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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 25, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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washington. and this is cnn it's president biden's historic address to the nation after
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half a century in public office tamala, you're fired, get out donald trump attacking kamala harris. >> a first look at how he plans to handle his new opponent, plus the chilling google search conducted by the gunman who tried to assassinate donald trump. and this violent protests breakout in dc as the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu strikes a defiant he had tome on capitol hill right 6:00 a.m. here in washington, a live look at the white house on this thursday morning. good morning. after that historic speech from president biden. good morning, everyone. >> i'm kasie hunt. it's
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wonderful to have you with us it was a moment for history a president in the twilight of his career joe biden, who had been angry as he was pushed out of the arena, seemed reflective about his decision to step off the stage. >> well recent weeks has become clear to me i need to unite my party in this critical endeavor i believe my record as president my leadership in the world. my vision for america's future all merited a second term but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy that includes personal ambition so i've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation that's the best way to unite our nation president biden thanked his vice president kamala harris, calling her experienced, tough, and capable he didn't say
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donald trump's name, but the former president's presence loomed as biden painted a picture of a nation at a moral crossroads we have to decide, do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect freedom, justice, and democracy? >> does character in public life still matter? the president insisting he would finish his term focused on trying to lower costs, combat gun violence reform. the supreme court, and strengthened nato throughout the president's address, just off camera, family members sat watching, including his son, hunter daughter, ashley, and wife jill. >> the first lady posting this handwritten note to social media to those who never wavered to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed my heart is full of gratitude thank you for the trust you put in joe now, it's time to put that trust in camila love, jill last night's address. >> of course, a defining moment in biden's presidency and the
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beginning of a swan song after half a century in american politics my, fellow americans, it's been privilege of my life to serve this nation over 50 years nowhere else on earth could it kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in scranton, pennsylvania, claymont, delaware. one day sit behind the resolute desk in the oval office as president united states here i am so, so special about america still defines himself as a kid with a stutter. let's bring in cnn's chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny. karen finney, the former senior spokesperson for hillary clinton, and jonah goldberg, co-founder and editor in chief of the dispatch. welcome to all of you good morning. >> jeff. i want to start with you just i mean, you've seen you've covered so many of these candidates over time. it is incredibly difficult to set this down. if you especially somebody, it's so rare, someone who has gained the power that he worked his entire
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life to gain. what were your takeaways from the speech? what we heard and what we didn't hear but we didn't hear why he was leaving. >> we know what he's doing, we know what he's asking americans to do, but he didn't really acknowledge why he was stepping aside. and i think you could still hear some strains of disbelief in there by talking about i could still win. i believe that i have the record that could still be re-elected, but i'm stepping aside to unite the party. i thought that was an interesting line as well. unite the party. of course, he wants to unite the country, but the urgent task here is democrats are divided a week ago would have been almost unimaginable to hear him deliver that speech. but as time wore on, as he sat in delaware over the weekend, he was a drag on the democratic ticket and he came to that realization, of course, that seeing him in the oval office there, it was the beginning of
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his long goodbye and i was just struck by another moment in 2015, he is he stood in the rose garden with brock obama, president barack obama, and he said he's not going to run for president. and that was intended to be the end of his chapter. but he came back because of donald trump. so he had a second act, i guess, but it was shorter than he hoped yeah. >> and the long goodbye. that's the headline on peter baker's piece this morning, where he talks about it was time to pass the torch, but said nothing about his age, health, or capacity that led so many democrats to desert him since the calamitous debate, he did not describe the journey from supreme confidence that he and he alone can beat former president trump to the conclusion that he could not instead, it was an opportunity for a reset to tell his story again on his own terms. and jonah goldberg, this was the wall street journal editorial board on the speech. they write this quote, americans were left instead. they noted, of course he did not answer these questions to infer the reasons that mr. biden left, as he
