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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 28, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> we've learned so swim the seas like fish, and yet we haven't line to walk there says province and assistance. >> we got to figure out how do we create a better nation and rural for all of gaza's children? >> and we want to hear each other and we're not feeling that in america today, we're not feeling that we're hearing each other we have to make an effort in the united states we have to make an effort to understand to get beyond or go beyond these robert difficult times. >> hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the
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united states around the world and streaming us on cnn, max, i'm rosemary church, just ahead. israel retaliates with strikes on hezbollah targets inside lebanon after a deadly rocket attack raising fears of further escalation venezuela's authoritarian leader will serve a third consecutive term as the opposition claims election erased keilar ties with just 99 days until the u.s. presidential election, the harris campaign sees a surge in funding and support live from atlanta this is cnn newsroom with rosemarie church and we begin. with the breaking news from venezuela were longtime strongman nicolas maduro has been declared the winner of sunday's election. that is according to the country's national electoral council, the government controlled counsel reports. maduro, won more than 51% santa of the vote with more
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than 80% of the votes counted. this marks maduro's third consecutive six-year term. maduro suggested there would be bloodshed if he lost but saying a different tune after being declared the winner. >> i said it, there was peace before, and there was during, and we have it and there will be peace, stability, and justice after 28 july, starting from today you can use justice respect of law, and justice the leader of venezuela's main opposition coalition rejected the council's results, saying their candidate won 70% of the vote. >> maduro's main challenger was opposition candidate edmundo gonzalez diaa, a soft-spoken former diplomat who the coalition rallied behind after their two preferred candidates were barred from running. you as a group of state antony blinken called on
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the electoral authorities to ensure transparency and accountability of the vote counting we've seen the announcement just a short while ago by the venezuelan electoral commission we have serious concerns that the results announced does not reflect the will or the votes for the venezuelan people. it's critical that every vote be counted fairly and transparently. that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay. >> and that the electoral authorities publish the detailed tabulation of votes the international community is watching this very closely and we'll respond accordingly we go now to venezuela, where journalist stefano pozzebon joins us live from the capital caracas so good to see you. there was of course, a lot what if concern that these would not be free and fair elections and
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exit polls had the opposition up 30% at one point what's been the reaction so far to maduro claiming victory again, under these circumstances well, the reaction rosemary has been that the deep doubts are being cast over these results. it's not just the opposite patient who is saying that they did not recognize the results but even many countries in latin america, including chile, costa rica, and peru, and uruguay, have already presented statements or declarations saying that they either do not recognize these results or that they urge the electoral authorities, which we must say are heavily controlled by the government hearing caracas. they urge them to publish it all the data, all the numbers that they have, and to keep these process as transparent as possible. civil for a little bit of context in many countries, when you have an election, the electoral authorities present the, the
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numbers as they are being in counted. you see normally we journalists received several bulletins hour after hours, or sometimes minute after minute, and we can see, we can follow the scrutiny in real time. there's none of that in venezuela, we wait in this case, we waited for more than six hours to hear from the electoral authorities what they said where the ultimate data, just one announcement in the middle of the night. and this is why many people here are casting serious doubts over for this results, starting from the leader of venezuelan opposition they might eat, let alone we want to tell all venezuelans and to the entire world that venezuela has a new president-elect. and that is edmundo gonzalez, 18 we won, and everyone knows it. everyone knows it. i want you to know that this was something so overwhelming. so bag that we want in every sector of the country now rosemary maria
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corina, who is the leader of the opposition, can claim all the victory that she thinks she won. but at the same time, how does she enforce her results when maduro country? roles at the judiciary, the parliament, and most crucially, the armed forces are still very closely sidelined with the government. i think that the next few hours worse will be crucial. it will be interesting to see what the rest of the international community, not just the united states or other countries in latin america, but big political and diplomatic power houses around here, such as brazil colombia, and mexico will have to say about this election. and then one more thing. there is an independent body that has become here with an observation mission to observe and monitor this election is the carter center based in atlanta they've sent a team of 17 people to monitor the election, and they will hold a presser on tuesday morning. what they will say
