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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 29, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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today, president biden is set to propose a sweeping seismic changes to the supreme court. >> why he wants to end lifetime appointments for justices, and why he's doing this. now, we'll look at the timing. plus bracing for a response. the middle east waits to see how israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is going to respond to deadly attack from hezbollah. as some fear it could trigger a regional war. >> plus, it's a new screening option that could save lives. the fda he approves a simple blood test that can detect colon cancer while it's still early enough to treat. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in in right here to cnn news central with just 99 days to go until election day. >> president biden is making it clear. >> he is not done yet, arriving
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just minutes now in austin, texas and speaking there in the next hour, the president is set to propose a slate of bold, if highly likely impossible to pass policies for judiciary reform, including term limits for supreme court justices his vice president, kamala harris, running for the white house on her own is backing and endorsing his proposals as her surrogates are hitting the stage in the next hour or too. >> and the critical state of pennsylvania as she's preparing for tomorrow's visit to yet another key swing state of georgia. let's get to cnn's arlette sines, who is in texas for us arlette walk us through what president biden is proposing today well, boris, president biden is set to unveil major proposed proposals to overhaul the supreme court, even as he is facing the political reality that this likely would not be passed in the current divided congress. >> but what this does is it provides democrats with a messaging opportunity at a time
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when both biden and vice president kamala harris have expressed concerns about the current makeup of the supreme court and some of its recent rulings. now, vice president kamala harris herself has also endorsed these proposals. biden is set to speak about it. she said this morning in a statement that the supreme court it's flight facing a clear crisis of confidence. now, the president is preparing to unveil three major steps. first, he is set to call for a constitutional amendment that could limit the supreme court granting of broad presidential immunity as this conservative majority had ruled just last month, he's also set to call for an enforceable code of ethics for supreme court justices, as well as calling for establishing a term limit, setting up an 18 year terms, giving presidents of the ability to appoint a new supreme court justices every two years. now, all of these proposals would require congressional approval and house speaker mike johnson put it very bluntly in a post on social media today, saying that these proposals are dead. on
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arrival. he said that they are road the public law, as well as confidence americans have in the justice system. now for president biden, this is a major shift. he has long been considered an institutionalist, a former chairman of the senate judiciary committee, who in the past had resisted calls from within his own party for changes to the court, but he is now getting on board with making some overhaul changes to the nation's highest court. now, biden was actually supposed to deliver this address, these remarks a bit earlier in the month, but he canceled those plans because this event was set to take place just two days after that assassination attempt against donald trump's. so biden has now rescheduled it, even though he is out of the race at this point and biden will be speaking here at the lbj library in austin, texas. of course biden and president lyndon the johnson do have some historical parallels at this moment, lyndon b. johnson also announced that he was ending and not seeking reelection
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midway through a campaign cycle. he had spoken from the oval office about the vietnam war. and then in a surprise announcement about 40 minutes in, said he would not be seeking reelection. of course, biden himself just last week also address the nation from the oval office to say he was going out of the 2024 race. this will be biden's first public appearance since dropping out of the race. so we will see if he elaborates a bit more on his decision. but the main full focus for him today is unveiling these changes to this supreme court, even as they are facing very long odds up on capitol hill orlan signs from austin, texas will be watching that speech closely. thank you so much, brianna. >> soon to politicians spoken of frequently as running mate picks for vice president harris, take the stage in pennsylvania, both from states the democrats may not need, but definitely want if they hope to keep the white house cnn's danny freeman is live from the harris campaign event what are harris, his surrogates up to today? danny well brianna, essentially these surrogates are trying to continue the
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momentum that vice president harris's campaign started last week on week one and carry into weeks but let's talk about where we are right now. >> we're in the all-important suburbs of philadelphia were in montgomery county right now, and in just a little bit about an hour-and-a-half, we're going to hear from michigan governor gretchen whitmer and governor josh shapiro in a campaign aide tells me that really the focus of this particular event is going to be pretty generic. they're going to highlight the stakes of this election. they're going to really try to draw the contrast between former president donald trump and vice president harris really continue to vouch for this politician, vouch for this new top of the ticket, a ticket and introduce vice president harris to another swath of voters here yes, that side of philadelphia. but let's make mistake here. brianna the idea and the conversation about who is going to join vice president harris on her ticket is still very much front and center here. we heard from michigan governor gretchen whitmer on another network earlier today saying that she has not been a part of a vetting process. however, governor josh barrow, he's not saying that at all he
