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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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31 day sales event ends august 31st for a free appointment during this sales event call 1805011400 i got it. >> i got discover performance in rare form he got it. but she's delayed get off offers on selective sport models and the golden opportu
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to to get started on your financial wellness journey today by more liebermann at the pentagon. >> this cnn sharing a stage and passing the torch was it in biden appearing with his vice president, kamala harris for the first time, a public rally since equip the 2024 race. >> because they take the stage for more president trump is preparing for a news conference coming up next hour. we'll discuss plus multiple arrests
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in the death of matthew perry, including a drug dealer known as the ketamine, been police have executed search warrants, seizing coming peters and phone records. all part of an investigation into the death of this beloved actor. and taylor swift back on stage one and police are on high alert after the scene. here's last concert at to be canceled because of a foiled terror plot. i'm jessica dean, along with boris sanchez. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in, right? right here to cnn news central president biden and vice president harris just wrapped up an event in maryland there first joint appearance before supporters. >> since biden dropped out of the president ventral race, they spoke separately, but at one point were side-by-side on stage and they have similar messages touting the administration's work lowering prescription drug prices also
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going after former president trump and republicans. here's president biden you may have heard about the maga republican project 2025 plan they want to repeal medicare's power to negotiate drug prices but big pharma back to charge, him ever they want let me tell you what our project 2025 is beat the hell out of them next hour, former president donald trump will hold his own event, a news conference at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey with us now cnn's eva mckend and kristen holmes. eva, let's start first with you. what we saw with president biden, vice president harris was officially a white house event in maryland, but it sure had the feel of but campaign event. >> it did just because it really included the themes that vice president harris wants to run on lowering the cost of prescription drugs. >> she argued that in america,
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people should not be forced to ration their medication, that americans deserve toacss afford health care what was notable is the way that she presented herself with president biden on that stage. >> the way she embraced him. let's listen and as vice president together with joe biden, our president we finally addressed the long-standing issue that three years was one of the biggest challenges on this subject, which was that medicare was prohibited by law from negotiating lower drug prices and those costs then got passed on to our seniors but not anymore and what we're all watching now is how much she continues to do this on the campaign trail, though she continued to talk about president biden as she has done
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all the all along there are often in chance at her rallies of thank you, joe or does she start to put some distance there? she's giving an economic policy address of her own tomorrow where she's supposed to address this issue of price gouging and then of course she'll also have to address probably one of the most persistent issues i hear about on the campaign trail from voters and that is the high cost of housing. she talks about corporate landlords lots of folks are worried about the cost of rent and how difficult it is right now to buy a home yeah. >> we look forward to that speech tomorrow in the meantime, kristen, what are you hearing about former president trump's news conference that's set for the next hour. >> well, boris, i was told that this is going to focus heavily on the economy, obviously is going to open it up for questions, but that he wants to reiterate that messaging on the economy obviously we saw yesterday, he gave a speech in north carolina where the focus was supposed to be the economy. and for donald trump, it was a rather focused speech, a smaller venue, a crowd that was
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sitting down. we're told he's going to give more of these kind of issue based speeches across the country as his team tries to keep him on message, obviously as again, we have reported kamala harris has really shaken up this race or boost enthusiasm, her boost in polling among, amid all of that, we've seen donald trump at times really seeming to not be able to contain himself, not be able to stay on those important issues. that his campaign thinks will help him win in november. so as for this news conference, we will see how it goes. we will see if he stays on message with the big goal coming out of that was to keep yesterday and today focused on the economy and kristen, we are also learning an old face is coming back to the trump campaign. what more can you tell us about that a few old faces actually, but perhaps the most notable is corey lewandowsky. >> he was the first campaign manager ever for donald trump, who joined trump's campaign in june of 2015, he ultimately was ousted and replaced by paul manafort about a year later. there he is going to be back on
