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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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- today, 9 million kids in america are considered food insecure, meaning there may not be a lot of dinner at the dinner table. help change a kid's life. support your local food bank. the more you know. must act fast. call now i woke blitzer in tel aviv, israel and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when he'd hundred 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 is cnn breaking news? we are starting with our breaking news. brazil's president saying that it does appear now that there are no survivors from this plane that crashed was 62 people on board
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and we are getting more video video, disturbing video. this is from the aftermath of the crash near sao paulo. you see flames billowing up from the site of the crash meantime, there is a new angle of the plane seemingly falling out of the sky. and before we show it to you, we do want to warn you. it's very disturbing to watch and could be very disturbing for a child to cnn's julia vargas jones is following this breaking news for us. julia, what more are you learning about this yeah look, we are hearing from people that live in that area of vignette are some paolo just how disturbing this all was. >> i spoke to the person that shot one of those videos that we showed, the video of her walking out of her living room. she says she was having lunch when she heard this noise that sounded like a drone and she
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decided to go out to her balcony to see what that was about and she saw the plane starting to spiral down. she said she just walked right back inside and should crowd. she said, julia, i didn't like i saw in the movies, you know, you're supposed to stay safe. you just you're crouched down and go under the table that's what she did. that was her reflex. you also brought her animals inside with her a started to pray that area that you see in the video that's her next-door neighbor that's where the smoke is coming from. where that's where the fire is coming from, at least a part of the airplane seems to have fallen there. she said that's what she saw, but right now, all of the streets are closed off. authorities are on the scene, firefighters, medics, police to try and make sense of it. all we did hear from president luiz inacio lula silva that all the 62 people on board passengers and crew, are dead or appeared to be dead. we're still waiting on more confirmation if there were other people injured when the plane hit the ground and we have now geolocated the videos
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that we've shown oh, we knew so we know exactly where that happened. but we still don't know the impact that that had in that community. now, the woman who shot that video, she told me right now, everyone is just praying that everyone is well, we know that this is going to have a massive impact and then the hours to come, we're going to get a better sense of what it all means. we do have a statement from voy pass, the airline that the airport airplane belong to. they said that they confirmed the accident, the occurrence of the accident involving that flight. it was leaving from cascadel patina. that's just one state over from some paolo. what rules where it was headed. that's brazil's largest airport, busiest airport that it was going to and it crashed just about eight minutes before it was supposed to land. so it gives you an idea of how close this city, this town of nato is to one of the major city of brazil. and just south of that, that's where president lula was when he made that
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announcement. very pass. said that they are using all means to support the people involved at the time. they said that they don't have confirmation of how many people were killed or survived in that crash. but as you heard from the president, were expecting everyone on board to have lost their lives yeah. >> and we're looking for news on those folks on the ground. obviously, this is a well populated area. julia standby for us if you could. i do want to let our viewers know that we are getting some new video in of the wreckage of this plane crash just outside of sao paulo. you can see this is just adjacent. i mean, really just yards from where this it's plane crash and you can see just how populated this area is. holmes very close to each other. so there is certainly a risk even as we know, that 62 people onboard this plane of dei, there's a risk, of course, the people on the ground as well have been injured or may have perished in this. and we are awaiting some information on that. of course, the hope is that as people did
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see this plane falling, maybe they were able to get some sort of mourning from their neighbors we don't know. we're certainly waiting for news on that. i do want to go now to cnn transportation analyst mary schiavo mary, the most disturbing video that we are seeing. and quite frankly, i think a lot of us, when we first saw it, we were hoping it wasn't real it is of the plane falling out of the sky. i do want to have you look at it and also listen to it. so you can tell us what you see in it and also what you're hearing. this is again, disturbing video. let's watch how are you analyzing that mary well, there are so many clues in that video. and just like you when i first saw it, i was i was
