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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 24, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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camera footage shows suspects fleeing the scene and that a vehicle of interest is being reviewed according to the national interagency fires center. this was just one of that state also in our earth matters lead california is not the only place battling heat. in fact, according to the eu's copernicus program, the entire planet experienced the hottest day in recorded history. on sunday, the planet earth reaching an average of 62.7 degrees, which might seem nice, but on a global scale makes a huge difference. and experts say, this probably will not be the last day in 2024 that sees record breaking high temperatures a big interview is coming up later this week. i'm going to have an exclusive sit down with former republican presidential candidate >> and it nikki haley, see that thursday right here on the lead, the news continues on cnn
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>> and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will address a joint meeting of congress today. >> but some democrats say they don't plan to be there sure, media is embracing kamala harris. how gen z could give democrats the boost they need to win the presidential election. >> we'll explain so. >> much this is cnn newsroom with rosemarie church good to have you with us. >> well, us vice president kamala harris says her campaign is focusing on the future of america as the presumptive democratic presidential nominee kicks off her first rally in
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the battleground state of wisconsin. >> harris fired up the crowd in milwaukee just two days after launching her bid for the white house, after president joe biden's exit from the race harris made clear she's ready to take on donald trump and drew a sharp contrast with her likely rival in november this campaign is also about two different visions for our nation one where we are focused on the future the other focused on the past we believe in a future where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead harris began her remarks by honoring president joe biden and what she calls his legacy of accomplishment. mr. biden is set to deliver a primetime address later today, which will focus on his decision to exit
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the 2024 race and on what lies ahead. meanwhile, harris is ready king up key endorsements with senate majority leader chuck schumer, and house minority leader, hakeem jeffries, joining the growing list of democrats backing her white house bid a closer look now at that first harris campaign stops cnn's eva mckend, reports from milwaukee vice president harris began gracious in her remarks talking about president biden and applauding his legacy of accomplishments. but when she shifted to her election argument, it's clear she wants to be the former prosecutor running against the convicted felon. here is how she talked about their disparate visions for america. >> do we want to live in a country of freedom compassion and rule of law country of chaos, fear and hate and in this campaign, i promise you, i
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will proudly put my record against his any day of the week and it is clear that this is a much different campaign than even from just a few days ago. >> there are so much energy, excitement, and enthusiasm here on the ground. when you speak to her supporters they say, even though there's just about 100 days until the election they believe harris is the best person to make this argument against trump. eva mckend, cnn, milwaukee meanwhile, trump and his team wasted no time trying to discredit kamala harris as a presidential candidate cnn's kristen holmes explains how his campaign is turning its attacks away from joe biden toward the vice president former president donald trump and his campaign are still figuring out how exactly they're going to go after vice president kamala harris as this race has taken a huge turn now they argue that they are ready for this, but they have been preparing for there to be an alternate candidate to president joe
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biden for months, an been focused on the fact that it would be harris. >> they have prepared opposition research, however, there are still allies that are close to donald trump who acknowledged the race, has fundamentally changed. now we saw a little bit of a highlight of what these attacks on harris are going to look like earlier today when donald trump spoke to reporters, take a lesson she's the same as biden, but much more radical. she's radical left person in this country, doesn't want a radical left person to destroy it. she's far more radical than he is. he wants open borders she wants things that nobody wants. >> now the big thing that trump's campaign is advisers argue, is that kamala harris might have name id but she doesn't have what they call name agitation, meaning that most people don't know anything about harris. you hear donald trump there talking about her time in california. we are expecting that to come up a lot. they are going to try to use this education gap to fill the void with negative information we know right now it is race between donald trump and his team and kamala harris
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to define her in this race. now the other interesting thing that trump said in this call with reporters that he wanted to debate kamala harris, but that he never agreed to it or he hadn't agreed to it yet. they need only agreed to debate president joe biden's so clearly saying he wants to do it, but leaving the door open there for him to not actually take harris on. one thing is clear. we are now in uncharted territory and everyone is trying to figure out what this race looks like ahead of november kristen holmes, cnn, washington larry sabato is the director of the university of virginia's center for politics and the editor sure. >> of return to normalcy. the 2020 election, that almost broke america and he joins me now from charlottesville, virginia. good to have you with us thanks. >> rosemary. >> so vice president kamala harris hit the campaign trail in milwaukee tuesday energized and emboldened as the presumptive democratic presidential nominee attacking donald trump by comparing her
