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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 9, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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it's a whole of government approach. and they've been spending an awful long time years in the planning process to identify threats, identify the points of vulnerability in building out a comprehensive security plan as they did with the rnc. so it's a different application of security. but these these meds moments, these political rallies that are happening with significant frequency now and through november, the secret service has to readjust their model to never allow this to happen again last time we talked it was the transparency of the secret service. has it improved enough in your view? >> no, it hasn't. it hasn't because what we're learning is more from these videos than we are from the leaders of the secret service. and that is a problem we need to reassure the american public that the election is safe for our political leaders. and i'm just not hearing enough. the former, the current director is trying his best to get that message out, but it's got to be more forceful. >> jonathan wackrow. thanks.
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>> thank you as always for your expertise. thank you so much for joining us. the news continues right here on cnn welcome to all our viewers watching in the u.s. and all around the world. >> i'm max foster in london, ahead on cnn newsroom, hitting the trail both us vice president kamala harris and former president trump will be making their pitches to voters. >> today. few of them 90 days remain until the presidential election key players are making a renewed push for a ceasefire talks between israel and the mass. as the region braces for possible retaliation against israel and police are cracking down on peaceful anti-government protests in kenya will have a report from nairobi live from london. >> this is cnn newsroom with max foster with less than three months to go before election day, the us presidential nominees will both hit the campaign trail today. kamala harris and her new running mate, tim walz, will hold a
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rally the phoenix, arizona as they continue their week long tear through the battleground states on thursday, the two spoke in michigan where they rallied union workers, whilst trying to draw contrasts on labour with a republican opponents, harris has secured support from union leaders but workers are still weighing their options what we're talking about in this year election were saying we just want fairness, we want dignity for all people we want to recognize the right. >> all people have to freedom and liberty to make choices, especially those that are about heart and home oh, and not have their government telling them what to do he while donald trump is set to hold a campaign rally in montana later today after getting days really without a public campaign event during a news conference in florida on thursday, the republican nominee was asked by
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cnn's kristen holmes it was about his recent absence from the campaign trail listened to their exchange is not some of your allies have expressed concern other why because i believe can, because i'm letting their convention go through and i am companion about the latest cnn poll of polls shows harris and trump locked in a tight race. no clear leader there tied at 49% in a head-to-head match up that's an average of six of the most recent national polls look at registered or likely voters in the upcoming president until election. they're all taken after joe biden announced his decision to drop out of the race now, we have reporters covering both
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campaigns. cnn's kristen holmes has more from trump's florida news conference, but first, let's go to arlette sines in michigan for the latest on the democratic contenders and the on, off again presidential debate. that's apparently back on vice president kamala harris not to rally union workers as she's looking to build up support among rank and file union members heading into november's election, harris capped off a two day swing through detroit with a stop at a local uae w union hall talking about how she is supportive of collective bargaining and wants to see fairness for workers in their contracts with major companies. >> it all comes as harris is trying to draw a major contrast with trump when it pertains to labor issues, her new running mate, minnesota governor tim walz, also spoke very bluntly about the contrast between the harris campaign and trump. take a listen. though. >> we know that unions built the middle-class, the rest of america asked you, you know,
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who doesn't believe that donald trump this guy doesn't know the first thing about unity or service. he's too busy serving himself. again and again and again. you've seen it. he put himself above us. he weakened our country to strengthen his own hand. >> now, harris, his campaign has earned the backing of a uaw leadership, but now she is facing the task of trying to earn the support four of those rank and file members, former president donald trump is also seeking to make his own appeals to working class and rank and file union members heading into the november election, the harris campaign has said they pled not plan on spending hundreds of millions of dollars across battleground states to directly appeal to union workers. those type of workers he key battleground state like michigan, but also in other blue wall states like pennsylvania and wisconsin, as harris is trying to replicate biden's victory in those three states in this november election. now harris, while she was on the ground in detroit, also talked about the commitments she's making