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is not commenting on a potential vetting process at this point, brianna, but when i asked him last week if be consider joining that ticket, he said that this is a person still decision for the vice president, and that it should be free from political pressure. but meanwhile, let's talk about this attempt to continue this momentum from last week. this all comes as the harris campaign is really celebrating a number of things from that first week of this new campaign, $200,000,000 raise a dollars raised 170,000 new volunteers here's this event that we are at briana right here outside of philadelphia, just part of that continuation to introduce this new top of the ticket to critical vote voters in a critical battleground state. brianna alright, danny, thank you for that report. >> we'll be keeping our eye out for this event. so she has surrogates on the trail. she's got a lot of money in the bank, volunteers at the ready also on harris aside at least for the moment, is pulling yeah. >> look at this new data from abc news and ipsos showing the vice president overtaking
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donald trump in favourability. and the one week since president biden dropped out, her favorability rating has gone up eight points as donald trump's has dipped about four points for more on this, we're joined now by larry sabato. he's the director for the of the center for politics at the university of virginia larry great to see you as always, this poll wasn't for a head-to-head race just favourability. >> but how important is favorability as we look at the broader picture? oh, it matters whether people have a good reaction to a candidate really answers the question, will they listen to what you're saying? will they be open to accepting it and one of the problems president biden had is his favorabilities had dropped so low really into the 30s now, a sizable majority of americans weren't even listening to him make arguments anymore. so believe me this makes democrats deliriously happy they should be think that this is going to
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be the way it is, all the way to november 5, because campaigns are roller coasters, they go up and down but, to be ready for the turns and twists. but it's a great thing to be where they are compared to where they were, which was it was in a deep depression, really a depression. senior democrats and rank and file democrats, you'd run into but they have lost the election that it was hopeless and now they have enthusiasm, energy, and most of all hope and larry, what are you seeing when you look at the same poll showing senator j.d. >> vance is favorability not really moving in the last week, but his unfavorability going up by eight points well, i think that's more than the cat, ladies, they childless cat ladies so he's offended an awful lot of people. >> of course, these were a
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couple of years ago no, but in trying to defend himself, he's actually been deepening digging the hole deeper, which is what politicians often do when they have a gaffe of one sort or another. so he apologized to katz. i'm sure he'll get around to the women eventually, but this is a very important lesson for the, vice president, current vice president vetting, really matters for these positions because there is no vetting, like the vetting a candidate gets running for national office of people think betting is intense, running for governor or senator and it is to a certain degree, but the net asheville, it's not just the press corps, it's the opposition. they will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars looking into every word you've ever uttered. what's your grades were in kindergarten? so i would assume they're doing intense vetting, but of course they don't have much time. that's the difference.
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>> so there was this new fox news poll that looked at favorability, zooming in on four key swing states, wisconsin, pennsylvania minnesota, and michigan. harris has a better favorability rating in all of them does that give you an indication kind of similar to the first question, but does that give you an indication of where these states are leaning and what does it tell you about her ceiling when it comes to favorability, there? >> well, the only one that i think was indicative of what the result is likely to be november was minnesota, which should be at least leaning democratic for the entire campaign. i think nixon in 1972 was the last republican for president. they voted for although several races recently have been close the others are just going to be toss-ups, probably all the way to election day. wisconsin and pennsylvania, and michigan and we can get used to hearing a lot about them, but it's also true that vice president harris brings in georgia and arizona,
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and nevada into the toss-up category and they had probably moved irretrievably toward trump while president biden was still in the race. so the race has changed, but it's still going to be close. >> and what are your observations, larry, as you are looking at the veepstakes and the different scenarios and kind of pain paying attention to these different folks who are on her list well, i've said before, i think the best thing that we could do is pass a constitutional amendment and have a first vice president and a second vice president and a third vice president, like corporations do because it would give a presidential nominee an opportunity to please, if not everybody than lots more people. >> but i'm very old-fashioned about presidential elections. i think it's all about the electoral college because in the end, it's all about the electoral college so obviously
