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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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5-9, 2,400 welcome back. >> i'm brianna keilar in chicago where it is day one of the historic democratic national convention. >> and my colleague and friend boris sanchez is in washington right now, president joe biden and first lady jill biden, are on their way here to the windy city where in just a few hours, they will be taking to the stage each to make the case for why vice president kamala harris should lead the country tonight's keynote speech will be a bittersweet moment for the president who had his sights set on a second term before leaving the race less than a month ago. instead, he'll now tell american voters why he believes harris should be his successor cnn's mj lee is with us now on this mj, what are you hearing about biden's speech tonight? >> yeah. brianna, we've just learned that president biden is going to be introduced tonight by his daughter, ashley biden.
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she is going to be speaking after the first lady, jill biden. this is really a moment of poignancy here for the entire biden family, you'll recall that back in 2008 and in 2012? when president biden was accepting the vp nomination, it was his late son, beau, that introduced him a beau. biden died in 2015 and that ended up being one of the big reasons president biden decided not to run for president back in 2016. and then four years later in 2020, we of course know that it was ashley and hunter, his two children that did introduce him when he was accepting the nomination for the presidency. and they chose to show remarks from their late brother beau to include him as a party part of those ceremonies. and the cell a moment of celebration. so again, just all of this i think will bring together just what a big moment this is. and has been after the culmination of a tough time for the entire biden
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family as they have been trying to support him, as he has really thought through what to do about his political future. of course, culminating and the president deciding to drop out of the 2024 race last month. now we are told that we shouldn't see this as sort of a farewell speech from the president. aides have told me that that moment is going to come later. probably in the month of january, really days before his first term ends. and that really what he is going to be focused on tonight is making the case for his vice president, kamala harris, and really trying to lay out an underscore the stakes of this election and telling democrats they need to do whatever they can to help elect her kamala harris to the presidency. and i think throughout the week we should know we are going to be seeing some of those tributes to the president. for example, just in this arena that we are in brianna, the staircase where the delegates will be entering the room. we're going to be seeing the words history is in your hands. >> that of course is quote from president biden's remarks from
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the oval office last month when he explained to the american people his decision to drop out of the race and mj hillary clinton, former secretary of state, former nominee, will be speaking tonight. >> what are we expecting to hear? hear from her? >> that's right. you know, for hillary clinton, obviously, she is no stranger to big political speeches. and in fact, no stranger to big political speeches made at the democratic national convention, including eight years ago when she accepted her party's nomination for the presidency at the convention in philadelphia, i am told though that she is nonetheless taking the remarks that she will be delivering tonight really seriously as she got to chicago last night with her husband, former president bill clinton, and a number of her longtime aides and has been spending parts of the day today at her hotel in chicago, a tweaking those remarks parks and actually doing run-throughs as well we had been previously told according to a source familiar that hillary clinton is going to be making reference
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to that proverbial glass ceiling that she of course, failed to fully shatter. this is according to her eight years ago when she ended up losing the election to donald trump's. so i do think even for somebody like her who really would not be fazed by a room like this in a crowd like this. she is certainly understands the gravity of the moment and the barrier breaking moment that this is for kamala harris, who is about to become when she formally accepts the nomination tonight, the first black and asian woman to win the nomination for a major polls? political party, brianna all right. >> mj lee live for us here from the united center. thank you. and i want to bring in now cnn's chris wallace, who is of course the host of the chris wallace show. chris, you've been to a few conventions and 60 years over six 61964 here's a, bit of a formula to them, right? it's a right, that's involved a little bit over time, but there's a bit of a formula you can look forward to and yet this is going to be a