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relating to the presidential debates against donald trump trump, harris told reporters that she is committed and looks forward to seeing trump at an abc debate on september 10, but then she added that she's happy to talk about other debates that could take take place after that period. it comes after trump himself has said that he's committing to three debates, went on fox news and other on abc and won on nbc. harris has yet to commit to those two other debates. aside from abc news, but she has said she's looking forward to debating trump and laying out the contrast and their record and vision for the country heading into november's election, arlette saens, cnn, detroit former president donald trump, gave a very wide ranging press conference on thursday, speaking for more than an hour, calling kamala harris is now rival, barely competent, calling her names, attacking tim walz, her now running mate on the democratic ticket, but he's spent a lot of the time really doubling down on this new narrative that we've heard heard from the republican party. >> and that was part of why they did this press conference
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that kamala harris will not sit down for an interview that she will not take questions from the press here's what he said about this. >> she's not doing any news conference. you know why she's not doing it because she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do a news conference. she's not smart enough to do a news conference. >> when i talked to campaign officials, they did want i split screen of the fact that harris has not sat down with reporters, has not answered any of those questions, but there was also some news made out of this press conference, the fact that donald trump agreed to three debates with kamala harris, one of them being the debate that he had agreed to with president joe biden on ab et on on abc on september 10. of course, he had agreed to that. then reneged. now he is saying he will in fact do that debate. harris has not answered about the other two debates that were also proposed by donald trump for september. the other thing that was asked of him and partly by me, partly by other reporters was why he wasn't campaigning more why his campaign doesn't seem to have change. and he said that he didn't need to campaign, that he was leading by so much. >> but if you talk to his
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senior officials and advisers, they know that's not the case. >> they know that there's been a change in this ticket and in this race, given the enthusiasm, we now see around kamala harris and tim walz, the enthusiasm that is there that wasn't there for president joe biden. but clearly, donald trump getting under his skin, what do you seeing on the other side here with comma harris and tim walz, part of that being in the crowd size. he said there wasn't that much enthusiasm on that side when he was asked about the fact that there was all there was more bigger events for harris than we had seen for joe biden. he instead lashed out at the media saying the media inflated her numbers and downplayed his numbers the one thing is clear, he was out there, he was talking to reporters and he is definitely on the offensive, right now, as we are heading closer and closer to november kristen holmes, cnn, west palm beach, florida well, we're going to get to the middle east now where the u.s. >> qatar and egypt are leading a new push for negotiations between israel and hamas. they
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released a statement saying, in part, there's no further time to waste nor excuses from any party for further delay. it's time to release the hostages, begin the ceasefire, and implement this agreement. israel says it'll send a negotiating team to cairo or doha next week. hamas has yet to respond the entire region is on edge, bracing for possible iranian or hezbollah retaliation. against israel to the recent assassination of senior hezbollah and hamas leaders. elliott joins this is from here in london. i mean, all of these intermediaries, of course, are pushing for a ceasefire. but the question is how much impetus there is coming from hamas and israel? >> max look the pressure on israel and hamas to do a deal is probably greater than it's ever been in the past nine months since the last and only ceasefire came came into effect back in october. and so here we have this unusual joint statement from the biden administration, from president biden for from the president of egypt and the emir of qatar,
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calling on both sides to accept this ceasefire hostage deal in their words, to bring immediate relief to the long suffering people of gaza, as well as the long-suffering hostages and their families. and we also hear from a senior administration official telling cnn that it is time that the president biden's position is that it's time to close this and that although there are still gaps between israel and hamas, this senior administration official saying that the bulk of the work has been done and that the deal rarely is there. now, as you say, israel is going to be sending a delegation what seems cairo is likely to be the location of that is real and he delegation, we've yet to hear from hamas and we've seen reported all over the israeli press talking about how prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been holding up talks and even being criticized. and having blazing rows with his senior security officials. but of course the other slight wrinkle here is that since the
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assassination of ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political bureau in tehran. yahya sinwar, the architect of the october the seventh terrorist attacks, is now in charge of that element of hamas as well as being the military leader. he is much closer to iranian seen as much rather hardline and with more maximalist positions. and that in itself could also put a drag on the prospects of this ceasefire hostage deal getting over the line as it has not gotten over the line over the past few months when hopes have risen that we are getting close and it just hasn't come about. max, in terms of this retaliation by iran and or hezbollah is there any more intelligence on that we are definitely seeing an escalation in the rhetoric we talked just yesterday, didn't we about hassan nasrallah, the head of hezbollah, saying that keeping israel waiting was part of the punishment. >> he also tweeted out in
