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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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relations ship put to the test right now, president biden will meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as tensions over the war in gaza boil over into the nation's capital how sources say the president will approach this critical meeting at his forceful push for a ceasefire plus vice president kamala harris out on the trail and vowing to fight him message, bring it on. in the meantime, former president donald trump testing out some new attack lines. his message i'm not going to be nice. and changing it is in the air southwest airlines is ditching its scramble for your seat boarding strategy. what's driving this huge change for the airline? we're following these major developing helping stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central i
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didn't moment at the white house president joe biden will sit down with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> the two leaders coming face-to-face for the first time. fine since biden ended his 2024 reelection campaign. and one day after netanyahu's fiery speech to congress, where he defended actions taken in the war against hamas. the ceasefire agreement is expected to be at the top of the agenda for these two leaders. and then later this afternoon, the two will meet with families of american hostages being held currently in gaza. let's get the latest from the white house with cnn senior white house correspondent mj lee and mj, you have some new reporting about what we should expect to come from this meeting yeah, i'm boris, i should note that just seconds ago we saw the car that is carrying israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu roll through into the white house where of course he is now expected to have this bilateral meeting with president biden. >> what sources telling me is that we do expect that president biden might be as
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forceful as he has ever been in a private setting with the prime minister and urging him to accept the ceasefire deal that is currently on the table that would put an end to this war that has been ongoing, of course, since last october as one senior official put it to me, boris, that we're closer than we've ever been. and it is up to the israelis to accepted. and it's not only just this bilateral meeting where the president will have the occasion to exert some pressure on the prime minister as soon is that meeting has wrapped up, the two leaders are going to go into another private meeting with the families of american hostages that are still in gaza. and that of course would be another setting. for the prime minister might get a hard push from everyone in the room to accept that deal. to end the war. of course, we should remind everyone there are eight american hostages is that are still believed to be in gaza. and just looming over this day of meetings at boris is of course, the fact that it's only been a couple of days since the president and announce his decision to end his reelection
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campaign. and now the question of how this war exactly comes to an end is really poised to play a big factor in the legacy of the president's. one term presidency. and of course, as we have talked about so much, this is a war that has taken up. so much of the president's top i'm end his effort. and this is a ceasefire deal that the president has made such a hard push unsuccessfully so far, of course, over the course of many months to bring this deal crossed the finish line. i will also say one senior official for now is insisting that the u.s. does not believe the prime minister is sort of purposefully delayed laying a deal from coming together for political reasons of his own. they did tell us yesterday, however, that if the deal remains stalled a month from now than they may come to a different conclusion for us mj lee live from the white house where we should point out we're getting live images not far from where you are on the north lawn, that vehicle set to pull up in a doorway? >> at any moment, we want to get the view now from jerusalem
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with cnn's jeremy diamond, who's live there for us. and jeremy, how is this visit and his push from the biden administration for netanyahu to accept the ceasefire deal being received. there well, look, there's no question that the majority of israelis want to see a deal that would release the hostages and a majority of israel haley's are also this satisfied with the israeli prime minister's leadership? >> and so there's no question that many of them will be looking to president biden hoping that he will be able to convince the israeli prime minister that it is worth taking the political risk facing the potential political blowback from his right-wing governing allies in order border to reach out and take this leap of faith towards a ceasefire deal. we have heard over the course of the last week from a number of officials from multiple we'll countries that it's now effectively up to israel. it's up to the israeli prime minister and whether or not he actually wants a deal to actually go
