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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 1, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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potential pitfalls that the national press could really they seize on? how would the candidate deal with that? and that's some of what you're seeing as these men have been out sort of effectively auditioning last week the campaign vice president harris, i imagine they're looking at those interviews and thinking about, okay, how everybody is going to hit a road bump. everybody is going to have an issue at some point during the case campaign. how are they going to be able to navigate that? so that's kind of marrying the private part of the vet that's going on with the very public auditioning but i mean, there's somewhere in washington or maybe wilmington, delaware, there's 100 opposition researchers locked in a dark basement it having rained time exactly right. >> trolling the internet, trying to figure this out? >> yeah. >> all right. >> well, thank you to each and every one of you for being here and thank you for joining us this morning. >> i'm jessica dean i didn't see it cnn news central starts right now kamala harris calls
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it the same old show, donald trump is leaning into it. >> and what some are labeling trump's new birtherism. and what this means for how this race is taking shape and a breaking overnight new video of the moment, israel says, one of the masterminds behind the october 7 attack was killed in a strike with military and political leaders of hamas. >> now eliminate us is warning the region is on a path to even more violence and conflict. and terrifying moments for one family after for a toddler falls more than ten feet into an underground pipe. the dramatic rescue caught on camera. i'm omar jimenez with kate bolduan and john berman is out in sara sidner's and chicago for us this is cnn news central what's old is new
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again, deja, who a familiar refrain. >> however you want to characterize it, 2024 is quickly feeling a lot like 2016 he man 2020, axios labeling donald trump's comments that kamala harris just turned black as trump's new birtherism i've known her a long time indirectly, not directly. very much and she was always of indian heritage and she was only promoting indian heritage. i didn't know she was black until a number of years there's ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black so i don't know. >> is she indian or is she black here's how kamala harris is responding so far, not really taking the bait donald trump spoke at the annual meeting of the national association of black journalists and it was the same old show the divisiveness and
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the disrespect and let me just say the american people deserve better here is the thing. >> it is hard to call it a one-off one in the hours after trump went after harris's race and identity, trump then followed up with a social media post of her discussing her indian heritage previously and labor and calling her as you can see here, a stone cold phony that according to donald trump. >> and then there's more than later the rally still hours later, what equates to essentially a billboard business, a business insider headline seen at a trump rally recognizing harris's indian heritage again, and still, there's more j.d. vance then pushed the vote. now, new phony attack line at his own rally, you can be sure that there are more twists ahead with this trip. from campaign attempt to define their opponent, though there is no question, she is a black woman and will likely become the first black woman and first indian american woman to top a major party's
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presidential ticket. in a matter of days today, the dnc's virtual roll call begins, which will officially informally make her the party's nominee. cnn's priscilla alvarez starting us off this hour. what is the latest that you're hearing on this priscilla well, the vice president's response yesterday gave us a glimpse of how she plans to handle this in the weeks and months to come and that is going back to her argument than americans deserve better and highlighting what she called the divisiveness and disrespect in the former president's remarks. >> now, that is the approach that she took when she addressed the historically black sorority in houston yesterday the american people deserve a leader who tells the truth a leader who does not respond with hostility and anger when confronted with the facts we deserve a leader who understands that our
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differences do not divide us now of course, since the vice president was tapped to lead the party's ticket with the endorsement of president biden and democrats, republicans have used the line of attack that cheat is a dei, hire. >> now, the vice president is the daughter of a jamaican father and an indian mother, both of whom are immigrants as a senator, she was part of the congressional black caucus. so this is something that she has leaned on multiple times. these are black heritage during her political career. and you could see there how she took the response directly back to former president donald trump. but if anything, kate, this also really highlights extraordinary nature of the moment. if she were elected, it would be, well, she already has a historic candidacy, but her election would also be historic. it now historic now she will today in houston also be delivering a eulogy for the late sheila jackson we talked to me about the dnc and what's