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hebrew, actually, just saying maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week prompting some gallery this humor from israeli saying that that's what they say when they're going to go on a diet or what the cable guy says to them. but obviously this is very serious issue and the region and israel in particular is on edge. we've got some kind of mixed messages. the iranian president and the conversation with president macron of france saying that if the west wants to prevent war than it should put pressure to get this ceasefire into effect. but at the same time you have iran's mission to the united nations saying that israel is going to be punished. and i think iran has certainly boxed itself almost into a corner in terms of the rhetoric that's been coming out. and it does feel obliged to retaliate in some capacity. but of course, the big question is, what will that retaliation be? where will it come from? and will it lead to further escalation from israel in retaliation for that? or will it allow the two sides to leave this for now? but
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meanwhile, the simmering war between israel and iran's maine's proxy, main proxy hezbollah continue can use sirens were just sounding the last 15, 20 minutes before i came on air, max and so there is still the risk that that could escalate as well, even if the iranian retaliation when it comes, doesn't lead to all out war earlier. >> thank you. my next guest is the author of what really went wrong the west and the failure of democracy in the middle east he's also a professor of international relations at the london school of economics. very pleased to have flowers judges, with us today. thank you so much i mean, the title of your book sort of speaks to this, doesn't it the failure of the west in the middle east, they're not getting anywhere near a final peace deal and it continues absolutely. >> i mean, i think the overarching lesson is that american diplomacy has failed american diplomacy in the middle east has failed to basically bring about the end of the war in gaza it has failed almost now to prevent a
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wider regional conflict. >> i mean, think about it, max. >> and the past and modesty, americans have been saying they would like, is he is ceasefire in gaza. they would like the israeli hostages to go home and they want to prevent the escalate and escalation that could really trigger all-out war now though the war in gaza has ended and we are now on the brake literally there is a race against time between global diplomacy to de-escalate an escalation that could really see a cycle of counter escalation and a wider war. and i think i know you've been talking to your reporter about the possibility of a ceasefire in gaza. i think the devil lies in the implement, implementation details this is really so my take on it, even though the statement by the american president and the egyptian president and the qatari calls on both israel and
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hamas to basically sign the deal on the table. i think if you look at the details themselves, you really think i mean, the likelihood, the chances are probably 40% and less as opposed to 50%. >> but the relationships are so complicated in the region, aren't they? we've got this looming retaliation coming from iran and hezbollah. how do they how does it come together? but a peace deal would happen in the middle of that. surely everyone's too focused on that well, yes. >> but i think now the americans are redoubling efforts to de-escalate because look, max, if you tell me what is the magical two words about truly to de-escalate the crisis, i would say see is far and gaza, once the guns fall silent in gaza the escalation will happen automatically. on the israeli hezbollah front and the israeli around front. i mean, there is an organic link
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between what's happening the war in gaza that has been devastated. i mean, what you're talking about really catastrophe in terms of civilian casualties, in terms of medical, in terms of i mean refugees in terms of 95% of the palestinian population in gaza has been displaced multiple times, not to mention almost 100,000 more than hundred thousand palestinians have been killed and injured. and the israeli hostages, of course you have, more than 100 israeli hostages that are still suffering in gaza. so the reality, i think on the table here is that this is why i see a bit of light, just a faint light that the, this escalation cycle between your after israel assassinated the top hezbollah commander in beirut and allegedly assassinated the political leader of hamas in iran. i think now there is a probably a much more better
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realization that the middle east really is a tinderbox, that this really could escalate and threatened not only regional stability max, but international peace and security, including involving the united states and britain. ym, in a wider conflict in the region if america does manage to get to the point where there's some sort of document to sign between hamas and israel. >> you're effectively asking benjamin netanyahu and yahya sinwar to come together and agree on that at the moment with what they currently think of each other because they blame each other for everything can you imagine them doing that? isn't that the final hurdle which seems insurmountable? >> i mean, i think you've summarized the overriding challenge. i mean, look i want to be a bit cynical, max, what does really benjamin netanyahu want he wants absolute victory he basically has bound himself by saying absolute victory, which is impossible. in fact, benjamin netanyahu as you are
