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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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staying very focused on trying to get those astronauts back on starliner. and then just kind of reading between the tea leaves, john, while they did not give an exact date what happens next is they're going to have to do a few more tests, few more tests about the iss, and then they're going to have to do a full nasa agency review to determine if this spacecraft is safe. to bring these astronauts back. if that goes well, that means we're looking at early to mid august at the earliest, john, i guess it's not exactly lost in space, but maybe stuck in space. kristin fisher. thank you so much. new hour of cnn, new central with emmy award winning music starts right now big news this morning, the obama that's are backing kamala harris. >> what this critical endorsement means for the vice president as her campaign just keeps gaining momentum. and
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coordinated sabotage on trains in france causing massive disruption for hundreds of thousands of travelers. just hours before the olympic opening ceremony is in paris there was what we know so far about the attack on french railways. and a remarkable moment on capitol hill will tell you how advancements in artificial intelligence you have a democratic congresswoman, her voice back. i'm sara sider with john berman, kate is out today. this is cnn news central brand new this morning, former president barack obama and michelle obama mama, they have formally back vice president kamala harris for president. >> it held off for a few days, but no more. and it comes just hours after donald trump apparently wavered on debating. harris. his campaign said he was not ready to commit yet, citing the fact that obama had not endorsed. that may not have
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well with us now, cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche. kayla, great to have you this morning as we said, the obamas took their time a little bit, but now harris has the endorsement that's right, john, it's been a fast and furious week for vice president harris, who is now atop the democrats presidential ticket. and she ended that week on a high note with that highly anticipated endorsement from the democratic party's power couple listen recall to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse your to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. that of course former president barak obama on the phone with vice president harris alongside the former first lady michelle obama, an endorsement that came several days into her ascendancy to the top of the ticket and notably after the democratic national committee
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convened its rules, committee, to formally a clinch those delegates for harris and formally advanced her nomination for the party. now she is going to we are seeing a boost of momentum from this endorsement as the campaign barrels toward what it is calling a weekend of action according to the campaign, there will be more than 23 300 events over the weekend. coffee our soul food potlucks, and pride, trivia nights, office openings and more as she seeks to embrace the campaign infrastructure that president biden has handed down to her and also tries to expand it and reshape it in her own image. her campaign says that she is also planning a slew of battleground events as she has throughout the week today, holding events in pennsylvania at north carolina, and georgia, and more states. that of course, with surrogates and affiliate groups in those states, as she's rallied various demographics, virtually on zoom throughout the week. john, just continuing this momentum, of course, as the
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party barrels toward its own convention, it's less than a week away and she's still needs a running mate to right. >> kayla tausche at the white house this morning. great to see you. thanks so much all right the obamas have endorsed there have been a huge uptick in people registering to vote while republicans are signaling they're going to try to stop this switch to harris from biden, from happening somehow legally, we have our cnn political commentator and former white house director of communications. >> so alyssa farah griffin with us this morning i want to begin with the importance of the obamas getting on the phone with her saying, hey we got your back, we're with you. a lot of people questioning why did it take so long as any of this matter at this point huge, it's the final endorsement that she needed. and i think it speaks to how savvy harris's campaign has has been that she actually thought to film it and turn it into a campaign ad and put it out there but listen, republicans have kind of had this conspiracy theory for years. if they're going to switch michel bombed out, a widely popular cultural figure, but it's turning out kamala
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harris may be able to have that level of momentum and excitement that people were always worried michelle obama might have i was surprised to see the trump campaign last night citing the 14th that obama had not yet endorsed as a reason to put the pause button on committing to the debates. >> so alyssa two-part question one. does that mean now that the pause is lifted and what's going on here with the debate's, well, it was bizarre because there was reporting that the endorsement was coming. and in fact, an obama's twitter, he post about it. he stated that this that call actually came days ago. so the endorsement was actually already there. i think they're buying time because they have to restructure their entire campaign running against a 50 something year-old former prosecutor, former attorney general, is very different than running against joe biden i think trump's going to have to debate. he's going to look incredibly weak if he doesn't, he prides himself in strength. so i think the september debate, september 10 debate does have to happen. >> i want to ask you about some of the attacks we have heard and john got this to over and over again, the word, he sort
