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tv   CNN Democratic National Convention  CNN  August 21, 2024 11:00pm-2:00am PDT

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courthouse in washington and this is cnn let's listen in right now. >> here is the house democratic leader, hakeem jeffries from new york. if democrats take back the house, he would be the first black speaker of the house ever. let's listen in it's a high honor and a distinct privilege as a brooklynite. new yorker and as an american to stand before you today and unequivocally express my support for kamala harris and tim walz to be the next president and vice president of the united states of america over the last few years, house democrats have been hard at work, and we could not have asked for a better leader to partner with than president joseph robinette biden, who
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will go down as one of the most consequential presidents of all time last month president biden selflessly passed the torch to vice president kamala harris, who is ready, willing and able to fight for the people. kamala harris is a courageous leader, a compassionate leader and a common sense leader who will deliver real results for everyday americans. kamala harris is fighting for our freedom. kamala harris is fighting for our families. kamala harris is fighting for our future together. let's make kamala harris the 47th president of the united states of america and our great country. when you work hard and
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play by the rules, you deserve to earn a living wage you deserve to have an affordable place to call home. you deserve to educate your children in a great public school that is free from gun violence. and you deserve high quality, affordable health care. and you deserve the chance to one day retire with grace and with dignity but for far too many people in our great country, they are struggling to live paycheck to paycheck. >> and as a result the american dream is out of reach here's the thing extreme maga republicans don't care about everyday americans they only care about themselves. our approach, led by kamala harris
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and coach walz is very different. we care about you. the american people and we will fight hard to make sure that the american dream is alive and well in every single community. now, the road ahead will not be easy. >> which brings me to you know who donald trump is like an old boyfriend who you broke up with. but he just won't go away he has spent the last four years spinning the block, trying to get back into a relationship with the american people. bro, we broke up with you for a reason trump was the mastermind of the gop tax scam
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where 83% of the benefits went to the wealthiest 1% in america. >> trump failed our country during the covid 19 pandemic. trump is a chaos agent who is focused on himself, not the american people. trump tried to destroy our democracy by lying about the election and inciting a violent mob to attack the capitol. trump put three extreme justices on the supreme court who destroyed roe v. wade. we broke up with you for a reason, donald trump can spin the block all he wants, but there's no reason for us to ever get back together. been there, done that we're not going back kamala harris kamala harris and house democrats will always put people over
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politics. >> kamala harris and house democrats will lower costs and grow the middle class. kamala harris and house democrats will fix our broken immigration system and secure the border. kamala harris and house democrats will strengthen the relationship between the police and the community. kamala harris and house democrats will continue to combat the climate crisis with the fierce urgency of now kamala harris and house democrats will protect social security, protect medicare protect medicaid, protect the affordable care act, protect working families, protect small businesses, protect the middle class, protect free enterprise, protect our children, protect our seniors. protect our veterans. protect our unions. protect our dreamers and always protect a woman's freedom to make her own reproductive
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health care decisions the extreme maga republican want to divide us, but the constitution promises equal protection under the law. we are one nation under god indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. together together together let's build a brighter future for our children and our grandchildren in the old testament book of psalms, the scripture tells us that weeping may endure during the long night, but joy will come in the
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morning here's how we do it. strategize on sunday. meet the moment on monday take it to him on tuesday. work it out on wednesday. thank the lord on thursday. fight the power on friday set it off on saturday. >> get a few hours of sleep. wake up the next day and do it all over again until joy joy. joy comes in the morning now there's only 76 days left there are only 76 days left. we must continue to speak up. we must continue to show up. we must continue to stand up not as democrats or republicans, but as americans. and when we
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do, nothing can stop kamala harris from becoming the 47th president of the united states of america. nothing can stop house democrats from taking back the majority. nothing can stop the american people from continuing our march toward a more perfect union. nothing can stop us. >> we're all the way up. god bless you. god bless kamala harris. may god bless the united states of america i think for many people, this may be the first time they have heard congressman hakeem jeffries speak. >> but certainly in this room, he has he has the room. he has he has the room. and he made it look effortless. he was layering hip hop references. hip hop. references you know, he's a he's a hip hop fanatic everybody knows that he was wearing sneakers. look nancy pelosi stepped aside. for him to be able to step forward. uh,
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joe biden stepped aside for kamala to be able to step forward. this is a different they're putting the party back in democratic party. this is a very different feel because a new generation is taking the seat. and yet in a moment, we are going to hear from from bill clinton yeah. which is i and by the way, speaker pelosi 12 years ago, he built we we asked bill clinton to nominate president obama again. and it was people were why would you have a former president and he did an incredible job because he can take complicated issues and present them in a colloquial way. and he talked very much about the economy. then at another time when people were troubled by the economy we were coming out of an economic crisis, but people weren't feeling it. it'll be interesting to see what he does with his time tonight. >> you know, bill clinton um, makes me think about my dad, uh, in western kentucky you know, when i was growing up out there, my dad and all the other
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guys like my dad, blue collar guys, they love bill clinton all clinton guys and now my dad. and every single one of them that i know all donald trump guys, when i see him come out here tonight and i think about the audience in this convention, i think the democratic party did once have a bunch of people who bill clinton would appeal to. i think they're gone. i think the people who the labor, the blue collar labor piece of the democratic party that propelled bill clinton in the 90s has completely and totally migrated over to donald trump. and so i wonder about the younger audience and how they view somebody like bill clinton today, because he's not a blue collar hero to them. they know a lot of other things about him that, frankly, make me wonder how in the world he still makes these kinds of stages to be honest. >> well i see it differently in that, um, there's something that there's something about about charisma that translates. and you're going to see it right now. it translates. it translates extradition. >> bill clinton, the 42nd president of the united states
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history there will face thank you so thank you. cannot be face who see history thank you thank you thank you whoa let me ask you something after the
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last two days, aren't you proud to be a democrat and i am very grateful to the republicans and independents that have joined us, who've been up here on the stage and i hope they feel better about it. now because i've seen all these things that even i have to be reminded of from time to time when i get my spirits down i love seeing the obamas here. i love seeing president biden and i thought hillary gave a great speech to and i love but i love seeing all these young
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leaders a bunch of them are coming up after me. >> they look better, they sound better, and they'll be exciting i do want to say one word about president biden. remember he had an improbable turn that made him president and we were in the middle of a pandemic and an economic crash he healed our sick and put the rest of us back to work and the strength of our alliances for peace and security. >> he stood up for ukraine, trying desperately to get a ceasefire in the middle east
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and then he did something that's really hard for a politician to do. he voluntarily gave up political power and george washington knew that. >> and he did it. and he set the standard for us, serving two terms before it was mandatory it helped his legacy, and it will enhance joe biden's legacy. and you and it's a stark contrast to what goes on in the other party so i want to thank him for his courage, compassion his class, his service, his sacrifice joe
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biden thank you and thank you chuck. he kept the faith and he's infected a lot of the rest of us. now, let's cut to the chase. i am too old to gild the lily two days ago, i turned 78. the oldest man in my family of four generations. and the only personal vanity i want to assert is i'm still younger than donald trump last night was my last night in what i thought was a very moving series of episodes.
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>> we nominated kamala harris and tim walz and just think about that. >> two leaders with all american, but still improbable life stories it could only happen here. >> their careers, after all, started in community courtrooms and classrooms. two leaders who spent a lifetime getting the good job done. now, one of the things that i've noticed over my increasingly long life that is a presidential election is unique in several ways. first of all, it's the greatest job interview for the greatest job in the world secondly the
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constitution says we, the people, get to do the hiring and the third thing is that every four years we get to change the requirements for the job so here's what i'm thinking because i try to apply this in every election. will this president take us backward or forward will this president give our kids a brighter future depends will this president bring us together or tear us apart? will the president increase the peace security and stability and freedom that we enjoy and extend it to others as we can we, the people we
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have to make a decision about these kind of questions and every four years it's a little different because the people come up, the candidates come at the candidates and they say, as they're saying now here are our problems. solve them here are our opportunities. seize them here are our fears ease them here are our dreams help them come true a president can answer that call by saying, i'll do my part.
