tv CNN News Central CNN July 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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10:01 am >> the lead with jake tapper today it id.4 on cnn closed, captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have neizha, the liana will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 37 now. >> honored happening now we are standing by to hear from the top to democrats on capitol hill senate majority leader chuck schumer, and house minority leader hakeem jeffries they are going to be holding a joint press conference and they're expected to endorse vice president kamala harris at this press conference for the democratic presidential nomination. >> and all of this is happening, is harris is preparing hold the first campaign rally of her presidential campaign here in the next hour in milwaukee. today's headline event in that battleground state capping a
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whirlwind 48 hours, where harris secured enough delegates to lock up the nomination and she also has raised more than $100 million in just those two days, which is a staggering amount that took biden and trump all of june 2, each rakin. and this hour, president biden is on his way back from isolating with covid and delaware to the white house where tomorrow he will deliver a speech to the nation about his decision to end his reelection bid. any moment now we expect to see the president for the first time since he announced that he was dropping out of the race and endorsing vice president harris as the nominee. we do begin our coverage with manu raja, who was at this press conference by top democratic leaders a big announcement coming, manu yeah, we do expect that job. >> both chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries, a democratic leaders to announce their endorsement of kamala harris here in a matter of moments, they have not done so yet. initially, they decided not do that because they didn't want
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to look like they were trying to essentially anoint the next democratic nominee how many allow the process to play out. but now with harris having secured enough delegates to essentially be the presumptive nominee, essentially, they're going to make it clear where they stand, which it to support kamalaharris. now, of course, schumer and jeffries have been part of this effort raising concerns if joe biden were to stay in the race behind the scenes, they met privately with president biden in over the last couple of weeks, schumer and we can attract up to delaware to talk to him, relay the concerns he was hearing from democratic senators jeffries, also separately heading a meeting with the president at the white house conveying concerns. he was hearing from the democratic caucus, there are real fears if jeffries eric sure. binary the state at the top of the ticket the impact that they would have down-ticket. that was one of the concerns they were laying. the president. now that biden has stepped aside and harris is on the top of the ticket. a much different view among democrats who believe their chances at potentially taking back the house, maybe keeping the senate, although the senate is much more difficult, perhaps
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those chances improve. and right here, were a democratic senate campaign committee headquarters where they plan to announce their endorsement hoping that perhaps that harris could change the dynamics of race that had been going up until this point. donald trump's way. so we'll expect that endorsement here in a matter of moments here, bianna all right. >> we will be looking for that and bringing it live when we see it there, manu, thank you so much for that report. we do have cnn's eva mckend, who is in milwaukee out the harris campaign rally. big impression that she's hoping to make today. what are you expecting to hear brianna? >> this is her first presidential rally since announcing her presidential campaign. you have every elected leader here in the infrastructure in place here in order to be successful come november in this pivotal battleground state as a former prosecutor jesus it did you make the case against former
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president donald trump arguing that he is trying to undermine democracy than he has attacked reproductive rights sold out working families this is auroras crowd here, brianna and i can tell you from being on the campaign trail with her the last couple of weeks there is just so much so much momentum here on the ground, so much energy and a lot of new life that has been brought into this campaign people sort of not worried that this is happening. >> interest around 100 days. they truly believed that harris for supporters, tell me that she is the best messenger to go up against trump. brianna? >> yes. certainly. a lot of enthusiasm for her behind you we do await see has just landed in milwaukee with the monitoring this rally. eva. thank you for that report. let's go now to mj lee. she's at the white house where the president frozen or biden, is expected to arrive here in the next hour. mj tell us about the
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president's primetime address to the nation they shouldn tomorrow yeah, brianna, in the next hour, we should see, as you said, the president returning to the white house for the first time in just over a week, he had of course, traveled to the west coast, tested positive for covid it on wednesday and immediately traveled back to the east coast to delaware, where he has been in isolation ever since. >> and it was while he was in isolation that he made this stunning decision to dropped out of the 2024 race and he did that through a letter that he had posted it on social media and he had no public events since that decision was made public. and so we expect these remarks that the president will deliver from the oval office tomorrow night in primetime we expect them to be sort of an offering of the most fulsome explanation that we have gotten from the president yet on that decision to drop out of the 2024 race, we also expect him to sort of lay out the may your and most defining accomplishments that he sees from his first three-and-a-half years in office. and we also certainly expect that the president will be forward-looking in these remarks, talking about the fact
