tv CNN News Central CNN August 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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covid-19 pandemic. they're also doing other things to really increase donald trump's security, president's. they've added agents to his detail. they've added ballistic glass around him he speaks at outdoor rallies and they've also added their own mobile communications apparatus. it's really designed to amplify the cell networks. they can communicate more effectively in rural areas like butler, pennsylvania great to see you exact. >> thank you for the reporting a new hour of cnn, new central starts now all right good morning, everyone. >> i'm john berman with sarah seidner in chicago. kate bolduan is in new york and they're off the convention's both of them are now in the books and it happened exactly like we all predicted, it would a few months ago what summer, what an incredible summer. this
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has been in these last four days. the capstone on this unprecedented period of campaign history with vice president kamala harris, who was not the democratic choice five weeks ago, is now very much the democratic choice to be the nominee for president. she accepted that nomination on the stage last night the entire career i've only had one client, the people on behalf of everyone, whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth i accept your nomination and that was the moment history was made. >> the first woman of color as a major party nominee on a stage like that last night. and
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now in just 18 days, she will debate the republican rival i'll trump in many ways, donald trump is an unserious man but the consequences but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious imagine donald trump would no guard rails with us now speaking of no guardrails, cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny, resident scholar at uva center for politics. >> terrorists admire and cnn political commentator paul begala jeff zeleny, we're going to get to you first because is you are going to be the responsible adult in the room, i shall now he was on the podium. >> you have to go to jeff first because he had the closest view to this. it is higher week you were close and in person, what did it feel like being there and what's next?
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>> look what it felt like looking out into this convention hall that was filled with democrats, a unified party. and yes, we saw that last month in milwaukee, there's no doubt about that, but this was something different. as we looked out into the hall, really, this was a broad spectrum of the party, a big tent party, if you will, just think of the speakers who have addressed his convention over the last few days from aoc to bernie sanders. and then all the way to the other side of the spectrum. bill clinton of course, was here the moderate democrats, but i was struck by right before vice president harris took the stage. they didn't choose a celebrity. there was a lot of anticipation would be on say, be in the room, know, i am told by disney sign the campaign, wanted the spotlight to be on the candidate and leon panetta, the former defense secretary, was one of the final speakers. he made the case for the vice president it's commander in chief. if you think back to some of the last recent president's. so let's start with bill clinton, for example,
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george w bush, for example, barak obama for example vice president harris has more foreign policy experience than all three of them. but it was in the mold of commander in chief. that is what they were trying to present the vice president as and this felt so different than 2016 when hillary clinton was accepting the nomination. that was a history she was wearing a white suit. the first woman to be president so much has changed since then. but the thing that has changed the most is the election of donald trump in 2016. so hanging over this entire convention was a sense and a fear of coming complacency. so i'm thinking now, when michelle obama, a couple of days ago said, i'm michelle obama, i'm calling you to act. this convention was a call to action for the next 74 days for democrats independents, and any voter who would choose to not want donald trump to return to the white house. >> jeff zeleny confirming what has been a twitter discussion among peter hamby, jonathan martin, and jake sherman, leon panetta. it turns out was this
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fries guest according to jeff zeleny, here, we love you better watch out. >> he's going to come for you, but i do think there's a key point that jeff is making there about what that was, what message that was sending. >> so we're here with paul and tara and i'm just going to backup and i want you guys to listen to some smart people explained to me what happened and where we are now well, i think that the idea that we were watching history was already implied to the point where they did not have to she didn't have to wear the white suit again because the arena was filled with women wearing white including myself as an homage to the suffragette and to women's rights and all of that, i run a women's organization called the seneca project. >> we were looking at this moment in already understood the assignment. so they didn't have to put it in the faces of americans again, because we're kind of, we're trying to move forward. and she has to portray herself as someone that people see as the commander-in-chief. i think the speech was brilliantly that only written, but executed because she looked presidential. she said founded
