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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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so musty it's new fast-acting drop in tab a traps and traps, et cetera. >> it's moisture eliminating musty odor you need go hard work golden opportunity sales
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cnn, news central. tomorrow, at 7:00 eastern vice president harris says this election is a choice between freedom and chaos, taking on the former president without actually saying his name what we know so far about her campaign strategy and the race to vet her running mate ahead. and less than a week after calling for national unity and reportedly rewriting his rnc speech after an assassination attempt. former president trump is back on the attack was sky high tensions nor at intercepting russian and chinese bombers flying together near alaska we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central
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right now, president joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu are holding a critical meeting at the white house. >> we have video that you're seeing here from just moments ago before their meeting began and were told to biden is expected to be as forceful as he's ever been in pushing king netanyahu to accept a ceasefire agreement which sources indicate is within reach at this point in time, and that pressure is expected to intensify even further later this afternoon when they both meet with families of american hostages being held in gaza by hamas. let's get now to cnn, senior white house correspondent kayla tausche all right. kayla, give us a sense of given biden's decision to drop out of the race for the white house, concerned about what kind of leverage he may have is he's trying to pressure
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netanyahu here exactly. >> biden plans given the fact that like address laying out the three parts ceasefire framework, in essence, trying to lay out all of the facts of that potential deal. and tried to strong arm them into reaching it and then it was just two weeks ago when during a press conference after the conclusion of the nato summit, that president biden said that hamas and israel had agreed to a framework of that deal. and shortly following that, secretary of state, tony blinken said that they were inside the ten yard line, and now senior administration duration officials say they have never been closer than they are today to reaching such a deal. but of course, it is not only the details of such deal, but also the political will of netanyahu himself that
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are critical to actually reaching one. it's no secret that clinching that deal would be a major accomplishment for president biden's legacy but also a major gift that he could potentially give his vice president as she begins campaigning and begins distilling her own policy on israel. i'm told by participants in a call that campaign officials held with major wall street donors yesterday, that those donors asked the campaign officials in no uncertain terms what is harris his policy on israel? rufus gifford that national finance committee of the now harris campaign answered, give us a few days. that's all still being ironed out certainly the meetings between biden and netanyahu, as well as vice president harris and netanyahu, will be critical in figuring out exactly where harris is going to stand on that issue. and we'll wait and see how that meeting goes and what if anything there is to report out of it, guys all right. >> kayla, thank you for that report. live for us from the white house let's. >> discuss the critical nature
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of today's meetings with cnn global affairs analyst kimberly dozier and washington post columnist josh rogin. thank you both for being with us. josh, v2, i'm wondering how you see today's meetings potentially impacting the ceasefire and hostage talks well, boris, i don't think they'll have much of an impact at all unfortunately let's remember that when this when prime minister netanyahu's visit was scheduled, it was supposed to be a month ago. and that was when the biden administration was pushing for this ceasefire deal that president biden announced in may and, no, one could have predicted that a month later, he would be a lame duck president but kamala harris would be the presumptive nominee and donald trump would be waiting in the wings. so if you just listen to netanyahu's speech yesterday is very clear that he's willing to make zero concessions at this time he said his hands won't be shackled. he has no intention of making any movements towards this deal. that's what all of the indicators say. so i think
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yeah, it would be very nice for kamala harris if president biden could get this done, but i don't see the leverage. i don't see the incentive for netanyahu and it seems like he's just going to wait and see how the election pans out before he does anything. again, that's really unfortunate. >> yeah and he has on his visit, kim meetings with he's not just meeting joe biden and donald trump. he's also meeting kamala harris and i wonder how that change in the ticket is maybe changing his calculus if at all, in how he's approaching this visit i. >> think he is approaching this with one step at a time. you don't come to a foreign country without an ask. and we heard him hinted that ask in the speech yesterday he talked about wanting more weapons faster to quote unquote, finish the job faster. and he old so delayed sending a delegation that was supposed to go start renewed hostage talks. that's really angered the hostage