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of san francisco liberal, radical, liberal. those things have been put out there over and over again, but there's this the other strain of condemnation of kamala harris and it's always dei did i we've hearing that over and over and over again. but one fox business show host went further in his comments and then doubled down on them on twitter. let me let people hear what he had to say about kamala harris kristen, what he thought of her yeah and then there's the dei press secretary telling you that the dei vice president is the future of the party here. >> and so the future it looks kind of dim for the democrats here, but this is no shocker either. kamala harris use the original hock to a girl that's it's the way she got where she is and the party is going downhill if it's in her hand that was tough, that was that was that was harsh she's saying that was test that was alec lace that was harsh because it is a reference to a certain sexual action saying that that's what she is originally known for, what the hell it's disgusting. >> it's despicable if sexist, it's completely
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counterproductive, by the way, we've seen this leaning into racist attacks, misogynistic attacks against her. that does not work with the very suburban swing voters that you need to win an election. and i am credit mike johnson and others who've said, this is not where we need to go, but what matters is, is this where donald trump tells his followers not to go? what is his message? he's going to lean into? it is totally fair game to critique or on border security supporting the green new deal early in her career, there are plenty of liberal policies you can contrast. this has just beyond the pale and it's much more than just tough. it's disgusting. he shouldn't be on air it's interesting too, because this type of discussion comes as these comments that j.d. vance made in 2021 they've had to life this week they keep on coming up. jennifer aniston putting out a statement where he basically criticized or question the ability of women who don't have children to somehow make policy that somehow they don't have the right experience to do that. in this has lingered all week, alyssa, how much longer do you
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think it will go on? how big of an issue is it? what can harris do with this? >> it's a huge deal. i have heard from lifelong republican girlfriends who weren't super familiar with j.d. vance and they're just so offended by the comments, whether they've struggled to get pregnant, whether they've miscarried, whether they want to be married and have kids, but haven't met the right partner. it's just it's such an alienating take and i was always surprised by the j.d. vance pick because i've followed his descent into right wing extremism, which is not how he started his career. and there is more of this, there's going to be more extreme statements that come out and since the story has been big, he has skipped netanyahu's address when i'm charlie kirk's radio show sat down with don junior. he's yet to do a major mainstream interview. reviewing explain what he meant by these comments and tried to do the cleanup. it seems like there was no vet of him for his past statements that are easy to find in the harris campaign is frankly moving a lot quicker than the biden was in digging these things up and putting them out there, you're are memes all over saying, childless cat lady, and it is taken a life of its own, really online alyssa
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farah griffin. thank you so much for coming in this morning. appreciate it. >> all right. and attack on francis rail system just hours before the olympic opening ceremony. what does this mean for athletes? what does it mean for spectators from here, john, this morning, donald trump meets face-to-face with benjamin netanyahu for the first time in years at mar a-lago. >> and in just minutes, we get the newest numbers tracking the fight against inflation. that's all coming up tomorrow on the. whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life where does america go from here? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence, america's bloody history tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn bounce back from kherson, which comes gummy bites and loved
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taken care of create your state plan that trust and tomorrow, i'll special how would have and search for a suspect? >> how it really happened? the
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atlanta unlimited bombing premieres tomorrow at nine on cnn we continue to follow breaking news out of france where officials say the olympics opening ceremony will go ahead as planned, despite several coordinated attacks targeting francis high-speed train network and causing utter chaos for stranded travelers. >> you see them their railway staff and police working at the scenes of at least three attacks in more rural areas of the country. they've said at least one potential attack was foiled francis state where way company said the quote, sabotage is disrupting travel for about 800 thousand passengers and damaged station facilities. cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former fbi director andrew mccabe, joining us this morning. thank you so much for coming in for us this morning. wow, what are you learning about these tax and what do you make of them? we haven't seen like a statement or anything so far. don't think we haven't we haven't seen that yet, but we