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that he still has six months left. what does he hope to accomplish? how does he now see? the stakes heading into the november election? he of course, we are seeing these pictures here of the vice president arriving in milwaukee. he has thrown his support fully been hi and his vice president yesterday we heard him at telling his campaign team embrace her if she is the best, give her everything that you have given to me and now, brianna now that president is no longer the presidential candidate he is officially the lame duck outgoing president. and i think given that securing a second term is no longer the motive debating sort of factor for him in his public life. we could potentially see some moves from the president in terms of rhetoric, or perhaps executive actions or pushes for legislative work that we may not have necessarily really seen if he were still running for a second term. so this is a totally new lens via which we should see the president and the presidency and tomorrow night, we should get a real
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sense of how he is thinking about his legacy as a one-term president. brianna all right. >> mj obviously a lot going on. we think can you for keeping an eye on it there at the white house? thank you. jessica a whole lot to discuss here. >> again, we are waiting to hear from majority leader chuck schumer and house minority leader hakeem jeffries. in the meantime, joining us right now, democratic congressman robert garcia of california, he's a member of the harris campaign national advisory board. >> a congressman. thanks so much for being here with us this afternoon. >> i know that the vice president and you have been close for a long time. >> hold on. we're going to go in and listen to schumer will hope will get back to you in a moment. >> great, great day for the democratic party and the country. vice president harris will soon be our nominee and will be elected president in november we are brimming with excitement enthusiasm unity on sunday president biden showed
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the world what a great man he is his true patriotism, his profound sense of decency came shining through we all know it was not an easy decision for them but just as he has done in his entire life president biden, selfless decision, not to seek the nomination, put our country or party, and our future first at his core, he's just an honorable man a family man, a man of deep faith we love them. we truly do i'll have more to say on president biden later this afternoon in my floor speech but president biden's selfless decision has given the democratic party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. and boy, oh boy, her, we enthusiastic since president biden's announcement, we've seen the democratic party swiftly coalesce behind
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vice president kamala harris when i spoke with her sunday she said she wanted the opportunity to win the nomination on her own and to do so from the grassroots up, not top down. we deeply respected that hakeem and i did she said she would work to earn the support of our party and boy has she done so in quick order? vice president harris has done a truly impressive job securing the majority of delegates needed to win the democratic party's nomination to be our next president of the united states. the vast majority of my senators quickly and enthusiastically endorsed her so now that the process has played out from the grassroots bottom-up we are here today to throw our support behind vice president kamala harris i'm
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clapping. you don't have to a happy day. what can i say together? we will keep and hopefully grow the senate majority and under future speaker hakeem jeffries, we will win back the house democrats are moving forward stronger and more united than ever before in just the last 36 hours i have seen a surge of enthusiasm from every corner of our party uniting behind vice president harris an enthusiasm felt in every corner of the country and it's contagious among democrats, the volunteers, that small contributions they're just pouring in in ways even beyond our expectations. now we all know that vice president harris has a tremendous record to run on and now begins the next
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chapter in our quest to make sure donald trump does not become president today with one voice, we speak about the dangers he presents to working families, to our country and to our democracy we'll see very clearly how nervous the republicans are about our new nominee will ain't seen nothing yet last night, vice president harris secured a majority of delegates. today in wisconsin and across america. begin our next chapter and it will be our best yet vice president harris will beat donald trump and become the next president of the united states of america. >> applause hakeem thank you, leader schumer joe biden is a patriotic american joe biden is
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the heroic american. joe biden is a great american joe biden will go down in american history as one of the most consequential presidents of all time president joe biden has made the selfless decision to pass the torch to vice president kamala harris, who was ready willing, and able to leave us into the future kamala harris and her candidacy has excited and energized the house democratic caucus. the democratic party, and the nation vice president harris has earned the nomination from the grassroots up and not the
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top down so he is ready. >> she is willing, she is able to energetically and emphatically lead america into the future kamala harris is a common sense leader, who knows how to deliver real results for hardworking american taxpayers kamala harris is a courageous leader who has worked hard throughout her entire career to keep our communities safe kamala harris is a compassionate leader who will build an affordable economy that makes life better for everyday americans. kamala harris will fight for our freedom. kamala harris will fight for our families kamala harris will fight for our future i'm proud to strongly endorse kamala harris to be the 47th president of the united states of america. we're going