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reporter, just mentioned, his security officials blame him for really sabotaging the deal over the past few months, he keeps introducing new challenges. i mean, if you want absolute victory, how do you basically sign for a deal about a ceasefire in gaza? and what does hamas want? hamas wants the end of the war because it wants to alleviate the suffering of palestinians and survive politically survive. so how do you bridge the divide between a prime minister who once absolute victory at victory and a movement resistance movement, hamas that one's really basically the end the war. this is the challenge without really finding ways to bridge the divide i fear that the implementation phase, once they meet on 15 august as the statement has called, on israel and hamas, you're going to we're going to be in the same, the same cycle of demands and counter demands by israel and hamas follow us as ever. thank
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you for your deep insight on this issue. >> thanks now, taylor swift concerts in vienna or canceled by an alleged terror plot ahead, details on the foiled attack and teens and the teen suspected of carrying out the violence, the alleged violence, at least the plan plus russian forces are on the defensive in the kursk region as ukraine pushes its incursion into another day, the latest on the fighting next i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> violent earth with liev schreiber back the bank episodes saturday at nine on cnn at mid mobile we'd like to do the opposite of what big wireless does. they charge you a lot. we charge you a little. >> they put their names on arenas, we put hours on my lower back. so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate are rice's do to not hating you. if this were one of
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hired to work at the venue. he planned to attack one of the suspects, got an application issue. they ago. >> he had applied for a job. >> he added officials, believed the teens had a three-pronged attack targeting one of the three sold out swift concerts for an estimated 65,000 fans each night investigators say the suspects plan to run over fans gathered outside the stadium with vehicle even obtaining a blue light for their car to mimic a police vehicle. then they plan to attack innocent concert goers with knives in machetes. and in the final stage each they plan to debt any explosives at the site. >> the alleged mastermind behind the plot is in 19-year-old suspect that lived in this home behind me here we're just an hour outside. >> vienna authorities say he has confessed to this plot in inside the house police say they found isis propaganda knives and machetes counterfeit
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cash detonators, and chemical explosives all three suspects were radicalized online by isis recruiters it's very worrying. >> we can see that in austria we have very young guys to are radicalized due to the fact that they are using the online propaganda that is proud from isis and also i escapee the prime suspect had pledge allegiance to isis. neighbors say his family was always reserved. >> obviously, when they lived very reclusive, lee we did not see them in their backyard or their children outside the contents. >> are canceled, but the swifties have filled the streets of vienna fans we spoke to say they disappointed, but grateful to be safe we make a we'll. be salma abdelaziz, cnn
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vienna now russian forces are trying to repel ukraine's largest incursion so far. in the more than two-year-old war russian officials say the fighters the fighting appears to be ongoing in the kursk region bordering ukraine and 66 people have been wounded according to the kremlin president vladimir putin met with regional leaders on thursday and said there would be compensation for those who were forced to evacuated some residents appealed for help on social media rejecting moscow's claims that the situation is under control. a ukrainian presidential adviser praise western allies who said they had no issue with the incursion with more on that incursion. here's cnn's clare sebastian well, this is now the third day of what appears to be an attempt by the ukrainian military to advance inside russia the first time we've seen anything like this,
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two-and-a-half-year-old war. >> and russia is claiming it now has the upper hand. the ministry of defense says it's brought in reinforcements and stopped the ukrainian advance. this video published by the russian ministry of defense purports to show a russian air airstrike destroying ukrainian armored vehicles. cnn has geo-located this to russian village in the kursk region near the ukrainian border. >> but unofficial accounts, including from russian military bloggers and other video evidence like this filmed inside a car, which cnn has geo-located to just outside the town of suzhou, also in the court region appears to show panicked civilians driving through deserted streets claiming at one point that being shot at that all suggests that hostilities are still very much ongoing official russian approach, it is telling far from trying to hide the fact that they failed to protect their border. >> that deflecting president putin accusing ukraine of indiscriminately shelling civilians, portraying russia as the victim of what he called a major provocation the white
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house, often given advanced warning about major operations, says it also knew nothing and will be seeking more clarity clare sebastian, cnn, london well twin sisters from kharkiv and jude untold danger to train for the olympics and the synchronized swimming. now, they're aiming not just to represent their country but to honor their fallen fellow ukrainian athletes athletes who, when they compete in paris, which is on saturday, cnn's fred pleitgen has that story it takes russian missiles only about half a minute to strike kharkiv in northeastern ukraine bible is tough year now imagine training for the olympics under near constant fire twins, marina and vladislav aleksey of on ukraine, synchronized or artistic swimming team. >> he started there were many bad instances in kharkiv.