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little unlike any that you've seen. >> no, that's right. i mean, it really is the culmination of the 29 days that have been unlike anything that anybody has seen 29 days ago, for weeks and one day, joe biden was going to be the nominee. what's going to be speaking on the last night, not the first night of the convention. he dropped out of the race. kamala harris came in, cemented support from the external astonishingly fast from the democratic party surged in the polls. and this has now become oh celebration or not. joe biden celebration. >> what do you think it's going to be like and he's he's obviously he's trying to pass the torch and signal this continuity. and yet in a way, she is taking the torch, but she's also paving her own way. how does she do that? >> well, i think first of all, she's the dial the nominee and the party has made it very clear on the voters have made it very clear. they're very happy with that. you know, people keep saying that this is going to be a bittersweet night for joe biden. i think it just a better night for joe biden i
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think he's probably happy that she's doing so well and may be able to beat trump and to the degree that he can reconcile themselves, do it after that debate in late june, it didn't look like he could beat trump. but having said that, he intended to have a second term, he intended to beat trump again and basically the party kicked him out and, you know, there were a variety of people from barack obama and nancy pelosi, you to chuck schumer to hakeem jeffries, who puts more pressure the donors. what more and more pressure on him. so i might not help put the best face on it tonight. and indicate one what a good governing partner, kamala harris is and why she should now be running this race and should run the country for the next four years. but, you know, deep down, he has got to be really upset about it and it has got to the degree that there's excitement about it that's kind of tough for him to because it's like well, we're excited about her and we're excited. you're not in
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this race anymore. >> he's going to try to some that, right? he's going to some in his enthusiasm certainly for comment while harris and as the reporting that we hear is that he certainly does have some bitterness from some figures in the democratic party, but not for kamala harris perhaps that is going to shine through there we also are going to see hillary clinton speaking tonight. and before her, you'll see alexandria ocasio cortez we'll also be hearing from women affected by roe being overturned. so i think the historic aspect of her beat in female candidate of color, the first one is going to play very large, but i wonder what you think about this first night he very much appealing, clearly tailor-made to women and maybe suburban women hillary clinton's just her presence here it's an indication of what the stakes are in this election because then how
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different the world would be in from a democratic point of view. >> how much worse the world has been because she lost to donald trump in 2016. so there's just a bright flashing light saying, you know, if you don't get out there and you don't elect kamala harris? harris, i'm donald trump gets back in that all the things that we've seen over the last four years, especially in including the appointment of three supreme court justices who helped for them jordi, that overturned roe v. wade. >> you know, that's what will happen if it's i just think she's a cautionary tale to the delegates and to the voters at home we're worried about donald trump. here's what happened. if you don't go out work hard, get out and vote getter neighbors to get out and vote on election day. and donald trump gets back into the oval both rishi mentioned, you hear the sound check behind really, i have not. i know we can hardly yourself stink. it's going to be a big night. there's going maybe a lot of music, there's going to be a lot of celebration but you've
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also seen outside of the united center, there are a lot of protesters here congregating in chicago. and i wonder, we don't know how that's going to play out this week, but i wonder what's on your mind as you're thinking about this sort of split screen. >> well, i was here in 1968. i was in college. i was an intern for cbs. i don't know why that network in particular choice, but i was in the conrad hilton hotel on michigan avenue and saw what was later termed a police riot with the chicago police beating down the anti-war protesters. we'll see what happens, but i have to say this doesn't feel and i understand people are very upset. a lot of people about what's going on in gaza and the terrible bloodshed there. according to some reports, over 40,000 people dead. this does not have anything like the same stakes as vietnam. i mean, at that point, american boys were being sent over into that war.