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know that these attacks took place in multiple locations, targeting multiple train lines, mostly lines affecting the northern and eastern side of france, which is the main routes to the rest of europe we know that they targeted the high-speed train lines. so the most high-profile likely most important train lines to the country we also know that they were targeted in a way that destroyed a cabling system that's necessary to protect the safety of the drivers. it appears that this these actions were done in a way that didn't actually put a moving train with passengers on it in immediate jeopardy. it seems from the very little reporting we have so far that this was an attack that was really designed to bring the system down rather than to inflict mass casualties on civilians. and that's important, sara, because it
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gives us some indication that this may be the result of a political group or a group that's trying to send a message to the french government rather than the attacks we think of an instance we, which is those perpetuated by isis or al-qaeda. those groups typically look to cause mass casualties in a way that the world will see the modus operandi here is, i think particularly instructive at this point if you're looking into who was behind this, i mean, it happened right before the opening ceremony, the day of the opening ceremonies clearly, to get the world's attention, what would you be looking for to try to figure out why this happened? and what do you expect that in the next day or so, maybe today, he would start to find out out what the message that was supposed to be sent was well, i'm quite sure that the french law enforcement and intelligence community have many folks that they're focused
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on this morning, friend kind of domestic disturbances and political protest that turn violent are fairly common in france. >> there's a period where france underwent nightly violent protests in some of the suburbs around paris for really driven by all sorts of different social and political issues there for large immigrant populations in those suburbs that feel like they're not adequately represented. and given the same sort of kind of help that they wish to have things like that. so i would expect that the community law enforcement intelligence community is looking at all of those groups that basically have complaints with the french government whether they'd be far left or far right almost doesn't matter. you have a wide variety of groups that are politically motivated and that are opposed to the french government of the actions of the french government. and it
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would expect those folks, those groups are probably highest on the list of possible suspects this morning it's probably just a matter pair of time before we hear from some of them taking taking responsibility for these actions as well, and there is always a possibility that it's somebody outside of the country that has somehow coordinated this we will be watching and waiting and the people in france at the people there for the olympics very frustrated at this hour. >> as you might imagine, andrew mccabe. thank you so much. i appreciate you coming on this morning how are swing voters responding to the change at the top? the democratic ticket will hear from some senior voters on the choice of a younger generation candidate. that's ahead cnn heroes. >> he is brought to you via serve for the number one choice in clean up at restaurants duration when you're the
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season, stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. >> cnn the news this morning, vice president harris picked up the official endorsement of
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former president barak obama and michelle obama just a few hours ago with us now congressman dan kildee, a democrat from michigan, and congressman, how are things for democrats in michigan this morning or put another way, how are things different today than they were one week ago? >> well things have improved. the horse race numbers are one indication of that, but i think we have to be careful not to look too closely adapt because the biggest difference i see on the ground is the level of enthusiasm i just among democratic base voters, but among those swing voters were really kind of unsure where they would go because they wanted a choice other than donald trump or president biden, that may not be fair to president biden in my view, but that was the fact the enthusiasm level is so much higher now than it was just a few weeks ago. and that's going to make a big deal. good alright, rust belt versus sun belt, which should the harris
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campaign focus on well, we have to have a 50 state strategy. but the reality of course is without michigan wisconsin, and pennsylvania, it's really difficult for any democratic candidate for president to put together 270 electoral votes so my bias of course, is to go to where those swing states are, go to those places that are must-win states. let's get that done. let's not get ahead of ourselves. this is going to be a close election and we have to we smart and strategic. i think the most strategic, smart strategic move would be to focus on those key states that have had absolutely have to be part of the calculation to win. >> sounds like a vote for the rust belt right there. the k file overnight, andrew kaczynski and his team found an interview that the vice president who was then a senator did in 2020 and this was during everything going on around george floyd and the protests there where she talked about the defund, the police movement and what she said is that the movement was about