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families who believe that he's holding them back to try to get political concessions from biden here in washington, there was pentagon press conference today where the secretary of defense and we have not slowed down our deliveries of weapons. we don't know what netanyahu was talking about. but behind closed doors, i think biden is going to get an ask from netanyahu for something before these talks can go forward. >> kim, i'm also wondering how the political situation in israel informs than yahoo's thinking. because the knesset is set to go, there session is set to end at the end of the month, right? >> yeah, time is running out to get the knesset's approval of a deal. we've had a senior white house official tell us in a briefing yesterday that they're very, very close they have the framework done, they just need some implementation details from both hamas and
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israel, but we've been told full this kind of thing before. that's why you had hostage families in netanyahu's speech yesterday, standing up with t-shirts on that say, just sign the deal and some of them getting escorted out of the chambers for that silent protest and also kamala harris is going to be walking into this counter to your question she doesn't want to tip her hand too much about what her policy might be, especially if it's more restrictive than biden's because netanyahu is going to see trump tomorrow. and that would possibly hand netanyahu's some information to hand trump for the campaign trail yeah, it's interesting, josh, when you listen to how she's spoken about this, just the tone. when it comes to israel, she's been a bit of she's taken a little bit of a tougher tone, even if a lot of folks look at what she said and they say there hasn't been substantive daylight between her and biden. i want to play something that she said back in
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march in, selma when her call for a ceasefire really escalated people in gaza are starving the conditions are inhumane and our common humanity compels us to act i will repeat the threat of hamas poses to the people of israel must be eliminated and given the immense scale of suffering in gaza there must be an immediate ceasefire harris, of course, is also josh married to doug emhoff, who is jewish and he for instance, attended the memorial service for the world central well kitchen workers who were killed in that idf
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attack. >> does she have an ability to walk a line that president biden does not have as much right well i think internally, vice president harris has been pushing the administration for a long time to be more critical of the netanyahu government and israel's conduct of the war and more compassionate and supportive of more humanitarian aid for the palestinians and gaza. >> and so those public remarks are just sort of the tip of the iceberg of what she's been going behind the scenes. >> and that's the message that she's expected to give to netanyahu in their private meeting that if she becomes president, that there will be more pressure and more focused on the needs of suffering gazans a message that netanyahu cannot afford to ignore because she might win on the other hand, she might lose. >> so he doesn't have to do anything right now. but yes, that is who she is. she's in a different place on this issue than president biden. and if
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she becomes president should be in a position to implement that vision. now as for her husband, listen, he's just one of a lot of jewish americans who care a lot about israel and has made very critical of the netanyahu government. there are a lot of israelis who fit that position as well. so i don't think it's really about being jewish or israeli or about palestinian. it's about having in two ideas in your head that you can support israel and also think that the netanyahu government's prosecution of this war has been cruel and inhumane. and i agree with both of those things josh rogan, kim dozier. >> we have to leave the conversation there. appreciate the perspective as we await. >> harris is meeting with the prime minister. we want to discuss with cnn, chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny and cnn national politics correspondent eva mckend. jeff, how important is it political? lee for commonly harris to sort of articulate a defined position on this issue. >> look, i mean, she is still the vice president of the
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united states, so there are limits to what she can sort of deviate from the president. there's one foreign policy at a time, but this will be the first indication. the first test for her to see how far she can no. and she already has really i mean, when she has been speaking out much more forcefully about the need for a ceasefire, but also, i'm struck by what she brings to this. she does not have a lifelong relationship with benjamin netanyahu. she comes at this from a fresh perspective of fresh set of eyes, if you will. so i think on the margins, maybe stylistically and perhaps rhetorically, there'll be some differences, but again, she's not setting policies. she has to win the election before that, but so interesting if they're having two separate meetings now, she has been alongside president biden during many of the phone calls he's had over these last many months since october over seven. so she's not coming at this today for the first time by any means, she rolled out the first official campaign video. let's play some of it
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there are some people who think we should be a country of chaos a fear but us we'll choose something different we choose freedom there's some people she's talking about very clearly, donald trump, j.d. vance. how would you describe how she's trying to define herself, even issues defining the competition well, clearly she is trying to set up this contrast with trump, but it's not only about that. i think the next few weeks will really be paramount in trying to define herself, but she has a huge opportunity here just today when she was speaking before the teachers union, she was talking about being on the white house labor task force, right? many people don't know about that aspect of her portfolio. many democrats have said that she's been really adept in powerful in talking