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the campaign. and again, all of this coming at a time in which allies have expressed concerns about the direction that this campaign is going in the direction that candidate is heading in. and lewandowsky is a staunch supporter, a staunch ally of donald trump's. and we did get a statement from chris lacivita susie wiles, they are the heads of the trump campaign and we are told by sources they're not going anywhere. these are just additions, but in the statement they say as we head into the homestretch of this election, we are continuing to add to our impressive campaign team, corey lewandowsky, taylor budowich, who was the head of maga inc. a super pac aligned with donald trump alex pfeiffer spokesperson for maga inc. alex bruises, hits, and tim murto are all veterans of prior trump campaigns and their unmatched experience will help donald trump persecute prosecute the case against kamala harris and tim walz, the most radical ticket in american history. again, this is very clearly these additions are coming at a time in which we've seen the polling. we've seen the energy
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shift on the democratic side, and we've seen the concerns from republicans around donald trump that he needs to be more on message heading into this critical periods. very interesting to see this kind of changes at this time yeah, notable to say the least, kristen holmes, eva mckend. thank you both so much let's discuss all the aspects of the campaign right now with former trump white house communications director anthony scaramucci. anthony great to see you as always, thanks for being with us first, i want to ask you about the economic speech that trump gave last night in asheville kristen pointed out that the campaign is going to be focused on these smaller events, not rallies, kind of centered around a single issue. why do you think that is? and what grade would you give the former president's performance yesterday? >> listen, it's the same grade i give him a great of a t, which is he's donald trump. that's how he's going to talk to people. he's demeaning and degrading and he's off-topic, so he's going to try to repair
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that today with the press conference and i want to give a shout out to corey lewandowski. he is a friend of mine, even though he's on the wrong team. i like corey and i don't wish him well, with this thing, but i wish him well in general in life because i want donald trump to lose, but but i would say this to you. the smaller events or because he's worried about crowd sizes, he does not want his crowd sizes to be overwhelmed by vice president harris and it looks that way. if you look at her crowd sizes recently, she's getting way more people. he knows that. and so that's why he's making this adaptation. we can't rule mr. trump out of this race. he's a very aggressive, very formidable competitor, and he's recalibrating right now how he's going to approach the race from here to november. and i'll just point out to viewers and listeners. he he did the same thing in august of 2016, we had to swap out in august of 2016 and kellyanne conway and steve bannon joined the race.
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got a lot tighter and a lot more complex after the joint. so he's doing something very similar right now. >> he made a similar move in 2020. do you believe the campaign when they say that they're current heads, chris lacivita and susie wiles aren't think going anywhere, do you think that might soon change to i think there's a lot of pressure you know, there's been a lot of news reports that chris was in particular trouble the insights got to. but is it a little rough on the staff? and donald trump doesn't like the direction things are going in and boris, i don't know if remember george steinbrenner, but donald trump sees himself as a modern date. george steinbrenner. so when things are not going well, it's never his fault. he's got to find scapegoats, so i think the pressure though now that this has been reported in the press that he was going to fire chris it's probably stayed that execution for a while. but there's disarray in the campaign. course is very close to president trump and i think
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he's been relying on some good advice from cory and so listen a 300 monster, it didn't work you can ask pompey crassus and caesar, it didn't work in rome it's not going to work here. there'll be fighting with each other coming into labor day so what do you think it means then for the campaign that they're relying on this boost and that there potentially jeopardizing the dynamic with bringing someone like corey lewandowski in will trump wants to shake up. he doesn't like where things are. he's not he's not on firm footing with his messaging. the stuff that he used against hillary clinton is not sticking with vice president harris. and so he wants to shake things up and we'll have to see today at 4:30, if he can stay on message he's being told by his aides, if you stick to the issues the border, the economy, people feeling better meaning having more money in their pocket book inflation hill, tighten up these polls if he doesn't want
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to do that and he wants to call the vice president mean and nasty and he wants to use derogatory insults about her intelligence. i think i'll lose the race. and so i think his aides are telling him that and so i think he'll recalibrate because this guy wants to win and he's a formidable politician. and this is one of many adaptations that he's made during the course of his political career and we'll see if he if he's less the raga tory at 4:30 we'll see it is interesting though, because even that sort of sentiment when you hear reporting about sources inside the trump camp, that he wants to shake up, that he doesn't feel like is on firm footing. his favorability numbers in a campaign have never been higher. i believe he is close to 40 540, 4%, 44% right now, you look at 20:20 and 2016. what do you attribute that to well, i, think he's i think he's been he's been