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presidential. she used terminology that it could almost felt like a state of the union. and i think that they're by design the whole idea that they didn't want anything or anyone overshadowing for a moment because this was the opportunity for kamala harris to define herself to the american people ahead of what maga has been trying to do, what donald trump has been trying to do if you don't think it was effective, all you have to do is look at how donald trump and his surrogates were responding to her speech. there was a meltdown overnight and that tells you that it's struggling nerve that he's nervous, but it's still a very close race. we can't get over confident this is a party that has captured the center. >> elections in this country are one in the middle of the moderate for it mainstream and hhs only talked about hillary's convention in 2016. i was there john allen are retired four-star general, stood up to credential her on national security and far left extremists on the floor of the democratic party convention boot him that didn't happen here. we had adam kinzinger and jeff duncan was conservative
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guys i know really conservative republicans stand up and endorsed her and they cheered them. this is a party that has moved to the middle. this is the part that wants to catch. there was no defund the police, there was no green new deal though none of that this at this candidate stood up and she said not, we are here, not as members of any one party or faction, but as americans. she said, i know there are some people of various political views watching tonight. and i want you to know, i promise to be a president for all americans this is so important, zeleny said that he's got the two elements, right? which party is more unified? which party is more mainstream? now you can unify a party at the extreme. you can, you know, if it's all just the cro-magnon is in the nand or falls, not naming names to any party, but to take a big diverse coalition like kamala harris has and hold it all together. welcome. harris, setmayer into the fold. adam, to me, that was lovely on he's always been extraordinarily old friend, but that wasn't important. what was important was kinzinger and
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dunkin standing up as republicans tara, on an navarro, so many republicans welcomed it, took i'm a faithful catholic, there's two kind of churches those who hunt down heretics and those who welcome converts kamala harris is welcome in converts to her tent. that's how you win in his country. >> leon panetta is going to come for, you he knows i had nothing to do with it. i am here being kind. >> he's a guy who got been love and i don't want to i don't want that's what i'm trying to say. >> it was a warning to you, paul when you or on the flight, you know what i'm going to apologize. i'm going to start with you. okay. because because the women in the room what did you see? women were really centered during this debate and in a very powerful way, they took the stage one after the other and told their stories. yes, mended to. but it seemed that women were centered. is that something that you think is important because i'm
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asking because the polling shows that donald trump still has the majority of men a majority of men compared to kamala harris right? >> but kamala harris has the majority of women overall plus 17 and that is remarkable because as paul knows in 2016, it was white suburban women who elected donald trump. and in 2017 team. i mean in 2020, donald trump actually increased his voting share, their so where, what's the difference? the difference is dobbs because now women the including those white suburban women, which is what we're targeting mainly at the seneca project is moderate women giving those right of center women a permission structure to vote democratic time because the assault that is facing women transcends party lines. the assaults on our rights and miss impacts everyone. it doesn't matter if you are a democrat republican or if you voted for donald trump twice if you're bleeding out in the lobby of an emergency room in a state that is now criminalize women's
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health care. that is a really impactful we'll thing that women are going wait a minute. we won't go back. the idea that our daughters or granddaughters would have less rights and our grandmothers did. it's something that resonates across party lines planes with women. and women are having a moment there saying enough is enough. we're not going to be we're not going to go back there and kamala harris has really brilliantly, it captured that spirit women i think are coming together in solidarity because it stills women in the battleground states that are going to make the difference, or do you get about 100,000 votes, possibly in four states roughly. i mean, that's that's the new york giants game on a sold-out sunday. >> there are many, so that's a texas longhorn home game. >> michigan, right? >> for the rams like alekna in axios used to work today. >> i don't want to give you a bad dick morris flashback to 1996 and mike allen use the word triangulation okay. he said that one of the things that harris, the democrats have done successfully, its weakest triangulation but no, no, not
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that a different kind. is there a different kind of triangulation going on here, relations between biden and trump is harris partitioning yourself between biden and trump? >> it's moderation. she's being her authentic self this is a woman who was a prosecutor. this is a woman who is an attorney general. she has a record. this is not running by kamala harris. this is who she is, right the record speaks for itself the party had at times been drawn to the extreme left. it did not at this convention and not this party. she seems absolutely determined and the issues that motivate her base that she's focusing on. also ring ring out strong with swing voters, very different from trump. he excites his base with jay sick january 6 stuff and election lies but that alienates that swing vote. so i think it's all because of kamala kamala harris, the vice president, don't want to be disrespectful as she's the one to do this is not just like positioning and triangulation. this is her authentic self as a moderate mainstream american and her
