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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  August 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. the success and growth of our business cnn this morning with
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kasie hunt. >> next it's tuesday, august 13, right now on cnn this morning we need law hard people and we need people that have an ability to lead. >> and he doesn't have that ability some policy, a lot of insults donald trump's allies have been begging him to stay on topic, but he just can't seem to do it. >> plus, this because making them a little uncomfortable, then there's an easy solution. you can just get the hell out of ukraine and call it a day ukraine claims control of hundreds of square miles of russian territory. could this force putin to the negotiating table? and later i think it's so unfair. >> it's so cruel appeal denied, but it's not over yet as the u.s. >> fights to keep jordan chiles bronze medal all right?
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>> i i've am here in washington a live look at capitol hill on this tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us donald trump's latest attempt to rest the spotlight from vice president kamala harris are returned to the platform formerly known as twitter. and a quote conversation with billionaire owner elon musk, be live streamed conversation on x last night. >> got off to a rocky start. it was delayed for nearly 40 minutes because of what musk calls a denial of service attack. such an attack has not been independently confirmed. during the delay the harris campaign boosting a trump truth social post, making fun of ron desantis campaign, twitter launch last year. in the leadup to the interview, trump's allies practically begged their candidate to stay on topic
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you've got to make this race not on personalities stop questioning the size of her crowds and start questioning her position. >> trump doesn't need fees now, he needs votes in the current rally formula is simply not sufficiently focused on the very stark policy differences i'll see differences between him and kamala harris that will swing voters in key battleground states don't wander off, don't call her stupid and all kinds of names. stay on message the winning formula for president trump is very plain to see its fewer insults, more insights, and that policy contrast fewer insults, more insight. >> that was kellyanne conway as advice. here's how trump answered that call last night. >> kamala wouldn't have this conversation. he can't because he's not he's not a smart person. she's a radical left lunatic. but if you vote for her, you to have your head
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examined. she's terrible, but he's getting a free ride camila, you pronounce her name? >> camila. joining me now to discuss stephen neukam, congressional reporter for axios and jackson jackie kucinich, washington bureau chief for the boston globe. >> welcome to both of you. thank you for being here, jackie, this whole thing was almost entirely derailed by the tech problems at the top not lost that. donald trump had mocked ron desantis fairly. when he rolled out his campaign on x what do you make of this conversation conversation last night this was i mean this sounded like a rally speech punctuated by questions, softball question for elon musk, but listen what this was. >> if you just step back, they're trying to regain any sort of momentum that was lost since biden pass the torch to harris, who has been really feeling a wave of the last three weeks. did this disrupted? i don't think that it did last night steven, what stood out to you from this
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conversation? i mean, what really stood out to me was just the general lack of focus from the former president no, that the campaign had sort of built itself to beat president biden. that was the way that it was constructed. so yes, the attacks on camila, the vice president but also the lack of focus on who he's running against. he's talking about joe biden lots for a person who is not running against joe biden november well, it's kind of a wish a wish casting a totally there was a moment there where he was talking about he was reciting his attacks against biden and then was like, oh yeah, on her to and so it's like it's like it's trying to tie. >> it was about not being able to answer questions that the trump campaign has been trying to pressure vice president harris into who doing more interviews and to sitting down with journalists into doing anything that's more extemporaneous that said the she can't answer questions, how they would feel them advice, and it doesn't land the same way. >> one of the policies that was actually discussed is this
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taxes on tips. question. this is this is a policy that donald trump has been out campaigning on. we saw signs about it at the rnc. you see them at certain events here's what trump had to say about that policy because harris seems to also have started talking about it. watch no tax on tips. and all of a sudden she is make the species and they will be no taxes on tips. i said that months ago. >> and by the way, they had just the opposite that a policy that we're really going to go after you and we're really harassing people horribly. >> and then all of a sudden for politics, she says, she comes out with what i said so i will say stephen, there hasn't yet been a harris economic platform broadly, we're expecting that to come. >> this week. is there merit to these criticisms from the trump team that she's taken ripped off something that he said first. >> i mean, it is an interesting decision from the harris camp, but also at the same time, they