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fairly disciplined up until the harris shake-up of the democratic presidential nomination. >> so he's been fairly disciplined but i think those numbers are is his ceiling. i think he has, as everybody says, he has this high floor, but a low ceiling when you look at data, he could get to 47 47.5%. that's why the republicans want people like jill stein and rfk junior in the race so they can chip away at vice president hours. but that's a good number for him. that's about as good as it's going to get, frankly. and that's the fact that he's off of twitter. if those meanderings on truth, social, the insanity that he writes on truth social was actually on twitter and for those 80 million plus people that follow him on x or now called x, i think it'd be a disaster for him and those numbers would drop so he's been the beneficiary of being on truth, social because he's talking to a hard-right maga echo chamber
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over there. and people are not seeing the full insanity of the stuff that he's writing oh conversely, i'm wondering what you think vice president harris needs to do as she lays out her vision of the economy in the speech in north carolina tomorrow, what do you think would be an effective message from her? i think an effective message is that the joe biden policies are working same thing that president biden said yesterday. stay the course. we're heading for a soft landing. rate cuts are coming inflation is coming down manufacturing is up on onshoring, manufacturing is there the infrastructure bill is lowering the cost of the delivery of goods and services. there's some rumors that she's talking about price controls. i hope she doesn't go in that direction. but it that'll be very bad for the stock market. it'll be very bad for the capital markets in general in the united states. but they should also emphasize she wants an independent fed. donald trump is calling for a dependent fed on donald trump. so i guess he wants to be
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erdogan of turkey and he wants to turn our federal reserve into the turkish central bank, which would be an unmitigated disaster for the united states. so she should compare and contrast her messaging is. >> but i really hope she stayed he's away from price controls because that would be very bad for the economy and it would be very bad for her campaign. >> last point though, i think it was a good one i recommend that she does not take any interviews between now and her nomination. there's no need for her to do that. >> i know the media wants her to do that, but she's running a campaign for the american voters. >> i think our number one goal should be on missile lock. to get that nomination before she she steps out that's an interesting point. >> anthony scaramucci, by the way, i do remember george steinbrenner he was great on seinfeld. anthony, thank you so much. >> veteran seinfeld and it was the yankees. >> that's what i'm that's what i'm implying. thanks so much. appreciate you. still ahead. ukraine captures more russian
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land and soldiers new videos showing russian pows lined up a lot on the road. part of what ukraine says is their largest capture of troops at one time drug dealer known as the ketamine queen is one of five people now charged in connection should with actor matthew perry's death will tell you what we're learning about that investigation. >> also as the white house touts historic negotiations on lowering prescription drug prices will take a look at which medications will become cheaper. >> and by how much the assignment with audie cornish, listen wherever you get your podcasts doug lima, someone needs to customize and saved hundreds and car insurance with liberty mutual. >> let's fly chief i thought you were right behind me. >> only pay for what you need
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labor day she grew up in a middle-class home. >> she was the daughter of a working mom and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle-class is why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable donald trump has no plan plan to help the middle-class just more tax cuts for billionaires. been president is about who you fight for and she's fighting for people like you uncommon hello, harris and i approve this message what are rather by any expensive, annoying tiny cartridges or use these replacement ink bottles and save up to $1,000 don't get cartridge. switch to the cartridge three, absent ego just fill it job. >> i started bright star care to provide higher standard of care. it's been my goal for 20 years and it always will be. if you're an experienced caregiver with that same
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on the table, a deal president biden first proposed back in may but not in the room any member of hamas while in the war in ukraine, the pentagon just revealing the u.s. has seen quote, some russian units be redirected from occupied territory in ukraine to the kerch region inside russia, where ukraine has launched in tack kyiv officials say that since last week, ukraine has captured 380 some square miles of russian territory in kursk you see that's the blue area on the map. >> let's dive deeper now with beth sanner, she's a former deputy director of national intelligence and david sanger, he's a white house and national security correspondent for the new york times. he's the author of the book, new cold wars. china's rise, russia's invasion, and america's struggle to defend the west thank you both for being with us. beth. let's start in gaza how big of a problem is it that hamas is not participating in these talks is this just like standard
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operating procedure as the white house national security council spokesperson, john kirby is claiming i mean, it's a little bit more than that. >> i don't think it's the big issue. they can easily communicate with hamas so them not being in the room, it's not weird because there aren't direct negotiations. the big issue is that israel and hamas see the end of the war in very different ways. hamas wants a permanent ceasefire or to live and fight another day and netanyahu wants to militarily crush hamas. so there can be no future hamas in gaza. and threading that needle is what the united states and the other negotiators are trying to do but that is why a lot of people are in the kind of low-probability of success, not zero but low david, how do these talks factor into any potential iranian retaliation or vice versa well it's. a,