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messaging has been extraordinary right? i come from right-of-center and using the term freedom, right last night, she had a line that teared me up about that's right. and all the chants of u-s-a ivan to six republican conventions. this is my friend first democratic convention, and it was a surreal experience. and the chants of u-s-a, i was in the section with two former january 6 officers, officer gonell and ron and hodges watching their reaction, especially when they had officer sicknick's family there. i mean, there wasn't a dry eye in that in that area. they were just watching them. and when kamala harris said ed, between tyranny and democracy, i know what side i'm on and to feel that i'm giving myself chills again because the idea that our democracy is under threat and the existential so threats not only to for us as women, but just overall as americans, our democracy potentially being in the hands of someone like donald trump who disrespects everything that makes america great. people are recognizing this, are exhausted. they don't like the insults, they don't like the petulant behavior. they don't like the love affair with authoritarians. and i think that the vice president's going
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to be president she's using that in a way where she's going for it in very colloquially, also, where people get it. and i think that's important we're seeing that reflected in the polling and the incitement and the enthusiasm behind it. and like i said there's a lot of work that still has to be done in these battleground states. so nothing can be taken for granted. and paul knows that better than anybody else and he's got to be done on the ground. the works on the ground, people have to go out there and vote and make sure that they take five of their neighbors with them. >> fairness at my paul begala, our thanks to jeff zeleny in leon panetta? yes. >> john, i love you. a-ha. >> he's coming from for them do not get into the lead on putting everything. just be safe it's me, you know, i'm going to well played friends, well-planned. >> okay? >> let's get back to it code of russia's gobble harris, laying out her foreign policy vision last night, how critics are responding to her stance that she laid out on ukraine israel and gaza, and pink
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performing with her daughter onstage at the democratic convention in another beautiful moment the answer ththe first deal that t subway hasas never n easier jusust byby enter foooot and out.t. yet anothther f free doulas harard part is s telling trtravis h he doesn't get toto succumb foot long,g, waits seriously gotctcha next titime now in thehe subway soso b bias helping meme get my momoney rig to achieveve my ambititions, li eaearning morere money on n my momoney's s a headshotot, ready service? thank you. so phi t to earnrn a higher r apy and anan welcome e bonus easilyly just t takeke out, but t i'm trtrying e more o of an adultlt learn h ho actualally cook w.h.o.o. >> f first makeses this so m mu eaeasier to dodo anything g is
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poportion now,w, using theheir e cacards makes s it super approachable and really easy hellofofresh has g given you t freeee m meals just t for signi hehere we are e driving g down road a and all of f a sudden t was a cracack in our windshiele >> you k know, what t we can dow thoughgh, right? t to save livi and wewe're g good to go.o. >> yes. i'i'll be e replaced i e windshieldld for you. . >> can w we go in ththere with ? >> new carars come witith cacam that wouldld control y your auautomatic brbraking sysystems lane which d do need to o get recalilibrated whehen you get t windndshield repeplaced you u g crack in y your windshshield. > there's only o one choice save flilight route.e. > say migight replacece like playeded stay ahead d of your modederate to sesevere eczemema show offff clelear skin anand l issue wiwith fix it.t. the numb one prprescribed b biologic byb dedermatologisists and a allerg that helpsps heal yourur skin f withthin seriousus allergic c rereactions cacan occur ththat e severe. . tell your r doctoror new w or worsenining i problbl'm suchch as eye papain or visisio chananges includuding blurred d visionon, joint acaches and pai
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or a pararasitic infnfection, dodon't change o or stop aststh medicine w without talalking to your doctotor. ask youour eczem spspecialist? ? just abobout dos itit morgan n stanley isis partneringng, but the e women's tennis assocociation to o remov bounundaries bececause this gams for everyoyone lactatate is 100 realal melt justst without t th lactose e delicious to just asa my oldld friend kevin. >> nowow going l like enjoying cold one while watchining the game w who's s winning no idea. real milk, real delicious and don't t forget to o try some delicious, creamamy lactate e i cream what's that mammal wow smarart dow i i won n bro i ca' waitit to see hohow you makeke hihis equipmenent mamanager. liw laundrdry sanititiser. it sasaye
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killed 99.9%9% of board d recalg bactereria and laundrie as is it's not so f fresh m my client dodon't ththink he defefinitely one, b but how canan you tell l hohousehold wewere stuck o on ae ststation for r monday nigight' openeded, don't give me e the flexibibility to s sell the onor titimeline thehe hououse warmin problelems couould be the e sta a a domimino effect t periododo actitive gum repepair, breatath frfreshener clinicalally proven help r reverse thehe four signg rerelief realllly gum didisease toothpaste from pararadise anantics, the e gum expertrts g momorning withth delco good. g good morningng. >> yeaeah tried toto collect t groupby y for fast a and gentle consnstipation r relief. >> and as s little as s 30 minu, making youour good mororning ev betterer with all l blacks a ap to getetting better wiwith age cheers t to be nice e to everyr thursdayay, help fueuel today w boost high-prorotein, complete
