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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  September 2, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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basebaball season n full of surprises.s. i'veve never seeee anythihing like mlb b tuesday o ththe yes. i is breakingng down playay years in n teamams that brbreaking outut red sox, mets coverage begins tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. on tbs and max from candidate to surrogate president biden returning to the campaign trail for the first time in a supporting role in hearing alongside vice president kamala harris in a state that is critical for a victory on election day. >> meanwhile, former president trump is it's off the trail for a few days as his defense team prepares for a court hearing in his federal election interference case. >> plus day long protests and israel are spilling into nightfall after the bodies of six hostages killed by hamas are founding gaza prime minister benjamin netanyahu. now vowing revenge these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central we are
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watching candidates sprint to election day right now. >> and on this labor day, vice president kamala harris is focused on making her pitch to working class voters in critical battleground states. moments ago, harris wrapped up a campaign stop in michigan where she spoke alongside leaders and members of some of the largest union it's in the country. then later this afternoon, she heads to pennsylvania where president biden will be joining her on the trail at a local union hall in pittsburgh, and it will be their first official campaign event together since biden dropped out of the race. and it also marks a new political phase for the president as we see him shift from candidate to surrogate are corresponding join us now beginning with cnn's eva mckend, who is following the harris campaign and detroit. so eva talk to us more about harris, his message today pam, she joined with union workers and labor leaders
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to celebrate what she described as the dignity of work. >> she thanked unions for their contributions to this country. she noted that when union wages go up, everyone's wages go up and she pledged, if elected to expand the affordable care act to continue to fight to bring the cost of prescription drugs down. and then most consequentially for this crowd, she said that she would fight to advance the pro act that would advance legal look protections for employees. and as she tells it, and union-busting once and for all, take a listen to this pro worker message the way we celebrate labor day is we know that hard work is good work we know that when we organize, when we bring everyone together to joyful moment where we are committed to doing the hard work of lifting up america's families and pam and brianna, she also told this crowd to not
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pay attention to the polls a discount. >> all of that, yes, they are enjoying a lot of momentum at their back. but she's still very much views herself as the underdog in this tom deaths or eva president biden, as we noted, will be joining harris for this joint campaign event in pittsburgh this afternoon. it's getting a lot of attention. he is very popular in key parts and pennsylvania house. he tried to help well, the campaign is deploying him where they think that he will be best and we know the president biden is very comfortable in union homes. >> this is a delicate dance for the vice president, but because she is characterizing herself as a new way forward and that is a tricky argument to make, given that she is currently in the administration, but president biden could prove to be an effective surrogate for her in the union halls. he's very, very comfortable with workers they are comfortable with him. and so that is why he
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is going to be in pittsburgh with her tonight and then later on this week while she is preparing for the debate, he will campaign in wisconsin and michigan as well brianna i also want to bring in cnn's signs live for us at the white house. >> so arlette talk to us a little bit more about biden's role as top surrogate here for the harris campaign. and just really as we take a step back, how extraordinary it is, right? i mean, this was supposed to be his campaign. he stepped aside and now it's harris's campaign and he is a surrogate yeah. >> and president biden is now trying to figure out how to campaign in this entirely new reality is now he is no longer a candidate, but instead is expected to be a top surrogate for vice president kamala harris. he will see the two of them together for the first time in a battleground state, a bit later this afternoon, they will be appearing in pittsburgh. perhaps there is no other city on labor day that is more important to joe biden in pittsburgh. it's somewhere that he has returned time and time again 2015, 2018 for labor
