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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> i didn't bark i'm
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stephanie elam in los angeles and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 800, 5-9, 2,400 he campaign shakeup is the democratic party is rubbing up vice president harris locking in a critical endorsement and looking to keep the momentum going we're following the latest plus a widespread and coordinated sabotage attack targeting france is real system right before the olympics opening ceremony. >> what we know about the nature of the disruption and how it's affected the olympic athletes. and fans after just 48 hours a massive california wildfire there is already the biggest in the state the flames showing no signs of dying down.
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we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central republican vice presidential nominee and ohio senator j.d. >> vance, pushing back after his past comments about childless adults sparked fierce fierce backlash. he's now saying that those comments were never directed at people who cannot or don't have kids. and steady says he was just it's criticizing the democratic party as being quote anti-family and anti-child. so let's go to cnn's alayna treene on this alayna pretty interesting backpedaling here by vance yeah, he's definitely trying to clean this up and luck. i think he's arguing and both the trump team, as well as jd vance's team. have been arguing for the past couple of days now that these remarks were taken out of context, i will note that these are resurface comments from 2021. this was an interview that he
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did with tucker carlson. there wasn't much context in that first interview he'd had spoken about this and other and other events where he did go into more context and essentially what he's been saying is that he wasn't trying to call people who don't have kids or who are struggling with fertility issues so that they don't have as good of a handle on real issues. what he was trying to say is what you just laid out, which is that? in this interview with megyn kelly, he said that they democratic party is quote, anti-child and anti family, again, trying to contextualize some of these remarks. i think it's notable because this is the first time we're actually hearing from j.d. vance respond to this after these comments resurface and he really with the vacuum of the last 24 hours without hearing this response, you've seen democrats really seize on this and try to go after him on this now, i do think as well, we were listed listening to that interview with megyn kelly. he was talking about as well that these comments were brought on in part by a conversation he
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had with his wife about their own family and how she was struggling as a lawyer and trying to raise children. we do have some sound from this interview. i want you to take a listen to what he said the simple point that i made is that having children becoming a father, becoming a mother, i really do think it changes your perspective and it pretty profound way that this is not about criticizing people who, for various reasons didn't have kids. >> this is about criticizing the democratic party for becoming anti-family and anti-child now, brianna, again, this is him trying to clean up these remarks. i will say i don't think there's a question that this isn't going over well within trump world. you'd never want your newly picked vice presidential nominee to be in the media around comments like this, particularly when it comes to remarks that could alienates some suburban women a conversation and a demographic, i should say that the trump team is going after very specifically and targeting in this election. and so all of this i think is him trying to
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put a spin on his on this, try to clean up the narrative and kind of take it back into his own hands. we'll see how democrats respond yeah, it's really interesting you're not in a good place when you're explaining a lamina. thank you. and let's go now to cnn's mj lee. mj. let's talk about vice president harris while meeting with former president trump at mar-a-lago is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu questioned her remarks on how israel is conducting the war against hamas. it's a notion that her team is clarifying what more can you tell us yeah. >> i mean, this all goes back to yesterday when notably we saw the president and vice president it didn't meeting separately with the israeli prime minister and then the vice president insisted on giving solo remarks afterwards, which is definitely not typical and they happen and to be some of the most forceful comments about the israel hamas war. and kurtas criticism of israel's conduct of the war that we've seen so far coming out of the white house. she said that she
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had expressed serious concerns to the prime minister about how he was waging this war. she said, we cannot look away from the tragedies, the civilian suffering, and the humanitarian crisis. she said, i will not be silent but clearly this has had the result of stirring some things up. we had overnight a senior israeli official questioning whether those remarks from the vice president could send a message to hamas but there is daylight between the u.s. and israel. could it actually hamper the ongoing efforts to get a ceasefire deal through the finish line. and then the prime minister himself health in a meeting with warmer president donald trump, as you mentioned at mar-a-lago this afternoon questioning those comments as well, saying that he hopes that they don't end up affecting hamas is understanding of u.s.-israeli relations. and we have seen the vice president's office really rejecting and pushing back on those suggestions. one aide telling cnn, i don't know what they're talking think about president biden and vice president harris delivered the same message in their private
