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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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started today at accustoming >> i'm tom foreman and washington. and this is cnn closed, captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money
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has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when he'd 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 new, opponent, same old playbook, its 2024 for the presidential race, starting to feel a little 2016. >> so we're going to break down former president trump attack strategy as vice president kamala harris endorses a policy first proposed by the trump campaign. plus bracing for attack. we are live in israel or retaliatory attack from iran could be imminent. >> a us carrier strike group and a guided missile sub headed to that region right now. and a future fear for the olympics, fewer cities could find themselves in the running to host the games as climate change threatens to torch cities, olympic ambitions. we're following these major developing i mean stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central and
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just a few hours, former president trump will go live on x speaking one-on-one with the social media platforms owner, elon musk, who promises, quote, an unscripted conversation station, both been aren't notorious for leaning into conspiracy theories and trump is back to using that playbook once again over the weekend, he falsely claimed a photo showing a large crowd at one of vice president harris is event was generated by ai. >> meantime, harris has seen a groundswell of support and stepping into the race just three weeks ago new polls have her ahead among likely voters in some key battleground states, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin now still important to note, these are all margin of error. race is no clear leader cnn's kristen holmes is here with more and kristen the former president certainly seems unsettled by all of this that he's knocked him off his game and we're seeing him go back to his comfort zone in a way with these personal attacks, what are you hearing?
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>> yeah. >> there's a lot of concern. it's not just the former president, it's also allies, donors who i've spoken to, who don't know what exactly this race is going to look like. and they're concerned at the way the donald trump is handling it. what they want is they want to see donald trump out there on the campaign trail visiting these crucial battleground states. they want to see j.d. vance by his side, and they want to see him focusing on a variety of issues that they think make the case for donald trump. and that's particularly about immigration and inflation. those are the things they've built leave the donald trump could focus on even heard kevin mccarthy today talking about that, that he should, he being donald trump should not be focused on crowd size. instead should be focused on kamala harris is policy particularly the fact that harris hasn't given out a detailed plan that but donald trump seems unable at this point to do so. he has been putting up these conspiracy theories on social media and is important to note this is kind of behavior we see from donald trump when he is in a position of vulnerability, he starts to listen to the people who are on the outer fringe of his orbit.
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and there are plenty of them who put this forward and then he promotes them. what he does in the next couple of weeks. that's what's going to be really interesting because you talk to the camera pain. they believe that harris is still on a bounce, that this is her kind of honeymoon period, and they think it's going to last past the dnc. of course, he's going to get a boost from that just the way that donald trump did from the rnc but where does she land and what does donald trump? do. in the meantime, because again, right now, he's not doing the things that republicans really want him to be doing. the reason that these people were getting behind him, particularly the donors instead, he's kind of peddling and these fringe theories which is really reminiscent to donald trump around 2020, 2016, the kind of behavior that we see from him whenever he is box jin to a situation like he's gotten to now, when his backs up against the wall. >> and so then that leads us to tonight. >> and this conversation on x, which he's not been on in a long time with elon musk musk has already endorsed the former president in this election.