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about reproductive rights. so now over the next few weeks, the entire nation gets to know about all of the different aspects of the vice president. and then something else that she mentioned on the campaign trail that i thought was really interesting. for trusting nothing to do with trump. she says that it defining goal of her presidency would be to help the middle-class i just the idea that it would be a defining goal that really stuck with me what are you hearing about where the vice presidential vetting process is right now? >> i think jeff has done a little bit more reporting on this, but i have press crossing all of the on the campaign trail with her, but it sounds like she is choosing between about a dozen folks, right? some of which include north carolina's governor roy cooper, arizona senator mark kelly, among a host of others, and that she's looking among, i would say, like a moderate white man is what she's deciding, which makes sense, right? you don't want to choose someone as your running mate that has a different
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background than you did. that's what president biden did when she's selected he selected her and it's definitely on an accelerated time frame. we are told that she will make this decision before august 7. so we're talking two weeks here. so she had to wait for a very long time, four years ago, for summers ago, for months as then candidate joe biden was sort of working his way through these other men on the list will have to wait too far less, but look, she is looking for governors, one senator on the list and perhaps even a cabinet secretary as well. and pete buttigieg. but look for her relationship she has with some of these governors and worried cooper from north carolina is at the top of that list. >> that is something we keep hearing from allies and ultimately it's going to boil down to someone that she can trust it, obviously, that personal relationship is important. >> i wonder jeff in their calculus as they're thinking about this. does it seem like they're trying to be more conservative in the selection or do they feel like maybe they
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need to shake it up with some really interesting vp pick. >> it's a great question, and i think you hear some arguments from both sides of that. they have the advantage of knowing who trump picked with j.d. vance. so i think a conservative pick would be right cooper right? >> more roll the dice pick might be pete buttigieg, who now a cause michigan home hugely popular so we'll see that's her decision, but i'm told all the vetting that's happening obviously, but then she's going to do interviews as well. >> and of course, other vice presidents have found running mates of their own. i mean, history is filled with that, but it's been a minute someone who's actually serving in the moment as vice president so she knows what she's looking for. she knows what the actual job position is. so that has to shape so much of this. >> i think that has to be helpful given the condensed nature of search. jeff zeleny, eva mckend. thank you both so much yet. >> still ahead this hour on cnn news central, he is apparently not being nice here.
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>> would former president donald trump says about claims that he's been changed by the attempt on his life plus a surprisingly strong economic report, we're going to tell you what it means for your wallet and norad intercepts russian and chinese bombers near alaska is more russian naval ships also had to cuba. >> we have these stories and more coming up right here on cnn news central saturday, us special holiday happened event and search for a suspect how it really happened. the atlanta olympic bombing premiere saturday at nine on cnn, the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up. and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that's right, two months free. all the fast, reliable, nationwide coverage make this switch today we needed a project manager yesterday. >> we posted a job and ziprecruiter and had our guy on
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as he faces a new opponent and kamala harris, former president trump, returning to some familiar tactics and his campaign for president let's listen to what he said to a crowd of his supporters in north carolina, nearly one week after he called for unity at the republican national convention i was supposed to be nice they say something happened to me when i got shot, i became nice and when you're dealing with these people, they're very dangerous people when you're dealing with them, you can't be too nice here, really can't be. >> so if you don't mind, i'm not going to be nice. is that okay i get a kick out. >> one thing they say, sir you just got hit with a bullet, maybe he's changed. >> be nice. and i'd love to be nice, but i'm dealing against real garbage all right. >> steve contorno is with us now. he's covering the trump-vance campaign. will that
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was fastiv yeah. >> and let's be clear, brianna night's trump lasted about 30 minutes into his convention speech. since then, he's been on the attack, including last night where he tested out all manners of lines going after for his new potential opponents of vice president harris bill look, the trump campaign realizes there is a narrow window for them to define vice president harris, and they're going to try to go on the negative as quickly as possible. so you're going to hear trump in media appearances in rallies and campaign ads going hard against her record and trying to higher to the biden administration because at the end of the day, they believe that harris is likely going to get a bump in the polls coming out of this excitement and energy and new faces the top of the ticket they've said as much in some of their public comments, they expect they may she may even be leading in some of these polls, but they also know that before she gets her chance to get on the airwaves if they need to introduce her to americans, the way they want to see you're going to hear trump be pretty