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said, his accomplishments had earned him a second term, but would no longer seek it speech will do nothing to dispel the view that this was a coup by democratic power brokers and that he and they and his aides had been hiding the truth about his decline from the voters for months, if not years. what do you make of that yes. i agree. the first part i really disagree with the second. this was not a coup by democratic power brokers democratic voters, and vote coverage generally had been yelling at pollsters like two years saying this guy shouldn't run, right, that he's too old, don't run. we want a different choice. and it was only after the debate that the democratic power brokers said, holy crap, those guys are right. and they started to muster and do this stuff and they convinced joe biden to his credit that they knew this, which how can you can just see the enthusiasm from democrats now that proves the point that they really didn't want to vote democrat. they just don't want to vote for him and so we're i agree with the journal is that look, i thought the text of last night's speech was a really bad missed opportunity. i
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thought a big chunk of it with red like a state of the union address just reading off campaign stuff about things he's done. i get why he's proud of all of it, but i just don't think that was the appropriate venue for it. i think the subtext of it was we don't the journal's right. we don't we can infer this guy. you just look at him, any like whatever sympathy you have for him that's great and empathy and all that this does not look like a guy who can do 14 hour days campaigning for for reelection and that's, that was on display is going to open up an argument about whether he can stay as president. i think that's an argument we can do for another day. but i thought last night he did you know, you got to cut the guy some slack if if he giving them a gold watch early and you're saying and he's willingly going along with doing this. let him say the things that he wants to say, the way he wants to say. and you can have arguments about it another time. and i think that's a real really important point. i mean, look, he just did something that if i'm not mistaken, nobody in
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the history of the world has ever done is the most powerful position. and he said, okay, you know what? i'm going to pass the torch, whoever does that, little lyndon johnson did. well along george washington jim jordan how long have. we been on the earth so, but point being, i also think though that speech last night wasn't meant to be. let me tell you about my my sore knees and my hips and my this am i that because we'd be talking about that today. right? it was meant to be brief to the point because the part of our whole point is democrats is we want to stop talking about the president's age and go back to talking about, we want to be talking about project 2025 because we know voters are scared of it and it resonates. and we want to be talking about kamala harris. and so i think part of the goal was also in his mind to sort of set up look there's a positive record. some may disagree, but there's
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a positive record that she's also part of that she gets to run on and really to make it more of a passing of the torch than let me tell you about all the physical ailments and you guys were right. i should i should get out. i give him a lot of credit and i think he deserves a lot of grace for it jeff, zeleny, one of the numbers in our poll that we released yesterday that stood out to me in terms of what jonah goldberg was talking about, is this question we asked what should biden do? >> should he stay in office or not? and 70% of people said, yes, biden should stay in office only 29% said he should resign. this does seem to underscore that again, i was one of the things that i keep coming back to as we cover this just absolutely wild election cycle. is that, you know, i actually do really love american voters. like if you actually listen to them, they will tell you what they can see and they could see things that a lot of people often weren't willing to say about president biden what they're saying here is that they you can tell the difference between an ask for four more years and the ability to be in that job for six more months, again, just being president instead of both being
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president and campaigning for president at the same time, you have that number was pretty striking. >> i mean, seven in ten, you don't find 70% of the people agree with much of anything, things obviously some republicans, independence are in there as well. >> look, i mean, it's been cleared to jonah's point. i mean, voters have been saying this. we have been talking about age, the democratic party was thinking a lot of people were thinking about should he be primary last year, obviously, that's it's a very risky move to primary. a sitting president. so they didn't, but voters have no qualms about that. so we've been hearing them for the last year and more, but the 70% of people who want him to stay, i think that answers the question for now, at least. i mean, yes, republicans will talk about it. it's going to likely be an issue for vice president harris summer what but i think unless there's some other type of incident or moment, i think he will not get as much attention except when they want him to get attention. and i think