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and it has gone on for years. and there was a personal stake involved. and yes, they're going to be tens of thousands and lauren knows we hope there is no violence. there may be, but in addition, brandon johnson, the very progressive mayor of chicago, is a very different figure than richard day. daily, who was tough irish american, and was really spoiling for a fight with the anti-war protester is gave it to them. >> yeah, certainly got one. chris, always great to speak with you and thank you so much for bringing that ita history. it's it's really important reminders. thank you. >> thank you. >> and so as we do wait for the dnc to get underway in just a few hours. you hear the preps behind us with us now is democratic congresswoman of florida, debbie wassermann she is a former chair of the democratic national committee huge week. what are you expecting tonight to kick this? >> well, i think tonight will see our current president, joe
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biden be classic. joe biden, where he will make sure that not only does he pass the torch, but that he highlights the legacy, the historic presidency, and the incredible accomplishments that they have real so he's done together along with congressional democrats and a contrast between extreme maga republicans led by donald trump and kamala harris and joe biden, whom has thought hard to make sure we can rebuild our economy from the middle out and not the top down. that's going to be the focus. >> this was gut wrenching decision for him to step aside about a month ago are we going to get a sense of that? i mean, how emotional night is this going to be? he's obviously going to try to project this path forward for her in hand, the torch, but you can't ignore what are very recent events here you joe biden is a beloved leader because he's such a good man. i mean, i have supported joe biden since my
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first election that i could vote for, for president in 1988. and it's because he was the good decent human being who you knew, you could count on. and that's how the american people feel about him. and it's not surprising to those who care about him that he passed the torch and was selfless in his decision. and i don't agree that he made this decision to because he was forced out in any way. there were plenty of democrats me included that we're ready to press forward and ensure that that he could get reelected. but the exuberance and the excitement right now, and the way we're unified, coming together as a party from all points of view across the spectrum has been remarkable he is passing the torch but when it comes to the issues of economy in the inflation economy and inflation and immigration donald trump certainly is out outpolling. >> you pulled biden. he's out pulling harris on these issues. how does she navigate that sort
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of owning joe biden's economy while donald trump's sort of excels when voters say who do you trust more on these issues, even if she's receiving the torch, i think she does it just like she did when she rolled out her economic plan at the end of last week she really spoke to the heart of what people are feeling when they go to the grocery store. i know i feel pain when i go to the grocery store. it is difficult to see the price of eggs, the total grocery bill when you get to the checkout outline and it's higher than it used to be prices are coming down, inflation is coming down, but it is always enraged me. like, why? if we know that these large supermarket companies are saving money why are they passing those savings onto customers and making sure that we can do something about that and focus on bringing and down the cost of housing. they've they've fought successfully, did bring down the cost of prescription prescription drugs. these are bottom-line kitchen table issues that kamala harris and joe biden
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have focused on, success and fought for successfully. and under donald trump he would roll back the inflation reduction act and eliminate those prescription drug costs reductions. he wants it's to eliminate the affordable care act. and when it comes to your health care, having gone through a health care crisis myself. now, that's a really scary thing to face. and they also are very concerned that what he, what he wants to do is focus on restoring tax cuts for the most wealthy corporations and successful individual joel's, you have been a champion of the u.s. israel relationship you see a lot of people protesting outside they're congregating here in chicago and they are very much opposed right now to the biden administration's approach. and to the war. i wonder if you think, as we see, there have been a lot of uncommitted voters specifically in michigan, which is essential for harris to be successful in this election, members of that
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movement have requested a speaking slot at the dnc. should a representative of that move? who meant be allowed to address this crowd the program usually really always at a democratic national convention is focused on the agenda for the country and making sure that we can talk about the kitchen table issues, making sure that we can talk about immigration reform and balancing what we need to do at the border as the biden-harris administration has ensuring that we can still have immigrants come to this country to make a better way of life for themselves. >> while donald trump just said no, we're not going to pass the bipartisan agreement because we need to save it as an election issue. those are the kinds of things that unify democrats and look, the u.s. israel relationship is critical we are, we have the strongest platform plank of either party on the u.s is the strength of the u.s.-israeli relationship and focusing on making sure that we can bring the hostages home. we can get a ceasefire deal. we can end the terrorist
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threat on israel's doorstep. that's the kind of thing that we also make sure we all want to make sure that the plight of the palestinians who are victims of hamas is relieved and the way we can do that as good as push for a ceasefire deal as the biden-harris administration has done. >> yeah, we were watching those developments as we speak congresswoman asked needs to take the deal congresswoman. thank you so much. really appreciate it. congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz however, he also will be speaking as well with a member of that uncommitted movement to his delegate here coming up in the hour happening right now counter programming from the trump campaign, the former president delivering remarks right now on the economy. as allies urge him to stay on. message. also this hour, former republican congressman george santos is back in court. we have those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate
