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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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one of the most dependable gold distributors in america. i'm paula reid in washington, and this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years.
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>> you cora, we make uti relief products we also make proactive urinary tract health products. you cora is a life stage right today at your core next our vice president kamala harris laying out her economic vision noticeable shift from president biden's. we have new details about her plans for attacks scott help with housing costs, and attempting to lower the price of groceries or her plans realistic. >> and how is this going to land with voters? plus, it's the kind of summer wave you don't want to catch. we're talking about covid. one of the largest surges we've had in years. straight ahead, what you need to know and the romans fenian geminus at the center of the olympic medal battle was just awarded the bronze american gymnast jordan chiles. >> now speaking out for the first time since being stripped of her honor wow. house now calls this moment one of the most challenging of her career. we are following these major
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developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central the number one issue for most voters, this election is the economy and today after much anticipation and speculation, vice president kamala harris will lay out for economic agenda. >> she is soon going to take the stage in raleigh, north carolina and we'll bring you her remarks next hour. as we're learning new details on what her economic proposals look like. >> and quoting a first ever federal ban on price gouging at the grocery store, affordable housing assistance and a new plan to cut taxes for middle-class and lower income americans seen as national politics correspondent, eva mckend is in north carolina ahead of the vice presidents of big economic speech. eva, we now have some of the tenants and details of this plan. what more can we expect to hear from her today? day josh, she's proposing tax relief that would impact more than 100 million
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americans. >> the child tax credit that was in the american rescue plan, that popular policy passed by democrats in congress. she wants to expand on that, make that permanent would go from $2,000 to $3,600, $6,000 for middle-class and low-income families with newborns that of course speaks directly to the criticism from former president donald trump's running mate, j.d vance, that democrats are somehow anti-family also in her proposals cheese proposing policies that would lead to up more access to affordable housing and more access to affordable health care. ultimately, she is trying to set up a contrast with these policy principles. she's arguing that the democratic ticket are principally concerned about everyday americans the american worker. and she argues that former president donald trump in his allies are more animated by a
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passing tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires obviously something that they would take issue with ultimately though this is just a wish list, these are democratic policies that have been proposed before and ultimately the greatest challenge is ultimately we working in concert with congress to get these policies passed over the finish line goes eva mckend live from north carolina. >> thanks for the preview. let's discuss with cnn economics and political commentator catherine rampell. katherine, thanks so much for sharing part of your friday afternoon with us. so these are about a dozen policy proposals. some of them have been sort of in the ether for democrats. they've been pitched before, they've been bills, before but they haven't exactly gotten across the finish line. which of these policies do you see as most realistic for congress not only to take up, but to actually pass i think the most likely policies that could find your way into law are the ones
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related to the tax code actually. and that's because a large chunk of the tax code will be expiring next year when the 2017 trump tax cuts lapse and there is already expected to be a food i'm fight. essentially over what will replace it so things like an expansion of the child tax credit. i think that's on the table. i don't know if it will look exactly like what kamala harris has proposed. but something along those lines, there might be room for bipartisan support and maybe even some of the form portable housing pieces on the tax side. because again, those have had subversion of them have had bipartisan support in the past. some of the other things, it will really depend who controls both chambers of commerce. for example, the ante price gouging stuff, which i have been critical of. it's basically a form of price controls roles has a lot of democratic support behind it. there's actually a bill that's already on tuesday