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going to happen today. this virtual roll call, it set to begin. what are we going to see? what's going to happen while they're getting one step closer to officially nominating her as the democratic nominee. >> what that looks like is a virtual roll call that kicks off today. it ends on august 5. so over the course of the next few days, democratic delegates will be able to make their vote. she is expected to surpass what it should the numbers that she needs to secure the i'm a nation. and in this sense, perhaps the truncated timeline we've been talking about so much since she was tapped to lead the party's ticket may be beneficial. of course, she secured those endorsements so quickly early on and there was a serious challenge to her bids. we'll start to see all of that come together and the next you days before the democratic national convention later this month and then, then the next announcement, the next thing to watch them courses, which you will announce a running mate and on and on and on. >> we go, it's great to see you, priscilla. thank you so much. omar. >> was was mentioned former president trump is doubling down on those divisive and
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false claims about kamala harris has heritage at a rally last night in pennsylvania he attacked her on the border and kaltura, a radical liberal compared to president biden she is actually worse than he is because she's a real radical left. >> his authority radical left. he didn't believe this stuff. he didn't believe in open borders and she does she wants to open eu borders he is the most extreme liberal candidate in the history of our country by far, she's an extreme, radical left lunatic cnn's alayna treene has the latest, i mean, alayna, it seems even right there, he's trying to in his method delineate between president biden and vice it's president kamala harris attacking individual, i guess, states of mind. >> if you can call it that. what else did he have to say at the rally well, the very clear omar that he is still trying to figure out the best way to define harris and you're seeing him lob a series of different attacks in all of
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these rallies in an effort to do so but look, i think if there was any question of whether or not donald trump was going to stick by those very controversial comments he made during that nabj conference this week. >> the answer is yes. in fact, he doubled down. you had noted this earlier, but there was a jumbotrons circulating headlines at that rally in the hours after he was leaving chicago until he arrived in harrisburg that had the headline that said, quote, kamala harris elected first indian american senator, just kind of further emphasizing the points and the false claims he was making about her heritage at that conference, but he also in his speech, went on to attack her as a radical liberal, as a phony as the architect of the border invasion. and he also indicated that he does want to debate her. take a listen kamala harris bragg said, quote, i will proudly put my record against donald trump's any day of the week. >> i will put it against trump
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scott one of the worst records in anywhere well, camila, let's go challenge. accepted. a you're ready. let's compare our records. now, they still have not and they have been the trump campaign is still not agreed to a certain debate, just yet we're still waiting to see when or what those details might look like. but he continues to say he does want to debate her now, he further doubled down on those nabj the controversial comments questioning her heritage on truth, social, later, again, thrusting this further into the mainstream. this is what he wrote. he wrote quote, crazy kamala is saying, she's indian, not black. this is a big deal, stone cold phony. she uses everybody including her racial identity. i know we don't have to continue to emphasize this, but if kamala harris is the first black vice president, the first indian american vice president. and what she has done is historical. i just want
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to leave that there, but look, i do want to add some context here as well when we talked to donald trump's senior advisers leading up to the nabj panel. they had said that more than any other media appearance that donald trump has done in the last several months. this had the opportunity to go sideways. it's very clear. i think we can all agree that this did go sideways especially when he is still very committed to trying to siphon off many of these, you know, more minority votes, particularly black voters and hispanic voters and i think his comments yesterday, trying to push him on very legitimate questions about why black voters should vote for him he instead went on the attack. omar. >> and again, that was how this whole panel even started. that question. essentially asking that central point, why should black voters vote for him? and that's when all this ensued. alayna treene really appreciate the reporting and perspective. we're also following other news breaking overnight. israel says it has killed the military
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leader of hamas details on how it happened and disgusted and just so appointed family members and survivors of the 9-11 terror attacks reacting after the accused terror mastermind cuts a deal to avoid the death penalty if you've ever felt like you're getting ripped off when you buy concert tickets? well, now in a new lawsuit, prosecutors are alleging stubhub tricks customer's into overpaying will explain tv on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn, you do this as early as your 40s, you may lose muscle and strength. >> proteins supports muscle health in shear max protein has a 30 grand blend of high-quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours so take the challenge, insurer nutrition for strengthen energy want the effects of viagra, but