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>> but you have to help me. we have to work together or you can dodge what needs to be done by dividing, distracting, and diverting us. so in 2024, we got a pretty clear choice. it seems to me kamala harris for the people and the other guy who has proved even more than the first go round that he's about me, myself and i i know which one i like better for our country kamala harris will work to solve our problems, seize our opportunities, ease our
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fears, and make sure every single american however they vote has a chance to chase their dreams you know when she was young, she worked at mcdonald's and she greeted every person with that thousand watt smile and said, how can i help you now she's at the pinnacle of power and she's still asking how can i help you i will be i'll be so happy when she actually enters the white house president, because she will break my record as the president who spent the most time at mcdonald's now but we
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got an election to win and remember, we've got a guy that's pretty good at what he does. >> donald trump has been a paragon of consistency. he's still dividing. he's still blaming. he's still belittling other people. he creates chaos. and then he sort of curates it as if it were precious art let me say not a single day goes by even though i've been gone for well over 23 years, from the white house, not a day goes by that i don't thank the lord for the chance i had to serve
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and what it meant and one of the reasons thank you for wait wait wait one of the reasons one of the reasons. i love the job. so much is that in the toughest times, even on the darkest days, if you tried hard enough, there was always something good you could do for somebody else now some days that's not easy to do. you've got to deal with all these emergencies or there's something going on here, there or yonder but kamala harris is the only candidate in this race
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who has the vision, the experience, the temperament, the will and yes, the sheer joy to get something done i mean, look what does her opponent do with his voice? he mostly talks about himself right so the next time you hear him, don't count the lies. count the eyes count the eyes here's vendettas. his vengeance, his complaints, his conspiracies he's like one of those tenors opening up before
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he walks out on stage like i did, trying to get his lungs open by singing me, me, me me me me when kamala harris is president, every day will begin with you you you you so we got to ask ourselves the questions. if we're going to hire a president. do you want to build a strong economy from the bottom up and the middle out, or do you want to spend the next four years talking about crowd size you're going to have a hard time believing this, but
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so help me i triple checked it since the end of the cold war in 1989, america has created about 51 million new jobs i swear i checked this three times. even i couldn't believe it what's the score? democrats 50, republicans one. >> and i'm glad that we've got a championship winning coach on our team but even the most
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limited of us and what we know about football or any other sport, knows that if you're got 50 and the other side's got one, you're ahead what about affordable housing? >> it's a terrible problem in america. now we need more and affordable health care it's why the democrats put a limit on monthly payments for insulin and a $2,000 a year out of pocket limit and they're trying to cover more drugs by bargaining for prices we need more financing for small
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businesses we need still to strengthen our alliances i almost croaked in the first debate of this election season when president trump said nobody respected america anymore. >> like they did when he was president wait, wait and with a straight face look, you got to give him. he's a good actor. whether it's with a straight face. he cited as evidence of the respect that existed for us when he was there the presidents of north korea and russia i'd rather have the
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people who respect us now and one of the things one of the things is when you send a signal to the other countries, you want them to know whether they agree with you or not, at least that you're on the level. here's where you are and what you believe what are they supposed to make to these endless tributes to the late, great hannibal lecter i mean, president obama once gave me the great honor of saying i was the explainer in chief. >> folks i thought and thought about it and i don't know what to say like hakeem jeffries, i
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too want an america that's more joyful more inclusive, more future focused just think what a burden it's been on us to get up day after day after day after day buried in meaningless hot rhetoric. when there's so many opportunities out there so many problems that need to be solved. i want that, and that's the america kamala harris will lead and she's already made her first presidential decision and she knocked it out of the park when she asked governor tim walz to be my nominee for vice president look as they used to
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say when i was a young man growing up in arkansas, you do not have to be all broke out with brilliance you just look at tim walz listen to him follow his record as a teacher, as a coach, and the national guard as a congressman where he was the only democrat to save one elected in that district in more than 100 years. and he stayed a long time and then he became a great governor and by all accounts, he was a crack shot who had the courage among
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his rural constituents to say, we do not need these assault weapons available to people who can kill our kids in school so armed with the reversed decision kamala harris confronts an interesting dilemma we're going to walk out of here feeling pretty good. >> i think we've got energy. we are happy. we feel like a load off our shoulders and we know we're just being asked to fight the same fight that the forces
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of progress have had to fight for 250 years. in the face of stiff and often violent opposition we have to find a way to go forward together where we, the people make our union more perfect so that's a good thing how could we possibly lose kamala harris has fought for kids. >> her whole life that were left out and left behind. she's taken on gangs trafficking across the border she's fought to protect the rights of homeowners. she's been our leader in the fight for reproductive freedoms. and we know a majority of the american people are with us on that and she's gained an
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invaluable amount of experience as vice president advancing our values and interests around the world she's already said she's going to work really hard to make sure that no american working full time lives in poverty or has to worry about their children living in poverty she said that we got to make homeownership an achievable dream for everyone, not just a privilege she said that it and it's meant a lot to me that she would protect everybody's right to vote, whether or not they voted for her. >> they were a citizens and they deserve the right to vote
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the other day, her opponent implied that it's his fault that people voted one more time they'd be able to rig it from now on, and they wouldn't have to vote again do you think they're kidding but i know a lot of these folks and most of them are really good people but some of them think that they are bound to dominate america politically economically, and socially. >> and they have to use politics to do it and they should rig the system. i don't believe that and so here's what i want to tell you we've seen more than one election slip away from us when we thought it couldn't happen, when people
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got distracted by phony issues or overconfident this is a brutal, tough business. >> i want you to be happy one of the reasons that president to be harris is doing so well as it were, all so happy but you should never underestimate your adversary. and these people are really good at distracting us at triggering doubt at triggering buyer's remorse as the obama said, so eloquently last night, they are human. you know, they're bound to make a mistake now and then
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we got to be tough and so as somebody who spends a lot of time in small towns and rural areas in new york and arkansas and other places i want i urge you to talk to all your neighbors i urge you to meet people where they are i urge you not to demean them but not to pretend you don't disagree with them. if you do treat them with respect just the way you'd like them to treat you ask for their help and then follow our leader kamala and ask them, how can i help you we democrats right now have a lot of hay in the barn we've got
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massive achievements massive advances but there's still a lot of slips between today and election day that we have to navigate and so i want to say this from the bottom of my heart. >> i have no idea how many more of these i'll be able to come to i started in 76, and i've been to every one since, but no 72. lord, i'm getting old but here's what i want you to know if you vote for this team if you can get them elected and
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let them bring in this breath of fresh air you will be proud of it for the rest of your life. >> your children will be proud of it. your grandchildren will be proud of it take it from a man who once had the honor to be called in this convention, the man from hope. we need. we need kamala harris, the president of joy, to lead us so i'll be doing my part. you do yours. i'll see you when we're
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making a real joyful nos noise. when the votes are counted. god bless you. and god bless america william jefferson clinton the two term president. the man from hope arkansas speaking not just to the rally. the convention attendees here but also speaking to people at home. perhaps some of those more moderate democrats independents, even republicans who voted for him in 92 and 96, urging them to vote for kamala harris because of the joy and prosperity she will bring. and now, of course, they're playing a little fleetwood mac, a song that we got a lot of in the 90s. >> dana bash it's the second time, the first being barack obama that a u.s. president, a
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successful two term democratic president, urged the democrats listening to meet undecided voters where they are and to treat them with grace and respect. >> really, really interesting that that was one of the many messages, but you both, you and i both went, oh, when we heard that, because it is clearly something that the democratic party those here are obviously the party faithful, but that they realize is a blind spot and that there are people who need convincing abby phillip that there are people who need convincing out there that this is far from over. even if they're on a sugar high right now here at the convention. >> yeah. i mean, conventions are supposed to feel like it's inevitable but i think the people who took that stage, the former presidents, former first ladies, they've lived through the alternative, which is not
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which is not what sorry. it's deafening in here. they lived through the alternative, which is that donald trump defied all of the expectations. >> here's former speaker nancy pelosi. let's listen in. i'm sorry hello california hello, maryland hello democrats on january 20th, 2021, with the inauguration of joe biden and kamala harris, we established
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one of the most successful presidencies of modern times and we quickly proved that democrats deliver millions of jobs stronger infrastructure and rural broadband a biden child tax credit rescuing human pensions, honoring our veterans, bold climate action, lowering the cost of prescription drugs all thanks to president biden's patriotic vision of a fairer america. >> doing so with liberty and justice for all. thank you joe and i know that vice president harris is ready to take us to new heights i've known kamala
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harris for decades personally, i know her a person of deep faith, which is reflected in her community care and service officially, she is a leader of strength and wisdom and eloquence on policy. most recently demonstrated fighting for a woman's right to choose politically. she is astute and strategic in winning difficult elections quickly securing the nomination with dignity and grace, and choosing tim walz as our vice president i had the honor of serving with tim for 12 years in the congress. >> he united democrats, republicans and independents to turn a red district blue he
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showed courage when he came to congress and voting for the affordable care act meeting the needs of his constituents despite republicans lies and misrepresentation when he went home, won the election he returned to congress. he fought for our american heroes as the democratic leader of the veterans affairs committee. thank you. tim january 6th was a perilous moment for our democracy. >> never before had a president of the united states so brazenly assaulted the bedrock of our democracy. so gleefully embraced political violence, so willfully betrayed his oath of office. let us not forget who assaulted democracy on january sixth. >> he did but let us not forget
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who saved democracy that day. >> we did and thank god we had a democratic house of representatives then we returned to the capitol that very same night. we insisted on certifying the election results on the floor of the house and the senate, and we demonstrated to america and to the world that american democracy prevailed the parable of january six reminds us that our democracy is only as strong as the courage and commitment of those entrusted with its care. >> and we must choose leaders who believe in free and fair elections, who respect the peaceful transfer of power the
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choice couldn't be clearer. >> those leaders are vice president harris and governor walz when the sun rose on january seventh, as our national anthem declares, we gave proof through the night that our flag was still there now, in this election, we are called upon to do the same, to stand together, to reject autocracy to choose democracy. >> and we will do so by electing a democratic house with hakeem jeffries as speaker of the house electing a
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democratic senate electing tim walz as vice president of the united states and electing kamala harris as the president of the united states onward to victory oprah winfrey is coming up next. >> we're going to squeeze in a quick break. we'll be right back did you say his name three times? >> he will appear. >> beetlejuice beetlejuice. beetlejuice the juice is loose dig deep and spill your guts. beetlejuice beetlejuice. i'm willing to do the work. rated pg 13. >> this is this dog food in your fridge. >> it's not dog food, it's fresh pet. real meat. real veggies. >> seems like a lot of space to waste on a dog you're all the
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family. i need our very own cantor. >> ben. >> i'm a cantor, but i can't sing your mother and i have been talking and you need to start seeing a doctor you should probably fire me. >> we're not going to do that. >> because my mom's are both big donors to the temple. >> that is not a small consideration you mrs. o'connor. >> you were my music teacher. >> i want you to be happy abbas alawieh between the temples rated r starts friday only in theaters. i've spent my career working in tech, and today i run my own software company. i'm excited about the future of american innovation, especially with artificial intelligence, where the u.s. currently leads the world american researchers are making exciting new discoveries and u.s. companies are investing billions in a.i. solutions that will strengthen small businesses. but foreign competitors like china want to surpass america. in a.i., our
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leaders need to protect america's competitive edge. hey folks, chris counihan here with leaf filter america's largest gutter and gutter protection company. leaf filter has over 150 locations and has been installed on over 1 million homes. we've been protecting homes now for over 20 years. our patented technology offers total protection for your home and comes with a lifetime transferable warranty. the process is simple. give us a call to schedule your free gutter inspection if you decide to move forward with the project, you put nothing down at all. 833 leaf filter or visit leaf today. >> coming this labor day weekend, bob's biggest challenge yet. it's time to dare to compare. it's got action. it's got suspense. >> see how you get more for less this labor day weekend. turn the channel to my bob's com to find out how. >> i'm donald j. trump and i approve this message. the alarming spike in inflation soaring to its highest level in nearly 40 years. >> that is called bidenomics. >> gas prices rose again today, reaching a new all time high.
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>> we're still dealing with inflation and we've got super high interest rates at the same time. >> biodynamics is working. >> two thirds of americans are just struggling to make ends meet. >> this comes after friday's jobs report showing a spike in unemployment. >> and we are very proud of biodynamics. >> sure, i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake how upwork can help your business. search talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills, you may not have in house. more than 30% of the fortune 500 us i came to bayview hunter's point, where there was only one pediatrician to serve more than 10,000 children. daniel lurie said, i'm going to help. we opened a clinic for our most vulnerable children. i have worked shoulder to shoulder with him as we have brought solutions where people thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco.