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record to hears in an effort to define herself before he does. how was her message received very well i would say democrats were not only energize, they were relieved remember this is the first opportunity they've had to see her as the presumptive nominee of the democratic party. >> and with all due respect to president biden, who's been ill, but it's also elderly they were delighted with the way she presented the case. she actually did serve as prosecutor of the case against donald trump that's something that president biden really is no longer capable of doing. so it came across, well, the crowd loved it. the point she made we'll help her to do well in the election because as she noted several times she has a history as a prosecutor, local and state and she's running against somebody who has been
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convicted of quite a number of felonies meantime, donald trump going on the attack as well in a race to define harris as more radical than joe biden, highlighting policies in san francisco when she was a prosecutor. >> and now refusing to debate her on abc in september saying he wants to, but hasn't agreed to anything specific yet. is, he afraid to debate who do you think what he's going on here well, that's what it looks like, which is why i think in the end he'll have to agree to debate. >> he's not going to like that and he remembers the debates he had with hillary clinton while clinton was judged the winter by just about everybody who has any experience in debating that was not the way it was received by a critical swing group. mainly white, non-college voters. and that's what enabled them to carry the blue wall. so he, he will have less to fear than he thinks. but he also tends to get nasty. and i use that word because already today he was calling kamala
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harris a nasty woman. that's precisely what he said about hillary clinton during one of the debates. and the most memorable segment of those debate. >> yeah, and of course, as you mentioned, the vice president made it very clear that she will draw on her experience as a prosecutor to go after trump and he he he's attacking back, of course is as you've said, it's going to get nasty. he's using the word nasty how will voters likely respond to this? because they've been really wanting this political rhetoric to be toned down, haven't they? >> they have. and the key is going to be how kamala harris presents herself in the debate or debates that she has with trump she needs to come across as warm, but serious. hillary clinton came across a serious, i don't think she was ever terribly warm. i think kamala harris and it's sexist. men don't have to worry about this combination, but women candidates do they have to be
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open and warm to people and at the same time, be very incisive. and she's certainly showed she can do that in the past, there's no reason why she can't do it. against donald trump. she has a way of you using his past phrases to come after him. you may recall that on several occasions when trump was accused by women of sexual assault or rape he answered the charge outrageously by saying she's not my type. and so what did kamala harris say in her speech today? i know his type and of course it larry, for most voters, this election is about the economy, immigration, abortion rights, and other big issues are also out there. >> but getting a clear message on these issues is getting harder and harder with so much misinformation and disinformation out there. many voters, for instance, think we're in a recession. we are most definitely not so how do voters work through the lies
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and find the facts here going forward? >> well, thank god for the fact checkers. they do have an effect and the time they're given his important on tv shows as well as in print publications. but it's difficult to do the best technique which has been honed over the years by politicians on both sides is to immediately change the subject. so let's let's say the border, which is a real weakness for the democrats whenever asked about the border she should somehow move that into reproductive rights. now, i don't know exactly how she does it, but i'm not running for president could answer. >> larry sabato. many thanks. as always for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you israel's prime minister will deliver a high stakes addressed a joint meeting of the u.s. >> congress today. but the gaza ceasefire and hostage deal talks are looming over his visit to washington. benjamin netanyahu is under pressure from families of the hostages
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being held by hamas to take the deal that's on offer. israel's response to negotiations is expected on friday, but may include 11th hour demands from netanyahu touching on key sticking points netanyahu will meet with us president joe biden on thursday and with republican presidential so nominee donald trump on friday but dozens of democrats are expected to skip the prime minister's speech as the party remains divided over his handling of the war in gaza cnn's nada bashir is following developments for us live from london. she joins us now, good morning to you, nada, so what came out of prime minister netanyahu's talks with hostage families. and what can we expect from his address to a joint meeting of congress later today? >> well, that's expected. rosemary, as we've heard for months now from many of the family members and representatives of those hostages still held captive by hamas in gaza, there was that
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continued pressure on the israeli prime minister to come to a deal to strike a deal to ensure the safe return of all remaining hostages held catches. that was certainly the message from many of those family members, and representatives on monday. once again, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu issued words of confidence towards those family. he said that the government remains determined to ensure the safe return of all those hostages that is the message that he has carried through throughout the war in gaza. but of course there has been that mounting pressure from not only family members, but also citizens in israel, some of whom have accused the israeli prime minister of trying to prolong the negotiations for his own political gain, not doing enough to bring an end to the war in gaza. and of course, there has been that pressure externally as well from members of the incident it's natural community, not least in the united states and this is why his visit is at such an interesting point in time. there has been that growing tension, growing friction between the israeli prime minister and the u.s. president
