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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 15, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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a lot has changed for us to dng since then, but the issues facing homeowners are the same and the solution to skill make
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will at trust and will and make it count that's the laugh of a crazy person. she's not smart. she's not intelligent. we have stupid people like kamala travel from the states to go to the vienna shows and our show's for kanpou so we came to london hoping to still make it happen. >> securities like family stephen and things it does make you a little bit on edge i had to come and help their economy. the amount of money i'm willing to spend. >> huge difference cnn he's room with max foster and christina macfarlane hello, and
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a very warm welcome to our viewers joining us from the united states and all around the world. i'm christina macfarlane max is off this week. it's 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. in maryland, where u.s. president joe biden and vice president kamala harris will deliver remarks in the hours ahead, the focus progress made on lowering drug costs. the event comes amid renewed excitement among democrats since harris launched her white house bid a new monmouth university poll finds 85% of democratic registered voters say their dues, yeah, stick about the race up from 46% in june enthusiasm among republicans remains unchanged at 71%. and a separate poll shows 63% of democrats say they'd be excited of harris was elected president compared to 57% of republicans who say the same about trump meantime, republican presidential nominee donald trump veered off message during an event in north carolina as he delivered a speech meant to focus on the
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economy but instead, trump did what he's being urged not to do, lobbed personal attacks are common. a harris what happened to her laugh, i haven't heard that laugh at about a week. that's why they keep her off their sake. that's why she's disappeared. let's the laugh of a crazy person. you know why she hasn't done an interview, because she's not smart. she's not intelligent all over the world. crime is down because they're taking, they're criminals and the people from mental institutions. and they're putting them into our country because we have stupid people like kamala and joe running our country oh, kamala harris will make her own visit, north carolina on friday when she set to deliver her first major economic policy speech as the democratic nominee. she's expected to call for a federal ban on price gouging, lower grocery prices and everyday costs. remember, harris is campaign's spoke about her plans you can expect her to talk about the ways in which
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she wants to move this economy forward and lower costs for middle-class families. she understands that for too many families, prices remain too high and so wants to make sure that the american people understand the ways in which we can grow our economy and make sure that everybody has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead as we move forward here. and i think that will be in stark contrast from what we see out of donald trump let's see it as kristen holmes has more on trump's north carolina rally, but first here's kayla tausche with details on what kamala harris has planned in the days ahead? president biden and vice president kamala harris will appear in maryland on thursday. an official capacity for the first time since harris ascended to the top of the democratic ticket in this event, they're going to be touting lowered drug prices. a central focus of the biden-harris administration and their economic platform for the last three-and-a-half years. but it comes before harris herself is set to rollout for economic platform as candidate
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sources close to hur expected she's going thank to be talking more toward the middle with proposals that aim to not only lower costs for everyday americans, but also cut taxes elsewhere. one source close to her putting it this way, saying that she's going to toe the line between helping people build lives and not interfering with people who have already done that, like wealthier people in this person's estimation now, as harris tax more toward the political center, she's finding herself increasingly on common ground with her republican opponents who have backed both an expansion didn't of the child tax credit which harris has supported for years, as well as the elimination of taxes on tips which harris herself just recently supported few days ago, it all comes as both sides of the aisle are trying to cater toward the independent voter, the small slice of americans, just a few hundred thousand of them who will decide this election in critical battleground states. but the devil will be in the details when harris rolls out that plan in the coming days.
