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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 19, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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introducing a revolution in pain relief. absorbine junior pro, the strongest numbing pain relief available. it's the only solution with two max strength anesthetics for fast penetrating relief absorbine junior pro. nothing numbs pain more. multivitamin, absolutely free text now anybody was about feeding down other people in
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that this is still a very competitive race if the election were today today, i'm not sure who had went security is a top priority law enforcement will also have support from the air on the ground and in the water. this is a decisive moment, probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home, to get a ceasefire all right hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us from the united states and around the world. >> i'm ivan watson, max, and christina have the day off. it is monday today, august 19, 4:00 p.m. here in hong kong, 3am in chicago. that's where the democratic national convention is set to kick off in need the hours ahead delegates from across the country have gathered in the
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city for the four-day event as democrats hope to build on the momentum sparked by kamala harris and her dramatic rise to the top of the ticket. the theme of day one for the people when democrats will look to show how they're fighting for everyday americans while donald trump puts himself first, harris traveled to chicago sunday after spending the day campaigning in the key battleground state of pennsylvania during one-stop, she appeared to call trump a coward without mentioning him by name this campaign is about a recognition that frankly over the last several years there has been this kind of perversion that has taken place. i think, which is to suggest, which is to suggest that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down when what we know is the real and true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up. >> anybody was about beating down other people. is that
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coward? >> we'll hear more from harris on thursday when she's set to accept the democratic nomination for president. but ahead of that, a number of key democrats will speak at the convention including the man once expected to be the nominee at president joe biden about your speech tomorrow cnn's mj lee is following developments and has more from chicago we are about to see a very different convention than the one that we would have seen for weeks ago. >> some of the biggest changes, of course, we have seen so far have been to the programming and the speaking lineup. while the biggest names that we would have seen speaking before, president biden dropped out, they are still going to be speaking some of the timing of a when they're going to actually speak throughout the course of the week have changed, including of course, president biden now speaking on the first night, instead of the final night one other person
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that is going to be speaking monday night is hillary clinton, who of course, eight years ago accepted the party's nomination for the presidency at a convention in philadelphia and speaking with somebody who is familiar with for thinking, i am told that in her remarks she is going to be speaking about that proverbial glass ceiling that she failed to shatter eight years ago. and what she believes as possible if and when kamala harris breaks that ceiling herself, now, we are told that harris clinton have actually been in regular touch since president biden dropped out of the race and that i, hillary clinton was actually one of the first people that the vice president called that sunday that the president dropped out. that's really interesting speaking to some of the convention planners who say basically that switch at the top of the ticket from president biden to the vice president happened just in the nick of time that a lot of things had been already fully baked in, but those final touches including even the printing of signs and some of the videos that had to be recorded that those had not yet been executed. so what we're about to see this week again
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very different from what we would have seen for weeks ago before president biden dropped out of the race, mj lee, cnn in chicago and as mr. biden prepares to address the convention tonight democratic senator chris coons explains what that moment will mean for the president. this is an incredibly important moment for joe biden. for joe biden for our democracy, for the campaign of vice president harris and governor walz to be our next president and vice president look, it was a hard decision. it was hard for him to decide to step aside but it was an act of selflessness enacted recognized that in the end, as a public servant for more than 50 years, joe biden has always been about others, about putting the country before himself. and he is perfectly clear that beating donald trump and defending our democracy is the most important thing that he could contribute going forward.