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in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star of these world championships. scan the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee you it's about to take off there's no one that does the things i do we are, pushing the limits of what progress can be we wednesday night dynamite get paid on tbs from the breaking news overnight, israel is now
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confirming that it's killed the head of hamas's military wing, muhammad day for the idf released, we're going to show you this video that shows the moment that huge blast, the moment he was killed in a strike in khan younis, this was back in mid july that strike also killed at least 90 palestinians. >> this comes as the same time as memorial services are being held for the political leader of hamas who was killed in that strike in tehran. the military and political leaders. now if hamas both eliminated cnn's ivan watson is in beirut, lebanon with much more ivan. can you talk more about what's happening in iran today, honoring memorial services for the political leader now assassinated and what this now means for the region right? >> well, he's been granted the highest honors with a procession from the university we have tehran to tehran's azadi square. prayers led by the supreme leader of iran, ayatollah ali coming ayyy. and we've seen it images of
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several of his surviving sons, two of its surviving sons, kissing his coffin. he will be transported to doha, the capital qatar. that's where he had been based in recent years as the political leader of hamas for burial. there the iranian government continues to vow that it will carry out vengeance against israel, which it accuses of this assassination. israel has not denied or claimed responsibility for this. but what all the fingers in the region are pointing towards israel here it's an important point is you've got senior iranian officials that are also casting blame at the u.s. as saying that the u.s. is the primary sponsor the primary funder and supplier of weapons to israel, and arguing a claiming that there's no way israel could have carried out this assassination without the
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u.s. support. senior american officials have said that the u.s. was unaware of this assassination plan and had nothing thing to do with it. the u.s secretary of state, antony blinken instead is saying that, hey, the region is heading towards conflict, wider conflict. and now you need a cease-fire are more than ever. but those appeals are kind of wringing hollow right now as the prime minister of qatar has pointed out in a statement after ismail haniah this assassination you know, what's the point of mediation when one party assassinates the negotiator on the other side of the negotiating table. e ismail haniah was a key interlocuter that israel was indirectly negotiating with. and now he's been murdered. >> back to you. >> i ivan. great reporting. thank you so much. being there. >> check back in, coming up still for us, there are new details coming in about the plea deal for the accused mastermind behind the 9-11 terror attacks. >> a plea deal that keeps him in prison for life, but avoids
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a possible death sentence. how the families of 9-11 victims are reacting to all of this today. >> and anytime now, vice president kamala harris she could be announcing and will be announcing a running mate. there's new reporting at the very same time that not all democrats are happy with the options that are so far year that was his age i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term. >> as your friends, 1960 years sunday at nine on cnn. why is no vihj perfect for allergies? >> people who have allergies will have lots of problems if someone's exposed to allergens, they can get rid of those immediately by washing out to note the he works, by pulling saline in one nostril through the nose and out the other nostril sucking out allergens, mucus dustin germs experienced on the spot relief, so he could breathe easier,
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election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business, follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts, follow. cnn all right, breaking overnight the alleged night 11 mastermind, khalid sheikh mohammed, the man accused of plotting the 2001 terror attacks that killed thousands of americans, reaches a plea deal to avoid the death penalty that's according to the pentagon now mohammed and two of his co-defendants have now agreed to plead guilty to all charges. >> a deal that's sure to be met with mixed reactions from
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thousands of family members who lost loved ones that day, cnn's natasha bertrand joins us now from the pentagon, you've been following all of these details and reporting them out. natasha, what are the details here? how did this come together? >> yeah, omar. so after more than 20 years of detention for colleague chip mohammed and these other defendants, as well as over 24 months, over two years of negotiations over this plea deal. they finally have reached a deal whereby colleague shake mohammed and these two other defendants will plead guilty and thereby avoid the deaths that's penalty. this basically avoids a very lengthy and complicated trial that would have been required for a death penalty case like this. and so according to the prosecutors, they sent a letter to the families just before this press release was issued by the defense department saying that the decision to enter into a pretrial agreement here was not reached lightly, however, it is our collective, reasoned and good faith judgment that this resolution is the best best path to