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day to make his pitch to union workers and working class voters. that is a key constituency that harris is his advisers believed biden could help with going forward. you're also going to see president biden not just spend a lot of time in pennsylvania, but also other critical blue wall states like michigan and wisconsin. the president will be attending a pair of white house official events there a bit later in the week, trying to promote some of the popular agenda items that those areas. that is one wayes that advisers believe biden can be used to go out and talk about popular agenda items that he and harris achieved together. things like lowering the cost of prescription drugs also bringing back manufacturing jobs to the u.s and it all comes as the biden as the harris campaign and the white house and the vice president's office are all in close consultation about how they can deploy biden going forward, it's expected that he
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will largely tried to speak to groups were he enjoyed success with in the past that includes working class blue collar voters, as well as older voters which biden had been doing quite well within the polls when he was running in 2024, just in the last year. but certainly for biden, this marks a new phase in his candidates or his presidency as he's also trying to burnish his own legacy and so much of what the president is trying to do here and notch that the white house, but also the campaign trail is trying to elect vice president harris as the next president. and he's as he believes that will be a critical part of his legacy as well. >> all alright, arlette saenz, live for us from the white house. thanks so much. well, former president donald trump is off the trail today, but in a new labor day message on social media, he claims that many americans are quote, suffering during this holiday weekend under the biden administration cnn economics and political commentator catherine rampell is here with us. so catherine, when you look at both with candidates, where do each of them stand when it
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comes to union rights and labor issues if you look at their actual records as well as the things that they have said publicly, there is no contest. >> kamala harris is much more pro-union, a pro-union and generally pro labor than donald trump has been. again, these for on the policies. so for example, if you look at kamala harris's record, what she has stood for, she supported the pro act, which is a bill that would make it easier for, unions to organize essentially, she has also supported a higher minimum wage she and her running mate thank tim walz have supported various kinds of expansion of paid leave. tim walz actually implemented paid sick leave and paid parental leave, at least for government workers in hit the state that he is the governor of minnesota. so there are a number of kinds of policies. so osha is also on that list. osha, of course, is the agency that does inspections for
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workplace safety as well as putting in place more safety regulations. donald trump, on the other hand, he's been a little bit cagier about what he supports for example, it's unclear where he stands on the minimum wage. he's held multiple positions over the years. but if you look at his actual actions, many of them his concrete actions has been against organized labor or at, against workers, things like he he signed a couple of executive orders intending to gut the u.s federal civil service and erase civil service protections. he has he appointed members to the nlrb, the national labor relations its board that essentially made it harder to have speedy union elections. he praised elon musk, of course, for firing workers who had spoken out about workplace safety issues and tried to unionize and he could cut funding or attempted to cut funding for osha, but was unsuccessful. so that's again on the policies that doesn't necessarily mean that rank and file union workers are flocking
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to harris uniformly, right? >> and you have the teamsters president, another big union say, look with rank-and-file is really divided as it, as it comes to their politics, democrats, republican, he said, he's waiting to formally endorse we're so candidate until its members have a chance to meet with harris historically, though, teamsters have has endorsed him cracks talk to us a little bit more about union endorsements at this moment too win support for unions among the public is really on the rise. >> even for the uaw. for example, it took their leadership a very long time to formally endorse joe biden until well after he had already walked the picket line with striking uaw workers. the leadership has mostly come around to endorsing democrats, including in that exam all not so much yet, anyway, and the teamsters case but just because the leadership is in favor of the democratic ticket as it has