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ahead and make this happen. i've also been told that the israeli delegation that was set to leave today to meet with the mediators has been delayed until early next week. but when they deliver those demands, and this is exactly what the israeli prime minister is going to lay out for president biden today. that is israeli response is going to include several of those eleventh-hour demands that netanyahu has been making regarding preventing armed men from returning to in northern gaza during the ceasefire and also maintaining and israeli troop presence along the gaza, egypt border. so we'll see, you know, we'll president biden try and convince netanyahu who to drop those demands in order to make it more simple and easier for hamas to go ahead and accept this deal and for a ceasefire to actually be able to be put in place how will president biden kind of push and prod nets and you, one thing is clear. and that's an yahoo won't just be looking to president biden for how he makes his decision here. he's also going to be meeting with
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vice president kamala harris, the presumptive democratic nominee later today and tomorrow morning with former press president trump, the republican nominee. and there's no question that netanyahu, a very, very keen observer of us politics, is also going to be looking at what comes next, what comes next after president biden, how will that potential? actually shape us policy towards israel? whether the next president is kamala harris, or donald trump, for us, jeremy diamond. >> thanks so much for that reporting there's a lot at stake, obviously, and there is a burning question. what is it going to take to get a deal across the finish line here? let's discuss this now with alex marquardt a quarter cnn chief national security correspondent, david sanger, our cnn political and national security analyst. he's a new york times white house and national security correspondent alex, just to you first, what is the reaction been to netanyahu's address to congress here in dc and around the world. >> well, i mean, i think if we're speaking globally and certainly among democrats here in town, there was
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disappointment that he didn't stand up there and talk about how the war was ending. are talking about how to that the ceasefire was, was imminent and go into place. we heard hostage families say that they had hoped that he would stand up and announced that the ceasefire had been accepted. and as you just heard jeremy say, it is believed that the ball is in israel's court i mean listen anybody who has been listening to netanyahu for a long time, time could have written this speech in the days ahead of time. i mean, this was this was netanyahu through and through. there were very few surprises. there was a lot of red meat in there for his supporters. we saw many of the lawmakers, primarily republicans, standing up and applauding. there were democrats in there as well but he hit on the subjects that we expected him to. and among those subjects there was room for a lot of pushback and a lot of fact checking whether you're talking about the amount of aid that needs to get into gaza, which the u.s. says is complicated by israel's military military operation. whether you're talking about the civilian death toll,
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what's happening in rafah, and the list goes on and on. he talked about these protesters being useful idiots for iran there were some pretty nasty scenes out there among the protesters yesterday. some pro hamas language. he certainly looked to paint all of the protesters that we've seen in the past few months in this country. with this broad sort of pro pro-hamas brush, tools of of iran. and then when talking about the future for gaza, i think there was a lot of disappointment and that he was talking about the efforts would continue until its de-radicalized and demilitarize. and that's that's, that's code language for this is going to take a very long time and israel is going to maintain a presence in gaza for quite some time, which he did say he wasn't he didn't talk about it, acquiescing to a two-state solution. he didn't talk about his vision for peace. i think certainly globally speaking and those who want to see this conflict come to an end there was a fair bit of disappointment we should quickly note for our viewers that cnn has a reporter just outside of lafayette park, which has been shut down outside of the white house
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because we're anticipating protests there as the prime minister is arriving at the white house, will of course, keep an eye on that. >> david, i wanted to go to you because notably and i believe these are live images from just outside of lafayette park. david, when you hear netanyahu's speech yesterday, the reporting that alex just out line it appears that there have been some slight but discernible shifts in the way that netanyahu has talked about this war. one of them being that he's not explicitly calling for the end of hamas altogether, something that he had described as a necessity for this war to come to a conclusion. >> how do you read those slight shifts and the potential for this ceasefire deal to actually take hold let's really great question, boris. >> and it was just on friday that we heard secretary of state antony blinken say that this negotiation was on the ten yard line, that he was quick to
