tv Laura Coates Live CNN July 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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normally, but he's really a wealthy guy who went, has a yale law degree and he doesn't know how to meet the moment. he's going to be raising questions. all he wants to somebody who can give a good speech. >> rahmani, i have never watched an episode of the west wing get my life au, but i read in the new york times aaron, so i can say that he was going to write hours before biden quipped that he is go write this out, that they would have the democrats nominate mitt romney. and the only conclusion that i can draw from this is the west wing stunk it can't be blast oh, this is what john was giving. >> this job was given to martin sheen, spent his time being the president on this. you gotta be kidding me. that was what the script was looking like. that was read just not west wing. it is three of us at this table upon a political panel haven't seen west wing. >> i don't know. well, i love it. i stand with their sort aaron sorkin is taking a dip, but west wing all right, guys, everybody, whatever you say,
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was this reflected thank you very much, everyone. thank you for watching newsnight, state of the race for coates live is starting right now breaking news tonight, kamala harris appears to all but wrap up the nomination so what will her campaign actually look like? you're full of today congresswoman nancy mace, ribs and your ticket service director and joins me in studio for her plans it's to remove her and there is disturbing body cam video released in the death of a woman holding a pot of hot water shot and killed by a deputy who because now charged in her murder, which was father joins me tonight on laura coates live well, and just like that, democrats seem
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to have flipped the script. >> they're done nudging, they're done hand-wringing and are now rolling up there sleeves working to rally around vice president kamala harris. and if you thought that was going to be a slow process, think again, just tonight, she's already secured enough endorsements from delegates to win the democratic nomination. remember, these delegates, they belonged to biden and look to them and their prerogative where they wanted to support harris or maybe they went else. it seems so they've already made up their minds and its her it caps a day that saw her rack up a number of endorsements and money as fast as president biden, the candidate was losing them more than 200 and members of congress. now say they are with her. that includes former speaker nancy pelosi see and harris has raised a whopping 81 million bucks in just 24 hours and forget what biden won said about maybe party elites putting their thumb on a scale. these are voters who are also
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giving a big thumbs up look at this new poll that we have out today, 79% of democrats want harris just 21% want someone else who is raising their hand to throw their own name in the ring against her bueller bueller. >> and no one else has dared to stand in her way. >> delegates could now formally vote her in as the party's nominee as early as or maybe even before august 7. and that is before the democratic national convention. she is wasting no time making the case against donald trump. here she was today, not only thanking her staffers, but also very clearly reminding everyone in that room, but they now have a former prosecutor running against a convicted felon but in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all kinds
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predators abused women fraudsters, who ripped off consumers cheaters, who broke the rules for their own game so, hear me, when i say i know donald trump's type well, president biden, who is recovering from covid, he actually called into the media. it was his first verbal ragdoll heard since he announced that he was stepping away from the race he thinks staff and he urged the team to rally around the vice president i want to say to the team, embrace her, she's the best i know yesterday's news is surprising and it's hard for you to hear but it was the right thing to do but here's the thing about politics that we know in washington dc and really where you are as well, knowing that all politics is local, becoming the party's nominee that may be the easy part for harris beating trump in the campaign ahead and against her something
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else entirely. the big question is, is america ready to elect a woman as president a woman of color? >> kamala harris, in particular well, with me now, somebody who thought comma was ready back in 2019 congressman al green, a democrat from texas, he is actually the first black man in congress to endorse her when she ran for president back in 2020. congressman, i'm delighted that you're here tonight. thank you for joining. >> well, it's an honor to be with you and you've done your homework i certainly have. >> and you know, you not only were the one of the first to endorse, i mean, that was five years ago this summer. >> a lot has changed since then. >> she has four more years of experience. is she the right choice for today? >> without question, she's the right choice. and i'm proud to be with her now, as i was with her then, and i will say to people who are going to be involved in this process, let's let her be herself we didn't ask michael jordan to become the next dr. jay. we said be the first michael