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because i'm finally getting the healthy sleep i deserve my commitments and welcome back. we are heading into a jam packed hour at the democratic national convention, capped by vice presidential nominee tim walz, making his case to voters. we expect oprah winfrey on stage soon. we got that news earlier this evening. cnn reporting that oprah winfrey had been added to this. we expect to hear from her after amanda gorman, who obviously
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famously spoke, was a poet who performed at president joe biden's inauguration back in 2021. also, in a moment, we expect to hear from tony west, as well as senator catherine cortez masto. so a number of speakers and obviously the vice president official nominee, tim walz will be speaking. um, van, i mean, it's an interesting choice. oprah winfrey tonight. uh coming out of amanda gorman well, i mean, the bookends of beauty bookends of soul, the new generation amanda gorman i mean, she just the country fell in love with her after she became one of the youngest poet laureates. >> uh no matter what she does, it's magical. and the same with oprah winfrey. and so you're adding the magic back. you're adding, you know, we, you know there's been some tough stuff here and we've had to talk about nine a this riot, this horrible insurrection that happened. we've had to talk about a lot of painful stuff. we have to talk about hostages. and so i think it's good to
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put some, some love back into the into the mix and some beauty and back into the mix. um, it was also so good to hear from bill clinton. >> um he said himself he wasn't sure if he was going to be back again. um, you know i tell you what the first ladies have been doing an amazing job. uh, hillary clinton, you know, obviously, you know, i think probably stole the show. uh, but bill clinton still was able to reach this crowd. he still was able to to be folksy and colloquial. he was still able to get some zingers across. um, but i think oprah winfrey is going to steal the show tonight. she dated bill clinton, obviously spoke a lot longer than than anticipated. >> yeah i've experienced this actually back in the 2012 convention, he spoke twice as long as his actual prompter copy suggested he would. he was very good and he did great work for us, but he goes where he wants to go. but he said one thing that i think was the line that stuck with me is, uh when he was talking about trump, he
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said don't count the lies, count the eyes which actually goes to a fundamental message here that that donald trump is fundamentally self-interested, that he does what is good for donald trump and kamala harris is interested in working for people. and that is something that is going to drive again and again. and again. but that was an interesting way to put it. and that's bill clinton. he can he turns those phrases and he does it in a very colloquial. >> he was also saying that that that donald trump says me, me, me before coming out, that kamala harris mean, you can still have a turn of phrase. i have to say that i think scott was right earlier though, and that there are people online who consider this a misstep in a campaign that is a about the future and be focused on women. um, but i do think he also gave one of the most significant full throated supportive goodbyes for joe biden, attorney general tony west is coming tony west is coming out. the vice president's brother
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in law in cincinnati 35 years ago in my first week at law school, i met a new classmate, maya harris. we became best friends but. but the way kamala tells the story, we'd already fallen in love by graduation day. >> and when maya and i married i not only gained a life partner, i love a daughter. i adore and a mother in law. i revered someone i affectionately called mother harris. i also gained a sister, a sister i cherish. kamala now kamala ani each pursued different legal careers, but we were motivated by the same values. a beli in equal opportunity a yearning for fairness, a passion for justice
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values. mother harris taught those two little girls values that poweredamala's public service from the very beginning. you know, one of kamala's very first cases in the district attorney's office, it involved a woman, an innocent woman wrongfully arrested in a police raid. it. it was a friday afternoon. and and the courthouse was shutting down for the weekend. and look most prosecutors, they would have gone home and dealt with the matter the following monday but not kamala. >> you see, my sister in law knew that if the judge didn't see this woman that afternoon, she'd spend the entire weekend in jail and kamala she wondered, does this woman work
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weekends would she lose her job does she have young kids at home? who would feed those kids? >> so kamala pleaded for the judge to return to the bench and to hear the matter and the judge agreed. and within minutes, that woman was released back to her family. that night now it it may seem small, but that's what it means to stand up for justice. >> that's that's what it means to stand for the people. and as kamala says, when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for and and look, believe me when i tell you as a sister a daughter, an auntie and a mother, i've seen kamala fight for her family as district
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attorney, attorney general u.s. >> senator and vice president of the united states. i have watched her fight in the halls of power. for those who have no voice, there and as president i know i know, she'll fight for you. she'll fight for all of us because friends, when kamala fights, we win. >> thank you. god bless you a crime against any one of us is a crime against all of us the work that she did as attorney general was taking on issues to help people who were trying to
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make a life for themselves and their families. >> when kamala harris came into office in 2011, the most urgent economic crisis facing communities throughout california was the foreclosure crisis. >> for too many californians, hopes for lasting homeownership have been dashed victims have fallen prey to a series of mortgage scams fraud and unfair business practices in order to get meaningful relief, we had to sue the banks and see through a lengthy litigation process. >> when kamala was sitting at the table negotiating it wasn't just about the money, it was about real people. i vividly remember her thinking about mommy who could finally afford to >> how proud mommy was. so kamala knew what was at stake for families and even whole communities. >> we are very proud to announce a tremendous victory
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for california she truly believes that every single person, every american, is worthy of the promise and the prosperity of this country. >> and every time kamala has run for a bigger office, it's because she believes that she can have a bigger impact. >> we are making a commitment tonight with this celebration of this senate race to bring our country together in the senate to get a position on the intelligence committee is very coveted because it is about protecting our nation's security. and kamala hit the ground running. she would not let a witness off easily. >> did you have any communications with russian officials for any reason during the campaign that have not been disclosed? >> i don't recall it. i need to be correct as best i can. >> i do want you to be honest. i'm not able to be rushed this fast. it makes me nervous. >> the questioning of attorney general sessions was was historic, and she earned the
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respect of colleagues on both sides of the aisle kamala, as a senator was a truth teller. >> she was there to expose what some of these guys were and what they intended to do. can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body uh i'm not a i'm not a thinking of any right now senator. >> they didn't know what hit them. >> and in those moments. so many people saw her for the first time. and saw how tough she was. >> would you accept them recommending a charging decision to you if they had not reviewed the evidence? well, that's a question for bob mueller. he's the u.s. attorney. >> i think you've made it clear sir, that you've not looked at the evidence. and we can move on. >> when she's on a mission, she is determined and
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relentless. >> when our fundamental values are being attacked do we retreat or do we fight? i say we fight if you want to go forward in this country, not go backward, then there is only one choice. please welcome nevada senator catherine cortez masto hello, chicago you know before i was senator i was nevada's attorney general and that's when i met kamala harris. my colleague in california. >> now we bonded over many
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things and working together. i quickly learned what kind of person she is. >> she is a strong leader. here's how i know. as ags, we took on the big banks after the foreclosure crisis and let me tell you kamala did not settle for less than homeowners deserved. her leadership. >> yeah, her leadership helped win billions for working families nationwide delivering for families. that's kamala harris kamala and i also work to protect our southern border. during that time, kamala invited a group of ags across the border to meet with mexican officials. now we work together to put transnational criminals and drug smugglers behind bars,
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holding criminals accountable. >> that's kamala harris listen. >> and when we took on human traffickers, kamala had us meet with survivors so that we could understand who we were fighting for standing up for justice. that's kamala harris so trust me. trust me when i say i know she will fight for our families and our freedoms now we must fight for her every vote matters. >> i know in 2016, nevadans elected me the granddaughter of a baker from mexico to serve as the first latina in the united states senate i'll tell you
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what and in 2022, my reelection came down to 7928 votes. because of voters in nevada, the democrats won the senate majority and i'm here to tell you, we can do it again. >> we can send kamala harris and tim walz to the white house. are we ready to do it are we ready to fight? let's get it done chicago. thank you everyone please welcome pennsylvania governor josh shapiro thank you thank you 2.5
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centuries ago, in philadelphia, a band of patriots declared their independence from a king and set ourselves on a path of self-determination generation after generation has embraced that responsibility ordinary americans rising up demanding more seeking justice. >> and in every chapter of our american story, we've made progress and advanced the cause of freedom. today, well, today we find ourselves writing that next chapter will we be a
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nation defined by chaos and extremism or will we choose a path of decency, honor and continued progress kamala harris while she has spent her entire career making progress, donald trump, a man with no guardrails, wants to take away our rights and our freedoms and listen while he cloaks himself in the blanket of freedom. what he's offering isn't freedom at all because hear me on this it's not freedom to tell our children what books they're allowed to read. no, it's not and it's not freedom to tell women what they can do with their bodies and hear me on
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this. it sure as hell isn't freedom to say you can go vote. but he gets to pick the winner. that's not freedom but you know what you know what democrats we we are the party of real freedom that's right the kind of real freedom that comes when that child has a great public school with an awesome teacher, because we believe in her future real freedom, real freedom that comes when we invest in the police and in the community so that child can walk to and from school and get home safely to her mama real freedom. real freedom that comes when she can join a union, marry who she loves, start a family on her
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own terms breathe clean air, drink pure water. worship how she wants and live a life of purpose where she is respected for who she is real freedom. real freedom that comes when she can look at madam president and know that this is a nation where anything and everything is possible. that is real freedom and that is what we are fighting for you know kamala and tim's names may be on the ballot but it's your rights. >> it's our rights. it's our future. and freedoms that are on the line. and you have the
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power to shape the future of this country just like our ancestors, our ancestors who fought for freedom on the battlefield and sat in at lunch counters so our kids could stand up now now it's on us. it's on us. my friends, to organize in our communities and on our for you pages around three basic american principles. we value our freedom we cherish our democracy, and we love this country and listen we love this country and listen despite our
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challenges. hear me on this. i want you to know i have never been more hopeful because i see in all of you the enduring promise of america e pluribus unum out of many. one. it's not merely a motto from the past, it's our direction for the future you see, you all give me hope and you all have the power so let's use that power let's do the hard work necessary to win this election and write the next chapter in our american story so are you ready to protect our rights are you ready to secure our freedoms? and are you ready to defend our democracy and are you ready to elect kamala harris and tim
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walz america let's get to work thank you please welcome author, activist and youngest presidential inaugural poet in american history, amanda gorma n we gather at this hallowed place because we believe in the american dream we face a race that tests if this country we
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cherish shall not perish from the earth. and if our earth shall perish from this country it falls to us to ensure that we do not fall for a people that cannot stand together, cannot stand at all. >> we are one family regardless of religion class or color. for what defines a patriot is not just our love of liberty, but our love for one another. this is loud in our country's call because while we all love freedom, it is love that frees us all empathy emancipates