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questioning whether this was accurate or not, but you know, sadly, i've worked other crashes where this has happened. this is clearly a stall was called an aerodynamic stall. there's not enough airspeed and air flowing over the wings to keep the plant pain in the sky at this point where we see it in the video where the plane is falling, the pilots would have had no ability to control that plane, so they could not have directed at away from houses are populated areas when you're at that point in the fall you have lost all control and controllability and surfaces of the year crafting. we also heard your very good to note to listen because we also know that the engines are still running. the plane did not stall, did not lose its air speed because it lost its engines we've now also learned that throughout most of the flight the plane was flying in 100% humidity and below freezing temperatures, which is very significant for this kind of aircraft, which is something called an atr 72, which is not
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popular pain and the united states anymore because it had a problem in icing. now they still fly in the caribbean and other places. there's a smaller model called an atr 42, but there were a number for of crashes and accidents in the u.s because of the de-icing systems, there was criticism that they weren't robust enough that it didn't cover enough of the plane that it couldn't handle a tough icing condition so it's possible that there are two systems anti-icing, de-icing. so because of the weather information we now have people will want to consider that as well and pilots are trained to respond to the stall. but given that they were coming in, they were already at about 17,000 feet, so they must have been descending, getting ready to land. they might not have had enough altitude and enough time literally to try it recover, or one of those systems may not have been robust enough or might not have been working enough to get rid of that
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icing. and i've been an icing conditions in a small plane is terrifying. and you don't have a lot of choices if you're anti-icing deice can handle it, you can descend and try to get out of the eyes, are climb and try to get out of the guys. but if you're coming into land, you're just about out of time. i think they were eight minutes out of the airport is very close to the ground so mary, you mentioned because we were hearing the engine that you would deduce from that that they didn't lose their capabilities because an engine went away. >> what else could it have been easy, it but you're saying that it was just where it was and they didn't have any air. they could just couldn't control the plane because of how it was in the sky at that point well, we have one more clue and this is hugely important. >> some of the radar tracings indicate that the aircraft had been flying throughout most of its flight at over 200 knots to earn two knots at this particular point and remember just a minute after this happened, all took a minute for
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all this to happen to fall into crack ash it was going only 40 knots. i mean, not even a very small tiny to two-seater plane can stay flying. in most cases at 40 knots. so for some reason we know it had dramatically lost its, its speed. and that, that just won't keep this plane in the air we already know that as a clue as well. the question is why we know it was not the engines, they at least from what we hear on the tape because they were still running so again, it points back to icing, which is the most prevalent issue that has plagued this aircraft in the past. of course, we do don't know if that's the case and they were communicating with air traffic control because they were under positive air traffic control. this is a very big, very busy airport you can't fly without air traffic control there. it's not it's not allowed, not legal. so if
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they had time to talk to the air traffic control rollers, i would anticipate those tapes would be released fairly soon. but sometimes an icing, you just don't have time where as i always like to tell people you we don't have any rearview mirrors in the cockpit. so we have to rely on the instruments. you get icing warnings by the way, in the in cockpit on in most modern caucus pits, you do get those warnings, but given this flight was in moist conditions, 100% humidity and below freezing for most of the flight, i would have thought that the pilots would bet would have been aware that they needed both the anti systems and the di systems depending on the what they were experiencing. but i hadn't flight was in a flight where the icing came so quickly, it was below freezing the whole flight. but on coming into land, i this ice that accumulate on the wings was sick quick that came on very quick. and, you know, when finally on, the ground. thank
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god. and we are very close to the airport, so we didn't run out of time but when you pull the ice off the wing, it was literally like pulling off a frozen piece of heavy lace and you know, that really bus up your airflow. you need smooth airflow over those links to keep that plane hanging in the sky. and you just don't have it with that kind of icing, but we don't know if that's the case. she had the black boxes probably will give the indication if they got the ice warnings out the black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder. >> yeah. you're raising very important questions there, though, mary stay with us if you would, we're going to stay on top of this this plane has crashed in brazil just outside of sao paulo. it has killed 62 people on board and certainly questions about about what is happening on the ground because it did crash into a populated neighborhood ahead hitting the road, but into very different places how the harris and trump campaigns are run hang up support on the trail, plus a special counsel and donald trump's election interference case, getting his wish is the