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>> and the race for the white house remains very tight. the latest cnn poll of polls, which includes the most recent national surveys, shows no clear leader with harris hit 50% support and trump at 48% cnn's political commentators are weighing in on what lies ahead she's got hillary clinton, bill clinton, barak obama saying there is room for anyone here if you're more of a bill clinton democrat, don't worry, i'm not too far out of the mainstream. >> you can be with me. so i think they're really running a smart race in this should be a very big week. for her campaign, but donald trump's back out on the campaign trail after basically playing golf for a couple of weeks because i think he is feeling that she's got serious momentum. >> and this is still a very competitive race if the election were today, i'm not sure who had win and i think it may well be president trump because it's an electoral college fight. >> now for more, let's turn to thomas gift. he's the director of the center on u.s. politics at university college london
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and joins us now from harrisburg, pennsylvania. good to see you. we spoke over the weekend on a different broadcast. thomas, i wanted to start by asking you some of described this expected speech as the beginning of president biden's long goodbye, but he's gonna be president for months, still. why are they characterizing that that way? >> well thanks so much for having me, ivan, it's great to see you again. i think biden is a lame duck. president of pure and simple he's got three or four or five months where he really has the reins of power, but not much is going to happen during that period. mean we have a divided congress. we've had that for the last several years. at the same time, no policy is really going to get done. this is about passing the torch. it's about a new generation of candidate and so harris is going to try to take that opportunity and run with at the convention and we have seen in the polls that harris
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has enjoyed this surge of enthusiasm but some could describe this as a honeymoon. what did she have to do this week to capitalize on this moment? >> well, this conventions are really four-day infomercials for political parties in many respects, this is harris's first opportunity to introduce herself to the american people. she has been vp for the last three-and-a-half years. she also has been the presumptive presidential nominee, and now officially the nominee for several weeks now, but polls show that considerable portions of americans don't have a firm impression of harris. that's especially true when it comes to policies. she's really been riding this wave of vibes, so to speak now, for several weeks, she hasn't answered any significant questions from reporters. she hasn't done any sit down interviews. harris did deliver an economic speech that we talked about where she introduced some new proposals such as banning price gouging, creating new housing subsidies, expanding child tax credits but harris is honeymoon period is going to end. she needs to extend that honeymoon period
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for as long as possible with the convention and really define herself as well as with tim walz has she in your opinion, been truly tested as a presidential candidate in my opinion, she has not i mean, she's really had this grace period from the media. >> of course, there was a lot of excitement, a lot of energy, a lot of enthusiasm. those are all words that really haven't come out of the mouths of a lot of damage crowds in recent years, especially with joe biden. and so it's understandable why that side of the political aisle, is so excited about having a new candidate. obviously, we've seen a surge in the polls and a lot of discussion really hasn't been about the horse race, about the fact that she's close this gap, particularly in key swing states with donald trump but at the same time, you really can't ride on vibes alone. there's a lot of consternation among republicans and i think increasingly journalists and members of the media that she hasn't answered tough questions that we don't necessarily know what harris
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represents. in terms of policies. so i do think that reality is going to set in her staff has insisted that she's going to do some press conferences. answer tough questions, and i think that that's important because americans obviously deserve to know what she represents we're hearing that this will be a love fest of sorts for president biden. but does harris have to distance herself at all from him given that he is not a very popular president right now. >> well, i think yes and no, and this is a difficult needle to thread. there is going to be a lot of discussion about joe biden at this convention. i think that that was probably would probably part of a deal in the backrooms, i'm not sure about that, but he wants to use this as an opportunity to really define his legacy. but at the same time, right? harris can run on some popular proposals of the last three-and-a-half years. but she really needs to define herself
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and some issues. she absolutely wants to distance herself and she's had trouble doing that. it's particularly the case when it comes to inflation and cost of living. she gave interest speech about a few, a few days ago, said three-and-a-half years ago, prices were much lower whenever you went to the grocery store, you could afford the items that you want it to buy. she seemed to conveniently forget that she's been the vice president. now, of course, she's not responsible for everything that biden did, but she has been by his side and to the extent that some of those policies really did contribute to increases in cost of living. she's going to have a hard time to distance herself from that, but she's going to do her best for sure. >> all right. time is thomas gift live from harrisburg, pennsylvania. thanks for your analysis thanks. >> ivan alright. >> moving on now to the middle east. that's where u.s.