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ukrainian-held kursk region, russia. and this is cnn live pictures from battleground, pennsylvania where former president donald trump is building a campaign event. >> this is happening at a manufacturing facility called precision custom components in york, pennsylvania trump is expected to deliver remarks on the economy, an issue that the campaign believes could really be the key to helping him win in november the timing of this event is strategic of what the trump, campaign is internally calling messaging events in swing states, they've got one plan every day this week of the democratic national convention. the trump campaign's counterprogramming is aiming to capture some of the spotlight while democrats gather here in chicago for their convention we ever panel with us now, karen finney, cnn political
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commentator scott jennings, cnn senior political commentator, and jackie kucinich, cnn political analyst and washington bureau chief for the boston globe. karen, historic night for so many reasons, the kickoff to this nominating convention, the first woman of color to lead the ticket, but also a first night where joe biden is the keynote speaker in a culmination of events like we have not seen. >> yet, is sort of an ark for joe biden. i mean, he was part of the obviously the obama biden ticket and now, as he said, he would be a bridge, he will be passing the torch to kamala harris and obviously having worked for hillary clinton on her 2016 campaign and a number of other races, is a little bit emotional, frankly, to see hilary pass the torch. she has such a strong believer in women and as always headache throughout her career tried to lift up women. and so to see her also pass the torch because i think there's a real
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acknowledgement that you don't get a kamala harris without having had another woman get to the top of the ticket. and i will last thing, i'll say. i think we've got all the women, republican and democrats who have run for the presidency deserve private that we are here in this moment because they help normalize the idea of a woman at the top of the ticket. >> you know, scott, you look at the polling and you're seeing things pretty tight, obviously nationally. but what do we say about that? who cares, right? let's look at the battleground states, but things have really tightened. there as well and i wonder for how trump world is feeling going into this week. >> well, it's obviously a different race. i mean, if joe biden is a bridge, he's a burn bridge. i mean, i don't think he's here happily tonight it as much as the mythology that's being written about it. but there are obviously not running against someone else who has consolidated the democratic base in a way that biden couldn't do so. now you're running against baseline generic democrat and its put them in a very, very close situation, particularly with independent voters who i think have shifted somewhat. so
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this message that trump has on the economy today is critical because that's what they care about and what trump has got to tell these people very simply and don't lard it up with a bunch of other stuff is, hey, if you're unhappy about what's happening in the country, don't leave the same people in charge. i think the effort to divorce harris from biden is what's going on and trump has to stop it and that may decide who wins these sort of independent types swing voters out in pennsylvania and other swing states do they hold her responsible for the results of the administration that they really had soured on. >> you can have the same or the other same, right? that's sort of right. that is the choice here. it's a very unusual one as well with trump on the other side of things to scott's point as biden is preparing to take the stage tonight, axios is reporting that the president is feeling all kinds of things relieved, nostalgic, stunned i mean, let's let's remember joe biden never really got a
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convention yeah, he got he got a bunch of stuff on television. >> but because of the pandemic, you couldn't he never got a balloon drop. and i know that sounds petty, but he really didn't get any sort of celebratory situation that he might feel like he's due. and now it's more of a okay. thank you really appreciate you both. i even if it is even if it is emotional, even if it is, you'll have all of these democratic leaders bidding him farewell. they're still saying farewell and celebrating the fact that he's leaving. >> but i will say the one person who is crystal clear throughout the process, who was very loyal to him was vice president harris. she never wavered for one moment, was very clear with her team. were staying focused while this other process plays itself out, which i think he's very grateful for. and the love that he will feel tonight is going to be something i think we've never seen it, so i agree with you. it's not the balloon drop but it's you know, how it's
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going to be a powerful moment. i don't have any reporting and i haven't seen any reporting that he's angry at vice president harris. >> i've heard he's angry at the democratic establishment decided that he needed to go and would it said repeatedly or didn't say repeatedly said things behind the scenes that it was time for him to step down. so i didn't mean to imply that take it that way. i just wanted to right now that that is part of why when you're talking about passing the torch, you're passing it to someone who genuinely did a good job for you. what actually makes him look? i always believed that if you're a leader when you're people do well, everybody looks good. >> scott, i wonder this is an election that could really come down to suburban women. and this is going to be a big night focusing on that voting bloc. you have hillary clinton aoc, right? before her. you have the first lady. you also have some women who are affected by the overturning of roe versus wade.