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meetings to prime minister netanyahu. it is time to get the ceasefire and hostage deal done. it may have been brianna, the same message on substance. if you were looking at a transcript of what president biden has said in recent days and weeks about the war versus what the vice president said. i do think there's no question that least tonally, they were incredibly forceful, forceful comments coming from the vice president. and i do think this is going to be an incredibly important space to watch, because old timidly, this is going to be one of the most difficult and complicated foreign policy issues that she will inherit if she does go on to win the presidency. and we'll see but whether the vice president's office continues to insist that there is zero daylight between her positions of the presidents. now that she is running as the presidential candidate all right? >> andrea lee live for us at the white house. thank you for the report for us even before vice president harris became the presumptive democratic nominee republicans are signaling their plans to block
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attempts to change candidates on ballots in some states but a new cnn survey found that there are no obstacles for harris to get on the ballot in at least 48 states cnn's paula reid joins us now with more on her exclusive new reporting. >> paula, in the 48 obviously include some major battlegrounds that's right. >> the seven of the states that had the closest margins back in 2020 are among those that told us there's not going to be an issue with the vice president appearing on the ballot. >> now, after the house speaker signal that there could be quote, legal impediments to harris's name up here during on the ballot, we reached out to election officials in all 50 states to ask if there would be any issues 48 states responded and said, there's not going to be any issue at all. let me give you a sample of what we heard from some of these states. for example, georgia telling us quote, biden dropping out will not impact georgia ballots. kentucky says, no, there is no issue with camila being on the ballot. west virginia says the
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candidate that will appear on west virginia's ballot in november will be the candidate that is nominated by the dnc in alabama. they said major parties tab until august 23 to certify who their presidential and vice presidential candidates will be. the two-state that we did not hear back from florida and montana they just did not respond, but an analysis, their rules and regulations suggests that there should the issue there either. now the house speaker's office did not respond to our request for clarification about exactly what he meant by the so-called legal impediments paula, i'm hearing impediments, obviously plural, i maybe reading into it, but it sounds like there might be other legal challenge which is we could see from republicans yeah, certainly this was the initial reaction that the idea of swapping out the candidates, even though they hadn't officially been nominated at the convention, could result in some successful legal challenges are reporting indicates that these legal challenges would not likely be successful, but boris, that doesn't mean some folks may not try because part of the
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political reason for litigating these issues is to create confusion and chaos even to raise money if you file a lawsuit on something like this, even if it doesn't when you issue a press release and people may donate to your cause to allow you to fund additional litigation. and there are other questions that i think they're going to try to litigate i like to transferring of campaign funds and certainly there'll be looking for these issues we know from our sources that trump allies have been discussing any potential lawsuits they can bring. but so far, it's not clear where there will be successful legally. but again, some of this is about politics not succeeding in court paula reid, thanks so much for the reporting. >> wanted to discuss this and more with democrat tim ryan. >> he's a former congressman representing ohio, a former 2020 presidential candidate as well. congressman. thanks so much for being with us as we just heard from paula, 48 states tells cnn there's not going to be any issue with harris appearing at the top of the tickets since biden was never the official nominee, do
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you think that democrats nevertheless should be prepared for potential legal challenges we are prepared, you know, we've got teams of lawyers at the dnc. >> i trust jamie harrison there to make sure that we're ready set go. but as you heard, this is just just side conversation happening. they're trying to distract they don't want to talk about kamala harris. they don't want to talk about trump. they certainly don't want to talk about j.d. vance so they're going to try to talk about something else, but we got this and we're going to be running hard and all these states and to that point, i'm curious to get your response to j.d. vance calling the democratic party anti-family and anti-child i mean, here we go, like, let's just stop like nobody's anti-family, nobody that i've ever met in my entire 51 years on this planet is anti-child so let's talk about the record. it was the democrats who pushed the child tax credit that lifted millions