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to hold the senate were going to when the house were going to elect kamala harris as our next president in november thank you. >> yes. we're questions on this subject. yes. >> he said that this would be a bottom up process. but come layers is the vice president, the united states. there was no other competition. this is going to be selected by 30 delegates. insiders, essentially, how what's your case to the american people and to the democratic voters that voted for joe biden, that this isn't a coronation the bottom line, it was a bottom-up process. >> people just rallied right to her, signed the enthusiasm in this big, diverse representative party was amazing. you could, you could, it was palpable. you could cut it with a knife? >> yes are you worried that republican efforts will bubble up and states to keep harris off the ballot to leave joe biden on the ballot no yes. >> sure. on when are you guys
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going to meet with vice president? >> soon it would get more questions in which short answers you have. >> you had a number of conversations with president over the last several weeks. he went up the delaware has described as a bit of an emotional meeting. i'm wondering, did you ever personally asked him not to run for reelection? >> look the what i would say is that the president has done an amazing, amazing job as president. one of the best we've ever had and he put his country first and made the right decision thank you, everybody preference on vice president all right. you were listening there to senate majority leader chuck schumer and house minority leader hakeem jeffries, who endorsed vice president kamala harris. >> this after she secured enough delegates, pledges last night to become the democratic nominee for president. i want to bring bring back in our guest congressman robert garcia, who has been patiently
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waiting. we really do appreciate you sticking with us. >> congressman garcia. we hear those endorsements now, it seems like the circle has been complete. we're going to see vice it's president harris become the nominee. i know you all have a long relationship. have you spoken with her in the last 48 hours since all of this is happening. and what can you tell us if you have i have and of course, it's great to see, of course, both our leaders in her party. make the official endorsement. we knew it was it was on its way but yes i spoke to the vice president actually, on sunday, the day that actually the announcement happened. and what what she said is that she of course, is excited. she he's all about unifying the party. and exactly what the leaders said is correct. it was really important for her for this to be a grassroots effort for our process, which is delegate driven can ought to unify and rally around the vice president? but wow, we had no idea that it would happen. so swiftly. and so fast and what
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you're seeing right now is a party that's being energized by the grassroots around kamala harris, the fund fundraising, which is broken what can records the tens of thousands of volunteers that are signing up and offices across the country and the entire party rally around our vice president as someone that's known her for a long time as both a friend and a political ally and supporter. it's a proud moment for this californian, for our state we are going to everything we can to work every day and we're going to defeat donald trump in november. >> and you were the co-chair of harris's 2020 presidential campaign and that campaign, she dropped out before the iowa caucuses and i think people look to that and they look to 2024 now some four years later, do you think she's a different candidate now i do look i think she's look, she's a same person. >> she's the same brilliant,
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funny, tough kamala harris. she's still that prosecutor that takes it to the big banks and corporate landlords and the large corporate corporations. i'm she's that person still, but she also now has also a lot more experience. she served as vice president. she has been the governing partner to joe biden, probably the most consequential president of the modern era. and so she is a person that has so much more experienced today than she did when she first ran. what i think that same person is still there and one of the things that have been telling folks is i cannot wait for the country to get to know that kamala harris, that we have known for such a long time that prosecutor, the person that took on all the bad guys at took on the sexual predators that took on the huge, large corporate banks that were foreclosing and taking homes away from so many working class families. she took on the private colleges and
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universities that were scamming students that to kamala harris is and show this contrast between her and donald trump, who is literally a criminal andy felon. and a con man she knows folks like donald trump's is prosecuted. them are whole life. and so that is what i think we're excited about and i think she's excited about it as well and congressman, i don't have a ton of time left, but if she could ask asked you and consulted with you about who and what kind of qualities a vice presidential nominee he should have for her. >> what would your advice be to her i might advice would be is to i mean, to listen to your heart and your gut. >> she has been vice president xi will know how to make the right selection and to lean on the president, president biden, who is also been the vice president ai, she's going to do just that. we're going to support whoever she picks and i'm confident we're going to have a greater we take so we're excited. >> all right. congressman robert garcia. >> our thanks to you and again, thanks for sticking around with us thank you we're following
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breaking news is the secret service director stepping down as the agency faces i'm serious backlash over security lapses during the assassination attempt of former president trump. >> we're going to look at the fallout from all of it next right and mikah are taking on to hotels. what have i took on one of the hotels and you did the other two teams. >> we are going to fit 100 days and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenged special series premieres tuesday, august 13 a day on hgtv looking nature boys will stop get some man finch i think give seats to feed funding mitchell get double the storage on us when you preorder now how could anyone possibly
