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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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just some research that's backed by jp morgan is leading strategists like us. >> when you want to invest with more confidence, the answer is jpmorgan wealth management, are they really going to spend all day streaming college football and directv? >> can you blame them? they've got the biggest rivalries and bowl games speaking up, frank, run a slant to the bowl of chips. >> barbie wouldn't hook to the source what are you going to do? >> coach prime, don't question. >> you. coach. >> when the antenna, it said red lobster's going away. your boy flavor flav said, not today grabbed is a boy and they got two flavors, roasted garlic and 100kg and butter. when you got to have food, you have red lobster the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max donald trump
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hear will dissect what he said to elon musk about his campaign and president joe biden is back on the stage with his first official event since leaving the race, one that's very close to his heart and a positive update on inflation as a key report shows, it may be slowing. wall street is thrilled, but is it enough to calm fears on main street, especially as prices remain high for a lot of things that americans need the battle for bronze. there is a huge fight brewing over jordan chiles medal, a panel says she needs to return it. >> the debate over what happened may not end. >> there we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. >> to cnn news central in the next hour, democratic vice presidential candidate tim walz will send for the first time. so low for the harris-walz ticket, he's going to be talking to one of the nation's largest unions, a public
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employees, and it all comes one day after donald trump's one-on-one tank with one of the world's most famous and controversial ceo was elon musk, must claim there may have been 1 billion viewers of their two-hour audio, only conversation, but it was delayed by 40 minutes by major technical glitches today, the trump campaign celebrating that chat bot sources say some of his allies aren't so sure. we're going to start with cnn's eva mckend, who's covering the harris-walz let's take it an eva kamala harris will be delivering her economic policy speech friday what are we expecting to hear from walz just within the next hour jessica, i suspect we'll hear more of a preview of their economic pitch just from listening to their argument on the campaign trail, it's very worker focused and principally trained on bringing down costs off for middle-class families. >> it will be interesting to see how much of the governor's policies from his work in minnesota gets rolled into the harris-walz economic vision in minnesota, for instance, there
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is free college tuition at public two or four-year colleges for families making under $80,000 a year and a generous child tax credit. does that become part of their vision together on the campaign trail, we hear the vice president talk about her career as attorney general in california, going after price price-fixing schemes. and she's pledging to work to bring down prices. she claims to be focused on big corporations that engage in legal price gouging corporate landlords that raise rents on working families and capping the cost of prescription drugs for all americans. a lot of these proposals though will require working in concert with congress. and we're really waiting to get a more detailed argument from the campaign beyond what they you've said on the stump. now, as for the dnc, cnn has learned hillary clinton and president biden will speak monday night. former president barak obama will address the convention tuesday. and former president bill
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clinton slated to speak wednesday. jess. >> alright. eva mckend with the latest for us. thank you so much. and let's talk now. now is cnn's kristen holmes, who's here. first, christians following the trunk campaign what are you hearing from all the sources you always are talking to? what are they saying about this conversation with elon musk, donald trump himself was thrilled about it. apparently he was talking to his team that was in the room with him as the technical glitch was going on and saying that it was flattering that so many people were trying to get into the spaces that it shut down completely. >> and he was happy with the fact that it actually went on. >> he thought was a good conversation and that was the same for his campaign advisers. one of the things we've been talking about is the fact that they really are trying to reach people who are outside of your traditional voting bloc. that means people who don't engage with politics in this state a way that others do low propensity voters, people who are first-time voters, people who could be persuaded to vote for donald trump. and those people might be watching an interview with elon musk more so than watching a news
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conference or a rally that he does. so that's their argument. when you talked to several allies they don't really understand exactly what the strategy is here particularly as we've seen, this surge with kamala harris in the polls as well as enthusiasm and part of that might be based on some of the stuff donald trump is saying last night, he seemed even more focused on joe biden and then he was on kamala harris. take a listen to just one piece of what he said the coo. this was a coup of a president of the united states. he didn't want to leave and they said we can do it at night. oh, we can do it the hard way yeah. i'm just talking about back behind the shed and basically shot him. >> what they did with this guy and i'm no fan of his and he was a horrible precedent at the worst president in history. >> now, in addition to comments like this, he went after kamala harris. they spent a lot of time praising each other, going back and forth about how great each other was, not necessarily a campaigns, but each one person saying to me, we wish she would focus on policy. we believe that he actually