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it'll be january before we know it's also just worth the cnn poll. had a i can remember the exact number, but it was higher than 70% of americans think he was right to not run again right? and so there's this weird and it's so they do it in such angry terms. but the trump process argument that this is an outrage and we've nullified fortunate americans, most republicans, i mean, the vast majority republicans think that's a nonsense argument to write. >> yeah, really, really interesting. all right, coming up next here on cnn this morning if? >> you don't mind, i'm not going to be nice. is that okay not going to be nice or you support donald trump previews how he plans would tack kamala harris as a new cnn poll shows the race tightening plus congresswoman debbie dingell joins us live as president biden begins his farewell to politics and protesters in dc warning hamas he is coming wow
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a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. jewelry you love. find us in-store and online then not in here, man i watch old episodes of practical jokers on a new network tonight, attack on tbs they say something happened to me when i got shot, i became nice and when you're dealing with these people, they are very dangerous people when you're dealing with them, you can't be too nice you really can't be so if you don't mind, i'm not going to be nice. is that he race is on to define kamala harris as she works to reintroduce herself as the person on the top of the ticket on her terms. >> and donald trump tries to introduce her on his terms. >> if kamala will lie to you so
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brazenly about joe biden's mental incapacity, then she will hide to you about anything she can never, ever be trusted. she can't be trusted and just like crooked joe biden, kamala harris is unfit to lead in a vote for kamala is a vote for four more years of dishonesty and incompetence, weakness, and failure other than that, she's doing an excellent job all right. >> our panel is back karen, you've got something to say there the intentionality with which and almost the glee on his face when he mispronounces his her name. >> let me show got a massive all the times. >> he does this. let's watch this because i don't want to karen pick up out of this too because it's intentional and it does matter. i think watch if kamala harris gets in lyin, kamala harris kamala harris is the most liberal elected
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politician in american history. kamala through open our borders, lyin, kamala harris lyin. kamala you're fired. get adding, hear. you're fired that was all yesterday. and again, it's camila it is not hard, right? it's easy. comma law. that's all i do. yeah. look, it's so intentional. it's so obvious it's othering it is trying to make her seem like she some bizarre not one of us it's, you know, it's also demeaning, right? because one of the most basic forms of respect is to pronounce somebody's name or to say, how do you pronounce your name? and look, i mean, for african americans, there's a whole history of we didn't get it's a choose our names for a very long time. but most importantly, it's just such a sign of disrespect and it's such an obvious, intentional way to try to belittle her and demean hur on the national stage as to your point, they're trying to define her as someone
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who's insignificant jonah treated by the look on your face as someone who mispronounces words all the time. i think that there are people who in good faith just mispronouncing her name. i think trump is a grumpy old 78-year-old guy. it might be deliberate he certainly looking to other her and do all sorts of terrible things to her. and i don't dispute that for a second but like he mispronounced buttigieg, his name all the time too and people just sometimes get hooked up on this. so i just don't know if it could be deliberate it also might not be. i just i think this is the kind of thing that plays really well among people were already going to vote for harris and making in there. so there's so many richard targets to point that about what they're going to say and do towards harris that will play with persuadables in the middle i'm not sure. the on the on the bubble suburban voter is like, okay, now i'm going to vote for
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her because trump's mispronouncing her name. >> what i mean, i think that the point out though is is instead to underscore to people who have you know, all the reasons why it has been difficult for women and people of color to get elected in this country. he's trying to torque that. sure. tendency, right? yes. >> this jonah is the wall street journal editorial board. you mentioned there all you can be all of these other ways, right? so they, have this, their lead editorial this morning. i think they're trying to send a message to the trump campaign and two other republicans because they basically walked through a lot of those possible attacks and say, don't do it. so they say the puzzle here is why all of this, the excitement about harris seems to have confounded republicans. they are grasping for attack lines that either aren't likely to work or are counterproductive. one bad argument is that ms harris is a dei candidate. another misfire asserting president biden should resign now since he isn't running for reelection calling out ms harris for being childless is another false
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note. some republicans think they can win by portraying ms harris as weird as her laugh is disqualifying to many republicans seem to have brought the triumphal claims in the conservative press that ms harris can't win of such media bubble over confidence are defeats made and again, this is a murdoch-owned newspaper, conservative editorial page where there's a long history of the journal running pieces trying to signal to trump don't go there. mick mulvaney wrote an op-ed that he got a lot of grief for you later admitted was intended to there's no way donald trump would would question the outcome of the election as a way to sort of like, you know, coach him not to do that i agree with the journal on this for the most part, i think that the media bubbles stuff, if all you've done is watch fox and hang out in the fox news green room. you think there are all of these arguments that work on normals that only work in your little echo chamber. and but trump's going to do them anyway. >> jeff, look, i've been surprised that mean for as long