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better time to experience the latest mercedes benz has to offer make your dreams come true of the choice, won't be easy. >> with exceptional offers on the e class today and c-class sedan cle cabrejo lay and cle coup. hurry. these dream offers both last forever. >> come in now through september 3, i'm stephanie elam in los angeles, and this is cnn new today the director of the secret service is out one day after a very contentious hearing on capitol hill as lawmakers pressed her for for answers about the assassination attempt against donald trump in her resignation letter, kimberly cheatle telling staff, quote, in light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that i have made the difficult decision to step down azure director adding scrutiny over the last week has
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been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases. >> and joining us to discuss cnn, senior justice correspondent evan perez and senior national security analyst, juliette kayyem. evan, let's start first with you and tell us, bring us up to date and what you're learning. >> well, the latest is that the homeland security department has asked ronald row, who is the deputy director of the service to be acting director, which has obviously a very big job that is going to remain under a lot of scrutiny because of all the problems that have been exposed by what happened on july 13 the attempted assassination of the former president. you have one person dead, two others injured in a rally during which time all of these details that have been coming out from the from the scene, but we know that the secret service director yesterday just performed terribly. i mean, no doubt about it because you have bipartisan calls for her to leave and very few things are unit unify these two parties right now in washington, but it was clear both sides viewed
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what she did yesterday. and so as a result, she said in her letter to the staff today to the men and women of the secret service. she said, the secret service will move forward with are invest investigatory and protective mission in a steadfast manner. we do not retreat from challenge, however, i do not want my calls for resignation to be a distinction, a distraction from the great work each and every one of you does towards this mission. she also said it's with a heavy heart. i've made a typical decision and to step down as your directory was obvious, obviously after yesterday, where she declined to answer so many questions and probably after the 17th time being asked, she finally relented and provided a little bit of information. >> yeah. >> it seemed a matter of when not if after what we saw yesterday, you also have some new reporting from pennsylvania state police. what are you learning? right? so there's another hearing that's ongoing, were pretty much nobody showed up, but the pennsylvania police did show up. the pennsylvania state police and one of the one of the things that we're hearing from that hearing right now,
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the commissioner there is saying that there is this a couple of minutes where a police officer gets up on the roof where the shooter is poised to fire shots, and we've seen that video. we've seen where people are trying to get the attention of police that he is on this roof. what the official now from the pennsylvania's police tape police are saying is that they had a couple of minutes, perhaps as many as three minutes where they knew he was on the roof. they saw he had a gun and the time that the fire the first shots ring out. so it does raise the question again of why the former president was on stage at a time when they were looking for someone. yesterday, we heard from the director that she believed it was only seconds before they realized he was not just suspicious, but actually a threat it appears from the local police, the state police there that that is not true. that it is much longer and it does raise additional new questions, including the fact
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that a couple of local official police who were supposed to be watching that roof and in a position the take shots at that roof, they left that post to go look for him. so again, it just shows you a lot of problems that were going on at the scene there during the time that donald trump is about to get on stage. >> no doubt about it. >> juliette, i want to go to you because it was obvious from that hearing yesterday that cheatle hand a little choice here in this matter? you can listen to buy partisan criticism from yesterday you entered more questions with an abc reporter, then you have watched members of congress the notion of a report coming out in 60 days when the threat environment is so high in the united states irrespective of party is not acceptable. your full of today, you're just being completely dishonest. >> do you really genuinely in your heart believed that you being in this role is what's right for america at this moment. >> you should have come today, ready to give us answers? i call upon you to resign today
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because i think that this relationship is your retrievable at this point juliette, as a resignation, a step in the right direction and helping restore trust in the secret service at this point absolutely. >> it was necessary. i mean, yesterday when jamie raskin someone who does not oppose the white house, very often came out asking for resignation. and then the white house was silent. you knew that this was bound to happen. i think it's absolutely necessary when she said she could lead it for it's actually the exact opposite. and the reason and why is because the secret service needs to deal with the past and it needs to deal with the president. the past is a really sort of a security planning and response that is incomprehensible at this stage. and in other words, the gaps, the errors, the finger-pointing , all of it. that evan was just talking about, like we need we need to figure out what happened and the reason why is