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secretary of state antony blinken says that the current ceasefire proposal could be the last chance to get israel's hostages home he met a short time ago with israeli president isaac hertzog in tel aviv and blinken is trying to push for a ceasefire fire, and hostage release deal cnn has learned his meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has begun. blinken is also expected to speak with defense minister yoav gallant later today, netanyahu says, israel will not give in to demands to end the war in gaza. as a condition for a deal, and hamas claims netanyahu is obstructing a possible agreement. cnn international diplomatic editor, nic robertson joins us live now from tel aviv. good to see you. >> nic we're hearing accusations now, both from prime minister netanyahu and from hamas. each side accusing each other of trying to of
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creating obstacles for a deal. but we're also hearing from reports that senior members of the israeli defense establishment are also accusing netanyahu of throwing up obstacles to a peace deal. what is your reporting saying about that? >> yeah and we've also heard from the prime minister netanyahu sort of key negotiating officials there had of mossad, the head of shin bet the head of the intelligence around the whereabouts of the hostages they also have told prime minister netanyahu that now is the time to go for a deal but the prime minister is resistant and most people here analyze that being because that is what is best for his political future. he does have members of his cabinet right-wing cabinet, who are absolutely insisting there can be no compromise with hamas. so
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despite the fact we've heard positivity from the u.s. side coming into this latest round of diplomatic push by biden secretary of state antony blinken it doesn't really seem to match the reality here on the ground president hertzog, when he was meeting with anthony blinken earlier, spoke about the blame that needed to be put on hamas. prime minister netanyahu yesterday was talking was saying essentially that he not that optimistic at the moment that again, the pressure needs to go on hamas, he said that israel has flexibility on some issues on other issues. it can't be flexible on some issues is going to act absolutely. insist on holding to their position but for secretary of state, antony blinken, this is high stakes and the moment he sees that the deal he believes is in reach and should be done. this is what he's said this is a
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decisive moment probably the best, maybe last opportunity to get the hostages home to get a ceasefire and to put everyone on a better path to enduring peace and security. it's also timed to make sure that no one takes any steps it could derail this process and so we're working to make sure that there is no escalation that there are no provocations, that there are no actions that in any way could move us away wait from getting this deal over the line and of course that's part of the push here. >> it's not just about securing a deal on gaza, but it's about making sure that iran or hezbollah don't hello, through on their statements that they were going to strike back at israel for the killing of senior hamas and hezbollah figures just over a couple of weeks ago. so all of that is stake. but there are key areas where there's disagreement
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israel wants to be able to filter palestinians going from the south to the north of gaza, make sure well, they don't have weapons. that is a red line. no, no, for hamas. and the control of the egypt gaza border, the so-called philadelphi corridor. israel insists it must have come trauma that otherwise they say hamas will continue to operate tunnels and smuggle weapons into gaza. hamas is saying absolutely not israel it's the continued to control the rafah border crossing. >> that's the main sort of area, a place where trucks come and go in and out of gaza into egypt that also so it's a red line for hamas. so there are still some very, very contentious issues and that's before you even get into details about the number of hostages just who's alive still, what their names are, which palestinian prisoners would be released in exchange all of that the bridging proposal is designed to get it cross so secretary blinken will have a very, very, very tough job here and in the meantime,
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nic, the fighting and the killing continues here's day after day in gaza. >> can you bring us up-to-date on the latest developments there yeah. >> friday or rather saturday? there was a family of 15 killed in an israeli airstrike in khan younis sunday. it was a family of seven the father survived, but six of his children were killed in an airstrike in central gaza. the u.n. says that the safe zones in gaza and are smaller than ever, they're down to it 11 11% only of gaza, 80% of the population they say has been forced to move. and this is a tragedy that is, that is going on minute by minute by minute in gaza israel says that it is targeting hamas where it is operating close to civilians, even inside those so-called safe areas. and that it will continue to do sense. in fact, it says it stepped up military activity around khan
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younis in the south center of gaza the dynamic is still an utterly deadly dynamic in gaza. so while the talks has stalling and all that effort is going into, going into moving them forward. people are still dying. there conditions of the living conditions a worsening the safe places or lessening. you have as well. the tensions on the northern border, hezbollah launched a barrage of missiles and drones into northern israel this morning and just last night, there was what we understand to be an explosion on the streets of tel aviv here, the first in several decades of this type that intelligence authorities believe was terrorists related so all of that adds to the picture of the reasons they get the deal done, doesn't mean it's going to happen all