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doubled down on things like immigration and the economy. he would be doing better in this race against harris. but again, this is a strategy or at least part of a strategy his campaign team says is to work and trying to get these outside the box. voters were just not going to know if it's working until closer to november. >> all right. kristen holmes, the latest thanks so much. boris let's dig deeper now with frank luntz, he's a pollster and communication strategist. frank, always great to have you on. i want to start with donald trump taking two x with elon musk, the campaign says they were seeking to engage these non-traditional voters. something that's been a focus for the trump team. these first-time are low propensity voters. how much? do you think that demographic and make a difference in november it's significant, it's what he did in 2016. >> it's what campaigns had he been successful over the last decade of dawn bringing new people into the electoral pool. it's difficult because there's a reason why they haven't voted either. they don't care or they don't
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unlike anybody, or they don't see that it impacts them in a personal way. i commend the trump campaign it's the candidate that's problematic. the candidate who can't stick to issues like inflation or immigration can stick to policies that the public supports that instead, he has to deliberate attacks against a president who's not running against him. what people think of joe biden has no impact on on kamala harris. >> and it's actually damaging trump's efforts right now at a time when the nation there's so evenly polarized, so hostile to each other. >> so, yes, it is a very effective strategy and adding to the voter pool and increasingly opportunity to win votes. but it's very ineffective when you're communicating to the public on things that they don't care about, or even find offensive
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on the other side, i'm curious to get your perspective on kamala harris laying out her policy vision when it comes to the economy later this week in north carolina is something that has been a liability for the biden administration. >> what do you think she needs to do to sway voters to her side on that issue? >> the key is, is affordability. it's not inflation. inflation's what you and i say affordability is where the average american fields and in the story before setting this up you communicated that it's things that people care about housing and health care, which is very expensive. food and fuel, which is day-to-day items. >> and the public believes that no matter what inflation is right now, they're looking at it over the last four years and that's dangerous situation for harris. >> she wants to get ahead of it. >> so it's smart for her to be doing it and in fact, she doesn't really have a choice. now that she the candidate, she's can have to draw contrast because the public does not believe that job by
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was effective on inflation, and they do give trump credit in his administration for numbers that we haven't seen since he was president one last thing about inflation everyone feels it doesn't matter whether you are working paycheck to paycheck or whether you're middle-class doesn't matter whether you're from pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, nevada arizona, the south georgia, north carolina because it's so universal and it impacts everyone from whether they're 18-years-old or any years old. this is the key issue because everyone feels it and harris has a way to go to show that her policies aren't going to make a tough situation even worse frankly, from both big parties to a third party. >> there were two pieces that caught my eye recently on rfk junior, there was usa today saying that his campaign is imploding, but he can still be an electoral problem for trump. and then the the washington post essentially saying rfk
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junior is now hurting donald trump do you think his campaign makes it to november? and who do you think he would draw voters from most? >> when the question is, it's a great question, and it's an issue. what percentage does he get because for 2%, 3% of the electorate that the smallest percentage he's actually drawing votes away from donald trump more than harris however, when he was getting up to 810, 12% of the vote, not more than 60 two days ago, he was drawing more votes from eris than he wants from trump. in the end, he's got to get on the ballot. no matter what he's getting in national data, he's not on the ballot and almost all the swing states. so he will be a non-factor second is with harris now in the race, the excitement, the energy she's brought up brand new voters, younger women who were not participating in the election campaign and they see something in her that they did not see in trump a lot of bobby kennedy's