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must have polling that shows that this is an incredibly popular policy, especially in places like nevada and nevada right? >> and that's where she why is right. that's where she was when she made the announcement and they made it in las vegas that is a state that i think that democrats for the last few months have been increasingly concerned about so that's a policy that they must know plays really well in they yeah. >> stephen neukam, jackie kucinich, very grateful to have you guys start us off this morning. thank you so much. >> alright. coming up next here on cnn this morning ukraine, moving in, cleaning control of parts of russia, threats this morning from vladimir putin to kick the enemy out. plus trump is seeking $100 in damages claiming that a search of mar-a-lago purchase reputation and as we count down to the dnc, how kamala harris could echo her 2020 speech we're at an inflection point. the
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constant chaos leaves us adrift the income competence makes us feel afraid we can do better. and deserved so much more cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn, and streaming on max. >> it's usually pretty easy to spot the difference between an average of work and are professionals. but how can you tell if your supplements were developed by a pro neither could we? that's why i joined forces with seven other leading doctors who specialize in natural health are create doctors preferred supplements formulated by us using clinically validated ingredients and triple tessa for a period 30 and potency don't trust your health to the amateurs. >> choose doctors prefer for better science and better results. look for doctors
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of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs fleet, taking jordan's with us will fani real or insulin may cause low blood sugar john really swell a little pill with the big stories back zero tech allergy relief works fast. >> it lasts a full 24 hours. so dave can be deliverer dance okay dave let's be more than our allergies seize the day with czar tech. >> i'm stephanie elam in los angeles and this is cnn alright russian president vladimir putin threatening to kick the enemy out after ukraine's surprise movement into russian territory, ukraine claiming to be in control of hundreds of square miles of russian territory. >> russia now evacuating some 180,000 people from the area. these new offensive the efforts have been described by putin as just a negotiating tactic for
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ukraine but president ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy sees it as a way to try to force russia to make peace have you gotten it is only fair to destroy russian terrorist where they are, where they launched their strikes from russian military airfields, russian logistics. >> we see how useful this can be for bringing peace closer russia must be forced into peace if putin wants to continue waging war so badly. >> so here to discuss more about this incursion is cnn correspondent clare sebastian, who joins us now live from london. clare, good morning at these offensive efforts are the first time that we have seen ukraine pass into russian territory. the kremlin has vowed a strong response. what do we think that's going to look like yeah, we have to be a little bit cautious with those kinds of threats, kasie, the kremlin is constantly threatening revenge somewhat, perhaps i want it given that they are the aggressor in this war to begin with. >> but we are watching out for a response. we have seen drone
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attacks overnight. drone attacks last night, there were even some 38 drones launched at ukraine according to ukraine's air force. and of course there was a fire this week at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant which is much more unusual, of course, then those drone attacks, we don't know the cause. the international atomic energy agency says, it's still hasn't determined that, but that certainly is worth watching as we watch out for a response. but for now, we really see president putin in damage control mode here. met on monday with his top officials and the heads of the regions affected by this, we see him blaming the west, threatening revenge. but we also see him trying to gloss over just how bad this is. i want to play you a little clip from that meeting that really shows this. take a look. >> what's what's the message today? >> the enemy controls 28 population centers. the depth of its penetration into the kursk region as 12 kilometers, the length of the front is 40 kilometers listen oleksiy arestovych, this is something
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you report to military agencies. >> what the width and depth is you tell us about the social, economic situation and aid for the people so that, was president putin interrupting the acting head of the kursk region where of course this is all happening as he tried to explain just how bad this is, how much of his territory is under ukrainian occupation and refocusing him on the social and economic elements of this. >> you can see how awkward this is when our weekend and ukraine is occupying. it says some thousand kilometers of russian territory. the first time that a foreign power, by the way, has occupied part of russia since the second world war clare really interesting that you played out and really highlights the politics that putin is dealing with internally i, this of course obviously is something that has significant political repercussions here in the u.s. >> obviously, zelenskyy is relying very much on money that's coming from the u.s. government honey. arms, et