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what's the thinking behind doing this? >> well, it also they have such a weird relationship, right? like one moment, they both like each other. the next moment, donald trump is trashing electric vehicles and then elon musk is saying he's going to give a bunch of money to donald trump that he's not. but that aside, there kind of centric relationship. there's a real belief among the campaign that this election, and i think if you look at either side, they both believe this going to be decided by a finite number of voters and the trump campaign believes that they have to reach out to those voters in non-traditional ways. and part of that might be doing an interview with elon musk, elon musk has a big social media following. these are people who aren't going to tune into traditional news who aren't going to follow politics in a traditional sense, but they are going to tune into elon musk doing a twitter spaces with donald trump. it's the same reason you saw him sit down with streamer aid and ross, it's the same reason he's been doing a series of podcasts and mma stuff. this is a group of people who are probably first-time voters, potential voters and they believe that those people would swing in
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favor of donald trump. so that's who they're trying to reach with these various kinds of events. >> it will be interesting to see what that conversation is like. nice outfit by the way i try always good to see you. >> thank you. >> brianna, or let's talk more about all of this with brian stelter, my former colleague. >> he's a special correspondent for vanity fair. all right. brian, you know it well, trump's preoccupation with crowd size goes back to the 20 2017 inauguration when he claimed his crowd is bigger than former president obama's even had sean spicer go out and say the inauguration was the most viewed in history, even though photos showed clearly that wasn't the case compared to obama's in 2009. and this is quite the running trend i like to say this is all our friend john berman's fault. >> do you know this story, brianna? it was berman at 5:00 a.m. the morning on the day after the inauguration in 2017 berman was on tv with josh
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rogin, a cnn regular. they were talking about up the crowd sizes and they showed a picture of obama's crowd versus trump's crowd. and the rest is history. so we can all blame berman. but now, of course, no, that's not the case. the reality is donald trump's obsession with crowds goes way back. it goes back to the days of the apprentice when he cared deeply about the television ratings and would send me messages but with his handwriting scrawled in black marker, pointed out the highest ratings work for the apprentice. it does seem to me that he spirals whenever crowds are an issue and i'm out with a new piece for the atlantic today about how he tends to tell people to reject what they see with their own eyes and ears when he feels the most vulnerable. and right now it seems vulnerable about the crowd size. in particular, yeah. no, that's really interesting. >> i'm looking forward to reading that. i also want to ask you about trump's interview and i don't know. that's what it is. it's kind of a conversation. i think he's going to be having with elon musk tonight trump is now back on x. now, twitter, ahead of this interview, how influential
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could good x and elon musk be this election i'm thinking about this interview more as a political advertisement. >> happy to be proven wrong if it turns out to be a hard hitting, probing interview. but i think it's probably going to be more like a free ad for donald trump because musk has been very promotional of trump recently it'll be interesting to see where they go, what direction they take this questioning. elon musk, recently said that civil war is inevitable. what a horrible thing. i think to imagine. but there's musk saying it's inevitable is that the kind of place he's going to take trump down those kind of dark roads or is it going to provide trump of space to recite the most? advantageous talking points for trump's candidacy, because that's what trump is doing today. back on the site, formerly known as twitter. for the first time we see his campaign using x to promote his border, talking points and other messages. now, it's clearly not in trump's voice because the message is trump post on his own platform, truth, social are much
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different, right? there are about crowd size, but the trump campaign is now back using the site formerly known as twitter. by the way, the stock for true social way down today, because it does seem like trump is now flirting with musk and that'll platform the new platform. >> yeah. no, it certainly important that you note that trump campaign staff have actually liked that he wasn't on x and that he was relegated to truth, social because people weren't paying attention to it quite as much as his rants have really been confined there. that obviously would not be the case if he is very much back on x what do you think the impact would be right right. because the reality is we're better or worse, twitter x, whatever you want to call it, it is, it's a media version of cocaine, right? journalists live on this platform. they live on x. they are following everything that happens and the platform has moved much more to the right in the mosquera. so there are many republicans are moderates who are on the site, who might listen and tune in and learn a lot from trump tonight, let's
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remember though a year ago, ron desantis tried a big campaign rollout. the launch of his presidential primary on x, and it was a disaster desantis had a very bad time. the platform crashed. so we'll see if musk is able to handle it tonight. i thought the interview with aid idan ross last week was interesting because this is part of a strategy for trump to reach non nontraditional media outlets and to reach voters in different places. trump with aid and ross said the kamala harris is not smart, that all the vp candidates are smarter than her, and those created negative clips that the democrats could then use against him. we'll see if that happens again today, this time on x yeah, that's the point too. >> is the stakes are really high here because this could actually be something that backfires. what does he need to do to stop that from happening? and if past his prologue is there any indication that he really can't i think if past prologue. >> he cannot. but there are many different versions of trump. you never know who you're going to get any given time. and i know one thing