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and millions of kids out of poverty and their families out of poverty during the pandemic that just got rolled back. so check to the democrats, they're in the affordable care act, obamacare. we expanded medicaid, which help children get health care who otherwise weren't getting any health care for prevention to make sure that they're healthy so that they can learn, so that they could develop a skill so that they could participate in the economy. you look at the supplemental nutrition program, food programs that, that go towards the poorest kids and the country to make sure that they get adequate nutrition so that they can learn, develop a skill, and participate in the economy and thrive. those are just three examples off the top of my head of which the republicans opposed and moderate republicans supported those things. but the j.d. vance extremists in the trump extremist don't support that stuff. so there's, there's absolutely no evidence and i think people are seeing through it i wanted to zoom out and get
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a view of the bigger picture because last time we had a chance to speak, it was almost a month ago and you had written a column endorsing vice president harris as the 2024 nominee. >> i mean, it kind of worked out the way that you would hoped. it seemed yeah beyond my wildest dreams, i mean, i wrote it. i just read it the other day again and it does hold up pretty well. i mean, a lot but a scar tissue between here and there. but she's energizing our base, which is what i said she would do. she's energizing and pulling in young people, which i thought would happen and she's just her campaign, it's like a west coast running gun offense. i mean, they're sending out releases that aren't just sleeper press it's releases because they have to talk about an issue there, sharp their edgy, they're penetrating and they're boxing trump and j.d. vance into a corner. this is how you run a campaign. so beyond my wildest dreams, i knew she was ready. i knew she would meet the moment and i'm
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just glad she's getting the opportunity to do that. and all of us are starting to get behind her. you see these calls with 150,000 white women, 100, 150,000 black women, black men, white man. i'm doing a call monday night with mychael skolnick and some others for the dudes, the white dude? but we're all coming together. it's gonna be men and women we're not going to divide into these little sections. i think, like sometimes democrats do. this is a movement, a cohesive, integrative movement around a candidate that is the next generation that has a very aspirational message that wants to leave all this toxic nonsense you know that we've been fighting over since the vietnam war. a challenging us, you know, you've got j.d. vance and trump, j.d. vance says, america needs a caesar like one person that come in are and trump loves that the strong men. no, this is the united states of america, kamala harris is challenging all of us to be citizens, to participate. do we want to refer? form the united states
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than we all have a stake in that. and that means door-knocking and every community across the country. and i think you're going to see a tidal wave here that this country hasn't probably seen the energy since the obama campaign and america 2.0 is coming your way. so if you're frustrated with the system, you're looking for reform, you're looking for new generation candidate to challenge you, like, like kennedy did, like roosevelt did like even ronald reagan did, and obama did. you're getting that and more with kamala harris. so i'm excited for what's to come a congressman. >> that question of reforming the system republicans are pointing to some of the things that harris said during the 2020 campaign about her support for a demilitarizing the police for banning fracking for medicare for all and they're painting her as a radical leftist i'm wondering how you think she should respond to those claims well, she'll come out in due time, i think with her own agenda, but i know her
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to be a very pragmatic and practical person she has three-and-a-half years now, working in the administration. >> i think her views on things or maybe a little bit different today than they were in a presidential campaign in 2020. i'm not speaking on her behalf. of course. but my sense is when i when i look at how she's talking about things, what her focus is going to be. it's going to be focused on the bread and butter issues, the economic issues, the issues around justice, inequality. and i'll let her speak for herself there. but to me, i think this is going to this is going to be a campaign about healing. and this is about, this is going to be about a campaign about bringing americans together. so not necessarily for one side or far the other. i think she wants to bring people together and we need there's so many issues that people agree on to around the economy, around sensible addressing sensible gun legislation around making sure kids have food and proper healthcare. how do we help our
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veterans with modernized? techniques to help them deal with post-traumatic stress from the wars. how do we heal trauma? how do we educate our kids better? how do we do things like shop class and get everybody skilled up and ready to compete. i think there's so much i want to say in the middle because it's just that an american, they're just they're pragmatic solutions that's what she's going to be for. and that's what the country needs. so i believe something ten years ago that belief today, so it's probably some other people, but it's about what can heal the country, what can bring us together. and i think she's just the perfect person right now to be able to do that. >> former congressman tim ryan, or if leave the conversation there and thanks for sharing your perspective thank you so much. of course. >> still ahead. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu capping off his trip to the united states with a face to face sit down with former president donald trump, gave an update from the meeting coming up. plus a coordinated attack on france is real system all over the country just hours