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cetera. hear was how lindsey graham was talking about this. he of course, a republican senator who's been a strong supporter of ukraine watch what i think about curse bold, brilliant beautiful keep it up food and started this kick his bottom line is to the administration. >> i appreciate your support. let these people fight give them weapons. they need to win a war. they can't afford to lose really kind of interesting semiotics. >> there clare, what does this mean for zelenskyy on the world stage, considering he is relying so much on the support, a political support of western allies yeah, it is really interesting. i think this is part of the balancing act that ukraine is engaged in hair on the one hand, of course, its partners and in particular the us have invested tens of billions of dollars so that they can win this war. and of course they want to see them do
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that and having the past been praising highly the ingenuity that ukrainian forces have shown, which we now see again in this, in this action in the kursk region across the russian border. but of course, there's a difference right between seeing and we do see evidence of, for example, bradley us made bradley armored vehicles on the ground rumbling across the country side. of course, because there's a difference between that and seeing the missiles made in the u.s and european countries hitting russian cities. ukraine is still calling for more restrictions to be lifted on using western long-range missile biles inside of russia. but they are still waiting on that. and i think that is part of the picture here. there are still red lines for ukraine's allies all right, clare sebastian for us this morning clare, very grateful to have you. >> thank you so much. >> alright. still to come here on cnn this morning, israel, bracing for a strike from iran, how the u.s. is preparing while also so urging new ceasefire talks plus greece dealing with
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raging wildfires near athens. that's coming up in our morning round-up chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcast, times may change some things remain timely. >> i've been using the wto more than 25 years. >> dove is one quarter moisturizing cream i feel silky i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms to find emerge as, you we've trimmed via most people saw 90% clear of skin at for months. and the majority stayed clearer at five years. >> cvs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability tell your doctor if you have an infection symptoms or if you had a vaccine, no plan to emerge as you emerge trim fired, ask your doctor about trump via do not
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the ballot in arizona want to in november, it received about 200,000 more signatures than what was needed. >> the measure would make abortion legal up to 22 to 20 for weeks of pregnancy, right now, if 15 week limit is in place the wildfires situation in greece improving this morning right now she was focusing efforts on smaller hotspots of developed from the main fire on sunday. more than 156 square miles have burned sparking evacuations and towns near athens since at least one person has died are the fifth tropical storm of the atlantic hurricane season is now here are masto closing in on the caribbean's leeward islands where storm warnings for now in effect closer to home millions dealing with brutal heat and humidity our meteorologist derek van dam is here this morning. derek, good morning good morning. >> kasie. yes. so are not stow is starting to get its act together. we're starting to see a little bit of spin and the cloud cover here. so that's indicating that it's trying to
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get a bit more organized right now, still 40 mile per hour winds where the center of the circulation is with the latest 5:00 a.m. update from the national hurricane center. so it is the leeward islands. there's the virgin islands, us virgin islands. and you could see puerto rico here. so greatest impacts for puerto rico will be heavy rainfall and that will commence later this evening and move through the day on wednesday as well. lots of precipitation, two to four inches could cause some localized flash flooding. there's a tropical storm warnings on the intensifying tropical storm within the next 48 hours or so i quickly moves to the north and east. it eventually it's got its eyes set on bermuda as a strong category two hurricane has kind of moving between what we call subtropical high and a trough that will allow for this northerly movement over the next several days and away from the east coast of the u.s. that's the most important part of this weather forecast. of course, hot weather though that's dominating the forecast for much of the deep south. look at oklahoma city all the way to houston and dallas and other stifling day heat and