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and the tightening of abortion restrictions in their states. they're going to be addressing the crowd. so i mean, these are folks who are not a household name but i suspect they're going to leave an impression this evening. what do you think is going to come out of that and how tough is that for trump? >> yeah, it's tough because you see in the surveys the gender gap has widened significantly since harris became the nominee. i think that was to be expected. i think the trump campaign ultimately has to try to reel in some of those voters on economic messages, on public safety messages. and really it's a debate about what's more important to you. you've got one party making arguments on this bucket of issues and another party making arguments on a totally separate issue said. and so in any campaign, what you're ultimately looking for, finding the people who were more inclined to think the things they agreed whether you won or more important, right? and so ultimately, some of these kinds of voters will be lost to the trump campaign, but some of these female voters who are worried about the inflation they've seen at the grocery store who are worried about
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safety in their communities were worried about the crisis at the border they will be inclined to listen to trump, but there's no doubt we have a massive gender gap going here. men trending trump women trending. kamala harris, and it will be interesting to see how those worlds collide on election night. >> yet, what do you think, karen? >> yeah, look, i think the gap is going to continue to widen, particularly among younger women. let's remember number and when we talk about reproductive rights, when we haven't been talking about it as much. but it is an economic issue for a lot of women. it is also a personal bodily autonomy issue and the importance of these stories we're going to hear tonight or reminder of the danger and the harms two women and frankly to doctors that around some of the legislation and it reminds people that trump has, he will sign a national abortion ban if he gets a maga majority in congress that is a real danger. and so it's an important thing i said for democrats, can you
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explain the algebra to me? >> how you get 60 votes for any abortion legislation, the u.s. senate, no matter which party wins. >> can you explain to me house republicans wouldn't try to pass their there is just beyond just be honest about that. there will be no federal legislation no it's it's a it's. a canard its not if your message is don't worry, we won't have the votes that still sounds dangerous to women because that says it's not that you agree with u.s. >> or believe that our bodily autonomy matters, its youth, it's a math equation. >> there aren't 60, but there aren't 50 votes for anything. >> and i just i keep on hearing thank you. se message. i think trump staying on message as the real challenge here. i mean, can he talk about the economy without turning off voters and talking about as you said, learned up with other things because that seems, that seems to have been he's his own worst enemy having a clear, concise message on the economy not what's happening here. and as democrats come out, and if
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this is a convention that comes out with a clear message, you would think that that would be even bigger challenge for that campaign. >> yet, trump's allies, if i had a dime for every time we heard his allies and supporters saying stick on message, i would have a lot of done 100 air 100 air i have 1080, $9 karen scott jackie. thank you so much. appreciate it. and still to come, sources tell cnn that former republican congressman george santos is expected to plead guilty to federal charges. he's in court this hour. we'll be live there for the latest stay with cnn the edge moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern?
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months jumped out to sleep number store near you i mourn liebermann at the pentagon. and this is cnn breaking news into cnn this hour, former republican congressman george santos is in court and sources tell cnn he's expected to plead guilty to multiple federal campaign fraud charges. >> these charges stem from his 2022 campaign and they are what led to his expulsion from congress last december. let's get right to cnn's brynn gingrass, who joins us live from outside the courthouse in islip, new york, brynn, what's happening in the courtroom yeah, boris, look, i have my head on a swivel right now because we are expecting that hearing to wrap up any moment now, our colleague, mark morales, inside that courtroom where you just said it, the former republican congressman expected to plead guilty to at least some of those 23 charges. >> that were handed down to him from the u.s us attorney's office last year. now, listen,
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boris, that he george santos has been adamant that he would never, ever, ever take a plea deal when these charges this came down in two separate installments, even last week when he was a court for a pretrial hearing, that trial expected to start in just a couple of weeks from now when the u.s. attorney essentially said they had done other than the witnesses that were going to come forward against him. he's still maintained his innocence, so something has changed. now, we're not sure which charges he might be pleading guilty to are waiting for that. we don't know when sentencing could happen and we don't know what that punishment will look like. so those are all questions that we are waiting to find out what we do know is that we backed him to give some sort of allocution, some detailed explanation of what he is pleading guilty to. so we are of course waiting for that. but what a dramatic fall from grace from this former congressman of the third district here in new york. of course, he has been charged with stealing the identities of donors and using that money to buy lavish things for himself. he's been accused