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joe biden. we've seen the israeli prime minister publicly contradict us statements take a different route, perhaps from the one in which president biden, his administration would like to see the israeli government go down when it comes to these ceasefire negotiations. but what we have been hearing in the last week it is a tone of optimism, both from israeli officials and us officials. we heard from biden on monday saying that he believes that the parties involved in these negotiations are on the verge and coming to some sort of agreement. we know that a broad framework has been agreed to the hammering out those finer details and technicalities. but of course, all eyes will be honest and yahoo as he makes his address to congress and particularly the response that he receives from both the democrats and republicans. that of course, we are expecting protests have been taking place across washington dc at that time as well thanks to nada bashir with that to live report from london mr. netanyahu will meet us vice
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president kamala harris later. >> this week after she declined to preside over his address to congress citing scheduled travel earlier, i spoke with cnn global affairs analyst kimberly dozier. she explains the change in dynamic thanks. now that harris is the presumptive democratic nominee for president well, harris doesn't want anything to come out of the meeting that would damage her in her three months sprint for being. >> officially named the democratic candidate and then running for the office of president. and she's already been out front in terms of public statements that go further than what biden himself has said, calling for a ceasefire, calling for more aid to palestinians so these already on the watch for being criticized for being anti-israel, even though her husband is jewish and has been fighting against. and semitism
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inside the u.s so it's going to be a really, as you say, awkward and delicate meeting. she also can't get too far out in front in terms of what her policy is going to be. well, she's still the vice president and her job has been to represent and fight for joe biden's policy what she would do in office we would more likely find out further along. i don't think she's going to want to tip her hand that much. >> still to come the head of the u.s. secret service resigns after facing scathing by partisan criticism of the agency's failures and the attempted assassination of donald trump back with that in just a moment when you use the angie for your home projects, you know, all your jobs will be jobs done well, roof repair done unwell, kitchen sink, and salt done well deck upgrades done well and she's been connecting homeowners, was
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gina. i've tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most goal is not like any of those with golan release i not only met my goal, i've surpassed it, and i'm keeping it off. >> pain means pause on the things you love but green means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going. >> bio freeze. >> green means go welcome back everyone. >> the head of the u.s. secret service has resigned one day after admitting to security lapses and the attempted assassination of donald trump the announcement by kimberly cheatle comes after a combative hearing before the house oversight committee, where she angered lawmakers by refusing to answer questions about the shooting cnn's manu raju has more now from capitol hill a
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rare moment of bipartisan unity and the capital and the aftermath of kimberly cheatle, the us secret service director deciding to resign after encountering more than a week of really on withering criticism over her handling of the security lapses that occurred in the assassination attempt of former president donald trump at his rally in butler, pennsylvania. >> when she came before the house oversight committee just on monday, she struggled to answer questions, refused to answer a number of questions, and that just caused made things even worse for her politically, democrats and joining republican calls for her to step aside and some republicans even pushing for impeachment. that was what nancy mace, the congresswoman from south carolina, had offered a measure to actually force an impeachment vote on the floor of the united states house by wednesday of this week. but she decided to step aside before that were to happen. it was clear that she has florida is pretty much gone on capitol hill and within different aspects of the biden
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administration as well. but i caught up with some democrats and republicans in the aftermath of that decision, including one congressman, the chairman of the house, homeland security committee, who told me that cheatle gave him the rolling pressure and very misleading impression about why she wasn't able to provide him with more details she said that the fbi had constrained her from talking to our own people because it was an active investigation. >> i talked to the deputy director at the fbi and he said that wasn't true. >> so there's lying to you. >> well, that was a false statement according to the fbi. i don't know. but according to the fbi director, they they do not do that and so it's really disappointing. i mean, that's when you find out the after action stuff. are you getting and erin find that out? >> where do they go from here? they still plan to investigate in the house are some talks of investigation ongoing in the senate? there's going to be a bipartisan task force created with the support of the speaker. mike johnson and democratic leader hakeem jeffries to investigate the
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security lapses that will play out through the course of this fall. we'll see if it devolves then to any sort of partisan acrimony, which is typical on capitol hill. but at the moment is a bipartisan investigation, as they say they're trying to figure out what happened in butler, pennsylvania and to ensure it doesn't happen again, manu raju, cnn, capitol hill embattled us senator bob menendez will soon be resigning a copy of his resignation letter obtained by cnn says the new jersey democrat will step down on august 20. this comes a day after the senate ethics committee initiated a review of his alleged rules violations menendez was convicted earlier this month on all counts in a federal corruption trial, among the charges bribery, extortion, and wire fraud menendez has since faced growing pressure to resign, but insists he never violated his public oath of office. >> she is huge on tiktok. she's brett and she's won the