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rightly saying, look at budgets and priorities and i want to play a little bit more of what she said part of what we have to do here is also look at the militarization of police departments and the kind of money that's going to that and we need to demilitarize. >> police departments. it is outdated and is actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety so this is the type of thing that republicans are highlighting already this week, calling her a san francisco liberal. how do you think she needs to respond to this? >> i think joe important ways. one, to point out that it is the biden-harris administration that has dramatically increased funding to support local police. but during that period of time wear that interview took place. there are lots of the same kinds of conversations taking place around the country including in my district. and here's what the discussion was we can't ask the police alone
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to deal with this issue of crime and violence. even police leadership will say the whole community has to be involved. so i remember that debate and that was principally focused on not just saying, okay, more and more and more police we'll solve the crime problem. we have to invest in different aspects of the stability of community. i just helped secure money in my own district in saginaw, michigan for a police in community partnership, where money goes in both directions. i think that's what the vice president was speaking of, at least as i recall, the debate at that time one other thing that's come up this week, if you look over, i guess you're right shoulders minnesota governor tim walz over in minnesota, one of the things he sort of spearheaded is now calling republicans like donald trump and j.d. >> vance is vice presidential pick i guess, weird. i there's no other way to say weird. listen to what the governor said these are weird people on the other side. >> they want to take books away. they want to be on your exam room. that's that's what it comes down to. a don't get
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sugarcoating this, these are weird ideas in other, people. have been saying that over the last few days to i'm curious what you think of that argument well, i think it's an argument that works because it's true. >> i serve in the congress i see what the republican agenda looks like every day it is weird. there's no two ways about it, but it's more than weird it's dangerous it's scary the extent to which their manifesto calls upon the government to make personal decisions for women, for example, or about your future? >> it's not just weird, it's scary, weird i understand what you're saying or why you would push it too dangerous and scary, but the weird part that i'm still sort of focused on, what, what is it that you and or governor walz see as weird specifically? i mean, i haven't talked to tim about this, but my interpretation is the extent to which they argue for smaller government and then
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strangely turned out to be promoting policies that are all about government control of us individually that's weird, but then i guess just the notion that they can hold those two thoughts in their head is a little, little frightening. >> because maybe the most important question i have for you, those juror drums behind you in, do you play then end if you do play them, what do you play best on them? >> i do play them. i play him almost every day when i'm here at home, it's sort of my therapy i play old rock and roll. i love ringo starr, and i will play anything that ringo play it. and i loved doing it every day. it's fun. >> shockingly, one of the most underrated drummers, even though he was of course, with the beatles congressman dan and kildee, we do appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you so much for your time. we'll let you get back to the drums thanks, john all right. >> this morning, keep exam weird down this morning, an
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alleged cartel kingpin in the son of the notorious el chapo in custody. new reporting on the major sting operation overnight and artificial hello, just makes his debut on the house floor after a neurological disorder robbed her of her voice, ai help this lawmaker get it back i. >> can no longer give the same kind of impassioned impromptu speeches during debates on the floor or in committee hearings. this very impressive ai, recreation of my voice does the public speaking for me now? >> one to trade bitcoin plus oil plus gold plus so much more, let me introduce you to plus 500. the intuitive and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future future of futures trading. see a trading opportunity you'll be able to treat it and to clicks once your account is open so download the app and start trading futures today draining your futures and options involves the risk of loss and he's not suitable for every
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or have to speak with its hands but no matter what body are born with you only get one lets biden like hell for him we are in a limestone cave, letting extreme residue build-up to put finished jet ride to the test dishwashers are designed to use jet dry to defend against top residues. >> for our practically spotlight shine sunday. the whole story digs deeper into historic week in presidential politics. >> first, the rise of kamala harris. >> kamala harris is a glass ceiling breaker. >> it has truly been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve as vice president to our president joe biden, followed by the story of joe biden's withdrawal from the race what changed behind the scenes? and led to the president's decision the whole story with anderson