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really great question and we were pressing mr. kirby on that that issue today. so we're three weeks now since the assassination of the central hamas negotiator into iran and we would have expected and iranian attack weeks ago. >> the fact that it hasn't come yet probably tells you that the iranians are still debating among themselves what the wisdom is of doing this, and whether the u.s. >> is right, that it would lead to significant escalation we should work could that would cause them in iran itself as the israelis retaliated if they do an attack, it probably at least delays if not derails the negotiation if they don't do an attack, it's a bit of a humiliation for them that the
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israelis were able to reach deep into touran and do a killing like this involving a bomb that was pre planted i and then look, islamic revolutionary guard guest house right in the middle of the capital during their inauguration. so the iranians are not in an easy spot here david the palestinian ministry of health says that 40,000 people have now been killed in gaza since october 7. >> we should point out the ministry does not differentiate between combatant and civilian deaths. i'm still wondering how that milestone impacts the hostage and ceasefire talks and any international pressure that israel might feel going into them. >> well, i think the israelis are feeling as significant pressure already internationally they will argue that you know, 1015000 of those
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were either hamas militants or people sympathetic to them, or people who aided them but even if you believe that and accepting the fact that we can't take on face value the 40,000, clearly the number of dead is in the tens of thousands. and i think the issue that will be debated for some time and will become central if whoever becomes president in january is, can you let a situation persist in which israel argues that in the pursuit of a fairly small number of remaining combatants, it's okay to do attacks that end up taking off lots of civilian lives. these are not attacks that would normally be approved under the u.s. rules of engagement and of course, much of it is being done with american weapons and that's going to be the core issue. and it'll be very interesting to see how kamala harris handles
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that issue in coming days and that the convention because obviously she's under a lot of pressure from the parties left that's i do want to talk about what's going on with russia and ukraine as well. >> this, what appears to be a major reversal in russia's war on ukraine and with the ukraine saying its advanced some 20 miles past putins defenses into russia. we're looking at that map there earlier today, president zelenskyy said the ukrainian military commander it's office is being set up in the kursk region. what do you make of all of this and what it says about where we are in this conflict well, this surprise attack by ukraine is very audacious and definitely going around, you know, they couldn't figure out how to get through the sentencing fines and so they had an offensive somewhere else. >> and in doing so, they have changed really the vibe of this war, the trajectory, both domestically and inside the ukrainian military, but really
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importantly here in the united states, with lindsey graham there talking about it big and beautiful. keep going so these kinds of things are very important, but i think in the long term as well strategically, it gives it gives zelenskyy for the first time an actual card in his hand when negotiations come, if trump wins, those negotiations might come sooner. rather than later. and so he needed to get improved. the his, his deck of cards and he's done that so far still big risks. and whether he can hold on to that, that card or not is in question, of course, but it's looking so far so good yeah. >> tbd on that. beth sanner, david sanger. thank you both so much thanks to your head to doctors charged in connection to matthew perry's death, the text one of those doctors allegedly sent another shortly
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before the actor die plus the president of columbia university resigning after months of protests on campus over the israel hamas war. >> we're going to speak to a jewish student about the resignation and what they want to see change at the school cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn forgotten complete coverage. the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn, and streaming on max was structured settlemenokay it's your only usually when you need it well, it's 77 cash
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actor matthew perry a short time ago, the officials announced they uncovered a suspected network of distributors including one called the ketamine queen matthew perry's journey began with unscrupulous doctors who abused their position of trust because they saw him the payday. >> and it ended with street dealers who sold him ketamine in unmarked files are 70 elam joins us now with more on this and 70 prosecutors painted a truly ugly picture of how this all played out. >> completely, utterly jessica, when you take a look at how close these people were to matthew perry at a time when he desperately needed help they're saying, according to the u.s. attorney, that matthew perry relapsed and september of 2023 and these people around him took advantage of the fact that he was looking for any kind kind of way to get ketamine that he could so we are looking at two main people, the lead