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add. >> there are lots of people would get to the ten yard line and don't get over the goal and i think one of the key issues that we were listening for from the prime minister was whether he was calling still for the complete destruction of hamas, which was one of their strategic objectives from the beginning, we did not hear that wording and so that made you think that he may be moving toward the american position, which is degrade hamas to the point that they could never conduct another terror attack like the one that we saw on october 7, where he didn't give ground though, was who runs gaza, that he did not suggest an alternative kind of governance for it. some reformed way for the palestinian authority to do it instead, he's still talking about israeli troops there for an unspecified period of time. >> something mr. blinken and the president have said is
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unacceptable. i think something they'll look for this afternoon is whether or not prime minister netanyahu tweets president biden with whom is relationship has been pretty poisonous in recent times as it lame duck or whether biden believes and now it is not running. he is free to make the kind of demands on israel that he wants to, including the threat that if they don't sign up to this, it will affect the kind of aid they get from the united states that would be a pretty, pretty extreme option. >> also, david, you have now presumptive democratic nominee kamala harris, expected to meet with netanyahu later today how do you expect her approach to him to be different than biden's? and how do you expect her? apparent entry into the race to change netanyahu's calculus on how he's approaching the u.s well, this is really fascinating new element to it. in her public
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statements so far before she was a candidate for president, she had differences emphasis, and nuance with president biden, but no real differences of substance in her famous speech in selma, she talked a lot about the suffering of the palestinian people, but did not suggest in any way that she would pull back on the arms it, israeli is really using a lot of us weaponry for its attacks now, she's got to basically walk but line that president biden has been walking until now, which is to say she can't anger the very pro pro-israel groups who believe that biden has been too hard on netanyahu. >> and yet on the other side, she doesn't want to give any ground because that would suggest that the progressive it's what abandoned her and that's of course going to be
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key base for her as she heads into the election. and the progressive view has been very much to put much more blame on israel for its response. then to focus instead on the original terror attack alex notably donald trump, is also going to meet with the israeli prime minister. he recently said, i believe it was yesterday that israel has a pr problem and that he would quote, make sure that it gets over with fast. you have to end this fast. it can continue to go on like this. it's too long. it's too much. >> do we have a sense of which candidate netanyahu would prefer win in november yeah, i think without question it would be donald will trump. i mean, trump was seen as one of the most pro-israel presidents, if not the most pro-israel president in modern american history he moved the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. he recognize the golan heights as being israeli territory. he strike the, struck the abraham accords with between israel and other arab countries. it was only really after the trump
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administration that the two men and we're really at odds because netanyahu congratulated biden in trump's view prematurely. and so now we see netanyahu trying to get back into trump it's good graces. netanyahu is essentially hedging his bets with this meeting tomorrow and he's not unique in that sense, we've seen plenty of float foreign leaders during the u.s election going and meeting with trump in him his team. because simply we don't know who is going to win now, it is interesting to look at trump's language there. he's talking about it being a pr problem. he's really looking at it through that framing and he talks about the need to get it done as quickly as possible. and this is something we have heard from trump in the past few months what is getting it done as quickly as possible? netanyahu could have stood up there yesterday saying, i'm ending israeli military operations. we are engaging in a ceasefire. is it going it and continuing the military operation to try to take out hamas? with which will inevitably result in more death and destruction. trump's language there very interesting that he is looking at it through that, that pr framing. but we will of course be paying
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close attention shan to that meeting at mar-a-lago because netanyahu does have some work to do to get back to that kind of relationship that they had during the trump term? >> that's such an important point, alex. thank you so much, david. thank you to you as well. and ahead on cnn news central, she's not afraid of a fight. vice president harris unleashing some fresh attacks and a new campaign ad as she buys for the democratic presidential nomination. and in the meantime, former president trump is hitting the trail with a message of his own honig. no more, mr. nice guy was the longest layover ever. we just got an update on the starliner crew that's been delayed in space for weeks and weeks we're not stuck though, very important to point out they're not stuck. how close are they actually do we return flight? we have details in just moments saturday on the whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. where does america go from