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right. >> nic robertson live from tel aviv. thank you very much for that update. still to come thousands of pro pro-palestinian protesters converge in chicago ahead of the democratic convention. what officials are doing to ensure security? >> that's coming up next. >> plus trump working overtime this week holding daily rallies in battleground states to prevent harris from having free shots on goal during the convention plus we'll ask an expert how much impact the u.s. secretary of state could have on the push for a ceasefire agreement between israel and hamas stay with cnn i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. >> i went on to angie, jamie with the first person to call all i explained her some of the things i could do and showed her some pictures. >> he's resurfaced my fluorine. he's done plumbing work, he's refinished this beautiful table here. >> would you say that sand it for a week? >> well wait, he didn't with
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for today? >> all right. that's dozen of pro-palestinian protesters. you can see there in chicago ahead of the democratic national convention, they marched through the downtown area on sunday, calling on kamala harris to take a harder line with israel amid that staggering civilian death toll in gaza. tens of thousands of protesters are expected to march during the convention. and the harris campaign says they're free speech rights
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need to be protected this is a really emotional issue for a lot of people. and so the first amendment, critically important, everybody has a right to protest. they should, they should protest as loudly as they want just the protest needs to stay peaceful security has been ramped up across the city. >> the illinois government governor says around 250 members of the national guard will be on standby. cnn's whitney wild has more as the democratic national convention gets underway, security is a top our priority to take several days to put these security perimeters into effect. secret service deputy special agent in charge, derek mayer has spent more than a year directing the planning for this massive event the united center has been closed down now for almost, almost a month. as you can look at this entire permanent will take over the work that goes into putting something like this into effect. >> non-scalable fencing will surround two locations. the united center and mccormick
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place. law enforcement will also have support from the air on the ground and in the water. security officials are on alert for possible retaliatory attack because against democrats more than a month after the attempted assassination of former president donald trump, according to a new intelligence report on the dnc obtained by cnn, i think the world is very dangerous place nowadays, when you look at the overall threat landscape, what is the most concerning thing to you? >> i mean, i think from the secret service perspective, overall, i think everything you have to take every risk scary threat seriously as war rages in the middle east, angry protests are expected during the dnc the chicago metropolitan area is home to the largest palestinian population in the u.s. and thousands of pro palestinian protesters have marched downtown months absolutely. >> there will be tens of thousands of people especially if there's an expanded war, chicago has hosted several political nominating conventions in the past. >> none more notorious than
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1968, the city has been unable to shake the memory of those violent clashes. chicago police superintendent larry snelling says the department is training for high stress and high risk. >> well, we've also given our offices extensive training to help them deal with these types of protests through stress, him occultation frame, just putting them through real-time scenarios, which is going to help them out there in chicago police will lead any response. >> while under scrutiny themselves what is a realistic measure of success for you and for your officers everything that we trained to do was in full effect in our officers are safe. >> the residents here and our businesses, they were here long before the dnc ever thought about coming here, and they will be held here long after he's gone in addition to this massive police presence, they illinois governor says that up to 250 members of the national guard have been authorized. whitney wild, cnn, chicago
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still to come dozens of uncommitted democratic delegates are still not backing kamala harris. cnn speaks to some of them to find out why i and u.s. secretary of state antony blinken says this could be the last chance for a ceasefire and to bring israel's hostages home, will ask an expert if a deal could be imminent his fall comedy is coming cnn, what could go wrong
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>> we can save them all welcome back to cnn newsroom. here are some of today's top stories. president joe biden will be attending his 13th democratic national convention tonight. his first dnc was in 1972 instead of accepting his party's nomination for a second term, the president will be making the case to voters, why they should elect his vice president, kamala harris in november, hillary clinton is also expected to speak tonight. tony goldwyn, ana navarro, mindy kaling, and kerry washington will serve as hosts at the dnc. this week. each star will mc1 night of the four-day convention, all four hosts have a history of supporting the democratic party and publicly campaigning for candidates donald trump and