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will be heavily watched so by many countries around the world, by the venezuelan opposition, by everybody who cares about this country to the side and to understand whether these section, which has not been free or fair by any standard, could at least have been called competitive. rosemary savannah, possible. >> many thanks for that report hi, from caracas appreciate it well, now to the growing tensions in the middle east following a deadly rocket attack and the israeli occupied golan heights. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu held a security cabinet meeting on sunday to discuss the situation. the cabinet authorized mr. netanyahu and his defense it's minister to quote, decide on the nature of the response against hezbollah. israel has blamed the lebanese militant group for this strike, which killed 12 children and injured more than 40 people on saturday. as bella has firmly denied, it was behind the
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attack israel's military says it conducted airstrikes against hezbollah targets deep inside lebanese territory and along the border overnight sunday, lebanon is warning israel of a regional war if it goes too far. meantime, america's top diplomat says the u.s. doesn't want any escalation in the region but we also don't want to see the conflict escalate. >> we don't want to see it spread. that has been one of our goals from they want from from october 7 on cnn's jeremy diamond is on the ground in the occupied golan heights. he has this report on sirens pierces serenity of this in the israeli-controlled golan heights and in an instant this explosion will shatter the very soul of the druze community that lives here as residents
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and first responders rushed to the scene. the horror of this strike becomes clear soccer field children's bikes, pools of blood between them. 12 children, the youngest, just 10-years-old, torn from this life. it is the deadliest attack on civilians in israel or israeli israeli-controlled territory since october 7, according to israeli officials, israel says hezbollah, which has frequently targeted the golan heights before, is behind the attack as bola denies responsibility, it was 6:00 p.m. on a hot summer evening dozens of children were playing on this soft her field right behind me when suddenly sirens rang out seconds later, a rocket made impact just right here we're in its place now stands this black the flag of mourning. but one of the most devastating parts of all of this, as you see this scene frozen in time, is the fact that right behind us was safety a bombshell but there simply
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was not enough time for these children to get inside taymor wili was looking out his window when the rockets struck and rushed to the scene. we found him that night hours later still trying to make sense of it all a tourist, i saw the injured and your children running around? >> i saw blood. they didn't respond to us they were panicking, saw a lot of guys gathering here, most of them didn't go down. i went down here and i saw a lot of things that are way too gruesome to many shan out of respect for the families and we tried to help, but it was beyond our help. there's nothing we can do in moscow ems morning is all that remains. >> thousands gathered here to pay their final respects. the site of each casket brings with it another they're wave of cries and wales has nightmares turn into crushing reality are
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photos of smiling children like 11-year-old can only mean one thing so i reached the stadium and in the corner i saw dead bodies and body parts when i got closer to one of them, i saw a bracelet. >> i knew it was alma amun aldine is only just beginning to process the loss of his only daughter what are she liked soccer like spot on spot basketball and she played and she was good yeah. >> good. yeah. yeah to melanie hioe. alma is a child filled with energy she loved life she was special in school and in athletics he now calls on his son, rayyan for comfort this is her big brother and i love hard. but ryan's grief is all
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too fresh ran with, you remember about your system, what do you want people to know about your sister she's put back everything about her was lovely how badmouth limit less. >> she liked to play, just like any other kid in the end, we have a room without alma and it is not just the israeli government that says that hezbollah was responsible for this awful rocket attack. it is also at least one of the fathers of the 12 victims that man, a man, the father of 11-year-old, alma says that there is not a doubt in his mind that hezbollah was responsible for this. he said that they killed my daughter. he said it was hezbollah for sure. my enemy is hezbollah. i say it openly jeremy diamond, cnn model shams, golan heights and it has been a deadly weekend in gaza palestinian officials say at least 19
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civilians, including children, have died in israeli attacks on sunday alone. >> at least ten people were killed in khan younis when an israeli airstrike struck a house. gaza's civil defense says four people died when an airstrike hit tents in al-mawasi the israeli military has designated that area humanitarian zone and had just ordered some 29,000 people to evacuate their one woman describes the agonizing process of moving constantly with no assurance of safety i had my back hurts. >> i can't walk. i'm barely walking. i can't count how many times i have been displaced. i went to the school back to my home than my husband it's been died. and i went to my daughter, then i went to the hospital the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs is the recurrent displacement of civilians is depriving them of quote,