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been, as you point out generally for many decades, that doesn't necessarily mean that their members are following along. members are obviously looking at police let's see issues, but there's also sort of more culture war effect related piece of all of this as well democrats have increasingly become identified with higher education. more elite voters and their interests, even if they also support many of these very pro-union policies that i was just mentioning. republicans have tried to claim the mantle of populism of the working class man blue collar workers, men and women for that matter and so many of the rank and file workers are still gravitating towards donald trump, even if kamala harris has policies would probably be better for their pocketbook all right. >> catherine rampell. thank you so much trump will be hitting the campaign trail later this week where they stop in the
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swing state of wisconsin will his defense team is preparing for a court hearing in his federal election interference case. cnn national correspondent kristen holmes joins us now. so kristen trump is raising some eyebrows here with his bold new claim about that case against them. it's similar rhetoric from what we've heard in the past, but something key is missing from donald trump often talks about the fact that he believes he shouldn't have been charged in the january 6 case in the election interference case because of the fact that he had ever every right to question the election. obviously that's not what he's being accused of. he is being accused of trying to interfere with the election. he went a step further during this interview and lack that keyword of what he was being accused of. take a listen it's so crazy that my poll numbers go up whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you are have every right to do it you get indicted and you poll numbers go up so he says he was
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indicted for interfering with the election and then goes on to say what she had every right to do lacking that word of i'm being accused of interfering with the election and taking out the part where he says that he has every right to question the election, not interfere with the election. >> now, spoken to some legal experts who say they don't know that this is going to deeply impact the case in any way, but we also know that donald trump's team, both campaign and legal, has been trying to get on the same page with messaging and that includes with their client and candidate. obviously these are not things they want to deal with as they head into this very competitive election cycle. >> what's their explanation for it? >> they say this is exactly what we said before, essentially that he just missed the words that he has said before that he was trying to say the exact same thing that he has been accused of interfering with the election. but of course he does have every right to question the election that's part of it. but he just didn't say that park during the interview. >> curious why kristen holmes. thank you so much for the reporting. we appreciate it. we do have some breaking news and this is very sad for people
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have died in a shooting on a chicago subway train. officials say that these victims were all passengers on the train. this morning. is it was making its way into forest park just west of the city. investigators say one person it is in custody and they believe this was an isolated incident. we're going to be getting more information on this. hopefully we'll bring that to you as we do get it and ahead this hour on cnn news central prime minister netanyahu says, hamas will pay a heavy price after israeli forces found the bodies of six hostages killed in gaza, they say they were killed a short time hi, before the idf made their way into the tunnels were their bodies were found. and we're following nationwide protests in israel were demonstrators are now demanding a ceasefire plus a san francisco 49ers play or is shot in broad daylight on a downtown street. the apparent victim of a robbery gone wrong. the latest on ricky pearsall what's the condition and the teenager accused of shooting him and disney polls, abc and espn from directv rights. it's
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football season gets underway. what we know about this broadcast battle tonight, a two-o-hour whole s story specic the candidates and their record on the key issues of the election season what does their past tell us about how they will lead the whole story y wit andederson cooooper tonighght ststarting at 8:8:00 on cnn bute gains arare pumping g the marke closeded. >> feaeatures don'n't sleeeep ie after hoururs, bro d done is wh we have finanance bro. she switchched careersrs to mamake for your w weddings anand his doctor blolown-up, sweweetie? hy pipiggy bank. . we'rere going a. >> letet me ask yoyou for youru weddining. do you u want becaua ipo o in a riverer i is somethi that your r mothther always s w, nenever got or you c could give thesese differenent investstmen optitions a shotot, the ririghty moveves arenen't asas aggressiv yoyou think. >> i'm keepining the bestst hav you u always hadad trouble l lo weigight and keeeeping samame