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running mate j.d. vance, will be out with some counterprogramming in key battleground states. later today, they will hold two rallies in pennsylvania on the economy, on tuesday, there will be events in wisconsin and michigan on crime and safety wednesday, they will return to north carolina for us speech on national security. and on thursday, trump will visit the southern border in arizona. while j.d. vance stops in georgia president biden says, he's feeling good about his keynote speech at the democratic national convention tonight. cnn's kevin liptak has more the democratic national convention that is getting underway monday in chicago is a very different event than democrats are planning even as recently as a month ago when they were expecting president biden to be a top that ticket. >> and you do see this effort to rejigger and reprogram these events. now that vice president kamala harris is the democratic
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standard-bearer, and you see in the list of events that will unfold over the coming week, this real attempt to define kamala harris to an american public that may still not be paying much attention to the presidential election, but also to frame the stakes of this contest and really warned about the potential of a second donald trump administration of course, the first order of business will be this symbolic passing of the torch on monday evening, president biden, delivering a speech so that he has been working on all weekend at camp david. he is taking this very seriously. and in fact, we did see him as he was returning to washington. listen to how he described grabbed his speech about your speech tomorrow no, i don't think the symbolism is lost on president biden. >> he first attended the democratic national kimmich in back in 19 1972, he was just a spectator back then. on monday evening, he'll be the incumbent president, handing
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over the reins to his chosen successor, camilla harris. and it really is this ark he almost end of his political career in that speech, president biden is expected to cast kamala harris is the natural inheritor of the legacy that he is left in office. but also make a case against donald trump as a threat to democracy afterwards, president biden and the first lady are planning to go on vacation and senate and as california, they won't be in chicago for the remainder of the convention. he's essentially handing over the keys to kamala harris and you do see in the slate of events that democrats that's have laid out this attempt to define kamala harris for the american voter will hear from president obama and his wife michelle obama we'll hear from the clintons, bill clinton and hillary clinton will hear from the vice presidential nominee tim walz, the governor of minnesota. finally, ending with kamala harris has accepted president's speech for the democratic nomination on thursday evening, course, the
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real goal of that speeches that it will propel her into the heat of the election up until november. she is obviously riding a wave of enormous momentum at the moment. and the real imperative for her campaign has to keep that momentum going. when you talk to biden's aides, they fully acknowledge that this is a very close race and that the hard part is yet to come. kevin liptack, cnn, the white house now, not all of the delegates. i've pledged to back. harris is nomination at the convention doesn't say they will withhold that support until she addresses their concerns about civilian casualties in gaza cnn's donie o'sullivan caught up with some of them in chicago we've got 30 uncommitted delegates that are representing over 740,000 uncommitted but at voters nationwide who voted uncommitted as pro-peace, anti-war vote in the democratic primary this is a meeting of
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uncommitted democratic delay i guess here in chicago on the eve of the democratic national convention. >> but it's not sustainable for our own government to fund that the mass killing of civilians folks become delegates at their state party and then they come to the national convention and they are either committed to the candidate to one of the candidates or not. and our case we're not committed because we haven't heard what we wanted to hear looking for a ceasefire, we'll looking for a strong commitment on a cease-fire. we are looking for an arms embargo for us to stop sending weapons that are contributing to the genocide. there present some of the over 101,000 voters in michigan who voted uncommitted as a pro-peace, anti-war vote nobody wants to see trump in november, we are very antsy fascist movement. >> we are actually doing what we can to save the democratic party by saying listen, vp harris, there is a key base of over 730,000 anti-war voters who are telling you that we want to turn the page on gaza policy and save palestinian lives. >> what do you want to hear from harris in chicago this
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week? >> i want to hear from vice president harris house is that she's going to turn a new page on gaza policy from the destructive and disastrous policy of the last ten months to one, that saves lives. >> you got to me he'd harris briefly and michigan, we wanted to be able to speak to her directly in the fact that michigan voters would want to support her in the november election. but we you can't do that right now. >> while our family members, our friends our loved ones, are being killed with u.s. >> funded bonds. i told her we need a policy shift that will save lives and the buzzer my my community is telling me that they're losing tens and hundreds of their family members. and she said, it's horrific she's been incredibly empathetic. i do have to say that more. we have seen more empathy and compassion from vice president harris, but that is not enough. palestinian children can't eat word is there more hope in this movement, right now? >> but harris at the top of the ticket than there was when biden was there.