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kayla tausche, cnn white house former president donald trump giving what was billed as an economy speech. it was not your traditional rally. it was a smaller venue. you saw people seated instead of standing, it was really supposed to be hyper focused on one issue. but of course it's donald trump's. so he did veer off message. now, one of the reasons that they've decided to do these kind of series of smaller events focused on issues is because they believed donald trump can still win this it's race they believe he still can win in november if he particularly focuses on three issues, the economy, immigration, and crime. they look at those issues because those so the issues that donald trump pulled ahead of president joe biden on and they believe that he can pull ahead of kamala harris as well by linking her to this administration. she is after all, the vice president now as we have seen, donald trump, is that a hard time staying on message had a hard time focusing on policy when it comes to kamala harris, particularly as we've seen, a boost in enthusiasm, rounder, a boost just in polling, but we
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did hear some new attack lines doing just that, trying to link kamala harris to joe biden and those unpopular policy decisions. take a listen. >> drama has declared that tackling inflation will be a day one priority. think of it for her, but day one, for common-law was three-and-a-half years ago why hasn't she done it? >> now overall, donald trump ask questions like, where are you better off when i was president, he promised to bring down inflation he promised several things making the economy better. however, it was pretty light on how exactly he would do things. one thing he said specifically was that he would commit if he was elected to cutting u.s. energy and electricity prices unclear exactly how he would do that, but important to note that he now has thrown that out there as something he is going to specifically do. now in terms of whether or not he stayed on message, he veered in and out. it was a little bit different than the excerpts we were provided, but that's not that surprising. it was only
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slightly longer than the campaign told us it would be i'm going to be checking in with my sources, allies of donald trump's to see what they think about this new model that they're testing out of these smaller venues of these issue-based wages to see if that gives them any sort of hope or insight into the direction this campaign is going? kristen holmes, cnn, asheville, north carolina well, trump continues to attack harris on inflation. >> new data shows price hikes actually slowed more than expected last month, consumer price index fell below 3% for the 12 months ending in july a milestone not seen since march of 2021 wednesdays report builds on another positive report from june which has helped racial the markets and the federal reserve that inflation is moderating. this could pave the way for the fed to cut interest rates next month now, to doha, qatar, or whether latest round of gaza ceasefire and hostage release negotiations get underway
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today, a diplomatic source tells cnn hamas will not be participating in the talks, but is willing to meet with mediators afterwards. if there are developments or a serious response from israel, negotiators are hoping to close any remaining gaps on a proposal to end the fighting and return all the hostages held in gaza with the director of the cia and a prime minister of qatar are expected to attend along with israel's mossad chief and the head of egyptian intelligence officials in gaza are reporting that at least 36 people have been killed in the latest israeli strikes including three children. a spokesperson says, a house in southern khan younis was hit, resulting in at least 13 deaths the israeli military says its operations in central gaza are dismantling hamas terror infrastructure meanwhile, the death toll in gaza since october 7 is now closing in on 40,000, nearly 2 million people have been displaced from their homes over the, over the past ten months of fighting. and many say, they are cautiously
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optimistic about these ceasefire talks. >> god willing the expectations will prove true as everyone's expecting a solution, everyone is hopeful that a ceasefire will be achieved we hope to god there will be a solution everyone, u.s. >> women and elderly people, just begging for money we are broke and everyone is either dying, injured, are getting amputated and no one has been spared. >> among them, our only hope is that tomorrow's negotiations turn out positively so that this war ends and we can return home. >> we hope that this war is that there will be no more worse because we are as tired as they are nada bashir has been following this and joins me now. >> and as we heard there, nother the need for this ceasefire is now so acute. what are the chances for progress to be made with hamas, not in the room? >> well, the stakes are incredibly high, but we aren't expecting an agreement to be struck today, or at least not a final agreement. we know that the broader framework has certainly been read up on that