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discovover the powower of wegog whatat rigobi i i lost 35 pound >> and somome lost ovever 46 pounds. >> we go a and i'm keeping g th weightht off we dodo be helps s lolose weight anand keep it t o >> i'm reducicing my risk. >> we gogouvia is s the only fd approvoved weight t managementn medicinene that's proven t to reducece risk of m major cacardiovasculular events s in s with knonown work didisease and with eitither obesitity or overweigight, we g go vision b used with h semaglglutide or gl medicinenes. don''t takeke wego if y you or yourur family hahad medudullary thyryroid cancerer, multiple e endocrine neoplplasi syndndrome type e two we're for allergicic to it andnd stop weg and get memedical helplp righth awayay. if you g get a lump p o swelliling in yourur neck, seve stomach papain, or an n allergi reactionon, serious s side e ef may y happen, inincluding pancrereatitis andnd gallbladdd problemsms we gogo we may cacauw blood susugar in peoeople with diababetes, espepecially if f y takeke medicineses to treat t diababetes, tellll your provide about vivision problblems or chananges, or ifif you feel l y heheart racingng while at t res depressionon or thoughghts of susuicide besiside may o occur. yourur provider r right awayay u
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have anyny mental chchanges, con sidede effects l like nauseaea, vomimiting, and d diarrhea m mad to dehehydration, , which may ye kidney p problems. >> we gogo i'm m lolosing weigh i'm kekeeping it o off and i''m lowering my cv risk check your cocost and covoverage befofore talklking to youour healthcacar professisional aboutut we go it realal. okay. tatake picturere congratulalations. thank y you much i losost 50 pounds s and gaineded $1,900. >> get paid d to get heaealthy hehealthy wager wager.cocom fro need t the dotot to needed it.t > now so. m many ways t to s life. readady wallet, happy. >> t that's s 365 by w whole fo marketet onlnly from simply y s 2424/7 lifeguauard protetection >> t this exclususive technonol alallows simplply safe agegents help s stop crime e in real tim
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>> stotop police a are on theiey for inincent intruder deterrene and fastster police e response. >> therere is no safafe like siy safe my. >> psosoriasis wasas a all then shortly ararctic or ththrives w knew therere could be e connect for me perercentage woworks on h becaususe syntax h helps real l peoplele find cleaear skin. and psoriatitic arththritis can n m less j joint pain n and help s furtheher joint dadamage. serir allergic reaeactions, sesevere n rereactions ththat look lilike a and an i increased r risk of infefections, sosome fatal h ha occurrrred. tell youour doctor you hahaven't t infefection or sysymptoms had a vacaccine or p to or have ibd symptoms developer worsen thehe ergo smat basese from tempur-p-pedic automatitically respsponse to snoring soso no more h hiding ur your pillow w because ththis sym acactually d detect snororing t
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adjust, tell producing don't miss our biggest sale of the year with savings up to $700 on select a adjustable e mattress s and d the furnititure business, things m move fast. ziziprecrui helps s us hire ququalified cacandidates w who k keep up. >> we neededed a projeject mana yesterdaday. >> we e posted a j job on ziprprecruiter a and had ourur on-sitite and five days s and h wawas qualifieied and eveveryon ziziprecruiterer finds thehe be candidateses for all o our j jo >> they hehelped us bubuild a dm team. >> and y you did it t fast. >> i is that toooo fasast for y out ofof five ememployers whwho on ziprecruiter data quality candidate within the first day, try for free at m slash higher in pete muntean at reagan national airport. >> this is cn' following breaking news out of israel where prime minister benjamin netanyahu is asking for forgiveness or he said he asked forgiveness from families whose family members died as hostages in gaza. >> and he's also vowing to punish hamas after the bodies of those six hostages were
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recovered from gaza, the gaza strip, he spoke moments ago is another day of mass protests and a general labor strike intensify the pressure on netanyahu to finally get a hostage deal done. >> no avail said that israel is not going to ignore this massacre of hamas. youxia limb on the hamas will pay a heavy price for this, a very heavy price climb on new zealand, her shop either war against the evil actually in this specific war against against hamas now before netanyahu spoke to his grieving country president biden, accused the prime minister of not doing enough to secure a ceasefire deals. >> he arrived at the white house to meet with his hostage, negotiating team back in israel morning there's gathered for the funeral of slain israeli american hostage hersh goldberg polin, the 23-year-old, was among those expected to be released in the first phase of a ceasefire deal according to
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us and israeli officials, cnn's nic robertson is joining us now from tel aviv, a nic, how's the crowd reacting tonight? netanyahu's remarks after what has just been such an incredibly sad few days i think it's gonna be hard for a lot of people to take this very rare act of contrition by the prime minister to take it at face value he spent the vast majority of this press conference stepping away from his lectern, picking up a pointer, i'm trying to sort of explain on a map of gaza why he refuses to change his sticking point on the keeping troops along the border between gaza and egypt. >> the so-called philadelphi corridor. he spent a huge amount of time with graphic showing how hamas was using that border tunnels under it to bring weapons into israel. and if rapids into gaza rather, and unless troops remain a along