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dignified survival according to unrwa, only 14% of gaza is not under israeli evacuation orders we are now less lesson 100 days away from the 2024 us presidential election and it's hard to believe. it's only been one week since us president joe biden exited the race and endorsed vice president kamala harris, who moved quickly to consolidate support from the democratic party. both harris and republican can presidential nominee donald trump took a break from the campaign trail on sunday and instead let their allies stump for them. but the harris campaign did announce in a memo that it has raised $200 million just since last sunday it says sixth let's do 6% of those donations are coming from small first-time donors. and according to a new abc news
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ipsos poll, the vice president's favourability rating has gone up eight points since last week, while trump has seen his ratings slip by four points cnn's jeff zeleny has the latest on this race from the battleground state of michigan former president donald trump and vice president kamala harris heading into a new phase of their campaign now has fewer than 100 days to go before election day. >> a very busy weekend of campaigning here in michigan and in battleground states across the country. the former president campaigning in minnesota, trying to bring that state back into play. of course, president biden carried it quite comfortably, but donald trump lost it narrowly back in 2016 it's seen as the reddest blue state in the country, if you will. now, so many different polls are showing that vice president harris is doing much better than president biden now of course course this race is still too close to call nationally and in battleground states across the country, but
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she is showing gains among younger voters and voters of color now raised to define vice president harris is on aggressively, the republicans are trying to do that through campaign ads, branding her as a san francisco liberal in their words j.d. vance hence the ohio senator and the republican vice presidential candidate going after her aggressively this weekend, the people are going to learn her record. they're going to learn that she's a radical with they're going to learned that she's basically a san francisco liberal who wants to take san francisco policies to the entire country. and i don't think that's going to sell in minnesota. i don't think it's going to sell anywhere else. so as we tell the message and as we as we talk about how president trump has made people's lives better and can do it again, i think we're going to turn minnesota red and a lot of other states as well. >> but speaking of running mates, vice president harris is looking for one of her own. she is entering the final days of making that choice. she's considering arizona senator mark kelly, minnesota governor tim walz pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, north carolina governor roy cooper, kentucky
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governor andy beshear, and even transportation secretary pete buttigieg, vice president harris paris has relationships with most of these potential candidates. but the question is, who can be a governing partner for vetting team is looking through the backgrounds of all of these candidates and she'll of course, i'm told will begin weighing in with interviews. she hopes to have a decision by august 7 that of course, will frame this race. harris and whoever she chooses against trump and j.d. vance, going into the final three months of this campaign, clearly too close to call this election already one for the history books could be headed there november jeff zeleny, cnn, detroit still to come, french swimmer lia thomas, sean breaks, and olympic record held by american michael phillips. >> that and more highlights from paris just ahead how meta abu dhabi for me was a moment i
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australia is a close second, both countries with four golds, about japan has the edge with an extra bronze. the u.s. holds the third spot with three gold winds and 12 medals total. france and south korea round out the top five and see man's coy wire takes a look at some of the highlights from sunday, including the long-awaited return of olympic superstar simone biles it was a sunday funday at the women's gymnastics team qualifier celebrities from tom cruise to john legend, to lady gaga in the house all to witness the goat in paris. >> simone biles in her third olympic games. but during warm-ups, she injured herself. she was limping being the arena got quiet, but simone rises up, tapes up or ankle rallies and dominates her coach. told media that it's a lingering calf injury, but biles dug deep for an iconic performance. the team qualified for the final four of the five us gymnast qualified
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for individual events led by biles in forum so she will have a shot at five more medals here in paris france is leon marshawn has broken michael phelps olympic record crushing field in the 400 meter individual medley, the host nation speedboat left as competition in the whitewater, finishing a mile ahead of the pack good marshawn had already beaten phelps world record. those nations fans made the atmosphere in the arena. absolutely electric and a shocker in the pool team usa's world and olympic record holder in the 100 meter butterfly. gretchen walsh in her first ever games getting caught down the stretch by teammate torri huske, the u.s. finishing one 12 with 21-year-old hassan, who missed the podium in tokyo, becoming an olympic champion. lebron james and teammates let's say pulling away in the fourth quarter and their opener to dominate nikola jokic and serbia for their first win of these olympics, lebron
