really good at identifying the bad windows and
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bleeding or bruising, blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or your nursing pregnant or planned to be i'm focusing on what counts. >> talk to your doctor about reducing your risk i love that my daughter's still needs me, but sometimes that can help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands so why use nerves nerves? clinical dose of ala reduce nerve discomfort and as little as seven days of now i can help. >> we can give the difference with nerves vive closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have visa helium up, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 we have some breaking news in a rare show of bipartisanship. >> the republican chairman and the ranking member of the house oversight committee signed a letter calling for the resignation of secret service director kim cheatle, and it reads in part, today you failed to provide answers to basic
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questions it's jens regarding that stunning operational failure, we call on you to resign as director as a first step to allowing new leadership to swiftly address this crisis and rebuild the trust of a truly concern congress and the american people lawmakers were grilling cheatle four hours today. they were demanding answers about the security lapses that led to the assassination attempt of former president donald trump. but lawmakers grew frustrated after she failed to provide specific answers i don't want to add to the directors terrible, horrible. no good, very bad day but i will be joining the chairman in calling for the resignation of the director just because i think that this relationship is irretrievable at this point, and i think that the director has lost the confidence of congress at a very urgent and tender moment
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in the history of the country and we need to very quickly move beyond this. >> we're you guessing or lying when you said you didn't turn down? quest from president trumps detail neither sure. >> and i appreciate the question. >> well, what's were what were you doing because those statements don't don't jive. >> so what i can tell you is that for the event in butler, there were no requests that were denied as far as requests, maybe they got tired of baskin maybe it turned them down so darn much i said, not worth asking. >> both sides of the aisle today of asked for your resignation. would you like to use my five minutes to draft your resignation letter? yes or no? >> no. thank you. >> your full of today, you're just being completely dishonest would you agree that this is the most serious security lapse since president reagan was shot in 1981 of the secret service? yes, sir. i would and. >> you know do you know what stewart night did when he was
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in charge at the time of the secret service, you know what he did afterwards. he remained on duty. >> he resigned. i just don't think this is partisan. if you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president, or a candidate you need to resign jonathan wackrow, cnn law enforcement analyst and former secret service agent here with us i'm so curious about what you thought watching this, but just first i want to ask if you think she can withstand these calls to resign when you have comer and raskin calling jointly for it know, listen when you have a bipartisan consensus on the resignation, i mean, it's hard to navigate the political environment in washington, dc with that as a backdrop, right? i think what we saw today was not the finest moment for the united states secret service. and a long time and this testimony cause more
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harm than good. obviously, we've heard that from members of congress that the director failed to answer your particular questions resulting not only from the event, but also any type of precipitating actions that were made by the leadership at the secret service. they could you have caused some sort of systemic issue within the agency that caused this security lapse to occur. >> but more importantly, it also highlighted the fact that she's losing the confidence of the women and men of the united states secret service, as we speak these individuals go to work every single day, putting their life on the line, and to have the agency represented in such a way is demoralizing. >> and i concur that the director does need to step down she revealed during the hearing jonathan that she had not been to the site and i wonder that stood out to me, but i obviously do not have the background that matters for this. is that something that
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you think she should have done? in the wake of this assassination attempt when you are leader, anywhere you need to lead from the front, you need to go to where the problem is. >> and be part of the solution. what we saw was a complete collapse of the post-incident management by the united states secret service, starting with the da rector, she should have been on-site that evening. she should have been at the press conference or been available to answer questions by the media? again, full transparency. she says she wants she is accountable, that the secret service is accountable for the events that occurred that day, then start acting that way and, what we saw was just silence or actually so we heard silence from the director for days and that came out today and it was mounting frustration by members of congress, but also monte mounting frustrations by the american public who want answers are, our political leaders safe? yes or no? start there. but you needed to be
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onsite immediately? to start leading from the front she testified today that five minutes before the shooting, it was relayed that there was an issue, quote, being worked on at the 3:00 of the former president, but it was not phrased as a threat. >> she said it changed to a threat both seconds before the gunfire started. what questions does that raise for you? i mean, even if something wasn't phrased as a threat, just something being worked on should secret service have kept trump off the stage? >> yeah. listen, a lot of this, this is what we wanted to hear today, is what, what constituted that type of incident from occurring? like what type of information was being passed. and i think what we're going to see here is that information was not passed efficiently or with the clarity that it needed to be in the moment former, president, if there was an incident offstage especially that close, even though it was beyond the attendee perimeter, it was still within the threat
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envelope. and with that type of question, there's no there's no reason why they shouldn't have taken a tactical pause, not allowed the president to come out to the stage, just elated even for a minute. until that matter was adjudicated, and that the entire environment was saved. so again, we need to get to the answer of who made that decision to allow the president to the former president to go on stage while there was this issue that close, it was quite the hearing today, jonathan, thanks for talking to us about it. we appreciate it. >> thanks, brianna still ahead. >> stunning. new body camera footage just released and it shows the moment that a 36-year-old blackwell woman was shot and killed in her own home by an illinois sheriff's deputy and it all happened after she called 911 to report an intruder will have more when we come back.