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before the olympics opening ceremony, what we're following in this investigation added other stating wildfire in california exploding in dies. officials arresting someone for potentially sparking it. those stories and much more straight ahead everything. >> you wanted is right tear the disney plus hulu max bundle, you know, priceline helps families they've 60% on family-friendly hotels, so many great trips we might just leave here it's another vacation baby take it easy, paris and youtube for motor to help. >> lisa wasn't alito earlier happy priceline bathroom. >> so musty new fast acting
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once close relationship that has become strained since trump lost in 2020 race. the high-stakes sit down also comes at a critical moment in the war between israel and hamas. and also in the 2024 presidential race, cnn's kristen holmes is in florida for us. all right. kristen, i know you were briefly granted access to this meeting. what can you tell us? >> yeah, one of the first questions i ask brianna and boris was what their relationship would look like if donald trump was to be reelected, just one room minder here is that they were very close when donald trump was in office, but the relationship has since soured after netanyahu said congratulations to joe biden on winning the election, donald trump really turned on him thinking that that was a disloyal move. but all of that seemed to be forgotten today, donald trump saying we've always had a good relationship. of course, we would work well together. i also ask them about remarks from kamala harris that she made after she met with netanyahu yesterday. here's what both of them said about those remarks were trying to
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get one and i think the extent that understands that there's daylight between israel expert comments i think her remarks were disrespectful. they weren't very nice attorney to israel i actually don't know how a person who is jewish can vote for her but that's up to them now. >> i'm not sure if you could hear that as clearly in my ear. wasn't quite as clear, but netanyahu there says he hopes that her remarks didn't impact any negotiations on the ceasefire deal. >> there was some talk among israeli senior officials that they might have hurt any of these negotiations. >> but again, a lot of this is coming at a crucial time, as you mentioned, they did provide they being the campaign, a readout of this meeting saying
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that essentially netanyahu had thanked donald trump for everything he had done while he was an office. and also that donald trump has said that he stands fully with israel after those october 7 attacks. just a reminder, trump is somebody who has painted himself as one of the staunchest supporters of israel, despite what he has said about netanyahu. so clearly wants to go back to that role, hearing him there talking about how he can't believe that jewish people would vote democratic and particularly now shifting that argument to voting for kamala harris right? >> kristen holmes, live for us in florida. thank you. and let's talk about this now further with mark esper, who of course served as defense secretary in the trump administration. he also serves on the board for a handful of aerospace and defense-related companies. mr. secretary, thanks for being with us. what are you expecting from this meeting between trump and netanyahu well, i was expecting what we saw and that is a lot
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of camaraderie between the two gentlemen. >> they both benefit from having a good a meeting and a good commentary coming out of it. obviously bibi netanyahu wants to show israelis that he is, he can work with both parties and particularly is a good relationship with donald trump who did a lot of things for israel. i should add donald trump conversing wants to show that he's still commands the respect and relationship with bibi netanyahu obviously, trump has a strong evangelical base that supports israel and the jewish people. and with this latest flap over the comments by kamala harris, he can show a contrast between him and her with regard to support for israel. so i think both sides probably got out of it what they wanted to get out of it. >> let me ask you about that. harris said after her meeting with netanyahu that israel has a right to defend itself. but how it does so matters. and she also highlighted the devastation in gaza as well as
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detailing the horrors that we saw on october 7, trump set her comments were disrespectful towards israel, and a senior israeli official told media in israel that the comment could harm ceasefire talks. do you agree with that? >> well, it is true that what the united states its leaders do and say can affect ceasefire talks. we know in the past that for example, when the biden ministration held up delivery of 2000 pound bombs are when we refuse to block the security council resolution condemning israel or are criticizing israel hamas reads that very carefully and they calibrate their negotiations and our demands based on what they see the so-called daylight that you heard from the tee up there, that there may have may have more room to maneuver, so it is important. i think obviously when kamala harris spoke yesterday, she spoke very strongly about united states commitment to israel, but added arguably with more conviction and president biden, the
