tv Smerconish CNN August 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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was a symbol erected know over 100 years ago my mother's of the confederacy i think the aspect of obelisk will feed in time, but the presence of john lewis i want to grow in tyre as an icon within our community. he is really monumental now you saw a just peaks of the sculpture because the unofficial unveiling happens later this morning at 11 you can see more of battles work at basil sculpture, >> and of course, if they're artists who are creating work that you think intersects with the stories we're talking about. about intersects with the news of the day. find me on socials i'm at victor blackwell on tiktok, instagram, and twitter. x.
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>> thanks for joining me today. i'll see you back here next saturday at 8:00 am eastern smerconish is up next 1,363. >> i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. that's how many sheets of plywood will be used to construct the platform on which the nation's 47th president will be sworn in in january does that sound like a long way off? we'll consider this. it's already under construction at the capitol. a tangible sign of the presidential election entering the final phase. think about it both conventions are past labor day is next weekend the following week, we're going to see the only scheduled presidential debate and by then some voting will already be underway. north carolina will be the first state to cast their mail-in ballots on september 6 thereafter, early voting will kick off on september 20 in minnesota, south dakota, and virginia november 5, not so much
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election day as it is the last day on which you can cast a ballot. meanwhile, the election continues to be a roller coaster. a month ago coming out of the rnc, former president trump, look invincible but vice president kamala harris has now recaptured what president biden lost as a result of his debate performance the race is margin of error, close whether viewed nationally or in the seven battleground states and every day brings a new twist by any objective measure. the democratic convention was a success, well produced thematic entertaining speeches the only hiccup in my opinion, the disrespect shown to president biden by having the 81-year-old speak after midnight on monday the vice president accepted her party's nomination with a poised and at times forceful speech democrats left town with a sense of confidence, not seen since well, since republicans left milwaukee for harris, the
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task is to maintain her momentum when finally taking questions from the media and voters she's not been on the record in a free-flowing manner since entering the race. for trump, the challenge is to maintain self-control amidst a sea change in the race his frustration with her ascendancy is palpable d has always been for donald, not for discipline and as doug sosnik recently reminded in his latest missive, trump has never enjoyed majority support as either a candidate or as an incumbent. it's a high floor, but a low ceiling when he won in 2016, it was with the benefit of some robust third-party candidates, allowing him victory with just 45.9% of the popular vote. >> to hillary clinton's 48%. >> according to fivethirtyeight 's most recent polling averages, trump is currently at 43.6% to harris, 47.3. and as of yesterday, rfk junior was drawing 4.6% of the vote but
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now he's dropped out and giving trump his blessing in the competitive states last night, he and trump appeared on the same stage for the first time. >> all basis of american democracy is the free flow of information we know that a government that can silence its opponent has license for any kind of atrocity and can you think of any time that you can look back in history? and say that the people who were censoring, we're the good guys they're always the bad guys because it's always the first step down that slippery slope to totalitarianism earlier in the day when announcing his withdrawal, kennedy said that he's been shunned by the media my poll numbers reached at times in the high 20s the dnc
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allied mainstream media networks maintain a near perfect embargo on interviews with me during his ten months presidential campaign in 1992 ross perot ro gave the 34 interviews on mainstream networks in contrast, during this 16 months since i declared abc, nbc, cbs msnbc, cnn combined gave only to live interviews may those networks since instead ran it continuous deluge with a hit pce is with inaccurate, often vile are george's and defamatory smears. >> some of those same networks and colluded with the d'annecy to keep me off the debate stage. >> i don't doubt that he's been shunned for the record. he was my guest here three times. i
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have all the angry emails to prove it. one live to pre-taped interviews to accommodate his schedule. he was also invited to join us live this morning and i hosted his wife actress cheryl hines so mike kennedy, thwart harris's convention momentum in an election of inches. the answer is maybe take a look. this is nate silver's silver bullet, an average of 2024 general election polls. to appreciate the potential significance, just take a look at nevada right at the bottom of your screen, harrison trump, separated by just 0.1% with kennedy pulling 4.5% of the vote in every one of the seven swing states. kennedy's vote share exceeds the margin separating harrison trump, where will those voters go? or will they just stay home? it brings me to today's poll question at, does rfk junior's withdrawal and endorsement of donald trump change the race? joining me now is republican strategist alex