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in the senate right now. that's co-sponsored by i think eight or nine democrats and that harris herself had sponsored a version of when she was in the senate that has a lot of support on the democratic side. i don't know how much support that would have on the republican side. so, you know, the tax side stuff, there's already going to be opportunities for discussion of that, and that's where there's probably the most fertile ground for some sort of agreement, right? >> because whoever wins this election is going to have to deal with this the trump tax cuts expiring and resetting the tax code and that will be a fight no matter who who is in office? catherine. >> i hear i read your piece and i heard you just mentioned it. >> the federal ban on price gouging for groceries. you are skeptical of this. why? >> well, first of all, nobody can explain what price gouging means. it's, it's like that old line about pornography. i know it when i see it in the sense that what does it mean to have an excessive price or an
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excessive profit margin that seems to be shorthand for a price or profit margin that that bugs me. that seems too high so, you know, it's very hard to pin down what this would actually mean if you look at the legislation that, as i mentioned, is already in the senate led by senator senate warren and senator bob casey and a slew of others the particular way that this is written, which is likely to be the template for any proposal that harris would eventually embrace, is especially bad in that it just bans excessive prices. grossly excessive prices, grossly excessive profit margins, and says that the federal trade commission can use any the metric it deems appropriate to decide what that, what that would mean which basically says like it's not going to be markets, it's not going to be declined demand that determining how much your grocery store charges you for milk or eggs, it's going to be
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some bureaucrat in dc seems like totally unworkable. first of all, for the ftc to be deciding like how much kroger charges for eggs in michigan. but it also would be very bad for markets. we've seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other countries before venezuela argentina, the soviet union cetera, it leads to shortages, it leads to black markets plenty of uncertainty and beyond that, the specific way this bill is written might actually increase prices because of some of the other language in it. things like requiring companies, public companies to disclose in their quarterly reports the quarterly earnings reports how they're setting prices, which is a great way to help them collude which normally we don't want them to do. >> so anyway, the devil's in the details, i guess for that bill, but it's really hard for me to imagine any form of
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legislation that preserves the spirit of what she's proposing that would not be at best do nothing at worst cause a lot of harm. not a fan of the price gouging ban portion of her proposals, but katherine, what about the planned offer this homeowner subsidy, $25,000 to first-time homebuyers, obviously, housing costs have become a concern for many americans. would that actually help or would that drive, as some critics have argued, home prices up? >> so that piece of her plan i think is likely to just drive drive prices up. we already have really strong demand for housing. the problem is that there isn't enough supply. if you just give people even more money to spend on housing regardless of who they are. that's probably just going to get passed through through to the sellers. so it sounds nice, particularly for people who maybe don't have a lot of savings, but it's just going to
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get eaten up. if you got 25 grand and a tax credit, i think you should expect prices to go up more or less by 25 grand now, the other pieces of what she has proposed on the supply side i think are much more likely to be effective in making home and making housing affordable. if they actually work, if they are, if they're able to get them through, again, the complicated in a way that i think is kind of unnecessary. so serhiy, like providing tax credits for homebuilders who build housing specifically for first-time homebuyers. it's a lot of constraints you could just have the tax credits go for builders from mit who provide affordable housing. we already have a version of that and it sounds like kamala harris hasn't braced some of that as well. but anything you could do on the supply side, which is limited at the federal level, because the biggest constraints on housing construction or at the state and local level making it very difficult to
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build with permitting issues and zoning and whatnot. their hands or somewhat tied, but to the extent that a president can do anything for housing affordability, it's on the supply side. it's not on the demand side all right. >> catherine rampell. thanks so much for that context. we appreciate it as harris offers her plans for the economy, donald trump is scrambling to figure you're out how to slow the vice president's momentum. >> yeah, during a at times rambling press conference at his private golf club in new jersey on thursday. the former president alternated between economic remarks and insults aimed at his challenger he admitted that he's angry at harris, and argue that he's entitled to personally attack her along the way, trump made some 20 plus false claims. let's get to cnn's kristen holmes. kristen how are the trump campaign and his republican allies reacting to this given that earlier in the week, we heard so many calls from them for him to stay on message.