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cooper starts sunday at 8:00 on cnn and incredible and triumphant moment in congress yesterday, democratic congresswoman jennifer wexton took to the lectern and became the first person to use an ai model of her voice to speak on the house floor i used to be one of those people who hated the sound of my voice. when my ads came on tv, i would cringe and change the channel but you truly don't know what you've got till it's gone. because hearing the new ai of my old voice for the the first time was music to my ears. it was the most beautiful thing i had ever heard and i cried tears of joy watson has been battling a degenerative brain condition that stripped her of her ability to speak. >> but science and technology has come through and she's sounding a heck of a lot more like herself again, cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta is joining us now, how does this work? this is incredible it really is incredible. >> you know, we talk about ai a
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lot and there's lots of cautionary tales out there, but this is an example of how it can provide some real benefit. so what what she did was she teamed up with this company called 11 labs and what they first did was they basically just took lots of old clips of her speeches and started to feed these into the ai platform trying to break it down into these specific units of speech. and they were trying to basically get her from the point where you'd you'd have more of a robotic sounding voice to something that's going to sound much more like her natural voice. so listen, first of all, to what it was like before when we were just using standard software it may shock you to hear this but this is not my real voice alright, so that's what it was, and that's, that's been an existing technology for some time. but now you have the ai platform. >> you fed in all this material. you're trying to break down the units of speech and listened to what her real the voice sounds like, then
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followed immediately by the ai platform voice and can you assure this committee that you will not make any that he does not have any current or future plans to eliminate the equal access rule during and we'll in rulemaking today, an entire generation has never known life without the protections that exist because of the ada it's pretty impressive. sara, i mean, you know, i'm playing those all back-to-back so you can really get a sense of it. but when they take these previous speeches, what they're really did doing is breaking it down into specific units of speech known as phonemes. phonemes i mean, when you hear a speech that's actually a, these individual units and they're made up of very, very sort of specific things to the way a person speaks, the way that you speak versus the way that i speak. you can actually start to create a formula for that it's a unique accent it's the intonation, it's the rhythm of someone's voice to get that right.
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>> it's challenging. >> but that's what these ai platforms can do. and let me just say again, you know, she, she tweeted out about this representative the ai there's a, lot of cautionary tales out there. again, it can be scary in so many ways, but you are seeing some of the real benefits, especially in the world of health and medicine. and she talks about it is truly remarkable to see this and your producers taught me this. wexton has progressive supranuclear palsy. i hope i got that right or psp. what can you tell us about this disease? i mean, she is perfectly functioning, but she just can't get the words out. >> yeah. >> this is a this is a tough disease. it's rare. i mean, it's about five people in 100,000 that have this very, very rare. thankfully but it is a parkinson-ism like disease. so there's all sorts of different things that people may have with this. first of all, within the title of this ailment progressive it's just
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what it sounds like. this does progress and typically we're parkinson's disease is diagnosed later in life. this is often diagnosed earlier. and 60s, sometimes even as early as the 40s she was i think 56 last year when she was officially diagnosed but you can take a look at the list of symptoms up there. i mean, some of them will sound like parkinson's loss of bounds, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing weakness of movements, even changes in personality. but obviously it's a real, it's the speech thing right now that this particular technology is trying trying to address. there is not a known treatment, right now for this no known cure for it. but they're working on this as they are with some of these other diseases like old timers as well. >> at least it gives her, her voice back for now. dr. sanjay gupta, it's always so wonderful to see you. thank you so much. appreciate it. great story. >> you got it. thank you all right. >> vice president kamala harris, just scott, one of the biggest endorsements of her
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presidential race, the former president and first lady, barak and michelle salma but is it enough to make a big difference? cnn's john king spoke with some senior voters in the key swing state of pennsylvania. some say they are energized by harris has run while others aren't sure, it'll lauryn, more voters slipped here. >> we go. mahjong requires focus patients, a clear strategy to build matching sets of tiles, changing course deep into the game is risky, but sometimes even experienced players see no choice but to try. >> if few joker okay. >> heads up how easy it is to swap out a candidate in the middle of the gate. >> this game ends in a draw. nobody nobody wins in a visitor brings up another big change. show of hands. if you think harris can win pennsylvania so you're more optimistic now than you were with president biden leading the ticket