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nutritioion, you neeeed in theh flavavor you lovove so well, herere's toto now. now w availa boost max, i t think realllly gg to spend a all day strtreaming cocollege foototball on n direcn you blame e them? theyey've g g the e biggest ririvalries inin gagames spspeaking. frfrank, ru slanant to the b bowl of chips. bobbbby when h hook to thehe sa what a are you goioing to do? ? >> coachch prime, dodon't ququen yourur coach. >> m matt, we're hopining progr to expect sosome radadical induy streaming exclusively on max trump on the other hand, threatened, to abandon nato he encouraged putin to invade our allies. said russia could quote, do whatever the hell they want as president, i will stand strong with ukraine and
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our nato allies joining us now, new hampshire senator and member of the senate foreign relations committee. jeanne shaheen. thank you so much for being here this morning of course, this is the one issue the issue between what is happening with the policy, us policy with israel, vis-a-vis what is happening in gaza and the suffering there and kamala harris spoke directly to that. she knew she had to. there are a bunch of uncommitteds that were inside here and that we're outside and there is a concern about that is it's really the one issue that has kind of torn at the fabric of the democratic party this time around how did she do from your perspective, i thought she was very strong. >> she made a very important statement about support for israel and the right of israel to defend itself about the terrorism from hamas and the horrible events of october 7. but then she pivoted and she talked about the need for a ceasefire and the need to
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ensure that the palestinians in people get the support they need and have the right to self-determination and ultimately so i thought she struck just the right balance just as i did thought she did on ukraine as well. and support for nato. a very good start to what she will say about continuing america's foreign policy center. >> we've seen a lot of happy democrats over the last couple of hours here on the show after this for days, but to be fair covered, a lot of conventions you usually see happy democrats or republicans the day after the convention you are a big supporter of hillary clinton in 2016 why do you think vice president harris can be sexy successful against donald trump when hillary clinton was done. >> well, one of the things that's different about this this convention though, than 2016. and almost every convention i've been to is that we didn't see the factions, the rivalries the talking about the bernie sanders, hillary that's right, yes. >> the differences in the
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party. we saw, people united, it was what paul begala talked about. everybody was there saying we know we've got a very short timetable well, until november. we know we've got to come together and we are going to hold on to the white house because the alternative is so unthinkable. >> what happens next in your history john is giggling over there. he's had some silly sauces good morning but what happens next because of course, everyone's happy here. they're talking to each other and they're talking to the country as well. but they're around each other. everybody is sort of supporting each other. what do you have to do to actually make it a reality? for the democratic party? >> well, we have to convince those people who are still undecided. this was a great start and introducing kamala harris, she talked about her history, about i'm growing up, she really prosecuted started that prosecution of the case against donald trump. >> but this is just the beginning, and we've got a lot of work to do between now and the election. >> we've got a knock on doors, we've got to persuade people
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who are still undecided. we've got to let them know what the choice is. but i think most people who watched the republican convention, who saw the sort of dark picture of america. everything that's wrong with america baraka from donald trump and contrasting it to kamala harris talking last night about the promise of america, about the opportunities, about our ability as a people to unite, to work together to address the challenges that we face. i think that's a choice that the american people are going to find it very easy to support the opportunity of america synergy shaheen from new hampshire have a beautiful weekend. thank you. backup. middle legs, hopefully, maybe by we headed home to the ocean safe travels to kamala harris's speech, her rival, donald trump, how he's responding to the final night the dnc, and also on that convention stage heartbreaking
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stories of loss losing children to gun violence, surviving shooting, surviving gun violence themselves and one of those survivors of gun violence, former congresswoman gabby giffords, also telling her story. a man tried my knee lastname me. >> he shot 19 people. he killed six terrible, terrible day. i almost died. but i bought our lives and i survived gooood momorning withth focal actcts g >> g good. good d try y okay. . >> e election dodo we group p b fofor fast and gentle constipapation relieief in as littlele as 30 mininutes m maki your good d momorning evenen be with delco crazy t thing a abou glp-ones through rowe is that my cravings have completely disappeared.
