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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 29, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. and ask about the bosley guarantee. >> cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next it is monday, july 29, right now on cnn this morning well, it's just clean follow
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harris i got a new tactic for attacking donald trump plus how president biden plans to reform the supreme court in his final months in office or tried to and this the state of israel will not let this pass in silence. we will not overlook this israel is vowing retribution after the rocket attack killed 12 children in the golan heights barbie am here in washington, here's a live look at new york city, my hometown. >> good morning, everyone. i'm jim sciutto in for kasie hunt today it is great to be with you just 99 days if you could believe it until the election and the race is just getting started. donald trump and kamala harris settling into a new reality. now, president biden is out of the race. harris now all but assured becoming the new democratic
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nominee trump is rolling out new attack lines at his rallies, trying to figure out what sticks if a crazy liberal like kamala harris gets in the american dream is dead, she made bernie sanders looked like a moderate. >> we have a man that can't put two sentences together. and now we're replacing him with worse than he is a dangerous person who's not smart. you know, she couldn't pass a law exam, right? camila wants to be the president for criminals and illegal aliens. >> he said kamala and camila once changing the name there, the harris campaign is also going on the attack with a more focused approach, labeling trump and his vp, vp pick j.d. vance as weird a term now being used in harris's official campaign releases some of what he and his running mate are saying. >> well, it's just plain weird
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box. >> you put that these guys are just weird. >> that's so it didn't match but we're not afraid of weird people we were a little bit creeped out, but we're not afraid it's not about her or her opponent really is no matter what kind of weird stuff they keep saying, it's the weirdest thing held. he'll go in like literally haugen american flag now, i loved the flag, but i mean it's like weird when he does right joining me now to discuss the new dynamics of the race, juliegrace brufke, capitol hill reporter for axios, mysteriously about the weird thing is that if it sort of takes down the level of threat to some degree, right? because biden's approach have been threat to democracy see and they're kind of laughing a little bit at the trump phenomenon absolutely. >> and i feel like it's a tactic we've kind of seen trump go with nicknames and kind of level things down a little bit. and i think it's something that's kind of worked for trump and might be effective for democrats. it's kind of a younger voters, swing
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voters. i think it's something that might resonate with them. >> and where did it come? from? do come from, governor waltz know i think he kind of kicked it off there and we've heard a lot of surrogates and we've kind of seen it in harris campaign releases now and i think it's just definitely a line of attack, but they're going to continue with and you're seeing memes. we're seeing things taking off on twitter. so i think i think that's going to kind of continue to be their message, but they're very smart about going after things that pick up off on twitter, social media, with a deliberate, deliberate focus, it seems on young voters when you think of like the coconut tree, the coconut memes last week absolutely. >> so i mean, i think that's we're kind of going to see them continue to see them. i think harris is energize that base where before you kind of saw with a two-man race with biden versus trump where there wasn't that enthusiasm. i think her kind of getting into the race thing there's kind of completely changes dynamic. >> no question. we're also seeing harris allies directly hitting back at some of what trump is saying. listen to what trump called harris during a rally saturday, and how then kentucky governor andy beshear, of course, who is in the running for vp vp pick how he responded. have a listen she
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was a bum. three weeks ago. she was a bum a failed vice president, and a failed administration with millions of people crossing issue is the borders are now they're trying to say she never was the borders. she had nothing to do with the book colder a bomb if he wants to see a bum, he ought to look in the mirror and what else are you looking back? are multiple well bankruptcies and 34 felony convictions how many have taken that kind of nasty line of attack and tossing it back at trump? yes. i mean, i feel like we're kind of seeing the harris campaign paint this prosecutor versus criminals. that's all it kind of been another line of attack there. so that's i think that's also something they're going to try and hammer home there the prosecutor background as well? >> absolutely. and i think the trump campaign, i mean, they've really had to pivot. they were able to go after biden is old tired. we've kind of seen a pivot on the harris campaign of
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going after him for the same thing. so it's going to be interesting to see how they try and counter that moving forward. >> well, we saw pete buttigieg, who's also been he's a potential pick for vp but he's also long been a favorite democratic voice, particularly to go at conservative audiences on fox news, et cetera. here's how he took on the age issue with trump. let's adolescent in trump's personality cult we'll take a look at donald trump and say he's perfectly fine even though he seemed unable to tell the difference between nikki haley, and nancy pelosi even though he's rambling about electrocuting sharks and hannibal lecter. >> even though he is clearly older and stranger than he was when america first got to know him they say he is strong as an ox, leaps tall buildings in a single bound you know. >> not insignificant there because the trump campaign had had really built its apparatus and strategy around going after biden's age and now they have democrats attempting to turn the tables absolutely. >> and i think that's going to