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as this has been sort of possibly in the works, how flat footed good the trump campaign sort of has been on this in terms of finding there footing how to run against her speaking about her name though speaker johnson has said it properly, senator j.d. vance said it properly last week at the convention. so we'll see what that split is. but overall, big picture the race to define her has been slower in some respects than i thought by both sides, democrats are not really rushing to defend her. an advertising and other things. and republicans are doing it somewhat, but not on things that probably matter to some voters in terms of her record and things. so this speech last night could not have been from the former president, could not have been a stronger contrast of what's to come and her speech in indianapolis and other things talking about i know his type. i mean, that is the contrast now. and boy, it is not a favorable one for trump all right, coming up next here. >> we're gonna take a look at the chilling google search that
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was made by the gunman who tried to assassinate donald trump you have, officially become iran's useful idiots. >> will palestinian protesters, many anti-israel protesters causing chaos in dc? during benjamin netanyahu's address to congress how would win the atlanta olympic bombing from your saturday at nine on cnn with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey as i could be hired body doubles mountain climbing. >> tina cabin, or tree claimant tonight, a beach resort, booking dot year and the furniture business, things move fast. >> ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. >> we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job on ziprecruiter and had our guy on site in five days and he was
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brand i'm alex marquardt in washington, and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700 all right. welcome back. chilling new details about the shooter who nearly killed former president trump during the latest capitol hill hearing into the assassination attempt. the fbi director christopher wray shared a google search that they found on thomas matthew crooks laptop he became very focused on former president trump in this rally on july 6, he did a google
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search for quote, how far away was oswald from kennedy and so that's a searched obviously is significant in terms of his state of mind we know, that crooks was within just 150 yards of trump when he opened fire. we also learned he scoped out the site with a drone just two hours before trump took the stage director wray says efforts to identify an exact motive are still ongoing so far, investigators have not found anything conclusive all right. time now for weather, no relief in sight for areas out west battling wildfires, mandatory evacuation orders remain in effect throughout butte county in northern california as the park fire continues to rapidly spread. let's get straight to our weatherman van dam, derek, good morning to you. what are you seeing out there? >> yeah remember. kasie butte county is the same county where the camp fire was located in
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2018 that brought so much devastation. so look at this time lapse of the rapid fire growth of this particular fire. and you can see just how quickly that spreads with the very volatile on the ground dry a brutal conditions. there are 88 active wildfires over the western us, and i want to point this out. it is not just the western us impacted by wildfire activity. i want to get right into the western parts of canada where we're following a story that's breaking overnight about a wildfire that has encroached on the tourist town of jasper for there were mandatory evacuations for this area google search shows just how much trees surround this particular tourist town. and many of the buildings here have suffered significant damage here's just a scope of what has happened in the jasper national park region in canada. we are already seen total well area of burned acreage far surpassing the average year to date with more wildfire activity anticipated across the
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pacific northwest. and you can see the greatest threat areas for the day today, kasie, all right. >> our weatherman, derek van dam. derek. thank you. i really appreciate it coming up next here on cnn this morning. violent protests and was streets of dc as the israeli prime minister addresses congress plus the timeline, it's a compressed one for kamala harris to make her a vp pick hear me out. >> no more ideas. this is it. glen powell becomes harris is running mates. >> i guarantee you. >> i guaranteed he will attract suburban women and i already have his slogan. yes, we glad roar abs for more et me
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a joint session of congress yesterday, appealing to america's lawmakers for continued support of israel in the war for with hamas outside the capital, protesters scuffling with police and each other it seems like this one playing out across the nations a tussle between those protesters broken up by police officers. >> and there was that tug of war over and israeli flag protesters marching toward the capital were met with pepper spray by a line of officers. it stopped some of them in their tracks at one point, protesters even entered the watergate complex where the prime minister is staying, dumping maggots and other insects inside a conference room with israeli and us flags and then an outside of union station, protesters ripped down the