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there's a head shake. >> know, tell me why. >> no, i don't think a lot of men will vote for harris i just don't whether you're democrat, republican, whatever, i just don't think the majority of men are ready for a female president these three hands went up pretty quickly. so you have more energy and enthusiasm. campaign now, my god, yes one more time. >> show of hands. who wants to see them debate oh, yeah suddenly democrats, like we're tired korean my jong instructor, darrell ann murphy, are bursting with energy suddenly they see at least a chance to win battleground pennsylvania and keep donald trump out of the white house. >> i don't even like to hear hear the word trump. >> what do you called the monster at this same table five months ago, three of the four thought president biden was up to the job and they called criticism of his age unfair, but they began to see things that worried them. >> biden's debate, debacle
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left no doubt from an experience i know how quickly things can go downhill when you are an older person. >> now, a new challenge you know, she's, she's at the perfect age. she's committed, she's vigorous and i overwhelmingly the women i talked to are let's go let's go civil rights activist marvin boyer organized the black history display at this museum in downtown easton. the debate changed his mind to, and in harris, boyer sees what was missing in biden you have to be aggressive because he's coming out to you and i think she's up to the challenge in that regard. >> the winner here in north hampton county it's to be the winner statewide every vote matters. >> it also reenergizes, say strong constituency of the democratic party meeting black females so i think it's a good thing in that regard. >> do you think america is ready to elect to a woman of
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color, its president are stills, braces, massager, nina's country and 2024. no question will can we overcome it? put this election enough that ci and be elected? i hope so geology professor laurence malinconico changed his mind after the debate to his wife donated to harris as soon as the news broke, and malen conoco believe students will be much more energized. now, there is an acceptable choice now when before i think there was real skeptic this isn't about the viability of president biden for another four years thinks he can win pennsylvania. i hope so i think part of it will depend on her choice of vice president. >> you take the country's ready for that. a woman of color as president, i i hope so. i'm a little nervous about that are you looking forward to harris debating? >> trump? >> absolutely. why am hoping should just eat him alive. >> pat levin became politically
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active in the 1940s during fdr's third term. >> so no, i've never seen anything like this. >> she's just a few weeks from 95 performance it's not age. is levene's test and she sadly came to see president biden, couldn't pass it anymore. >> i love him. i think he's husband just wonderful but he is definitely impair in terms of his thinking, in terms of his presence in terms of his energy, simple advice for harris get into this, into those swing states and show her enthusiasm and her stamina strength, and be able to communicate strongly. >> and one defining issue, if anyone seeks her wisdom, its democracy, its are absolutely. this might be our last free and fair election. if we don't win it, we cannot afford to lose this election putting american people a big twist at crunch time in what for pat levin will be presidential vote number 19
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pat levin sharp as attack at 95. >> amazing john king amazing your joining us now, what, what are you looking for sort of beneath? the head-to-head number in the horse race so sorry, you already hear this debate. >> should it be the blue wall states the rust belt, or should it be the sunbelt? well, let's give this a few weeks, maybe even until the end of august after the democratic convention, let the polling shakeout. and where is kamala harris with key? voting groups? never one does african americans support go way up? well then that may be like in 2008 puts north carolina in play. does their support among latinos go up? then arizona and nevada become a little more interesting for the democrats. donald trump is leading there right now, but if you think about pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan, you just had congressman kildee earlier on the show saying democrats, it's much easier for democrats to get to the white house if they win those three. so what are you going to look for in kamala harris? how is she doing among white voters, especially white men, hillary clinton got low 30s. she lost those three states, joe biden got closer to 40. he won those three states and older voters, like those