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vote. >> the reason why harris has gone up so much in the last three weeks is that she's basically sucked in the undecided and sucked in bobby kennedy's vote and i expect him to be more damaging to trump in the end. >> then to vice president harris that is fascinating, forgot, i also want to get your perspective on the idea of a post post-convention bump and how this sort of unprecedented and then streak of news that we've had over the last month-and-a-half or so might have changed that. >> there are folks out there who have argued that for republicans that post-convention bump came early because of the attempt on former president trump's life. and that for democrats, the dnc bump came early because kamala harris was announced essentially as the effective nominees for the democratic party. do you believe that that bumps still occurs the way that it used to historically and whether it's been sort of truncated or advanced by the way, that we've seen the news cycle develop it's a fair
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question, but i'm not going to dock it. i'm going to try to adjust it. because what really matters is that debate on september 10 when you see both candidates side-by-side, and they both are answering the same questions at the same time and challenging each other whether she gets no bumper two points, whether it was before or after the convention in the end it is that side-by-side comparison. that's going to make the entire difference in this campaign. and the question is, is the harris message stronger than the trump message? and i will tell you this if it's just about policies, just about issues, trump has say manage if it's about candidate traits and attributes knew that people aren't. harris has the advantage. both sides have a strength. both sides have a weakness. and frankly, it's just simply too close to call frank luntz, always great to get your perspective on things. thanks for joining us appreciate it. >> thank you of course. still to come, israel, bracing for
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potential strikes from iran as high-stakes gaza peace talks are set to resume in just days. we have a live report for you from tel aviv in just moments plus new numbers out today showing the high costs from inflation may be cooling off. what that means for your wallet and crews near athens, greece battling a fast-moving wildfire, forcing even more people to evacuate the latest on efforts to contain the flames cnn new central continues cnn news central brought to you by stanley steamer from carpet upholstery air ducts in more. >> it's not cleaned until it's stanley steamer every day dirt and grime settles deep within your tiles grout lines, staley steamers, powerful, custom-made equipment removes the dirt you see in the dirt, you don't you're thailand ground. isn't clean until it stanley steamer clique choose
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democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max tensions in the middle east are running high right now as talks are set to resume thursday on a potential ceasefire deal for gaza. moments ago at the state department said qatar is working to ensure that hamas actually shows up for those critical negotiations in doha. but we're told that ron, a key player, is not expected to be there and sources say this week's meetings are unlikely to fend off its expected retaliation against israel for two high profile assassinations let's take you now live to tel aviv with cnn's nic robertson. nic, what more do we know about the status of these ceasefire talks yeah, i think the expectation and where the ball is being said about what could happen this week. >> best-case, worst-case scenarios the fact that the
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fact that our understanding is that iran could still strike whatever the outcome of the talks. i think that was already sort of baked into the calculation. the question is, based on the outcome of the talks are even anything that the talks even get underway based on that happening, does iran go for a big strike or less? that doesn't involve israel retaliating and then getting an escalatory situation. so that's the question. there. as to iran being at the talks. i don't think that was ever really expected because they've never been part of the gaza negotiations. this is something where there are mediators qatar the egyptians, the united states working on it as well. brink trying to work in between israel and hamas. so iran's never had a place at that table. their stake in this is the potential of the outcome. what we understand about hamas's participation, of
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course, they're their former trump negotiator, ismail haniyeh, assassinated by israel and tehran almost two weeks ago. now, he was based in qatar. >> hamas. now we'll continue to have i'm we'll have a representative in qatar. i understand from sources on thursday, but whether or not that representative gaetz involved with the mediators after they've met with israel depends on the conditions that hamas is setting. they have said very clearly that these talks on thursday must revolve around the framework that president biden set out in may. and then and then sort of reached a conclusion in july. hamas's position is that prime minister benjamin netanyahu keeps making add-ons to that framework. and those add-ons a key issues. and hamas will not
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engage. >> they say, if israel comes to these talks and tries to put more add-ons on that original framework. so where are we bottom line? >> the potential for getting to the torques is still there, but, but sources that we're talking to in the region say it is difficult, it is tough. >> one of them told me he'd never seen pressure such as is being applied now two sides before this is a first for him nic robertson live in tel aviv for us. thank you so much, nick, jessica. >> let's talk about the current situation war in the middle east joining us now cnn global affairs analyst in defense secretary under president trump, mark esper, secretary esper also serves on the board as a strategic advisor for a handful of aerospace and defense-related companies. always great to see you so secretary esper, thanks for being here as we're in this kind of wait and see yeah, as we're in this wait and see time to see what unfolds. we know that the u.s. and israeli intelligence expect an iranian