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translate that leap in our hearts into something we can see and hold etsy how it really happened. >> the atlanta olympic bombing premiere saturday at nine on cnn four days after she wants joe biden's endorsement to become the next president, vice president kamala harris released the first video of her 2024 campaign featuring a song from beyonce the freedom not just to get by, but get ahead. the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to make decisions about your own body we choose it's a future source says that beyonce, his team approved the use of that song. >> the freedom of theme played big at harris is event today, which just wrapped up in houston. she was the keynote speaker at the american federation of teachers convention the first union to endorse harris for president. we're joined now by cnn's eva mckend with the details. so eva
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walk us through the message from the vice president. >> so boris, she retooled her stump speech a bit today to appeal to these educators, to appeal to the union chief thanked the union. she also talked about how her first-grade teacher was so instrumental in her own life that that teacher even went on to attend her law school graduation. but ultimately think she's framing this contest around this notion of freedom reproductive choice, the freedom to be safe from gun violence. let's take a listen actually, eva, we're going to pause and show our viewers what we got just moments ago. prime minister netanyahu visiting president joe biden at the white house. let's listen in everybody welcome back prime minister, we're going to talk about we should get to where's
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yours as president. >> we've known each other for 40 years. and you've known every israeli prime minister 50 years from golda meir so from a proud jewish zionist to a proud irish american zionist i want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the state of israel. and i look forward to discussing with you today and working with you in the months ahead on the gradient officials before i look forward to as well, by the way, that first meeting with prime minister golda meir jan assistance sit next to me and rabin himself far back because i was only 12 anyway. thank you all for grady
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president biden, and prime minister netanyahu, not answering reporters shouted questions, a chorus of reporters trying to get answers from the two men. >> president biden, saying that the two have lots to talk about he then opened the floor for netanyahu, who said that biden had spent four decades building their relationship. he described the president as a proud zionist and thanked him for 50 years of support for the israeli people. obviously this, the two leaders first meeting since over the weekend, president biden announced that he was stepping aside as the 2024 presumptive nominee for the white house on the democratic side, we'll of course, keep an eye on the meeting and what comes out of it. we want to get back to the conversation with eva mckend and eva, you were just tossing to a sound bite from vice president harris speaking to teachers in houston, you want to walk us through what she said? >> yeah ultimately, xi is framing this contest around freedom, reproductive choice, the freedom to be free from gun violence. in respective
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communities. she's detailing the conservative policy plan. if the former president was it is to be re-elected in that is so central to her election argument. let's take listen in this moment. we are in a fight for our most fundamental freedoms and to this room of leaders i say, bring it on bring it what kinds of country do we want to live in? >> a country of freedom compassion and rule of law or a country of chaos? fear and hate and boris, i can tell you that from being on the campaign trail with her the last few days, this is a message that is really resonating with voters. >> they think that she is the best person in this moment to
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make this argument against the former president boris and a tie everything together. >> she's actually set to meet with prime minister netanyahu soon after she gets back to washington, dc after he's done meeting with biden and with the families of american hostages still being held in gaza, eva mckend, thanks so much for the reporting. >> brianna and on the republican front, former president trump is telling his supporters he is not going to it'd be nice. >> that is despite the fact that he's called for unity just a week ago at the republican national convention during his rally in north carolina yesterday, he went after harris in multiple ways. >> kamala harris is the most liberal elected politician in american history. did you know that she's an ultra liberal politician we're going to turn now to cnn's alayna treene and daniel dale. >> alayna, tell us more about how trump is trying to define harris it's really interesting because this of course, was his first rally since biden stepped aside over the weekend. and