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american flag, set it on fire palestinian flag was raised in his place while an effigy of the prime minister burned at that point, somebody tried to rescue the flag from the flames but it was quickly chased from the scene and one act of protest from a member of congress in attendance at the speech itself, congresswoman rashida tlaib of michigan held up a sign during netanyahu's speech that read guilty of genocide and war criminal netanyahu said this about the protesters outside many anti-israel protesters many choose to stand with evil they stand with hamas. they stand with rapists and murderers. you have officially become iran's useful idiots jonah goldberg, i would like to ask you to weigh in on this because, you know, watching those people, these flags or on public property they belong to union station
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the american flag has since been replaced. >> we saw mike johnson, the house speaker out there talking about it, but they were ripped down. it was burned and combined with i mean, putting bugs where he is staying is disgusting. >> i mean, first of all, who has like a magnet connection, like it doesn't speak well of you in the circle to travel. and as i got a maggot guy but more broadly, look, i think everybody who hit a cop on january 6 should have been investigated, prosecuted, and found guilty in a fair trial, sent to jail you hit cops at this stuff that should be the same standard. >> i'm just a law and order guy and i think this is a real missed opportunity for a lot of democrats just in the political context of trying to draw that line because it's not like the people who are writing hamas is coming on. public statue are voting for harris, either it's easy to throw them under the bus you can make these distinctions and rashida tlaib,
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if she wants the hold up pr war criminal ping-pong paddle, good for her. but like this is one of these things were the vast bulk of the american people are either sediment adjacent or or more pro israel than that and you can eat, don't have to sort of mali cod all the pro-terror has crowd this. i think this is a good opportunity for harris to sort of make some distinctions. >> there are also, there were also these, if we can put up on the screen these, these triangle symbols, which is one of its opposed to reference a him track that triangle there it means that that's the next up moss's next target for violence, right? i mean, that is i mean, my should be arrested and that's it he's reality is that's right outside of union station there were officers there. i don't know why they weren't arrested. obviously, they were controlling the crowd, but that is clearly what should happen. >> you should be arresting people like that. i spent a week in israel with j street and we met with peace
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activists. we visited one of the key kibbutz that had been attacked. we spoke with palestinian peace activist in hebron and the one thing that i'm convinced is that actually when you talk to the people on the ground what they want is peace that is not their message. and that is actually not helpful to the cause of peace and to trying to find a resolution to this situation i personally don't think that nano is doing a good job of moving towards that, but i think more importantly, when you are defacing public property pretty, that's not acceptable. and again, that message is not actually the message of the people who are there on the ground who want peace and want to figure out how do we have two states for two people who can live side-by-side in peace. >> the white house said this about a quote identifying with evil terrorist organizations like hamas, burning the american flag, or forcibly removing the american flag and replacing it with another is disgraceful antisemitism and violence are never acceptable, period. i'm interested to see
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the campaign statement when i went to bet last night, there wasn't one yet guess we'll watch out for that. all right. coming up here, michigan congresswoman debbie dingell joins us. >> we can get her thoughts on president biden's speech in the way forward for democrats plus kaitlan forgotten or for tennis star coco gauff, your morning roundup up next if you're 50 or over, you can be taken advantage of everything aarp has to offer right now, join aarp for $12 for one year and you're second membership is free. >> get instant access to discounts on everyday purchases. i care in prescriptions and tools and tips just to help manage your money and maximize your health. plus aarp fights to protect your social security. medicare, and more join and get an insulated trump organizer free plus eight arp. the magazine
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gauff will carry the american flag for the u.s. olympic team during friday night opening ceremony in paris, xi will be joining jake the 20-year-old tennis star, becoming the youngest flag bearer in us history a big change coming to southwest airlines the low fare carrier is shifting to assign seating for the first time in its history. that will allow it to begin charging a premium for some seats southwest says the number one complaint from unhappy passengers. is there open seating policy? >> hello regular, often airline travelers, what do we think about this? whole reason he's loose southwest, it was the shorts, the prc attitude you know, the fighting for your seat, the race for the darwinian struggle southwest, i mean, like that's an early arrivers airports like i liked i liked the incentive structure of claiming your territory.