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add the tables have kind of turned their on the messaging and the democrat side. and i think it's going to be i mean, jd vance's obviously younger and i think they're going to put try and put him out there more, but i mean, i've also spoken to a lot of republican members that aren't super thrilled that he was the vp candidate. you feel like he's kind of not resonating with certain demographics they're trying to tap into. yes. if you like, cats, right. and don't have children that they see a line of attack there on j.d. vance it's no question. juliegrace, great to have you appreciate you joining us this morning coming up next. israel is striking hezbollah deep inside lebanese territory, raising fears of a wider conflict. flicked in an elites plus what new text messages reveal about the law enforcement response to the attempted assassination of donald trump and this i'm going to call for supreme court reform this is critical to our democracy. president biden, trying to make good on a promise before he leaves offic e
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>> higher shipping rates may be the cost of doing business. but at what cost turned shipping to your advantage? >> with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn fears, once again of a wider conflict in the middle east this morning, the israeli military releasing these images of overnight strikes against hezbollah targets deep inside lebanon. >> they blame the militant group for a rocket strike in the israel occupied golan heights that killed 12 children this weekend hezbollah denies it was behind the attack. the u.s. wary of what the israeli response could lead to we also don't want to see the conflict escalate. we don't want to see it spread. that has been one of our goals from day one, from from october 7 on cnn, salma
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abdelaziz joins us now from london. salma we're seeing yet again a cycle here and attack a response, threats of retaliation. but there does seem now to be some deliberate communication, as we understand it between the sides that they don't want this to escalate too far. is that what you're hearing? >> an absolutely vicious cycle that i think has everyone in the region on edge, if i could first bring you some breaking news we just received this moments ago, jim, of two people killed in three wounded in a double drone strike in southern lebanon. this drone struck a car near the border inside lebanon, again, wounding two people and then a motorcycle that arrived was hit by a second drone. again, this is right on that border inside lebanon. we do not know who is behind the drone attack. of course, we're working to find out more, but yet another indication of that firepower along the border that is feeling been this fear of a wider regional war. you hit it right on the nail, right on the head there, jim, when you said both sides, don't want this, both sides have not wanted this
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for years. that firepower, the exchange of fire between mean hezbollah and israel has continued for years, but it has ramped up, of course, since october 7, there has been nearly daily for tat between hezbollah and israel and the question is with this attack okay over the weekend on the druze community, 12 children killed more than 40 wounded. does prime minister netanyahu now have the impetus to go after hezbollah? in a larger and wider way there are calls from iran to beirut to even dc to step back from the brink. but prime minister netanyahu has promised israelis safety. it has promised he has promised israeli safety from the skies. that means eventually at some point, you would have to degrade or destroy hezbollah is that moment? now or is there too much happening already along that border? again? mediation efforts happening. >> all all across that region. hope that people will pull back from the brink, but always that
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fear that just one more mistake, just one more rocket two could tip it over the edge. jim salma abdelaziz following this from london. >> thanks so much. well ahead on cnn this morning good lord is getting bigger california wildfire, torching hundreds of fans thousands of acres and it's less than 15% contained plus new polls spotlighting the appeal of kamala harris with voters, it's growing the athletes in awe, or pushing the limit of what is capable ready to show the world? >> how good i am. >> i've trained all over the globe. and that's what you're going to see an awol whole different beast at we wednesday night, dynamite at 8:00 on tbs greatness hurts but with care
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coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run! it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star of these world championships. for certain erin burnett outfront weeknights at seven on cnn now, to the paris olympics,
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where a triathlon training session in the river sand has been canceled for a second day. >> the reason poor water quality triathlon events are supposed to begin tomorrow. see it as melissa bell joins us now, live from paris. melissa, you know this better than anyone. you tested the water yourself. you went for a swim there. i mean how worrisome is this? and do they expected to dissipate? >> that is their hope. but at this stage, so much depends on the weather, jim, and that was one of the big gambles at the heart of these games. the fact that you were going to hold the triathlon swimming the event, but also the marathon swimmer later on in his olympics in the river seine was always a massive gamble. why? because when the water falls, as it did, so spectacularly during the opening ceremony, but also throughout the course of saturday when it rains, the e coli levels inside the river sent rise. we saw them rise to ten times. the acceptable levels over the course of the weekend as a result of that rain that we saw, they've now fallen to two times the acceptable levels that i'm