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people who are facing charges. both of those individuals were arrested this morning, were told hold and will be arraigned later today. those two people are just being saga, who is the person individual who's known as the ketamine queen. they're saying out of her operations they've found a lot of drug selling, paraphernalia, as well as other narcotics that she was selling out of there as well they say that it was her dosage that actually was injected it into perry that led to his death. the other person is salvador, doctor salvador plus-end cia, or otherwise known as dr. p. they're both facing charges related did to the distribution of ketamine and conspiracy to distribute ketamine. we have also been told by the u.s. attorney that they uncovered text messages between doctor triplets since yeah. and another doctor, dr. mark chavez, who is also charged in this case, where he said to him, quote, i wonder how much this moron will pay. they also went on to say he, that they were charging extraordinary amounts to matthew perry for each vile saying vile could cause like
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$12 for dr. placenta, but they were charging him kim so much more, thousands more they sold 50 biles were $11,000 in cash. that's just one example. that we heard about now, the other three people in this case he's have received plea deals. we understand one of those would be kenneth ewa mahsa, who was paris live in assistant. they also alleged that he injected ketamine into perry the day that he died in late october of last year, and then also march have as i mentioned, and then eric fleming, who was a broker who is buying the ketamine from the ketamine queen. this is what we have been learning here, but take a listen to how the u.s. attorney martin estrada explained how these people were working in how little they care about matthew perry these defendants took advantage of mr. perry's addiction issues to enrich themselves they knew what they were doing was wrong. >> they knew what they were doing, was risking great danger
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to mr. perry. but they did it anyways, in the end, these defendants were more interested in profiting off mr. perry then carrying for his well-being and you're looking at in the case of the ketamine queen, she could be facing up to life in prison of for this at the charges were to go through, but all in all it's just a very sad ending to a story about a man who is in desperate need of help and these people, instead of helping him let him fall stephanie elam. >> thank you so much for that. a surprise ending to a tumultuous relatively short tenure for the president of columbia university, minouche shafik's. she suddenly resigned yesterday, effective immediately and just three weeks before fall classes start, shafik's resignation comes after months of protests gripped the campus over the war in gaza. she was vilified for authorizing police to remove you have hundreds of student protesters. she also came under fire for her testimony during a contentious congressional
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hearing about rising anti-semitism on college campuses she's now the third female ivy league president who testified to step down following nationwide protests over gaza elise baker is a jewish student at columbia and are rising junior, alicia, thanks so much for being here with us this afternoon. i know you're getting ready to go back school, start your junior year. i just first want to know what your reaction is to president shift his resignation, especially the timing that you all are getting ready to go back so soon yeah. >> thanks for having me obviously resignation effective immediately is surprising but all i can think about and all that really matters right now is what comes next. i'm thinking about will the next president, obviously as she steps into this role, you know, assert strip wrong leadership to make sure that it's a safe campus for jewish students. and actually a safe campus for all students to be able to return to classes in person and to be able to have a healthy learning
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environment, which is what we all signed up for a columbia and this new school year is beginning. >> we're the last one ended, frankly, there's a lot of turmoil. the president's resignation is coming just after three other columbia deans resigned after the university invested investigated them for a series of text messages that the university said touched on andrew tyson semitic tropes what are you thinking about all of this? what are your classmates thinking about all of this i mean what you've seen on campus is a kind of a mob that has recently actually self-described itself as fighting for the total eradication of western civilization and then we have professors that have been supporting this mob in that, in that in that agenda. >> and actually kind of bringing that agenda into classrooms. and that's a scary thing. so i think it's a big moment of reckoning. what is, what is the culture that we want to create on columbia's campus, right? how will it be safe for students? also productive and open for
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learning in a way that by last spring it really wasn't yeah, i hear you. >> when you were saying in your first answer you want it to be a safe place for jewish students, for all students to be able to go to school. i mean, essentially you're there to learn, right? and to get a degree are you confident that columbia can make you and your fellow classmates feel safe as you head into this new year it's about leadership and governance. the question is whether policies will be clarified, codified, and enforced. and i say enforced because that's really really important over the last year, there have been different policies enacted. it's kind of unclear that you're going into the semester, what exactly the time, place, and manner, right? relations on protests are, and what the punishments are for students and faculty that violate those time, place, and manner regulations. >> and to me the only way we stand a chance if those policies are clarified, then they're codified and then the university actually follows through on enforcing them.