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there's constant shelling almost every day. there are some explosion both during the day and during the night and sometimes the airline doesn't happen in time. yes. first the missile hits and then the air alarm sounds the pool facility scarred by two-and-a-half years of war, the windows blown out, temporarily sealed with plastic sheets it's nice young the practice sessions often interrupted by air raid alerts. >> the athletes evacuated to the bomb shelter. >> there was a test that yes, it has hit very often. >> we had to jump out the pool in our wetsuits and run to the shelter we stressed a lot and our training had to be interrupted kharkiv is only about 25 miles from the russian border. >> moscow's forces have repeatedly tried and failed to invade the city. but the toll on the civilian population has been immense. scores killed and wounded by russian strikes marina and gladys say, just getting to practice means
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risking their lives one day, we were on our way to the training and there was an explosion. >> there as you're not able to think in that moment, what to do go do you have where to go? >> we were too afraid to go onto our training, so we turned back home but the twin say going to the games in paris competing for their nation under siege is a calling. so great, they're willing to brave the onslaught. they see hear, and feel every day. and which impacts their preparations so much smooth, clean we will do everything in our power to represent our country at the olympics best way possible so this is a huge responsibility for all our athletes right now in these olympics, we are not alone the athletes we also represented ukraine and they say they will represent all the ukrainian athletes lost to russia's brutal invasion while voicing their anger russians allowed to compete in paris, even though there'll be classified as individual neutral athletes,
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had thought more than 500 athletes died during the war in ukraine during this full-scale invasion. >> and they won't be able to represent their country anymore at the olympic games meanwhile, the russian athletes are going and will represent their country. that terrorist state at the element thanks. >> fred pleitgen, cnn, london so it's come with the men's marathon swim final just coming to an end will recap all the stunning upset some comebacks yesterday the paris games fast. >> we have new police bodycam footage of the moments. why the four gunmen tried to assassinate donald trump. details ahead the democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on max what works just telling everyone by one pair get one free for back-to-school vision works. see the difference doug lima,
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free text. now news night with abby phillip tomorrow at ten eastern on cnn cnn has obtained new body cam, police bodycam video of the moment of police officers sees the gunman and right before the attempted assassination of former president donald trump but also
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the immediate aftermath at a campaign rally in pennsylvania last month. >> cnn's danny freeman has the story it's the moment we've heard so much about, see now for the first time on police body camera a butler township police officer asking for a boost to check the roof of the ajr building outside former president trump's rally. >> there's no audio in this video obtained by cnn. you can see on the timestamp, this is less than one minute before crooks started shooting the officer climbs up to the roof and almost immediately drops down. and the tone changes you don't see it on the video, but police have said crooks aimed his rifle right at the officer. he runs to the other side of the building to look at the roof. and on this officers dash cam, which was recording audio, you can hear those first three gunshots from thomas matthew crooks at 6:11 p.m. the officer rushes back to his car to get his rifle with him, shout to
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other law enforcement officers on the dashcam your head, he's right there. that to the officer's body cam close to retire around on me who want him chaos? in sudan. by this point, the gunman crooks has already been killed by secret service but it doesn't appear local law enforcement is aware you about bobby's laying down next doing over right after the gap he's got glasses, long hair. >> these videos provide new insight into local law enforcements, movements moments before the shooting and the frantic aftermath. since that day, there's been finger pointing between us secret service and western pennsylvania law enforcement, including testimony from the acting director of the secret service, asserting local snipers hidden in a building could have spotted crooks. >> i'm not saying that they should have neutralized him but if they had just held their post and looked left maybe and
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there's a lot of maybes are senator a lot of maybes but this new body camera footage also suggests local law enforcement had warned secret service. >> they needed to protect a building. crooks used the fires, the shots can told them we need to post the guys can ever hear. i told him that the secret service i told him that tuesday i told the post can guys over here i don't know what i know we're in i told him post thing guys over here. >> i wouldn't even concerned about it because i thought someone was on route. i look, that's going to lose a guy walked it back their wrote there inside coming just about ten minutes after the shooting took place. >> now, we did get a statement from the secret service on thursday saying that they are reviewing that body camera footage that was released by