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because we are now entering hour, we are in a heightened threat environment leading up to the election that we always knew was coming. and now there's a change. we have a likely or i guess now after the last 15 has come a vice president harris will be the nominee, and that will increase incitement. it will increase the racism that will increase sexism because of who she is. and that heightened threat environment that trump already has focused on him. but that vice president harris will serve certainly suffer from some of it depends on what said about her by the trump campaign. this will lead to an environment where the secret service needs to look to the present and the future. cheatle could not do that. there's no way she could do it because of the sort of both because of the assassination attempt but of course, because she she lost
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everybody's confidence. and when you lose the committee's confidence, this is a committee as evan was saying, was not one that agrees on anything it was over for her all right. >> evan perez, juliette kayyem. our thanks to both of you were going to take a quick break and we'll be right back saturday on the whole story. >> political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life where does america go from here? the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence, america as bloody history, saturday at 8:00 on cnn why always the couch doesn't need to get a puppy school get his little puppy diploma no matter who have been spending all this little guy when your questions about the life turned into questions about money, there's erica, the virtual financial assistance to help you spend safe and plan smarter only from bank of america what would you
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but they don't have to be go too to get your free score today. >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law resole three yom of victims, call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 new poll is showing that the race between vice president harris and former president trump is neck and neck. and this is a poll that was partially conducted after president biden dropped out for the race. it shows no
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clear leader. trump's two-point lead there within the margin of error. so this is a statistical tie for 4.2%. that is the margin of error there. let's discuss with former california senator barbara boxer and strategist chuck rocha. he's a former senior adviser for bernie sanders presidential campaigns alright, chuck, we, as i mentioned, when this survey was taken, harris had not done any campaign painting as president. so i wonder what you think about the poll. i wonder what you think she needs to do to move this. >> people need to remember that there hasn't really been any money spent on her behalf president has spent money, but she hasn't spent money yet. so i think there's nowhere to go but up with her that's what i look at as a strategies. >> who's spending the money? are you out there on the campaign trail? are seeing today that she is in wisconsin? i saw the coverage of you earlier showing her getting off the plane in wisconsin, meeting the governor. that's what but you do because the press will follow that. the press will report on that and that shows she's in a state that she cares about those people. and as somebody who's run a
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presidential campaign, that's the goal that you have to dig every single go day. >> what do you think, senator, what is the issue that she really needs to press forward on? and maybe the vulnerabilities that she needs to take care of well, first, i want to say that how disappointed i was when the president said he just couldn't continue and i was sad. >> and then it quickly turn to gratitude and excitement. and what does she have to do? she's an a beautiful situation to start off, even steven with a guy who was a president. i think she needs to prosecute the case against him i think she's going to be a champion for jobs in the administration that she's in biden-harris. they created 15 million jobs and they're you had donald trump, the only president since records have been kept too, actually leave with fewer jobs than when he came to more things. she needs to be a champion of our personal freedoms. she needs to stand up
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against strep and say, how dare you say women should be punished for making decisions about their own bodies and telling them they have to be forced to give birth i think she'll prosecute that case magnificently. lastly champion of democracy. she served with joe biden a real champion of democracy, not only home, but around the world but here she's going to go against trump, who was admitted. he wants to be a dictator on day one, loves, putin, loves kim jong hoon. i think the table is set in for a great victory. honestly senator, there is a memo from the campaign arm for republican senators and it as a quote, weird list for harris and it points out her laugh. it points out how she likes venn diagrams among some other notes these are also things that seem to be working as positives for her in sort of an atmosphere
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where memes rule. so i wonder if you think that these are negatives or if these are positives when it comes to the voters that matter, how do you see this playing out if you get so pathetic? >> i mean, if you go up to just the average person on the street and say, do you want as your president, someone who was happy? >> and optimistic and loves this country versus a guy who was seething with anger and wants to divide us and wants to go after his opponents. >> i think i guess i want her. so i think it's going to backfire i really do. it does. it seems like some of the younger voices in the party, as far as operatives go, maybe realizing that it's not a definite negative as they have previously thought. chuck, don't want to get your perspective on something because there had been some gross attacks on harris. i