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>> i am i am not an early riser. i always find it very stressful. she have to do wish to weigh in on this question i know peanut snow twice of seats. i mean, what's to come? >> we'll ask congressman will ask you about this here in a second. i want to introduce you. we want to turn back now to this. let's watch president biden gave a primetime address from the oval office about his decision to drop out of the race and basically on sunday, he broke up with the country over text and tonight he met us for coffee to explain president biden delivering his first remarks last night since this historic director decision to end his reelection bid, flanked by his family only the president defended his record, outline his plans for his remaining six months in office, sought to define his legacy a legacy that when he first ran for the office in 1988, he envisioned this way we said that the key to restoring confidence in our traditions and our institutions was public officials who would stand up
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and tell the american people exactly what they thought the paraphrase, what i said that day in 1972 i mean to be that candidate and with the grace of god and the support of the american people. i mean to be that kind of president all right, joining us now to discuss democratic congresswoman debbie dingell of michigan, congresswoman, always grateful to have you on the show. nice to see. you could see as you watch this speech, what were your reflections? no, it is such a hard three weeks and so many different ways. you can't forget the human moment of last night and what a difficult three weeks. this has banned for this man whose loved his country, who has done public service so there's a certain, you know, look, i was sad. it was appointment night at the same tight i think he laid out very clearly what the future is, what it's the difference between hope and
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hate unity and division. and i hope everybody in america heard that i think he laid that out. he clearly passed the torch clearly also, six more months of his presidency, a lot of work to be done. i'm not this isn't a goodbye yet, folks. we got work to do i know. i'm going to congress. it doesn't want to do the work, but i heard you're leaving down today. i'm coming back next week. >> it congressman, were you surprised or did you think it would have been helpful if the president had talked a little bit more about why he did what he did. i mean, he didn't touch on his age or any of the things that people clearly know. we're a factor in his decision so can i ask a question? >> have we talked about it enough i mean, the country knows that happened. they saw it play out in real time. he made it clear that he thought he could still serve, but he wanted to bring the party together. i am not somebody who appreciated the circular firing squad. the last three weeks. i
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think there are ways to communicate things to people without doing it in some of the ways that we're done he has passed the torch. i want to get home. i want to see what people are really saying. i want to get out of the bubble of washington and offense style appeal and getting my union halls and my bdf the abuse and my farmers markets. but will the press ever stop criticizing? and what we can start doing a little more on donald trump. i think it was a very poignant evening. he talked about what was ahead, what we needed to do while he was doing it and here we are. >> let's talk about what happens next. i mean, michigan, where you're from, what you know so well is clearly one of the most critical battlegrounds for kamala harris. how do you think that her candidacy changes the race for the state of michigan? >> i want to get home i i can hear talking to some people that there's some excitement and we got to go out and we got
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to sell it. we've got to show people what she stands for. donald trump's going to work very hard to try to define are one one-way we're going to work very hard to define what the future is about. we are a purple state, you know, that i'm the one in 216 who told you all we're going to lose the nobody believed me. i think we can believe i did sure. i think we can win. i think we've got i want to roll up my sleeves and go home but i want to get in where real people are and hear what they're saying. i know what we've got to do. >> we saw some pretty ugly scenes outside the capital, outside of union station yesterday with protesters graffiti being hamas is coming on the statue clearly with the triangle upside-down triangle symbol that it's really an indicator of violence as opposed to seeing protests that were focused on peace in gaza. kamala harris has a chance here to define herself in terms of
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where she stands on this conflict. she has an opportunity to potentially distance herself from president biden. she also has an opportunity potentially to hug him if she thinks that's where more voters are going to be. >> how do you think she should navigate this issue? so first of all, i want to like it was thick. what happened yesterday? i unfortunately was by union station when that flag was burned. it is never acceptable to burn the flag of the united states of america period i'm just disgusted by it i'm not so sure i'm probably going to get in trouble here. we didn't have paid people yesterday trying to cause trump off and i think we need to be paying attention to that. i think i have talked to the vice president multiple times. i think she's like a whole lot of us in this country. what hamas did was a terrorist act. and we can never, ever, ever walk away, your understand what happened to those hostages. but we have
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seen you know, people are documenting these figures. it's tens of thousands of innocent people have died in gaza. you know what we all want peace. we don't want to see anybody else die. what's happened at both sides is refik and ugly and i think she wants to bring peace and i think the president, a wise man who's dealt with this in a long time. i hope that she's going to listen to everybody, which i think she's already shown, she will do. it's a tough issue. i think she wants peace. just what i want. the white house. >> of course, currently led by them the president put out a statement condemning those protests yesterday. should kamala harris as the person at the top of the ticket, put out a statement today condemning those protesters i think what we all everybody got a right to free speech. >> hey, come home with me sometime. i guarantee if you spend a day or two days with me, you'll get protested. you'll see me protested. i'm used to it. but violence is never okay. and we are normalizing violence in this country. we cannot accept it
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any sign, any place that protect tribal assassination, thankfully, that fail and donald trump was not okay. burning flags, the kind of ugliness in yelling and screaming, scared me. it absolutely scared me. were there yelling at you know, i wasn't getting yelled at because i was smart enough to try to avoid it yesterday because i didn't want to see it i mean, my side, but i did not want to be the target, but my colleague dan kildee was i mean, they tried to break into his office. they were pounding at his door, his kids are traumatized. this is not okay. we are normalizing violence. we are normalizing vitriolic in every last one of us in this country should be standing up to that. >> all right. congresswoman debbie dingell, very grateful for you. thank you very much for being here today all right. >> let's turn now to this story. mark your calendars for august 7. that's when democrats are hoping to announce. kamala harris is running mate it sources tell cnn and one of the most accelerated vice presidential searches in american history the top of the
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ticket at kamala harris reportedly narrowing down the search with arizona senator mark kelly pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, and north carolina governor roy cooper, emerging as top contenders. also in the mix, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, kentucky governor andy beshear, minnesota governor tim walz everyone has been playing their cards pretty close. >> again, this is not about the future. of this country. >> that is a deeply personal decision that should be made free from any political pressure. >> she's going to make a decision that's the right decision for her for the party and for the country. >> i'd be reluctant to make a change, but it'd be hard to resist a call and consideration if the nominee called me to ask to be considered for vice president shortlist that i don't know.