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>> yeah. so i've actually want to point to that answer in which donald trump was talking about being entitled to personal attacks because the part where he said he felt like he was entitled hello, to personal tax actually made the most sense of that entire 15 minute answer then he went into a diatribe and that's when he started talking about how he was the victim of multiple court cases that they were trying to put him in jail. >> there were so many unfair judges. he basically went through a laundry list of all of his various court cases. the answer to the question which is about personal attacks was probably 15 minutes and had very little to do with anything other than airing his own grievances, which is what we've really become accustomed to with donald trump. and we'd gotten to a point in the campaign against president joe biden, where he wasn't doing that. he wasn't really talking. of course, we've seen him on during the trial saying those things, but he wasn't saying that as we were watching this kind of shift on the democratic ticket. and now he is completed back in that. now we're talking about messaging. his team and really republicans across the country who would like him to be elected in november kind of
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holding their breath when he does these press conferences because you could see the reaction on twitter. i was getting calls from various its allies as he was reading from the binders saying, look, he's doing a great job. he's talking about the economy. this is really kind of what he had done the day before. then it went off the rails and the question is whether or not donald trump can get it back because the entire thing that they want him to do is win in november, but they believe that he can only do that by talking about these three specific issues in which she has pulled ahead of president joe biden, not in really democrats as a whole, the economy mean immigration and crime they wanted to have events like yesterday, events like the day before, north carolina, where he does this. but he just can't seem to help himself. now, he does seem to have started to shift slightly away from all the conspiracy theories. maybe, perhaps the allies that i've talked to, who talk to him, or getting through to him. but he is still talking off script. does donald trump does? i do want to play one piece of sound. this is from an
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event after the press conference when you he's talking about miriam adelson, who is in the room, someone who he has had very good relationship with until recently, the new york times reported he had an aid center some kind of unhinged text messages trying to get that back. then he said, this during the event we gave miriam the presidential medal of freedom. that's the highest award you can get as a civilian is the equivalent of the congressional medal of honor, but civilian version, it's actually much better because everyone gets the congressional medal of honor that soldiers they were either in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets, or they're dead she gets it and cheese to healthy, beautiful woman it's the rate of equal so if you're an ally of his, you're wondering just like, why why, like you are here. you had these surging poll numbers. you can just focus on the economy, a statement like that
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is one that's obviously been going to media attention and they would like him to stay clear of those kind of things off script moments. yeah you can bet that you'll see that in ads fairly soon. >> if not already kristen holmes, thanks so much for the reporting still to come on. news central ceasefire talks between israel and hamas have come to an end. and mediators presenting both sides with a proposal that looks to bridge the divide in these talks, we have fresh new reaction for president biden plus ukraine's offensive going deep born into russia and now kyiv is giving new insight into the reasoning behind their cross-border incursion into russia. we've got new details on that ahead. plus five people are charging connection with the deaths that's a of actor matthew perry coming up. we'll show you what's next in that case this fall comedy is coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you for me or saturday,
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jpmorgan wealth management i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this turning now to the middle east and assigned from president biden that ceasefire talks between israel and hamas may be close to bearing some fruit this is the president. >> a few moments ago with the white house reason who i was late for you almost dealing with the ceasefire effort in the middle east and we are closer than we ever, man, i don't i want to jinx anything. but as my grandfather said, with the grace of god, good neighbors, lot of luck we may have something, but we're not there yet. it's much much closer than it was three days ago much much closer. >> he says biden's comments coming one day after the gaza health ministry said that more than 40,000 palestinians have been killed in the ten months of war, hamas does not differentiate between civilians and combatants, and it's not berzon cnn cannot independently
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confirm those numbers, joining us now is leon panetta, former us defense secretary and former cia director under president obama. obama great to have you here with us. i first just want to ask you about those comments from president biden. mediators are appearing cautiously optimistic. he says they're closer than ever. but there's probably still some ways to go. what's your sense well, look, i think the president deserves a lot of credit for continuing to push to try to get a ceasefire and a hostage exchange and try to see if we can ultimately bring this war to an end. >> but as we've seen, there are some difficult challenges that still remain and those challenges are hamas and whether or not they'll ultimately agree to this and netanyahu in israel whether or not he will ultimately agree. so there's still some challenge punches out there, but i give the united states and the other parties that are