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he's guaranteed to say, brianna, he's going to say, why isn't kamala harris on here? why isn't she talking to you? she's going to continue. he excuse me. trump is going to continue to pressure for harris to start to give interviews. >> yeah. certainly is. we've heard that a lot from j.d. vance will continue to hear that from the campaign. brian stelter. thank you so much, really appreciate it. jessica, after a battleground state blitz last week, vice president harris, taking some days off the campaign trail gathering with close advisers ahead of next week's democratic national convention. >> cnn's eva mckend is here with more from the harris campaign and eva, we he's told us that she plans to unveil her economic plan later this week when she's going to appear with president biden for the first time since she's become the presumptive nominee, what more can you tell us, jessica, we're all eagerly awaiting this. i don't know how much this will do to quell the criticisms that we've heard from republicans that she's running a policy thin campaign, but this is certainly a start she previewed this a bit at her las vegas rally when she talked about eliminating taxes on tips
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for hospitality workers, that of course, is a policy that former president donald trump also endorses and has been talking about for weeks now, just from listening to her on the campaign trail, she's had so many rallies all across the battleground states. she does talk about other economic issues. they include taking on price gouging banning hidden fees and surprise late charges, and taking on corporate landlords and capping unfair rent increases. so these are things that she talks about all the time. i suspect that these are going to be part of that economic policy vision. and in these battleground states, you hear voters talk about the high cost of living, talk about their communities, no longer feeling affordable. so she has to address those concerns. >> interesting when i interviewed pollsters who talked to undecided voters, they come back, they said to to rent and housing costs again and again and again as part of the economy more broadly you mentioned that the tax and getting rid of taxes on tips is the campaign saying anything about that or was that just
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kind of that was about the extent of it. >> well, they did add that ultimately this is a policy that would have to work in concert with congress. so this is not something that even if elected president she could do unilaterally. but you do understand why they're emphasizing this now, she needs to get worker support in battleground states. she got the support of the culinary union. they of course are so important in terms of being an organizing force. and she has to speak directly to those communities. >> all right, great reporting eva, great to see you not on the campaign trail for like a minute, you know, enjoy being home. >> nice to see. >> you still ahead this hour on cnn news central, the u.s. orders a guided missile submarine to the middle east and speeds at the arrival of a carrier strike group as an it ranin attack on israel appears imminent. we're going to be live from israel plus a police officer is said to be fighting for his life after being injured during protests in ferguson, missouri that mark ten years since the police killing of the black teenager, michael brown. we've got new
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details on that investigation and the fda has just approved a needle free the alternative to epipens. we'll tell you how it works. >> and who's cleared to use these stories and much more coming up on cnn news central the assignment with audie cornish. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts start your day with nature me, and try new zero sugar gummies suri, other courts right. to symptoms can be unpredictable. >> one day, judge, joyce hard next, it's on your skin. >> i got coast santa feels good to feel less joint pain swelling, and tenderness, back pain, and clear skin and helped stop further joint damage with cosine six. don't use if you're allergic to go sentence before starting, get checked for tuberculosis an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. some are fatal. tell
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ceasefire and hostage deal between israel and hamas. earlier today, the white house urged all sides to attend this week's negotiations after hamas suggested that it would boycott let's go to cnn's jeremy diamond, who is in haifa, israel for us jeremy, we should also note, as it seems like, talks seem just the progress or the potential for progress in talks seems really dicey. there's also news that hamas says that its soldier shot and killed one israeli hostage and injured two others. what can you tell us about this yeah, that's right. >> according to hamas's military wing, the qassam brigades to hamas guards shot and killed a hostage. they say that they also seriously wounded two other female hostages, although we don't have any details on the nature of the injuries were exactly how this happened, according to hamas, quote, attempts are being made to save their lives. that's the lives of those two female hostages and hamas says that they have formed a
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committee to find out the details of this incident beyond that, brianna, the details on this are extremely hazy. the israeli military for its part, says that it can either confirm firm norr refute this account by hamas, but it is looking into the details, the hostage family forum also says that they have no information about this incident. but of course, this just adds to that sense of urgency that the families of these hostages have had for so long now. and why they are stressing the need for a deal now, because every additional day that they are in canada activity, there are a whole range of risks that they face to their lives. and this obviously amplifies that. but at this moment, even as there was this big push by the united states, egypt and qatar last week to push towards a new round of negotiations between israel and hamas with talks scheduled for this coming thursday, the very factor whether or not those talks are going to happen is very much in question at this hour. first of all, because hamas yesterday said, cast doubt on whether or not it would participate in