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right to use beyonce's music in her campaign rallies why kamala harris is so popular with young voters, and how her campaign can capitalize on that momentum will take a look saturday on the whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. >> where does america go from here? the whole story? they would anderson cooper, political violence. america as bloody history, saturday at
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party, a party and every spirit welcome back everyone from beyonce to british singer charli xcx influential figures from the pop world are showing their support for us vice president kamala harris. and she is embracing it all with her presidential campaign quickly gaining popularity among young voters. cnn's brian todd has our report people on it quit on them kamala harris takes the stage in milwaukee to the beat of beyonce, his hit song, freedom a source close to the vice president tells cnn harris his team got approval from beyonce's representatives to use the song throughout her presidential campaign analysts say it's an extraordinary move for beyonce to let harris use for 2016 grammy nominated bow
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she does not need to step into politics by virtue of the fact that she's allowing her music, which she keeps a very tight rein on to be used as part of this potential campaign is huge. also trending british popstar, charli xcx posted on x quote kamala is brat brad has become a popular trend this summer after charli xcx released her album by that same name in june brat isn't just an album. it's a lifestyle as the singer herself explain to the bbc, tells me, like show, like trashy, just like a pack of cigs, a bic lighter yes like a strappy white top? with no bra that's all you need. >> is a person who was like you know, a little bit messy, but very much self-aware and does who they, what they wanna do and you have the opportunity to be who you want to be. >> there is even a brat color, a kind of lime green and kamala
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harris's camp now has embraced all of it. the camila hq account on x now has a background photo in that color. and the vice president's name in the same font style as the one on charli xcx's album. this as the internet is now inundated with coconut means they've spiked since president biden announced he was leaving the race, but have been paused popular on social media since harris made this remark at an event last year, my mother used to, she would give us a hard time sometimes and she would say to us, i don't know what's wrong with you. young people you think you just fell out of a coconut tree context of what harris is mother meant and you're not understanding that you come from a place you come from a people. >> and so people grabbed hold of that. the whole coconut imagery, all of this analysts say could galvanize harris's campaign with a critical part of the electorate. >> this is sort of a sign and indicative of just the momentum that kamala harris as the
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democratic party has right now. cleaning with a voting bloc that democrats were worried about, and that was young voters. >> the entertainment and political analysts. we spoke to say the next big endorsement we should look for from the pop culture and entertainment world is that of taylor swift the singer has already proven that she can inspire young people to register and to vote. and if she endorses kamala harris, analysts say that could be a seismic moment in the campaign brian todd, cnn, washington taylor lorenz is a columnist at the washington post. >> she is also the author of the book, extremely online. the untold story of fame influence, and power on the internet. and she joins me now from los angeles, a pleasure to have you with us thanks for having me. >> we are seeing new enthusiasm and energy among young voters for vice president kamala harris. now that she is the presumptive nominee, could this young voting bloc, do you think proved to be her secret weapon,
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perhaps in the upcoming presidential election as she hits the campaign trail absolutely. >> we had record youth turnout in 2020 when biden was running a huge part of that was driven by getting trump out of office. you saw a bunch of content creators rally in this big collective called tiktok for biden to group behind him however four years later, those same i think creditors really had lost faith, invited the biggest collective of them, as i mentioned, tiktok for biden changed its name and was no longer endorsing him. now this group has come out in support of harris. so i think harris being able to leverage these young voters turnout the turn them out at the polls, i guess this fall could be a huge boost. i think it could be, yeah, real secret weapon. >> i mean, that is the key, isn't it to delay this enthusiasm translate to votes? >> yeah, we know that online enthusiasm can translate to votes. i mean, you see huge efforts by a lot of these young
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activists to get kids register to vote through platforms like snapchat, using social media and kids feel really motivated. i mean, i spoke to one twenty-year-old who was previously on the fence about biden inside. this is the first time in her entire life that she's felt excited about a presidential candidate. and that's what a lot of gen z-ers told me. they didn't have that 2008 obama moment that a lot of millennials have where they felt really excited about this candidate. they had hillary in 2016, some of them, but most of them were too young to vote noting that election and then 2020, joe biden was not their top pick. so camilla's really resonating and i do think that it could be reflected in the polls this fall, right? >> of course, since joe biden dropped out of the race and endorsed harris, the internet has been flooded with memes of coconut trees. harris dance moves laughing it up how a young voters defining kamala harris yeah, come on is seen as their kind of cookie aunt.