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governor shapiro potentially brings in 19 electoral votes and governor cooper we're in north carolina potentially brings in 16 electoral votes and senator kelly and arizona potentially brings an 11 electoral votes. and there are others that at least bring in potentially, and you can make a good argument that they will bring in those electoral votes in the end. this is going to be a game of benches, just like it was in 20202016. and every inch matters. so a handful of electoral votes could be the key to the election larry, i want you to expand on something because we've had conversations with a variety of different experts and there seems to be some disagreement over how much a vice presidential nominee could impact the result in a given stayed. >> what weight do you give to the argument that say josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, could help kamala harris there well, there's an
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argument because the goods studies on what vice presidential candidates actually bring to a candidate in their home state varies between a fraction of 1% that although how many, how many states did we have within 1% in the last two presidential elections? >> it's important to remember that all the way up two to two-and-a-half, even 3% so there are different studies suggesting different things. but i would also suggest things have changed because we focused it's on not 50 states, which maybe we should, but on seven or eight states because they're the only ones that seem to matter anymore in presidential elections. and if you can swing even one state with a substantial number of electoral votes, as i was saying earlier, this could be the election. so i would say it matters more than some people who are minimizing the effect of this and you're going to have tremendous focus on this person
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thanks to j.d. vance, he's done the democrats a favor. >> and because a lot of people are going to be looking for bad things. >> but they're also going to be reporting the good things about the person that harris actually picks larry sabato great to get your analysis. >> thanks for being with us thank you still ahead this hour on cnn news central text messages revealing what law enforcement officers texted about the trump rally, gunman more than an hour before he pulled the trigger. we're going to chat with a lawmaker who wants house staffers now to undergo mandatory active shooter training plus a teenager has been arrested after a deadly stabbing attack near london. one witness describing the scene, quote, like something from america, and a new tool in the fight against colon cancer, we have these stories and much more coming up on cnn news central this is the home for the world's most essential stories in journalism and now, cnn has
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poly group power max hold and covers. it has superior holds plus keeps his comfy all day with its pressure absorbing layer die and die. >> if you're now qatar would ask for i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn new developments on several fronts in the attempted assassination of former president trump. >> the fbi reveal today that trump has agreed to sit for a victim interview with the fbi as part of the agency's investigation into shooting into the shooting at his rally in butler, pennsylvania, just over two weeks ago, this is something that is routine and voluntary. investigators say they want trump's perspective, just like any other witness to a crime or victim of a crime. additionally, we are learning about text messages tween law enforcement, 90 minutes more than 90 minutes before the shooting. one text reads, quote, kid learning around building. we are in. i did see him with a rangefinder looking towards stage fyi, if you want
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to notify secret service snipers to look out, i lost sight of him and then listen to this from a member of the local swat team was looking up and down the building and just walked around just seemed out of place. >> if we had a text group between the local snipers ever on scene? >> i had sent those pictures out to that group and advise them of what i noticed and what i had seen. i assumed that there would be somebody coming out to, speak with the this individual or find out what's going on and a short time ago, speaker mike johnson and house minority leader hakeem jeffries announced the members of congress who will serve on a bipartisan task force to investigate the shooting, joining us now to discuss all of this, we have congressman anthony d'esposito. >> he's a republican from new york york and a member of the homeland security committee sir. thank you so much for being with us. i know you've been following along closely with all of these new details
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and there were a lot today, we found out that secret service had no face-to-face meeting with local law enforcement and no direct communications between local law enforcement and the secret service. the day of and during the event you are a former nypd officer. is that normal to you? >> definitely not. i think there were catastrophic failures, not only the day of the attempted assassination, but the days leading up to it. and i don't think we're there yet where we can point the fingers as to exactly who failed and how many law enforcement professionals are agencies failed. i think that's why moving forward. investigation is. critically important. last week on capitol hill, we had two hearings. one of the homeland security committee and one of the oversight committee, where democrats and republicans were asking the hard, tough questions as to what happened and how did it happen? and most importantly, what can we do to make sure it never happens again? >> i'm a local counter-sniper