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making us greater than hate or vanity that is the american promise powerful and pure. >> divided we cannot endure. but united we can endeavor to humanize our democracy and endure democracy to humanity and make no mistake cohering is the hardest task. history ever wrote. but tomorrow is not written by our odds of hardship but by the audacity of our hope, by the vitality of our vote only now, approaching this
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rare air are we aware that perhaps the american dream is no dream at all. >> but instead a dare to dream together like a million roots tethered, branching up humbly, making one tree. this is our country for many won from battles won our freedoms. sung our kingdom come has just begun we redeem this sacred scene. >> ready for our journey from it. together we must birth this early republic. and achieve an unearthly summit let us not just believe in the american dream. let us be worthy of it
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thank you amanda gorman, who of course came to prominence performing a poem at president biden's inauguration back in 2021. oprah winfrey is next. david axelrod um, obviously, a lot of people are going to be very excited for that yeah. >> you know, one of the things that is striking about these days has been the invocation of the word freedom again and again and again. the symbols of democracy. you know, one of the things the democratic party is trying to do is say, no one's going to steal these these these images, these these, these values. they're not belonging. they don't belong to any party they're american values. and we proclaim them and we are going to hold them to their promise in a way that the other side is not and so, um, you know, i think it's
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really it's very consistent throughout this program. >> yeah. i feel like there is a distinction between what i would call a cheaper patriotism and a deeper patriotism. this is a this is a this is a deeper patriotism here. it's not just the rah rah stuff. they are they are asserting that, um, the value of freedom is not just the freedom to not pay your taxes or the freedom to say, get off my lawn it's the freedom to live a full life and to be able to live a full life. we need each other. we need we need smart government but i haven't seen so many usa, usa there's a muscular patriotism associated with kamala harris. there's a there's a musculature to what she's saying. she wants to fight she's not afraid. i want to fight for this. i believe in this country. i believe in this particular vision of freedom. and i'm going to fight for it. and i think that's a very interesting new kind of combination that i haven't seen before. >> scott, it does seem like that once this became vice president harris's race, the pivot to the idea of joy and
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freedom, yes, but also joy and sort of this exuberance. it does seem like that is something that donald trump has not been able to adjust to well, we had it in milwaukee. >> i mean, you know the party was having fun and people were feeling good. and then everything has changed. and obviously now the democrats are having their moment. i mean what the what the democrats have achieved is what i mean. bill clinton said one true thing. we're leaving here with a load off our shoulders. of course, the load is joe biden. i mean, he said he said it out loud and um, that that to me is the principal issue of this convention. a whole bunch of people came here dreading it or they would have been dreading it. and now they're leaving thinking they're in the game i hear you on the freedom piece. i hear the word, i see it, but republicans are saying freedom to do what? where are we going as a country under kamala harris i think the democrats want people to vote for her based on a vibe or an attitude, and not really think all that
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hard about what it would mean to implement the kind of policy agenda that she has mostly stood for in her career. and anderson there may not be a debate about who can be more joyful, but there has to be a debate about who can get the country back on the right track when three quarters think it's off on the wrong one. >> well, there's certainly going to be a debate. um yeah, audie, i was going to say the other f word is really forward over and over again. people are saying this is a decision about moving forward. it's the same way people were exhausted by the clinton era culture wars. you could make the argument that they're exhausted by the trump era warring in all directions, and people are coming to the stage one at a time and using the word, can we be forward looking this is the way you just answer your question. i think they're talking about freedom for women to make decisions about their own bodies freedom for people to be secure, that when they vote, that vote will be
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counted. and the outcome of the election will be respected. freedom to make decisions for your kids and you know, to send them to school and have them read what their teachers want them to read and should be reading and learning. i mean, there's all kinds of freedoms here that i think are quite different than the interpretation of freedom that we heard in milwaukee. >> yeah, i agree 100%. and i feel like, um this idea of the future being so much more important than the past, like there's a nostalgia here for a kinder country, but there's also a determination to go forward i, i don't think it's as fluffy as it as it as you're saying, i think. yeah, it's it feels good. it's got. but there's real there's substance here. there's, there's there's, there's a commitment to make our public institutions work for everybody and i think that, that the positive populism here that says you can have a better future and ordinary people, everyday
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people can be better off. and you don't have to demonize anybody except for donald trump to get there. >> well, i agree with you that that there could be an agreement to try to make institutions work. it's just that the people in charge of the institutions right now are the people in this room. i mean democrats are in the white house and our public institutions have lost a lot of faith since joe biden and kamala harris have come along. and again, we're having another night where we're sort of pretending that she's not at the center of do you think public institutions benefited from donald trump's presidency? we had people overrunning the capitol of the united states of america. i don't think that did a lot for faith in institutions maybe the fact that they resisted the insurrectionists gave people some hope, but i wouldn't say he was a an exponent of respect for institutions. >> let's watch oprah winfrey i feel like we song that takes me back, and i let go with so much freedom we leave. i'ma get my
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freedom. >> good evening everybody who says you can't go home again after watching the obamas last night, that was some epic fire, wasn't it? some epic fire we're now so fired up. we can't wait to leave here and do something and what? >> we're going to do is elect kamala harris as the next president of the united states
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i am so honored to have been asked to speak on tonight's theme about what matters most to me to you and all of us americans freedom there are people who want you to see our country as a nation of us, against them. people who want to scare you, who want to rule you, people who would have you believe that books are dangerous and assault rifles are safe that there's a right way to worship and a wrong way to love people who seek first to divide and then to conquer. but here's the thing when we stand together, it is impossible to conquer us in the
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words of an extraordinary american, the late congressman john lewis he said no matter what ship our ancestors arrived on we are all in the same boat now congressman lewis knew very well how far this country has come because he was one of the brilliant americans who helped to get us where we are. but he also knew that the work is not done. the work will never be done because freedom isn't free. america is an ongoing project. it requires commitment. it requires being open to the hard work and the heart work of democracy. and every now and then it requires standing up to life's bullies
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i know this i've lived in mississippi in tennessee, in wisconsin, maryland indiana florida, hawaii colorado california, and california and sweet home chicago, illinois i have actually traveled this country from the redwood forest. love those redwoods to the gulf stream waters. i've seen racism and sexism and income inequality and division. i've not only seen it at times, i've been on the receiving end of it but more often than not, what i've
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witnessed and experienced are human beings, both conservative and liberal, who may not agree with each other, but who still help you in a heartbeat. if you were in trouble. >> these are the people who make me am an american they are the best of america, and despite what some would have you think we are not so different from our neighbors. >> when a house is on fire, we don't ask about the homeowners race or religion. we don't wonder who their partner is or how they voted no, we just try to do the best we can to save them. and if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady well we try to get that
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cat out too because we are a country of people who work hard for the money, we wish our brothers and sisters well and we pray for peace. >> we know all the old tricks and tropes that are designed to distract us from what actually matters but we are beyond ridiculous tweets and lies and foolery. these are complicated times, people, and they require adult conversation and i welcome those conversations because civilized debate is vital to democracy, and it is the best of america now, over
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the last couple of nights, we have all seen brave people walk onto the stage and share their most private pain. amanda and josh, caitlyn hadley, they told us their stories of rape and incest and near death experiences from having the state deny them the abortion that their doctor explained was medically necessary, and they've told us these things for one reason, and that is to keep what happened to them from happening to anybody else. because if you do not have autonomy over this, over this if you cannot control when and how you choose to bring your children into this world and how they are raised and supported, there is no american dream the women and men who are
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battling to keep us from going back to a time of desperation and shame and stone cold fear they are the new freedom fighters. >> and make no mistake they are the best of america i want to talk now about somebody who's not with us tonight tessie prevost williams was born in new orleans not long after the supreme court ruled that segregated public schools were unconstitutional. >> that was in 1954, same year i was born. but i didn't have to head to first grade at the all white mcdonagh 19 school with a u.s. marshal by my side. like tessie did. and when i got to school, the building wasn't empty like it was for tessie. you see, rather than allowing
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mcdonagh to be integrated, parents pulled their kids out of the school leaving only tessie and two other little black girls gail etienne and leona tate, to sit in a classroom with the windows papered over to block snipers from attacking their 6-year-old bodies tessie passed away six weeks ago and i tell this story to honor her tonight because she she, like ruby bridges and her friends leona and gail, the new orleans four. >> they were called they broke barriers and they paid dearly for it but it was the grace and
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guts and courage of women like tessie prevost williams that paved the way for another young girl who, nine years later became part of the second class to integrate the public schools in berkeley california and it seems to me that at school and at home somebody did a beautiful job of showing this young girl how to challenge the people at the top and empower the people at the bottom. >> they showed her how to look at the world and see not just what it is, but what can be. they instilled in her a passion for justice and freedom and the glorious fighting spirit necessary to pursue that passion and soon and very soon soon and very soon, we're going
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to be teaching our daughters and sons about how this child of an indian mother and jamaican father two idealistic, energetic immigrants immigrants how this child grew up to become the 47th president of the united states that is the best of america you know, you know let me tell you this, this election isn't about us and them. it's about you and me.
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and what we want our futures to look like. there are choices to be made when we cast our ballot now, there's a certain candidate says if we just go to the polls, this one time, that we'll never have to do it again. well, you know what you're looking at a registered independent who's proud to vote again and again and again because i'm an american and that's what americans do voting is the best of america and i have always, since i was eligible to vote, i've always voted my values. and that is what is needed in this election now more than ever. so i'm calling on all you independents and all you undecideds you
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know, this is true. >> you know i'm telling you the truth that values and character matter most of all in leadership and in life and more than anything you know, this is true. >> that decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024. >> and and just plain common sense common sense tells you that kamala harris and tim walz can give us decency and respect they're the ones to give it to us so we are americans we are
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americans. let us choose loyalty to the constitution over loyalty to any individual because. because that's the best of america and let us choose optimism over cynicism because that's the best of america. and let us choose inclusion over retribution. let us choose common sense over nonsense because that's the best of america and let us choose the sweet promise of tomorrow over the bitter return to yesterday we won't go back we won't be set back. >> pushed back bullied back, kick back. we're not going back not going back we're not
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going back so let us choose. >> let us choose truth let us choose honor and let us choose joy because that's the best of america but more than anything else, let us choose freedom. >> why because that's the best of america we're all americans, and together, let's all choose kamala harris us thank you chicago.