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think we expect this she is a woman. she's a woman of color that kind of comes with the territory. unfortunately but the most recent one coming from timburchett, a republican congressman from tennessee, who called her a dei hire. and i just want to broaden this out a little bit bigger because he is also used this as other republicans have to talk more broadly about women or people of color. in fact, yesterday, the same day that he made this comment, he also said this about the now former secret service director, kimberly cheatle. let's listen i don't think he should resign. >> i think she should have been fired. ma'am, you are a dei horror story and then he said this about vice president kamala harris to our manu raju suggesting she's d, she was a dei hire 100%. she was a dei hire that came from a question
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he asked her about whether there will be appeal because she could possibly be the first african american president and i wonder, if you've seen this coming from some republicans female, i should say, right president, it, you've seen this deal dei hire line coming, not just when it comes to kamala harris, what do you think about this i mean, i've been running campaigns for 30 years. you expect people to go low. you don't expect them to go this low and it plays right into the democrats pans. if we're smart uber quoted on this and just a small group of folks in just a handful of states are going to make the difference. but what we know beyond a shadow of a doubt as a majority are women who live in the suburbs. many of them married to republican men. and when you start looking at contrast and visuals back to those tv as we were talking about if democrats, but this own tv and say republicans don't think you woman should have a job because you're going to be some dei hire, not that you're qualified that you
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could do the same job that any man can do. and then you put up an accomplished woman of color we're in contrast to donald trump. and i think that's when you start really, really bringing those votes back to the democratic column. >> what do you think senator? because there are cases where this is being used, this term where it's not even someone who was hired they were elected so it seems to sometimes be a stand-in, obviously for something else. what do you think of course, it's ridiculous and if i had the opportunity to speak with the congressman, i would say to him she's not a dei she's a www kenner winner, winner. >> she's won five times, five times it's crazy is this a lot? senator barbara boxer, chuck rocha, great to have your insights. thank you so much. from bratt summer to coconut trees up. next we answered the questions that you've been too
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afraid to ask when it comes to the viral videos surrounding vp harris? no cap whatever that means you have to do, is just look into his eyes and you know, he's got it the passion, the fearlessness. >> there's no doubt he's doing exactly what he's meant to be doing. >> it. rahm are calling is to build trucks. >> so when you to find your coal, nothing can stop you from answering it know, during the ram, make this the summer event, get $2,000 bonus cash allowance on select 2020 for ram pickup trucks and vans and dealer stock. see your ram dealer today you found it. >> the feeling of bindings psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe prac psoriasis and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up are finding you
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(vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo. shield now, call 80804 or 045572 this situation room with wolf blitzer. denied it six point cnn we are looking at video when it begins ruling there it is from just moments ago of president joe biden arriving at dover air force base, coming back to washington, dc, he's in route back to the white house. >> of course, he's been recovering from covid-19 at his homes in delaware where he made that announcement via the enter via social media and a letter that he wouldn't be running for reelection. we now know he'll be speaking about that from the white house tomorrow. but again, there he is. president biden. we've not seen him in public in several days as he's been recovering from covid-19, zoom hanging onto his mask. their rights part of the protocol or it meantime superstar support is already pouring in for vice president kamala harris a source tells
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cnn that beyonce has given the harris campaign approval to use that song. her song, freedom throughout her presidential run harris has already used the anthem and the walkout to her first campaign event on monday. and since taking the reins of the campaign, harris, his team has made a concerted effort to appeal bolt to younger gen z voters honing in on popular internet memes, like this error page on the harris for president website. it's a reference to a coconut mean. we did that this one well coconut video okay. >> that's right. so and emojis that i'm not gen z and no normalize say it without saying it. there you go. that have regained popularity since harris ascended to the top of the democratic ticket. we're going to explain all of that in a moment for you folks out there like me pop singer charli
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xcx has also entered the chat tweeting. camila is brat and if you're following along at home, that's actually a compliment. we'll get to that to the harris campaign, quick to capitalize updating its twitter homepage in the style of the singer's bratt album with the signature lime green. there including that signature color and joining us now, mariana per core ai, she's the director of communication for voters of tomorrow. it's a gen z lead non-profit organizing young people to vote. marianna, it goes without saying there's a lot of yelling when people out there that will be eligible to vote and who were not exactly enthusiastic for president biden i'm curious why you think that the vice president is having such success with them online because it really seems to have happened first pretty organically. >> yeah. so even for someone like me, i'm 20, this is the first election that i'm eligible eligible to vote in. and for young people like me, we've seen young people, gen z specifically turnout in the last couple of election cycles in really high record numbers, right? and it specifically been