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was our knowledge an early as july, but of course, hamas will not be participating in these talks directly. we've heard from a u.s. official saying that while the border framework has been agreed upon, there are still significant sticking points, significant gaps between israel and hamas currently stand and a number of key issues and of course, hamas has so that they will be speaking to mediate as afterwards, if indeed there is a response from israel that they feel is sufficient if there are any significant developments. but we know that these sticking points have been an issue for some time now, including questions over the movement of palestinians from southern gaza back into parts of northern gaza. that is something that hamas will let's just see without restrictions, without an israeli military presence. and of course, a crucial part of the current peace proposal on the table as laid out by president joe biden in may, calls for the release of some palestinian prisoners held in israeli jails. now what hamas doesn't want to see is israel's demand for a veto power over which palestinian prisoners not actually
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released. >> then of course there is a crucial sticking point with regard to the border separating gaza and egypt the philadelphi corridor as it's known, israel wants to maintain some sort of security presence. >> israeli forces on the ground that is something that hamas has outrightly rejected and that continues to be a key point of debate in these ceasefire go and as we know, there has been that broader framework agreed upon. but according to officials and sources within israel, it is understood and there is a feeling that these really prime minister may also be social undermining the ongoing negotiations. we know of course that there are members of the coalition hardline right-wing members of the coalition who don't want to see ceasefire deal struck, who've threatened to pull out if indeed a ceasefire is structure questions as to whether netanyahu or rather israeli officials are actually on board with getting a ceasefire struck at this point. yeah, that has been one of the big outlier questions of this is how far is well, are willing to cooperate. we will wait and see in the hours ahead what's to come, nadeau. thank you. >> now, columbia university's
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president has resigned months after pro-palestinian protests gripped her campus. egyptian-born economist minouche shafik's said it had become difficult to overcome divergent views, saying she's been distressed by threats and abuse in april when talks began between the university of protesters and the university and protesters broke down some of them stormed a campus building. shafik called in the police who carried out arrests and made sure the encampments were not re-established. hurricane and s2 is gaining strength as it turns north and heads into the open atlantic, the category one storm leaves destruction and flooding in its wake after lashing puerto rico and knocking out power to half the island. u.s. national hurricane center predicts the storm could strengthen to a category three storm by friday, they effect and sdo to slowed down as it approaches bermuda, dumping up to nine inches of rain on the islands. meantime, in the pacific, typhoon am pill continues to grow stronger in
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warm waters as surges towards japan right now it's the equivalent of a category two hurricane with winds of almost 100 miles per hour according to the joint buy food warning center, it predicts the storm will only brushed japan's coast, but tokyo and other coastal areas will bear the brunt of the heavy rain and hurricane force winds in some areas well, after a short reprieve, the threat of wildfires is expected to return today in parts of greece, at least one person was killed when gusty winds caused a fire to spread rapidly throughout the attica region. and onto the suburbs of athens on sunday and monday. and those strong winds, dry conditions and higher than normal temperatures will be back today. that comes as greece and 19 other countries across europe are currently under heat alerts. cnn meteorologist chad myers has the details yet we've got a law on the wind on wednesday, but that will not be the case on thursday, back to a level four out of five for the fire threat here, not to the extreme
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in category that we were on monday when there was so much damage that occurred there, but still four out of five and i don't see any help with this wind. >> you see gusts in their 40 to 50 kilometers per hour, maybe even up to 60 at times. and that was thursday, friday, and this has now obviously into who saturday. there's not as much light that as much heat from the satellite picking up here, but you still see how many fires are in parts of europe, but just have to hope that these things don't ignite or reignite because of the drought, because of the heat, possibly whatever it else it's going to take to get these fires out. we're not seeing that perfect conditions whatsoever hear clearly the heat alerts in parts of europe, things get a little bit better for athens by the weekend and into next week, but still hot here, hot through the iberian peninsula and then all of northwestern europe, very, very close to what we would consider mile the athens goes from 38 back down to 33 where you should be by tuesday so we'll take that no real threat of any