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part of this effort, a lot of credit for trying because otherwise what could happen here is an escalated war in the middle east with on that note, we are waiting to see if and how iran might retaliate following the assassination of hamas, ismail haniyeh. how do you think that is factoring in to all of this if at all well, it's playing a big role because i think everybody is on edge right now nobody is quite sure what iran will do. iran has promised to retaliate the problem is that if you're iran really conducts a very strong attack against israel that results in a lot of deaths, goes after tel aviv and other key areas this is going to be this is going to be a wider war, and it could very well draw the united states and
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israel both into a war with iran now, having said that, that might be what would discourage iran from doing something like that, because i don't think they're particularly interested in for with the united states and israel because that would mean the end of their regime. so because of that there may be some hope here that iran understands that in retaliating, they cannot overplay their hand and i'm curious what your reaction is that just following in that theme of the potential for a broader war, your reaction to israel's foreign minister saying it expects britain and france to attack iran if iran strikes israel, the french foreign minister saying now is not the moment we discuss attacking iran. >> what do you, what do you think of those comments well, they're not very helpful and frankly we don't even know if that would be the case because
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you know it depends a great deal on on what the attack looks like. >> there there is a danger here. i think we're all aware of the danger. >> if iran over overplays his hand but at the same time there are some strong incentives here to ultimately try to do what we can to bring this war to an end. >> and try to provide a ceasefire try to provide for a hostage exchange tried to provide humanitarian aid, and try to provide for a path that ultimately ends this war i think all of the parties would be well-served by supporting that effort. >> but in the end there's go ahead. i'm sorry. >> that the whether to continue this war or whether to ultimately bring it to an end. and that really depends on
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netanyahu and hamas it really seems mr. secretary, that we are at this kind of key moment and you it's complicated and as simple as you just laid it out, either the war keeps going or it comes to an end. >> now, we've seen what happens. it can, it can start to escalate and we've now have seen ourselves get to the brink of a potential major escalation well, that's, that's always been the danger in the middle east. it's the tip for tat and the response and the quality of that response. that kind of determines whether this will be a wider war or it'll be something that can be better controlled by all the parties the reality is that we know from april the april attack from iran that if they try anything like that where they're shooting two or 300 missiles into israel and they cross that line again i think i
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think that's going to raise a lot of concern about whether or not we will see a wider war in the middle east and so it's the quality of that attack that will determine just exactly what the response looks like. >> so much on the line there, secretary leon panetta, thank you for your analysis there. we really appreciate it. >> thank you still ahead. >> how is vice president harris changed the race for the white house for female voters? now that she's at the top of the ticket, we're going to break down the numbers on that and as rent prices surge around the country, apartments are staying on the market for longer. so landlords are sweetening the deal to get tenants to sign on the dotted line, you've got new cnn reporting for you. that's next cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn the complete coverage. >> the democratic national convention monday at seven on
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visit home closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 look now at how kamala harris reset the race for president. if she gets set to unveil parts of her economic policy in the next hour or so, we're going to look specifically at the gender gap where she stands among men and women voters let's go to cnn's harry enten to break down the numbers for us. so here we could, we really see a history gender gap in november i mean, you look at where we were when joe biden was in the race and where we are now that kamala harris is the democratic nominee and the gender gap is the name of the game. >> alright, we're going to take a look nationally first all right, this is democrat versus trump margin its average across the same pulses will look at biden versus trump first, we're going to see that the gender gap was working in
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donald trump's favor among women voters. look, joe biden held an advantage, but it was just four points. look at donald trump's advantage among men voters though, up by nine points now let's come to this side of the screen. let's look at where we are right? right now. harris versus trump. first off, among men voters, look donald trump's still holds the advantage and he helped the exact same advantage nine points, but look at the difference among women voters. it's night and day, while joe biden was leading by four points, look, get kamala harris his advantage up 11 points. now the gender gap is working against donald trump, and it's it's working for kamala harris, a seven-point switch room on women, and that is the reason that kamala harris has the momentum in the polls. it's why she has that no clear leader within the margin advantage error nationally, it's because women voters are moving towards the democrats, while men voters sticking with republicans, but not becoming any more republican. so the gender gap, working against the former president, mr. trump but harry wants, why is harris gaining in the polls with women yeah. >> why why is she doing it? well, you might make the argument that she's a woman,