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>> thank you america here's what i want people to know about tim walz. well, everybody at mankato west high school loved tim walz. >> yeah, i mean, tim was jovial when he would start teaching. it was like full contact teaching. you could not help but be interested in what he was talking about. >> he seemed to care about everybody in his class. >> he knew everyone's name. >> he wanted to know what interested you, how to engage you, what you were excited about, what you were feeling bad about. >> mr. walz was my geography and social studies teacher mr. walz was my football coach. my middle school basketball coach. >> when we were doing the high school play, the nerd, he was the person building the sets. >> i don't think that there has ever been a moment where i've seen tim exhausted from giving or engaging. he always
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seems like that person that's got the never ending gas tank who can keep going. >> when i decided to come out as gay we started the gay straight alliance tim walz was the faculty advisor we saw him not only as a teacher but a mentor and a leader. >> mr. walz was a was a really big part in helping build this community, and he's a big reason why i became a teacher myself. it was inspiring being in his classroom please welcome maryland governor wes moore thank you. thank you on march
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26th at 130 in the morning a container ship the length of three football fields slammed into the francis scott key bridge in baltimore and the bridge collapsed. a port that drives 13% of our state's economy was now closed thousands of workers were hours away from waking up and realizing they no longer had a job six marylanders who had been on the bridge in the middle of the night fixing potholes lost their lives and one of the first phone calls that i got that morning started with these three words gov it's kamala she said. i know
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you spoke to the president and i want you to know we are here with you every step of the way now i joined the army when i was 17. >> in fact, i was too young to sign the paperwork i had to ask my mom to sign the paperwork for me because i don't have bone spurs i led soldiers in combat in afghanistan and my training, my training taught me that you never learn anything about anybody. when times are
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easy, you learn everything you need to know about somebody. when times are hard and when the temperature gets turned up and america i saw that kamala harris is the right one to lead in this moment firsthand and united with the almighty god's grace we brought closure to the families of the six victims and while many said it could take 11 months to reopen the port of baltimore, we got it done in 11 weeks. because that is the story of america. we are a nation of patriots who serve when the mission is hard and who serve when the destination is uncertain and i know our
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history is imperfect the unevenness of the american journey has made some skeptical but i'm not asking you to give up your skepticism i just want that skepticism to be your companion and not your captor and i'm asking that you join us in the work because making america great doesn't mean telling people you're not wanted and loving your country does not mean lying about its history making america great means saying the ambitions of this country would be incomplete without your help it's the legacy of those six
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workers who fixed potholes on a bridge while we slept who were born in a different country, but who knew that america was big enough for them to it's the journey it's the journey of a man raised by a remarkable immigrant single mom, a man who felt handcuffs on his wrists at 11 years old, who now stands before you as the 63rd governor of maryland and the first black governor in the history of our state it's the story. >> it's the story of a
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prosecutor who defended our freedoms and had maryland's back when we needed it most and now mvp we've got your back as well keep keep, keep, keep keep keep. that's right it's my fellow veteran my brother and the next vice president of the united states, tim walz and now tim tim knows that in the military you count the days towards mission completion. >> so guess what, y'all? >> we have got 75 days and a wake up until election day 75
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days and a wake up for us to prove what americans can do when the pressure is on. >> 75 days and a wake up for us to show that true patriots do not whine and complain. we put our heads down and we get to work 75 days and athose who came after him, those who came before us, hoped for and those who come after us that they deserve and 75 days and a wake up to elect a leader who was willing to believe in the best of us and that leader is kamala harris, the next president of the united states. >> thank you god bless you. and let's leave. no one behind.
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>> please welcome former south bend, indiana mayor pete buttigieg thank you thank you good evening democrats thank you chicago here is a sentence i never thought i'd hear myself saying i'm pete buttigieg, and you might recognize me from fox news i believe in going anywhere anywhere in service of a good cause. and friends, we gather in a very good cause. electing kamala harris and tim walz the next president and vice
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president of the united states the choice could not be clearer donald trump rants about law and order as if he wasn't a convicted criminal running against a prosecutor as if we were going to forget that crime was higher on his watch talks about the forgotten man hoping we'll forget that the only economic promise that he actually kept was to cut taxes for the rich and don't even get me started on his new running mate at least mike pence was polite j.d. vance is one of those guys who thinks if you don't live the life that he has
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in mind for you, then you don't count someone who said that if you don't have kids, you have quote, no physical commitment to the future of this country you know senator, when i deployed to afghanistan, i didn't have kids then many of the men and women who went outside the wire with me didn't have kids either. >> but let me tell you our commitment to the future of this country was pretty physical choosing choosing a guy like j.d. vance to be america's next vice president sends a message and the message is that they are doubling down on negativity and grievance committing to a concept of campaigning best summed up in one word darkness darkness is
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what they are selling. >> the thing is, i just don't believe that america today is in the market for darkness i believe america is ready for a better kind of politics yes, politics at its worst can be ugly crushing, demeaning but it doesn't have to be at its best, politics can be empowering uplifting. it can even be a kind of soulcraft my faith teaches me that the world isn't made up of good people and bad people but rather that each of us is capable of good and bad things. and i believe leaders matter because of what they bring out in each of us. the good or the bad right now, the other side is appealing to what is smallest within you.
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>> they're telling you that greatness comes from going back to the past they're telling you that anyone different from you is a threat they're telling you that your neighbor or nephew or daughter who disagrees with you politically isn't just wrong, but is now the enemy. >> i believe in a better politics one that finds us at our most decent and open and brave. the kind of politics that kamala harris and tim walz are offering. and as you have felt these many days that kind of politics also just feels better to be part of there is joy in it as well as power. and if all of that sounds naive, let me insist that i have come to this view not by way of idealism but by way of experience not just the experience of my unlikely career someone like me serving
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in indiana, serving in washington, serving in uniform i'm thinking of something much more basic. >> i'm thinking of dinner time at our house in michigan when the dog is barking and the air fryer is beeping and the mac and cheese is boiling over, and it feels like all the political negotiating experience in the world is not enough for me to get our 3-year-old son and our 3-year-old daughter to just wash their hands and sit at the table it's the part of our day when politics seems the most distant, and yet the make up of our kitchen table the existence of my family is just one example of something that was literally impossible. >> as recently as 25 years ago, when an anxious teenager growing up in indiana wondered
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if he would ever find belonging in this world this kind of life went from impossible to possible, from possible to real, from real to almost ordinary, in less than half a lifetime but that didn't just happen it was brought about through idealism and courage, through organizing and persuasion and storytelling and yes through politics. the right kind of politics the kind of politics that can make an impossible dream into an everyday reality i don't presume to know what it's like in your kitchen, but i know as sure as i am standing here that everything in it the bills you
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pay at that table, the shape of the family that sits there, the fears and the dreams that you talk about late into the night. >> there all of it compels us to demand more from our politics than a rerun of some tv wrestling death match so this november, we get to choose. >> we get to choose our president. we get to choose our policies. but most of all, we will choose a better politics a politics that calls us to our better selves and offers us a better every day that is what kamala harris and tim walz represents. that is what democrats represent. that is what awaits us when america decides to end trump's politics of darkness once and for all. that is what we choose when we embrace the leaders who
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are out there building bridges and reject the ones who are out there banning books this is what we will work for every day to november. and beyond. so let's go win this. thank you. democrats thank you susan governor walz going to congress. >> and then becoming governor. i see the guy that was a first sergeant. i see a guy that's full of energy, always busy and like he says, he had enough time to sleep when you're dead. >> i first met governor walz and congressman walz when i was transitioning out of the marine corps, going back to school he really wanted to know what the experience was of those that were actually using the gi bill and how it could be improved. it seemed to be a continuation
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of focus on improving the lives of veterans governor walz in our unit always would say his catchphrase was, we'll get it done. >> and we always did the way i've seen him carry himself over, over the years in congress and the way he works for veterans, there's no excuse making, there's no scapegoating. >> it's just accomplish the mission. >> governor walz has been that way and always will be that way. >> having governor walz on the house veterans affairs committee was instrumental in getting the post nine over 11 gi bill not only introduced, but also passed when governor walz wants change, it'll happen back to the guard we'll get it done please welcome egot winning multi-platinum artist and activist john legend and queen of percussion sheila e dearly beloved we are gathered
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here today to get through this thing called life you don't like the world you're living in take a look around and he's got friends you see a family or a friendly word she picked up the phone, dropped it on the floor cause all i heard. >> are we gonna let the elevator bring us down? oh, no. let's go let's go. crazy let's go nuts. >> let's go for the purple banana till they put us in control let's go we're all
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excited but we don't go wild. >> maybe it's time we're all gonna die and when we do we do. >> oh, what's it all for? you better live now. before the grim reaper comes knocking on your door. tell come on, we're gonna let you out. they break us down let's go, let's go crazy. >> let's go, let's let's go for the purple banana. till they put us in the truck. let's go come on baby i need everybody to get nuts with me. come on ariane de vogue come on let's get please go oh yeah.