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there, he said that hamas will do that again. so this was a minister on one hand offering some solace to those families, but the real solace that the families are looking for the people on the streets here we're looking for is a change of fundamental position. and he offered up the exact opposite. he offered up a doubling down of his current position, so i don't think this is going to take people off the streets by any means. it will give them a renewed vigor to maintain that. their calls for him to either step down, have an election or at least get the hostages bag all right. >> we'll be watching. i mean, these hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets just give you a sense of what pressure he is facing from the public there in israel. nic, thank you for that live report from from tel aviv. pamela let's talk more about these developments with retired air force colonel cedric leighton. >> he has a cnn military analyst, great to see you so as we just heard it laid out there, you know, netanyahu today vowing to punish hamas for what they did to the hostages from a military
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standpoint, what would that look like beyond what we're already seeing from israel yeah, pamela, it's hard to really see if there's any difference. >> and as nic was pointing out in his report there is really very little difference from what the israelis have done before and what the prime minister outlined in his speech just now, but he didn't make a strong case for keeping israeli presence in israeli prisons in the philadelphi corridor. that's the area between the gaza and egypt that border area and basically what he was saying is, let's keep this area under israeli control so no weapons, no money know munitions know people can go back and forth. those are valid military points. however, the other point, the other military point that is really contrast to this is that if you don't move out of the philadelphi corridor, at least temporarily and then there's probably no way that there's going to be a peace agreement or a ceasefire
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agreement between israel and hamas and i think that's key because this has really been the sticking point, right? >> of a potential deal, a ceasefire deal with and a return of the hostages and so you heard in the wake of the six hostages being killed, netanyahu defending his position, doubling down on why that court orders are so important and president biden just saying today that netanyahu isn't doing enough to bring a ceasefire deal across the finish line. how many comment like that in pyre impact, cease-fire talks? >> it could certainly foresee israelis into a more hardened position, but it could also, on the other hand, pressure them to loosen their position. but with the prime minister's speech right now, it does seem that the israelis, at least the top level of the israeli government is going in for a much more hard position this particular case i'm u.s. has basically said that they're not going to do a deal unless the israelis leave the israeli
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military and the intelligence services have said that they can control of the philadelphi corridor enough. even without troops being present, that they would be willing to take the risk to allow israeli troops to leave in order to get the hostages back. so basically what netanyahu is doing is he's going against his senior military and intelligence advisers. and that is really where the big impasse within the israeli government lies. and that will have a huge impact on the negotiations. >> so tactically then, tell us a little bit more about this. it's position from netanyahu, his insistence of keeping these troops in the philadelphi corridor during the ceasefire talks. why tell us a little bit more about why he thinks that is so important? >> so what he sees is that this is the major route in, for all kinds of weapons to come in. and this is how iran using various intermediaries that go through egypt with the egyptian
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authorities and some is turning a blind eye towards the transaction. iran on the other suppliers of weapons, can provide weapons through the philadelphi corridor through those tunnels into gaza. this is a very well organized effort on the part of hamas ended in essence, it's coconspirators, if you will, and that really makes for a difficult situation for the israeli military, for the idf and from a tactical perspective, what netanyahu is afraid of is that this will continue to be a place in which all these arms flow through this area without any real control by the israelis or by anybody else. and he doesn't think that not having boots on the ground essence will stop this flow of weapons and personnel as well as money do you think a ceasefire deal is the best option right now to save the lives of the remaining hostages well i don't know how realistic a ceasefire deal is right now.