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humidity. that's the name of the game for this august afternoon, wednesday's high temperature will actually reach the triple digits in dallas, you factor in the humidity levels and it's just downright balmy. kasie. >> it sounds like at derek van dam process morning, derek, thank you. i appreciate it. >> all right. coming up on cnn this morning, a potential breakthrough for peace talks in gaza. hamas reversing its position, agreeing to return to the negotiating table and if olympic officials won't give a medal to team usa's jordan chiles most currently rapper flavor flav will go back dam new cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage that democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max no sir you got
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ingredients and triple tested for purity and potency, don't trust your health to the amateurs. choose doctors prefer for better science and better results for doctors before our products in stores near you this is cnn the world's news network all right, 5:29 a.m. here in washington. a live look at new orleans, where later today president biden will deliver remarks at a biden cancer moonshot event. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us the white house preparing for a potential attack against israel from iran. as soon as this week israel's defense minister says they are on high alert be a meme shall hold. we are in a period of vigilance and preparation at a time when the threats from tehran and beirut could materialize the shipment. in recent days, we have been devoting our time to both strengthening the defense and creating offensive alternatives it's a dangerous backdrop for
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gaza peace talks, which are expected to resume thursday with hamas participating terrorist organization announcing it will attend the talks this week, despite last month's assassination of its top political leader, which hamas has blamed israel for white house national security adviser john kirby calling on both sides to talk before there's no turning back we've seen a public statements that they put out there we believe everybody needs to show up on thursday and see if we can wrap this thing up. >> in a rare move. the pentagon announced it sent a guided missile submarine to the middle east and attempted to deter any attacks on israel. the pentagon says publicizing that is absolutely a message to iran. let's bring in cnn military analyst, retired air force colonel cedric leighton, colonel. good morning. thank you so much for being here we have been waiting for this possible attack for quite some time now, why the delay is this do to iran trying to surprise
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us or due to the behind the scenes diplomatic efforts in your view, would definitely not surprising us because we've been focused on this for quite some time now. but what is happening as the iranians have several things have got political issues that they have to deal with diplomatic issues and then they have military issues so the key thing that they're i'm really looking at is the military one, which is the planning perspective. they need to plan to the kind of operation that they're going to conduct. they need to in order to save face, they need to do something thank to in essence avenge ismail haniyeh's death on their soil. but what that something is has to be calibrated. and they also have to make an impact because when they did did this last time on april 13 i was a lot of firing of missiles and rockets and uavs. but it did not do any damage. and you it will damage to israel except for a few minor things. one key, key thing was hitting an airbase that they have, but that was basically yet. and that is what iran wants to basically improve upon. from their standpoint how
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do you think the decision by hamas to participate in peace talks this week is tied in to this retaliation or lack thereof, from her. well, i think it's very much tied into we're there hamas and iran are probably working together to figure out how they're going to respond to all of these things. they knew hamas knew was they need peace immediately, some type of ceasefire in gaza in order to survive but they also know that they want to izmail haniyeh's death avenged they will let iran do a lot of that. but they also want to work in concert with iran. so as not to lose iran sponsorship of their activities, which has senator coronoid also want to, while you're here talk about what's going on in ukraine. we've touched on this with clare sebastian earlier in the show, and she showed what vladimir putin and how he was handling a discussion about this in russia, right? where the leader of the kursk region, which is the place where ukrainian
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troops have launched this offense. pensive, was basically talking about it. putin kind of shut him down, tried to talk about something else. the new york times framed what's going on in ukraine this way they say, and actually i should say what's going on in russia because of what ukraine is doing the incursion into russia marked a significant shift in the wars here it since launching their full-scale invasion in february of 2022, russian troops have expanded their hold to more than 18% of ukraine. a ukrainian counter offensive last year failed. this year the war has been mainly a slog in the country's east with russian troops grinding forward sometimes a few feet at a time, ukrainian morale has sunk, pressure has built on ukrainian leaders to negotiate a deal. but suddenly that seems to have shifted. what is your view of what zelenskyy is doing here and how it's playing out. >> so one of the key things kasie that zelenskyy is doing is he's actually taking the initiative. and in war, initiative is a key component. all of a sudden ukrainian morale has increased. all of a