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important she places on the lives of innocent palestinians. and i guess that is being interpreted as the so-called daylight we'll see if that's true. this comes particularly at a time when the administration is saying that we are within ten yards of a deal between israel and hamas. as with jake sullivan, tony blinken last weekend in aspen, colorado, and they both believe that to be the case, but look, this is just the politics of the election playing itself out. >> and we are all eager to see what positions kamala harris will stick out both contrary to biden and as she tries to introduce her own views on these topics as as she tries to play to the american electorate. if trump were to be elected in this upcoming election, what do you think this relations? and ship would be like? and what do you think his policy would be like towards israel considering what he has said publicly about netanyahu and about the war between israel and hamas yeah,
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look, i think could be a very staunch supporter of israel when he talks about wanting the war to end, his nuances, i interpret it means he wants him to quickly finish up hamas and destroy hamas or dismantle hamas. you choose your verb which is a little bit different. there different than maybe where the biden administration is saying now, which is basically just get a ceasefire going so we can end the humanitarian suffering. so in my view, there is a distinction in that nuance, but i think trump would be a start support looking moved the u.s. embassy to jerusalem. he advanced the abraham accords. he took us serious action with regard to recognizing israeli claims on the golan, we moved israel and to the central command area of responsibility for war fighting purposes so i think certainly the government, the israeli people see that the relationship between trump and netanyahu during that time accrued a lot of benefits. israel he's also said they have a pr problem. he's also talked
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about some of the issues with the war. i mean, he hasn't been it hasn't been completely glowing. what he's said yeah look, i think he's right. i think we would all agree that israel's conduct of this war has not played well on the international stage. i mean, most countries have criticized israel's conduct. i have said that i think israel needs to do a far better job in terms of reducing civilian casualties. and what it's a delivery of humanitarian aid while i completely agree that they need to dismantle hamas, neutralize hamas and do a number of other things. so i think his statement in that regard is true. i think when he says that if he were an office that this war would have never happened. october 7 would never happen. >> clearly, that's too hard to determine. >> and we'll never know. but but i think that is true with regard to his claim about the pr situation secretary esper. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate it.
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>> thanks, brianna and ahead, french rail lines sabotaged just hours before the olympics opening ceremony and this is leaving hundreds of thousands of people stranded. >> we'll have new details on this huge coordinated attack plus cnn talking one-on-one with the usa flag bearer and tennis phenom coco gauff, about her long awaited olympic debut will happen that coming up sunday the whole story digs deeper into historic week in presidential politics. first, the rise of kamala harris he moved by the story of joe biden's withdrawal from the race the whole story with anderson cooper starts sunday at 8:00 on cnn dug lima someone needs to customize and saved hundreds and car insurance with liberty neutral let's fly keep
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today, i'm derek van dam inside the paris olympic village. >> and this is cnn the opening ceremony of the paris olympics is now underway, but it's been a trying day as rainy weather and what officials are calling a the coordinated sabotage on francis train system interrupted stranding hundreds of thousands of passengers investigators say cables were taken apart and set on fire on three high-speed railways. >> workers say that fixing the damage is going to take several days cnn international correspondent melissa bell has more the organizers of paris 2024 believed they were ready for anything, but it was at 4:00 a.m. hours from the opening ceremony the coordinated sabotage and arson cause chaos. >> whose you'll be today, all the information we have clearly shows that it was deliberate to simultaneous nature. everything happened at the same time, use
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and equals everything now points to the fact that these were arson attack thanks particularly the timing, which is more than suspicious security in paris is tight with authorities keeping to make sure that things go smoothly but this one there's one attack carried out simultaneously across the country that was impossible to imagine. no particular group has yet claimed responsibility these are exactly the kinds of images that the organizers of paris 2024 to avoid with french authorities morning that it is 250,000 the travelers likely to be impacted this friday, 800,000 over the course of the weekend the latest drama likely to dampen the spirits of the french, many of them heading off from family holidays. >> even as paris mayor, i needed go believed that enthusiasm for the games had finally grip the country marcia, who is son i felt that louisiana some arrived a little before during the passage of the flame in paris on july 14, and 15th, would get the olympic flame was paraded in paris.