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>> and that's what i see as kind of the first step of really strong a strong start and strong leadership from this new administration. and i'm really hoping that that starts from day one and so it sounds like what you're saying is you know, i hear all of the steps you'd like them to take. >> it's it's fine to proceed just in terms of free speech, but make it where the rules are followed and everybody feels safe right? >> i know masks, right. because there has to be a way to identify protesters because protesters throughout the entire year have proven that they do not care about the policies so when those policies are inevitably violated and again, these protesters have stated openly that encampments are just the baseline and that they intend to escalate and escalate again, remember this is a protest against western civilization, and it's a protest against jewish students on campus. and it's a protest against the existence of the state of israel. all of these things in substantively are in my view, deplorable but in
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terms of the actual manner, right. we have to be able to identify the students that are breaking rules so that we can hold them accountable before any change could, could happen on campus all right. at least a week or thank you so much. good luck on the new school year thank you still ahead. the biden white house is taking a victory lap, claiming a win on cutting drug prices and take a look at the life-saving drugs that will now cost less for a lot of seniors hi, i'm gina. >> i've tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. goal is not like any of those with golan release. i not only met my goal, i've surpassed it, and i'm keeping it getting for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take kunal term wreck because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why kuno? >> it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric kunal, the brand i trust that bids to credit. we know you
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billions of dollars on popular prescriptions for diabetes, blood clots, heart failure, and more calm line. all of this room are going to keep standing up for big pharma. i fought too hard to yield now cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell is here with the details. meg, what are the details? >> well, they're estimating that this is going to save $6 in medicare spending in 2026 when these price negotiations that cut prices go into effect, that's based on 2023 numbers. the out-of-pocket savings for seniors they estimate will be one 1.5 billion. and this covers just ten drugs to start with, but these are the drugs that have incurred the biggest spending from medicare these are blood thinners, diabetes, drugs, drugs for heart failure, arthritis, cancer, chronic kidney disease, and psoriasis. they amounted for more than $50 billion in medicare spending in 2023. that's 20% of medicare part d spending and so how will
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this affect people personally while seniors under medicare for example, a hypothetical example that the administration has given us for the drugstore laura, what does on the list? it's a serious drug and treats other autoimmune diseases right now, a 30 day, 25% coinsurance out-of-pocket would cost $3,400 per month for seniors with the new negotiated price, they say that's going to come down to $1,100 per month until i a cap on out-of-pocket costs for the year kicks in, after which time they won't pay anything more. that 66% discount, right there on that one drug, some people argued there were already discounts in the system. so it's not quite it is big as it looks, but still 22% savings they say across the board, guys that's the first year than what's the expectation for what this looks like as we move forward? >> right? so the way this was written into the inflation reduction act, we have ten drugs that will be in effect in 2026. the negotiations, each
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additional year adds more drugs to that 15. in 2027 and 2028 and up to 202029 the congressional budget office estimates that'll save $100 billion over a decade. and guys, one of the most high interest drugs as ozempic, that is estimated potentially to be on the list in 2027. >> guys. all right. next tirrell. thanks so much for walking us through that still ahead. taylor swift is back on stage for the first time since a thwarted terror plot will tell you about the increased safety measures that are now in place this summer. >> there's no better time to experience the latest mercedes benz has to offer make your. dreams come true of the choice won't be easy with exceptional offers on the e class today and c class sudan cle kabri delay and cle coup hurry. these dream offers won't last forever. come in now through september 3
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1871 to 3,800 rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. >> this is cnn happening now, taylor swift back on stage in london, performing for the first time since authorities busted up a terror plot targeting her shows in vienna, austria the last week, yeah, the singer is holding a series of concerts at wembley stadium. >> london police say they are well prepared outlining their plans to keep thousands of fans safe joining us now, live near wembley stadium is cnn's salma