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sudden, western leaders are going to kyiv and they're saying things that are very favorable to kyiv's position. so what solinsky is trying to do is capture as much territory as he possibly can in order to perhaps bargain with the russians, or at least put pressure on the russians in many ways, probably both to make sure that the russians don't get any more territory. and chile, but also to have something that he can exchange for the ukrainian territory that the russians have already captured all right, colonel cedric leighton for us this morning, colonel thank you. >> always wonderful to have you. >> thanks, kasie. >> all right. let's turn now to this. usa gymnastics says its appeal for olympic gymnast, jordan chiles to keep her bronze medal has been denied. chiles won bronze for her floor exercise routine at the games in paris, but only after coaches excessively challenged the difficulty of her routine, which had been judged incorrectly, that challenge adding an additional 0.1 to her score and it bumped her into
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that bronze medal slot. but the court of arbitration for sport ruled on saturday, six days later but the challenge to chiles initial score occurred to lay outside of the one-minute period that's allowed on sunday, the international olympic committee announced chiles would be stripped of her medal, and it would instead go to her romanian counterpart this is just so heartbreaking and i'm just so gutted for jordan, these gymnast work their entire lives for this moment. and it's supposed to be a celebration. i think it's so unfair. it's so cruel and i don't think that jordan should have to give her metal back. the ioc has given more than one man now before, and i think that they should do that now, this is, it's awful usa gymnastics say that they will continue to fight for charles's bronze, joining me now, cnn sports analyst, christine brennan. >> christine. good morning to you. always wonderful to have you this is really heartbreaking for jordan chiles. my understanding is there still may maybe another
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turn here. why did they turn down this appeal? and what happens next? >> well they're. definitely as kasie another turn and that's going to the swiss tribunal, the last gasp basically in this awful ridiculous just idiotic decision making by the leaders of the olympic world. i've covered this. the olympics i just got back from past few hours ago for 40 years and this he says the group that just cannot make the right decisions. they continue always the to do things that are just counterproductive for athletes and for the promotion of their sport. jordan chiles deserves that bronze medal. she has it here in the united states and i don't think it's going to go back anytime soon, but there is if you look at the court of arbitration for sport, kasie as the supreme court for international sports. there's one level up and that is the swiss tribunal. and my sense is that's all proceeding huge role over the years i've covered this. and so my sense
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would be that the procedure here, the fact that they got this new video showing that the u.s. it's put in the appeal at 47 seconds, not one-minute in four seconds, my sense is that will play well with that suisse tribunal when aly raisman they're in that interview said that the ioc has given out more than one metal. >> is that do you think a realistic scenario here i do. >> i covered the 2002 salt lake city games. you probably remember them the french judge the cheating that went on with the canadian and the russians in the pair's figure skating collusion to give the russians the french, the ice dancing gold medal back what 22 years ago and i broke that story. i covered every second of it and what ended up happening about 56 days later, the exact same time frame were talking about from the original bronze medal to this appeal in these decisions over the last week, what happened was they gave two gold medals. the russians got a
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gold medal, and then the canadians jamie solet, david peltier, a very popular in salt lake city. they also got a gold medal and i've asked the ioc specifically while i was still in paris, why aren't you doing that? you said? but the precedent in 2002 to give double gold in it in case it exploded around the world why on earth are you not doing that here and casey, the other part of it just that was basically the weekend of the maybe the greatest games ever, certainly the best i've ever covered perez. you think about this. you've got this controversy that just crashed lands on saturday and sunday as the paris games are ending. why on earth would the international olympic committee noc, do the right thing? by the way, the thing that the romanians and the united states wanted double bronze, why the ioc would not do that? and instead, let this rain on their beautiful parade. i have no idea it's a really stunning i starting question that we have to be asking christine brennan, so grateful for your deep expertise on this and always happy to have you on the show. >> thank you so much thank you.