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castellanos, co-founder of purple strategies and cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein, who is also senior editor at the atlantic, his latest piece titled why the blue wall looms so large. >> alex first to you, what's the significance of rfk junior? >> getting out and casting his lot with trump well, i think it's it's impactful, not just because of the numbers and the math, but because of the narratives that drives the story in the campaign first of all, it's trump's an outsider guess who else is rfk? >> and that makes i think makes kamala harris a little bit more of the old insider, which is what she's trying to get away from, what she's trying to reinvent herself, not to be but there's something even better for trump here. and that's the k in rfk the kennedy brand that kennedy mystique it still represents a bit of camelot and
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the promise of what could be a promise that was interrupted. and i think many americans hope will be again, trump's run out of script a little bit. it's the same old show that it used to be. how does he freshen it? how does he? the appeal to new voters? well, he's done a little bit of ilan. he's reaching out to young black men. but this gives him, i think a new, a new way to expand his story. so i think trump is not a math campaign guy, right? he's not disciplined as you just said, michael, he's all about driving entertainment to drive a narrative, to create a story. and this i think gives him something new to say ron brownstein, your thoughts i think the democrats would pay to have charter rfk to the suburbs of philadelphia, detroit milwaukee, madison, raleigh, charlotte, atlanta, and phoenix. they campaign with donald trump trump. donald trump without much attention, has been telling audiences, i will not give a penny that's
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his phrase of federal funding to any school that has any vaccine mandate from kindergarten through college we know from polling in the pew research center last year that the share of republicans and white evangelicals, and it was 20 evangelical audience to trump made that pledge that says parents should be allowed to send their kids to school without vaccines, even if it endangers the health of other people has doubled. in the last five year to 40% 70% of all americans disagree. the share of college educated suburban moms who disagree, i'm betting is closer to 90% with rfk. i think there is the potential, although it's a small group and i'm not sure how many of them will vote yeah, that some of those disaffected younger man who were parking with rfk might end up with trump if they vote you know what the turnout rate is among non-college, non-white men, 49%. you know what the turnout rate is among college educated white women, at 2% joe biden did not hit the
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ceiling among college white women. and he got about 60% of them in michigan and pennsylvania in 2020 whitmer and shapiro got about 70% of them. and i just add this to the list with we have to remind ourselves that the dobbs decision did not happen until after the 2020 election but you add jobs. you had guns, you add harris is just her identity. and i think there's latent threat to trump of being associated with anti-vaccine extremism. that kennedy brings to him, i think on balance this will end up being more problem in an asset okay. >> let me then let me go back to alex and say alex, how would you handle him? would you give them a seat on the plane? are you are you putting rfk junior out there with trump again? and if so, in what settings, by the way, my $0.02, if i may, i watched all of his speech in withdrawing from the race and i watched all of the trump rally
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and i know that he gets portrayed and accurately so as being anti-vax, but there's much more populism in his appeal. what he's talking about healthy food when he's talking about healthy kids, when he's talking about forever wars. and i know he'll be cast among when you don't know. >> it's just code. >> you don't think healthy can't ask code hey, alex do you respond? >> i want to let me go ahead, alex. i should not have injected myself. alex we're how, would i handle. it but but let me also address ron here i guess he has nothing to contribute at all, which is why the democrats and biden and harris have been working so hard to shut this guy down to censor him, to get him out of the process. i think a lot of what you're saying, some of the extremism is built in to his stock price. but what he does is he changes the narrative for trump he there's a youthful optimistic factor to
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that brand and i wouldn't discount that, ron, i think you're off based on that. how would i use him? i'd put him on the plane, but not all the time. i think i think once a week i do an event with him, do something big and powerful americans are hungry for politicians who believe in something other than themselves. and that's certainly not kamala harris. she just had a convention where she not only just in plastic surgery on herself, she like ripped out are dna and inserted some new stuff then did nothing to explain to the american people why that occurred it's like somebody who's just shows up on your doorstep, but you'd never and just says, oh, i've always loved you when they hated you yesterday and gave, you know, rationale. so very cynical campaign. and i think the more exposure it that's the more selfish it's going to become. and i think if on the other side trump can take advantage of the kennedy opportunity to expand his vision of the future, which