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bleeding w worry foror life watchman, it's one time for a lifetime mixed house is all about finding creative ways to share your family's story up off the back, stick these up, and make small adjustments. it's like a living photo album in a way they see themselves and they feeeel loved. t that's what i i want was s nice w wha' rather buyuy at expensnsive, annoying t tiny cartriridges ore these replacement ink bottles anand save up to thousanand dols don't get cacartridge switch to the cacartridge, three a absent eagle e just fill l it j job n w glasses byby one parenent at wh workrks i'm jujust telling everyonene by onone pair getet free f for back-toto-school vis workrks. see the dififference i the first dealal that subwbway never r been easieier just b byr footot foot-t-long goingng to g anotheher free dononor hard paps
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contra costa college saw potential in me that i didn't know i had. focus. determination. drive. contra costa college helped me blaze the trail. now i'm a comet, and there's no stopping me. come on, this is your shot. take it. join the team at contra costa college. start today at 7866 at t 5:55 the tv momoments thatat took culturure over theh edge. peopople are w watching a then our wororld chain he hahad explosive e reverbereration tv the edge from airs sunday, september 22, did nine on cnn 20, beautiful. >> first-grade children and six of my beautiful colleagues were
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killed they should still be here they say schools are for learning and i did learn a lot that day. i learned how to run how to hide and drop that. what happens in the news can happen to me but i learned something else too that we can right. and musk write a new story that we choose to we. >> were taken to a private room where police tell us she isn't coming home uvalde is national news parents everywhere, reach for their children i reach out for the daughter. i will never hold again. >> make no mistake our losses do not weaken us they strengthen our resolve it
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doesn't matter if you're democrat or republican. some of those stories really, really brought out the tears and people a teacher, a young activist and a gun violence survivor, mothers of children lost to gun violence all onstage side-by-side. on the final night of the democratic convention, making that emotional plea joining us now, david hogg, he co-founded march for our lives after the 2018 school shooting in parkland florida, most recently, he co-founded a pac called leaders. we deserve to help elect young progressive david great to see you this morning. looks like it was a busy week for you. here and i mean that in a nice way what do you think it was an incredible week for so long, people have felt i think hopeless angry, dreadful, just know they didn't want to be part of this. >> and i think what we've seen under kamala harris is leadership is the building of a movement that people really
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want to be part of. and we've seen the democratic party stop, right from gun control, stop running from addressing gun violence and start running towards addressing it because we realized you know fighting the nra is not the third rail anymore. the nra is the third rail. and that's what we saw last night. >> i just want to ask you, you said you see an energized and people were living in dread. i mean, you're talking, i think pretty explicitly about when joe biden was the nominee and you are out there working for him hard trying to drum up progressive support for him. what you're saying is you really have seen a change that sticking well, i think what i'm getting up more specifically is that a lot of people didn't want to see a rematch of 2020 frankly. >> but more than that, i think because the politics thanks to donald trump had helped to create many people were divided, many people, i mean, they still are divided obviously, but many people were they felt like they were in a dark tunnel with no path at the end of it or no light at the
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end of it. and what we're seeing now with the incredible leadership of vice president kamala harris, is that leadership, is that excitement and people just i think more than anything, just tipping want to see what bash of 2020? >> you're talking about the double-haters and there were a lot of people concerned about that are not excited as you put it, david, i'm curious that the nra on our nra does give money the gun lobby does give money to both parties what makes you think that kamala harris will be the person that is able to get new to and stronger gun legislation in place after what you and your fellow students went through and parkland well, let me be clear they may give money to both parties, but it is not working near the same at all in terms of how much is given to democrats versus republicans and to those democrats that take money from the nra or are supported by the nra. >> i think they need to be primaried. i think i'm going to be working on that very soon.