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she's seen as relatable and funny. she's got these viral moments that make great memes. people make fan cams of her, which are these videos that ended her in this positive light. i don't think that they're as familiar with her actual track record. i mean, some of them have expressed hope that she might support certain policies, i think right now, camilla herself has not really released a lot of her agenda yet to the public. we know that she has an extensive career in criminal justice the system. but i think a lot more people are supporting her right now based on her vibe. i think when she starts announcing her policies we'll see if that changes. >> we will, of course, beyond say now is backing harris giving her campaign permission to use her song freedom and british pop star charlie xcx has poster that calmer is brat. her signature endorsement. so how significant is this and how else might the harris campaign capitalize on pop culture, embracing her like this?
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because she may have a brief honeymoon period here. she's really got to get in there and enjoy this absolutely. i mean, this is total honeymoon period right now after charli xcx posted that kamala is brat, you saw the campaign change their header to brat themed green. >> they've really been leaning into it. i think it's a huge sign. i think it's a huge boost for them rather than, you know, these big name popstars are coming out in support of her. but let's not forget that a lot of big name pop stars came out in support of hilary as well. and that was ultimately an unsuccessful campaign. so i think it's great to have his endorsements, especially early on, but it's not going to be enough if only rely on the endorsements, she has to have popular policies as well. >> and there was another artist, everyone's waiting to hear from taylor swift town likely is it that she will weigh in here you know, taylor has been really hard hit or miss. >> she's been a little remiss to weigh in on politics, but in 2020, she did come out in support of biden, posted a picture of herself holding biden sugar cookies that said
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biden 2020 the democrats are desperate for that endorsement right now and i know i've spoken to people on background saying they've reached out to her team, they've been courting her so far. she has not come out in support of anyone, but if they could land that, i think it could make major headway. >> we shall see what happens there. taylor lorenz. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me still become taiwan is bracing for them fall from the powerful typhoon ghaemi we have the latest on the conditions that's after the break, stay with if you work in spaceflight this it's the worst thing that could happen space shuttle columbia, the final flight. now streaming on max i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. >> if your age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget remember the three ps what are the three ps
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just for calling so-called now for free information call 180681300 for your free information in your free gift that's what 806881300 don't wait. 1806881300. >> call now pain means pause on the things you've loved bringing me go who are the pain bringing me go who are the pain with bio free and keep on welcome to the now way to network...