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these talks. following an israeli strike on saturday that killed more than 90 palestinians, according to local officials. but in addition to that, we now have this new information that iran and hezbollah appear poised to carry out that retaliatory strike on israel, perhaps even before those talks on thursday happen. so that very much cast into doubt whether or not those talks will actually come true and more importantly, whether or not they could actually result in any serious darius progress. if we see a significant retaliatory strike by iran or by hezbollah, or perhaps by both of them combined. we could be much, much closer to an all-out regional war. then we would be to he cease fire. so very tense moments, but the united states, qatar, egypt continuing to try and push for progress on those hostage and ceasefire negotiations. but again, right now, that seems very, very uncertain, brianna. >> yeah, it certainly does. jeremy diamond. thank you so much for that report. live for us from haifa jessica, let's talk more about this now with retired us army major general
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james spider marks. great to have you here with this to get some more context and analysis around all of this, because obviously we're in a wait and see period right now as we wait and see what iran is going to do. but when deciding how and when to retaliate, what do you think iran is factoring in right now significant things that iran must consider is their inability or lack of desire. >> let me start with that. to engage fulsomely with israel i think they know with certainty, were they to do that, there would be a punishing response by israel against an array of targets within iran. that's number one. number two is they also have to spend time which i think they have over the course of the last week or so building up diplomatic support. so they're talking to russia, they're talking to china, they're trying to make sure india's in support, even our nato partner, turkey, has got a role to play in all this. so i think they're spending time ensuring they've they've
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really shored that up and then also, i think there are two additional factors. one is they're probably trying to move strike capabilities. maybe that's drones, maybe that's additional cruise missiles in closer proximity to israel through recall what happened two months ago with the strike long closure time of drone launched from iran, game if everyone in the region as sense of what was going to happen next and allowed air defenses to respond. really effectively and then the third thing is what is the internal narrative that domestic narrative that iran must send to its own people, which says, we are responding. we are a sovereign nation. we reserve the right to do this. so they're working and through all of those, i say those four factors pretty aggressively, but i think the most important thing jessica, is that iran does not want to muddy itself. it doesn't want to get its fingers dirty in a direct engagement with israel, we're talking about an
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expansion of a broader war in the mideast if that happens, it's going to be as a result of excessive efforts on the part of hezbollah. the houthis in the red sea may begin to try to distract and force other nations to move forces down there to try to keep the red sea open but i don't see iran directly in bejing. they're concerned about the punishment that they might, that they might have to suffer afterwards. >> and so i do wonder what role you expect those iranian proxies to play, because there is a thought that while iran is he's doing what they're going to do, that hezbollah, the houthis, others could also be participating. and what that might look like that you see that's the great, this was unknown, that's a great question here there could be an unintentional success on the part of the iranians via the proxies. if that makes sense to you. if hezbollah achieve a tremendous amount of success, tehran is going to have to
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underwrite that and be prepared for what's coming next. you could see we might be able to see hezbollah taking a very a very large step in the direction of trying to overwhelm the israeli well-known air defense capabilities. the multiple layers of their air defense capabilities and trying to create a level of havoc and israel the challenge with that, if it's too great, israel reserves the right to respond and has the capacity to conduct operations on what's known as multiple lines lines of effort. they're doing, they're continuing operations in gaza. they're continuing to fight against hezbollah they've got the capacity. they've got the ability. they just have to be able to pull the trigger if they're going to go after targets in iran as well you have the military retaliation that iran is working on. >> hear what other objectives are they trying to balance here as well? because it's, it's more than just militarily yeah
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i think the key thing for ron is a demonstration to their partners and then internally, that they have the capacity they have though. they have the diplomatic and they have the leadership will to respond they're not going to do nothing. they're going to do something. and then they're going to build the narrative that says, we are protecting our sovereignty. we are doing what we must do in order to be a thriving influential voice and the reason region that is i think the primary thing that they're trying to achieve, i think they understand there will be limited military success that they will achieve in terms of a military response. there doing this for other reasons and it is interesting to, to just kind of broaden out and again, see that through line here of their relationship with russia, with china. the moves that are being