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but it might also be she's just energizing younger women were seeing that as well. and we're seeing it specifically in these great lake battleground states. i want you to look again here, donald trump versus the devil the craft we'll talk in pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin we know that this election most likely will be decided in these three pivotal battleground states. and i want you to look here, biden versus trump, harris versus trump will start here on biden versus trump again, the gender gap working in donald trump's favor back when it was joe biden being the democratic. now nominee, donald trump, leading among men voters by 17 points. you'll look joe biden, has that advantage among women voters. in fact, it was a larger advantage that he helped nationally by ten points. but again, the gender gap working in trump's favor, he had a larger lead among men than joe biden had among women jump over to this side of the screen. kamala harris versus donald trump. what do we see? it's the same thing that we saw nationally, right? donald trump holding his fair share among men voters up by 15 points. but kamala harris, look at that, that 17 point advantage
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significantly wider than what joe biden was holding among women voters. so gender gap that was working for donald trump is now working for kamala harris, and it is the reason why those new york times sienna college poll is where joe biden was trailing in those great lake battleground states. kamala harris is leading. it is women voters. they have been supercharged by the harris campaign in ways they simply put weren't by the joe biden and campaign. >> so harry, from a historical perspective, is this typically where a gender gap stands or is this larger than normal? >> if you know anything me about me, about me, boris sanchez, you know, i love going through the history books. in fact, if i wasn't a political scientist, maybe i'd be a historian. so let's go through the history books. all right, this is a democrat versus republican for president. this is the margin. michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. let's look at the women march. and because this really tells the story that 17 point advantage that kamala harris held in
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those new york times sienna college poll, compare that to the exit polls in 20202016 points significantly larger than joe biden held the advantage in those states back in 2020 when he won all three of them, he only won it by 13. how about hillary clinton? it was 11 points. men voters first, this is the interesting sort of nugget here. john trump is doing better among men voters than he did in 2020 or 2016. but because of women voters being so democratic, it's not mattering a significantly widening gender gap, and it is working, it is working for kamala harris and it's why she holds the advantage right now in this race, at least in those key battleground states it is so interesting. right? harry enten, always great to have you. thanks so much. >> thank you when harris speaks about an hour from now, one part of the economic plan that she will reveal focuses on lowering the cost of housing for many americans right now rent is expensive buying a home can feel nearly impossible. interestingly, that problem is now leading to a shift in the rental market because apartment units are staying vacant longer. so landlords are having
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to do more to lower tenants. it's giving renters the upper hand. cnn's matt egan has reporting on this. matt take us through the details. >> well boris and jessica, we have some good news for renters on this summer friday the united states is going through a boom for building apartments and all that new supply is making it harder and harder for landlords to fill units. so yeah, some landlords are being forced to offer concessions like free parking, free weeks, or even three months of rent one in three apartment units listed on zillow right now are offering concessions to try to get people to sign a lease that is up from about one in five years ago. and i spoke to grad student in arizona who told me that every single apartment that she looked for was offering some kind of concession. >> she ended up getting half a month off of rent and another
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woman, a teacher also in arizona, that she got a whole month three for rent and it's not just in arizona zillow found that at least half the units in six major cities have concessions right now, including atlanta austin, charlotte, raleigh, nashville, and salt lake city. >> so look, there's always this balance of power between tenants and landlords. but right now, renters have some levers. so if you're out there looking for an apartment, right now, you can use that leverage to your advantage to get a better deal and maybe even some other concessions and what does it mean for rent itself? >> is that finally going down? >> it's not going down, but at is cooling off. so if you look at the last two years, we see rent up by just over 5%. so it's up, but it's not through the roof that's basically in line with historical norms and importantly, this is a big deceleration from the prior two years when rent was spiking