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attack. what they say imminently back in april, it took about two weeks for tehran to hit back in that episode, were bad at that point now, do you see this happening in the next let's say 48 hours between now and when those ceasefire talks are supposed to begin on thursday at, this point, jessica, i think it depends on what happens with the talks. if they happened and they are ongoing, that there's somewhat productive. both sides are engaged and i think iran holds off and that is what they apparently are telling people right now. is that they're actually depends on the progress the talks and that the talks continued to move ford i think, they're using this leverage this time for a couple of reasons. one is they can get maybe get a good deal out of a us administration that wants it. others that want it. >> but also they don't want iran does not want a major regional conflict. >> and at this point in time, if they retaliate in a way that they probably need to with more for some what they demonstrated in april where they had 300
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plus missiles and drones than a risk of wider regional war that neither iran nor hezbollah for that matter, once. so i think they're trying to apply this leverage in a way that will conclude a ceasefire that would benefit hamas and so we'll wait and see how this plays out over the next 48, 72 hours. >> absolutely and in the meantime, the u.s is ordered this guided missile submarine to the middle east and accelerated the arrival of the carrier strike group in anticipation of any attack knowing your background, what does this tell you that this type of assets specifically that submarine is being deployed and that it's also being talked about publicly well, the administration publicly and privately has been signaling to tehran through proxies to tehran to de-escalate, to not respond, not to retaliate. >> they've been doing this to hezbollah as well. and there was a lot of prudence in terms of moving the additional ships destroyers that can shoot down missiles and drones into the region to support israel. but the movement of the guided
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missile submarine, which is not a defensive capability, but an offensive one, signals that if israel, i'm sorry, if iran takes action or has blocked, were prepared to strike with over 150 tomahawk tomahawk land-attack missiles at targets it's either within hezbollah or iran for that matter to take out launchers to do whatever they need to defend, help israel defend itself. so it's a deterrent gesture to signal strength and support for israel yeah. >> and you mentioned the talks and how they may be playing into all of this, and especially the time i line. even worth noting, this will be the first major meeting with sinwar heading up hamas's political wing after hernias assassination. i'm curious if you think that that will change the dynamic at all. >> well, it certainly cuts out the middleman, which used to be ismail haniyeh, who was killed late last month. he was the political leader. he was
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considered more moderate than yahya sinwar. so now sinwar wears two hats. he's there head of gaza. he's the architect behind the october 7, attack, on israel and now he's also the political leader. so i think it's more hard line than than members of hamas outside gaza. the other thing too is his demands. i think frankly are unreasonable for the israelis. you know, he wants basically for the israelis to leave, allow him to remain and in control, keep the southern border open so he can rearm and refit and then allow them to govern in gaza. basically, i still see a big gap here between what israel wants, not just netanyahu, but i think, you know, a majority of israelis. and what sinwar and hamas wants and so we'll see maybe they can a narrow the differences, but it seems like there's still a big gap between the two yeah. >> and so as you lay it out like that, how do you bridge that gap? you honestly they're making a huge effort to try to do that. especially the u.s
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representatives that are going to be over there were sitting everyone we can to try to get this done. but how do you get there? it's that it's almost even tony blinken said there on the ten yard line a couple of months ago, but it's almost any knowledge that last ten yards could be the hardest yeah i mean it's both sides are in a situation that bibi netanyahu is getting pressure from the israeli people to do two things return the hostages, of which there's at least 70 or so living and maybe three dozen or so not who have been killed and at the same time destroy hamas, not allowed don't allow hamas just to come back into power and repeat what they did on october 7, as they promised. >> on the other hand, yahya sinwar, who's leading, what's left to hamas as one to fight to the last innocence civilian, which is a tragic situation for the palestinian people. innocent civilians who don't support hamas, who are trapped there. and so it clearly he has no regard for his people. so