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frankly is hard for trump all he's got about, say about the future is, let's make america great again. but now he's got somebody who can talk about children, children's health clean water. when's the last time you heard a republican campaign talking about any of those things? use him, you'd issue asli a little seasoning on the saw on the on the main entree. >> ron, i can see you want a response? go ahead and take it, keep it brief. if you can no, i don't i don't really want our response. >> i just think this is absurd. i mean, i think this is a lunatic conversation we're having there's really nothing else does well, what why is it a minute? >> wait a minute, wait, wait, wait. i got to say, is it a lunatic station? why is it guys hang on. why is it a lunatic conversation when democrats win, democrats went to such great lengths to keep him off ballots to alex's point, if the guy is a loon who was never going to register, why were they so worried about his presence? >> because donald trump can't reach 50%, as you said, and
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anything that allows him to win with a lower number makes it more likely for him to win i mean, alex, you know just say i've always had a lot. i've always had a lot of respect for ron, created the idea of the blue wall so i won't i won't go any farther on that. i'll just say that kamala harris has brought back week democratic coalition certainly black women the black vote, younger people. there's excitement, but she's not made a dent in white men and she's stuck there. trump is stuck getting across the 50 yard line because he doesn't really have a vision of the future. he's lost a lot of the times looking back, the kennedy mystique that kennedy brand, this new generation of kennedy who is an outsider as defined by iran and the democratic party. i think doubles down on trump's message did you have change and give helps him with the vision? i think narratively
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it's not just about it's not it changes who kennedy is, as well as who trump is and i think ron, i got it, ron, i've got to get out in 20 seconds. >> you take the final comment. go ahead. >> donald trump is wrapping himself further in kind of fringe views that will further alienate the white-collar suburbs that are harris his best chance of winning. and that's showed in 2022, despite broad economic discontent that they were able to tip the states michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin that are gonna decide the election gentlemen, i appreciate both of you. >> thank you for being here. what are your thoughts? hit me up on social media. i'll read some throughout the course of the program from the world of x if a race in a state is decided by less than 75,000 votes, that a 5% margin is huge. if that margin breaks for trump at 65% as predicted, come on. this is like an sat question that he just gave trump the race that's why he only took
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himself off in certain states and not others. the strategy is genius. there was nuance i don't even know how to say your name or i repeat it. there was nuance in the way that he got out, right? he's not getting out across the board. he's saying in those states that are decidedly red or blue. and if he's on the ballot, he wants to stay on the ballot but in the competitive states, did i just get the reverse of that? yeah. no, i got it right. but in the competitive states, like my own pennsylvania he doesn't want to appear on the ballot, less he be portrayed as a spoiler. i don't know that that will save him that complaint depending on how the race turns out well, that was a great debate though, wasn't it? i love that. and they're both so smart. i want to know what you think. go to my website. it's answer today's poll question. does rfk junior's withdrawal? all an endorsement of donald trump change the race up ahead following her historic speech at the dnc, my next guest and others are calling on vice president harris to start answering during tough questions. could her campaign be making a mistake by not
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welcoming journalists into the fold and be sure to sign up for the daily newsletter at smerconish for which i want you to see this. so rob rogers he draws for us on a weekly basis. that's the cartoon that he drew. passing of the torch, take a good look. >> now, here's a different passing of the torch. >> this from steve breen with a totally different message thereby got news for you. >> ramir saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn what will you do when the power goes out? >> power outages could be unpredictable. andy inconvenient, but with a generale home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted because when you're generale detects a power outage, it automatically powers giving your family this security and peace of mind. they deserve. >> we don't have to worry
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president harris hasn't done any formal interviews with the press and she rose to the top of the democratic presidential ticket on the campaign trail. she's taken a few reporter questions, but many of her critics argued she hasn't outline any specific policy details? harris said on august the eighth that she would do an interview by the end of the month, the trump campaign accusing her of using a duck and hide strategy with the media. joining me now is perry bacon junior a washington post columnist, his new essay is called harris should talk to journalists more particularly the wonky ones. good to have you here, perry, let me show you something that robert f. kennedy jr. said yesterday. roll it how did the democratic party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or abate during the entire election cycle oh, policies? >> no no debates only smoke and mirrors so at what point are we at that point that she needs to start doing interviews and what should those interviews look like so she has put out some