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>> are we gonna let the elevator bring us down? let's go go crazy. put your hands together let's go crazy come on, let's go let's go. got everything? be all right make everything go round kill them grill them. daffodil will kill. hey tough children he's coming he's coming he's coming yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go go! >> let's go hey yeah jimmy
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john legend and sheila e performing let's go crazy from 1984. >> a song by minnesota favorite son prince and dana bash. another minnesota favorite son is coming out. any second. >> and that is exactly why we just heard that song, why we see sheila e there. i just want to also note that the john legend is the only man on stage. they're all not just a female percussionist but that was an amazing, uh i mean, guitar solo by, uh, by a female musician really worthy of prince himself. >> yeah. i mean, i think this is going to be, um, for tim walz, who actually is somehow straddles the line between what is he, gen x or. >> no, he is so he is he is,
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uh, he's right on the border. right on. right on, right on the cusp of yeah. and the tiktok generation. i think that this kind of sets up a little bit more of a joyful moment. i mean, there was actually some somberness with the video um, that was more about his military service. and i think walz has been able to do both things to speak to an older generation and a younger generation, to have a sense of fun and and i think that this performance is part of that setup. >> and, look, that's what you have to do when you're a teacher. you have to be able to straddle that. >> so here's another favorite daughter of minnesota, amy klobuchar who ran for president herself uh, about to speak and let's listen in she's going to introduce her governor, tim walz that was a warm up act on behalf of the great state of minnesota where purple reigns i
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stand before you in support of our next vice president tim walz in minnesota we trust a coach who turned a team that was zero and 27 into state champions in minnesota. >> we trust a hunter who has stood in a deer stand in ten degree weather in minnesota we trust a candidate who has made a viral video on how to change a burnt out headlight and i know we aren't alone, but in minnesota we love a dad in plaid so tim and i go way back
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he taught high school right down the road from where my husband, john grew up. >> my mother in law even brought him and gwen a parmesan chicken dinner when their son was born that's what we do in america. we look out for our neighbors tim has been doing that his whole life on the farm and in the factory with his students and his fellow service members and the truth is that matters who better to take on the price of gas than a guy who could pull over to help change your tire? >> who better to serve our nation than a guy who has served in uniform who better to find common ground than a guy
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with midwestern common sense a former football coach knows how to level the playing field and a former public school teacher knows how to school the likes of j.d. vance what you've done with your life matters and what you do with power matters too. >> tim has delivered paid leave school lunches and the biggest tax cut in minnesota history a democrat from a red district in a purple state, tim has brought minnesota together and together with vice president kamala harris, i know he will do the same for our nation america
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there is so much that we share. >> so much that connects us way up north in minnesota, out of lake itasca flows the mississippi river. it starts small and it grows wider it flows down to wisconsin and to iowa it goes down to illinois and to missouri it goes to kentucky and tennessee it goes to arkansas and it goes way down to mississippi. >> and then it goes all the way down to new orleans louisiana, where the spirit of our
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nation's resilience abounds. so let us commit here and now to cross the river of our divides, to get to a higher ground and let us join together to elect kamala harris and tim walz please welcome ben ingman from minnesota tim walz is the kind of guy you can count on to push you out of a snowbank i know this because tim walz has
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pushed me out of a snowbank i grew up next door to the walz's in mankato mr. walz was also my geography teacher and my coach. >> not for high school football, but for seventh grade basketball and track so what was the high school football coach doing coaching seventh grade basketball and track well, there was a kid in the high school who couldn't afford to pay for lunch, and he ran up a lot of debt. >> and tim and gwen decided they'd help pay it off. >> they started calling around the district to see if there were any positions they could fill to make a little extra money, and that's how he wound up coaching us seventh graders. >> that's right coach walz got us excited about what we might achieve together. >> he believed in us and he helped us believe in each other and his leadership stuck that
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track team went on to win a state title just like the football team that's right. >> speaking of which, come on out scarlets yeah and
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you know all this got me thinking about the kinds of leaders we need we want the people in charge to be genuine compassionate and trustworthy the thing is, there are people in our neighborhoods who fit this description. the kind of people who display quiet leadership by helping kids pay for their lunches, by bringing teams together to believe in each other and when we're stuck in the snow, they push us out well, in my neighborhood we oh, sorry, we always wish that people like that would run for office well,
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in my neighborhood, someone like that did run for office and he's going to be a wonderful vice president. thanks very much out here in the wide open spaces, we are reminded of the values we share a commitment to community country, and standing up for what's right. tim walz grew up in a small town in nebraska, where he spent summers working the family farm. >> there were just 24 students in his graduating class. his dad served during the korean war, and that meant a lot to tim. so he enlisted right after his 17th birthday and served 24 years in the national guard, rising to command sergeant major.
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>> tim went to college on the gi bill and became a social studies teacher. that's where tim and i met. we shared a classroom with a divider right down the middle his classroom was a lot louder than mine, but i could hear how engaged his students were tim taught for over 15 years, and he coached football, helping lead the team to a state championship after zero wins. just a few years before, tim taught them how to believe in themselves and that we're all in this together when one of our students started the school's gay straight alliance tim agreed to serve as faculty advisor because he knew how impactful it would be to have a football coach involved he inspired his students, and he changed lives. >> he was just so joyful and everything that he does. but i think also standing up for, you know, what he believes to be right stands up to bullies then tim's students inspired him to run for congress in southern minnesota tim spent a lot of
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time working with republicans fighting to help farmers and expanding veteran's benefits. >> whether it was in congress or as governor. his focus has always been helping working people like those he grew up with. >> that's why he fought for the largest tax cut in minnesota state history. >> tim walz was there for small businesses like ours. >> with the urging of governor walz, we were able to pass the alex smith insulin affordability act, and it has saved lives in minnesota. >> if tim is governor, minnesota is one of the best places to raise a family and one of the best states for business. tim's a lifelong hunter and gun owner but after the sandy hook school shooting, he knew that we had to do something. >> so he's fought for background checks and red flag laws. but of all the things he's done, tim loves being a dad we struggled to have kids
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and fertility treatments made it possible. there's a reason our daughter is named hope. hope and gus mean the world to us. >> governor walz making good on a promise to his son and family yesterday by getting them a puppy. >> then we're going to go get some food. corn dog. >> i'm vegetarian turkey then. and turkey's meat not in minnesota. >> turkey is special he's as at home on a farm, a fishing boat, a football field or a factory floor as he is on the floor of congress tim's commitment to service all comes back to the values we grew up with. love your country. help your neighbor and fight for what's right because that's what america is all about two middle class kids one a daughter of oakland california. >> the other a son of the nebraska plains only in america is it possible for them
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together to make it all the way to the white house usa usa please welcome the democratic nominee for vice president, governor tim walz hey i was born in a small town in in a small town dance mountain thank you when you teach all my friends. this is thank you
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thank you wow. >> well thank you thank you first of all, to vice president harris thanks for putting your trust in me and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign and a thank you to president joe biden for four years of strong historic leadership it's it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states we're all
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we're all here tonight for one beautiful, simple reason. we love this country so thank you to all of you here in chicago and all of you watching at home tonight. >> thank you for your passion. thank you for your determination. and most of all, thank you for bringing the joy to this fight now, i grew up in butte nebraska a town of 400 people. >> i had 24 kids in my high school class, and none of them went to yale but i'll tell you what. >> growing up in a small town like that, you learn how to take care of each other that
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that family down the road they may not think like you do. >> they may not pray like you do they may not love like you do, but they're your neighbors, and you look out for them and they look out for you everybody belongs and everybody has a responsibility to contribute for me, it was serving in the army national guard i joined up two days after my 17th birthday and i proudly wore our nation's uniform for 24 years. >> my dad a korean war era army veteran, died of lung cancer a couple years later he left behind a mountain of medical debt thank god for social security survivor benefits and
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thank god for the gi bill that allowed my dad and me to go to college, and millions of other americans eventually like the rest of my family i fell in love with teaching three three out of four of us married teachers i wound up teaching social studies and coaching football at mankato west high school go garlits we ran we ran a 44 defense. >> we played through to the whistle on every single play, and we even won a state championship never close the yearbook people but it was those players and my students
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who inspired me to run for congress they saw in me what i had hoped to instill in them a commitment to the common good, an understanding that we're all in this together and the belief that a single person can make a real difference for their neighbors so there i was a 40 something high school teacher with little kids, zero political experience and no money running in a deep red district but you know what? never underestimate a public school teacher now i represented my neighbors in congress for 12 years and i learned an awful lot i learned how to work across the aisle on issues like growing the rural
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economies and taking care of veterans and i learned how to compromise without compromising my values then i came back to serve as governor and we got right to work making a difference in our neighbors lives. we cut taxes for the middle class we passed paid family and medical leave we invested in fighting crime and affordable housing we cut the cost of prescription drugs and help people escape the kind of medical debt that nearly sank my family and we made sure that every kid in our state gets breakfast and lunch every day so while other states were banning books from their schools, we were banishing
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hunger from ours we also protected reproductive freedom because in minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make and even if we wouldn't make those same choices for ourselves, we've got a golden rule mind your own business and that includes ivf and fertility treatments. and this is personal for gwen and i if you've never experienced the hell that is infertility, i guarantee you you know somebody who has. and i can remember praying each night for a phone call the pit in your stomach when the phone would ring, and the absolute agony when we heard the treatments hadn't
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worked it took gwen and i years, but we had access to fertility treatments and when our daughter was born, we named her hope hope goss and gwen, you are my entire world and i love you i'm letting you in on how we started a family because this is a big part about what this election is about freedom when when republicans use the word freedom, they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor's office corporations free to pollute your air and water and banks free to take advantage of customers but when we democrats
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talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love freedom to make your own health care decisions and yeah your kids. >> freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the hall look, i know guns. i'm a veteran. i'm a hunter and i was a better shot than most republicans in congress. and i got the trophies to prove it but i'm also a dad i believe in the second amendment. >> but i also believe our first responsibility is to keep our kids safe that's what this is all about. >> the responsibility we have
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to our kids, to each other and to the future that we're building together in which everyone is free to build the kind of life they want but not everyone has that same sense of responsibility some folks just don't understand what it takes to be a good neighbor. take donald trump and j.d. vance their project 2025 will make things much, much harder for people who are just trying to live their lives they spent a lot of time pretending they know nothing about this, but look, i coached high school football long enough to know and trust me on this. >> when somebody takes the time to draw up a playbook, they're going to use it and and we know if these guys get back in the white house, they'll start jacking up the costs on the