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significant rainfall that the firefighters would certainly welcome, just sunshine all day. moon all night. >> you're its largest and most active volcano will keep an airport in sicily closed for most of today, at least a short time ago, officials announced there'll be no flights in or out of catania until at least 6:00 p.m. local time, mount etna has been spewing lava and ash, which has covered the runway, made it unusable. they've okay. now is current eruptive phase began last month. ukraine says its incursion into russia will help make ukrainians safer. we'll tell you why next plus north korea will reportedly no longer be off limits to international travelers, but what would they be allowed to see if the country has largely kept visitors out for years and security is tight with taylor swift set to resume her era's tour here in london after a foiled terror plot forster to cancel several concepts details right how far would you go to
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the coming hours and security will be extremely tight. this will be swift's first time on the stage since three girls were stabbed to death at a dance class with a taylor swift-themed in southport, england last month the foiled terror plot that force swift to cancel her shows in vienna last week we traveled from the seats to go to the vienna shows and our shows were canceled obviously, all of them were and so we came to london hoping to still make it happen about 90,000 fans are expected at each london show, but those without tickets will not be allowed to gather outside the arena. >> common practice known as tailgating heightened security measures are in place around the stadium and officials are urging swifties to be vigilant about security, saying, quote, don't shake it off as not important i think it's makes you just a little bit unsteady. i think, especially with all the crowds and things and as
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much as usual, securities like ramped up in and things, it does make you little bit on edge where a bit nervous about it after hearing. but then we're researching about it and we've heard that there'll be increasing the security here at wembley they're double-checking everyone. so it's made us feel more at ease about that situation well, authorities say the terror threat that's caused taylor swift's vienna concepts to be canceled last week was cultivated online. >> extremist preachers are using tiktok to radicalize teenagers and lure them into jihadi violence. cnn salma abdelaziz abdelaziz has the story what is she playing for? the lounge is botox a sin? >> yes. quotes for the vm. >> can you watch the world cup? of course answer to this is able borrow the german speaking tiktok preacher who is targeting and radical allies in young minds by answering seemingly innocent questions from his followers in light of a foiled terror plot on a
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taylor swift concert in vienna, there is renewed concern about online extremism among youth. >> the 19-year-old alleged mastermind of the attack was radicalized online. austrian authorities he say that we don't yet know how but off has repeatedly denied any connection to i.s.i.s. and never openly calls for violence but he has always testing boundaries. online. venue, month less if someone is quote, bad, he says in this clip, then regardless if that person is muslim or non-muslim this means death is better for them, for me, saturation is with his at times, lighthearted and relatable style. he draws teenagers in and then attempts to isolate them from society. says khan or khan who runs a program to de-radicalize youth he tries to get them to sever family bonds distance themselves from parents, from siblings, from friends viewers
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may then be presented with more and more extremist content by a social media algorithm built to fuel and feed their interests what makes him so dangerous? what makes him dangerous is that he is like a gateway drug. he lays the groundwork where other actors are picking his target audience up and leading them further into radicalization germany security services have had able been on their radar for years a berlin mosque where he was chief imam was shut down by authorities in 20 2020. >> and another affiliated group band for extremist activity earlier this year here but on tiktok, where he has more than 82,000 followers, he is undeterred and prolific, even responding to recent media reports linking him to the taylor swift concert terror plot, the biggest v0, there's a massive campaign against us. he says, every time they try to find something new so they can silence but those who follow up
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about may become ripe for the picking by radical groups like i.s.i.s. k, which is actively seeking to recruit teenagers because it presents a challenge to authorities. >> the calculation of i.s.i.s. k. and those people who are behind this dynamic is that they are not it's not so easy to prosecute them by law because they are too young leaving vulnerable young minds susceptible to recruitment in corners of the internet beyond the reach of authorities and away from the eyes of family and friends. >> some of those 0s cnn, london. >> i'll cnn has made multiple attempts to reach out to abdo butler for comment at the time of publication, we have not received a response democratic vice presidential nominee tim walz says he's agreed to debate in october. but what about his republican opponents will hear from j.d. vance ahead? plus tourists are flocking to japan and record