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of lying about his employment records, so he could reap the benefits of some covid benefits among a number of charges. so we'll see exactly what the u.s. attorney's office has to say we possibly could hear from them as well as possibly george santos. once this hearing wraps but we are standing by at the moment again, that is happening right now in the courtroom and we'll continue to bring the very latest course. >> he's not been shy about getting in front of a camera. we'll see if he does it after pleading guilty engine rats live in new york. thanks so much there are still dozens of uncommitted delegates going into the democratic national convention. some are waiting to hear what vice president harris plans to do about gaza. we're going to speak to one of those delegates in just a few minutes. stay with cnn this fall comedy is coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you for me or saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn
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captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have neizha helium up, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700 hundred welcome back to our special live coverage at the democratic national convention here in chicago, among the sea of delegates here support vice president kamala harris. >> there is also a contingent of 30 so-called uncommitted delegates. and they represent more than 700,000 democratic primary murray voters nationwide who voted uncommitted as a protest to the u.s. involvement in the war in gaza. and the u.s. support of israel in that war. here with me now is abbas alawieh. he is the co-founder of the uncommitted movement. and you're all so a delegate from the state of michigan tell us what you want to hear from vice president harris this week of u.s thank you so much for
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having me, brianna i am proud to represent the over 101,000 michigan voters who voted uncommitted as a pro-peace, anti-war vote, specifically because they want to see a different policy on gaza because the current policy unfortunately, is that our government is sending weapons that the israeli military is using to kill civilians. >> and that actually goes against both us law and international law. as an uncommitted delegate, i am desperately trying to get the harris campaign, the dnc leadership, to urge vice president harris herself to articulate a new approach on gaza so that we can save lives, so that we can re-engage key voters in michigan. and in swing states across the country who need to hear an updated approach so that we can beat donald trump in november. >> how would you describe her approach right now? >> so right now, vice president harris has shifted her tone when he shifted that, the tone coming think from the administration when she's talking about palestinian lives and palestinian human rights, i think that's a positive step, but i think what we need
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desperately right now, as u.s weapons helping fund are helping kill palestinians to the tune of over 16,000 palestinian children, over 40,000 palestinian civilians. but we need to hear from her is a plan the plan for how she plans to implement u.s. and international law that actually outlaws the use of us weaponry. to harm and kill civilians. that's what's happening right now. it's illegal, it's immoral and democratic voters don't want that. >> but you've heard activists who have met with her campaign. they've come out of meetings saying that they were hopeful that they were heard on what they were saying about an arms embargo for israel. and very quickly the campaign coming back and saying that kamala harris does not support an arms embargo when it comes to israel. anything short of that? will you accept to i actually asked the vice president harris herself when she was in court last week, i asked her if she if we could meet so that we can discuss this amount. >> not because i think she's going to support an arms
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embargo, but because i want her to hear us out because we're in touch with folks on the ground who are losing not just one or two family members who are getting who are having 100 family members at a time wiped out. and so would i want to hear from vice president harris is if she doesn't support portland arms embargo, and i want to know what she does support. and at the very least, i want her to support implementing existing u.s. and international law that prevents us weapons from killing civilians. that's what's happening right now. it's illegal. it's immoral. democratic voters don't want it to happen, and democratic voters in michigan especially 101,000 of us, have raised their hand and said, this is a top issue for me as someone who desperately wants to beat donald trump. i was in the capitol on january 6. i was i was a capitol hill staffer. i know how dangerous he is and how dangerous is white supremist that white supremacist agenda is i want to beat trump. i want to help vice president harris do that by urging her to adopt a policy that will allow for us to re-engage those voters who feel deeply betrayed by the democratic party support for these really military killing civilians. >> you are not the only delegate who is a member of the