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middle class they'll repeal the affordable care act, they'll gut social security and medicare and they will ban abortion across this country with or without congress here's the thing it's an agenda. nobody asked for it's an agenda that serves nobody except the richest and the most extreme amongst us and it's an agenda that does nothing for our neighbors in need. is it weird? absolutely absolutely but it's also wrong. and it's dangerous. it's not just me saying so it's trump's own people. they were with him for four years. they're warning us that the next four years will be much, much worse. you know, when i was teaching, every year
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we'd elect a student body president, and you know what those teenagers could teach donald trump? a hell of a lot about what a leader is leaders don't spend all day insulting people and blaming others leaders do the work so i don't know about you i'm ready to turn the page on these guys. >> so go ahead, say it with me. we're not going back not go back, not back we've got something better to offer the american people it starts with our candidate, kamala harris from her first day as a prosecutor as a district attorney, as an attorney general, as a united states senator, and then our vice president, she's fought on the side of the american people she's taken on the predators
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and fraudsters. she's taken down the transnational gangs and she stood up to powerful corporate interests. she has never hesitated to reach across the aisle if it meant improving your lives and she's always done it with energy, with passion, and with joy folks we've got a chance to make kamala harris the next president of the united states but i think we owe it to the american people to tell them exactly what she'd do as president. >> before we ask them for their votes. so here this is the part clip and save it and send it to your undecided relatives. so they know if you're a middle class family or a family trying to get into the middle class kamala harris is going to cut your taxes if you're getting squeezed by prescription drug
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prices. >> kamala harris is going to take on big pharma if you're hoping to buy a home, kamala harris is going to help make it more affordable and no matter who you are kamala harris is going to stand up and fight for your freedom to live the life that you want to lead because that's what we want for ourselves, and it's what we want for our neighbors you know, you might not know it, but i haven't given a lot of big speeches like this but i have given a lot of pep talks so let me let me finish with this team it's the fourth quarter. we're down a field goal, but we're on offense and we've got the ball. we're driving down the field and boy
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do we have the right team. kamala harris is tough. kamala harris is experienced and kamala harris is ready. our job, our job, our job our job for everyone watching is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling one inch at a time one yard at a time one phone call at a time, one door knock at a time one $5 donation at a time look, we got 76 days. that's nothing. there'll be time to sleep when you're dead. we're going to leave it on the field that's how we'll keep moving forward that's how we'll turn the page on donald trump. that's how we'll build a country where
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workers come first. health care and housing are human rights and the government stays the hell out of your bedroom that's how we make america a place where no child is left hungry, where no community is left behind, where nobody gets told they don't belong that's how we're going to fight. and as the next president of the united states always says, when we fight when we fight when we fight thank you god bless we've got a lot of great be aftab
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pureval keep on rockin in the free world keep on rockin in the free world i see you woman in the night with the baby in her hands minnesota governor tim walz after greeting his wife gwen, the first lady of minnesota, his wife hope, giving him a hug. he just gave a hug to his son gus, who was in tears during the speech as
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was his daughter you get an idea why vice president harris picked him his fighting style is down home plain speaking style of the nebraska and minnesota national guard a teacher and assistant football coach, a six term congressman from a red district, a republican district and a two term governor of minnesota taking the fight to republicans and talking about the need for people to treat each other with dignity and care it is a speech that here at the united center, people are still on their feet all the way in the rafters, holding signs that say coach walz a barnburner of a speech. pretty amazing that he's never given a speech quite like this
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and was when doing the interviews with vice president harris his big confession that he did not know how to use a teleprompter. >> that's right. >> that speech for a guy who doesn't know how to use a teleprompter was pretty remarkable. he figured it out, figured it out quickly you said down home the entire speech was wrapped in language and and words that people can relate to if they live in new york city. if they live in the midwest, if they live in the pacific northwest and, you know, on the coast or in the middle of the country, and that was clearly the goal that he is a dad. he is a coach but he is somebody who understands the economic struggles that americans still have, even and especially during these four years that have been run by a democratic
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administration. and that was the challenge of the biden-harris ticket trying to get past saying oh, we have all these accomplishments and and breaking through the fact that people were still feeling a lot of pain and this was a way to try to turn the corner and make that connection. i also just have to say gus, gus, his son, crying and standing up and saying that is my dad. >> the clip and save moment what everybody is going to be seeing, you know if you didn't move, get moved by that moment it was pretty there he is. >> there's the moment right there. gus applauding at that. >> that's my dad. family such a sweet moment from what a remarkable moment in in just in american life to to see that boy standing up and proudly saying, that's my dad. and i think that tim walz is entire biography it reflects of the fact that americans are so many
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things all at once. i think that that's what he really talks about. he's a gun owner. he's a hunter. he wants more gun control he's, you know, a former teacher, a coach. >> he was someone in the military in a way it's a message to the american people that you don't have to be forced into one particular box and that is probably one of the reasons why he rose so high to the top of the list of the vice presidential search. he embodies his family embodies all of the different things that americans are, and that they can be. and he's able to communicate with americans based on that reality that's the most powerful part of how tim walz communicates. he it is not that he's a great orator or anything like that, but he can talk plainly just the way that you and i are. talk to each other regularly. and that's been the most needed thing for democrats in the last several cycles. frankly yeah,
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absolutely. >> i mean, he is a guy who hunts. he is a guy who fishes. he's an assistant football coach, and he talks like a guy, anderson, who hunts and fishes and his assistant football coach and it works. >> it certainly it certainly did in this room. i want to check in with kaitlan collins, who is on the floor caitlin, i mean, the energy i was watching in the stands, people standing up for all of this. what was it like down on the floor? >> i mean anderson, right now this is the minnesota delegation behind me. clearly, they are still quite excited about their governor and his speech. you see, they have cutouts of his head. they have signs that say coach walz, an allusion to his football coaching pass. as you saw his team come out. i mean, i thought you know, anderson, every other delegation is leaving the floor right now. the minnesota delegation is not leaving. they're still here, still chanting for tim walz as he is exiting the stage. anderson. and i'll note, you hear that music playing in the background. it is neil young's rocking in a free world. that is a song. i'm told it is a
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walz favorite and that he personally asked and was granted used by neil young to play it tonight as he exited stage. notable given neil young previously sued the trump campaign for using this song. but you can see the energy here for a state that has not had a minnesotan on a major party's presidential ticket in four decades. anderson. >> yeah kaitlan collins, thank you. david axelrod i cannot think of another vice presidential nominee like tim walz, who's given a speech like that, that is as sort of relatable and energetic and plainspoken. >> yeah, he's kind of out of central casting as this gig doesn't work out for him. they can just have a like a sitcom called coach walz. >> i mean really, he is sort of the portrait of middle america in so many ways and, you know, a lot of what we've heard during this convention and the speeches that we heard last night from the obamas, you know, they really centered
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kamala harris and the democratic party in the mainstream of american life and tim walz speaks to that. i mean, he is the guy that he's a guy people can relate to he's the neighbor who comes over and mows your lawn when you went on vacation even though you didn't ask him to you know, and i think that it's very grounding. it's very, very noticeable. this whole convention is playing within that theme. >> it's also interesting. i mean, his record in minnesota, being able to be elected to congress from a red district, he was now we should note that he was more he was a moderate candidate for that office. i think he became more progressive as governor of the state. but you know, it'll be interesting to see how all of this plays out, because a lot of these progressive policies i think, are quite popular. i don't think he's, you know, they're not going to lose because tim walz wanted to give
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kids lunch at school, right you know, i i'm just blown away. >> look, first of all, you are before he comes out, i'm thinking to myself why did we pick this dude to be our vp nominee? you had shapiro come out. he was powerful. he commanded the stage. wes moore centered, grounded military bearing. you had pete. you know, i mean like this. incredible. and then he comes out here and is a cut above the best in our party in a way that you just haven't seen. it is so relatable it is so real. he creates opportunities for this party that we probably haven't had since bill clinton. i think this guy could go anywhere and talk to anybody and get people to take this ticket. this is a dangerous ticket for the republican party because if he can just do this for the next 70 days and you add that to what the obamas can do what the clintons can do, what kamala can do, i mean, this is an
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unbelievable ticket. >> so you're enthused i'm a little bit enthused. i agree with half of what you said. it is a dangerous ticket. i dangerous for you guys i how do you see it? well this guy is nobody tonight said anything. nobody tonight said a thing they want you to vote for a ticket based on absolutely no concrete idea about what they would do once they get in office. you said he got more progressive when he got elected governor. so you're saying every time he gets another office, he gets more and more progressive? i think that's exactly what would happen tonight. you did hear people say, well, we may not agree with him on everything, but at least it will be joyful as they tax us into oblivion. i think the idea that you could run an entire presidential campaign based on the idea of vote for me to find out what's in it. wait a minute, scott. >> terrify every american. >> scott, your candidate has done that. his entire political career. i mean donald trump
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does not talk about any policy issue. sure he does yeah, he's going to lower inflation he's going to eliminate inflation. excuse me. that that on day one he's going to he's going to take away obamacare on day one. i mean he's going to be he's going to be tougher on immigration. your argument i understand your argument, but it doesn't given the candidate who you are backing it rings a little hollow because there is no flesh on the bone of anything he's talking about. i don't i'm not i'm the only person here who doesn't sign up to work for candidates, okay? >> like i work for cnn. i'm here to analyze the news. that's number one. number two, i think i think what they are, they are telegraphing to the american people is we know if we told you what we were going to do, it would be monumentally unpopular. also on walls, i think definitely he's been he's been something of a gaffe machine lately. everybody here knows it we've glossed over it tonight. the ivf thing alone ought to concern you. he's lied about it he did it a little bit in his speech. again tonight. and the ivf attacks on the republicans that he has been
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leading are false. and it's been based on a false story he's been telling about himself. >> audie, the problem is certainly on that conversation for republicans. you don't want to be talking about fertility treatments the way that the party has been. i think who in the party alienated donald trump supports ivf? the republican party. >> but you recall it's an issue because there was a state that actually what had the republican party swung into action? >> yeah, i don't it's not me. the gender gap exists for a reason. and i think it's just something to consider when oprah gets up and makes a child. lady joke, it means that there's been a message that has been sent. oh sorry cat lady. sorry cat lady that it means a message has been sent that it's not dialed back yet. and your point? >> what? so let's let's. i don't know, it sounds like what you're saying is that jd vance, et cetera., they've done such a wonderful job with doing a policy heavy road trip around the country that people are going to look at this and