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jordan. let her be the first vice president harris to become president. >> and she will do well. >> well, i'm sure she'll have to rock her own support and name on her jersey if it's 23, are not we don't know but there'll be a lot of people who don't want to say that herself is good enough. there's some who are looking at her campaign and concerns about that phrase, electability. the same concerns he had to five years ago. there'll be raised again i she's obviously been elected as the vice president at this point in time, but i do wonder, how do you think she can address the concerns about who she is separate and apart from joe biden well, separate and apart from joe biden, she's been a prosecutor as we all know, and she did exceedingly well, not just in locking people up, but also in setting people free because one of the jobs of a prosecutor is to go through those cases and determine who should go to trial and who should know and she has a reputation for being fair. >> i think she should do this, but i also think that she should just campaign on who
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she's been. there's no need to try to do a remake right now. now realize that what she has been has brought her this for and i think it can take her to the finish line and i find me say this, we ought to be thankful to joe biden this man gave it all up so that she could be on the ticket. it was a risk to put a woman on the ticket. no one has ever done this in succeeded. he did it. i think that he worked for him. we will not have her in a position to do what she's doing now. so let her do what she's done before rest on your laurels. you are great senator. you are great. prosecutor become a great president. and that's available to her. >> i remember at the time she ran the first time, the political climate, justice climate was different. justices on the ballot. she said, but some concern for concern that she would run away from her prosecutor that's where it all chops at a time when it was perhaps most needed, were at a new era. i do wonder if she
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will embrace it in different way. but one thing is certain congressmen, some republicans are attacking her they're not pointing to qualifications and the way that you have laid it out there instead of attacking her, saying she got the job because of her race, because of her gender. and in fact, trump called harris and i'm quoting him quote, dumb as a rock, and then listen to your colleague, congressman tim burchett from tennessee, who had this to say biden said first off, he said he's going to hire a black female for vice president and that not just skipped over. >> what about what about white females? what about any other group it just when you go down that route you take mediocrity and that's what they have right now as vice president suggesting she's d she was a dei hire 100%. >> she was a dei hire what's your reaction as eight min like that? well that is a level of insidious prevarication that borders on racism to be very
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candid with you, i would hope that my colleague would reconsider those words she has demonstrated her worth with her education. she has demonstrated her worth by being elected to the senate then becoming an attorney general and california those kinds of comments are out of place, is a kind of fetch was folly that you expect from republicans. but i didn't expect it from him because i know him but i would hope that he would reconsider what he said. what i do think this there will be more to come the republicans now deal in campaigns associated with character assassination they're not interested in being truthful about people that are interested in having the vote turned down, not out. they want to make sure that it's an election where in the basis of running against each other, the independent agency, i don't want anybody in the race. well, now we have somebody that they have to now try to destroy. and that's what they'll do. so we just got to be on defense best
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defense and offense. we don't let them destroy her. we've got to stand up for her because she is a credible candidate and will make a great president i am curious as to how she will respond to what is most assuredly ahead, congressman. thank you so much for joining me this evening. >> well, thank you. as an honor, to be with you. >> thank you. >> well, cnn is learning tonight that pennsylvania governor josh shapiro arizona senator mark kelly, a north carolina governor roy cooper, are all being considered as potential vp choices for vice president kamala harris is ticket. according to people familiar with the process they've all been asked to submit personal information, including a about their finances and family histories. but those three well, they're part of a group of ten names and nearly all of whom are elected officials so how would these folks help harris electorally is the big question. let's get to harry enten, cnn senior data reporter, harry always good to see you. so let's get down to the nitty-gritty. let's get
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down to this list. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, what he bring i would argue he is perhaps my favorite choice for kamala harris. and the reason why is a few number one pennsylvania big swing state, arguably the most important swing state on the map more than that, he has a strong electoral record. if you go back to last time around back in 2020 when he was running in a presidential year, he actually he outran joe biden on the ballot. and in fact did best that the best for any democrat running statewide, what about some cons? well, let's talk about the big con, some liberals think he might be a little bit too moderate. kamala harris is really energized the base after joe biden left the race. and there is some question about whether josh shapiro hero would in fact bring down that enthusiasm. but overall, the clear prose for him, he's from the state of pennsylvania. you can't do better than that if you're picking a vp and want to swing-state effect, unless talking about maybe one other swing state, let's talk about