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judge delays the first scheduled hearing in the case and remember, ugly monday on wall street, how the markets are feeling as we wrap up the trading week, those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central cnn news central brought to you by endless wings and baby back ribs that golden corral. the only one for everyone when i want to be inactive. so why don't you actually get good sister and get me somewhere about flowing on second. >> i'll be a director we'll get. you and we get some more lemon pepper wings on the scene and honey teriyaki. good know, how do you people call my people because i was offering 20% off any sub any size 20% is fine let's say 20%. >> i've served a foreign to eat your love, 20% of officer. the point is, any sign any size 20% off its subway we just want to have enough money for retiring and traveled to visit
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>> 185, 169 or $155? >> same room. same surface, just different prices it's really up to you well, nobody asked you this a perception. but that's exactly what you're vargo does. chavaga compares hotel prices from hundreds of books so save yourself valuable time money you chavaga, the pair hotel prices and save him for $30 or nine hotel. chavaga russia were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them. >> this is a secret war secrets and spies now screaming max the race for the white house taking place out west today, vice president harris and former president trump are both on the campaign trail in western states, harris and her running mate governor tim walz, are in the battleground, state of arizona zona, and they're holding a rally later today in the phoenix area. it's coming as cnn is learning that next week, president biden will make his first formal appearance
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with harris since he passed it's the baton to her. >> meantime, former president donald trump also back on the campaign trail for his first rally in nearly a week. tonight, he'll hold that rally in montana. it will also be trump's first rally since he recommitted to a presidential debate with harris it's so let's talk a little bit more about this with cnn senior political analyst and senior editor for the atlantic, ron brownstein and former advisor to george w bush, john mccain, john mccain mark mckinnon, he's also the creator of the political docu series, the circus great to have both of you here with us. thanks so much for being here mark. >> i just want to start first with you because it is noticeable, the tone and tenor of these campaigns. now that harris is at the top of the democratic ticket, are very, very different and we, do see trump getting back on the campaign trail. he's going to montana where a safe stay safe state for him in that presidential race. but that senate race could be a big one. >> what do you make of harris and walz crisscrossing the country multiple events a day versus the way that trump is
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campaigning right now. well, i just wrote a column for vanity fair today called don't the power of joy and i just think that this exuberance of this ticket is something that we've really never seen before. people are so hungry for to turn the page on. just the depressing, angry, nasty sort, of tenor of politics of the last decade really. that's something new and different is happening and it feels like again, a moment is now becoming a movement. and it's interesting that they're in arizona today, ron, i remember when i did my very first trump rally and it was an arizona in late 2015 jean and i went down there and there were it was the middle of the day, 110 degrees in lines around the block. but now that's happening with harris and walz. and so there's a very different thing happening, but it's happening with the harris-walz ticket now yeah. >> wrong. what do you think about the enthusiasm that
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you're seeing? what it means for trump and the fact that he hasn't been out on the trail so much yeah. >> look, i mean, you know, heading into the decision by the president biden to step aside, there was an enthusiasm, wasn't a gap. that was a chasm you know, in some polling, the share of republicans who said they were very enthusiastic about voting was 25 points higher than among democrats. and now that has narrowed and virtually disappeared. trump has a passionate base. i mean, there's no question about that and that base he has shown both in 2016 and 2020 that he can get that base to show up on election day. but there is i think what mark was referring to underway, which is when harris says we're not not going back that argument exists on two levels. i mean, the most immediate level she's talking about the rollback of rights on abortion and other issues that's been engineered in red
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states. and at the supreme court. but i think there's something deeper there too, that he's alluding to, which is that we're not going back to necessarily the highly lifted intensely polarized politics of the last decade. and that may help explain why she is polling so well among independents who have been pretty skeptical of the biden administration just as a desire to turn the page, we'll see if that can carry her all the way to november, but it's real yeah. >> and they're obviously trying to really capitalize on this ron and keep it going there. they're looking to the dnc, which is in what, about a week from now, august 19, i think is or around then is when it's going to start. and so you get that bounce as well. trump tried to make the case yesterday that he's not he's not out there on the campaign trail because he's going to wait till after that that he's ahead by so much, which polling does not does not show that should the trump should make trump in his campaign, be concerned that this bounce that this momentum can sustain itself. and what is kind of weirdly a snap election for