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policies. >> you had a whole list of economic policy last last week. she gave it to you in dc and see species certainly gave some policy on israel and gaza. so i don't i think that's quite right what he said. so i think the question to me is like running for president is not, should not be in my view. it should not be. it might be just giving stump speeches and then walking off stage. >> she's not and clearly specifically says she did not really run in the primaries. she basically was anointed as the candidate picked by the dnc it is not taking questions from not only the many journalists, but not many human beings, regular voters, either. she's not had the kind of town halls you would have in q&a is you would have with voters if you ran during the primary. so there's a real democratic small d function, i think in taking questions accepting the potential of really being challenged by journalists, being challenged by regular citizens. so i do think it's
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time to not only have press conferences that are formal, which have more than two or three questions, but also to have interviews that could be in my piece i mentioned, for example, her talking to christiane amanpour or fareed zakaria, people who are experts in in foreign policy or reporters specializes in economic issues because i think part of what i want to see is more debate, more back-and-forth in terms of what her policy ideas as she thought them through, how well can they can they can they undergo rigorous questioning? >> and i think that's an important part of the president process that we've sort of missed since she became the candidate here's s some of what you wrote for the washington post. we'll put it up on the screen. i'll read it aloud. harris is making a mistake. she should be doing interviews and other engagements with journalists. the recognition of their important role in democracy. in particular she should speak to journalists who specialize in policy reporting. perry, i was thinking about this. if i were advising her and thinking strategically, i might roll her out in major media markets in the seven
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battleground states, because my perception is there's less of a part as an edge with some of the local network anchors. and so it's sort of kills two birds with one stone she's. making herself available for questioning and she's also doing so in those states that matter most and obviously, whatever she says would be given national play. what do you think of that idea? >> so i'm not sure of the electoral dynamics here. i think that you're hinting that if she does interviews and local places that helps drive up her vote count, i'm not sure doing an interview with the atlanta journal constitution necessarily means are whatever the tv stations in atlanta honestly means you increase your vote count i think it's important because of the democratic function i want to hear, since she's spending a lot of time in these seven states i do think it'll be useful for her to be asked about schooling or policing in philadelphia or in atlanta, or how people in rural wisconsin are doing and being just i think interviews give, give us a chance to you know people in
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those communities can ask questions about those communities and in drill down for answers. and so it's more of a discourse and less of a one-way dialogue where she has pulled a bunch of things and sort of says what her talking points. i don't think it's that she will do better. and in fact, part of what's going on, a suspect here is candidates when they do interviews often get off script. they they don't say the things that are pulled the best they might make a mistake. and i think that is part of it. it might be better for your winning chances to never talk to the media. i don't think it's a bad way to run for president any better if you never take a question from a voter, either, i think that's a bad and improper for way to run for president your piece also made reference to the atlanta journal constitution, and philadelphia inquirer, and it put a thought in my head, i get that she got into the race late. >> i understand that. so that the time constraints are different than it. a conventional candidacy but what about sitting for the editorial board? i mean, does that now a thing of the past? how about at
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the washington post, your newspaper habit at the new york times, but also some of the other major newspapers in the country could be the wall street journal is it incumbent upon her to provide that kind of questioning opportunity because it's exactly i think the type that you're describing yes, i think editorial board's important and i think those in because you have a wide group of journalists who were in the room who often have different expertise is that i'm not trying to say she has to interview with cnn of the new york times. >> i worked at the post. i'm sure i'd love we'd love to interview her, obviously, but my peace is not trying to make the case. she should talk to the post or talked to perry bag you can philadelphia inquirer is a great newspaper in a swing state where she's visiting all the time. anyway, their papers in wisconsin and arizona, i just think the point is not necessarily that she should sit down with me. the point is that i want to hear the people in those communities get a chance to talk to the candidate. and i want him to size again, i also think is not just a special privilege reporters. i also