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more than 20%. now, this issue, the cost of housing, has come up on the campaign trail vice president and harris is out with some new ideas for how to help both renters and buyers including importantly, some tax incentives to try to boost the supply of both houses, starter homes, for example, and rental units. there's also a $40 billion innovation fund that again is designed to try to ease this shortage of housing. it's also $25,000 downpayment support. that of course would be politically popular. but i have to tell you some of the experts, i'm talking to. they're pushing back against the wisdom of downpayment support right now because it would boost demand at a time when demand is already very high. so it'll be important that they get the supply beside figured out before they start encouraging more demand. boris and jessica all right. matt egan, thanks for breaking it down for us. appreciate it. >> still ahead. new details in the death of actor matthew perry what authorities are now revealing about the five suspects, including the
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so-called ketamine queen plus the covid summer for surge is here and it's possibly the worst we've had in years what you and your family need to know next bash was a very physical sport i get a lot of marks throughout the season sanam part of the world you've got to push yourself to the limit march in your body is not a sign of failure step towards improvement movement, lives marks the post, put it shouldn't degree all too clear nonstop protection against white. hey, paybarah locks. >> can you imagine the progressive lens of the future? >> you mean a lens engineered with artificial intelligence? howard by individual measurements of your visual behavior. a lens personalized to you by an slr expert,
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things in the people that you care about or take create your state plan, that trust and we'll dot com the democratic national convention. monday had seven on cnn and streaming on max one of the doctors accused in the death of actor matthew perry will be allowed to continue operating as clinic, but we'll have to tell his patients about the charges against him and post a assign about it on the front door? >> after it salvador plasencia is among the five defendants. he and another suspect, the so-called ketamine queen, both pleading not guilty yesterday. we've learned at three others in this case have taken plea deals the group is accused of supplying perry with ketamine may potentially deadly drug despite his well-known battle with addiction. cnn's stephanie elam joins us now from los angeles. stephanie, what more are you learning? >> yeah, the more you look at this, you can see that they us attorney is painting a picture of how these five people were
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working to just take advantage of matthew perry's fragile state, knowing that he has had a long battle with drug addiction and looking to just make money off of them. in fact, they argue that during september and october over of 2023, remember he passed away in at the end of october 2023. that they sold him 20 vials of ketamine for $55,000. and when you look at salvador plasencia, they're saying that he worked with another daughter doctor to get his hands on this ketamine to get it then to matthew perry's assistant that they could that person could go ahead and inject him with. they're saying he was charging $2,000 for a vial when the doctor could get it for about $12. and so what this means now, because you just talked about how he's now got to let his patients know that he can it's in the situation now. there also have taken away his dea license. so that means those controlled substances, he won't be able to prescribe those at this point either even though he's able to keep
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working he is facing up to 120 years in prison if he is found guilty of these charges, his trial begins on october 8, but while the u.s. attorney is painting this picture, take a listen to what his attorney had to say mr. perry was on ketamine treatment medically supervised medically prescribed, and while the u.s. >> attorney may disagree with dr. the sense he is medical judgment. there was nothing criminal at the time. and more importantly, the ketamine that was involved in mr. perry's passing was not related to mr. dr. plasencia, that was provided by another party sometime later and according to what the authority said yesterday, that is true. >> they do believe that the dosage of ketamine that killed matthew perry came from jasveen sangha, who is known on the street as the ketamine queen she is being held without bail. they say that they believe she's a risk to flee and so
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they said she was telling i had a whole drug selling emporium in her house. so that's why these two are the leads in this case. >> an investigation, a story that we will continue to track stephanie elam. thank you so much if it seems like a lot of people, you know, are getting covid, it's not just in your head. the u.s is in the middle of a summer surge. the worst we've had in at least two fears. >> cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell is joining us now and make the cdc releasing new covid data. so how big is this surge yeah. >> so what we are looking at here is a way of monitoring levels of the virus in wastewater. it's sort of a passive monitoring system, has fewer people are getting tested and reporting the results of those tests. and so looking at the viral life levels in wastewater over time, you are seeing a summer peak, right now that is comparable to what we saw in the summer of 2022. it hasn't yet quite surpass those levels in the wastewater data would was actually expected to happen today, which would make it the biggest since the cdc really started tracking in this way at the beginning of 2022 so