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negative in the coming weeks all right. >> and our harry enten steve reported last night the j.d vance is the only vp picks since 1980 with a net negative favorable rating are some widespread blowback over resurfaced clip of him criticizing childless cat ladies, you even have jennifer aniston actress coming out about this. what is trump saying about his new pick? >> yeah, think about the situation j.d. vance is stepping into his cut. he was picked for vice president two days after former president was the attempted. there's attempted assassination on him would then within a week of getting the nod, there's no longer a democratic opponent for him, so he's entering is very unprecedented moment and he's sort of getting it from all sides because what harry was right, he is underwater and his favorability, but 38% of people also don't know who he is and you're having all kinds of information about him resurfacing for the first time
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as democrats try to define him. and one of those clips of him speaking caught the attention of jennifer anna justin. she posted on her instagram quote, i truly can't believe this is coming from a potential vp of the united states. and along with that was a clip of him saying that the country is being run by quote, a bunch of childless cat ladies and we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it anniston followed by saying all, i can say is mr. vance, i pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day now, trump, though, is saying that he thinks that the rollout of jd vance as his vp has been going great. he's been impressed with how he has spoken on the campaign trail so far. and he had this to say when asked whether or not he would have chosen someone differently had he known don't that harris would be that would be the opponent and not biden. listen to what he said wouldn't have mattered and i thought she was probably going to happen anyway because i know i knew there was a palace coup going on. >> and i assume that she'd be probably getting the advantage
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so yes wouldn't matter. now he's doing a fantastic job not vance is going to be dependent on to keep up with the energy of harris. >> he has five events over two days next week in the swing states of arizona and nevada, brianna just to be clear, real quick, steve, he said he knew this was going to happen, that harris would end up at the top of the ticket. is that what you're reporting about, what his campaign was preparing for indicates? >> they certainly were preparing for contingencies ever since the debates and joe biden's performance, they woke up that monday after the debate expecting this to subside instead, the democratic handwringing was continue. and is at that point they started really preparing for the possibility. now, publicly, they still expect did are privately. they tell us they still expect to joe biden to be the most likely nominee, but they weren't certainly preparing for contingencies. >> all right. steve contorno. thank you so much for us. >> let's get some insight now from former white house
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communications director for donald trump anthony scaramucci joins us now anthony great to be with you as always, you endorse kamala harris earlier this week. you are still though a registered republican. i'm curious about what you make of the recent comments from the trump campaign calling harris a radical left lunatic who is going to destroy the country. how much do you think that sways voters? >> you know that's stuff that landing i mean, that's helping him with his base, but it's not landing. i know the president very well. he's flailing right now. he hasn't really figured out what punches are going to work. he hasn't come up with a good nickname is default, nickname is lying, lying, ted cruz are lying? kamala harris. so he's he's flailing right now. and he's got some tips to his personality when he says someone's doing a fantastic job is like george steinbrenner saying billy martin safe and then five days later firing them. advance is not doing a
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fantastic job. he knows that we know that he hated vance's speech. he doesn't like vance's performance on stage. he thinks he's very dull. and from a cash perspective, because donald trump is all about casting, j.d. vance is not living up to the expectations or at least the expectations that he was told about. and in fairness to president trump he was wounded in that assassination attempt, that horrible act of political violence. and i would imagine that 48 hour period where he was making this vp decision. i'm sure he was under a little bit of stress, but this was a really bad decision for him. as an example, if he had gone with somebody like nikki haley that would have really helped him vis-a-vis going up against vice president harris. >> i'm really curious about where you're hearing that perspective from. are you talking to folks in trump world who say that he's expressed some dismay with j.d vance
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boris? >> no, i listened. i can tame with president trump for a year. i knew him for 20 years prior when you give a speech and you're the vice presidential candidate it's one minute on yourself. 35 minutes on donald trump. you don't give your life story and tell people you went to yale because that makes trump feel insecure about himself and so, no, this is my assessment. this is my opinion. go back and look at the tapes and look at the body language of donald trump. listening to j.d. vance speak during saying that nomination acceptance, and just take a look at some of the tapes of j.d. vance on his own or interrupting the president. >> he did a interview, i guess on fox news with one of the hosts there with president trump earlier in the week. >> the body language of the chemistries off trump knows it. the internal team knows it. just watch how this plays out. you'll you'll invite me back.