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they switched to juniper's ai-native network. now everyone's so productive, they're operating at a higher gear... now their network is self-configuring, self-detecting and self-healing. so their it team deals with up to 90% fewer network trouble tickets. (sonic boom) whoa, what was that? just the sound barrier. that's the now way to network at work—with real ai—putting you in the fast lane. (♪♪) >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta and this is cnn breaking news, at least 18 people are dead after a small plane crashed while taking off from nepal's capital kathmandu do this morning. at least one other person was injured in that crash all 19 people on board were so ria airline employees, that's according to nepalese police rescue efforts
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are ongoing conditions across taiwan are getting worse as typhoon game he gets closer to landfall. the storm is bearing down on the island bringing heavy rainfall, gusty winds, and dangerous storm surge. top winds have been clocked at around 135 miles for hour or 220 kilometers per hour. that's the equivalent of a category four hurricane. the islands, mountain areas have already reported rainfall of up to 16 inches or more than 400 millimeters and much more is expected. businesses and schools are closed across taiwan as well as in the philippines, which has also recorded heavy rain and winds government offices are shut down in manila. and the stock exchange. there is also closed after taiwan gave me is expected to hit china's fujian province on thursday before moving into other parts of southern china the death toll
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from two landslides in southern ethiopia. he's up to more than 200. and authorities say that number could still rise. the first landslide caused by heavy rain buried most of the victims on sunday, then another landslide on monday killed rescuers who would go onto help digging with shovels and their bare hands. if the obi or is in the middle of its rainy season when landslides are common, the prime minister says federal officials have been sent to assist want to thank you for joining us. i'm rosemary church for our international viewers marketplace. europe is coming up next and for those of you here in the united states and in canada, i'll be back with more cnn newsroom after short break to stay welcome to
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opening an investigation into delta airlines, ongoing flight disruptions over 6,000 flights have been canceled since friday's global tech outage impacting more than half 1 million navalny was an airline officials say it could be a week before it's all sorted out. cnn's isabel rosales reports it's been an experience. >> it definitely has been an experience. >> delta airlines still struggling five days after a massive crowdstrike outage caused the airline systems to fail leaving its customers some are stranded while other airlines are back to normal, united airlines seems to be back up and running. delta has canceled more than 6,000 flights since friday and accounts for 66% of all the flight cancellations in the u.s. on tuesday, atlanta's hartsfield-jackson airport, delta's headquarters and largest hub has been left and chaos wrote who is in rows of bags line the floors of the world's busiest airport. even celebrities like charles barkley are searching through it.
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>> i'm looking around is going to be a minute, though, says a lot of luggage here. i just flew into data have any issues? well, i don't know that yet. i don't find my golf club frustration is everywhere we're not being picky. i'm just i'm will go anywhere in north carolina but he booked us some tickets and before we got out of the airport, they had canceled them. five minutes later is out of control? >> it's not it's not okay. >> dozens of delta employees from all different departments of jumped in to ease the pain for passengers. >> delta twice a week for 24 years we always been fantastic. i've never had an issue, but in fairness though you can't do anything about this, but the department of transportation doesn't agree secretary pete buttigieg today launching an investigation into delta, the airline ceo ed bastian, has apologized to passengers. the airline responded in a statement saying in part delta is in receipt of the department's notice of investigation and is fully cooperating. we remain entirely focused on restoring our operation. delta teams are working tirelessly to care for
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and make it right for customers impacted by delays and cancellations such meltdowns are not new earlier this year, dot reached a $140 million settlement with southwest airlines following an investigation into similar systems problems triggered by weather over the 2022 holiday, like with that meltdown, delta system schedules cruz for flights failed. >> that would cancel the lay bump and then it would start all over again and it could be several more days of headaches for passengers dealing with delays, these cancellations, and lost luggage, just like this, we've also gotten a clear picture of the impacts what's become now a delta meltdown pete buttigieg does secretary of transportation, saying that half 1 million delta passengers have been impacted his office has received received over 3,000 complaints about this issue and about delta isabel rosales. >> cnn, atlanta new video shows
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the moment former nfl player to real davis was handcuffed and taken off a united airlines plane after he was apparently wrongfully accused of striking a flight attendant. >> the video was released by davis, his lawyers on tuesday. the two time super bowl champion says the incident happened earlier this month on a flight to california with his family. davis says all he did was tapped a flight attendant's arm to ask for a cup of ice united airlines says it has removed the attendant from duty while it reviews the incident we're just two days away from the start of the summer olympic games. the torch relay made its word of a sigh on tuesday right now it's on the outskirts of paris before it makes its final journey to the river then where friday's opening ceremony takes place. meanwhile, athletes are arriving at the olympic village