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finality and justice in this case. now, ksm, as he is known, he was charged in 2008, roughly five years after he was captured in pakistan with conspiracy, murder britain violation of the law of war, and other charges, including of course, terrorism. but the trial for these charges was significantly delayed. he was first charged, as i said, in 2008 in the trial, did not begin or was not supposed to begin until 2021, but then it was further delayed because of the resignation of some judges because as well as questions really key questions about what kind of evidence would be allowed to be submitted in this case because of the cia's use of torture to elicit confessions in the early 2000s. and so this was a very difficult complicated, and convoluted process. finally, resulting in these, plea agreements. now the families as you said, they have had mixed reactions to this. primarily, they're concerned that this is going to close the door on eliciting more information up from these defendants about
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what actually happened prior to 911 and particularly saudi arabia's role in this. brett eagleson, who's the president of 911 justice said, quote, we urge the administration to ensure that these deals do not close the door on obtaining critical information that can shed light on saudi arabia's role in the 911 tax. so there, of course, still seeking out all the information they can to get justice for their loved ones, omar some important details there and the tausche bertrand really appreciate the reporting that date grab the popcorn for this one. what started out as an idea to earn some money, to buy more legos has turned into a series business, 9-year-old kai walker's. we're talking about founded cai bears popcorn last year. and here is where the idea came from. listen i don't know how are we going to afford to be barred, have every single lego, we had to figure out how can we possibly do that. >> i didn't ask when i mentioned to him the best way would be for him to earn it. >> the name was something my
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grandma used to call me as a ncmec proud of it's amazing to see how far we've come. it's incredible. it feels like wow, really people enjoy the popcorn and it really took off this many entrepreneurs serving up fun flavors of popcorn like cinnamon bun and pizza, and now sir bring it nationwide selling online business, doing so well as a family now has a contract to supply popcorn for the university of richmond sporting events hi has clearly earned more than enough to purchase those legos that he was hoping for, but he now has his eyes his eyes set on much more. >> ty says its new goal is to teach other kids have to grow their own businesses. >> omar. >> all right. so sounds like i'm going to the university of richmond sporting events to get some of that popcorn and even been and pizza. >> yeah. >> unlike amazing popcorn, popcorn, you can't be that kai shout out to chi. alright, look, we're following a lot of news this morning, including the harris campaign responding
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kamala harris is dismissing donald trump's false claims about her racial identity and heritage as the same divisive and disrespectful rhetoric he's been using for years now. >> he said she just happened to turn black a few years ago to gain political points. and he's doubled down on those claims, joining me now are cnn political commentators, bakari sellers and shermichael singleton. gentlemen, good to see you. bakari, i'm one half colombian, but for the purposes of this panel, i guess we'll be black. how do you think vice president harris handled her response to trump know i think that this is an amazing moment in american tv history because we can all tell the audience at that time, we turned black. >> for me, it was about 99, 2000 when i first heard juveniles back that up and i had a rhythmic cadence, my dad's at that moment but i knew but look, i just think commonly did was she was supposed to do like, you got to be a leader focused on the future. you've got to be a leader focused on tomorrow and
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that's what that's what she's doing for me. and i've said this a number of times and it bears repeating that not everyone who supports donald trump is racist and we can't lump people together like that. but i can say that donald trump is a racist. i can say that he uses racism as political currency. and just the sheer audacity to go into the national association of black journalists in their convention in front of their face, in front of three journalists who did the best they could do yesterday well, two of the three did the best they could do yesterday in sort of black woman in that manner. i just think it is a place where this country doesn't want to go back. >> and that's why kamala harris keeps saying we're not going back to that and shermichael, what was your first reaction when you heard one? obviously saw how this panel unfolded overall, but also in the specific instance of falsely accusing harris of deciding to deciding to turn black well, look, i think katia
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asked some very great questions. i think harris faulkner at fox news asked some very pertinent questions about the economy, about his vice presidential pick. a little bit of news was sort of made there with his response overall, though i just wish this were not the topic we were discussing this morning, omar, i mean, i would prefer to stick with talking about immigration, the economy cost of living, and inflation. i would prefer to talk about vice president harris attempting to moderate and reversing a bunch of her positions on the federal jobs a guarantee which was a part of the green new deal or her a pivoting on law enforcement or her pivoting on her immigration stance. i mean, those are the things that i think the vast majority of republicans would prefer to talk about because i think most of them would argue that as a party writ large, the parties a lot stronger when talking about those issues and making their case to the american people. i think when you, when you get into issues of race or an identity,