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arizona for a second. i mean, arizona senator mark kelly, he has been mentioned, but would he bring to the ticket? >> what mark kelly bring to the ticket? well, you mentioned it right from the key swing state of arizona, one by the smallest of margins last time around one by actually less by joe biden, less than he went to pennsylvania. and he only won pennsylvania by a little bit more than a point. how about this? a great biography? i mean, my goodness gracious. can you do better than an astronaut i'm not sure that you necessarily can. but what about the cons right? he lacks executive experience, so kamala harris really doesn't have much executive experience either, right? she obviously was the attorney general out in california. she was the da in san francisco. she was a senator here from california, but she doesn't she hasn't ever actually lead a state. >> and neither is mark kelly. >> he is somebody who has an astronaut. and then basically became a senator. so i'm not quite sure he fills out the ticket in terms of the way that we normally do, in terms of a vp were one is normally a member of congress or member of a legislative branch, and the other one perhaps being a governor. >> i wonder as platform whether
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it's with respect to being immigration and the border state or gun violence, two key areas and many people are concerned about that he has experienced in absolutely. what about the north carolina governor roy cooper? >> all right. so we've talked about two folks from to certain swing states. roy cooper though, you know, if we talked about some on who lap, perhaps lack some executive experience in mark kelly, that is definitely not the case with roy cooper. in fact, he is the one who is arguably the most experienced in the field, at least when it comes to these three vp potential vp choices in terms of executive experience, terms of running on the ballot, being on the ballot hit this is obviously he's come cleaning his second term as north carolina governor. how about this he's won twice. >> he has won twice in its potential swing state that dems lost in the presidential races in north carolina. of course, joe biden lost at last time around and of course hillary clinton lost it back in 2016. but perhaps the one khan if we know for sure that arizona and pennsylvania are going to be
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key swing states is north carolina. i know a lot of democrats want to play there, but in fact, if you are going to get a swing state effect by choosing a vp and that's one of the few measurable things that we know about vp's is that it does tend to boost the president in that particular state, north carolina is sort of on the edge of being a swing state and adding roy cooper may help kamala harris. but if she's going to lose the state by five or six, it doesn't really help her too much of instead, she loses it by two or three i wonder how much, how known he is compared to the others that you've listed were recently, but harry enten a lot of food for thought. thank you so much. >> thank you well, there's actually speaking of vice president kamala harris. >> she's just issued a statement just moments ago on becoming the presumptive democratic nominee for president. i'll read a portion of what she had just released saying, when i announced my campaign for president, i said i intended to go out and earn this nomination tonight. i am proud to have secured the broad support needed to become our
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party's nominee. and as a daughter of california, i am proud that my home state's delegation helped put our campaign over the top. i look forward to formerly accepting the nomination soon. shoot on to say, i am grid eight-fold to president biden and everyone in the democratic party who has already put their faith in me. and i look forward to taking our case directly to the american people. she concludes by saying, i fully intend to unite our party, unite our nation, and defeat donald trump in november here to discuss two democratic strategist who know what they would do about presidential campaigns and winging, winning them. chuck rocha, former senior adviser to bernie sanders, presidential campaigns, and alencia johnson, a former senior adviser to biden's 2020 campaign. excuse me. glad to have both of you here. first of all, all if you thought it'd be a long process to get this, there's 3,000 plus delegates. she's going to
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she now a presumptive nominee. you're smiling already. how would want to accomplish this? and what it's been just about 24, 36 hours. >> i mean, the only way and accomplish black woman who is overly qualified hi, to do this, i am smiling because one yes, democrats are extremely excited, right now. but this moment we were talking about this in the green room honestly, the calls that i've been getting beyond the beltway, this really feels like obama 2008, where my dad was running around saying fired up and ready to vote the coalitions that are already swelling, we all have talked about the black woman while the black man have just been texting me, they hit 36,000 people in the call raised 1.1 1.1000003 hours and latinos are organized in the aapi groups are organizing self-organizing, the exciting and then is here. and when she talks about unity, it is bringing these factions together. i think there's so many factions of our party, progressive moderates who are like look, we're going to disagree after we get her in office because we know who we