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and the atmosphere is buzzing as events for the game's kickoff today, with men's football and rugby and cnn saskia vandoorne joins me now, live from paris. good to see you this us saskya the opening ceremony, is now just two days away with the olympic torch is making its way toward powers. what more can you tell us about what we can expect in the days ahead? >> well, right as we start off by telling you that i think the french were pretty lackluster about the games several months ago, but we've been speaking to people here this morning and they are finally getting very excited, as you say, that competition kicks off today. so we're going to see france facing off with team usa in the men's soccer and in the rugby and athletes are arriving at the olympic village. they have been arriving for several days now, i went to the olympic village just last week and it's pretty amazing. they've really put sustainability at the heart of the village. a lot
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of the buildings are going to be us afterwards as offices, as apartments. one of the organizers described it to me as paris 2024, only renting the neighborhood. it will he has been built to last. now, meanwhile i'm here in central paris and rosemary, i'm on the poor nrf within the security perimeter. and rosemina, i have not seen this iconic bridge without traffic since covid it really is quite a sight to behold. and we're right over of course, the sen. which is going to be taking center stage. for opening ceremony on friday the first time. an opening ceremony for the summer games is happening outside of a stadium. so it's going to happen here on the scene along a six kilometer route they're going to be up to 7,000 athletes are on the boats making their way down the river. and you'll be able to
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see the seats here. you've got over 300,000 spectators expecting to cheer them on that. we don't know who's going to perform. >> yeah. et we are hearing rumors that it could be celine dion. she arrived yesterday or dua lipa, or neck. >> i'm rosemarie. >> great choices there and saskya, what is the latest on security preparations ahead of friday's opening? sara many yes. >> we well, as the opening ceremony is so out in the open, there are a lot of fears, especially with islam as terrorism that's what some of the officials were telling me that they say that that is the biggest threat but there are policeman soldiers. there's an amazing kind of security operation to try and keep everybody here at safe during the game, to take a listen to this general who we spoke to we'll have more than 10,000 soldiers, more than 35,000 policemen. it will be completely secure and over
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900,000 investigations have been carried out ahead of the opening ceremony. >> in fact, just yesterday, a russian national was detained as he was suspected of planning something that would disrupt at the games. rosemary saskya vandoorne joining us live from paris. >> many thanks for that report. >> appreciate it well, as paris prepares for its moment in the spotlight, olympic organizers are trying to keep athletes safe from air pollution. >> cnn's derek van dam shows us how here in the olympic village, these air purifiers are here to help athletes breathe easier and their inspiration comes from an often overlooked feature of the city skyline you see athletes performance could be in danger because the paris region has a serious pollution problem with over 8,000 deaths a year with a nearby highway spewing fumes into the olympic village air quality experts are concerned. >> it's crazy. it's a crazy,
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it's another good place to put unimpeded age. it's crazy yeah. >> the engineer behind these giant vacuum cleaners says his air filters suck in polluted air and filtered out harmful particles starts the device. >> i owe filter one by one oh, you can hear you've brize the same as if you were at the top of the alps press this is good. >> you can press, you feel it. >> i feel it. it fits these air filters have the ability to clean the air of the equivalent of 40 olympic-sized swimming pools volume per hour, acting as a barrier from the adjacent highway, providing the cleanest possible air for the athletes. >> the concept of purifying the air on a large scale came from a different hobby of jerome's hot air balloon let's have a flight. know, thunderstorm is coming. is this thing safe get a little wobbly this is like a
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real life climate lab but not a balloon. now, not only is there a carbon dioxide being measured by this very box right here, but we are also measuring methane, ozone, and even pollen counts. jerome, notice that while this balloon was flying, it was extracting police luiten's from the surrounding air, and so also particulate matter, who are positively charged come oh, and go straight to the balloon with the balloons visibility to over 400,000 people across the city he could turn this into a useful tool for all parisian's if the balloon is green, no action is required. if the balloon is orange, it's a warning to parisian's that they need to take extra precautions. but if this balloon turns red or violet that's when they need to take action. back at the olympic village. these five filters remove at least 50% of air pollution, but the reach is limited to a few dozen meters.
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and even after the 14,000 athletes leave, their expected to live on derek van dam, cnn, paris many islands in greece are running dangerously low on water, just as millions of tourists are expected to arrive in the coming weeks. >> the mayor of one ireland says hot, dry weather driven by climate change is drying up. reservoirs. but the the increased demand from tourism is making matters worse. for now, authorities are looking for temporary solutions like using desalination to turn seawater into drinking water. long term, they may try recycling wastewater or tapping into underground water sources. and a shocking discovery of the coast of brazil, researchers say shocks. there have tested positive for cocaine scientists tested 13 brazilian sharp knows shocks in the waters of rio to janeiro and found cocaine president in that present in their tissues. researchers
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chose the species because they are small and live in waters exposed to significant contaminants from human sewage. it's unclear if the cocaine damages the sharks health, but searches plan to study other shark species in the area want to thank you so much for spending part of your day with me. i'm rosemary church, cnn newsroom continues next with max foster and christina macfarlane saturday on the whole story political violence has always democracy after the attempt on trump's life, where does america go from here? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence, america as bloody history saturday at 8:00 on seat by one what works i'm just
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