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ethnicity, i really think you're losing and i think you're losing potentially because there are some swing voters that you're going to have to reach out to you, going have to penetrate those voters. but a palpable message to convince them to come back to the republican side. we lost a quite a few of them in 2020, we lost a quite a few of them over the past two years because of reproductive rights, we're going to have to gain some of those voters back and i'm not certain talking about this, focusing on these issues as a party writ large is helpful. what i think the party wins on all of the other syllable a policy front and bakari on that point, because look, there has been some criticism from republicans that that kamala harris is just writing out campaign stops as she hasn't faced tough questions on some of those positions that have changed from when she was running for president previously to now, how do you combat that perspective and less than 100 days out, how much does she need to she's going out and meeting people where they are. >> i mean, she she was last
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night in houston with the sigma sigma gamma rho today, she's speaking at the funeral of sheila jackson lee. you saw her in atlanta, georgia next week. she's going to the voters in every single swing state that there is with our vice president look, if you want her to sit down for an interview, i hear you but the fact is she's actually going out where it matters. we have 100 days and she's going out to meet voters where they are in terms of her record. look, it is what it is. i mean, she has grown a lot since 2020 her record also encompasses the successes of the biden administration. her record also encompasses our successes as attorney general and district attorney and when she comes out and she says that the person who killed, if you want to talk about the border, the person who killed the toughest immigration bill that we've had in recent history was donald trump. and she's going to sign and that bill on day one, she's going to codify roe on day one. she's going to do things like make sure that she doesn't raise taxes on individuals who make less than $400,000 if you want to have a
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policy debate, shermichael, i wholeheartedly agree with you but tell you boy to show up on abc on september 10, and we can have that policy debate because right now he hasn't agreed to it and shermichael, i certainly would not advise him to agree to it. >> i don't think there's a whole lot of benefit for the former president to the bag vice president areas. i'm just being honest i think he needs to stick to the issue. of his voters and we'll see what happens because in november and look, shermichael on the point you were making earlier. >> i mean, look, that's something even speaker mike johnson has talked about essentially telling members to stop this line of attack here. so if you're, if you're strategizing with trump's team right now and you've already seen him doubled down on it. so i'm sure you'd have told him not to do that but but what is the first legitimate move that you do moving forward to try and make inroads with some of those voters that you know, are going to determine the election the campaign for the most part has, i would argue, been somewhat effective on releasing
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some ads really hitting the vice president on the immigration front. >> that's still like a top two, top three issues you offer voters? we know that the academy cost of living is a big deal. i'm looking at what's occurring in venezuela right now where maduro i'm wondering if we'll potentially see individuals leaving their tipton to come to the us that could make immigration a bigger issue maybe 60 days out i'm looking at what's going on with israel potentially, i ran now, college students will be back on campus in a couple of weeks. we'll those protests come back. i think that's another vulnerability for the vice president. i think there are a litany of things strategically speaking, that republicans, former president should be focused on in terms of policies that i think omar, we've seen him for about a year now. for a lot of the poll numbers, voters say they trust the former president on a list a litany of these issues, a litany of these fronts and yet again, here we are recurring. i haven't to talk about these issues that are debating each other on why republicans versus democrats are better or not as great, on certain topics that's what i think the american people actually want yeah. >> and we will see if it gets
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to that point right now. we are we are still very myths very much in the middle of arguing about who was black and when. but it will potentially change a little bit later on. bakari sellers, shermichael singleton really appreciate thanks. >> omar never thought he would never have to say arguing about who is black it comes to our lives and politics today. let's focus on this now. another big day is underway in paris as team usa goes for more gold in several events, simone biles will compete again today, this time in the gymnastics individual all-around final oh, she's hoping to add to her now eight olympic medal count, five of them gold medals. team usa's katie ledecky is also back in the pool today for the four by 200 meter freestyle relay. she won her eighth swimming gold and her first gold of these games with a record setting performance in the 1,500 meter freestyle yesterday, she won that race. you know, this is like milliseconds is how people win in the olympics. she won that race incredibly with a lead of