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america yeah. well, i mean, that's really important, right? so, you know, this convention i think is more consequential for her than for any nominee in either party, at least is bill clinton in 1992. and the reason is she is the first major party nominee he who was not an incumbent president, who didn't spend a year-and-a-half running around the country getting bruises and triumphs in primaries you know, i think both sides agree that impressions of her positive or negative at this point are pretty shallow. so there is more opportunity than usual at the moment of the convention tension to kind of draw on a blank piece of paper. i mean, what has to concern republicans is that her favorable ratings are now significantly better than trump's or biden's. with the convention coming up and the opportunity to tell her story to voters who know less about her than they typically know about a nominee at this point. now, the risk of boris is that republicans have been
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kind of casting around for how they wanted to describe her. but i do think they're heading toward a message of that she is dangerously liberal and weak and won't keep you safe. and so there is a lot more at stake, i think in the kind of back-and-forth that happens around the convention than is often the case. simply because impressions of her are some more loosely formed than they usually are for a candidate this late into the year. mark. >> this is a strange place for the trump campaign to be. i mean what oddity for them to be facing a candidate who just emerged and trump has said he's not going to change his campaign strategy. does he need to though? >> if he doesn't change it, then the outcome is not going to be very good. i mean, there's clearly caught them on their heels. they prepared everything that resources they're planning, their strategy for joe biden. and now it's a completely different script and the compressed time schedule is really interesting as ryan was pointing out, he
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went smartest guys in politics and he's right but i think when we look back, if harris wins, will it'll it'll turn out that this compressed schedule was a huge advantage for harris because again, as ron pointed out, they didn't have a whole year of battering and bruising. harris, which normally would have been the case and also they don't have their republican convention. they wasted that completely that whole time attacking the wrong candidate and now harris has had this, you know, this rollout and dominated nearly every single news cycle since she announced. >> and that's going to go right on through the convention where they will dominate coverage for, you know, almost a period of month going into september. >> so they're winning nine out of ten news cycles and dominating the coverage and so i think this compressed time schedule will turn out to be a huge advantage for the harris camp. >> it is a fascinating thing to watch unfold or ron brownstein, mark mckinnon, always great to see both of you. thank you. >> still ahead. 62 people are
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feared dead after a plane crash outside sao paulo, brazil. we have brand-new information abouout the flight's final moments the democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on bat someone needs to customize and save hundreds of liberty mutual wait, there's an elevator only pay for what you need labor day individual suvs for individuals imagine that get offers on select models of alexis golden opportunity sales event eight, ryan reynolds here for i guess, my hundreds meant to our show and then no, no, no, no, no i mean, it's unlimited premium wireless for $15 a month. me honestly, when i started this, i thought only have to be like for power there
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people who were on board, all on board, according to brazil's president, were killed. we did just hear from the city's communications director that it seems almost miraculously that in this densely populated area, no one on the ground died. that is, according to a city official that no one on the ground in this neighborhood was killed as this plane crashed into homes, their flight tracking data appears to show the plane losing altitude a minute and a half before the crash, we have cnn's tom foreman here to analyze what's coming in. tom, are you look at the ground is seen here. >> these are closest picture we have so far markable to numerous houses hit nobody on the ground killed if that information is correct, that doesn't do anything for these 62 people who were on board. four of them crew members. this is called an atr 72 because that is the that is the typical the complete load of the aircraft so they were almost full. they've learned from kasko violent on here, which is about a 12 hour drive from sao
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paolo of nato is just a little bit north here, probably from the regional airport downtown. and this is a regional carrier, if that's where they were going, this at least an hour-and-a-half drive. >> this is the big question though. what happened? it would have been in the position of approaching to land to some degree at this point. and you see it falling out of the air in everything i'm reading about this and what we're hearing from our aviation experts. one of the things you have to ask here is what was going on before this happened. i want you to notice this is a painful thing to look at a time like this but it's a real thing. there doesn't appear to be any forward thrust of this aircraft at all. you just see it falling out of the sky that way and it's circling around, it's also kind of falling much like a leaf as if there's nothing happening except the falling motion one of the possibilities here that i think they're going to have to look at is what happened a year ago in hey, paul, in a pall, there was an accident of a similar aircraft,