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numbers, many of them looking for luxury goods at low prices. but how long can thrifty travelers count on the economy working in their favor? >> this fall. comedy is coming to cnn. what could go wrong? of i, got news for you from you saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn, home place where
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cnn newsroom. >> here are some of the top stories we're following today. u.s. president joe biden and vice president kamala harris will travel to maryland in the coming hours. they will be giving a speech on lowering costs for american families. this will be he their first joint trips since biden dropped out of the presidential race and comes one day before harris delivers her first major economic policy speech as the democratic nominee. the mpox outbreak in africa is now officially a global health emergency says the world health organization. until recently, mpox have been contained to the democratic republic of congo. but now a more deadly strain of the virus hsas spread to he was see, unaffected countries mpox has infected more than 17,000 people in africa this year new york yankee aaron judge hit his book 300th career home run on wednesday. he reached the milestone faster than any other player in history including babe ruth. judge was playing in
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his 955th game against the chicago i'll go a white sox is yankees clobbered the socks ten to two now cnn's latest poll of polls still finds no clear leader in the u.s. presidential race. but a new quinnipiac university poll puts kamala harris a few points ahead of donald trump in the key battleground state of pennsylvania. and democrats hope xing and also pull ahead in the swing state of north carolina. cnn's jeff zeleny, is there it's great to be back at this beautiful state, but donald trump's back in north carolina, a sure sign. >> it's a battleground. once again lines of trump admirers stretch down the block in downtown asheville a deep blue enclave in a deep-red swath of the state. i miss. >> you, miss him. >> i miss them, yes. the past four years? yes democrats
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worried north carolina was slipping out of reach. >> but all that's changed with kamala harris at the top of the ticket he's now campaign. >> yeah, people are excited. >> david bailey has been making calls that democratic headquarters, democrats haven't done the ballot. >> we're old signs are now accompanied by new enthusiasm. not move volunteer with the democratic party here and asheville. >> do you have to tap into people's not only what they know is good for the country, but also what they feel is good for the country. and i think harris and walz have done that. >> i think are voluntary here inquiries, quadrupled almost overnight as soon as we got news that kamala harris was going to be on the ticket they quadruple oh, yes harris has injected a wave of new energy and, uncertainty. >> the presidential race putting north carolina and other states back in play will feeling so down. pardon. and didn't feel like we could win again. and all sudden it was when we were on the upswing and they wanted to be a part of it
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four years ago, north carolina recorded the tightest margin of victory for trump. he carried the state by 1.3 points or 74,000 votes out of 5.4 million cast they're tired of them. >> they really want somebody else and the democrats are offering that this year they're offering somebody new. they're offering somebody that's a lot of energy around them. i think people are noticing and they're willing to give kamala harris a chance grayson barnett grew up in a family of republicans to the american he supports democrats and believe western north carolina can help deliver for harris by avoiding a blowout on his home turf. >> i'm not sure anybody is saying that we're going to get 40 or 50% in these counties overnight but going from 25 to 35 or 20, or 30 to 40 really can make a huge difference down the road at burke county republican headquarters all the republicans won them fair primary, at least negrin has a different take on the new democratic ticket. she didn't run, she didn't have a primary. she has no platform and she can't put two sentences together. >> so how do you want that
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person as your president? but since harris became the nominee, the trump campaign and a leading super pac are investing more than $11 million you're trying to define her after spending nearly nothing all year kamala harris failed week dangerously liberal, three months until the election trump's supporters like sheryl price are picking up signs to show their support to have a spot for it. >> i write. >> do you have one last time or is this your first trump flag? >> this is my first one. >> i was sort of not scared, but yet more know, any conflict because once you put aside everything out oh, for price, not only a first trump flag, butter first trump campaign event, we bumped into are waiting in line to see the former president italy excited so by gideon north carolina and its 16 electoral votes suddenly are at the center of this presidential race in ways that they have not been all year long. of course so much has said about those blue wall