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saw the shooter and as you heard me describing the text there, let his fellow counter-snipers know this was a counter-sniper who was actually departing a little early going to worried, parked his car and this was as we've learned, more than 90 minutes before the shooting, part of what he said was someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars. so snuck in stands out to me or are you getting any closer to figuring out? why secret service excluded what was clearly an off-limits areas law enforcement saw it from actually being inside of the perimeter i think we are getting there. >> i think it's a little too soon and until we have all of the facts laid out, whether it's the communication on radio and any other means of communication, whether it's taking a hard look at the procedures that were put in place and obviously the plan that was put in place by the secret service. and the locals till we have all of that in
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front of us and can actually review it piece by piece. i think that we shouldn't be jumping up to those conclusions other than saying there is without a doubt, a catastrophic failure, i think what's also important to point out is, you know, communication at these in these situations is always tough. i mean, we saw firsthand new york city, obviously on a different scale, but one of the failures of september 11, 2001 was the fact that many agencies couldn't communicate with one another and over the years. we have worked and i've, you know, over the last year-and-a-half, even in my subcommittee that i chair and homeland security emergency management and technology, one of the focuses has it's in communication and making sure that communication is paramount at these scenes. and i think unfortunately places throughout this country, when multiple agencies all working at the same incident in the same jurisdiction, we do see communication breakdown and that's one of the things that we need to focus on here to make sure it doesn't happen we
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shouldn't be passing critical information time-sensitive information over text messages. >> that's a very good point i did ask one of our law enforcement analyst, jonathan wackrow, who is former secret service. if part of the problem here is also a failure of dhs oversight. and congressional oversight. and he said that it is both. what do you say to that i think that again, i think that this is a failure on many, many parts and i think that over the next couple of weeks and now that this new task force is formed, i really hope that we get to the bottom of this this isn't a partisan issue. >> this is what we need to focus on is who failed, not only the american people, there was innocent bystanders killed that day, but who felt president trump and who failed? >> the agency and other law enforcement professionals at that scene there are also questions about whether it was just this particular scene or
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if this is indicative of a systemic problem, which i think is a very valid question we have so many law enforcement experts saying that you have the secret service director resigning last week. but what else? does accountability look like when you may have a systemic problem on your hands and i think what we need to find out is this systemic problem within what agencies within is it the fact that the secret service is not communicating locally with agencies is it the communication breakdown that we discussed that in an incident like this where you know, those rallies are put together on these large-scale incidents very often are put together in short timeframe. >> is there a problem with the amount of time with the amount of resources, with the amount of communication. is it the fact that these larger agencies a frown upon? the local agencies and feel that they're only there to assist. i mean, nobody knows these these local communities better than the
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locals who served them each and every day. i mean, when i was in new york city, detective, we had agencies from all over the world visit us regularly and we always said and always remain. there is nobody that knows new york city better than new york city officers. >> yeah, certainly. the treatment and you mentioned democrats or republicans asking questions. the treatment of this assassination attempt is largely and i would say commendably so been created a politically it's been bipartisan. bill last week former president trump claimed that the biden administration, quote, did not properly protect me, that he was quote, forced to take a bullet for democracy is there any danger in speaking like that well, i think first we need to find out is there truth to that? >> i mean, that's why were conducting this investigation. i mean, there's been criticism of the biden administration as to why secret service protection wasn't given to to kennedy. there's been concerns
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and people have talked about the fact that resources that have been requested from the administration weren't provided. and i think that that's why this investigation needs to be conducted as someone who served a career in law enforcement. i think i can i ask you, congressman because i just want to ask you because there were some denials for some events for trump. certainly but for this specific event you had the secret service director saying that that wasn't the case, that they'd actually amped up security. i think we know it had to do with that iran threat, but do you have reason to believe that there was a denial of resources for this particular event? >> right now, i'm not taking anything that the secret service director said as gospel until we conduct this investigation and find out exactly what happened yeah i mean, we have heard many different things. >> i will say from what initial reports were. so i hear you on that congressman d'esposito.