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have to. beat. we also know the platform that we can run on and folks are confident with her but home speaking of unity, i mean, she's going to have to bring someone onto her ticket as the presumptive nominee. we were talking about the trump veepstakes for a long time. we now know who's on that ticket. chuck, who is going to be her partner you know, i saw you talking about this earlier and there's a reason why you see all these governors and all these folks that are already elected in these swing states because it's important from what i find ironic isn't a democratic movement. the white men are having their moment again don't be surprised and i think what joel have said tonight is really important about roy cooper because of north carolina, because of shapiro in pennsylvania, the rule with vps and we all know this is do no harm. she does not she does not want to be outshined she wants to find someone who say somebody who's had an election or to election has been fully briefed. we have run campaigns. the first thing you do as a big oppo research book on whoever that is. and that means they've been through all that oppo research, so they're safe. i think any of those picks would be a real
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good asset to add to a very talented black woman who i think can be president. >> why are they all white men? >> you've got to be able to go talk to white man in pennsylvania that are steelworkers, michigan that are autoworkers, not that kamala harris can't, but you've checked that box, you're going to be having black women go through the roof with excitement, just like you're going to have white women in the suburbs who care about dhabi obs, an abortion, you need somebody who can go and have a conversation with these white man because their white man well and to that, i think you're alluding to this conversation of folks that believe that a black woman can't win. let's be very clear, hillary clinton won the popular vote. a woman, barack obama in the popular vote twice, a black man. but our elections come down to key swing states that we actually have to persuade some of these voters that shut talked about. and we know at america is not quite ready for two women at the helm. yet, the white man could be an asset which is interesting. first talk about that. the white men are having a hot boy summer. >> bad news for kaitlan, abby and me in a row. anyway, i'm thinking about this idea of
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people at the seat at the table. how about the idea of independence though, because senator j.d. vance we know is the running mate of donald trump he said that democrats are actually threatening democracy and restate that. he says that democrats are threatening democracy because biden step down, listen to what he said the idea of selecting the democrat party's nominee because george soros and barak obama, in a couple of elite democrats, gotten a smoke-filled room and decided to throw joe biden overboard. >> that is not how it works. that is a threat to democracy, not the republican party. which is fighting for democracy every single day is that persuading people i don't think so. i mean, i don't know your opinion, but i don't think it's persuading anybody. i don't think i think people understand a representative government. we have one right here in washington, dc. vote for congressman if i had one in washington, i really don't. i have congresswoman eleanor norton homes, but she doesn't have a vote we understand
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representative democracy and vice president harris was on the ticket with mr. biden, that they all voted far so i think that's a lot of democracy. >> well, and let j.d. vance, he knew that donald trump was a threat to democracy when behind closed doors, he was calling him hitler. and so he got on the ticket. but look i think there's a clear contrast here and the republican party is shook because they have a losing ticket, right? they thought j.d. vance are going to go up against president biden and vice president harris, and they're realizing that wasn't the greatest the wisest of choices. but i will say to you today thank you to president biden for the way that he has put country before himself. and he will go down as one of the most important president's of our lifetimes. and the conversation that he had to day what the campaign staffers was very emotional and very important him pass the torch to vice president harris was just beautiful to see all be eager to hear him address the nation as well. chuck atlantia, always great to have you both here while she's calling on vice president kamala harris to
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remove biden, not just from the ticket but from office and kong up the director of the secret service congresswoman nancy mace, is here. after this have you provided all audio? >> some video recordings in your possession to this committee? as we asked on july 15, yes or no i would have to get back to you that as a no you're full of today. you're just being completely dishonest there's no war, so aid for the war between kim not as a war between tracks the cromwell was huge victory at any cost the march on king's landing and take the throne it's a challenge i. >> want to, come if he does face if she would take big guy house of the dragon again streaming exclusively on max the day you get your clear choice dental implants makes