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>> kasie coming up here on cnn this morning less than a week until the democratic national convention in chicago. >> and all eyes are on kamala harris. >> if she prepares to accept the democrats craddock nomination, plus why an olympic bronze medalist? a different one is suing the wnba. we're going to have that and more coming up on bleacher report cnn news central today and secondly, eastern that the jeep make this the summer event. >> you can take a vacation from payments on the most capable wrangler ever are most affordable suv jeep compass. the only open-air pickup jeep gladiator. and the most awarded suv ever jeep grand cherokee. hurry and do your jeep brand dealer and make the most out of summer with great deals plus no payments for 90 gay's during the jeep. >> make this the summer event, get $2,500 total cash allowance or get 0% apr financing on 2024
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biggest banks and help take down one of the biggest for profit colleges i know a predator when i see one that was kamala harris four years ago, speaking at the 2020 democratic national convention as the vice presidential nominee. >> we are now less than a week away from this year's dnc in chicago. but of course this time around harris will accept the democratic nomination for president and she's making a similar argument now to sell herself to the american people as a prosecutor, who is fundamentally tough but trump allies are trying to convince voters. it's actually the opposite. trying to frame harris as weak on issues like crime and immigration. here's part of a recent ad from the trump aligned super pac maga yet ink radical camila raised money for a fund that bailed out violent criminals, fifth freed murderers and rapists. they've been bailed out a domestic abuser days later murder demand and defunding police in a new piece for cnn,
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cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein writes that this tactic echoes in history and could be a problem for harris. >> he writes this quote, trump's plan for blunting harris's momentum. some democrats believe could reprise elements of the 1988 presidential campaign that george hw bush and his fearsome campaign manager lee atwater, ran to devastatingly portray his democratic opponent. the massachusetts governor michael dukakis, as a weak, soft on crime, liberal and ron brownstein joins me now with more iran good morning. it's always wonderful to have you on the show this frame that you are talking about is the fundamental one that the trump campaign was using to great effect against president biden than trump was strong and biden was weak. >> is it working in this case? how much risk is there to harris here yeah, i think it's going to be kind of a pivotal a fulcrum of the race, as you
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say, against biden, there were many democrats who believe that the party was locked into extremely damaging contrast where trump was strong and biden was weekend diminished and sort of the contrast between biden's performance at the debate and trump's response to the assassination kind of crystallized and symbolize that in a way that would have been very difficult to overcome if you look now and just a few weeks, harris has signaled we improved on biden's standing on a whole series of measures of voters look for in a president, honesty, temperament, energy and most significantly, far more voters now say that trump rather than harris is too old to be president. >> but amid all of that progress, the big hill that's still out there is, will voters see her? strong enough to keep them safe? that has always been trump's strongest personal asset. the sense that he is a strong leader. >> he still leads harris on that, but the gap is much
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closer than it was under biden run. i can't help but think that i mean, one of the things we're not talking as much about with harris as we did. for example, in 2016, is that she's a woman. if she's elected, she'd be the first woman president. obviously hillary clinton was the first woman i nominated by major party on stage at a convention. she ultimately went on to lose historically a big part of why women in america have often been challenged, or at least this certainly is the perception is that sometimes there is this struggle about strength, this idea that men are fundamentally stronger than women. do you think that plays in here? because i will also say covering the rnc, which was a triumphant moment for republicans. the word testosterone kept coming up over and over and over again. this idea of hypermasculinity equaling strength and kind of rolling them in to the white house. how do you think that angle plays out here? >> yeah.
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>> it's really important. i think most people in both, especially democrats, believe that the vast majority of voters who would vote against harris, either because she is a person of mixed race background and or because she is a woman, have already moved to the republican party, but i think the question of strength makes that not so simple as i point out in the story, harris is, as i say, more competitive than biden was on the strength dimension against trump. but there is still an enormous gender gap on that question, right? right. i mean women were in a variety of polls that i looked at, our cat national poll, new york times, sienna, and in the key states a cbs and others women were slightly more likely to identify trump as a strong leader than they were to apply that label that harris, but among men, it's a chasm like in the new york times sienna national poll from late july, only one in six non-college white men described