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states of wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania actually there are more electoral votes here in north carolina and wisconsin, or michigan. >> it's seen as an engine assurance policy for democrats should the harris campaign need one. >> now this new excitement certainly does not guarantee victory, not by a longshot, but as one democratic official here told me, it offers us pathway. >> jeff zeleny cnn, asheville, north carolina. oh, kamala harris is running mate, minnesota governor tim walz says he has agreed to take part in a vice presidential debate on october 1 cbs news took to social media wednesday to post its invitation to both walls and republican vice president how many j.d. vance offering four different dates over the next two months, waltz responded writing, see you on october 1, jd and official with harris campaign says minnesota governor looks forward to debating his opponent, quote, if he shows up is what vance told fox news about the debate
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i strongly suspect we're going to be there on october 1, but we're not going to do one of these fake debates, laura, where they don't actually have an audience. there where they don't actually set the parameters in a right way. >> we're going to have a good exchange of ideas. in other words, we're not going to run, walk into a fake news media garbage debate ukraine is targeting the source of russia's airpower with what security sources calling the biggest attack on russian airfields since the war began this video posted on social media shows what looks like a drone crashing down on an airbase in niche sheet in novgorod. >> ohblast east of moscow and ukrainian security source tells cnn that they struck four key russian airfields in several regions, including kursk but the ukrainian forces are currently gaining more ground. clare sebastian has been tracking this joins me now and clare, a day after putin
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threatened a quote worthy response to this surprise incursion. this is yet another blow for the military. >> we still yeah, it's known saying that that worthy response and look, it's clear that ukraine is trying everything to really stop russia being able to attack effectively on the ground. >> you see that those attacks on the border region inside, inside russia are stopping the kind of shelling that we've seen over and over again, over into the sumy region of ukraine. local residents have told cnn that there's been a downtick in those. but if you hit the airfields further away, you can prevent the kind of sort of glide bomb attacks that we've been increasing in frequency and recent runs, the kind of devastated avdiivka back in the winter. so that is the strategy here. we don't know how effective these attacks will yet how many planes were actually destroyed. but certainly this is something that president zelenskyy is using not only to sort of add to the morale boost that the incursion into kursk. but to call for more weapons and less limitations, grizzly from his western allies take a listen of leucine.
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>> thank you for the accurate, timely, and effective strikes on russian airfields. i'll ukrainian drones are working exactly as needed from the dock, but there are things that drones alone cannot do unfortunately, we need other weapons, missile weapons but we continue to work with our partners on long-range solutions for ukraine so yeah, his banging the drum on this, he has been even before they started with the with the incursion into kursk. but i think that perhaps there's also a message to the west here that ukraine can invade literally invade russia. we still didn't see anything that looks really different from the normal course of hostilities from russia in ukraine rain in terms of escalators, escalation. so perhaps he's trying to make the point to the western allies. they have nothing to lose really lifting restriction and they have been a slight, i think thought that there'll be a sensitivity about this on the west part because ukraine are using nato machinery and ammunitions. what has the response been from western eyes? i know that president
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biden has actually been speaking on this this week. >> yeah, it's interesting because initially what we had certainly from the white house was that they hadn't had a heads up and quite often they do get a heads-up, certainly about major operations from ukraine. but since then, it's what we've seen to be getting is a level so of acceptance from the western allies. president biden this week saying that this is a real dilemma for putin. he also said he's been briefed about this every four to five hours, who clearly he's he's really staying in touch with what's happening on the ground in the eu. the eu's top diplomat offering support for this. there's been no the backlash from ukraine's western allies the u.s. even announced a new weapons package last week. so i think that is quite telling in itself, even though as we understand it, they didn't know in advance clare, thanks very much. >> now, a russian court has sentenced an american man to 15 days in prison for petty hooliganism, according to a post on the court's telegram channel joseph tito was found guilty of disorderly conduct