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this corresponding with uptakes that we are seeing in emergency department visits in the hospitalization rate and in the death rate, it's really important to note though that those levels are so much lower than they were at previous times during the pandemic. and come off a low that we were seeing in may that was the lowest that we've ever seen pandemic. so while there is a lot of covid out there, it is causing less severe disease. and as you can see from this map of where the wastewater levels are highest, and that's in the red and the yellow states. this is not evenly distributed, so the west to seeing the highest levels of the virus in wastewater right now. but this wave we typically see these in the summer. this one is coming a little earlier than we saw last year. we see a bigger wave in the winter typically, and that's because we tend to see these sort of four to six months cycles of new variants and waning immunity. and we are seeing both of those right now. the current variant that's the most prevalent is called kp dot three one dot one. it's 37% of
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cases in the most recent cdc data that's tripled over the past month, we are expecting updated covid vaccines too be coming within the next month or so so a lot of people who are worried about protecting themselves are looking forward to those of course, masking testing saying home, if you're sick, getting paxlovid, if you are infected in higher risk group, all of those things are still recommended, guys material. >> thank you so much for the update. >> i had, a romanian gymnast has received the bronze medal that was stripped from team usa's jordan chiles what chiles is saying about the controversy when we come back this is the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic. and it responds to snoring. so you don't have to know more nudging your partner were sleeping on the other side of the house? because the temperature goes smart base actually detect snoring, then automatically adjusts to help reduce it all night, every night, don't miss our biggest
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medal and the heartbreak for barbosu as she realized she did not have that bronze medal. the romanians then appeal to the court of arbitration for sport. they have ad hoc committees, small panels that are at the olympics to make quick decisions. and unfortunately they had the wrong email address for usopc and usag gymnastics. and so the lawyers were not advised on as quickly as they should have been about this appeal. and then the u.s. was rushed and hurried when they did then put up their defense. anyway, the decision was made. the romanian was then given the bronze medal since that time, the u.s. has said it will appeal to the swiss federal tribunal. that's the last place they can go after the court of arbitration for sport in the meantime, though, the romanians basically hurried and they could do it the ioc, the national olympic committee said, go ahead, you can have a medal ceremony. and so they did have that just a couple of hours ago, as you said, in romania and barbosu now has the bronze medal around her neck, but of course, jordan chiles,
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is that in the us and she has her bronze medal. we got a lot of bronze medals floating around and to heartbroken athletes as well as another romanian. and i thought it was wonderful when barbosa said today at her ceremony that not only does she deserve that bronze, but jordan chiles and her romanian teammates, who is also in the mix here. and if, if only the adults in the room had the class, the grace and the dignity of these wonderful young athletes yeah, absolutely. >> no shortage of small controversies at the olympics yesterday, we heard from australia and breakdancer reagan reacting to some of the hate that she's been getting online since her performance went viral at the olympics. let's listen to what she said i'm glad i was able to bring some joy into your lives. that's what i heard i didn't realize that that would also open the door to so much hate which is frankly been pretty
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devastating this is obviously not to the level of what we're seeing with that bronze medal, but it's still something has generated a lot of attention, christine, what do you make of it? yeah, well, i'm again, all these athletes, jordan chiles has talked about how she has just been berated and abused on social media. you know, this is what they're all dealing with now. >> a generation ago that never happened, obviously, breaking breakdancing as it controversial choice to be in the olympics. >> it's not necessarily they're not targeting were not the target audience. clearly, the three of us for four breakdancing. >> but these are human beings. and no matter what you think, if it was ridiculous, if you didn't like the routine, if you thought it was silly you're still dealing with human beings. and i think people forget that as they look, get all of these athletes be at jordan chiles barbosu or in this case the australian breakdancer as a reagan as, as, as commodities or something to just be mocked and laughed at. and hopefully people will
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learn, although i'm not gonna hold my breath on that, i'm sure we all won't because of where we are with social media. but this is another example of the olympics becoming so big. but also the negative things that can happen in that situation just try to hang on to your humanity. >> remember, we're all human. christine brennan. thank you so much. i really appreciate it minutes from now, vice president kamala harris will lay out her economic pitch to voters, will preview that speech, and also the potential impacts of those policies xer tech allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours zaid can bva deliver dance okay. >> days let's be more than our allergies seize the day with zyrtec, why nfl players choose asleep, pepper smart, but i like to sleep cool and i like it warm and cozy. am i really like it when we both get what we want. >> number does that have to be cools and warrants on each side during our biggest sale of the
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