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harris as a strong leader in the marquette poll man 30 point, nearly 30 points more likely do describe a trump and harris as a strong leader. so there are still some gender stereotypes that she probably has to overcome. but of course, she now into the part of her identity that were so problematic in when she was running in a democratic primary in 2020 it was a negative then the meaning that camila is a cop. now, camila is a cop is a central part of how they i think trying to how they are trying to cross trent threshold and there is some evidence at that issue. can convince enough voters that she is strong enough to beat them, say, which i think she's on track doing then the other elements of that for masculinity surrounding trump, did this he ego, you know, kind of belligerence can come to the fore? fascinating to watch this play out. she's not hillary clinton if they different dynamic, there are some similarities. but i think her background as a prosecutor
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changes this is an important one. >> yeah, it's that that reality is kind of one of those reasons why not having to fight through a primary campaign to get to this point is so critical for harris is success very lucky for her. ron brownstein, always grateful to have you, sir. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me all right. >> time now for sports, a three-time wnba all-stars suing the league and her former team alleging discrimination while she was pregnant. andy scholes holmes has more in this morning's bleacher report, andy. good morning. >> good morning. kasie so la sparks sport and olympic three on-3 bronze medalist derek a hamby fall, a federal lawsuit yesterday against the devils you nba and the las vegas aces in a statement provided to cnn by a public relations firm hired by her attorneys. >> the lawsuit claims the aces were unhappy that hand maybe was pregnant and took away her team provided housing. hamby also alleges that head coach, becky hammon questioned her dedication to the team which hamas denies. the wnba investigated hand these claims
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after she filed a complaint in january of 2023 and later suspended and hammond for two games without pay for violating legal team workplace policies wnba spokesperson told cnn that the league is aware of the filing. and is reviewing the complaint. the aces have not replied to cnn's request for common i movie beds. meanwhile, making his return to the dodgers lineup for the first time since june 16, last night picked up right where he left off getting a hold of this one for his 11 home run of the season isn't then shohei ohtani joining in on the bond, he hit its 36 of the year, right there and murky edit again in the seventh inning this time knocking in ohtani with that rbi single movie 24, three rbis in his return, dodgers beat birds now won five to two elsewhere. what did they view for the blue jays? will wagner, the son of former astros closer billy wagner. he got a hit in his first three at bats. wagner, he began the fourth player, blue jays history to have three hits in his major league debut? 26-year-old said while he's
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nervous on deck, but he got confident when he got to the plate and growing up in big league clubhouse is certainly helped blue jays beat the angels. now when afford it too hi, finally, golfer air and rye one, the wyndham championship on sunday. >> but the tournament wasn't officially over until yesterday, and that's because matt kuchar refused, to, finish the 18th hole on sunday despite being halfway to the hole because he felt like it got too dark. >> it took a lot of criticism since he had no shot of winning and his points partners, they decided to finish that whole anyways. so kuchar went back out on the course yesterday morning alone. he spent six minutes inaction reporting a par on the final hole to finished in a ten way tie for 12th place that awarded him just under $135,000 afterwards, kuchar while i did apologize for making everyone hanging now for three shots one wants to be that guy that's showing up to that one person, one hole in one hole, half a hole pledges
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to the tournament to everybody that had to come out like, i know it stinks, i know the ramifications. >> i know it stacks up, but certainly i apologize to force everybody to come out here and kasie, this was just bizarre and it was happening even like the broadcast jim nance is like never seen this before and by the way, we will not be here on monday covering him blowing that final all but just while to quit mid-round or at the very end is because you think it's too dark yeah, very strange. i mean, i don't know. we've watched a lot of golf of my family. i agree. i've never i've never seen anything like that and yeah, monday. monday is not the day that you want to be finishing winning no chance. >> here oh man, andy. thank you. i really appreciate it. seems soon all right. >> coming up on the next hour here on cnn this morning as the middle east braces for a response from iran, gaza peace talks are back on with all parties returning to the table. >> former defense secretary mark esper, joins us live, plus donald trump still struggling to figure out how best to attack his opponent kamala
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about the bosley guarantee the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max it's tuesday, august 13, right now on cnn this morning we cannot have
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her. >> she's been competent. he's as bad as biden personal and policy attacks from the former president as fellow republicans donald trump to stick to the issues plus, we are less than a week away from the start of the dnc where kamala harris looks to mark an exclamation point on her platform plus they're the ones that invaded ukraine in ukraine is defending itself against that aggression. this is russia's war of aggression against ukraine we ukraine sees as hundreds of square miles of russian territory pushing putin's back against the wall. and then certainly when biden was on the ticket, i was going to vote for trump but now it's it's a harder call how voters in a must win swing state are thinking about their choice in november in this reshaped presidential race


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