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during his stay at a moscow hotel, state media reports that he behaved aggressively, use foul language and hit female police officer while on detention. >> russia media also reporting that he's facing a criminal charge of violence against a government official that could get him up to five years behind bars japan is marking an economic achievements the country's gross domestic product grew by more than 3% in the second quarter according into government officials, it's the first time in two quarters that japan has seen positive growth. public investment is 4.5% higher up from 1% decline in the first quarter tourists are capitalizing on the unpredictable nature of the japanese yen, right now, japan's national tourism organization says that more than 3 million people visit the country in june and it's on pace to break its annual tourism record. one of the big draws visitors to japan is getting luxury goods at a bargain price, as cnn's hanako montgomery reports with a lot
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of cash or the swipe of a credit card towards from china, the u.s would thailand australia are buying up japan's high-end items at an unprecedented rate defined global trends of a luxury slowdown the reason for the shopping spree, weak yen i had to come and help their economy. so reason why we come to japan for trebling. >> i see it's more cheaper than before hundreds percent. >> yeah, that's what i mean, reasons would be here. >> i was doing a couple of years ago when i was like a completely different experience the amount of money i'm willing to spend huge difference as the yen hit historic lows this year, four and 20 are snapping up luxury goods it's for less than back home and buying tax-free doesn't hurt the luxury market is booming in japan as it sees record for and tourist numbers and spending with estimates are passing 54 billion this year alone but elsewhere, big brands
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are feeling the pinch. >> lvmh, the world's loss largest luxury group and giant behind louis vuitton, saw 14% revenue dip in asia, excluding japan. during the second quarter of this year, compared to 2023, brands like ferragamo and carrying also took a hard hit but japan's bucking the trend, even riding a wave of celebrity driven demand for vintage luxury. hold if they thinking oh, yes, japanese vintage is very popular from a global perspective. japan exhales accurately appraising items and distinguishing between authentic and imitation designer pieces japan's vintage seen already a top destination for high-quality fines, is also getting a boost from the weak yen asia secondhand luxury market is set to reach 4.38 billion this year, 165% bigger than the u.s. >> with japan leading the way, but with higher japanese interest rates looming and a
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fluctuating currency experts warn this travel trend may not last so the price harmonization across the region will eventually take place so far it's been so volatile, it's not been caught up, but these two factors will kick in and the arbitrage opportunity will be lessened for now tourists are cashing in on this luxury paradise. while their wallets can hold up demand hanako montgomery, cnn, tokyo and north korea is reopening to international tourists. that's according to two chinese top companies which say limited tourism will resume by december. that's after a pause of nearly five years. north korea and borders have been largely sealed since the start of the covid, pandemic. and one small talk grapes from russia have been allowed in the possible future destinations include the purported birthplace of north korea's late leader kim jong il, whose son king john thune, now runs the country as the taliban celebrate three years in
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empower their hardline rule has led to what many international groups say is one of the most severe human rights crisis in afghanistan. a live report on this when we come back cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage that democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn. >> and streaming on max. >> let's clear the air about air, unlike the breeze, lysol, air sanitizer is the only product uniquely formulated to eliminate odors in term 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in the air because sent can't sanitizer lysol can t's
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can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight that. >> tell you, doctor, if you have an infection symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerged trim phi,
1:47 am for certain the taliban. >> are celebrating the three-year anniversary of their return to power in afghanistan, holding a military parade at the former u.s. airbase in bagram, which was once the center of coalition operations. this was the scene three years ago after the militant group retook afghanistan's capital, almost two decades after they were driven from kabul by u.s troops. in the years since the taliban have re-imposed strict islamic law and stifled the rights of women well, cnn's anna coren joins me now and i know i know you have been reporting on the demise of women's rights in afghanistan for years now just talk us through just how devastating the picture is for those in the country under the taliban's
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draconian rules. the last three years well, christina for the girls and women of afghanistan, there just really is no future and they look at these scenes of bagram air base, which as you say, it was the nerve center of the u.s. >> war on terror. and this is where the taliban is marking its third anniversary of its returned to power for these women it is incredibly demoralizing. we heard from senior taliban officials there yesterday, they mark the anniversary yesterday praising their achievements. there was not a woman in sight. no women were allowed to attend. we saw u.s. and nato weaponry that were seized and left behind after the u.s lead international forces withdrew back in august of 2021, this military per equity, and it was televised the people of afghanistan seeing this i'm wondering what has happened to