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think there should be a point in this campaign where she talks, takes questions from regular voters, which is also not happening, would it's also an important part of the presence of process i agree with you entirely, perry bacon junior. thank you for being here thanks for having michael social media reaction from the world of x, catherine, what do we have xi? like, she needs more press. the ladies played has been full for weeks. she doesn't do command press conferences, nor would i okay. but taylor ran taylor, are you running for president? i mean, doesn't it kind of go with the territory? i get it i've said this on radio and people don't like hearing me say it, but i'll say it again. it's smart politically because she's had this gilded ascendancy thus far, but at a certain point, i think you owe it to voters to prove that you can stand on your feet and respond in real-time to whatever the questioning might be. and if if trump could exercise more
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disciplined when he does it it would bring even more pressure to bear on her. i want to remind you, go to my website at answer today's poll question. does rfk junior's withdrawal and endorsement of donald trump changed though race still to come. when you see the american flag, i got this question for you. do you make assumptions about the politics of the person flying the flag? and did the democrats just take back old glory in chicago this week plus alex murdoch, the trial lawyer who is convicted of murdering his wife and son one step closer to a new trial valerie bauerlein, who covers the southeast for the wall street journal, spent nearly three years reporting on the case what she dug up for her new book on the murdoch family dynasty summer means millions flocked to america's national parks but nature can turn disastrous with tourists has crossed a line. she started by my wife.
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junko constipation relief. and as lit i came to bayview hunter's point, where there was only one pediatrician to serve more than 10,000 children. daniel lurie said, i'm going to help. we opened a clinic for our most vulnerable children. i have worked shoulder to shoulder with him as we have brought solutions where people thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco.
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your business easily with freelancers fiverr the athletes and awe or pushing the limits of what is capable all, right i'm ready to show the world how good i am. i've trained all over the globe and that's what you're going to see. >> an awol whole different beast at we wednesday night, dynamite at 8:00 on tbs you, could say that democrats raise the flag in chicago. and i have a question for you. when you see an american flag flying, do you make an assumption as to the politics of the owner? i don't mean an f15 with the brandon bumper sticker. i mean, in a residential setting? i've often had this conversation with radio listeners, many of whom tell me they tend to associate the flag with republicans, maga, republicans, and there's some support for that in the data 92% of republicans have a favorable view of the flag compared to 77% of democrats. that's according to ipsos. only 3% of
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republicans have a somewhat negative view of the flag as opposed to 13% of democrats the flag, it turns out, is a proxy for their view of america according to gallup 59% of republicans reported being extremely proud to be an american as compared to just 34% of democrats and 36% of independents. and you can hear this divide in our music as well lee greenwood's god bless the usa has become a republican mantra. it's walk on music for trump at his rally. calley's, it was performed live, which you're watching at the rnc to song that could make an atheist cry god, until now democrats
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haven't had a good response. >> sometimes going with woody guthrie's, this land is your land republicans have effectively been making the patriotism place since i've been paying attention i was, in elected alternate delegate at the 1984 republican convention in dallas age 20 look at all that hair. i remember then the launch of what would become a legendary campaign commercial good morning in america because of its blend of nostalgia that about half the record and optimism nearly 2000 families today will buy a new home lower than at any time in the past four years more than 30 years later historian michael bash loss wrote, it may be hard to explain to younger americans how a single commercial made a difference in the 1984 presidential campaign? but the dnc this year was different. the gop might have lee greenwood, but democrats had
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beyonce's freedom anthem freedom is usually what republicans tao consider that george w bush used the word 27 times in his second inaugural address tmz may have blown that report that beyonce would be there herself, but her song was omnipresent and so two were chants of usa, usa and lots of american flags there was a lot of talk of family and football even country music, another staple of the republican playbook at the last in-person dnc back in 2016, there were performances by pop stars including debbie lovato lenny kravitz, lady gaga. but there were no country acts this year. there were three here's another