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finishing with 21 points, but you that's all time leading scorer. kevin durrant came off the bench for his first game with the team and lit it up to the tune of 23 points. final score, 11084 and the us will play south sudan next on wednesday finally, these are not high school yearbook photos is teenage trio has swept the women and skateboarding street metals at these games, japan's 14-year-old phenom coco yoshizawa, taking the golden 15-year-old teammate liz akama, winning silver as sixteen-year-old or aissa layoff from brazil takes the bride's an olympic medal and they can't even drive yet. the ioc's that they wanted younger fans to watch the games you said, oh, we're not just watching were competing and we're winning all the metals. thank you very much what it awesome. sunday funday for the olympics here in paris the calm some flights to beirut or canceled as fears grow of an israeli retaliation for a rocket attack in the occupied
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golan heights. i'll speak to a middle east spurred on the escalating tensions between israel and hezbollah this is the home for the world's most essential stories in journalism and now, cnn has been recognized with them most emmy nominations of any news organization this year cnn, what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service made possible by t-mobile for business with
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says it has received international assurances that israel's response to the deadly attack in the occupied golan and heights will be limited. israel vowed hezbollah will pay the price after blaming the lebanese militant group for a rocket attack, which killed 12 children and injured more than 40 people on saturday, hezbollah has denied responsibility meanwhile, israel's military says it conducted airstrikes against hezbollah targets deep inside lebanese territory. and along the border overnight sunday, several international flights to beirut would delayed or canceled amid fears the conflict could escalate joining me now from london is an vakil director of the middle east and north africa programme at chatham house. appreciate you joining us good morning so the big fear right now is that israel's response to the golan heights attack could trigger a
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wider conflict display. despite this, the international assurance we're hearing now of a limited response. but how likely is it that we would see this wider? skilled nation? do you think well, rosemary, this is war in gaza has been going on for 90 months and we are at a moment that everyone has ben very fearful of hezbollah's attack, which has been the most dead leads since hamas's october 7 attack is a moment that could brisk this wider regional war. >> and let me explain briefly why hezbollah, which sits on israel's border and is very provocation all and has threatened israel security as well. it's now of course, expecting an israeli response for israel addressing its security in the aftermath of october 7 is paramount. and this opens the door and offers
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an operative tunity for israel to try and push hezbollah as far back away from, from its borders. there have been behind the scenes negotiations for many months. now to arrive at a deal. but that deal has been held hostage and is dependent on obtaining a gaza ceasefire deal. and that those gaza as ceasefire talks are also underway right now in rome we've been waiting for many months for those negotiations to come to an end. and we're not there yet, so we're in a moment of fragility. how hard israel hit has below or how calibrated israel's targeting of hezbollah will be the decisive factor in whether hezbollah can climb down, or how is hezbollah counter response? it's towards israel and lebanon is warning of a wider regional war involving multiple militia groups from the region if israel goes too far with its retaliatory
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strikes what would that look like if many militia groups got involved well, we have seen bits of this since october 7 the axis of resistance, the militia groups, proxies see groups across the region that are aligned with iran and have overtime received financial and training support from iran, has been courting i'd admitting attacks on the u.s and israel and the choreography, the choreography of those attacks are designed to pressure the u.s. and israel and to help hamas simultaneously if broader war breaks out, that alignment will be much more coordinated. you'll see attacks coming from syria. you'll be seeing attacks coming from groups in iraq at the same time. and let's not forget that the houthis in yemen just last week sent a drone that hit tel aviv near the u.s. embassy. and in
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return, the israelis responded to that. we are not yet in that formal big regional war, but some have argued that we are in a different sort of regime no war we're just not calling it that. >> run cool says we've been reporting israel has already struck deep inside lebanon in response to this deadly rocket attack in the golan heights. so what more of a response would you expect from israel? >> well, i would expect that israel certainly will hit more targets in lebanon, but we'll also brought in and target syria, as well where there are iran backed militia groups, you're on has long supported bashar al assad. they're and so this is an opportunity to try to degrade has ad militia groups the syria simultaneously. >> non vakil, many thanks for joining us. appreciate it thank you. well, for some it is a holiday for others, it's home
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and in some of europe's were noun travel hotspots. it's a whole topic right now. all there's simply too many tourists to handle. >> we'll take a look if you work. >> in spaceflight, this is the worst thing that could happen space shuttle columbia, the final flight. now streaming on max sometimes it takes a different approach, set up a meeting to imagine your future sure. >> differently with capelli universities game changing flex path for matt gaetz support every step of the way to help you stay on track that. >> colonoscopy for getting screens while i'm delaying. i heard i had a choice. >> i know the name. that's what i'm saying. >> go the guard cologuard. >> cologuard screened for colon cancer at home like you want, you can actually he's able cologuard is one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and