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made, of course, russia's war on ukraine and it, all of it does kind of start to fit together in some ways it really does so absolutely. >> and we've seen this played out before. look iran exports about 3.5 million barrels a day through the straits of hormuz. and it goes to india, goes to china these are our partners of iran in this transaction that we are very much aware of and we understand that if we were to cripple that and guess what, we've got the capacity israel with our support has the capacity to go after the iranian navy if we wanted to. and that would cut down the support to the houthis as well? so we have to be very conscious of what those and those are intended consequences, not unintended. we know clearly what that ripple effect would be if this thing were to expand. that's why it's absolutely critical that there has to be a dip atlantic diplomatic effort to continue to move in the direction of
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these talks a ceasefire talks. my only comment about that is kind of good luck with that based on everything has been happening, right and we've got this new reporting that two hamas soldier shot and killed one israeli hostage and injured two others in two separate incidents. >> this is a spokesman for the qassam brigades saying this the idf has not yet confirmed that we have reached out to his really ortiz for more but factoring that into what you are already laying now in terms of thursday and what they what i think the u.s. and others were hoping could be a day where they could make a breakthrough it seems like a tall order at this point not not likely. you're exactly right, jessica that's not surprising. turn of events that hamas might be a brutal further the brutalization of these hostages. let's also try to bear in mind how many of these hostages are still alive? i mean, this is the unanswered question. israel is not going
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to do anything unless they can have proof of life. and if they can be able to get these hostages back, i think that's the tripping point in all of this. >> all right, major general spider marks. thanks so much. we appreciate it thank you, jessica. up next we're learning more about the ferguson police officer now fighting for his life after being injured during protests, marking ten years since the fatal police shooting of 18-year-old michael brown, plus new details about what caused this massive home explosion in maryland that left two people dead cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention. >> next monday at seven on cnn and streaming on bad you know, you only get one body might be the perfect size to do this
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support blood pressure, and improve heart-healthy rush to walmart confined total bce this is cnn the world's news network this just in a 4.4 magnitude earthquake just felt in southern california. cnn meteorologist chad myers is joining us. chad. what do we know about this and how does it compare to other earthquakes that they felt recently? >> it was a good jolt. i mean, from what i can tell and the people that i've talked to, it was a big jolt because it was right near pasadena. that would be the epicenter of that jolt. so it wasn't 30 miles away in some remote area and it was only about 7.5 miles below the earth's surface, which means there's it's not as much padding. let's say if it's 100 miles south or below the earth's surface than it has 100 miles of attenuation to get up to the surface. well, this
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was a very shallow quake, a jolting quake, and right, right now, 4.4, it was magnitude higher. it was like 4.6 earlier, but a lot of times usgs, the jail political survey, we'll take a look at these reevaluate the numbers. and so right now we've landed at 4.4, but i'll have more as this continues, not hearing about any significant damage, but it certainly would have rattled nerves and it would have rattled the pictures on your wall and maybe even the plates in your china cabinet. so yes, this was this was a shocker, i think as people were finding he just getting going here around lunchtime to 12 times though on social media, people saying that they live there for awhile. this one, they really felt this one. alright. chad myers. thank you. we're going to check back in with you later this hour. brianna right now, a police officer in ferguson, missouri is said to be fighting for his life after protests there turned violent. officials say that officer travis brown was severely injured friday night as demonstrators mark ten years
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since the fatal police involved shooting of michael brown cnn's stephanie elam is here with more on this. stephanie, the city's police chief is not holding back his frustrations. hear this news is terrible. what's he saying yeah he is very angry and you can hear it in his voice as he was speaking about this, brianna, what we do know is that on friday, which was exactly ten years after michael brown was killed by a ferguson police officer. >> a police officer who's no longer with the department, i might add, there were protests that were demonstrating peacefully throughout the day, according to the police department. but at the end, there were some people who started shaking the fence and then it became back and shaking the fence more and more at some point they start to break off parts of the fence and break through it and that's when the chief there said that he sent out some officers to go make arrest and one man they said charged officer for travis brown with his shoulder, knocking him back in. he hit his head leading to that brain injury. what we know about officer brown is that he used to be with the st. louis county
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police department, but joined the ferguson police department in january. and in fact, when you listen to the chief, troy doyle talk about officer brown, he had some strong words for people as he remembered, just how dedicated this man has been to being a police officer. take a listen this young officer travis brown, got into this job because he was inspired to do the right thing. he wanted to be part of the change he wanted to make an impact in our occupant. he's the type of officer did we won't in our community and what happens? he gets assaulted. i had to look his mother in until her what happened to her son and chief doyle also going on to make the case that the ferguson police department of 2024 is not the same. one of 2014 pointing out that there were three black police officers back then and now there's over 50% black