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same make. this is a french italian aircraft that came along in the 1980s similar may plane had crash in nepal. and what they determined afterward is that the control for the flaps which you must use to land is right next to the control that would feather the blades on a turbo prop like this. when we say feather the blades you can see the blades, sometimes their angle very much toward you, but, but at some configurations of flight, they want them very flat like this. that's what they want to do. but you don't want that at this moment? because that gives you very little forward thrust. in may paul what they found is that somebody reached for the believed the flap control and pulled the wrong one and it feathered the blades and they lost thrust. now does that explain it? we don't know. you mentioned that minute didn't a halftime there in that time. what flight control is showing is that this plane lost. it was about 17,000 feet. the landing area here there's about a half-mile up some put a 2,500 feet, something like that it
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lost altitude for about ten seconds pretty rapidly then it went back up for about eight seconds. it stayed there for about eight seconds. then came all the way down. is that is that consistent with what one would expect in a situation like this if that were the feathering of the blades, i don't know. he need maybe asian expert for that. but sir i mean, it's one thing they have to look at here because this plane was seemingly doing fine up until the moment it was not. >> all right. tom foreman, thank you for taking us through though. we do appreciate it so sad. jessica we're also keeping a close eye on wall street after what was a fairly wild week for stocks, the down slammed by more than 1,000 points on monday after that week jobs report. >> but stocks have since roared back, making up most of their losses seen as julia chatterley is here with us now, and julia, i know you've been monitoring this all very closely. what is the takeaway from this week good question. keep calm and carry on. if you're lucky enough to own a 401k and you were brave enough, i think,
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quite frankly to hold i hang on in there this week then you've been rewarded what's remarkable about the volatility that we've seen. we're actually going to end the week very clear host to where we began before that payrolls report hit on friday in fact, for the s&p 500 this week, we're going to end up more than 3.5%. it's actually mind-boggling. if i look at the markets now, i just wanted to say shouldn't don't disturbing thing because i do feel like we're snoozing into the weekend. it doesn't surprise me to see a pause after a day he lied yesterday where we had the best day for the stock market since 2022. remember monday was the worst day since 2022. just take a look at tech stocks because i've been reminding people to watch these ai names. i can show you the performance that they're going to have on the weekend for some of these, it's absolutely enormous. i think we'll be able to show you that that was what i was just mentioning about the full circle, but the tech stocks have had an absolutely blinding week, a positive week that makes me vaguely nervous that there's still volatility here to come. a case of perhaps
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keep calm and strapping, as well as carry on. jessica all right good advice. >> julia chatterley, thanks so much for that. we truly do appreciate it up next, we're going to turn to the race for president. were military service. now line of attack or retired marine who served with senator j.d. vance will join us next. >> so it was offered 20% off any sub any signs, 20% is fine to say, 20% i've stopped a foreign to eat your love, 20% of the point is any sign. sap, any size, 20% off its subway here we are driving down the road all of a sudden there's a crack in our windshield. >> you know what we can do now though? right now i say and we're good to go. >> i'll be replaced the windshield for you. >> could we go in there with you? >> new cars come with cameras that would control your automatic braking systems and lane departure, which do need to get recalibrated when you get you windshield replaced you get a crack in your windshield
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in his book, he was quote, lucky to escape any real fighting that doesn't make his service less than lucky. he says and luck is often what makes the difference in a combat zone or even a training mission that today is not your day. in a country were so few shoulder the burden military service should not be a liability. it should be an asset. and despite a recent years as a country at war, many service members haven't seen combat. that doesn't make them or their service less admirable or less necessary nor does retiring from the national guard after 24 years these kinds of attacks from the left or the right diminish the service of so many others who have served honorably who sacrifice time away from family, who put themselves in harm's way because the military is made largely of jd vance's and tim walz's there are two veterans on these presidential tickets to
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enlisted veterans at that. they have unique insight into what america's men and women in the armed forces and their families have been through and need and shouldn't that be the focus? this is a presidential race for commander in chief and so often that candidate or the running mate has never personally served, even as they vie to make decisions about sending people into dangerous situations. the fact that this year they do matters to a lot of people. it matters to me in a family where we're raising two boys who idolize their dads military service two boys who are significantly more likely to serve because their dad did. and if they choose that path it matters to have someone at the table who knows what that sacrifice means. joining us now is retired marine corps public affairs officer major sean haney. she was jd vance's officer in charge while he was in the marines, a major. thank you so much for being with us.