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abdelaziz some what is it like near the venue well, right now, as you can see, it's pretty quiet here and that's because those many, many swifties are inside wembley stadium. >> and i can tell you the moment that taylor swift stepped onto that stage. every one could hear that roar was absolutely enormous and we were speaking to swiftie fans of course, about how they felt about security measures given what happened in vienna. and many of them outlined, yes, of course, they were concerned, of course it was top of mind, but they felt confidence in this venue behind me here wembley and the police forces geer, take a listen to what a few of fans told us going into it. >> i think the overriding hearing was let's come together and be together and have a good evening. >> read, read the news, and it was disconcerting. >> but we really wanted to be here. >> and i think they've taken precautions and my sister reassured me how, did you feel?
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i know your mom read you the news report you are aware how did you feel coming here today i hope like a little nervous at mostly so excited to see terrorists swift now, in other cities where of course the era's tour has been. >> we've seen many fans, thousands of fans even congregating outside i'd of stadiums. that is not taking place as you can see behind me here, authorities have been very clear that if you do not have a ticket, you should not come to wembley stadium. police walking up and down here moving people along. now that is not specifically because of what occurred in vienna with that terror plot being foiled by authority pretty's you have to remember that the uk has its own history in 2017, the ariana grande day concert in manchester, that was attacked 22 people were killed. so since that time security measures have really been tightened around these types of events across the uk. but for the swifties who are here celebrating today, they we are meeting this with absolute
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compassion and loads of friendship bracelets more some of those 0s, thanks so much for the update still ahead. australian olympic officials are defending viral breakdancer reagan as an online petition. questions how she was selected for the olympic games my mental health matter, but uncontrollable movements called teeny tardive, dyskinesia started disrupting my day td felon it's embarrassing. >> i felt like disconnecting i asked my doctor about treating my tv and learned about in grad the gretta is clinically proven for reducing td. >> most people saw results in just two weeks, people taking him aggressive can stay on most mental health men's number one prescribed in gaza has simple dosing for td, always one pill once daily in gaza can cause depression. suicidal thoughts or actions in patients with huntington's disease pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have
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sleep. i deserve the lead with jake tapper next on cnn fairly and breakdancer rachael gunn, aka reagan, is responding to backlash over her highly panned and now viral olympic performance and a brand new instagram video gun says the hate that she's received online has been devastating. >> she has that while she had fallen at the games, she took her performance seriously david, are all austrian officials are defending gun following an anonymous online petition, they describe as bullying. the petition claims that qualifying events were rigged in guns favor and alleges that her husband, who is also a breakdancer, manipulated the selection process the online petition reach nearly 55,000 signatures as of this morning. but it has since been taken down. >> now, the australian olympic committee refutes those claims.
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it says the qualifier was approved by the international olympic committee and the world dance sport federation and gun had no position that gave her favor. this was the first year breaking was featured in the olympics makes it could be the last it's not on the competition less for the 2028 la games as of now, some of these images he had to say so just iconic, you know, i sympathize with her. you ever go to a party, jessica, you get on the dance floor, you're feeling the music or you're really into it, and then you look around and her friends were looking at you like that would be good yeah. very sad and real gun was feeling it and now, they say that they categorize it is bullying. >> well, i actually went on her social media shortly before we ran the story and some of the comments were just unnecessary you got to dance to the beat of your own drum she clearly did that thank you so much. >> she did for joining us. >> yeah. we very much appreciate your company. the lead with jake tapper starts in just a few seconds. they would
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