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connected, upload your logo, or start your design today had custom make chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts tonight, republicans building a new case for biden to not just retire, but resigned from his presidency saying dropping his white house bid is simply not enough. there's a constitutional
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process. the 25th amendment. if joe biden can't run for president, he can't serve as president. and if they want to take him down because he's mentally and capable of irving invoke the 25th amendment. you don't get to sort of do this in the most politically beneficial way for democrats if it's an actual problem, they should take care of it the appropriate way you know, trump's running mate, j.d. >> vance, is not alone. my next guess unveiled a resolution calling on vice president kamala harris to invoke the 25th amendment and remove biden from office arguing. he lacks quote cognitive ability, unquote, to finish out his term during when our republican congresswoman nancy mace, congressman, thank you for joining me this evening. >> i knew this was on the horizon, frankly, when people wondered whether he would step down away from being reelected. >> but the fact that he's not running for reelection does not actually mean that he does not have the cognitive ability that can be mutually exclusive points. why are you so sure that's what this means. >> we've all seen his decline. we've all seen that he is now
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a diminished individual. what other reason would he not run for reelection and if it weren't for his mental acuity, his cognitive decline there's really no other option out there. and if you don't have the ability to run for reelection because of your diminished state, then who's really running the country? i think that's a fair question that the american people are asking themselves, house is even possible. i do also see it as a national security issue like who is making the decisions? joe biden was elected, but is he really the one running the country? and i don't think the american people are buying that right now well, one reason to not run for reelection, he has stated essentially and he didn't have the support really of the democrats and the longer the donors are pulling out there was no path forward. >> there are reasons given totally separate from any notion of a cognitive ability. and even in his letter to the american people, he did not talk about that as an issue, and so couldn't it be true that he would lack the support to continue running and not have something to invoke the 25th amendment all of this started
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the night of his performance at the debate, where it was clear that he was not all there and knowing wrong. i have i have aging parents. i have apparently the parkinson's. >> i mean, i really feel for folks who are going through difficult issues or have cognitive decline in their own lives are in someone in their family. >> we all saw that all of this, this domino effect started when america really saw the real joe biden. and i just the american people aren't buying what, what's being sold by the administration or by biden because we've all seen it with our own eyes. we've seen it now, i think people feel misled. i feel like the american people feel that they haven't been told the truth by the biden family adviser ministration about his abilities. and now we've seen stories since he decided he would resigned from the campaign. we've seen stories from members of congress who met with him recently or within the last year, or he doesn't remember who they are. and we've heard some and read some disturbing stories of some of those examples. so i think it's, it's pretty obvious what's going on here and why
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it's happening. so let's just the have an honest and truthful discussion about well, for many, this seems performative given the process by which you need to remove someone through 25th amendment would either require the president to do it himself or for the vice president and a majority of the cabinet to agree to do so, and then try to invoke it. it's pretty clear that vice president kamala harris has no intention of doing that based on what you say are the reasons that he stepped down. but i want to speak to the issue of now, vice president kamala harris being the person who is likely to be on the top of this ticket. and i do wonder from your perspective how this might change the calculus for the campaign for trump now that she will likely be the top of that ticket. >> i don't think it really matters for my perspective, 100 days out. i don't think it matters too they put on the top of the ticket because the vast majority of people right now, the way they're feeling right now in the middle of summer is that they feel misled. they feel like to they feel like biden his family the administration, some of those in the mainstream media that