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reagan national airport this is cnn taylor swift fan fans to tailgating or tailgating as it's become known to the next level in munich, germany, police estimate 40,000 people camped outside the open roofs stadium to see and hear swift saturday performance for free that's in addition to the 75,000 fans who had tickets for the show, swift is on the european leg of her eras tour. >> after two nights in munich, she's heading to the polish capital of warsaw for three concepts. well, europe of course, is known for some of
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the world's most beautiful and beloved travel destinations. but in some cities the locals have had enough. they're tired of rolling out the welcome mat for tons of tourists. and some say overtourism is i've seen many locals out of the places they call home. cnn's michael holmes has our report sunset on greases, santorini, ireland, the view of the sky sinking into the ocean, stunning, but it's the reverse angle of the famed cliffside terraces that it's not so instagram friendly. >> and that's drawing a lot of attention during tourist season, crowds clogged the winding paths to watch the sun go down some locals worry, it's too much for the island that ivan big numbers of people put a series of strain on local infrastructure are also another plan for this many thousands of people are narrow, cobblestone streets were not designed for this either nearly 3.5 million
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tourists visited santorini last year, an overwhelming number compared to the islands, 20,000 permanent residents. and to combat the wear and tear from such a high amount of foot traffic, greece's prime minister says he's considering limiting the amount of cruise ship visitors to the country's most popular islands. and same to rabies. mayor is proposing capping a rival super 8,000 a day down from 17,000 calls to rain in the number of tourists and the inflated costs that often come with them are growing in many european vacation hotspots as local seo, debbie in priced out of living in their own cities in barcelona or a group of protesters recently sprayed tourists with war pistols, which was quickly denounced by spain's tourism minister, who says spain welcomes its guests, but admits more regulations are needed.
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>> their name because elegant and we all have the great challenge of governing tourism. tourism is a great phenomenon that has 1,000 positive consequences, but it must be governed barcelona's mayor says he will borrow short-term i'm apartment rentals to tourists by 2028 in an attempt to reduce rents, which he says have increased by nearly 70% over the past decade but anger has been growing in many spanish holiday destinations, especially in recent months in places like my yorker and the canary islands where there have been mass protest against what locals say is an unsustainable to risk model that enriches only a few. alabama analyse black, jessica we can't go to the beaches that we always went to his children. and we find that were retreating inland, giving up the better places that the island offers to people from outside. it's not the fault of tourism. it's the fault of those who run the government, the hotel owners in
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the people in power venice has grappled with over tourism for years he is, but says that it's had some success with a temporary entrance fee for day trippers, which brought in more than $2.6 million to the city, over 20 and t9 peak days between april and july. >> but officials say they'll need to study the data further to see if it's a long term solution to cutting down on overcrowding. michael holmes, cnn and thanks for joining us. >> i'm rosemary church for our international viewers, world sport is coming up next. and for those of you here in the united states and in canada, i'll be back with more cnn newsroom in just a moment. do stay with us what tractor
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military partnership with japan as the two countries work to counter china's influence in the asia-pacific region. us defense secretary lloyd austin and secretary of state antony blinken met with their chinese counterparts in tokyo announcing a new plan to modernize the u.s. force presence in japan with expanded operations. blinken also says the u.s japanese relationship will remain steadfast no matter who wins the presidential election in november blinken and austin will soon head to the philippines meet with leaders there. >> and hanako montgomery joins us now from tokyo, hanako with some asian nations concerned about the level of us commitment to allies in the region and like japan, how critical of these meetings that again, to take place rosemary, these meetings are very critical because the all in on
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asia, despite the looming uncertainty of the u.s. presidential election and the foreign policy that could come with a new head of state over the weekend. one of the biggest announcements we saw was the united states deciding to massively reconfigure its military here in japan. essentially, the u.s. forces in japan would be reconstituted as a joint force headquarters. when now with a really means is that the u.s. and japan are vader interoperability and cooperation when dealing with any regional security threats, especially in the indo-pacific region now the u.s. secretary of defense, lloyd austin described this upgrade as the most significant improvement to military ties in 70 years. the u.s secretary of state, antony blinken, also praised the u.s.-japan alliance, especially believe when it comes to the us's foreign policy. here's what blinken had to say we're 70 years the united states japan alliance has been the cornerstone for peace, for stability in the indo-pacific.