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also since kamala harris seems like his most likely opponent, come this fall and he really did waste no time going after he actually spent most of his very lengthy speech last night attacking her. and as you just heard in that soundbite, he tried tried to paint her as a radical liberal. he nicknamed her lyin kamala, although he promised pronounced her name throughout the entire speech he's really trying to go after on specific policies, mainly abortion, immigration, and even at times claimed that she was somewhat of a mastermind behind some of biden's policies, but look, he actually spent i think the majority of his tax focusing on her handling of the border. i want you to take a listen to what he said so she was the borders are but she never went to the border, right? kamala, through opened our borders that allowed 20 million illegal aliens to stampede into our country from all over the world okay so clearly there are some falsities in there and that's why we have daniel here to fact
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check that in a moment, but i do want to point on a couple of things one is that when i talked to donald trump's advisers, they really are trying to figure out, as you mentioned, how are they going to define her and obviously for the last year or so, they have had an entire playbook built and designed around going after an unpopular 81-year-old. and so now they're trying to figure out exactly the best ways to define kamala harris and two attacker. and we really did see that on display last night, and i do think when i talked to his team, they really do want to focus on policy particularly the areas were donald trump in their eyes polls better things like immigration as you just heard, and the border, but also inflation and crime. and that's really what they're going to continue trying to do. and he did talk about policy last night, but as we all know, donald trump is the only man who actually sets the tone for this. and i am very curious to see how some of his messaging changes in the weeks ahead. >> all alright, fact, check away daniels in those short clips, there were three separate false claims. he said that vice president harris has never visited the border. she did go she went in mid 2021 in
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texas many republicans complained before that that she had not gone then they stopped because she went. but trump has continued three years later. he said she was a joe biden's border czar. she wasn't she was never put in charge of the border. she was given a much more limited simon to lead a so-called root causes diplomatic effort trying to address the reasons in guatemala, el salvador, and honduras that people choose to migrate how many republicans scoff at this kind of fact-check there, like there were a bunch of articles back in 2021, they called her borders are frankly, those articles were wrong. and if you look at cnn's own covers, not to toot our own horn, but you'll see that the white house and harris's office consistently as early as early 21, pushed back on that framing and then trump also said harris has allowed 20 million people to stampede in, aside from the question of her own responsibility that number is way too high. there have been about 10 million so-called border encounters at the southern border under biden and not all of those are individual people. many of them are attempted repeat crossers because many of them are immediately expelled. so even if you add in so-called gotaways, people who invaded the border patrol and house
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republicans say they are a couple of million. that doesn't add up to 20 million it just doesn't no, it doesn't alright. i'm also wonder sometimes why not just stick with the facts if you're dealing with millions, you've got to that's a big number, maybe that what you do that effectively? alright, let's listen now this is more from former president trump talking about harris i will not cut one penny from social security or medicare and i will not raise the retirement age one day, i won't even raise it by one day you know, they're talking about he was talking about she's talking about lifting the retirement issue and she's not talking about lifting the retirement age. i found zero examples of her doing so both she and president biden have during this administration strongly opposed proposals, mostly from conservative republicans to repay, to raise the retirement age. now it is true that biden decades ago as or as late as the 2000s, did
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support or expressed openness to raising the age. but as president during this administration, even he has not. >> so thin air just out of thin air. >> yeah, the she part at the he part, there is some basis and biden's past the part about harris, though, seems made up. >> all right. alayna daniel. thank you. so much to both you. we do appreciate that. it still ahead. missions still not accomplished. that is the starliner crew that has been hanging out in orbit for weeks unexpectedly, as engineers tried to fix problems plaguing their spacecraft, we're going to bring you the latest update on when they might finally come home ryan and mikah are taking on to hotels. what if i took on one of the hotels and you did the other one two teams, we are going to be bryant, 100 days and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenge special series premieres, just premieres tuesday, august 13 a day on hgtv. >> i just found out i've been paying for 27 subscriptions it's like fine out you add 27