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talking about. overall bacteria here so the fact that the track trading sessions have been canceled extremely worrying, but they're hoping that the readings were about to get will allow those triathlon male swimming events to take place tomorrow. we did speak a couple of weeks ago, jim, to one triathlete about the gamble that was being taken with the possibility of them being able to do their swim in the sun i understand as wonder why they want to do in various, i mean, even the outlets when we less you erase their everyone we're like, oh, my god, i erase and dizzy and near the eiffel tower and things like that. >> so it's very cool for the crowd. it will be cool but it's true like at what cost, if it's caused us to not do a triathlon, then a bit lies very much on these latest test. we're going to get from the river said, remember that organizers, jim have organized it their contingency days. they don't have to hold the event tomorrow or for the women that day after tomorrow, they can shift it, but there will be a
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limit to that. and the possibility that the triathlon let's to become a buyout jim so what is the backup plan here? >> i mean, can you delay further? there's no is there a is there a plan b that does not? not involve the river sent there is no plan b that doesn't involve the river seine and that is what has a lot of these athletes worried. they can shifted by a few days but of course that is limited in time. these games will last for a couple of weeks and no more. and remember jim, that for those by athletes whose strength for instance is a swimming event it would be kept catastrophe for them that this should become a bias one which were essentially go run bike run excluding, they're swimming events will together jim. >> yeah. i mean, imagine after another olympic sport, taking out a whole a whole event from the decathlon or something. well, isabel, thanks so much for joining well, just on 42 minutes past the hour, here's your morning roundup. after a year tied up in the courts, iowa's heartbeat abortion bill
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goes into effect today. the law bans most abortions after cardiac activity is detected that's usually about six weeks into pregnancy we have serious concerns that the results announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the venezuelan people secretary of state antony blinken quite publicly questioning the reelection of president nicolas maduro, us and multiple nations in the region are scared to go about official results, handing a 36 year term to that as whelan strong man police in pennsylvania were texting about the trump rally, gunman 90 minutes before he opened fire it's a story first reported by the new york times. one officer even took a picture of the suspect before losing track of him. a member of a local swat team told abc news that was this a failure of communication multiple agencies working together is always taxing no
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matter what the problem. >> i know that we could not communicate with secret service for to pennsylvania state police or really in effort the patrol directly limitation failures where the park fire now destroyed more than than 100 structures in northern california, burning more than 560 miles square miles of land. and it's still only 12% contained why did dean stout accused of arson for allegedly starting the fire, makes his first court appearance this morning firefighters and the west could see relief from rep. record heat, even some showers over the next several days, meteorologist derek van dam it's tracking all of this for us, derek, i mean, i think going to get any relief out there. >> yeah. yeah. jim in the catalyst for that is this cold front that you see bringing some rain to the pacific northwest. some of the hardest hit areas within oregon will get light showers will take what we can get in terms of the park fire. unfortunately, no
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rain really anticipated there. but conditions will improve in terms of the heat. in fact, you can see that with the temperature is going forward over the first parts of this work week, really in the upper 70s, lower 80s, edging backup towards wednesday, thursday, and friday hi day, but we've got this narrow window of time where maybe perhaps firefighters can get a bit of containment built on those wildfires. there's 103 active, large wildfires. of course, lots of smoke associated with this billowing into the atmosphere, degrading the quality of the air. this will be the story of the summer, right? and it was last summer as well. this is going to blanket much of the horizon from montana to idaho, oregon, northern california, portions of nevada, and the state of washington. we still have high fire red flag warnings in place for those regions. but look at the below average temperatures, lots of blue on this map. and then we start to shift our chance of heat. that's going to build across the central and eastern portions. the country through this week. so i'm looking at you, st. louis, oklahoma city to omaha. you can see the watches and warnings