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local law enforcement. and furthermore, they added that they appreciate local law enforcement partners who acted courageously he as they worked to locate the shooter, that day, danny freeman, cnn, washington, the special counsel's office, wants more time to prepare the case against donald trump in connection with the 2020 election subversion allegations. after a year of pushing to move forward now, in the wake of the supreme court's sweeping decision on presidential immunity, jack smith's team say they need more time to figure out how to proceed a, delay would mean any further action in the case could take place only in september at the earliest, a short time before the presidential election. a source said, the trump defense is happy to provide the extra time us stocks surged on thursday after new jobs data report ease investors fears about the economy first-time unemployment claims fell last week to just
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over 200 230,000. the blue-chip dow gained nearly 700 points or 1.8%. the broadly based s&p 500 rose 2.3% its best daily this year. the tech heavy nasdaq composite added nearly 3% its best day since february now, three north carolina children are safe and unharmed after they were rescued by the rally fire department on thursday, the kids have been stuck in rapidly rising floodwaters caused by tropical storm debby. firefight it's just we're able to pull them out and put them in a raft and take them to safety the storm dropped more than 15 inches of rain on one north carolina city. debby has weakened now to a tropical depression, but continues to bring flooding to the u.s. east coast the national weather service has issued flood watches from the carolinas right to the months. now, moments ago hungry took home the first medals of today, a gold and bronze in the men's ten kilometer marathon swimming
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final germany nabbed the silver. meanwhile, team usa is on top of the olympic medal board for now, the u.s leads the pack with 30 gold medals edging past china's 29 and bringing the american total medal count 203 now today is jam packed with gold medals being awarded in 16 sports including on the track for 400 meter men's and women's relay finals and host nation france will face european rivals spain in the men's football final, while germany the netherlands, go head-to-head in the women's hockey gold medal match. cnn's coy wire recaps thursday's dramatic scenes in france huge story lines in paris today, one of the biggest, the fastest man in the world, no allows taken down in the 200 meter final revealing afterwards he was competing with covid us track and field's said after the race that lyles tested positive on tuesday, they follow cdc protocols to prevent the spread allow said he went into quarantine but never considered not racing.
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>> he was wearing a mask the holding area ahead of the race, 100 meter champ finished bronze, laid down on the track. afterwards, medical personnel took them away in a wheelchair a stunning turn of events was a packed stade to france and went from roars of chanting usa. tell wows as lease salay to boho of botswana flew past lyles and american kenny bednarek, who took the silver winning time. now 19.46 seconds, fifth-fastest time in history least say late to bow is the first african ever to win the 200. and he's botswana's first ever olympic gold medalist. and she has done it again. american sydney mclaughlin, the roni breaking her own world record in the 400 meter hurdles with a time of 50.37 seconds. it was showdown final, facing the netherlands speeds to femke bol. she finished bronze, american anna cockrell took silver, but sidney went on to do something. nobody's ever done before in the event getting back-to-back olympic gold sydney mclaughlin of rania is now the most
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dominant in the event we've ever seen. she has broken the world record of mind mind-boggling six times arshad nadeem of pakistan stunned the world with an olympic record throw of 92.97 meters in the second round of the javelin final, it proved to be the unbeatable mark as nadeem claimed the gold medal and deeper india's neeraj chopra as olympic champ. nadeem is now pakistan's first olympic medal winner since 1992 finally, the united states men's basketball team survived a huge pretty scary erase a double-digit fourth quarter deficit to be serbia and nikola jokic 95-90, one earning a spot in the gold medal game. steph curry scored a game-high 36 points. lebron james tally the triple, double, the united states will face next host nation, france in the gold medal game on saturday, a rematch from 2020, paris will be rockin thanks to coy, then i'll police in kenya, face anti-government protesters with flashbangs and tear gas will
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have a closer look at the crackdown in nairobi the, russians were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them this is a secret war. secrets and spies now streaming on max sabri's, have you tried these new fabrice carbon clips, the new intensity dog gives you total control. >> like it turned it up that's good for turned it down. nice and light. >> enjoy 40 days of freshness your way around. their back verizon small business days are here. august 5 to the 11th get a free check jack, and special offers like a free 5g phone when you switch don't miss out, get started today i told myself i was okay with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms but just okay. >> isn't okay. >> knows done suddenly, if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel.