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>> i think that in general, we would all say we're cautiously optimistic. there is a little bit more wiggle room. we feel like with vice president harris, we've already seen her changed the rhetoric a little bit, but words are not enough voters in. >> the u.s. are keeping a close eye on what's happening in the middle east u.s secretary of state antony blinken says the current ceasefire proposal could be the last chance to get israel's hostages home. blinken is meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu right now, and he is scheduled to meet later with defense minister yoav gallant on sunday. vice president kamala harris stressed the need for a deal. >> i will tell you that conversations are ongoing and we are not giving up and we are going to continue to work very hard on. we gotta get it and we got to get this u.s us. >> now, jasmine el-gamal is a political analyst and former middle east adviser at the u.s
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defense department. she joins us live from london. thank you for joining the program. i wanted to ask with blinken now, making his ninth trip to israel since the october 7 hamas terror attacks in israel. do you see the u.s and any political pressure making any change in the calculations of prime minister netanyahu and his government when it comes to a possible ceasefire deal are they going to make a difference at all in how netanyahu views these talks good morning, ivan. >> thanks for having me. i mean, it's a very high-stakes moment and the region right now, as you said, secretary blinken is they're trying to get this deal over the line. he's basically said this is the best chance hence, we have and it could be the last chance because as you know, against the backdrop of the ceasefire negotiations, there's this looming threat of an iranian counter attack against israel
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in retaliation for the assassination of ismail haniyeh, the hamas political leader in iran and so those two things are very closely connected. the iranians are watching to see what happens right now without negotiations they have come out and publicly said that they welcome good faith negotiations to get to a ceasefire, but that they reserve the right to respond at a time of their choosing. and so what the secretary is trying to do, secretary blinken is really pushed the israelis to say, look, if we'd get this deal over the line, we could potentially if not completely avert an iranian attack, then at least we could temperate a little bit and go into some kind of negotiation diplomacy with iran and has as opposed to this potential that we've all been kind of on edge over, which is that prospect of the all-out regional war. so the stakes are really high and to your question, it's really impossible to know what isn't prime minister netanyahu's
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head right now. he's been accused by his by his counterparts, the israeli negotiating team of stalling negotiations of adding new conditions after the after president biden presented the roadmap on may 31, which hamas had agreed to. now the qatari's and the egyptians are putting a lot of pressure on hamas to accept the deal, but they still seem to be very far apart. the two parties over this idea of whether israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire and whether hamas can really be trusted not to use a ceasefire to regroup and pose another threat to israel in the future. very low trust between the two parties right now i have another question, and it has to do with morality. >> we're talking about more than 40,000 palestinians killed since october 7 in gaza. of them, more than 15,000 of them our children. so as we discussed negotiations, political positions, threats
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from different governments and militias around the region is anybody thinking about the agony of these civilians who are dying every day and every week, how many will be enough do you think 50,000 dead, 60,000. i mean, what how do you respond? to that? these mind-numbing numbers that's such an important question and i thank you for bringing up those numbers because i feel like that's something that gets sort of sidelined as we're talking about these negotiations a lot of people gloss over the fact that as these negotiations have been going for the last several months is rarely strikes in gaza continue and we've seen the most horrific strikes, the most horrific images coming out of our screens just yesterday. >> your own network was reporting that an israeli strike a killed a family of 75 of them children along along with their mother. i think the father was injured, but the children were all killed. so the question is, at what point
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does netanyahu feel that he can go to his public and claim some kind of victory. he has been claiming total victory for the last several months. you remember when he went to washington, dc, he had a baseball cap in engraved with total victory on it. >> what does that mean? he's never really been able to define what total victory means. and that was, that's what makes these negotiations so difficult is that we don't really know what the line is. is on the israeli side. we know that hamas, hamas wants to an end to the war and a permanent ceasefire. so we know what the line is on that end, but we don't actually know. and i don't even know if the americans know what is in netanyahu's head. because some people, including israeli analysts and former government officials will tell you that the reason netanyahu is stalling is because he actually wants to push for a conflict with iran. he wants to get that out of the way. he's been pushing the americans to
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confront iran militarily for years ever since before the jcpoa iran nuclear deal that obama, that president obama signed, if you look at it from that perspective, then it starts to make a lot of sense why we haven't gotten to a deal yet why the killing continues and these horrific numbers that we keep seeing continues. but at some point what everyone is hoping for is that the americans, especially secretary blinken now in the region at this now-or-never moment as he described it will finally have some kind of leverage that he can pull out with the israelis to say, you need to take this deal or else and so far that or else has not really been there in a significant way if anything, we've heard washington pledging billions of additional weapons, military aid to israel in the years to come jasmine el-gamal, thank you very much for your live analysis from london still to come, vladimir
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putin heads for a state visit to azerbaijan while ukrainian forces gained more ground inside russia cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention tonight, seven on cnn. >> and streaming on max. >> i want bro, i can't wait to see how you make out as an equipment manager lysol laundry sanitiser. it says here kills 99.9% of border calling bacteria and laundry. >> everything's smell so fresh what's up guys, i'm scott disick and welcome to my home made hotel collections studio center. i recently started using their sense of user here in my head and held home. and this is a must-have product. their hotel inspired sense.