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we do appreciate it and can you just tell us? a little bit about your experience serving with vance and the kind of marine that he was yes. >> and thank you for having me. it's my honor to be able to talk about my memory all of memories, honestly, but the typically hear j.d vance? >> yes. and he was one of my marines at every inquiry you're station cherry point, north carolina. and it is, my honor, to be able to talk about his service and what kind of marine was he? jd was just one of the he was a such a smart murray. i got to know him right away, right before he deployed it was just great to be able to talk with him. he was well-read he worked with the other marines very well. >> we bonded a little bit over college football. it was just my job was to get to know them prior to deployment some
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marines were deploying, some weren't, and it was just important to me that we had some camaraderie and that we understood each individual's mission and would it be fair to say that you don't see eye to eye politically with him i wouldn't say that as a blanket statement, there are specific things that he and i have talked about that i do not agree with his a lot of his current politics that is true. >> and i'm on the record as saying that, which is why i thought long and hard and i felt it very important for me to speak about jd, the marine, and i was very happy to be able to talk about his service and any other conversations that happened between me and him. i'm absolutely in those private yeah. >> i think it's really interesting because you are making a separation between politics or some policies that you may not agree with and service. can you explain why you made the decision to do do that or why that's important to
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you absolutely. >> first of all, i 100% and proud of jd and everything that he's accomplished. he joined the marine corps. it's not easy not that many people do it. and i got to know him very well. i consider him to be a little brother i am very honored that he describes me as a mentor. i just looked at it as leadership. i saw all of the traits that he had. i saw that he had leadership abilities. he had just the ability to work well above his rank. >> and i tapped into that like i needed him to do a job and i called upon him to do but job and he did it well. >> so we have remained friends. all through these years because of that camaraderie that we established in the marine corps i've been able to meet his family, meet his wife and so it's just that's so important to me because i've also seen
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other people speaking negatively and it's just he is one of my marines and that's a phrase that has a lot of meeting. we take super fidelis very seriously. >> you certainly do in the marine corps i wonder what you think as you've seen, service attacks in this race, what do you think of jd vance's attacks on tim walz the biggest one seeming to be that he bailed on a deployment to iraq and abandon his men and the minnesota national guard in doing so even though the evidence does not appear to support that well and as you pointed out, i don't know. tim walz personally, so i can't speak specifically to his service record. >> i can go by reports. >> i know you had a friend of mine as well, daniloff on recently and so i was real saying that his reporting based on reporting and at the end of
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the day, here's what i say, and i say this across the board. service is service. if you raised your hand to volunteer to serve your country, and whatever capacity and enlisted officer reserve, active for years 24 years? wherever you were stationed, if you answered that call and did it honorably. that's enough. i want every veteran and these two veterans as well to stand on their record now that being said, one of my jobs in the marine corps was also doing service verifications, often for people running for offices or in offices. and i would say just make sure that you stand on your record, whatever that is and i've told jd that like i would be the very first one if i felt he was even doing a little bit of embellishment or exaggeration and he is not i would be the first one to tell him. and then i'd be happy to tell you that as well. so i
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would encourage the other side to do the same thing. >> yeah. sean, let me ask you about that because tim walz has said that he carried weapons of war into war. he did not what what do you think about that? what do you think he needs to do about that well, i would tell any veteran and i did i have in the past i've said, you know, if there's something that you need to correct correct. >> that record because it does matter to the veteran audience, a small misstatement if that's the case here, which reporting indicates it is then just correct. >> the record. and that would carry so much weight for the veteran community. >> it's something small. in words, but big in communication, right so again, i don't know him. i know what his record has reported to be. i can speak more confidently on jd's and i've also seen the
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criticism just going to point out that i saw yesterday where you talked about common back correspondent and that's important to me as well. and that's not just about j.d. vance. that's about all of my marines, but not just murray's. >> all combat correspondent in public affairs. >> murray's combat camera marines, graphic artist. all of those marines and other service members whose job it is to go where the action is, wherever that is, and to tell the story and those people, there's a hole in our public affairs school called difference information school of 130 heroes that served in that capacity who did not make it out of a combat zone. so that's important to me as well. that's why i'm here today to represent my marine j.d. vance, represent his service probably tried to send a message to all veterans, stand on your record. it's enough but also defend those of us