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and effect there. those are heat advisories. and really we're going to see that mercury in the thermometer climbed and over the next several days for some of these cities, including here in atlanta, one more cool day. and before we see 90s return into the equation, jim a lot of red on that map. >> derek van dam, thanks so much. >> still to come on cnn this morning, vice president harris's campaign shattering fundraising records. >> just her first week. plus president biden's plan to reform this supreme court before his term is up as it realistic this election season. >> stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts, follow cnn lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask
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flooding our offices around the country to volunteer donations and volunteers or not the only numbers going up for harris, a new abc poll finds harris's net favorability is also otherize up to plus one that's 12 point swing from just after the rnc convention, which is what are we can half ago, trump has a net favorability in that same poll of negative 16 down since the rnc joining me now is definitely lie. >> white house and politics reporter for bloomberg news i mean, they could have asked for a better first week, right? both in terms of fundraising numbers, the number of volunteers, but also seeing, let's put those favorability the numbers back up on the screen here of how hers is gone up and his is going down exactly. >> this is sort of the first week that we're seeing that donald trump is not in charge of the narrative, right you know, all these polls are showing a bump in favourability even perhaps vote there's who are more likely to vote for harris when it was trump and biden, there was a much bigger
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margin. so this is not a comfortable position to be in if you're in the trump camp and so we've seen them say time and time again that they're not concerned. they expected some sort of momentum for kamala harris in the first few weeks of her campaign, just given the fact that there is a lot of excitement in fact, one of his senior advisors penned a memo on this but the polls still aren't giving a very comfortable narrative for the trump people. >> the thing is that they have to opportunities to maintain the spotlight here, right? because you've got a vp pick coming and then you've got the dnc were typically you might get like a week of his wealth in the current environment, maybe three days of attention. but in terms of the news cycle, the harris campaign can extend this a bit right? >> so they have up until the end of august, really, because the dnc is going to officially nominate kamala harris in the next week or two. they'll nominate the vp then we go into chicago. so this is three weeks were democrats can really seize on the spotlight so this attack line that you've heard a lot
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from, well, the vice president also other republicans calling harris a dei hire i understand why that appeals to the maga base here if trump needs to appeal to middle of the road, voters, this is not the way to do it because it seems to be energizing. >> harris supporters, right? >> a lot of strategists have been warning that if they choose to take on sexist or racist attacks, this could really backfire for the campaign because this is not the type of attack that moderate swing voters really care about. they just want to hear about what are you gonna do for the economy, for immigration. and so while trump has also been making those sorts of attacks, he has also really tried to hammer home on the fact that this is the record that he's running on versus painting that picture with the biden campaign that was issued to see donalds johnson and others, even them saying publicly, hey guys, let's attack on policy. let's not attack on these issues. you and your team at bloomberg have some new reporting about trump's change regarding crypto regulation. i mean, it's notable, right? because he's, he's clearly running with this now, but tell us about that change yeah.
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>> so this is something that we've seen happen over the course of a couple of years really, you know, back in his first administration, he was not a fan by any means. and over the course of just getting to know more crypto industry executives, it seems like he's really like into the idea of crypto and ensuring that the industry doesn't have as many regulations. just over this last weekend, he vowed to fire sec chair gary gensler to ensure that there are more or less regulations in place. and so this is something that we've seen happen over the course of time partially because he likes designing nfts is what we've learned forgive me for imagining that this might not be policy and might be more politics. i mean, does he sense that there is a way to juice his support with a particular category of, of tech bro kind of voters here is that, is that what he's looking to do? >> certainly the campaign has even told us that this is a prime group to get votes and donations. just since he is
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accepted crypto donations like already raised $4 so this is really a boon for them. and to the other portion of the electorate that they're targeting our voters that might otherwise support rfk junior, which is another dynamic in this race. have we have to count war, understood. >> it is the sense still that rfk junior's pulling votes more from trump than from, while democratic care candidate, of course, it was biden now a terrace. >> it's still unclear what the polling i mean, it's only been a couple of weeks, so i guess time will tell definitely life. >> thanks so much for joining well, this is just into cnn president biden set to call for supreme court for forms at an event in austin, texas later today, the president is making a push for term limits, as well as a binding ethics code for the justices. as well as a constitutional amendment eliminating immunity for presidents biden hinted this was coming at his oval office address just last week i'm going to call for supreme court reform because this is critical to our democracy.