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officers there and that they've increased the number of women and the department. now making up 23%. he said in that press conference as well, so he's saying there's maybe for police officers that are still here that were there, then he's like, we've done the changes we are we have changed even changed their uniforms. he said so that it would be better policing being done in the community still when you look at the suspect, i can tell you the latest that we know about him. his name is elijah gantz, is 28-years-old. he's being held on a $500,000 cash only bond and he has five charges that he is facing, including assault on officer brown, briana so terrible. >> stephanie elam. thank you so much. we'll be monitoring this story next. greece asks, its european neighbors for air and ground help as a wildfire tears through neighborhoods just outside of athens plus, the fda has just approved a needle free alternative to epipen. so how it works, who can use it, and how much it costs this
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this is all that is left and a home outside baltimore after it exploded good on sunday due to a suspected gas leak officials say the homeowner and an electric and gas company employee were killed in the blast a neighbor who was inside her own home at the time was also injured, but already is tell us it's unclear right now whether the explosion at the home, which was listed for sale was intentional or accidental, and a tropical storm warning has just been issued for puerto rico, the national hurricane center says that a group of thunderstorms in the north for these caribbean will turn into a tropical storm, ernesto by tomorrow morning. and then just hours later, it's expected to hit puerto rico and test is already vulnerable the power grid, ernesto is forecast to strengthen in the atlantic, eventually turning into a hurricane. jessica the fda has just approved the first nasal spray for emergency, emergency allergic reactions that drug offering a needle free and pain-free alternate i mean, they have to epipens.
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>> cnn medical correspondent meg tirell is here with more on this and make this is obviously a major breakthrough for millions of allergy sufferers what more can you tell us? >> yeah, jessica, we've heard from doctors and we've been hearing from families who have been waiting for this because doctors say sometimes when a needle based epinephrine was the only thing that was available, people might hesitate or not be sure if they should use it. and really when you're in a life threatening emergency reaction called anaphylaxis. you need to minister epinephrine right away. so the fda has now approved the first nasal spray version. it's called nephi. you can see the device there. it's the exact same device that's used to administer narcan or nasal spray, naloxone for an opioid overdose. so you scored it up the nostril. >> it can be administered again if needed, into the same nostril. >> the fda has proved it for adults and children who weigh more than 66 pounds, the company's ceo told me on friday, they also are about to file for approval of a lower dose for children who way down to 33 pounds. and this is
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expected to be available to folks within about eight weeks. now, it's approved based on tests showing similar levels of epinephrine in the blood as when you use an injectable form like an epipen or a similar model. they also saw similar reactions and heart rate and blood pressure so a lot of folks are very excited about potentially being able to use an option rican square root up the nose. you don't have to use a needle, jessica, yeah. that is a game and changer for sure. what about the cost yeah. >> that has been something that has been a big problem for epipens and similar drugs for a long time. they can cost about $700 out of pocket for a two-pack. and this one nephi, we just learned this morning is going to have a similar, what's known as listen just price that's the price before insurance or and discounts or coupons kick in $710 for a two-pack. there are generic autoinjectors of epinephrine which have lower list price is 300 to $500 for example,
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insurance coverage can be difficult. the company that makes nephi is pledging to make this accessible to folks if they have commercial insurance it's that covers it. they're pledging a $25 copay. they say they're offering a cash prize of $199 for a two-pack for certain people and for people who still can't access that, they say they will have patient assistance programs that will provide it for free. but this is something that i hear about from doctors and patients a lot. it's hard to afford these. you have to get keep them up-to-date. they other ones epinephrine autoinjectors have 18 month about shelf lives. this new and nephi has a 30 month shelf-life, so that's better, but you still do need to replace them. and folks who are at risk of food allergies medication allergies be staying allergies. they need to carry these with them all the time. >> they have to have them truly live saving. all right. meg tirrell. thanks so much for that update. next, too hot to host a new cnn analysis showing cities vying to hold the olympics might not be safe for the games cnn is live from
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chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage the democratic national convention next monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max. after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple. every home should have salon pause, powerful, yet non-addictive, targeted, and long lasts i recommend salon paas. it's good medicine do i love the let me count the ways love can get a little messy good thing. >> there's resolved love the love. resolve the mss falls are the number one cause of injury to senior citizens acorn stair lifts has the solution just don't fall sit relax, ride with an acorn stair lift.