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they haven't been honest brokers about what's really been going on behind in the scenes. >> you're tribute that to also vice president kamala harris? >> yes absolutely. to everybody in biden's inner circle, they were all in on it and it feels like a cover up. and so when you talk about it in those terms and you see how they kept it hidden from the american people. how do you re-instill trust in the process? that's i just don't think you can trust whoever they put on the ticket. they've all been part of the cover-up of joe biden's decline? well, what a wouldn't just be putting on my ticker. >> the delegates at their prerogative to decide who they would like to be that open convention. well, they delegates could have an open we can mentioned they could decide through of majority prior to their if they were to coalesce around one candidate, they're not beholden to give it over. it's a kamala harris they very well could from the second issue, there's been a lot of finger pointing towards the democrats, but there have been a number of republicans who have met with president biden over the course you said the last year, let alone months, including speaker of the house and others who were trying to talk about whether it was immigration or any other number of issues. >> why do you think they would be if you say meeting with him
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would guarantee they knew something about cognitive decline, why aren't they also accused similarly? well, i think that everyone, our side of the aisle has been pretty vocal about what's been going on, trying to talk about it and showing it for at least the last six months. i mean, we've been very vocal about it, but you haven't seen that from the other side of the aisle? i think ultimately the end of the day i think there are two types of people in the country. there are people who want and need to be right. and then there are people who want the truth and, i think people feel like they've been really misled by biden by his family, by the administration, by folks on the left who have covered it up. and that's a sentiment that i feel and i see with my voters, particularly those who are unaffiliated, i have a lot of voters in my district that aren't democrat, that aren't republican, that are unaffiliated or independent voters. and that's the sentiment that i hear today. >> speaking of some of the confusion and frustration that voters do feel certainly members of congress today expressed their own level of frustration with respect to a lack of transparency from the
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secret service. there was this hearing today. we've all been hearing about it it got pretty volatile at moments when there was all of these opportunities for the secret service ed to answer questions. the most basic level of which have been already reported. you express your sincere frustration. let me say, when you describe her as being full of with the phrase that you used? yeah. tell me what got you to that point and what were you hoping she would answer? well, i had watched an hour-and-a-half of questioned by both democrats and republicans alike, and nobody getting an answer, she wouldn't even tell us how many secret service agents were on the ground at the trump rally that day, literally. >> and you could hear the frustration not just in republican voice has been in democrat that's two. i was simply airing in publicizing the emotion that i think everybody was stealing. i just said aloud what everyone else was thinking. >> it was a rare moment of unanimity. i will admit on that i'm when did you get a sense as to why she wouldn't give the answers? is it because there's an active investigation going on. she constant refer you to the fbi. is there some reason
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behind the scenes at the american public would not be privy to as to why it might be obvious to her that she cannot convey information and not obvious to you, was she made a lot of excuses and she would talk in general reality is why i can talk in general about this. it was clear that she's been coached pretty much for all of the last nine days, coached into not answering the questions. and so many of us called for her resignation today. if she won't resign, she should be fired. i actually just minutes ago a filed a privileged motion to impeach her in that privileged motion will force a vote in the next 48 hours, like i'm tired of support for that from either side the aisle, i'm hearing from my members tonight who want to be added to it. if you called for her resignation, then you should vote for her impeachment. this isn't difficult. this isn't a gotcha moment. this is a defining moment for our country. i don't care whose president, i don't care your political party. you should be protected, even rfk junior, she gets secret service protection. this should never happen in america it just shouldn't. and so we
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want to make sure that when folks do something wrong with their held accountable, she has not been held to account. she is not taking responsibility. she is not being transparent or forward with the oversight committee. she is not given a single piece of information to the oversight committee that we've asked for that's wrong. she ought to be kicked out for it. and i expect to get i hope that will get bipartisan support if if if us on both sides now say she's got to go, let's force her to go congresswoman nancy mace. >> thank you for joining me. thank you. >> what we've just heard, congresswoman nancy mace testing out attacks against harris. but what the trump campaign's plan of attack the reporter with the scoop is next it's election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn we just want to have enough money for retirement and traveled to visit our grandchildren. i