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thank you so much for being with us. we really appreciate it. >> thank. you remain, safe you as well, sir. >> so next tensions rising in the middle east is prime minister benjamin netanyahu promises retribution after it deadly hezbollah attack plus what we're learning about the teenager accused of stabbing eight people, some of them children northwest of london this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn every day, more people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food developed with made from real meat and veggies portions for your dog and delivered right to your door. >> it's smarter, healthier, pet food. >> sure. i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake up work
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outfront tonight at seven on cnn israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is warning that the response so this weekend's rocket attack that killed 12 kids will be severe. >> today. netanyahu visited the site of the strike in the israeli occupied golan heights near the israel, lebanon border now, israel is blaming his bulla for the attack, but the militant group is denying responsibility and as fears of a wider regional conflict grow, the u.s. embassy in beirut issued this warning to americans. get out now or prepared to shelter in place for long periods of time let's take you now, live to beirut with cnn senior international correspondent ben wedeman. ben, what are you hearing from the region about an anticipated israeli response well, what we heard yesterday was that after a meeting of the israeli cabinet, that prime minister netanyahu and the defense minister sir, you have golan were authorized to strike back
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at his bulla adam in a manner and at a time of their choosing. >> now, the anticipation was that last night, perhaps in the early hours of the morning israel would indeed strike hezbollah, but that didn't happen. so anticipation is growing about what and where it's israel will strike now today, i had the opportunity to speak by phone with lebanon's caretaker foreign minister abdallah bou habib, who told me maybe they through diplomatic contacts lebanon had received assurances that israel's response to that strike in the i mentioned in champ's in the golan heights would be limited. now, he didn't know exactly what limited means, but he told me that the lebanese government interpretation of that was that it would be limited to military targets relating to hezbollah,
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not to beirut airport ford for example, or particularly the southern suburbs of beirut which is where many of his butler's leaders are based. nonetheless, because of growing fear of an israeli response we've seen, for instance, germany and italy advising their nationals to leave the country as soon as possible, we've seen, for instance, move ta1 the german airline is canceling all flights to and from beirut until 5 august air france has suspended flights. today and tomorrow to beirut and there's simply a growing fear israel'response will come and it will be strong. specifics. we don't know about, but it's that lack of awareness is it is it's really feeding the sense of uneasiness here in the lebanese capital. boris and ben hamas is now
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accusing them yet now who of setting new conditions and demands during the latest round of ceasefire talks, give us an update on where things stand but those talks happen pinned in rome involving the americans, the israelis, the qataris and others. and of course, hamas came out and said that israel had imposed a whole raft of new demands. now, the prime minister's office in jerusalem has denied that, but it does appear that hopes for a breakthrough on a ceasefire and the release of hostages and palestinian prisoners have been dashed for now. now, the hope was basically, if there's a ceasefire in gaza, that will certainly dramatically reduce tensions. not only there, but also on the border between lebanon and israel. hezbollah has made it clear that as soon as there is quiet in gaza,
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there be quiet on the border. now we team, they've actually made good on that back in november when there was that brief period when there was a truce, a ceasefire in gaza prisoners and detainees were released his butler stopped firing the border was quiet. the hope is that if there's a breakthrough there will be quiet. here. sure. as well, boris ben wedeman live for us in beirut. >> thank you so much, ben, brianna we're following some new developments out of the uk police in the northern town of southport, say two children were killed, nine others are injured after a knife attack at a dance school. >> there six of the wounded are in critical condition including at least two adults. officials say the children were attending a taylor swift-themed yoga event at the school when the attack happened a 17-year-old is now in custody on suspicion of murder and attempted murder
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i know the whole house will be very concerned at the extremely serious incidents that has taken place in southport we all have our thoughts will be with the family and loved ones of those who are affected. >> i have been in contact with the merseyside police and crime commissioner and the merseyside mare to convey my support to the police. and our thanks to the police and emergency services for their swift and courageous response police say they are still searching for a motive. >> they do not believe the attack is terror related we'll be right back we're going to try to do a christmas to make mommy proud. >> you think we should do costa happy holiday? >> maybe bed fabulous life, all knew. tuesday at nine on tlc.
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bronte by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a21, 4,000 for the first time since the pandemic, mcdonald's is seeing a slump, the fast food giant reported that sales actually fell last quarter from the same time last year. something investors surely are not loving it cnn consumer reporter, nathaniel meyersohn joins us now, nathaniel, i bought that pun, but nevertheless, it's still a significant story. walk us through what we're learning about their earnings you did great boris. but yes, this is a significant, significant news for mcdonald's it's we're seeing this sales drop because the prices have gotten out of whack fast food and mcdonald's is supposed to be cheap, but over the past several years, we've seen mcdonald's prices jumped 40 40% since 2019. and