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voters in pennsylvania, older voters and white men were a key part of biden's coalition to win those blue wall states when hillary clinton lost those states. so let's give it a bit, let it shake out. this needs to settle and then watch those numbers you know what i have to say this about your report. >> one to see people playing my jon who are outside of the chinese unity was so cool. i hope they taught you and i want to know if pat left i've been at 95 kids, kicked your butt when she was doing the what was that pilates that's that is pilates. >> she has she's in the first piece we did five months ago, she said pilates keeps me vertical. so her instructor, marissa made these t-shirts that say pilates keeps me vertical. i got one. she's tough she is tough. i would say, and she's proved it's not the number its performance, it's not the number. tell you she is she has sharp as attack and think about it. she said she got active politically during fdr's third herb. that's the mid 19 impressive. i must say john gang. thank you so much. great piece. can take clinical importance of core
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this. week, cnn heroes highlights the story of an amateur chef who is using his cooking skills to make a difference for the homeless in paris, he chronicles his efforts to feed those in need and post the videos on tiktok talk where he has built a community of more than 350,000 followers and more than 5.5 million likes. he told cnn that he is grateful for the support i look to reassess. when i wake up one morning and typical, where do you want to make today okay. cool my kids. and it's really, really tiny between four hours and eight hours, i go on the streets with my bag, with all my males and i delivering for free 200 people the first time i go in the street to delivery food or the first reaction was surprised. some of them look at me like who are you this could be emoji
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sonya massey massey, who called police for help and ended up killed by them. we will talk to her brother in the next hour tomorrow. i'll special how to really have and search for suspect. >> how it really happened. the atlanta olympic bombing premieres tomorrow at nine on cnn humpty dumpty. >> does it with a great fall wonderful pistachios get cracking. >> what you're doing, just buying a car on carbonic already got pre-qualified into minutes. >> i can customize my terms, say my car is getting delivered in a couple of days delivered where we financed and buying a car with carbonic today finish ultimate engineered for the
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moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn. i'm bill, weir on the california coast and this is cnn this just in to us brand new data on the fight against inflation, the pcprice i said index, the federal reserve's preferred inflation gauge inflation, it has eased slightly in june, slowing to 2.5% for the 12 months ended in june from 2.6% the month before a slight move, but it move in the right direction is just another piece of of good news for the economy and an indication that
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inflation is inching closer toward the fed's 2% target. >> this all comes just days before the federal reserve is going to gather for its latest policy meeting. the big question on investor's minds and anyone that wants to buy a home will there finally be a rate cut? we will wait and see for that done so in just a few hours, former president donald trump will meet with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at mar-a-lago. >> this is their first meeting since trump left the white house. cnn's carlos suarez is in west palm beach where i understand there is heightened security. carlos that's exactly right, john. >> good morning. so we are expecting a pro-palestinian supporters to come out here and protests the israeli prime minister's visit with the former president at trump's property here in mar-a-lago. these demonstrations will be the first since these new song security measures went into effect around mar-a-lago following the attempted assassination of a former president trump over the weekend, a law enforcement out
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here, they closed the street to the east of us. that runs along the perimeter emitter of mar-a-lago and that road closure will essentially last. we're told through at least election day. we are told that protesters will be kept on sidewalks bucks on the western part of the bridge that connects the mainland out to palm beach. and that really no one is going to be able to get onto a palm beach itself anywhere brittany or the mar-a-lago property, streets around here were told will go into lockdown an hour before the israeli prime minister arrives here at trump's it's mar-a-lago property which we're told will be around 11:00 in the morning. of course, the concern going into today is what is going to happen when some of these pro-palestinian supporters gather? either at the same location that we believe supporters of the former president, as well as supporters of israel, will also gather here later today. here now is the sheriff talking about the overall security approach going into today i
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know somewhat a protesters like to shut rose down and make a statement not aid going to happen here. >> we're not going to allow it i'll bring in two corrections buses. and if you get the road, that will be the end of your day, is just that simple john and sara. >> one final note out here. it is unclear exactly. just behind me rather it's unclear just how long these road closures will take place were told it is expected to last through the entire meeting, which we believe will be several hours guys, right? >> carlos suarez in west palm beach, carlos. thank you very much. keep us posted with us now, former trump national security adviser, ambassador john bolton, ambassador, thanks so much for being with us this morning. haven't had a chance to talk to you before the huge political shakeup over the last several days. so i want you to put your political hat on first how do you see this race having changed in the last six days?