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more than ten seconds unreal with these games, you may start rendering, especially when it comes to simone biles and katie ledecky, how do these athletes do this? are they just superhuman? the answer is yes, but then there's dr. sanjay gupta, another superhuman jumping into this is kind of leaning into this question for another episode of your chasing life podcast. and it's one of those things to compete at this level. we're showing these amazing images cycling through in the wall. >> you clearly have to be at top hit peak physical condition, but there's a mental component to it as well. >> sanjay. and this is what you're exploring. >> yeah. >> first of all, i mean, katie ledecky. i mean, that is just next level. right. i mean, so no matter what no matter how you analyze his physically or mentally, that's just next level. >> but i think the point that you're making is a really important one. >> you have these really, really highly trained physical athletes, what separates them now on the world's highest state? age, yogi berra once
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said, you can't hit and think at the same time. >> he was of course, talking about baseball. >> but i think it applies here as well. how you actually, just in some ways compartmentalize and performance and the world's highest stages is a pretty remarkable thing. mentally dominique dawes gymnast, part of the magnificent seven 71996 olympics. i got a chance to interview her for the podcast. really fascinating. she was 19-years-old when she was competing at that 0.40 thousand people, she'd never really done anything with that sort of size audience before she had a lot of things going on at home or parents are going through this divorce. she was trying to compete and what she had to do was compartmentalize. she knew she could do things physically, but then it was a question of almost learning how to turn the mind off, listen to what she said how do you navigate that sort of pressure given everything that we've just talked about, you know, your
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previous any earlier stumbles, things like that. what do you do is is it a physical sort of navigating and the pressure is it on mental? >> it's all mental at that point at the olympic games physically, you already know what to do. your muscles have memory phrase, you've done those tumbling passes, that dance routine, thousands and thousands of times. you don't want to overthink things. so it becomes very mental where you don't want to over analyze things. my coach us always say analysis paralysis. i would try to overthink things and need to control things, but i had practiced so many hours and days and years there's in the gym that my body already knew what to do. it just needed to go on auto-pilot yes. >> so that's the thing. again, they have to really count on the fact that their physical preparation is adequate. but their mental preparations, what it takes, i'll tell you something interesting. the cognitive scientists i spoke to about this, kate they said that many of these athletes, when it comes to swing, for example, they've broken these records in their home pools away from
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the huge crowds. the question for them is can they replicate that same thing when they're actually at the olympics? >> and then what happens when this mental component slips and what are the tricks? it's easy to say compartmentalize, but how everyone chokes. that was another theme that came about in the podcast. these cognitive scientists say it happens to everybody. everyone will choke in some ways. so you have to prepare ahead of time to try and reduce the chances of choking as much as possible recognizing that it happens even to the world's best athletes. but i think there was some real lessons in here. i think for athletes, but also for everyone else in terms of preventing that. the key again, don't overthink things are prefrontal cortex tends to analyze every single thing in some ways, you're shutting off that component of your brain there is something known as the recency effect, which can go both ways, meaning that if he
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had just had a great play, you're going to remember that great play and try and replicate that. but if he had a terrible play, that can start to overwhelm you as well. so having a next play mentality that's really important. reflect on the loss. actually spend a little time reflecting on the loss so that you don't actually get to overwhelmed by it in the future. and then finally practice how you play. if weather in your pool at home or, you're on the olympic stage, you've got to practice as if you're on the world's biggest stage. >> another line of work that i've, that i've seen is amazing. it compartmentalizatio n because of the high stress that they are in all the time, surgeons, physicians, doctors, especially neurosurgeons, a genius, a giant like to think about things though and in my brain it's just autopilot. >> it's great to see you, sanjay. thank you so much ed reminder. >> you can hear more of sanjay's chasing life podcast available wherever you get your ballot coming up for us, the terrifying moments a totter