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these are my opinions based on working with the man and understanding the psychology of who the president is given that vantage point that you've had into donald trump, how do you think he's absorbed? >> seeing these comments by j.d. vance about childless cat people and the sort of blowback that he's gotten on social media and elsewhere from women notably, a subset of voters that republicans haven't had the most success with what made vice president mike pence successful as vice presidential candidate. >> is he understood president trump's personality. he took a back seat and his attitude was do no harm, say nothing that could be overly event ages are disadvantageous. j.d. vance is a different beast. he's 39-years-old. he's very ambitious. he has a very high opinion of himself he sees this
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as a moment for him to shine as opposed to a moment to take a backseat to donald trump. remember when donald trump has somebody in his field? decision that's getting attention, he usually blows them to smithereens. he did it on the apprentice where that blonde woman and the first two seasons there was a joke inside the administration, if you're getting too much attention and trump leans over to it, says, oh, where are you? president bannon now, or you're getting more? popular than me. it was time to book a trip to antarctica and to go into hiding. so vance doesn't get that. he thinks he's actually a vice presidential candidate, but he's a deep subordinate to donald trump. and you just watch how this plays out. boris, you'll, you'll invite me back. i'll give you more color commentary as he can. and us to do these malpasse props and bloopers i look forward to that. >> i did want to ask you about any predictions or suggestions that you might have for vice
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president harris as she's now looking for a vice presidential nominee of her own well, i would say three things, all of which are well-known. make sure it's super vetted. you got to make sure nobody has any problems with their taxes or anything like that. i would say be bold when democrats are bold, they do better. i think, i think vice president harris has to also let the american and people know. there are some opinions of hers that are going to be modulated. she's running for president. it is the only election, frankly that all of us get a chance to vote on in the united states and so she has to modulate some of these views. she can't be for a national ban on fracking and expect the wind, the state of pennsylvania. so i think she has to tell help people listen. i want to be president for all people. i'm a practical person. i'm certainly socially progressive. >> but the business of america is still business and i'm going to make sure the biden economy, which is quite strong extends
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into my term. >> as she does that, she picks a good vice president. she'll beat donald trump boy will he there'll be i mean, boris, he'll be super upset about that. trust me. you i mean, if you think he's upset now, watch the smoke come out of his ears. when he loses on election night evidence scaramucci, always great to have you on. look forward to next time anytime. >> thank you. >> thanks so we were just talking about the economy. >> has the fed managed to tame inflation without knocking the whole thing into a recession? we have brand new numbers to break down in just moments then i knew that i was old episodes of a practical jokers on a new network tonight and ten on tbs i was structured settlement
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tonight at seven on cnn a new report shows the u.s. economy coming in much stronger in the latest quarter than wall street was expecting in that could mean the fed may have success thus leak completed a high wire act, getting inflation back under control without knocking the economy into a recession. cnn business anchor richard quest is joining us now with more on this. richard it does start to look like they've managed to do the three-card trick and end up with the goldilocks scenario, not too hot and not too cold because this number at 2.8 when taken with the feds core inflation level do, does suggest the fed can reasonably safely cut
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interest rates in september as the market now expects them to do. >> that is the consensus that the first of the rate cutting cycle will begin in september and then we'll be fine hello, with probably two more cuts before the end of the year, but don't get too excited. we are not not going back to nearly 01 2% interest rates. that's not going to happen, but things are much more cheerful if you will. and that's why the market i think is so resilient today and is reverse some of them the losses of yesterday. >> yeah. what does this mean? i mean, you put it there, people hoping that they could get low, low interest rates. again, not going to happen anytime soon. what does it mean for americans? when you're looking at you know, credit, you're looking at buying a car or house what it means is we're back to the old days the days of two 3% interest rates would that we're back to the days
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before the pandemic and indeed before the great financial crisis of 2000 the night for those of us of a certain age, normal interest rates were 23, 4%. >> that was what you expected to pay and if the fed has done its work, right? and it's starting to look very much as if it has, then those are the sorts of rates we will see the difficulty i think is those an entire generation of people? who've only ever known just about zero interest rates for whom this whole thing has been a horrific experience. they are going to learn that the norm is two-and-a-half to 3.5% rates that they will adjust accordingly and if inflation come, the rate of inflation comes down, and this is key if the rate of inflation comes down, then your money goes further. and there is a sort of, you're not having this frantic. i can't afford the groceries. when you go shopping yeah, they are mighty expensive still richard quest thank you so much.