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so is that honeymoon period over before it really began. the bulwark marc caputo learning tonight how the trump campaign is planning to go after a kamala harris, including rail well, you against biden's policies, accusing harris of covering up biden's health woes. >> slamming harris's record as a prosecutor and attacking her racist dog whistles. they say well marc caputo joins me now, mark, good to see you. first of all, that last one talked to me about these dog whistles are talking about we've heard them before, but the trump campaign think this is a winning argument to voters? >> well, what they think and based on their polling is that if presented with a description, kamala harris has criminal justice record of in the trump campaigns, description of being soft on criminals, then yeah, that would be effective as part of a broader ad campaign. >> i mean, a trump advisor told you that there'll also be
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going after her record as a prosecutor with ugly and they're referred to a very controversial line of attack that george hw bush against dukakis back in the 80s. and the adviser said they're going to go, i think the phrase was after several willie horton's in reference some of the harris's cases explain to the audience what this means and why they think this could possibly work in 2024 well 1988, when the first george bush ran for president and outside group attacked his democratic opponent, michael dukakis because under dukakis than the governor of massachusetts, man named willie horton, who was a convicted murderer, was on work furlough from the prison and wandered away and wound up committing rape and a serious of brutal beating of the woman's, the victims boyfriend or fiance. and they use this as a tack on dukakis as an example of him being soft on crime. now,
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willie horton happen to be black and they showed willie horton picture and it was widely derided as racist. jesse jackson at the time had said that and nevertheless, it wasn't effective ad as part of a broader campaign so fast forward now, and there are a number of different cases from one, kamala harris was a prosecutor in san francisco that in the trump campaign's estimation can have the similar effect in this race, for instance, there was a young man who was 18. he was put on probation instead of imprisoned for a pretty brutal beating and a year later, he went up killing someone and in the trump campaign's estimation, this is an example of being soft on crime and a bad example, bad progressive justice policies the harris campaign points out, look, this was a first-time offender and he was sentenced to probation in treated in accordance with general policies of first-time offenders. so they're going to litigate but there are a few other cases. has she didn't
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pursue the death penalty for a cop killer. and in another case in 2020, she had supported a bail fund that later on this was during the george floyd period later on, had helped release or give bail to different people who went on to commit murders or were accused of murders and other serious crimes harris campaign points out, hey, look she was trying to get nonviolent people released from jail for protesting the george floyd case. she wasn't doing this to release murderers this is campaign season. and this is what this is going to probably look like over the next few weeks or a few months. >> this is the danger when you try to paint with such a wide brush and not appreciate the, i mean, as a former federal prosecutor, myself the idea of being accused of being soft on crime is but stunning. then again, the supreme court justice who was known public defender, also accused similar fashion. it's, it will be curious to see how this all plays out. mark, let me ask
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you, trump insists it will be easier to beat harris than maybe biden, but how tea reacting to all of this buzz around her because i mean, the numbers are undeniable in terms of the money in the bank. i mean, more than i think 80 million bucks raised in a 24 hour period where there wasn't enthusiasm gap before, how is he reacting? >> he's not reacting because if this is great news, trump has taken his truth, social media account and gone on a number of rants. let's say charitably speaking, he's not happy with it. now, maybe take a long view and believes that in the long term he can beat her. >> but he did celebrate today the polling does show oh him beating her in the swing states and theoretical matchups but to your point, it's undeniable that vice president harris, there's a lot more energy to the democrats. >> then joe biden did. >> and privately, trump advisers will admit, in fact, one of them, i didn't quote
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them a story and said, look, byd was basically a vegetable. >> he couldn't string a coherent cogent their sentences together anymore. anyone would've been better than him. >> now that's not to say that kamala harris, just anyone. but i mean, the reality is kamala harris is a much more formidable opponent against donald trump and joe biden wasn't the former president's reaction sort of indicates that well, if her prosecutorial chops or any indication, she will have that burden of proof of proving that the american people in the months ahead, although truncated, are going to be very, very important to the overall landscape of democracy. marc caputo, thank you so much. >> thank you, laura. appreciate it up next, a deputy said that a woman charged at him with hot water that before he shot and killed her but the body camera video appears to show him much different story. >> the victim's father, along with attorney ben crump joins me next it's hard to watch