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young women. young women are the people that are driving the culture online as well. and to have a candidate where we're seeing both the culture that we're using in our everyday lives and on the internet reflected in the fact that young women have become the base of the democratic the party and are a real powerhouse and decision-making margin winning in the elections. >> so older people, i think knowing that some of her little moments we're becoming means to the extent that they even knew it, mariana, i think maybe thought this was a negative thing, but now it's sort of turned on its head and we're seeing that it seems to be a positive thing. can you sort of explain that? because i think it's surprised some people looking at this phenomenon, you know, i think for young people were really tired of politics being something that's scary and heavy and challenging to deal with on an everyday basis. the news isn't fun. right. but to have a candidate who can
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fill out there and be in on the joke and have fun. with this idea of being a brat and being existing in the context of all that came before you know? having a candidate who is in on the joke in and have fun. with this idea, makes politics something that young people want to participate in its getting a lot of energy in on the ground activism. we've seen it voters of tomorrow, that our chapter network has grown significantly in the last 48 hours. we've had more people applied to join. or start a chapter gripp voters of tomorrow in the last 48 hours and we did in the month before that and that excitement, it's going to translate off of the internet and into the mobilization work that we're going to be doing for the next hundred and five days to make sure that young people are turning out to vote. >> and i want to talk about the coconut trees and the memes that come from that speech. what i believe is iran is ironic, is i believe it was cut by republicans as an attack at originally slated from the rnc researcher account. right. so let's play it for everybody and then you can talk through it. none of us just live in a
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asylum everything is in context. my mother used to. she would give us a hard time sometimes and she would say to us, i don't know. it looks wrong with you young people you think you just fell out of a coconut tree thinks, in the context of all in which you live, and what came before you do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree okay. >> so that's a little sample of how that got turned on its head. >> marianna, one okay. everybody through that because that's where all the coconut tree stuff came from was from what was an attack ad? >> yeah. i think that what people are really resonating with there is that what she's saying is something that really is meaningful and important too. consider and something that we have to remember in our everyday lives. but she said it in such a fun, relatable, and entertaining way. and that
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brings people into it. and having a great song from charli xcx about culture and being funny and exciting and having a good time. i'm so julia refers to july we have fox internet personality sort of it makes it something funny and exciting, and it makes it this meaningful ideas, something that the people can have fun with and people can relate to the key to politics. >> if you really, i think, you know, if you want to understand what's going on, which of course all operatives in politics do is they need to be in on the conversations that are being had. but this to me is an example of they're not right. there may be not as clued into what's going. they aren't they aren't clued into what's going in on tiktok or their algorithm isn't taking them through these kinds of things. and i think all of a sudden they're realizing whoa, there's a whole conversation going on that i'm not a part of. and i wonder how you're seeing that sort of the different conversation for
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younger people versus older people? >> i think that's a reflection of the fact that as a generation, we've been really, really out there and politics and we've made our voices heard and we have built power for gen z, right? in the last couple of the election cycles, young people have been the deciding factor both in the midterms and in the 2020 election and in special elections that happened just last year. and i think this is a moment where we're seeing that young people are a decision-making factor in this election, and they are driving the conversation in the campaign knows that to vice president harris has been doing a lot of work to engage with young voters over the first couple of months of the campaign. and now she's going to be doing even more hopefully. but even, even in the last three years as vice president, she's been leading on the issues that matter most to young people well, she's been leading on reproductive health care. she's been leading on establishing the office of gun violence prevention on the mental health investments at this administration has been making. and she's also gone hold on. college campuses. she did a whole tour in the first semester of the last school year, going to college campuses, reaching out to gen z and making sure that they're
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hearing from this administration and that they are hearing from this campaign about what we're accomplishing for young people, what progress we still have to make and what we want to accomplish. in the next four years and how she's an hour why for our generation all right. >> marianna procore. i thank you so much. great to have you here with us. thanks for walking us through all that. we're just minutes away from vice president kamala harris speaking in milwaukee at her first rally since launching her presidential run after president biden stepped aside, we're going to bring you her remarks live. that's next saturday on the whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. >> where does america go from here? you're the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence, america as bloody history, saturday at 8:00 on cnn doug somebody needs to
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