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questions you may have called now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700 hundred new today, nasa and boeing admit they still don't have a clear return date for those two astronauts that got up there on the starliner. >> they're not technically stuck up there, but it sure seems like they might be stuck up there. officials have insisted that suni williams and butch wilmore are not stuck. >> that's right. because there are ways they could get back. we're going to talk about that here in a second, but aren't at this point ready to commit to a return date yet, the astronauts have been in space now for 50 days on a mission that was supposed to last only a week, about a week, i should say cnn's kristin fisher here with us as always this is the assignment that continues to grow for you president as it does for sunny and butch and officials just held a press conference and there's an update. yes or no well, we got
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an update but we didn't get a return date. >> that's what everybody has been waiting for. it's what everybody has been hoping for. it didn't come. now, both nasa leaders and boeing leaders say that they've made great progress on the testing that they've been doing on the grounds in white sands, new mexico. they've been testing these thrusters that failed up in space on the ground, see if they can duplicate the efforts there. they say they've made progress, but not enough to give an actual return date and listen to this one of the nasa leaders that was on the call, steve stich, she was asked point blank, can you definitively say that these two nasa astronauts as nasa astronauts, butch and sunny will definitively be coming home on this starliner spacecraft. here's what he said focus today, as mark said, is mark and i have been working for the last number of weeks. >> is to return butch and sunny on starliner i think we're starting to close in on those
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final pieces of the flight rationale to make sure that we can come home safely and that's our primary focus right now. we have contingency options. we put those in play. nasa always has contingency she options we know a little bit of what those are and we haven't worked on a whole bunch, but we kind of know what those are so even now, this many weeks in nasa still saying that they can't definitively say that butch and sunny will be able to come home on this starliner spacecraft one more thing. >> you heard steve talk about contingency plans. there are other ways other spacecraft's that in a worst-case scenario could get butch and sunny home. you've got the russian soyuz spacecraft, you've got spacex's dragon capsule those are options, but at the moment, they're going to continue with this testing and hopefully get these astronauts home on starliner earliest would be likely mid-august, but they god to get back by september
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because that's when the battery life runs out on starliner, bit of an unplanned vacation, vacation oh working vacation. >> vacation. >> what of the work that they went there to do they received this really great reception when they first got on is because they were fixing a key part of the geer, on the iss and the astronauts, we understand it had resorted to using bags to hold some of their ppe, and their you're in because the crank something broken, the toilet pump. they brought the pump trump do you have an update for us on that situation? >> yes. the you're in replacement pump has been fixed. >> it's working bags of astronaut you're in are no longer just piling up at the international space station. so that's some really good news. especially when you have two extra bodies up there, then what you were planning for, right? >> the downside for poor butch and sunny, is that in order to get that pump? >> up to the international
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space station, they had to take some gear out and nasa chose to take out two of their personal suitcases in those suitcases, were there toiletries? so he was saying you would want for an ai today's day, but things that you would definitely want for a several weeks long stay don't worry, guys, there are replacements. some you have a stash of at the iss but it's not like your it's not your toiletries the brands, you know, and love, but you don't have to borrow someone else's deodorant is what you're saying. >> i let's hope not. right. >> i mean, i guess first question when i get yeah, a lot of questions for them. hopefully, we will know when they're getting back to you ornews to come on. news central, including a big shift at southwest after 50 years, that airline is now ditching open seating. it's not the only shakeup though we have more on those changes and why they're being made when we come back the five things
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10:45 am i learned fox on capitol hill it's really the end of an era for southwest airlines. the company is moving away from open seating and making a big shift to assign seats, but that is not the only change we've seen ends athena jones live for us in new york a thienyl tell us about these changes and what's behind them? >> hi, brianna. well, this shift from this approach of first-come best seats, a policy that southwest has been known for for all of its 50 year history. that's changing. it's a big change for this, this low-cost airline and it's all about trying to earn more money. they're making this change because there are under pressure from activists bester's who want to see a change in management. they want to see higher profits.