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>> and now beyond and it's helping make our own people more free, more secure, more prosperous now, this massive reconfiguration also comes after the japanese prime minister made an official visit to washington back in april and really further cements japan's role and its importance in washington's regional security strategy. >> it's allowed the united states to improve its ties with us other asian allies in the region, as we saw with the quad meeting today this meeting was held between foreign ministers of india, of australia, japan, and the united states now one really interesting thing to note about this quad meeting and also the other meetings we saw over the weekend, which just how many times china, whether directly or indirectly as mentioned in the joint statement between the quad ministers, they describe being very gravely concerned about china's increasing military assertiveness in the indo-pacific region especially in the south china sea. now
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these four countries also agreed to bolster maritime security to address those concerns now, for asian allies as though this isn't the only concern that they have to worry about. there's also the looming us presidential election. former us president donald trump has freed, has previously talked about withdrawing us troops from asia. and as questioned the cost of these asian allies. so that's really stoked some concern among some of these asian countries. but as we saw over the weekend and through different meetings, the u.s secretary of state, blinken and as assuage that fear by saying that the u.s. is still steadfast and its commitment to the asian allies into this region. and no matter the outcome of the u.s presidential election will work to improve and develop these relationships. >> rosemary, hanako, montgomery, many thanks joining us live from tokyo with that report the attorney for an alleged mexican drug lord who was apparently tricked into being captured by us
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authorities last week claims his client was a victim of a kidnapping. rafael romo has the latest the attorney for its myelin my you some butter, the alleged co-founder of the sinaloa cartel says his client neither surrendered nor negotiated any terms with the u.s. >> government, but was instead kidnapped. i spoke earlier on the phone with frank perez, somebody us attorney. he told me who's 76-year-old client who was kidnapped by they call qin guzman lopez, son of joaquin el chapo guzman, the other co-founder of the sinaloa cartel joaquin guzman lopez forcibly kidnap to my client. he was ambushed, thrown to the ground, and handcuffed by six men in military uniforms. and joaquin, his legs were tied and a black bag, was placed over his head better said, in a statement sent to cnn, he was then thrown into the back of a pickup truck and taken to a landing strip there he was forced onto a plane. his legs tied to the seat by hookean and brought to the u.s against his
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will. the only people on the plane where the pilot kwa kin, and my client pet is added you as law enforcement officials had previously told cnn that hooking guzman lopez had duped some butter, an orchestrated their race by making him believe they were flying to northern maine mexico to look at real estate. instead, the official said, there are small private plane landed north of the border near el paso, texas, where us authorities were waiting on the tarmac former da agent jack reilly told cnn that somebody had managed to elude law enforcement for decades, but some speculation that myosin biden may have been in the process of trying to negotiate a surrender i see that highly unlikely, giving given know where he was because in the organization. but this is a tremendous blow to sinaloa. and i think it's important to understand that this guy's been around myocin bad has been around for 40 years. that's really unheard
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of for someone in his position cnn learned saturday that whatever action the u.s. might've taken to arrest somebody in guzman lopez prompted a furious behind the scenes reaction from the mexican government, a us official familiar with the operation said, mexican officials are demanding senior us law enforcement explain exactly what transpired then their own country. meanwhile, guzman lopez is expected to appear in federal court tuesday in chicago. his attorney told cnn but declined further comment rafael romo, cnn atlanta canadian officials say it was a good weekend for fighting fires of two significant amounts of rain helped firefighters make progress against 135 wildfires burning in alberta. >> more than 30 of those are considered out of control, like the one that destroyed more than one-third of the town of jasper but canada's parks agencies as the fire burning and jasper national park is the largest one in more than 100