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but in the meantime, i know that under vice president kamala harris is leadership and you've seen the passage of the first button law in 30 years in politics as in life. i don't care what people say. i care what they do and what we've seen is the administration do a whole lot on addressing gun violence. whether that's the creation of the first office of gun violence. prevention or the passage of the first gun law in 30 years. and i think what we're gonna be able to do here is we saw after uvalde for the first time in 30 years, democrats and republicans came together and passed a bipartisan bill. and i think other vice president harris's leadership with our experience in the senate, and with tim walz's experience in the house, will certainly have a great chance that getting more gun safety legislation passed especially if we obviously if democrats have control of the house and senate what are you gonna be doing for the next 75 days? david i am going to be on the road constantly turning out young voters in swing districts in a lot of swing states to
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help flip state legislatures and make sure that we win the presidency and comes november. >> i'll be in georgia all be in north carolina, arizona all over the place. i've been on the road for about two-and-a-half weeks now is actually just in rural western wisconsin, working on a race. if anybody would like to learn more about what i'm up to, they can go to liters we to hear more about how i'm working to elect more young democrats. the port gun safety around the country david, you are so young, you were so passionate. >> and i'm going to put out a plea to you, john, and i want to be your first interview when you run for office because we see it's common we're not confused by that. >> i don't know about that. i i'm working. >> i need you to say i agree. that's all i need. i just need i agree. that's it. >> for sure. >> that's on okay. >> perfect. we've got an on the record, david hall. thank you so much for getting up. i know it was rough because none of us have a.d. sleep, but we appreciate you coming on the chat and with us today. >> thank you. all right okay.
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so kamala harris is big night was also a first introduction for many to her family and her great nieces why have stolen the show thank y you meaeanwhil atat a vrbo oh my gogod i've g one key y cash in hihis house n glglasses by onene parent. w wh frfree visioion works i i'm jus tetelling evereryone by onone p get one e free for bacack-to-scl vision wororks. see ththe differenence in the e first dea thatat subway hahas never beene easier just by n nfl l login ap get anotheher fried dougugh. >> the h hard partrt is tellini travel. hehe doesn't get ththe secondnd footlong g wait, seseriously, i i've g got to ne time, , buddddy or n now in the
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susubway he,e, as, long g as i let't's giveve her complplex g out, of mymy head withth ryan undederstanding g like this s w are, y you i mean,n, a child in what y you really y need to lils sosome frickcking talk n now w' talkining our job cornered rte totally talked out crossover the higher the horsepower, the more power dollars bonus cash h allolowance don'n't missss dodg
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only be called a call and response. >> that's how we call it in the hood moment with kamala harris is great nieces and kerry washington last night. and just how to correctly say her name. the message being sent obvious lead to a certain other candidate in this race. and then there is this photo, the captures the magnitude of kamala harris is historic moment for millions, a little girls, harris great-niece, amara, alongside with her father, watching her great aunt do something no woman of color has ever done before, except a major party's nomination for president. california congresswoman maxine waters joins us now, you got up early for us. thank you. i know this has been a rough because you've been dizzy what did you see last night that makes you think kamala harris is going to finally break that big, heavy glass ceiling i last night was fortunate enough to be here at
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the democratic convention, sitting on the front row but the california delegation watching very carefully i saw the next president of the united states of america she was absolutely presidential she talked about all of the issues that we've been talking about for a long time, both domestic and international and it was unifying message it was a message about being the president of all the people. >> it was about continuing some of the work of biden as it relates to health care. and other kinds of issues that we're concerned about. but also the theme that ran through what we were doing last night as democrats was happened to educate the people about trump and who has been what he has done the difference between being really patriotic and love