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>> pamela, but i think it is the best option because the way in which hamas is holding these hostages seems to be in a very tightly controlled area and because of that, it's really difficult for the israelis we forces to mount hostage rescue operations at this particular moment in time. >> and of course, as we saw with the deaths of the six hostages just, just recently at that creates the real problem here. the hostages are basically pawns in all of this. and unfortunately if the ceasefire deal is not reached then they their lives are continued to be at risk at this point. >> all right. colonel cedric leighton. thank you so ahead. san francisco's crime rate gets more national attention as a 49, it's niners player is shot in broad daylight and the teenager is accused of pulling the trigger tv on the edge premieres sunday, september 22, did nine on cnn his isis a h ho
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behind, at least one staff or appear to have an injury to their arm alright. >> san francisco 49ers rookie ricky pearsall is out of the hospital recovering at home after being shot during an attempted robbery. he is very lucky to be alive. san francisco police say pearsall was shot in the chest a teenager in broad daylight on saturday, cnn's camila bernal is here with us for more on this. wow it is extraordinary that he is survived this. camila. what are the details? >> yeah. and even his mom thing that he's lucky to be alive and saying that it was god who protected him in a facebook post. she said that bullet went in through his chest and his back, but missed vital organs. so here's what happened. it was 3:30 p.m. on saturday in union square in san francisco. and he's walking alone and a 17-year-old approaches him to try to rob him that gunpoint. so there's a scuffle, there's an altercation that gun goes off and it hits both of them the 17-year-old tries to run away and he is quickly arrested
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by san francisco police the da in san francisco saying that the charging decision will either come tomorrow or wednesday, but it will be in juvenile court because he is 17-years-old now, this incident though, highlights the crime in san francisco. and in that area, in particular, there have been many a break-ins in terms of cars and also in terms of shoplifting in that area. and so the mayor of san francisco saying that this is a step back in terms of the work that she's doing. take a listen to it. she said we are glad that the victim will be okay. >> but this incident does set us back from all the hard work that we've done in order to make significant changes in public safety in san francisco? we still have the lowest violent crime rate of any major city. we are on track to have record low numbers of gun violence. in particular, in the city and i do want to point
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some of those numbers that she mentioned because she says that the city numbe indicate that 32% the crime has gone down, property crime gone down 32%, violent crime gone down 14%, gun violence down 38%. >> and the chief of police saying that this was not targeted because of his football players status, but instead because it was a robbery. so the person running against her for mayor in the upcoming election saying enough is enough and saying there needs to be some change in san francisco because of these high profile crimes that we've seen in that city all right. >> camila, thank you for that. camila bernal, we appreciate the report and still ahead just in time for football season disney leveraging sports fans as it yanks abc, espn, and other top channels from directv the five things podcast from cnn today's top five stories, all in one podcast the five things you need to hear in
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under five minutes lisisten whereverer you get y your podca. >> o okay, me momove. you sasai ththe maasai''s spikike it. i'l tell t them how liliberty mutut custstomizes carar insurancece. ththey only papay for whatat th need. . got it? >> youou get that.t. >> only y pay fofor what youou labor day y every day.y. if yo'e shoppingng f for a home e realt, a r real commutu tool l lets you fifind homes c to w work, school,l, even grandma'a's hohouse, don''t all apps d do that? >> not reaeally. >> trustst the numbeber one app realal estate professisionals tt why y nfl playayers choosese as pepepper smartrt, but i lilike slsleep cool a and i like e it and cozyzy and i reaeally like when we e both get w what we wa > week numbmber, dodoes that recalls and d warrants on eaeac side during our r biggest sasalf the year, , say 50% onon asleep number limimited kriststen smar thatat end free e delivery w whu add any babase before e limited time subwaway just droropped th price ofof every foooot-long ine app to 69090 quauake sububway. whwhat? 699 fofoot long says ri ear, 69999 for foot-t-long getes