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it's a female is a bonding mitchell get double the storage don't us when you preorder now i'm katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn on july 6, sonya massey, 36-year-old black woman living in springfield, illinois, called 9-1-1 for help thinking of that an intruder was inside of her home. >> now, so after the police arrived, a little after midnight, one of them saying among county sheriff's deputy sean grayson shot massey dead and today we are seeing the body camera footage for the very first time. i have to warn you what you're about to see is not only graphic, but disturbing stack right there. >> maybe a second we don't need
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a firewall, right? for a way where your hot seat water yeah. >> can chavez well, the body camera captured the other deputy saying he's going to get his medical kit to help. >> but officer grayson respond telling his partner massie wouldn't need medical help saying and i quote no, she's done. you can go get it, but that's a headshot grayson has since been indicted by a grand jury on three counts of first-degree murder, one count of aggravated battery with a
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firearm, and official misconduct. he has entered a not guilty plea the, sheriff's office has fired grayson and is saying in a statement, quote, it is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards. now i want to bring in james wilborn, sonya massey, his father, also with me as ben crump. he is the attorney representing sonya massey, aos family sir, i'm so sorry that i'm meeting you this way and this is your daughter? sonya, and i'm so saddened to see what has happened. james, what is your reaction tonight to the body camera footage that we are seeing? i mean, your daughter, she had her hands up when she was shot at what is your reaction laura? >> i don't know. i i am so glad that my doctor figured out i had a bad heart and i was
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suffering from congestive heart failure again, 2022 i have quadruple heart bypass surgery i just don't think that by old heart coaster i'm just heartbroken i can't believe i'm even be able law enforcement officer sir i understand that. >> you didn't find out that it was the police who killed her daughter at first. >> how did you learn what truly happened to your beautiful sonya? >> my, younger brother, calvin he said to me what song his address. >> and i shared her address with him and he said brother death was it says the deputy involved shooting. what are you talking about? a deputy involved shooting. we were led
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to believe that the intruder or someone from the neighborhood may have killed her we were absolutely shocked to find out that it was a deputy who shot her ben, just hearing that benjamin crump, i mean, officer grayson says that he's no longer because it's sonya came at him with boiling water, but we watched that video just now. >> i mean, you can see in the video he made no attempt to move away. this statement that she says that she rebukes him in the name of jesus he it seemed to trigger something instead, i don't know the reaction and why it happened at that point. i mean, is there a circumstance where this would possibly be even a plausible defense? and he could raise i'm sure he's going to try to raise whatever justification to try to get away with this at this, kevin this innocent woman who call for help who needed i
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happen hand laura, not a shot to her face i mean, just like george floyd video, he narrated what he was going to do what she said ai rebuke you in the name of jesus he said, oh, no, you effing wall i'm going to shoot you in your evan's face and then he did it laura is so senseless. >> i may it is disturbing this video is reminisce and the last presidential cycle when it, when it whether george floyd video you know caressed our community to act and in this 2024 election, i believe this solemn massive video is going to encourage our community to act because sonya massey deserve better than this let me speak to her father again.
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>> it's james sir. i what can you tell me about your daughter, sonya because i really want to know about who she was, not just about what has happened to her sonya was a daddy's girl never ended the conversation, whether by text or telephone in person without saying daddy, i love him. >> and that's the last message i have for my daughter that saved on my voicemail daddy i love him you. >> but now i know i won't see her again in this world there's another world, but i will see you in that's about it i worry you know you're used to
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having the talk with now i guess we have to talk to our girls but their interactions with the wall it sounds like it's a loss to the world to have lost sonya as well. >> we did reach out to cnn, reached out to grayson attorney for comment as well. i want to thank you both. we will continue to follow this story. i'm very sorry for your loss. are thank you. say her name. saw your mason sonya massey sonya massey thank you. >> both and thank you all for watching. >> anderson cooper 360 is next saturday on the whole story, political violence has always
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