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their country. what wasn't addressed at this military parade is the economic humanitarian crisis that is unfolding in this country. and the u.n. they report that something like half the population that's almost 20 he 4 million people need humanitarian aid to survive. this year. we know that donor countries have provided only a fraction of the funds required. and this war on women, it continues every single day. human rights watch describes afghanistan as the most serious women's rights crisis in the world. and we say this over and over again. and yet kind of goes through one ear and out the other. girls are banned from school beyond the sixth grade. the only country in the world where this happens, women allowed to travel alone, then allowed to work and the laws and institutions that there were put in place to protect them have been dismantled. they are basically prisoners in their own homes. and i think
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are really important way to illustrate this is a u.n study that found two-thirds of afghan women experienced severe mental health issues. and we have reported extensively on this of, of attempted suicides are becoming all too common. but let's now have a listen to what the u.n. women representative in kabul had to say series ago, the world was watching. >> i takeover that was live streaming, horror after her and three days later, while the world's attention may have turned elsewhere, the horrors have not stopped for afghan women and girls, but has conviction to stand against depression. >> we cannot leave afghan women to find a lane that's right. >> christina, we cannot abandon the women of afghanistan or go a statement from a 21-year-old who have been in touch with since the fall of kabul. >> and she said, we will not be
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silenced. we will continue to fight until we can see our dreams again. >> yeah and, you have to admire the courage of this women who continue this fight despite the odds. anna coren there live from hong kong. thanks, anna all right. just ahead, scientists have trust stonehenge's altered to its mysterious origins and it's not where they'd previously thought kim, the reeva's support your brain health. >> mary janet hey eddy, know, fraser, frank, frank bred. >> how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the nerivan brain health a heart attack. do they have life insurance? know? >> but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes elect post found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a bipod
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snoop dogg sketches by snow. >> now for the lake no smoking a step far the olympic break is over and the rookie styles of the wnba all returning to action. >> angel reese and the chicago sky take on the phoenix mercury tonight and caitlin clark and the indiana fever's host, the mercury on friday reese and clark are also coming to a game console near, you, nba 2k released a sneak preview of the players images on social media on wednesday, along with the teaser that more information is coming soon, exciting and the other stories in the spotlight this hour, the cuban american singer known as the queen of salsa is now gracing one side of a u.s. quarter celia cruz is one of five women chosen to appear on the new edition of the quarter. she fled cuba after fidel castro took over the country, but continued her
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career in the u.s. where she went on to win three grammys for latin grammy awards. the late singer is the first afro latina to appear on u.s. currency i'll stonehenge in england is one of the world's most mystifying prehistoric monuments. now, new and analysts, new analysts show that one of its stones came from much further the way than previously known the altar stone, which lies at the heart of the ancient monument, is a perfect match to the bedrock found in what's now northeastern scotland, was originally thought to be from present-day wales, but the discovery means that the 13,000 pounds slab was transported at least 430 miles. there is no record of any other stone being transported that forward far during the time of that period, nearly 5,000 years ago it's very. different. >> so it must've had stood out like a sore thumb to bring it
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700 kilometers. however, you brought it, you brought it down by boat or whether he brought it over land? >> yeah. >> it was taking a huge effort to do that the findings suggest that people have mentioned britain worth far more advanced than ever thoughts before, we all knew it. >> and staying in scotland, some parts were treated to this spectacular view monday night as the aurora border wray less or northern lights lit up the night sky. this timeline shows stunning video. the town bridge, the bridge of allen, and the lights came at this peak of the perseid meteor shower, during which dozens of shooting stars can be seen in the moral of the story, folks, scotland is the place to be and that is it. >> for cnn newsroom. i'm christina macfarlane. stay with us cnn this morning is up next i'm thinking i'm good to die.
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