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years in the area meantime, in the u.s. the park fire in northern california has now burned an area larger than new york city, only 12 percent of the fire has been contained so far. but as cnn's camila bernal reports, they are optimistic about their progress thousands and thousands of acres look a lot like what you see here behind me. >> so much destruction caused by this fire. and what fire officials are telling me is that the center of the fire is still very active. it's still in very steep terrain where it is difficult to access, but there are two things that have helped this weekend. one, lower temperatures and the second is resources when it comes to lower temperatures, it is still hot, but the lower temperatures also caused higher humidity. and that has been very helpful. and then the other thing is boots on the ground. we now know that about 4,000 firefighters fighters are here battling this fire and it's
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been giving them the opportunity to make assessments to go to areas like where i am now and thankfully they say now that the number of structures destroyed has gone down to 66 after these assessments, the other thing that they say they were able to do is a direct correct. and aggressive attack on the flames and that's what has brought the percentage of containment up over the last couple of days. >> it is the first time that we're hearing sort of optimism from firefighters who now say they are making progress there, saying that the priority is to get people back into their homes. >> they say they're very sensitive specifically, two people of this county because they already went through the deadliest fire in california history back in 2018. so they know what it's like for these people who we're struggling and who are remembering what they went through in 2018, anecdotally, i can say that people are taking evacuation orders and warnings more seriously because of what they lived through. the bottom line is that firefighters are
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working around the clock doing everything they can. they're optimistic about this our grass. but there's still a lot of work to be done here as thousands and thousands of acres in this area continue to burn camila bernal, cnn, butte county county, california soon and meteorologist allison chinchar has more on the park fire along with a look at flooding expected across parts of the u.s this week yet more than 90 active wildfires still ongoing in the western half of the u.s. and the one that all of those eyes are on is certainly the park fire here in california. and the main reason for this is just how much it has burned in a very short period of time, still over 350,000 acres just sin it's late wednesday when you do the math that roughly equates to about 50 football fields on average, every single minute. so that really goes to show you how quickly it spread. but it's not just the flames, it's also the smoke. you have a lot of states under air quality alerts just because of
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how thick that smoke is unlikely to cause some problems, especially for folks that already maybe have respiratory conditions or illnesses. now one other thing to note, we got brie reprieve over the weekend in terms of temperatures that helped firefighters out a little bit able to bring those containment numbers up by a little bit, but it will be short-lived notice sacramento hear those temperatures get right back up into the mid to upper 90s and even triple digits by the time we get to the the end of the week. now in the eastern half of the country, the bigger concern here is actually flooding and this threat stretches from minnesota all the way down through florida as we head at least to the early morning hours of monday. now, once we get into the back half of the day, monday and especially into the evening. the focus really becomes homes areas of the southeast and ohio valley. so places like cincinnati, knoxville, charlotte, even down through atlanta and even towards orlando and tampa thank here is that it's been so much rain over the last two weeks. now we're adding more rain on top of it. most of these areas likely only to pick up about an
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extra one to three inches, but it's on top of four to eight inches that many of these areas have seen in just the last two weeks and finally, a california rescue crew pulled off a daring i'm operation to save a rottweiler and her for puppies. >> the owner of the dogs had to leave them behind after the vehicle they were traveling in broke down, but once the butte county sheriff's office learned it's location, they landed as close as they could to save the dogs. officials say a rescue, walk nearly two miles to find the dogs who we're tired and thirsty the puppies and their mother are being kept in a nearby shelter until they can be reunited with their owner want to thank you so much for your company this hour. i'm rosemary church i'll be back with more cnn newsroom in just a moment tv on the edge.
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