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in this country and someone that's despairingly. the country talking about how the united states is falling apart. it's no good, et cetera, et cetera. so i saw not only a presidential candidate, but i saw someone who's going to run for office with the right message and when democrats are one for two against donald trump, you've won one and you've lost one wants one first, then 11. >> what have you learned about what you think is the right way to beat him well, you know, i have ben disturbed for a long time that it has taken democrats so long to take him on. >> i started with this from the time he was nominated barr the presidency, when he talked about grabbing women by their private parts, that obvious lies that he takes out what the media yeah to ask him about those lies when they interview
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him. this man, aside from all of the old lives, the new lies for example how does he credibly get an interview and talk about the 15,000 people that showed up in detroit was false it was artificial intelligence. how do you how do you entertain talking with someone who wants to be president of the united states of america? erica, who can look you in the face and lie to the media to the public to his opposition well, we have to make sure that we call them out and we point out the lives and how he's disparaging how he cannot be trusted and how he really is not the patriot that you would have people believe he aligns himself with putin in russia. he loves kim jam only said they have love letters or something going it's so much
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there he has absolutely disrespected the veterans of this nation and talked about, he prefers those who have not ben doing battle on and on and on and so i think in addition to talking about where this country needs to go domestically and internationally also showing the difference between trump and kamala. and the democrats and the republicans. as a matter of fact, it's not hard to do. he's given us a lot of information in california. yes. ticket right in los angeles county, you are known as auntie the maxi? yes and you also represent a district that is mostly african american and latino, inglewood how do you you explain the move for young black men, younger black men towards donald trump as the years have gone by, not a way.
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>> from donald trump well i believe that we have not done good enough job and working with and educating young people about public policy issues. >> many of our young people are entre, new entrepreneur and they want to have businesses they would like to have some assistance in some help with that they need access to capital. and this is very important with them. they see he, that their lives have been a little bit difficult rates too high, or they don't have 20% for a down payment on a home on and on and on. and we've got to a better job. do you? >> they see him as a baller shot-caller type of guy and they look up to that part of hits only a small segment. you're talking about more the hip hop segment the black males that they talk about, maybe talking about supporting trump. it's not a huge number some of those of course, you know,
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trump has pardoned some of those who have been in prison, like little wayne and i say to people, look, if you in prison and somebody pardons to say, thank you and i don't know what all else went into that. but after you say thank you and do whatever it is, you do to appreciate pardon? then you say but i've got to say goodbye i've got to be with the people who understand what is necessary for everybody. have a decent quality of life, of maxine waters. >> thanks so much for being with us. you're welcome. thank you. welcome. and thank you, kate. >> it was the roll call to end all role he calls the dj who brought the house down. but the roll call vote dj cassidy joins us next three. >> let's go erin burnett outfront tonight a at seven ono cnn. >> good d morning wiwith focal s
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skin w was no longer minine. my activeve psoriaticic birthrighgs don't let sysymptoms defefine y emerge as s you wiwith trump v mostst people sasaw 90% cleaear et for m months. >> and thehe majority y stayaye clclearer at f five yearars. > from phi is p proven to significicantly reduduce jointn painin, stiffnesess, and s swel >> i it's jujust six dososes ye afafter two ststarter doses, cb allergic r reactions m may occu can fire, , may increase y your risk of f infectionsns and lowe yourur ability t to fight t the tellll your doctctor if you u hn infectioion symptomsms for if y had ththe vaccine e or plan tot emergege as you ememerge, triuiumphant ask youour doctor about t trump via a theyey are favoritete. > great. > i starteded using schchwab investing g themes. soso now i easily i invest in trends lilik wearablele tech, trends all tht resesearch soundnds exhaustingn >> know w scschwab's technololo does the work k to vice ban an
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was definitely one of the most memorable aspects of the entire democratic convention. they typically kind of sleepy are awkward, sometimes boring roll call vote required to finalize the actual nomination. it was turned on its head. this roll call we'll add this convention was a vibe to put it mildly, the playlist ignited the crowd, kept them go on for hours, and it was all a creation of one man, the world-renowned dj, dj cassidy once onstage in crafting a political version, if you will, of pass the mic, joining us right now is dj cassidy. >> good morning. great to see you. >> good morning to you. great to see you and truly surreal to be watching that recap from the hotel room in which i worked to put it together i don't mean i've been calling it a roll call vote on steroids have been listening to thank you for putting it on spotify have been listening to it since it's been an absolute blast to