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>> i've seen it out there and it's a little weird like i appreciate pritzker's candor quite honestly like to actually say, well, yeah. >> okay. i'm a politician. you call me vice president, probably going to take congress. who would you like to see? come on harris? >> i want to see your pick somebody that she can get along with. she's going to have good chemistry with. and i'm not going to weigh in publicly on this because i think she should be able to pick who she wants. >> fair enough karen, can you bring us inside these deliberations mean the timeline is because of this virtual roll call situation with dnc um, what do you think the considerations are? >> because josh shapiro, for example, extremely popular in my home state of pennsylvania. i think there's really a feeling that he could maybe change things there. then again, mark kelly of arizona has a lot of expertise on an experience on national issues, particularly the border, which is something that she's going to have a lot of challenges on well, i think it's a couple of things me having worked on vp selections previously. sure. you're looking at the polling. but to what the congresswoman
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said, you're looking for, who do you have chemistry with who? because at the end of the day this is the person that you're going to turn to in tough moment and you want to make sure that there's someone's going to give you their best advice and they ease all comfortable with the kind of advice they're going to give you in the way that conversation is going to go also, obviously, the vetting and people forget that these days in addition to the financial, its social media, it's everything you've ever said. it's everything you've ever thought. >> i'm saying somewhere on social media? so there's a lot that goes into it. what typically happens as you know, is there's a book on everybody or a folder and everybody and you see pluses and minuses. but then a lot of it really just comes down to the personal chemistry and less as much as people think about, i could win this state or that state yeah. >> well, i mean, look to certain extent, people vote for the top of the ticket. the vp choice doesn't always make or break, but it can. there does seem to be a little bit of buyer's remorse going on in the trump campaign right now over j.d. vance? yes. >> what do you make of that?
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>> but j.d. vance has been an elected official for 18 months. he wouldn't. but for donald trump's endorsement in ohio, he would not have been it would not have won his primary he was not a great campaigner. he was bailed out of the last minute by mitch mcconnell and the normie establishment republicans and he's not necessarily what you hear from people is just not necessarily the vp pick. you'd pick if you knew you're gonna be running against harris, right? and it was a confidence copy move he'll get better. he's very smart. >> but that convention speech, when the crowd is chanting in unison, joe must go and i agree that is not the sign of a guy who's spoken to a lot of big rallies, right? >> and i think that he is his sea legs are not great yet, and we're gonna hear more of it. >> and she has the opportunity when she makes her pick to kind of base it off that which it's not going to be based off that entirely, but someone who can respond to him and all that. so
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i think she knows what it's like to be vice president, obviously, since she was vice president. so that's so fresh in her mind, but it's all about the connection and relationship and she has the longest one with roy cooper from north carolina? >> yeah, it's interesting congressman, eye on vance what do you think the opportunities are for him? i mean, we've kind of excavating the archives, the childless cat ladies thing very briefly, that was absolutely another horrific thing that he said in the women. >> i wish you could see the woman's member jet. we have a lot of very blunt things i mean, j.d vance and by the way, i just wish to say this is going to be a replay of michigan versus ohio state, michigan one last year. and we're going to win this year to go black michigan. to be clear, neither democrats, it's not going over me all right. >> thanks, sir. our panel. thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn new central starts right now


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