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it's again, both are fighting for strategic aims and nobody wants to see this repeat and netanyahu's view has been, the more military pressure we can put on them, the more the more likely we are to bring sinwar to the table. also jessica, you know, there were three liters that at least three liters that israel has been targeting now for a matter of months, two of them are now dead. muhammad deif, who was killed a month or so ago in gaza and izmail haniah who was killed in late july. the only remaining leader big later that they want is yahya sinwar he's a hunted man right now. i'm probably forever will will-be. >> but again, he's the one leading hamas at this point is one to keep fighting until he gets what he wants meantime the hostages are still being held in gaza. hostage. families are criticizing israel's far right national security minister ben-gvir for visiting the al-aqsa compound on today, it's being viewed as a provocation by muslims around the region, by hamas is this
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sort of thing helpful at such a delicate time when they're trying to get a ceasefire and a hostage, she'll obviously been gavir has his own thoughts about that you know, it's hard to get a read of all the tapping within israel. but when you look at things like that, you know, the west bank is is is brewing as well, right there's, there's been conflict there. palestinians killed in the west bank. we still have hezbollah, we still have the houthis, we have the shia militia groups in iraq. and so the whole region is boiling. and so you gotta be careful about any moves that might escalate into something bigger and really focused on the task at hand. >> any, any small move can have a big impact when it's, when tensions are the way they are right now, secretary mark esper, great to see you. thanks so much. >> thanks. jessica coming up a key inflation report is out at is cooler than expected. >> and what that's going to tell us about the state of the economy and how it's impacting the prices you pay plus. usa
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gymnastics, not giving up the fight after losing an appeal over jordan chiles olympics, olympic bronze medal. we'll have the latest developments on that story ahead anderson cooper, 360 tonight at 8:00 on cnn and the waivers every delivery is a treat one stash you for you, sir one strawberry who plays oh oh by waiver, something minty courts. >> it's a large a. >> double lucky every style, every home zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours. so dave can bva deliverer, dance okay. dave, let's be more than our allergies seize the day with
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cnn's matt egan joins us now, live from new york. matt, where do things stand? >> well boris i think things stand in a much better place than the market would have had you believe just a week ago. remember, investors were freaking out about cracks in the jobs market. all these fears that maybe the fed waiting too long to cut interest rates, totally different story this week we see the dow up more than 300 points around 1%, even sharper gains for the nasdaq of around 2%. and the latest inflation readings are a big part of the story that we're talking about. the producer price index. this is measuring wholesale inflation, it's pricing pressure before it gets to all of us as consumers. and it was better-than-expected. prices were up by 0.1% between june and july to 2, 0.2% year over year. both of those are improvements. if you look at the trend, you can see that this metric has gotten much better in recent months at 1.2 years ago, it was almost at
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12%. we are miles away from them that in this is really exactly what the fed wants to see prices. of course, they're not going down, but they're going up at a more gradual pace. >> and this is another piece of evidence that could help make the case for the fed to start cutting interest rates at the next meeting in september, which by the way is the last let's meaning before the election. >> of course, boris, we're getting another potentially key piece of evidence tomorrow in the consumer price index. so we'll have to wait and see what that says as well. >> now there are some red flags out there. one of them specifically coming from home depot. it's the largest home improvement retailer in the nation. and they have some warnings about the economy. what are they saying? >> of course, they're saying they're seeing weakness. this company cutting its outlook, warning that sales will drop them more than expected. and what's really key here is why
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they see this weakness. the home depot. home depot ceo said that quote higher interest rates and greater macro economic uncertainty pressured consumer demand more broadly, resulting in weaker spend across home improvement projects specifically, they're saying that americans are cutting back on number of categories, including kitchen, bath, lighting, and flooring. and they say it's really for two reasons it's concerns about rising unemployment. and that people are delaying certain projects where they'd have to borrow money because they're expecting the fed will start to cut interest rates soon boris, it's just another reminder of some of the pressures that consumers are facing from prices and from borrowing costs, and how all of this is interconnected. >> very interconnected. matt egan from new york. thank you so much. new evacuations were ordered today near athens, greece as crews are trying to contain wildfires. just on the outskirts of the capital global warming, making these blazes
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even fiercer will explain meantime, tropical storm ernesto, slamming the northern caribbean with heavy rain and winds, and it could soon hit with rico as well. the latest on its path when we come back this fall comedy us coming to cnn and what could go wrong i got news for you from the or saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn one. remember, i don't want to surgery for my dupa trends contraction i want to be able to lay my hand flat i want a non-surgical recovery for what options. non nonsurgical option and five, and non surgical treatment is an opera get a second opinion let's go take charge of your treatment. if you can't lay your head glad because it find a hand to get started