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uncommitted movement. and then we've also seen outside of the united center many people protesting in support of the palestinian people as well the folks with the uncommitted movement have not been given a chance to speak to the convention. this is certainly a place with a party with like there to be a picture of unity is it necessary? do you think that they hear from someone from the uncommitted movement during this convention. and what does it mean that they're not? >> but thank you so much for us in bet brianna actually, one thing that the uncommitted movement helped secure working with longtime leaders like jim zambia and others is a panel that's happening right now at 3pm central time, that for the first time in democratic national convention history we'll be a discussion of democrats organizing around palestinian human rights. i'm proud to be one of those democrats for palestinian rights an outstanding requests that we have with the dnc that we're hoping to hear back about, that we haven't heard back about yet, is that we need to see a palestinian american
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leaders speak from this stage. it's important that the palestinian american leaders are plenty of excellent policy american, there's right here in chicago, there's a state representative of them, nasa rashid, who is a strong progressive leader who we need to hear from or representative ruined roman from georgia or representatives the mounjaro there from colorado or delegate roe sam rose, who'll from virginia. we've floated all of these names. so the dnc and we tell them, hey, these all would be excellent, excellent folks to hear from, from this stage so that they can speak about their own experiences in this party and speak about the need for value palestinian human rights. we haven't heard back yet from the vnc were hoping that they'll honor that request abbas alawieh. >> thank you so much for speaking with us. we appreciate it. we're right back the democratic national convention to netted seventh on cnn and streaming on max with car gurus
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programmed, so expect some radical industry, streaming exclusively on max this video we got just moments ago of air force one arriving in chicago, president joe biden deplaning alongside the first lady, he is expected to deliver the first night of the democratic national conventions closing speech in prime time. sources tell cnn that he will use it to argue for his administration's policies i'd right here on cnn, poll after poll shows that after biden dropped out of the race, his party has been re-energized by harris's campaign and as momentum continues to grow, and abc news, washington post, ipsos, national poll it shows the vice president ahead by six points among likely voters. let's
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break down the numbers with cnn's harry enten harry tickets through them boris, i wish you were here with me. >> we could enjoy this little song together, but look at the end of the day, what we're seeing seeing in the polls right now, a kamala harris is clear momentum. just take a look at my aggregate of polls compared to the month of august to compare it to what was going on in july. and you see that harris was down a point quite a month ago and now nationally, she's up by three points and more than that, donald trump is actually dropped back a little bit. it's not just that she's gaining from undecided voter. she's evil taking a little bit of donald trump's support, definite momentum for her coming out of this cop of going into this convention and who knows what momentum she might get coming out of this convention? pension for us. >> that is a good point. we often see a bump in numbers after a convention. how much, how dramatically has this race changed in the month or so since biden dropped out and inherit first jumped in yeah. >> i mean, you know, it's just been such a different race, you know, joe biden was trailing and trailing and trillion, it
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was months on end in which she was trailing. and then you go into this convention, right? and we see the momentum that harris hasn't. the question is, as i alluded to, what is the bounce that she cooked potentially get coming out of it? so let's just look at some historical bounces, right? and what do we see? we see on average a candidate gets a two-point bounds that would be pretty good for how about the largest bound from record that was eight points. bill clinton back in 1992, he exploded at an act convention. of course it is possible that you could see some deflation in her numbers that happened to hubert humphrey coming out of the night it's been 68 democratic convention, one that i think a lot of people have been trying to draw some historical analogy to, given the protests of the vietnam war and, and obviously we've seen some protests over how the united states government has been handling the relations with israel. so there's been a wide range, but generally speaking, conventions do provide a bounce which obviously kamala harris but certainly welcome coming out of this convention and quickly harry, how could a bounce change are standing right now? yeah. i mean, if she got the
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normal size bounds, she beginning think a majority of the vote. if she got a bill clinton type bounds look at that. she jump up that 57%. i don't think that's necessarily going to happen, but i think the clear thing that we should take away from this issue could be can commanding a majority of the vote coming out of this convention. of course, if it turns into 68, she could actually be trailing coming out of the convention. i just not thinking that's the most likely scenario for us harry denton. >> thanks so much for walking us through the numbers. look forward to having that walt's some other time harry enten from chicago. thanks. you. sit special coverage of the democratic national convention continues on the lead with jake tapper starting after a quick break, don't go anywhere madison, you're still going to win class president with the slogan wow, working on campaign posters yep, vote from madison because she's so cool and has the best snacks that are house to my experience as a political reporter at the best campaign slogans are short and memorable like this well, that's definitely memorable the first
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