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that and free delivery when you add any base shot down asleep member store near you. i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta and this is cnn the olympics bid farewell to paris on sunday and perhaps forever new climate data suggests the city may be too hot to safely host the summer for games ever again. >> and country is vying for the honor down the road, like india, indonesia, qatar, they may be off the table as well due to temperature cnn meteorologist chad myers is here. alright, chad, what does the data reveal well, if you want to hold the summer olympics in the dead of summer it's going to be hot. >> that's just how summer works. but let's go back 100 years when paris had the olympics before, it has now 5.5
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degrees fahrenheit a warmer than it was on average. so you take the high and the low divided by two, add them together, and then all of a sudden you're getting to places that are warmer than this. let's say beijing, rio, athens, maybe even toward atlanta, that may in the future not be able to get below the threshold other than maybe holding some of the outdoor sports in the very early morning, there are so many places now across the globe that get to this. what we call wet bulb temperature it, when you walk outside in atlanta in the summertime you just begin to sweat there's not much you can do with the water hits you in the face, just like miami, it's always it's hot in the morning and that's where a lot of this threshold begins to take shape, like, okay, if we can't even do it at 7:00 in the morning, can we do it at all? look at india. i mean, these are the lines here. this is the line right here that says that's the threshold. we're not doing it any harder than that. well, for most of india summer it's above that,
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and even when is the monsoon season and it's very, very wet, there are still not getting those average temperatures down the orange line is in the sun, the green line is in the shade. so even these events like in qatar, you're not going to get them in the shade or in the sun. this is just how this is going to run for the next couple of days. next couple of years. it's already where we are at this point. >> in paris, if it takes another 50 or 60 years for them to get it again that line is just not going to keep going up. it's just going to continue to rise over and over and over until we get this carbon dioxide methane greenhouse gas emissions problem under control yeah. it's interesting. we should note after los angeles, brisbane, australia's hosting the olympics in july of 2032. of course, it's winter in australia right? at that time of year. so could that really be the new reality summer games? but it's in the southern hemisphere, so it's actually the winner there sure also a
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place like montreal or ottawa, you know, anywhere in saskatchewan, manitoba, alberta, those places are going to be fantastic. >> even talk about duluth, minnesota, or parts of oregon, washington, anywhere along the coast. but it's just it's an easy thing to do. it i'll put it below the southern hemisphere, but it below the equator and all of a sudden you have the perfect winter time temperatures. there because we're still thinking here in the northern hemisphere where we live that it's summer, but down there it's going to be 15 to 20 degrees cooler than anywhere up here. so could you do it down there? absolutely. there's plenty of places below the equator that would look of to host the olympics. >> yeah. >> brisbane will be lovely in the winter. it will be gorgeous there. chad, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> now, speaking of the olympics olympics mcdonald's france is getting a little spicy heat after team usa, men's basketball, when you want a little cheese with that wine, mickey d's. the story next the lead with jake tapper.
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look at me keep this data industry streaming exclusively on max basketball, riding high they beat the host country france and this weekend's gold medal round, you could say america was loving it. >> you know, who wasn't france. the instagram account for mcdonald's france, feel a little saucy. they took a not so thinly veiled shot at steph curry, who hit eight amazing three-pointers to seal the win so this is what mcdonald's france posted just how's your french not agree with him when turley this for us. so for obvious reasons, we are considering removing this sauce and it included a picture of the chain's classic curry dipping the the us. a spokesperson for mcdonald's france went on to clarify, it's a joke. no one freak out wait. okay. but everyone wants mike


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