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>> supreme court reform joining me now to discuss mychael schnell. >> she's congressional reporter for the hill so we've known biden has been planning this for some time. we know that this has been on a list of democratic copes. let's call it that for now. for some time as well. why now? why is he pushing this now? is it a legacy play for him? >> i think it's two factors. we're still seeing the fallout from that immunity presidential immunity decision that came. i believe it was earlier this month that really shocked a lot of democrats, galvanize them on the ground and gaza had a lot of pee, it fed into the narrative among democrats that they are concerned about the conservative bent on the supreme court and they're concerned about the various decisions that have been coming out from that court. chief among them being presidential immunity. and of course, the dobbs decision that overturned roe v. wade. so i think that we're finally seeing some action shin from that anger that has been building up for months, even over a year now, that's a and the second thing is what you mentioned, i think part of this is legacy
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president biden, in a way is embarking on his swan song. now, he is officially in the final months of his presidency, not just presidency, but political career really that has spanned decades. he wants to have a memorable mark and do as much as he can in this final, what is it for month stretch until he passes the torch to whoever wins the election. so i think it's also definitely part of that legacy at fact that i mean, think about the immunity decision there's a lot of conservatives were surprised by how broad the supreme court went there i mean, the issue though, is that this would require a lot of things that just don't exist today. a lot large majority in both houses of congress. i mean, did you get a constitutional amendment passed today with state involvement? it just i mean, erases the simple question. are any of these reforms realistic and certainly not before biden leaves office, but i mean, in the near term and the long term, it depends on what happens in november, right now democrats have a chance of taking the house in terms of the senate it looks like a foregone conclusion day by day that republicans are going to
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take control, that now the white house is a true toss-up with the change of the ticket with kamala harris taking the nominee position that has put things weren't to contention when he talked about having a trifecta for democrats be able to get this done highly unlikely next year. >> we do have the top democrats in the senate to chuck schumer, elizabeth warren. they, they both commented on the idea of supreme court reform. i want to play that and get your thoughts on the other side. >> this is a maga right-wing court it's already taken the right away, the right to choose. it could very well go further on that. i fear it will, and it even threatens democracy when it says that a president can i get immunity even for certain at, in the presidency so this court is just a morass. >> i think what joe biden will do over the next six months is this going to keep drawing that to the attention of the american people and reminding them when they vote in november the supreme court is on the ballot, and that is a good
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reason to vote for camila harrison, to vote for democrats in both the senate and the house strike me that senator warner warn there, just describe what the real point of this is. >> is it me? is this about getting out the vote, get reminding voters that it's the president who chooses supreme court justice if you want more of this, you go one way. if you don't is this a political play is moving a large part of it is look, it's not just us who can read the senate map right now and the dynamics with house races, it's pretty clear that democrats are not going to have a trifecta next year. >> look, we could be wrong. there could be some sort of blue wave that gives them, that majority in all three places. but it's unlikely at this point and democrats are aware of that, but they also so know that the conservative bench of the supreme court and some of those conservative decisions that have come out from the bench have really anger their voters on the ground galvanize them. a lot of folks are hoping for a repeat in some sorts of 2022 when the dobbs decision overturning roe v. wade blunted that expectation of a red wave and had better-than-expected
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democrat for performance. it has been proven that democrats are very energized and galvanize on this issue of supreme court. so top democrats are hoping to push that to those folks to the ballot box with that issue this year? no for former president trump, he's attempting the same thing as regards supreme court. this is how he was described i bring how democrats might influence the court if elected, have a listen she'll a point hardcore marxists to the supreme court to shred our constitution on all of our religious liberty. >> she will do that absolutely she will try as hard as she can to add as many justices as possible to the u.s. supreme court. we don't want that to happen, do in other words, she wants to pack the court, which is their number one agenda and we can't let that happen. >> we're not going to let that happen. >> i mean, he doesn't know the meaning of the word marxists or is deliberately misleading on that. but they also think they can move voters saw on influence the court as well.