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dedeal in the e subway up p now before i it's totoo late anna b inactive so why don't you act likeke a good sisister and g gas world babyby bacack ribs, bebe directed a at china sea a whereu go get youou outut and actioion drama mamaybe i'll just gogo ge wings for r evererybody withth momoderate to severere plaque psoriaiasis. my skskin was n no longer minine my activive story credit grorowth rate h has join symptomsms held me b back don'tt sympmptoms definine you emerge you with t trump via most pepeo saw 9090% clear kim at f for mos and the e majority s stayed cler at f five years.s. frorom phi i prproven to signgnificantly y r joinint pain stitiffness and swelliling. it's just s six dos it's a year a after two s start doses,s, cbs a allergic rereact may occur, c can fire, m may increaease your ririsk of infefections andnd lower youour abilitity to fightht them. tele your d doctor if y you have ana infefection sympmptoms for i if hahad a vaccinine or plan n to e asas you emergrged, trim f fire yourur doctor about trtrump via
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intrtroducing nenew advil tatar rerelief. the e only topopical reliliever with h four powererf painin fighting g ingredientnts start woworking on c contact to targetet tough paiain at the s e fofor up to eight hoururs of popowerful relelief. > new abdelel targeted d rel my m moderate toto severe crcr' symptoms k kept me outut of the picture e now, i i have sky y r in the fixixture feelsls significicant symptotom relief for weweeks with g guy rosy, includining less abdomininal pa and fefewer bowel l movements s breezy helpeped visibly y imprp dadamage to ththe intestinalal g and wiwith sky resesy, manany wn reremission atat 12 weekeks. >> i''ve onene year and d even zero here'e's serious s allergi rereactions anand an incncreasek ofof infectionons or lowerer ab to f fight them m may occur.r.
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your doctor r if you havave an infectioion or symptptoms had a vaccinine or plan n to liver problelems may occur in n croh' disease e yourur gagastroenterorologist, hohow te contntrol of youour crohn's wit sky resy thanks and may lelearn how api cocould helplp you say sometitimes all ththe tetenacit grit in ththe woworld can overe ththe boundariries we faililed morganan stanley i is partrtner wiwith the womomen's s tetennis associciation to r remove becac thisis game is f for everyonone you're seeing g skechers f famo glidide step, bubut where eveverywhere. . > and now t that famousus de is a available, , enhanced frer sksketches, lilipid, getet the cocomfort and style e guides st nonow with thehe convenience is
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islip ends with no bending down or touching your suits try glide steps, cancers, lipids close captioningng, bronchi i b if you or a a lo one hahave nicice with helelium we''ll senend you a frfree book answer queuestions youou may ha call now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700 i sports fans with directv, you could call this. they're black screen of death right here. it's a message to the company's 11 million subscribers admitted standoff with disney and it came as many of them were trying to watch college football or the u.s. yesterday and it's not just sport channels like espn. it is everything under the disney umbrella from national geographic to the abc affiliates were a lot of people get their local news the channels are all blocked out because of a distribution dispute cnn media correspondent hadas gold has all the details. hadas pam, if you're a college football fan, if you were hoping to watch the u.s. open and you happen to have directtv
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than you are out of luck on sunday because it went on a blackout and that's because of a distribution disagreement between directv and disney and all of the disney-owned channels that includes disney. but it also includes espn, some of the local abc channel walz, as well as channels like fx. this is all because of a disagreement over how much directv has to pay disney in their contract in order to be able to air disney channels. now directv is saying, listen, the way we watch tv is changing. people are chord conning. they're creating their own bundles. we want to offer more flexible, cheaper bundles for our customers, so they don't have to pay for channels, they don't necessarily want disney is saying we are willing to work with you a little bit on that, but they're saying that listen, it's expensive to have the sports rights is expensive for these production costs. so you need to pay the fair price. now, directv in a statement is saying disney's only magic is forcing prices to go up while simultaneously making its content disappear. disney is saying, while we're open to offering directv flexibility and terms which we've extended to other distributors. we will