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somehow hold it to a similar bar. that's not what's happening. we haven't heard from john king. i want to bring him in. john anderson, the speech by governor walsh, just to me, he personifies how kamala harris has broken from joe biden on a very big issue how to run against donald trump joe biden is all darkness and all threat, all fear against donald trump. kamala harris, the joy, the talk but also just a different message middle class, you heard the snippet was played in the introduction. middle class girl, daughter of immigrants from the bay area in california and a guy from the prairie in nebraska who's now governor of midwestern state. economic populism donald trump has his own brand of populism. this was bill clinton was here tonight. i covered his campaign in 92, and they said he couldn't win an election he survived character crises in the primaries and then won a very strange election with ross perot in the third party running as the candidate of the forgotten middle class scott says they have no policy agenda. he's right. they're going to have to fill it out. they're going to have to say how they're going to pay for it, but they're talking about you know, the guns, the gun issue, not popular with
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republicans, but popular in the suburbs, giving kids lunches and breakfast at school protecting health care, reproductive rights, those are popular issues. those are issues on which democrats are in the majority. but it's not just the issues, it's the tone it's a it's a let's take the case to donald trump and j.d. vance, who has a very compelling beginning. but the democrats are going to say then he became buddies with the tech billionaires out in silicon valley. and that we are the two middle class people who should be your leaders at this time of economic uncertainty. will it work? that's why we got 76 days to go. but the switch in how the party is running against donald trump is striking. and kamala harris ignoring what washington said as vance said about josh shapiro or maybe senator kelly and going with this guy from the midwest who nobody knows. but now everybody's going to want to get to know is proof of that. she just wants to run a very different campaign against trump. now we see if it works yeah. >> no, look, well john said a lot a lot of what i was going to say, but you know abortion
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rights is a is a very specific issue. they're running to protect abortion rights. the republican ticket is not going to protect abortion rights. they're running to guarantee health care through the access to health care, through the affordable care act. the republicans would repeal the affordable care act or at least that's what trump said in this campaign. he hasn't said it lately because someone must have told him not to say it again. but he tried to do it. he'll probably try to do it again and on and on. there are issues that are very distinct between the two. on the gun issue, gun safety laws are in fact popular in this country so there will be a clash of ideas in this race scott. and you can call these ideas radical liberal, progressive. but when you get under the hood, they're very popular. they're mainstream and that's a problem for the republican party right now. this was the problem for the republican party in 2022 as
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well. >> there's one other issue. if i might just something he does that is so weird to me, the constant attacks on j.d. vance for going to yale, i don't understand this. i've heard walls proclaim to be a small town guy who wants everybody to get an education and succeed, and he spends a fair amount of time attacking j.d. vance, who grew up poor and got an education, worked hard to get an education and rise above his station in life. and he has used it as a punch line on the campaign trail. and i don't understand what he's trying to communicate to every small town poor kid out there saying, if you choose to work hard and go to an ivy league school you somehow abandoned your hometown. i don't speak it. speaking as one of those small town kids who actually went to yale, yes, i do take exception to that. i think you are correct on that. yeah but but i think that you are missing something. i just want to suggest a couple of things. one is you are correct that
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there's a lack of specificity about how to pay for this stuff, and it does leave the door open for some fear or fear mongering about how far is this going to go? are we going to have more inflation? what if democrats learned i think all of that is correct. but i think that you have to trust the pilot of the plane in the first place. and the problem right now is that donald trump is not a trustworthy pilot. and what these guys are winning, they're winning. the babysitter contest. who do you want whose values do you want to be in charge of the plane? before we get where we're going? and i think and i think you're getting smoked on that, and i think that's how do you see it? my brother. my brother? yes. yes my brother. >> i have to tell you, please. the current pilot of the plane is kamala harris donald trump is not the pilot of the plane. no, no, that's right here and now, listen she's the vice president. she's the copilot. the copilot. >> people have talked about decency and and tone. you know, the way you came at me about the fertility thing this is the
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energy that a lot of people on stage were actually saying, hey, what if we just take a beat? hey, what if we don't talk to each other in that way? and i do think that that is a meaningful request to the american people just ahead, we are getting new reaction to the democrats message tonight and the governor walz speech. >> stay with us. you're watching cnn special coverage of the democratic national convention. >> we'll be right back these bills are crazy she has no idea. she's sitting on a gold mine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy, even a term policy even a term policy find out if you're sitting on a gold mine. >> call coventry direct today at 800 461 8800 or visit coventry >> the last few years have been really tough on my family. this never ending cycle of inflation
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maryland, a nursing student in georgia. all savagely murdered by those biden and harris led into our country unlawfully. >> we have a secure border, kamala harris was and is a complete failure at her job now she's asking us for a promotion. who in their right mind would give it to her restoration pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> we've had some great times together, but i need to let you go and sell. babe. it's done. i just sold my car to carvana whoa. no even easier. i just entered my license plate and answered a few questions. >> bam! i'm dropping off and getting paid today. >> off i was incredible carvana. how convenient is that? how convenient. >> oh, that's dave, thanks for choosing carvana. >> here's your checkt
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i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn we are back live in chicago where the third night of the democratic national convention just wrapped up with minnesota governor tim walz accepting the democratic party's nomination for vice president of the united states while celebrating his small town midwestern roots, sharing his journey from nebraska to high school assistant football coach to teacher national guardsman, his newest role as the running mate of vice president kamala harris walz, making the case for kamala harris and directly taking on donald trump and his agenda it's an agenda that serves nobody except the richest and the most extreme amongst us and it's an agenda
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that does nothing for our neighbors in need. is it weird? absolutely absolutely but it's also wrong and it's dangerous walls. walls had a tough act to follow, with legendary host producer activist oprah winfrey making a rare appearance appearance a little earlier at the convention and making an appeal to voters who might still be on the fence i'm calling on all you independents and all you undecideds you know this is true you know, i'm telling you the truth that values and character matter most of all in leadership and
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in life and more than anything you know, this is true. >> that decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024. >> we're breaking down all of the night's big speeches and getting new reaction this hour. kaitlan collins is on the convention floor with one of tonight's speakers new jersey's own senator cory booker. >> yeah, jake. and i'll note just behind us, if you still hear some chanting, that's because the minnesota delegation is still here from a few minutes ago. every other state's delegation has left the united center. minnesota is still there cheering on their governor, tim walz, who is just there. what did you make of his speech on stage tonight, senator? >> it was phenomenal. and i think what the great thing about it is, you just felt him you heard him, but you also felt him. he has a sweetness about him, a goodness about him, a decency about him that really came through. and i think that what america is going to see in the two of
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them, him tonight and kamala tomorrow night, is that they're going to just really bring us back to a sense of youth and energy, normalcy but more importantly, i think really big vision for what we can be in the future in the future. >> two things stood out tonight. there was a strong appeal to independents direct appeals from people like oprah winfrey president bill clinton, governor tim walz just there, and also almost kind of a mocking of trump at times. obviously former president bill clinton was mocking how often he brings up hannibal lecter at his rallies. what did you make of those two through lines tonight in the speeches? >> well, look, i think that the truth of the matter is donald trump, left to his own, is going to continue to show us who he is. there's just a wackiness and a weirdness going on in that candidacy. and i've heard it from even people around him. they just see an undisciplined candidate can't stay on message can't help but go to the mean, demeaning and degrading things and not the issues at hand. and i think that that appeal to moderates
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is really just to say, look, wait a minute. let's get back to the pragmatic center of our country. let's get back to the things that we all know we can do together to solve problems, not this kind of sideshow carnival barking meanness that really marked the trump era. >> do you think that's a more effective way to reach those moderate voters by by saying that they're wacky and they're weird than than how president biden was arguing, you know, a threat to democracy i hate to tell you this. >> you and i are probably weird, too. we all have our weirdness. i don't like talking down to anybody the reality is, i think they're just trying to say this behavior is not the kind of behavior you want to see in the white house. and donald trump his whole career. he's kind of modeled what we don't want from a president, whether it is mocking demeaning, degrading. you know, nikki haley, chris christie's weight uh, john mccain's military service, disabled reporter. this is just not what we want. so again, the weirdness i know that that's a thing that we are saying a lot on our side of the aisle, but the reality is, let's stop lking do aboutther
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americans. we're all different. and that is what makess a great country. but the through li, i think that is most important to all of those moderates out there is a guy in the senate that deals with the caucus, from joe manchin to bernie sanders, the way we have our government structured, i think, is perfectly set up now to begin to get people to the mile and start solving problems. we almost got there on immigration. you had lankford this right wing conservative, chris murphy, blue state democrat, come together almost get it to the nish line and then donald trump said, no, let's not do this. it's not going to look good. that's got to go. i want to get back to practical problem solving meeting people, compromisingthat's at democries are about. that's what walls is about. as governor. that's what kamala is about. i've seen her do it in the senate. it's time that we get america back theres well anstop this craziness that donald trump is infecting like a caer into our sy that's divi us america against each other. >> senator cory booker, thank
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you. thank you, jake, back to you. >> thanks. and you can still hear the minnesota delegation and their raucous cheers. i don't think they've been this excited since the twins won the world series in 91. cnn's mj lee is joining us. mj, if we can hear you over the the minnesotans chanting, you're learning the vice president harris reached out to governor walsh shortly before his speech yeah, jake, that minnesota scrum is still going crazy. >> they are shouting we want tim. and just having the time of their lives right now. >> but as you know, the vice president was not in the arena tonight to watch her running mate tim walz give his big speech. she was watching from her hotel room here in downtown chicago, and her team has really kept her schedule clear today so that she could focus herself on the speech that she is going to be giving tomorrow night, working with advisers and also getting input from members of her family. so many of them, of course, are in town this week to support her at the
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convention. and, you know, even though this is somebody who has been vice president for 3.5 years already, we are told by advisers that she still views the speech that she is going to give tomorrow night as a really important opportunity to introduce herself to the american people in her own voice. and one adviser told me that she has been thinking through as she has been practicing in these final hours, how every sentence would be received by the audience in this arena. now, one thing that she did do, as you mentioned, jake earlier this evening, was call governor walz and wished him good luck before his speech. we have a video of that phone call. >> tim. it's kamala. how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling great. how about you i'm good. you're going to be fantastic tonight. >> well, i'm so good i'm ready. >> thanks for the opportunity. it's it's going to be electric in there. and the messages this entire week are so great. so go down there and deliver a freedom speech. >> that's right. and you know what? we just feel the love in the room. it's just it's
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it's you know, we've been seeing it everywhere we go enjoy the moment. it's a special night for you. >> well thank you. and it's good advice. i am really looking forward to it. i think the minnesotans are going to be yeah. so it'll be fun. we'll talk to you and i'll talk to you when it's over. >> take care buddy, i'll talk to you now. >> of course do keep in mind the speech that governor walz ended up giving tonight was the speech that vice president harris was supposed to give herself, even as of a month ago, to accept the democratic party's nomination to be its vice president. >> but, of course, everything is so different now, including the speech that we saw tonight. and, jake, i have to tell you that scrum of the minnesota delegation, it is still going strong they are really going pretty crazy. they are absolutely excited right now


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