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returning to see what's left at their homes. cnn's eleni giokos is in greece near athens and lanny how are residents describing this damage to you yeah. i mean, as being one of the most difficult days of frankly, for so many of the people that we met today, they were relaying pain and trauma and just sheer shock in terms of what transpired over the last couple of days and it says because of multiple things, firstly, a fire that started very far away from where we are right now, around 40 kilometers away very, very quickly and was completely unpredictable, destroying everything in its path. in fact, it was just incredibly incredible to see some of the buildings that had engulfed specifically the businesses and the homes we came across some of the residents were describing a furnace that was playing out in over 24 hours. we just got off the phone with fire department. they say that things have calmed down. you can tell that
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the wind has really subsided. that's after gale force winds really assisted the fire to move rapidly across the city. it's been hard to breathe today. i have to say it feels like i'm in some kind of fireplace it is just filled with suits and i think the air quality has been dramatically impacted as well. experts say that because so much forest area, 100,000 hectares has been burned just in this fire season, in this area in southeast africa that is going to have long-term effect. we're going to see prolonged heat waves in the city of athens and it's changing its climates where it's not only a global climate change issue, but also that the city of athens and greece as well as move forest as burns. but that's going to have an adverse effect yeah, for sure. >> and walk us through how fire crews have been able to keep the flames from getting closer to athens itself. >> yeah. >> such a good question i mean, we're around 18 miles from the
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center of athens. and i mean, it's pretty shocking to think that the fires encroached to the basic point where we're seeing commercial activity there's major concern, but we must also now under debates that the suburbs, again, we're major hubs it came so close so that i think everyone was very worried about what that would mean down the line. they had helicopters and planes to try and douse out the fires were also spoke to so many firefighters on the ground. assistance came from the european union as well. it was herculean efforts have to say jessica, in terms of what the people we saw today and the efforts on the ground, no doubt about it our hearts are with so many of these. >> you'll both those fighting the fires and those who've lost already so much, eleni. thank you so much for that reporting. boris happening right now, a powerful tropical storm is battering the northern caribbean with heavy rainfall and damaging wind. it is expected to hit puerto rico as
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the island braces for what could be a hurricane by tomorrow morning. cnn meteorologist chad myers is tracking ernesto is path. chad, where's the storm? right? now. and where is it headed it has just left the leeward islands, moved now into the caribbean itself. >> and it's headed toward either the u.s. vi, or the british virgin islands. there, just to the east of puerto rico. but even if puerto rico only sees 50 mile per hour winds, we know what those wins can do to the power lines anyway, the storm is not very organized. there are hurricane hunters that are flying through it right now. and in some of these brighter colors, they're seeing winds around 60 miles per hour. it is not rapidly intensifying yet that could certainly happen after sunset. that's kind of how things go here. tropical storm warnings are in effect for puerto rico and even hurricane watches are in effect for the islands from about beacuse and clyber all the way over toward st. kitts. and that's what the area that we're seeing. it is not rapidly intensifying yet because it is not breathing like an eye, you cannot find an
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eye on this map, you see storms rotating around a common center. but after the sunsets in this warm water, like this, when the shear backs off that's when you can see those storms get a lot stronger and that's why the potential for the hurricane, a category one, moving to the north of puerto rico, brushing the eastern half. now, polls say you're not going to see a lot. but if you're over there in the bva, you are going to see quite a bit then where does it go? here's our problem, boris. it goes very close to bermuda. in fact, right over the top of bermuda with wind temperatures here, we're going to see these things kind of go quickly and all of a sudden by saturday bermuda, you need to be ready. now is the time to be ready. and i know you know, how to do this is not going to affect the east coast of the u.s. that we don't think no models are bringing it close to the u.s. but if you're on the beach this weekend, there will be large waves. there will be rip currents, there will be still be problems even though we are hundreds of miles away with the center of the storm still from