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>> well, i think kamala harris has closed the gap that was opening up after the disastrous presidential debate for president biden. i think she's probably back where biden was at his most recent peak right after his state of the union message. so that's pretty significant progress. but the real question she now is can she sustain that momentum that's basically a coming home of a lot of voters. and can she defined herself before trump defines or which they're getting ready to do. so it's plus so far, but it's still far from clear what's going to happen in november we've seen her a lot over the last week and one of the things we saw yesterday was that the vice president met with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu our friend barak ravid, over at axios is saying that he is hearing and this is direct quote, that he has from an israeli official that netanyahu was upset about the fact that harris spoke good about the hostage and ceasefire deal as an end to the war while israel maintains his position that it will be able to resume
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the fighting app that a deal is implemented. >> the israeli official also said netanyahu was unhappy with the fact that harris criticize israel publicly for the humanitarian crisis in gaza and for killing civilians. do you think, how do you think netanyahu views the difference between now harris and maybe biden and also trump right well, i think netanyahu should be very worried about the way harris behaved and what she said she was very icy in her demeanor, showed strong discipline there, and her words were clear signal. >> harry truman should be turning in his grave now because the democratic party please very special relationship with israel. i think has disappeared and i think a harris administration would be a whole different world in u.s.-israeli relations. i don't necessarily think it means that the israel's relations with the trump administration would be better certainly, if you look
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at trump's performance in his first term is very pro israel. i think appropriately so. but but he's just said trump has just said in recent days, israel's got to get this war over with. it's got to get the hostages back. its prs terrible. why does trump care about that? because he doesn't want to be defending and unpopular israel. this is a case for him of israel's interest crossing donald trump's interest. and we know what will happen in that case. >> how do you feel about now vice presidential nominee j.d. vance in his positions towards ukraine well, i think they're very mistaken and i think they reveal a concept of international relations that's way had a date today and has been for a long time. >> i think the emerging china, russia, and axis is the real news for the united states strategically, china has helped russia in multiple ways in russia's war with ukraine. vance war is a bad taiwan. i'll guarantee you, russia will help china in multiple ways as china puts pressure on taiwan, the
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idea that these are separate wasn't accurate a year ago, it's even less accurate today. and if the u.s. focuses on one place and ignores other there's it's ignoring key american strategic interest, core national interest of the united states to our detriment so you wrote a really interesting op-ed in the wall street journal after president biden announced he will not seek the democratic nomination any longer, you noted that that he has now entered in into a lame duck presidency, which is what happens either after a second term order president loses or chooses not to run again. what do you see as the potential risks really for any president in a period like this? well, we've now got 100 day longer lame-duck period than we expected a few weeks ago when biden was still a candidate and i think there's now uncertainty on several fronts, even americans have trouble understanding who's in charge during a transition presidential transition, and
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that's particularly true for foreigners who don't understand our system. but i think our adversaries could well see advantage. here you have an incumbent president on his way out perhaps focusing on one or two issues, not focusing on bigger pictures. you have the vice president for understandable reasons seasons entirely consumed with the campaign. and you have donald trump doing whatever he's going to do. so the bandwidth pressure because of the war in the middle east, because of the war in ukraine, because of the campaign, strains our resources and i think our enemies will try and take advantage of it. >> ambassador john bolton, thanks so much for being on with us this morning. really appreciate it and a new hour of cnn, new central starts right now vice president harris lands the endorsement she has been waiting for and basically says, thanks obama, just hours before the phillip its opening ceremonies coordinated attacks on francis


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