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whose job it is to tell that marine corps story and to go wherever that story is. >> i'm really glad that you make that distinction major because these are combat zones these are dangerous places for everyone who is serving in them major sean haney. thank you so much for speaking. with us we really appreciate it thank you for the opportunity and we'll be right back i got it. >> i got discover performance in rare form he got it. but she's delayed get offers on select support models and the golden opportunity sales event was at trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power we go to the fbi. >> what we gobi, i lost 35 pounds and some lost over 46 pounds when he go. >> and i'm keeping the weight
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1800 1871 to 3,800 violent earth with liev schreiber back-to-back episodes tomorrow at nine on cnn the judge overseeing former president trump's federal election interference case has just granted special counsel jack smith's request to delay the timetable. >> a hearing now set for september 5. now, this delay is directly tied to last month's supreme court ruling that granted trump substantial immunity from prosecution johnny joint, john e. jones, the third joins me now he's a former chief judge of the u.s. middle district court of pennsylvania, and is currently the president of dickinson college. great to have you here
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with us. thank you so much if you can first, judge, just tell yeah, it's great to have you just help us understand jack smith's reasoning for requesting this delay because it appears like they truly are trying to sort through what the supreme court immunity ruling means well, that's exactly right, jessica. and there has been some speculation that there is a disconnect between jack smith and maine justice. and i don't think that's the case at all. one of the things that i'm sure that jack supreme court decision on immunity, is whether to move to dismiss various portions of the indictment because the supreme court made it clear that there are certain parts that are clearly covered by immunity. and out of bounds and that's a threshold matter that is going to take some time so to sort through that, in and of itself, that's going to take time. the second is what do you want, judge chutkan to do? do you
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want her to rule on the immunity claims on the briefs? where do you want her to have an evidentiary hearing and they're going to have to puzzle through that as well. >> yeah. there's a lot to kind of sort through and unpack and it is interesting to see this contrast seeming contrast and judge chutkin, who seemed ready to move forward pretty quickly. when she got this case back. last week, she was trying to move it along and now has granted this request from jack smith well, i think judges typically jessica will honor concurred request. >> in other words not surprisingly, trump's lawyers agreed to the request and it's going to take some time, not just to decide as a threshold matter whether they want to dismiss some counts, but on the question of an evidentiary hearing, how do you conduct that? and that's an interesting exercise in and of itself. you usually don't see that in a criminal proceeding, but that would be judge chutkan taking a look at pieces of what the
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government's case is to put them in context i have to say as a former trial judge, that the he supreme court's decision is less than helpful it leaves to judge chutkan she she kind of it's like combining a salt shaker with a bunch of sand and saying, we want you to pick the sand gravels out of the soil. it's a monumentally tough call to decide what's covered what's plausibly immune and what's not. so it's going to take some time. he recognizes that jack smith does obviously trump likes that delay, but you gotta be careful what you wish for, because an evidentiary hearing could disclose some of the damaging testimony that the government would intend to present a trial all right. >> i'm good. important context there. thank you so much, judge. john e. jones, really appreciate it thank you, jessica, good to be with you.
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one have nice helium up, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come coming to eu 800 a31, 3,700 we're getting some brand-new video from northern pennsylvania where the national guard has now been called into help with flash flooding there you are looking at harrison valley. it's right there on the border with new york state pennsylvania emergency management officials say helicopter and boat rescues are ongoing. just look at those pictures. there. there are some reports of people who are trapped inside of their homes. and what you're looking at, all of this this is caused by remnants of tropical storm debby debby is like the storm that just will not get out of town to go away. and overstayed her welcome. >> she's on now road trip through all these cities and it is just wreaking havoc everywhere absolutely. >> we even had tornado warnings here this morning and the wins that it's just making its way the eastern seaboard. i believe


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