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the east coast, those waves could be 68 feet and certainly the even this track here, here all the models well out to the ocean still could see something here. when you take your life in your hands, if you're getting in those waves, those waters, and the red flags are out. please don't do it very important to keep an eye on rip tides. chad myers in the weather center. thank you so much. jess. >> let's look at some of the other headlines we're watching this hour, the slowdown in consumer spending may have sped up yet another change at the top of starbucks the struggling coffee chain is placing ceo laxman newrez men, after just one year on the job, starbucks has been struggling with falling sales in the u.s and abroad stock down 17% for the year the ceo of chipotle restaurants will be taking over at starbucks. the boston red sox have suspended outfielder jarren duran for directing a homophobic slur at a fan. he will sit out to games and have his salary for those games donated to an lgbtq organization. he was heard during sunday's broadcast using the slur while telling a
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heckler behind home homepage home plate to shut up. now watch this frightening encounter off the coast of california there he is yeah right? >> yeah. >> it's got some got some jaws energy their shark surprising a couple of kayakers while they were out fishing in half moon bay. one of them notice the shark was following them for a couple of minutes before it circled away. as for what it was like, one of them told a local news outlet, quote, it felt special more than anything else to spend time near an apex predator that behaved so possibly. >> i think they're braver than meets the olympics are over, but the fight over jordan chiles, bronze medal may just be beginning. i had what's next after an arbitration panel says, it will well, not consider reconsider its decision after asking her to return that metal stay with cnn news central, we're back in just a minute the source with
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that's 800 to 014057. call or go online now, if being here starts causing issues in our relationship, we need to go back to the u.s. this doesn't look in good press if it's going to affect our marriage going to affect our marriage and it's not worth it 90 daysoud when others won't, but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse
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by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. absorbing junior pro, nothing numbs pain more and the battle over the bronze, the situation is getting more complicated by the day usa gymnastics says its appeal for olympic gymnast jordan chiles, to keep her bronze medal was denied the governing court says that its rules do not allow for an award to be reconsidered even when they are presented with new evidence. >> cnn's don riddell joins us now live for the latest on bring us up to speed. >> hey boris say if any of our viewers are familiar with the works of the novelist friends kafka. they might have an understanding of this story because the us team and jordan chiles are finding themselves in an increasingly bizarre and
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surreal situation. let's just look at what's happened over the last 24 hours. are contributor christine brennan has been reporting that when this hearing, this romanian appeal was shared, for friday the court of arbitration for sport, which is supposed to notify both sides notified the wrong american personnel obviously, the americans lost their appeal or they are either lost their bronze medal. and so it went to the romanian team second of all the u.s has then discovered video evidence that proves that the appeal they lodged right after the competition ended last monday was actually done within the 62nd time limit. and they now have video evidence to prove it, but they've been told that no new appeal will be heard, regardless of new evidence that's presented. an even conclusive new evidence that's being presented. so usa gymnastics has basically been told that they're out of luck and within the last few hours another fascinating wrinkle this being reported, that one
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of the three member panel at the court of arbitration for sport that made this big decision of the weekend has been representing romanian interests for the last decade. so i mean, this one just gets weirder and where there are more and more complicated for the u.s. team and for jordan chiles it really is a nightmare. and the way this whole thing has been handled is an absolute fiasco. let's just quickly show you what the us olympic and paralympic committee have said about this because they are going to try and keep fighting. they have said we are deeply disappointed by the notification and will continue to pursue every possible avenue and appeal process including to the swiss federal tribunal done if you had franz kafka on your bingo card for names that would appear on cnn news central today is somewhere somebody is celebrating don riddell. >> thank you so much. all right. still ahead of governor tim walz is set to headline his first solo campaign event. any moment now as he seeks to rally
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union support and draw a contrast with former president trump on labor issues. a live report when cnn news central returns cnn is live from chicago democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage that democratic national convention monday he had seven on cnn and streaming on back meet the jennifer's gen x, gen y, and z each planning their future for the chase mobile app. gen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from jpmorgan wealth plan it's got a whiskers to and why is working with the banker to budget for her birthday you only turned 30 once. and gen z, her credits go then, hello, new apartment three-tenths. getting ahead with chasten solutions that grow with you. one bank for now, for leader, for life chase make more of what's yours are wish my tv provider let you choose what i pay for. sling
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