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southwest used to be the most profitable airline in the u.s. but that's not the case anymore. in fact, they just reported about a 50% drop in profit in the second quarter. and so they're facing higher labor costs, higher fluke fuel, fuel costs. they hope that this change to assign seating we'll bring in more money because it will allow them to charge a premium for some of the seats on their flights, just like their competitors do, just like united and american and delta has been doing for years. they're also going to be starting overnight red-eye flights for the first time ever. and airlines says this will help with efficiency because you'll be using planes more southwest airlines says that customers have been clamoring for these changes. they say that when unhappy passengers switched from southwest to a competing airlines, the number one reason they give is this open seating plans. some people love it, other people, it makes them very anxious because if you forget to plan for it, you could end up in the last row they'll see that sort of thing. so this big change they hope will bring in more fliers
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and make them more appealing brianna. >> very interesting. when does all of this take effect? >> well southwest says we'll hear more about these changes in september, so we don't yet have a starting date, but we do know that when it comes to offering premium seats, though seats are going to have more leg room and so they're going to have to reconfigure the planes. they say that those seats won't be available until next year, so until 2025, we should learn more though, in september about when these other changes are taking effect, bianna, as long as the flight attendants are still funny and they're overhead announcements, i think we can understand some of these changes. athena jones. thank you so much. the 2024 summer olympics officially kicking off tomorrow with the opening ceremony. but efforts to get the paris games safe are well underway up. next we'll show you the length good organizers are going to, to protect fans and athletes saturday on the whole story political violence has always democracy after the attempt on trump's life, where
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does america go from here? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence america as bloody history saturday at 8:00 on cnn every now and then i get a little bit tiger though distinct, a decimal never come out just one wash. >> stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson. >> we all have that list of home improvement projects we need to do. and if replacing your home's windows and doors is on that list you want to know that it's going to be affordable. i'm from renewal by anderson and we've helped thousands of customers who are on a budget get our windows and doors for their home. how do we do it? we'll hear something you don't expect to hear from no company. you don't have to upgrade all your windows and doors at the same time. we're really good at identifying the bad windows and those you can wait on replacing and here's something we offer but you don't find with a lot of window companies are
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i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 800. 5-9, 2,400 there are new safety concerns for israel at the paris olympics the israeli foreign minister delivering a warning to french counterparts about intelligence that iranian operatives and other terror groups are planning to target members of their delegation and israeli tourists france has underscored its commitment to making sure the paris games are safe and secure. >> cnn's isabel rosalas is looking back at the lessons learned from past games and immense security challenges in france. first though we want to warn you that some of the images in this story our
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disturbing summer 1996 the eyes are fixed on atlanta, georgia. a backpack is stowed under a bench that's intentional olympic park. and at 1:20 in the morning a 40 pound homemade pipe bomb filled with nails and screws explodes. >> we have had word now of an explosion at the centennial olympic park. >> it was it was so loud. >> iran's years kill event, whole merit. >> now will security consultant with more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement, was on duty that night. >> what was atlanta like after that bomb went off? >> it was chaos. >> munich, 1972, atlanta in 1996, beijing, 2008, they all had issues of violence of terrorism what is it about an event like the olympics that draws in this violence i think it's because you just have a lot of eyes looking at you
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someone's going to want to do that. >> they want to draw attention to their cause is everybody was speculating that he in north carolina fbi special agent in charge, chris swecker, lead the manhunt for the centennial olympic park bomber, the after action on the atlanta olympics was pretty harsh, very poor coordination so poor police on the ground were told too late about this crucial 911 call nearly 30 years later, you can still see the importance of that nail phil well, bomb and the lessons learned from this act of terror would extend far beyond centennial park. and the
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city of atlanta of an incident. looking ahead to security at the upcoming paris games, french authorities say they will restrict public access to the perimeter around the games. employ an anti-drone protocol and have already slashed attention since capacity to the ambitious opening ceremony on the sen. the first ever held by a river by half for security reasons they play petition issues seizures on a pizza on facebook what are some red flags? >> law enforcement would be looking out for were looking for things that don't brittney environment, don't hit match the baseline. for example a backpack that's put in the bushes, like we see right here. but this would even real he's more red flags because clearly somebody put it here to where other people would see it, with stakes so high prevention and vigilance are more important than ever isabel rosales, cnn, atlanta all eyes will be on paris for the opening ceremony this weekend. >> our thanks to isa with her solace for that report. plenty more news to come on. news
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