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so many consumers are saying, we're not going to be paying these higher prices anymore. and what they're doing is they're cooking at home, they're shopping at walmart or discount grocery stores like aldi. and then when they do go out to eat, they're looking for places where they can really get value and a bang for their buck. so we've seen a chipotle sale let's actually rise 11% during its latest quarter. so this seems to be more of an issue with mcdonald's than other chains. >> so what is the fast food company doing now to try to revitalize sales? >> so we see them trying to respond, boris and the main way they're doing this is they're adding this new $5 value meal to try to get back consumers. so this $5 value meal there it is on your screen right there, you either get a mic double or a mic chicken small fries it's chicken nuggets and a soda mcdonald's says that this deal
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has drawn back some customers. the problem though boris, is it's a limited time offer much for its a limited time offer from mcdonald's. so it's not going to last into the fall and the winter. it's just too cheap for the company to be able to make money he off event. so mcdonald's is going to need some new strategies that says it's going to be trying to add bigger hamburgers. so you could, customers could look forward to bigger hamburgers, but there are some significant challenges for mcdonald's and it faces really tough competition it does nathaniel meyersohn. thanks so much for the update. stay with cnn news central. i promise i'll try to not mess up any more puns. stay with us tv on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn, dr., we know you just want a shot
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breaking news into cnn. >> cnn has learned that iran is using covert social media accounts and influence operations to undercut the campaign of former president donald trump. this is according to a us intelligence official, when it comes from a new assessment, cnn cybersecurity reporter sean lyngaas is joining us now on this. it also comes on the heels of intelligence revealing that there was a plot by iran against donald trump. obviously, no love lost between trump and iran, right? >> brianna, i mean, the down donald trump trial i ordered the killing of soleimani, the iranian general couple of years ago. and ever since then, it's been bad blood to say the least. what you mentioned with the plot assassination attempt that was obviously the most severe thing that we've seen on that front for a long time this is more long term covert meddling, trying to sow discord in the u.s. the us intelligence
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officials believe that iran was behind some organizing, some protests related to gaza, doesn't mean to say that all of those protests that relate to that, but now this is just a number of fronts in which iran allegedly is trying to up the temperature here in the u.s. trying to make it more difficult to discern true from false online and like you said, it comes on the heel of the assassination plots. so clearly there is an increased tempo in iranian efforts to influence the u.s. presidential election notably, this assessment outlines that russia remains the predominant threat to us elections. but it's fascinating because iran is helping russia build drones to, deploy in ukraine. yet at least in 2016, russia seem to be trying to help donald trump get elected, not the other way around, right? >> i mean, russia is also playing by its own, own playbook. it is trying to to influence the u.s. election according to us intelligence
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officials, as ever, and right now, more than anything, the determinant for that is who supports more aid to ukraine, which across the ballot whether it be on the senate or house side, or on the presidential ticket and donald trump has made pretty clear his skepticism for supporting ukraine on a number of fronts. so that hasn't changed what has changed according to the new assessment, boris is that russia is continuing to use sort of these private companies to hide their hand or try to hide their hand in the way that they present information to american. so launder it through hire someone to write an article and not tell them who is behind the outlet so your fear of freelance journalists say i need 100 bucks sure. i'll write a story about blah, blah. >> and then later we learned that that might be a russian intelligence cutout that they're hiring people to do that. so that's what the kind of tactics that us officials are seeing right? >> now, boris. yeah. and as elections of come and gone, we've seen the tactics become more sophisticated and complex.
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sean lyngaas, thanks so much for the reporting. appreciate it. >> stay with cnn news central. we're back in just a few let me try we got one of my favorite supplements is kunal turmeric. >> turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support and cute all has the number one doctor recommended form of turmeric kunal, the brand i trust i am tony hawk and like many of you, i take a statin to reduce cholesterol, but statins can also deplete cookie ten levels that so my doctor
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sleepers report better sleep, say 40% of asleep number limited editions want that plus free home delivery on select smart beds when you add an adjustable base shop, now, we just signed the lease on our third shop. >> my assistant went to get new uniforms with all the locations. he found great products, uploaded new art, and had boxes sent to all the shops ups, customer makes it so easy, get started today at the lead with jake tapper, next on cnn we, are looking at live images from austin, texas where president biden just touched down in air force one. >> he's going to walk out of air force one in just moments. and he set to give a speech in which he's going to propose a slate of seismic changes to the judiciary branch, including term limits for supreme court justices. cnn is of course, going to monitor those remarks and stay on top of this story as we get it. >> now some neighbors any washington state community got quite the surprise from the
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sky, a hot air balloon made an unexpected landing near homes in bani lake, just outside of tacoma, eight people on board there, some celebrating their 21st birthdays. and during their trip there were strong winds that blew them off course, the pilot says he chose to land in this neighborhood because it didn't have power lines, pretty smart, smart move at one point, the balloon was hovering just ten feet above homes. neighbors, then helped guide the balloon from the ground to an open street. notably, three weeks ago, a balloon from the same company landed just a couple of miles away, but in the same neighborhood pretty cool story. i do want to apologize to our viewers. it's national chicken wing. and we're not celebrating even though we saw national hot dog day only a few days ago. >> but we wanted to acknowledge that we did want to acknowledge yeah. the lead with jake tapper starts now owe a lot can happen in 99 days the lead starts right now


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