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>> and there were people everywhere. children, elderly people, all social classes everyone was really happy and i said to myself that it's the magic of the games working the opening ceremony will still go ahead as planned tonight, along the river sen. despite the train attack and the threat of rain, whether it will further dampen spirits could depend more on the weather than the turnout melissa bell, cnn, paris or thanks to melissa for that report. thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate amid a raging wildfire in northern california and high winds and dry air threatening to make this much worse, an update. just moments away it's hard to watch yourself. >> be pulled out of the building by a tornado can a
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closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 right now as a new images of the catastrophic wildfire that is just rapidly exploded into california's largest fire of the year. >> it's called the park park fire, and it has torched more than 164,000 acres. it has forced people to evacuate in northern california and just take a look at this time-lapse video. it shows what is called a fire tornado or a fire vortex this was taken in butte county last night. and the man suspected of starting this fire has been arrested and is facing arson charges. cnn's camila bernal is in is in chico, california. she is on-scene with the latest it's an effort that is around the clock, 24/7,
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you know, we see the firefighters here about 1,600 personnel trying to stop these flames, but they are just so fast and spreading so quickly that that's why we're still having containment be so low and that means there's just so much work to be done. >> it's hard to see when the sun comes out, but the flames are here behind me and you see that thick smoke we've been seeing just how fast it moves, hour by hour. we've had to drive to catch up with the flames and to make sure that we're getting to the edge of the fire. but you mentioned that 42-year-old man who was arrested authorities say they have witnesses that actually saw him pushing that burning car about 60 feet so just a very unfortunate situation for the people in this area. i also want to point out that they also updated the number of structures that have been destroyed more than 100. already. and so officials really trying to evaluate what this fire has done and what it could continue to do to this
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community. there's people who are under evacuation orders because we saw how some of the local authorities help these people get out of this area yesterday. and we were told that at least three firefighters also had heat related injuries that were taken to the hospital and released these men and women are just here 24/7. you see some of them here behind me with the chain saws and just again, working to try to contain these claims, but it is going to take some time all right. >> camila bernal. thank you for that report. boris now, to some of the other headlines we're watching this hour spacex says it fixed its failure to launch problems with the felony welcome nine rocket, and plans to launch it from nasa kennedy space center overnight. >> the company's team. so the falcon nine failed to launch on july 11 because of the liquid oxygen leak from a crack in a pressure sensors sense line. spacex says it aims to launch the falcons shortly at 12:21 a.m. eastern time from kennedy
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space center in cape canaveral also, boar's head is recalling 200,000 pounds of deli meat because of concerns over less stereo. two people have died, 34 have gotten sick and 13 states linked to the recall that includes liverwurst and sliced deli meat, including ham and aloni. >> and some new research shows a starter home is not going to cost you more than $1 and about 237 us cities. >> zillow is reporting that it's all part of why it's so hard to afford a home right now many of the high prices are concentrated in california, new york, new jersey, florida, and massachusetts so in just a few years, coco gauff for has gone from a young rising tennis star to a phenom and now an olympic flag bearer next to lebron james. cnn has a one-on-one conversation with her and it's coming up tomorrow on the whole
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story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. >> where does america go from? i'm here. the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence america as bloody history tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn imagine a future where plastic is not wasted. but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher our families safer and our planet cleaner to help us get there america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. >> because when you push for smarter solutions week things can happen well i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company. there's no way to fake how upwork can help your business upwork has half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top tier talent and everything a pr to project management, because this is how we work now oh, i love a good
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happens a lot, but safely could have helped so don't let that little