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yeah. sure. because remember, for years, republicans have been campaigning on the idea of putting their types of people, conservative folks, on the supreme court and getting real wins and matter of fact is over the past two years or so, they have gotten that again, going back to the dobbs decision, it was such a seismic decision in this political environment, not to mention the true ramifications. it has logistically. so definitely conservatives and republicans are trying to make gains on just this supreme court being in the spotlight right now because well, democrats are coming at it from we need to stop this in play. defense republicans completely on offense. >> all those wishing him even trump knows that dobbs is dangerous territory for him. >> thanks. i've just a little bit michael, great to have you on this morning. thanks so much for joining. coming up next on cnn this morning we stand by israel's right to defend its citizens from terrorist attacks israel launching an attack against hezbollah deep inside lebanon, raising fears of a wider regional war plus american gymnast simone biles
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store android and m i'm coy wire in paris. and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now, and will come to you 800 a31 3,700 i can say that the state of israel will not let this pass in silence. we will not overlook this overnight. >> israel's military following through on prime minister benjamin netanyahu's promised to respond to this weekend's attack in the golan heights, israel released this video of strikes on what it says where hezbollah targets deep inside lebanese territory this in response to a rocket strike in the israel occupied golan heights that killed 12 children on saturday still no end in
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sight israel's war with hamas. the latest round of ceasefire talks ended without a deal could be many to fear the fighting in gaza could escalate into a broader regional war. here as secretary of state, anthony blinken one of the reasons that we're continuing to work so hard for ceasefire in gaza is not just for gaza but also so that we can really knock an opportunity two bring calm lasting calm across the blue line between israel and lebanon. >> we want to see israelis. we want to see palestinians. we want to see lebanese live free from the threat of conflict and violence joining me now to discuss joel rubin, former deputy assistant secretary of state for president obama, joe good to have you on this morning. good morning great to be with you the read for some time, going back to october 7 has been that despite the risks of escalation, that really none of the parties want escalation
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including hezbollah and lebanon, that israel focused on gaza for now, that even ron perhaps doesn't want to go there at this point do you see this as a potential spark to changing that dynamic yeah, you know, jim in the middle east, there's never a shortage of spoilers and unfortunately has blood, loves to play that role. they relish it july, august 10, to be the time when flare-ups and major conflicts happen between israel and hezbollah. >> the last big one and 2006. >> and they're in these tents ceasefire negotiations, as you mentioned about gaza and then boom, here comes as bola launching an attack unprovoked into northern israel, killing a young children. >> so the latest is starting to come off. that i said it doesn't change the fundamentals, which is the need to get a stability and a ceasefire and hostage deal in gaza, but clearly hezbollah chose to do this at a moment of extreme sensitivity in those
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negotiations. and that's a problem. >> so, so who actually wants a ceasefire deal among the parties, as i understand it, if hezbollah is playing spoiler here there are questions inside israel about netanyahu's own priorities here, whether they're his own political survival or getting a deal across the finish line. of course, hamas, there have been raised that hamas wants to extend the conflict rather than have a ceasefire deal. so who, other than the negotiators blinken a bill burns, the qatari's actually wants to get a deal across the finish line well, the lebanese people in the israeli people to certainly do want to see this calm down. but in terms of the players at the table, you're right, you've identified them. we the united states, egypt, qatar, the lebanese government as well, which is sort of hosting this this hezbollah body there has attacked a little bit almost certainly close ranks, but they don't want to see their
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country decimated and destroyed. it was in 2006 and they don't want it to turn into a look of gaza. those are the players. and iran is out there sort of pulling some strings to be blind. regarding his behalf, they need some find a way to get hezbollah to not just throw darts right in the middle of these negotiations. if they want to see it come down, but i do think to your point, the players seem to be itching for a fight and that's the real problem for negotiators, is that just as they get close. be spoilers come in. this is the history of these conflicts and hopefully they can walk and chew gum at the same time, keep them negotiations going but understand there are going to be these strikes back-and-forth i wonder what you think the israeli prime minister's view is of biden his role in this right now given biden, in effect lame duck i spoke to josh rogin on friday and he said that his view was that netanyahu feels no pressure