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that's 1871 to 3,800, chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts happening now, body cam footage just released of the killing of an illinois woman who was shot by police after she called 9-1-1 for help the sheriff's deputy responsible for shooting sonya massey has been indicted on multiple charges, including three counts of first-degree murder. >> let's get right to cnn's lucy kavanaugh. >> lucy, what more can you tell us about this well, jessica, this footage is incredibly difficult to watch. >> we have 36-year-old sonya massey, a mother, a black woman, shot in the face it's like her own home and illinois sheriff's deputy, who responded to her 911 call, now charged with her murder. i want to set up the incident on july 6. so when you called 911 because she thought there was an intruder inside her home sangamon county sheriff's
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deputy, sean grayson and another deputy responded to that call. all this was after midnight. they entered the home to investigate inside. grayson noticed a pot of boiling water on the stove and he allows sonya massey to go to the kitchen to remove it and that is when this dispute escalated very quickly grace and goes from speaking calmly with her to drawing his gun firing three times, hitting her in the face. now cnn is still reviewing the 36 minute disturbing body camera footage. >> but here's what we can show you. >> and it is disturbing. take a look. >> stack right there. maybe second we don't get a firearm go. i water you can talk so
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difficult to watch jessica. >> now, sonya was pronounced dead at the hospital. grayson has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, aggravated battery, with a firearm, as well as official misconduct, and he is being held without bond. now, we have reached out to his attorney, but how we've not heard back at the moment and a pretrial hearing is set for august. i should also know that he was fired that are fired from his job. the sheriff's office saying, quote, it is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards. massie is funeral was held last friday and in about an hour we are expecting to get reaction from the family there'll be speaking to the public along with their attorney, just just horrifying video. it really takes your breath away au lucy kavanaugh. thank you for that difficult reporting. we appreciate it. >> and we'll be right back.
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>> do you think that our democracy is at risk? >> we have to be very concerned. >> this is a report for the president why do you think he's doing this? >> and can he be talked out? >> when republicans be willing to support this aid package we need a functioning legislative branch. are you willing to let people in the west bank vote? >> why do you think so many republicans have downplayed this? do you think he's guilty? >> the lead with jake tapper next on cnn pam brown and gary. >> and today we're talking about the biggest misconception there is about replacement windows. i'm here with ted cones, the project manager for renewal by anderson to talk talk about it. >> yeah, one of the big things we hear from homeowners is i shouldn't need to replace my windows. they're just not that old. >> but here's the thing homebuilders put in high-end kitchens and bathrooms and oh, and windows. just aren't that good. >> so even if your windows are only seven to 10-years-old, they may still need to be replaced. >> said this so many window companies out there, what's
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logo, or start your design today, had >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn he's a four time nba champion. he has won multiple nba mvp awards two olympic gold medals, and now lakers superstar lebron james can add one more honor to whose long list of achievements, olympic flag, bear. it's pretty good one. yeah, here's the moment that lebron found out. he'll be the first men's basketball player to carry the american hurricane flag at the paris olympics opening ceremony on behalf of the entire men's olympic basketball team. we would like to nominate lebron james to be the flag bearer for all the teen usa he got that honor. so you get away or to flag impairs
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my man well ronna was chosen to be the male flag bearer after a vote by his fellow us olympians, all of them, which is very cool the female flag bearer will be announced tomorrow james called it an incredible honor, saying sports have the power to bring us all together. >> and i'm proud to be a part of this important moment. >> would you like to do that kind of pressure even news, right? >> it's probably be very mean. that is a once in a lifetime. >> but like that's the one time i would be running and i would trip. >> i know that everything's in place and then or the flags on the ground are the no and it's just a horrible nightmare, right? let's hope that doesn't happen to foil abroad. yeah, maybe flags given a lane, his hands coordinated. that's right to him throughout his career we're a the lead with jake tapper starts now starts right now


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