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extreme, radical left lunatic. everything about kamala harris rollout it's phony and it's fake. did you see when president, obama and michelle gall to just say, hello, hello and it's clearly not a one-off trump doubled down on this on social media and j.d. >> vance backed him up on the personal attacks that his own rally yesterday, which makes this headline in the new york times today all the more interesting my fellow republicans stop the trash talk, joining me now is the author of this new york times bestselling article, filling a good governor. chris sununu, it's great to see you good to be here. let me read your own words to yourself, to you because you literally wrote this piece is essentially saying like capital letters, stop, yeah, to your party. here's what you said. the path to victory in november is not one through character attacks were personal insults. in fact, those attacks won't bring a single new voter on board catchy one litre is calling
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vice president harris a bum, not a serious person. and bottom of the barrel might rile up the base, but they do nothing connect with independent voters meeting to close the deal in november and you say it's not just distracting it's just wasted time. it's time lost but, but, but, but, but, but but you have said many times before, no one can get donald trump to do anything. yeah. >> so yeah, unfortunately, we know that right. nobody can tell donald trump what to do or what to say i were to tweet the one thing on my hope is, and again, this is all based on one thing, winning, this? is about elections, this is about winning and i want republicans to win but the one thing he will respond to maybe he is polls, right? because if i've sat with him before and he'll spend half the conversation more. what am i poll numbers where the polls, what are you hearing the polls pulpal. >> so if he can't, he has to be seeing the poll numbers slip. >> and so my messages, there's so much to win on. there's so much to announce when you talk about policy, immigration, inflation the issues that americans care about, just connect with them on that. and this thing is extremely winnable. but he's, he's got to
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get back to it but i was looking back at our past conversations. >> i mean, you just said in a conversation you had this weekend, you were asked what would you say to those people who said harris was a dei hire? you were asked as justice week and you said that is not helpful at all? let's say the least, that's exactly your point in this piece but if 2024 does look like in terms of the commentary on the campaign payroll, you campaign trail and what voters are going to end up hearing no matter how often you talk about the issues or a surrogate talks about the issues. if it looks a lot like 25th in 2016 and 2020, 2019, 2020 what does that mean for you guys? >> if nothing changes, you're going to hand it something over to vice president harris, who frankly it hasn't earned it on the issues. i don't think she's ended on the issues. i think hurd ministration is extremely problematic. lord knows, i've said a lot of things about donald trump. i stick by every one of them. i'm going to vote for him. i think a lot of us are going to hold our nose and vote because i want a republican administration that believes in less government and local control and all of those
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things. so we need to win. the message isn't just for donald trump, i don't i have no misgivings. i don't think donald trump's going to sit there and read my op-ed. but for the surrogates for the other governors, for the other candidates right? you know, we've talked about j.d. vance, right that he's a heat seems to have he's young. he seems to have surrounded himself with folks that say, hey, kind of be like trump, be trump light. but he is, he's missing again, that's the time lost. an amazing opportunity in the next hundred days to connect with folks on his lived experience, which is pretty amazing by the way. poverty these are issues that people are really struggling with. tab somebody, the white house that has lived those kind of struggles and have made that connection. but they're missing out. they're missing the opportunity. so get back to the issues and win this thing. on j.d. >> vance i want to play it was it was interesting yesterday when when trump was at nabj and he was asked about the things jd vance's saying the childless cat cat ladies kept people's because that polling it is that up in a poll, childless cat ladies, that a top issue for americans. i
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haven't seen it yet, but obviously it's not going to make it maybe it should be talking about but what it does is it speaks to it speaks to what, what is he saying in the past? what are his priorities? and how if they're going to personally attack kamala harris are going to get it back at them, right? donald trump is asked about j.d. vance and his attacks on people. and i want to play what donald trump said in response. i want you to help me decipher, decipher it i've always had great respect for him and for the other candidates to, but i will say this and i think this is well documented. >> historically, the vice president in terms of the election, does not have any impact. i mean, virtually no impact. you have two or three days where there's a lot of commotion as to who like you're having it on the democrat side, who it's going to be. >> and then that does down and it's all about the presidential pick is not a ringing endorsement of this guys really going to help me push it over that thing you think there is a universe of