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indicator that democrats are no longer seating patriotism to the gop, the reverence shown toward those who have worn the uniform on night four elected democrats who have served their country paraded onstage and when on the final night, the vice president took the stage, she said words that if you read them, you can be excused for thinking they'd come from bush 41, bush 43 fellow americans i love our country with all my heart everywhere i go in, everyone i meet i see a nation that is ready to move forward. >> i see an america where we hold fast to the fearless belief that built our nation and inspired the world and america, where we care for one
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another, look out for one another recognize that we have so much more in common than what separates us yeah, democrats worked hard this week to take some ownership of patriotism. >> that's a good thing for all of us. the vice president was right in saying we have so much more in common than that which separates us a more patreon dusen love of country leads still to come. could alex murdoch get a new trial for the murders of his wife and son? wall street journal reporter valerie bauerlein joins me next. she's been following the case since the very beginning. getting has just written a fascinating new book on the downfall of the murdoch dynasty. and don't forget to vote on today's poll question at, does rfk he juniors withdrawal and endorsement of donald trump change the race, sign up for the newsletter while you're there voting. >> checkout, what scott status drew for the newsletter this
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week? spatial in columbia, the full series tomorrow at nine on cnn is it possible to be more capable and more practical? >> be able to perform here make a statement. >> making it sound and kamala as well as what lies ahead how do we get there get exnal offers at your local audi deal? >> good morning with delco lax. >> good. good. good yeah. strike down. collect two-week group by for fast and gentle constipation relief. >> and as little as 30 minutes, making your good morning even better with all galactose. >> why nfl players chooses lead
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pepper smart, but i like to sleep cool and i like it warm and cozy. >> am i really like it when we both get what we want. >> week number does that i did cools and warrants on each side during the biggest sale of the year, say 50% on the sleep number limited edition sparked that and free delivery when you add any base six asked me i was i had one now being me one of them had run the other money managers, but we're different now, so we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. so we don't sell any commission-based products then how do you make money? >> we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do better for
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and have non-surgical treatment is an auburn i'll get a second opinion let's go take charge of your treatment you can't lay your hand flat. visit, find a hand he gets started convicted murderer, disgraced former attorney alex murdoch, perhaps one step closer to a new trial after the south carolina supreme court recently agreed to review his appeal, that of a prior decision which denied his request no journalist knows the murdoch case, like valerie bauerlein, she's a national reporter for the wall street journal. >> she has covered the story from the beginning. she was in the courtroom for every major moment from his initial bond hearing to his more recent request for a new trial. after
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his conviction she visited all the locations important to the case. she accompanied the jury on their visit to moselle, the family hunting farm, and scene of the murders. she's just published a book. it's terrific. it is called the devil at his elbow. alex murdoch and the fall of a southern dynasty, valerie, nice to see you again. i want to put up on the screen. we just blew through it the photograph on the day that the jury goes to moselle and there you are looking at the kennel. describe what you're viewing it gives me chills to see that photo. i'm standing right where maggie murdoch fell the night she was killed. and stephen gresham, the photography you see on by the kennels is standing where paul fell when he was killed. and we walked it off so viewers could know she was just 12 steps away. hey when her when she was killed from her son the book has so much detail in it that if it came out at trial, i forgot it.
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>> and then there are no any number of things that we just never learned. and you put all the pieces together so beautifully but, for the kennel, i'll stick with the kennel theme for a moment, but for the video that was shot. and then from an unlocked telephone that belonged to paul who was murdered by his father. then we're showing it now, if that video had not come to light, do you think he would have been convicted? >> you know, i'm here in columbia, south carolina and i saw a number of the lawyers involved in on this trip. no, there's no chance he would have even really been charged absent that video, but it proved that he had been lying for the better part of a year about not being with maggie and paul down at the kennel and, you know, also talked to a number of jurors and they said it was the video that sealed in their mind that he did it there were a lot of perry mason moments in all of this. one was that eventually they unlock the phone. turns out it was his birthday that sounds familiar.