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feel better with liquid ladder grabbed liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today, our bill weir on the california coast this is cnn to alleged mexican drug lords are now in us custody after one essentially set a trap for the other. >> they are leaders of the powerful sinaloa cartel he used to flooding america with fentanyl cocaine and other drugs for years. >> let's get the latest from cnn's polo sandoval and vallow. this was a so-called lower operation. help us understand what that means and the complexity around a sting like this. >> so boris and brianna, the prevailing theory, or at least the prevailing theme in this is betrayal. it is a theme that you will find in that ever evolving story of the mexican drug cartels just south of the border. essentially, what you
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have here are these drug leaders that have to make that decision. do they, are they hunted down by us authorities? or do they choose to cooperate with them and by multiple accounts, it seems that this is an example of the latter. in this case, a law enforcement official that's briefed on this investigation telling cnn then that they believe that it was actually the son of joaquin guzman, and we all know as el chapo are actually cooperated with authorities and provided some insight help to actually track down and to actually to capture mio in this particular case, what we understand is that i always lord onto a small cessna plane yesterday morning parted from moc you mexico, with the destination in just north of el paso down one point, that plane eventually landed there that he was told that they would be flying to visit a property potentially for purchase that he was and aware that that plane would be met by us law enforcement, which was the case that is when some bother was immediately arrested here in terms of who
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he is, he really is sort of that remember of that last generation of older generations of these drug lords, he was very low profile it was in fact very difficult to even find recent photos of him. i rewrite a piece from 2010 which actually offered a mexico it's good magazine and interview. and he spoke of that persistent concern that he had about being captured, even going as far as to tell the reporter back then, saying that if you work capturing would even consider taken his own life. so that's certainly important. and another thing to look out for in the coming days, certainly the coming months boris and brianna is what potential repercussions we may see south border because this is a significant voigt that he leaves behind which means that we are likely to see him power struggle, perhaps even for bloodshed amongst some of these cartel some of this cartel and fighting because of what went down yesterday some serious intrigue there. >> look forward to seeing a documentary about that. i'm sure soon become regarding this capture polo sandoval. thanks
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so much still ahead. the olympic opening ceremony underway. we're going to hear from one of the american flag bearers it's coco gauff about the moment she found out. she appeared alongside lebron james as we watch live pictures of the opening games from here the belief that it was meant to unite around you may be king he's coming house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on max to test the toughness of the three roe key is sorrento and the key is evento turbo-hybrid we recreated some of the wettest spring hottest summers wendy is false and coldest winters all on one track to prove the three roe
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lebron james. they are the flag bearer there's and cnn's coy wire got the chance to talk to gauff one-on-one ahead of that flag bearer. honor, let's listen have you started the process yet that you will be rep. >> in your country alongside lebron james? >> know, i like i don't know when i'm going to meet him, but i mike already like stressed about it really. >> so you've never met him before? >> no. no, i've never met before. i'm excited to meet him and i'm excited to be flag-bearers alongside him. there's no other athlete i think i would have chosen to do this with, you've talked about the racquet has the potential to change the world as a device as times are right now with everything going on, what do you make of it all? and also, what are your hopes for the games potential ability to bring people together. that's what sports can do. >> yeah, i just hope that be being a person representing team usa and i think all of the i don't want to speak on behalf. all olympians he's on the team, you say, but i feel like majority of them agree
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that we all just want to promote positivity through our game and through our sport and thorough competing. and i think that we all just wanted to show how passionate we are in share that passion with the support is that we have it hopefully have a lot of success too. >> our thanks to coy wire for that report, the king of the world brian she's nervous about meeting the interests. >> i mean, lebron's nervous about meeting, you, coco also, if you look at that picture of him on the boat, it looks like some people are nervous about being on the boat. it seemed very jam-packed. >> i'm nervous about them being on the field. >> there's just should've walked or done something less people on the bow, maybe different boats. look at his face. does that look like joy we was cocoa and the rest of team usa, the best of luck in chasing the gold. the lead with jake tapper starting right now vice president kamala harris today on defense about her comments on israel,


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