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possibility he would be reconsidering? >> no, no. >> you can't reconsider him at this point note, nor should he a variety of reasons it would create division within the party and it would it would not build that momentum and unity that they carried to the convention. i actually agree with him in that point that it's very rare that a advice presumably, it's interesting. it's media fodder. they want exception, believe it or not is vice president harris's potential pick if she were to pick josh shapiro, let's say in pennsylvania, now, pennsylvania is really in play and that could actually bleed over to michigan. those are huge swing states. if she can win back those states. now the republicans are really in trouble. it's one of the few examples, but for the most part, we know trump. if you're with them, you're with them, if you're not, you're not there's about 10% of the voters out there that is still undecided. this democrats that i've talked to directly that have said, look, i've never voted for donald trump and i want to change with this administration, but he's making it so difficult. and that's what really drove me to do this. i was at the gym working out and had a bunch of people say, we've never voted, we want to vote for the republicans and they're taking, after that because it's this barrier. they can't
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get beyond, which is understandable on the personal attacks. so i think that they can he can clean that up capitalize on the next hundred days, not miss every day matters, right? i mean, the clock is ticking here, guys, every single day, man, because it's not what people would like to say that i actually heard you say it to, like, after labor day, it's whenever we head back to school, school were back in full swing. that's when people are going to pay it. that's right. this time feels different. people at the earliest voting starts in september again, the democrat party just, you know, they push biden out i think there's going to be this honeymoon period of about 30 days. >> i think the democrat convention will be fairly unifying. >> i'm stopping there because you're about to give me your crystal ball predictions because i actually wanna go back to one of your pal that's crystal ball predictions. do you have a scary history of predicting the future on the show while you were on the show, i would like to play one moment when you and i were speaking when i was at the i was at the republican convention, you decided to not come to milwaukee, but he did say this. listen soon as the conventions done around monday, tuesday, all the attention is
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going to focus right on joe biden. so i still very much believed biden will not be the nominee. kamala harris will be there. and my warning to republicans is, don't take that for granted. that's not an easy race. if kamala were smart, she's going to pick a democrat governor, like a shapiro or andy bashir is something like that that was the thursday of the convention. >> the only thing you got wrong was it wasn't monday or tuesday when joe biden, step decided it was sunday. was about 24 hours, which is, you know, you've not allowed to come back again until you get it right. so what is your first of all say now, realistically, neck and neck race a post the post day? >> yeah, it we'll get back to issues. vice doesn't harris has a lot to answer. her administration has a lot to answer for everything from immigration and policy. i still think that the democrats have a huge problem in that democrat voters voted for joe biden. joe biden didn't want to get out for this race clearly, but took three phone calls on thursday and all of a sudden he was pushed out. which when you talk about threats to democracy, i
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mean, you have a couple of leads in washington that said, we understand the voters voted for you, mr. president, but we don't think they got it right. i'm going to push him like i've been no, no, no, no, not like that. >> but i am i'm concerned about the precedent doesn't that tell people don't bother voting? a couple of leads will decide right before, right around the convention who the nominee really should be. that's a concern. we want people to vote. i want everyone to vote. i'm not here to tell people to vote for donald trump over whoever you want, please vote, right? don't sit it out. it's a huge privilege to vote. but i am what i tried to do is explain what's happening on the ground and people saw what happened that well, that ain't right. right. nobody voted for this person. so it's not the only issue, but i think it's one issue that will come back to haunt them a little bit as you go down the path, as they tried to say, trump's a threat to democracy, it's very easy to be hit that ball right back across the net and say, whoa, whoa you guys just literally pushed a president aside when he didn't want to go back to the actual the issues, get back to the issues and you know what that's what americans want. that's what they deserve. >> all right, so you're not allowed to come back until after labor day, so now i can
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test her crystal crystal break. good to see you, governor. thank you for coming in. >> omar. >> i look forward to that test meanwhile, tricking concert goers with bait and switch ticket prices and junk fees this morning, those are the accusations in a new lawsuit against stubhub filed by washington, d.c.'s attorney general, cnn's matt egan joins us now. all right. matt, what are we learning from this lawsuit? well, omar, i hate to break it to you, but you me and millions of other fans are allegedly being duped when we buy tickets to games and concerts on stubhub least that's the claim in this lawsuit. >> and if it's true as the new york jets fan, i'd be pretty offended bended because that enough to sit through the games. the last thing i want to hear is that ai overpaid for the tickets, but that's fans. the allegations in this lawsuit they're saying that stubhub uses pricing tactics that trick customers specifically, a classic bait and switch scheme. then there's a countdown clock. we're the lawsuit says creates this false sense of urgency as an example, they looked at a recent us sure concert, actually an upcoming
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