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now where more than 170 anti-government protesters were arrested on thursday, according to cnn affiliate citizen tv these fired tear gas and flash bangs at people who were peacefully protesting in the capitol after they took to the streets for an eighth week it started as a protest against a finance, finance bill, which president william ruto has since withdrawn, but has evolved into a movement against corruption. >> the high cost of living and police brutality, cnn's larry madowo has been on the scene in nairobi there is nowhere to escape to this tear gas and flash every direction. >> you turn even though the constitution you got a. >> guarantees the right to protest that's the scene everywhere with police violently disperse the
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protesters shooting in the air, flashbangs making the whole city like a warzone as we're doing this, we have to get out of here right now this is literally nowhere to escape okay? we do fabz. we have to run from their can get to safety kenya is not a part promise to so many have been killed, so many continue to be abducted not a single police officer has been held to account protests on the streets for at least two weeks we've been hearing a lot of flak us banks, a lot of tear gas in the air. police shooting in the air throughout the day, trying to disperse these were unhappy about the government of president william ruto. they're unhappy about the fact that he fired a cabinet after public pressure. but then reappointed half of the cabinet back to
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their positions and telling the president you had the perfect opportunity to fix this nation but you've refused. i voted for you but he i am i've lost faith and trust in new so you feel that the president is not listening? i don't feel he is not listening. everyone is tone deaf nothing will get to him. this maybe this will get him to listen. yes. the demonstrations wants to be rush-hour, but the streets and everybody are completely empty because police have made sure that no protesters gathered that is directly in contravention of kenyan law that allows protesters to peacefully gather and that's one of the reasons whether been so angry about this heavy-handed response larry madowo, cnn, nairobi. >> as larry was reporting, that federal police fired tear gas canisters in his direction. larry is okay after being hit by a fragment on his face, take a look. >> one of the reasons why the
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protesters are so angry that police were not uniformed who are who did covering their identities masking their plates are on the treats applying excessive force on largely peaceful protesters and then as we were just speaking, as a leaving the, fight even more that was aimed directly at me he is aiming directly at me. he's aiming directly at me he's shooting directly at me why are you shooting at me? why are you shooting at me? why are you shooting at me? >> another flash bangs. and what's out he's still shooting the police shot. at least two.
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tear gas canisters directly at me while i was looking at them i close range while we have reached out to the authorities, they haven't responded paris cleaning up after well see me out with a sen. assuming but will the provisions take the plunge? >> that's the idea. it didn't mix will explain the story when we come back five good things. listen wherever you get your podcasts. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like number one chef, dad cooking up a free hot breakfast for the entire family and a comfort hotel. >> mom made this i added the garnish stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you booked direct? my grandfather's run meyer, the hat or for over 75 years now 99-years-old and he come five days a week. if we let him shape his reign to college, nice, had to swell
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might replace might be placed close captioning brought to you by rula law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rula, at rubella everybody sees the deals on top before their car sounds with suge alleges the crew of a doomed submersible. >> new, there are about to die in the moments before the titan imploded in june 2023. but $50 million the lawsuit accuses the sub's operator, oceangate's, of gross negligence. the lawsuit was filed by the family of a french explorer, paul henri nargeolet. he was amongst five people who died during the sub's failed dissent to the wreck of the liner, the titanic an attorney for the family says they want answers. the spokesperson for the company declined to comment paris is determined to make the river seine safe to swim in on a regular basis once the olympics
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have finished for the city, the way to go to convince its residents to take the plunge cnn's saskia van dorn explains this, isn't the sense region pulled off in the summer the olympics, promised to make the sense didn't say for swimmers, just like this canal would you still want i wouldn't drink but i think you said regions consuming these canals but the city is looking to open three new spots in the river sand next year. >> and legacy of the olympics they can come from a different water sources. said, it dates back to napoleon and it was only open to swimming in 2017, but it's also tested day for pollution and bacteria he is right that would you get in it if you could i don't think so because i'm afraid them to seek blonder so how long does
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is all that malloc, not welch on, maybe i need to search these helmets and everything. but look, was a swimming pool not always the best thing two giant pandas made their first official public appearance at the san diego zoo on thursday, the pair of first-round pandas to enter the u.s in more than 20 years as part of china's panda diplomacy program crowds lined up for a chance to see the pair on this opening day and the state's governor declared thursday to beat california panda day so what's a teacher in california supposed to do when a bear began to roam around her school while this is what she saw when she opened the door to her classroom. >> would you believe since her name is elaine summer when she might have had extra reason to worry, it's not clear how the beast seems pretty friendly, but salman said, the intruder charge towards her, so she quickly lock the door. if
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finally round back to the mountains after she cold in her husband to help shore enough, the bear found snacks that had been hidden away in the case of an emergency, fortunately, didn't have a taste for salmon. the lane salmon kind anyway, that wraps up this hour of coverage. i'm max foster in london. i'll be back with more cnn newsroom i would precede joining us from paris after the break he democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on a couple of choose asleep
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