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and also general motors. general motors, somebody at general motors, you tell the story in the book is watching the trial they hear that there was difficulty and unlocking the black box and then immediately what they send the information that was being searched to both sides within a matter of days. so you know, someone at gm was watching. we were all watching that trial. it's 18 months ago, but it was a cultural phenomenon. they were there are many things about it that just captivated so many of us. and yes, the state had requested the black box data on alec murdoch suburban at the time it was very new said we're sorry, we can't unlock that. it was a fairly roe request. >> but then the story becomes a national phenomenon and they're like, oh, time has passed. >> we can get that data and they sent an immense amount of i think maybe a terabyte of data on the friday of during the trial and by monday the defense the state had analyzed where alec was in win in that
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car valerie, the murder weapons never found, which caused me to ask you, did he have help? i think there are a number of unanswered questions where the guns is a big one and also where's the money? there's millions of dollars that alec stole from his poor personal injury clients that is still missing prosecutors if he had help, we want to find out, but i spoke at some length to david owen for this book. >> he was the lead sled agent and really had not talked about the case before and that's a question that they would really like to know the scene was sanitized. the scene was cleaned up, and to think that alec murdoch could have done all that that cleanup work in a matter of minutes by himself. it kind of beggars belief if you saw my copy of the book, it is all marked up footnoted tab. >> it was extraordinary. there are many of us who followed
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every aspect of the case and no one told it the way that you did. and especially now in the book, one last thought for lawyers it's like a crash course on continuing legal ethics. all the things that an attorney should never do. what he was able to get away with before murdering his wife and child in terms of stealing from clients who were the most needy of the needy it's just disgraceful. good luck with the book. and thank you thank you valerie, is book is called the devil at his elbow it's terrific you still have time to vote on today's poll question at, does rfk junior's withdrawal an endorsement of donald trump change the race, sign up for my free and worthy daily newsletter while you're there check out what jack ohman sketched for us this week men gives you healthier, smooth, are feeling scared to celebrate
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go? >> it's your back let's cure childhood cancer together. >> please donate. now the bedroom with deliberate details. >> in modern functionality for the indoor in check in at fema darko the french feel is subway has never been easier just by enter foot login app, get another freed all the hard part is telling travel. >> he doesn't get to second foot-long waits seriously. i got to next time, buddy now, in the subway football season already and not a satellite dish in sight, hardly recognize a ruse i grew up on squall kill, all aware and where everyone else is watching nonstop football on directtv. >> tell me whose houses this they're house. >> i think they're renting. >> listen, listen.
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join me. i and give, hey, would you say the pros for have i got news for you or pretty yeah. >> what are the kinds we could run on the news before then? >> i would never happen if i got news for you, amir saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn and streaming next day on max so there's the result so far of today's poll question, a lot of voting, nearly 40,000 does rfk junior's withdrawal and endorsement of dont of donald t change the race 78% so far saying, no here are some of the social media reaction that has come in during the course. >> of the program. what do we have? democrats never learned insulting the american population by calling their candidates weirdos is nowhere to no way to win. you should be wooing rfk voters, not insulting them. but you are the party that call citizens deplorables. well, russell, if
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you listen to the speech that rfk junior delivered yesterday where he went through his rationale now, he's, you know, he's doing a slow burn these upset with the democrats for having denied him in his mind. the opportunity to get on a debate stage and ballot position. they're interrelated, more social media reaction. what else came in during the course of the program? since there was no primary or debates to hear kamala positions on critical issues, she owes american multiple unscripted q&a is it's interesting. some say, well, you got to qatar some slack because after all, look, look at the way in which this all came to pass. and i'm i'm with you in saying no, it's all the more reason why she needs to hold herself out. i am come on. you can't accept that on august 8, she was asked by the media as she's going past them and boarding air force two, what are you going to do? some media avail an interview and she says, oh, by the end of the month, which by the way, it would be the end of this week. i imagine we're
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going to say, oh, that's acceptable. no, that's not acceptable. one more real quick. i think i've got time to do it. what do we have michael? you are totally missing the point about the american flag. it's not the democrats aren't proud of the flag. the republican party has made the flag a symbol of violence and meanest. no, no, no. new york city boy you're the one missing the point. the point is, we should all take stock and ownership of the flag and no one should seated in a political discussion to the other side, it's what you've said is all the more reason why you ought to be flying the flag and apple pie in baseball thanks for watching. see you cnn this morning with kasie hunt weekdays at five eastern off men gives you healthier who their feeling scared to celebrate lives and tense moments you stuff dead body wash with its 24 hour nursing micro moisture enjoy healthier, smooth are feeling thanks, good all day with dove men body wash. good morning. with dhaka
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