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therefore, from the u.s. >> to get a deal across the finish line and he will if he does a deal, we'll do it on his on his own time. >> yes. a couple of conflicting paradox here, right first and foremost, the american president, the commander-in-chi ef when they are free as president biden, ms now, they have a lot of latitude unilaterally to engage in pressure and engage without really worrying about the reelection campaign the same in time, prime minister netanyahu, he can't completely tried to shake in one direction or the other because he doesn't know who's going to win. so i do think josh is right, but i do think the president biden, he has a lot of tools unilaterally to lean in now and really engage in his passion, which is formed foreign affairs for the next six months. and do so without the concern about spending time on the campaign trail, as well as worrying about what congress will see and do for him by side, he has tools to do unilateral pressures if he wants to and to
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really lean in on this. and i think this could be a legacy moment for his him as well. >> well, we'll see how the parties respond. joel rubin. thanks so much thanks, jim what despite playing, heard simone biles put on another dazzling performance and her olympics simpson tour in paris at scholes joins me now with this morning's bleacher report. i mean, this is it's fantastic. and again, by the way, would you had that injury? i'm watching and i'm thinking, oh, no, please not now after what happened three years ago everyone is just hoping this simone biles has a happy and healthy olympics this time around. and when that happened yesterday, ever really just holding their breath. simone seem to injure her cap while she was warming the up on the floor exercise, but he taped it up, went back out there and just started doing some simone biles things. he was favoring that left leg, but still powered through her floor routine, which she finished first in biles also so landing her signature. your chienco double pike on the vault and four-time olympic gold medalist
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finished qualification with a huge lead in the standings. biles in the women's gymnast as we've seen, there gonna be back at it tomorrow, competing in the final us men's national team. meanwhile, opening up play against serbia yesterday, there were some questions tens on whether or not kevin durrant was going to be healthy enough to play for team usa, didn't play any of the exhibitions, but he answered those questions. were that epic first half yesterday direct coming up the base? it's starting a dazzling eight for aid from the vlt ended up missing just one shot for 23 points playing to 17 minutes. i'll abroad. james was also flexing on serbia. he had 21 points to go along with nine assists and seven rebounds. us would win big one tend to 84 and check out this awesome pick up lebron him just flying through the air. it's pretty remarkable what he's doing at 39-years-old, team usa's going be back on the court wednesday against south sudan. the u.s. women's soccer team. meanwhile, impressive performance against fourth ranked team in the world, germany early in the first half, trinity rodman going to get in the box here nice cross binds sophia smith, who buries
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it to put the us in the lead. then later in the hat, they'd be up two-to-one and smith a strike outside the box to flex up the sidner boxes perfectly off the post and it for the goal us would win that one florida 41, clinching a spot in the quarter finals with one group stage games still to go against australia. jim, what's your favorite part of the olympics? >> so i watched the women's team play and one of their warm-up matches, just like a week before they went since it's been great, it's been great to watch them do well, listen, i mean, i like i like watching the swimming. no question why they are day. there's some photo finishes yesterday was just amazing yeah. it's good stuff they're not bad. there faster weeks. >> thanks so much for joining coming up next on cnn this morning she was a bomb three weeks ago donald trump honing his well in polite attacks on his new opponent, just 99 days out from election day plus representative eric swalwell, he's going to join me to talk about the race resets and where
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com for certain newsnight with abby phillip weeknights at ten eastern on cnn it is monday, july 29, right now on cnn this morning if a crazy liberal like kamala harris gets in the american dream is dead well apoc apocalyptic rhetoric there, donald trump trying to pin down his new lines of attack back on his new rival. plus president biden we're in a window


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