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with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. business easily with freelancers, fiverr welcome back to the program ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says, his country's forces continue to make progress inside russian territory, gaining a stronger foothold and reinforcing their positions in the kursk region. they also say they destroyed a second bridge in the past few days using precision air you're strikes likely further disrupting russia's supply lines. it's been nearly two weeks since the surprise incursion. and ukrainian forces say they now control more than 1,000 square kilometers of territory in southwestern russia. cnn's clare sebastian joins me now from london clare, we're hearing that the russian president, vladimir putin, is
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traveling to azerbaijan why is he visiting by coup? at a time it's the first time foreign forces has occupied russian territory since world war ii. what kind of message is he trying to send here yeah, this fits a pattern, ivan, that we've seen from president putin really since the early days of this incursion, trying to gloss over certainly that historically and if significance of it, they call it a terror attack. >> he's been blaming the west, everything to try to avoid making it clear to the russian people that they are essentially under attack state media, by the way, also taking it it's q from president putin and lurching between sort of human interest stories about evacuees from the kursk region and overtly blaming the west in in way that president putin does. i think there's a risk here, obviously for him this along with of course, we saw that massive terror, terror attack in moscow in march on top of the but march on moscow
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by yevgeny prigozhin a year or so ago, it does altogether reinforce the sense that that sort of promise of security that putin made to the russian people accord a century ago is fading away somewhat and certainly the sense is that they are even less safe after the start of this war. but he does not want that information to trickle down to the russian people, hence, continuing with business as usual, this diplomatic blitz, the visit to azerbaijan is the second big international meeting that he has held since since the out of this coast concussion, having met with mahmoud abbas, the head of the palestinian authority, and moscow last week, and it may very well not be the last to even this week. so maybe an attempt at distraction here. and of course, militarily, russia is also trying to create the sense that it is not affected by what's happening in court, continuing to push of course, on the eastern front so you're saying that the kremlin is trying to present business as usual. >> meanwhile, we're hearing that a leader of a country with
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long-held military ties to moscow, that's india india's narendra modi is planning to visit ukraine how is that going to go over in moscow i think it will be a major blow to russia. >> this visit, if it materializes in the coming days or weeks for modi to ukraine will be barely a month and a half after modi, as you see there in those pictures visited putin in moscow, sat around a table drinking tea with him at his dasha naval guardiola just outside the russian capital. as you say, india is a crucial ally for russia economically before the war, the biggest buyer of russia and weapons now one of the biggest buyers of russian oil, it has refused to condemn overtly the war in ukraine not signed onto u.n resolutions or sanctions, but has similarly also tried to maintain ties with the west and has been more critical recently more overt and calls for a ceasefire and calls for dialogue to end the war in
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ukraine. so i think this will be a critical test for india's ability to carry on with that delicate balancing act will he risk upsetting putin with this visit? and similarly, you to want to be seen like we've seen to an extent with china but this sort of global peace broker in this conflict, ivan all right, and we're expecting to learn more about that possible visit in the hours ahead, clare sebastian, live from london. >> thank you very, very much. and we will be right back after a quick break. >> a heart attack. do they have life insurance? >> no. but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford unfortunately, it only a few minutes. >> select poll found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife, and a bipolar thousand dollars policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford
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