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>> thank you. >> next, what us officials are revealing after both russian and chinese bombers were intercepted near alaska saturday on the whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy the attempt on trump's life where does america go from here? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence. america as bloody history saturday at 8:00 on cnn once upon a time, there wasn't infinity meticulously crafted to stir your imagination and daring to dream luxurious. three roe dreams for everything, for every passenger could be just right introducing the well new three roe infiniti qx4 at stay tuned to learn more
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significant event because as you said, it's the first time that russian and chinese bombers have actually entered this area known as the alaska air defense identification zone together and the u.s. did scramble fighter jets at fifth f 15s and f 35s to intercept these bombers. but it is still a very very concerning sign of just how closely these two militaries are working together at this point. now, in a statement at norad, did say that at no point did these jets actually are these bombers, i should say actually pose a threat to the united states. and it is very routine every time foreign entities entered this air defense identification zone, which is technically international airspace. for the u.s. to scramble jets to intercept and monitor and track their flight. but still, it is obviously a signed by the russians and the chinese that they are capable of doing this and that their relationship in terms of their military partnership, is getting closer and stronger. and there clearly trying to send a message to the us here. now, secretary of
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defense, lloyd austin, he did speak to this as well a little bit earlier and he reiterated that is not surprising to the u.s us that this happened because they were pretty much monitoring these bombers right from the time that they actually departed the whole way, they were looking at where they were going. and so it wasn't shocking really to the us that this was happening. but at the same time, you know, clearly over the last couple of years, particularly since the war in ukraine erupted with russia invading ukraine, that chinese russian relationship has grown stronger with china's supporting russia's military. and this is just yet another sign of that. boris so as this is happening in the pacific and the atlantic, you have russia for the second time in about a month, sending naval ships to cuba. >> tell us about that yeah, boris, so we do expect three russian vessels to arrive in havana in the coming days. as you said, it is just over a month after a russian warship in a russian submarine, nuclear powered submarine arrived in
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cuba to have these meetings with cuban defense officials kind of show off the russian missile military strength in that sense. and the fact that they could really, you know, obviously get very close to the united states. but still, again, in northern command, i has told us that they have been tracking these movements of these russian vessels very closely. and they say that at this point there is no sign that these russian vessels pose any kind of threat to the united states though again, they're watching and seeing what they can really learn about the russian military activity there. for us. >> a lot to keep an eye on across the world. natasha bertrand from the pentagon. thank you so much. so for the first time in decades, the u.s. infant mortality rate has increased, its gone up. what doctors think is behind this worrying increase russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them i misled you, frank this is a war, but secret wars, secrets and spies, a
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never been easier and cardio mobile is now hsa fsa eligible get cardiac mobile today for $79. that or amazon i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn new data from the cdc reveal something pretty alarming that infant deaths are up in the u.s us, and it is the biggest fight that we've seen in 20 years. >> more than 20,000 babies died before reaching the age of one in 2022, which was the last full year of accounting, the mortality rate was highest among black infants we have cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell here with more on this data this is awful. meg, tell us what we're seeing yeah, brianna, it's really startling to see this kind of spike and public health researchers say that this is a metric, the infant mortality rate that really is reflective of the strength of the health care system of a whole nation. >> and for the united states this is a rate that is worse
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than the average rate for other wealthy nations. and so to see an increase like this, this number is 3% higher than we saw in 2021, both in terms of the absolute number of deaths and also the death rate, which is now up to 5.6 per 1,000 live births now that has generally been coming down since 1995, but the cdc, which compiled these data, says that this is the first statistically significant increase that we have seen since 2002. so we've seen trends in a higher direction, including the year before 2022, but this is the biggest one that we've seen. there's also a lot of variability in there data by geography, by race, and by age. as you pointed out, babies born to black mothers have the highest infant mortality rate at about approaching a 11 per 1,000 births that compares with 3.54 asian mothers and 4.54 white mothers also by age, you see teen mothers had the highest infant mortality rates
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in terms of location states like mississippi had much higher rates than the lower states like massachusetts for example, brianna, what is driving the increase? >> yeah, you know, researchers are looking into this, this was 2022 and we know of course midway through that year, roe v. wade was overturned and several states put into place abortion bans. but researchers say on a national level, that's probably not the main driver of this, even though we have seen data from texas suggesting that there was a spike in infant the mortality in that state after it implemented its abortion ban in 2021 there also noting that the main difference in terms of the cause of deaths. one that increased the most significantly among the top five was from maternal complications. that is the only one of the top five that increased. and one researcher says i said this could be related to covid, infections, perhaps for moms who were pregnant in 2021. we also know it was a bad respiratory year in 2022. brianna, this is
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something that researchers are going to continue to dig into. and of course everybody hopes the trend turns in the other direction yeah, you're very curious about what's behind that, meg tirrell. >> thank you. you so much. coming up new court documents revealing a secret battle within the murdoch family or one of the world's most influential media empires. and the fuel runs so deep it's as if it could inspire an award-winning show right? >> and mikah are taking gun to hotels. >> what if i took on one of the hotels and you did the other two teams, we are going to be bryant 100 days and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenge special series for me here's tuesday, august 13 a day on hgtv how long have you been tracking the value of our car?
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