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enjoy. >> can you take us behind the scenes? how did this come about i first got a call from the convention producers almost a month ago right after joe biden pass the mic, as i say, to cava harris and they asked me if i'd like to be the first musical maestro of a convention roll call and i said, well, what do the speaker's usually talk over? >> and they said, nothing and i went on youtube and looked up the roe calls of previous democratic national convention's and fell asleep. and then i realized pretty much, i realized that all of the speakers simply talked over silence and i said to myself, this is an incredible opportunity to do something that could potentially change
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the future of conventions and i don't think anyone involved in this year's roll call had any expectation of the reaction being so overwhelming and emotional that night and the next day i mean, how i'm got 1 million questions. >> we can never have enough time. had you decide what song was right from each state was right for each state, did the state's get input and then i've got specific questions about songs that i didn't think match with the state, but go so i was very insistent from the beginning of the process that i did not want to cure rate. >> this playlist in a vacuum. i wanted to be as collaborative as possible, not only as as, as collaborative as possible with the convention producers and the democratic national committee. but with the states, especially those representatives of the state,
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who we're going to be there in person so i acted really as the source of inspiration. i immediately came up with a master list of songs for every state. and it was really collaborative. and i was really eager to get input from the states and from the representatives who are going to be onsite in the arena and after all was said and done, and we had curated this epic 57 song playlist it was my job to put the pieces of the puzzle together and form this epic emotional tapestry of music that would work together, not only musically, but emotionally. and it all comes down to emotion that to me was the most important thing, not only that the songs had a connection to the state, but that the song's represented the night emotion, and that the song's represented the diversity of the country. these songs represented seven decades
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of music all genres, all walks of life, all demographics that people, and that was my ultimate goal i that i got chills a couple of times just hearing the crowd, but definitely when the vols, like the bowls anthem came on and for illinois, i have liked full-on chills, being a kid who would games. what was what was the big moment for you well, it's funny. >> you should say that that was one of my favorite moments playing the chicago bulls theme at the united center home of the bulls in chicago felt so epic. and look, there's a lot of artists from chicago. we could have gotten many directions with that state in particular, illinois had many options under its name. but this chicago bulls theme, just felt epic. it felt like we will rock you. it felt like we are the champions it had that
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emotion. and when i spoke over the first 30 seconds of that song, i've personally got chills i mean, it is nonpartisan bipartisan. >> you're headed out of the park. it was a blast to hear what was coming next because i had my girls sitting next to me. i'm like, just wait, let's see what the next state is what did it feel like being on the stage? >> that's 75 minutes went by so fast. in the blink of an eye, i had the director in one year, i had the music and the other ear and it really was a world when of 75 minutes, we've been producing this roll call segment for nearly a month, hours and hours of preparation to represent these states and the country properly and when i walked off offstage, get it well, i feel very grateful and very honored to have been brought this opportunity and i
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think none of us were prepared for the overwhelming emotional reaction that this music sparked can't wait to see what dj cassidy comes up with next, it's great to see you. >> thank you so much thank you for having me. of course. happy friday, everybody. thanks for joinining us. seseen a newsrsro up next herere we are driving down thehe road and d all of a suddenen there w was a c crack r windndshield, yoyou know, whwhe can do nowow though, r right? > a and wewe'red to g go. i'll be replacining th windshshield for y you. >> c can we go i in there wiwit? >> new cars cocome with cacamer ththat would c control youour autotomatic brakaking systemems lanene departurere, which dodo to get rececalibrated d when yo geget you windndshield repeplacu geget a crack k in your wiwinds is only y one choicece. same flt roroute mimight replplace likek plplayed can a persosonal loan unlolock youour ambitionons? oh yeah, take a s swing at yoyour kitchen n way meant thatat
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