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not enter into an agreement that undervalues our portfolio of television channels and programs. but the clock is ticking because there are major sports events coming up next monday is the return of monday night football on espn there's a disney own channel and it's the return of aaron rodgers to football after being injured last season. so i'm sure there's a lot of directv subscribers who want to be able to watch that game. now, these contract disputes, they always tend to expire right around these sort of big sports moments that's part of a way to sort of force the issue last year, there was a similar feud between charter and disney that got worked out literally at the last second. so there's a good chance that this will get worked out for those sports fans before next monday so then how can people watch college football today or tennis or their favorite disney favorite programming? well, first of all, pam directv says it is offering credits to its customers that are affected by this blackout. but there are other ways that you can watch things like a sports game if you're an espn fan, there is
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espn plus streaming. there's also other sort of streaming cable options, things like sling and youtube tv. but that's the problem. for directv, that they could be losing customers by the day as these customers say, well, i can't watch it on directv, so i'm going to sign up for one of these other streaming platforms. and hey, you know, i like it. i'm going to stay there instead. so there is a big incentive for directtv, and for disney to work this out. because even though more and more people are cutting the cord, these distribution deal is still make up the major bulk of revenue and profits for these companies. pam important context about scholes. thank you so much, brianna. >> now to some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour, the victims killed in a deadly bus crash in mississippi have now been identified i'd all were mexican nationals and the youngest was just eight-years-old. officials say the bus was headed from atlanta to mexico when it experienced tire failure causing it to roll over on the interstate date multiple passengers were ejected and the ntsb is investigating also a new study finds a combination of common
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blood test could give women a clearer picture of their heart disease risk decades earlier than current risk assessment calculators. the study's authors says the blood tests are already widely available and the relatively cheap were talking just ten to $12 per test. and when evaluated together, the test could predict woman's chance of having a heart attack or stroke later in life and see her while you can, singer adele revealing she plans to take a lengthy break after her los vegas residency is up in new video from her show, she can be heard telling the crowd quote, i have spent the last seven years building a new to life for myself and i want to live it. adele's las vegas residency ends in november, still ahead. her very real take on the pressures to volunteer in her kid's school cool. is dividing the internet, the viral venmo mom joins us next a cnn special the e abc news presidentntial debate simulcacast septembmber
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at n nine. youour best defense agagainst ererosion and d cavits strong enanamel. n nothing beae it. i recommmmend pro enenamel actitive shieldsds because i it activelyly shields t the enamem defefend againinst erosionon an cavivities. i i think thatat th product isis a game chchanger f my p patients, t try pronomimin mouthwash h whwhen you havave moderate t to sesevere eczemema it's okay to o show o off w wit depiction.n. show ofoff your cl skinin, and lessss becauause yoe plenty of f reasons toto show o yoyour skin withth depictionon r onone, prescriribed bibiologic dermatologogists and a allergis you u can stay a ahead of yoyou excellllent. it hehelps block ky source of f inflammatition insi the bodydy that can n cause exexcellent to helelp heal youo skinin from wiwithin m many adu son 9090% clear r skin s some e achihieve long-l-lasting, clear skin andnd fast. it't's relilie afteter first dodose serious allergic r reactions c can occu ththat can be e sesevere. telll doctor abobout new or r worseni eye prproblems such as e eye pa
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or visision changeges, includin blurred d vision, joinint achesd papain, or a p parent paparasit infection n don't t chchange orp asthmama medicineses without talklking to youour doctor shohf toto the wororld. > ask your r eczema spepecia about fix it can a personanal loan u unlocked yoyour ambitioi oh, yeahah consolilidate bad d >> and save money for your next goal. sofi persosonal loans,s, fixed rainins, borrow w up to 1 k, no o fees requiuired. >> if you u have heartrt failur far sicaca can help p you keep liviving life wiwith the onenes loveve. ask yourur dococtor abo fafarsi gaza t today, are e ses can cause e serious side effece, includining ketoacididosis thaty bebe fatal, dehydratioion, urin speeeech tried o or genital l y ininfections a and low blolood a a rare life-threreatening bacteriaial ininfection inin thn of the perineueum could ococcur stopped tataking for a a sega a call youour doctor r right awaw yoyou have symymptoms of t this infefection allelergic reactioir ketoacidososis for limitited t
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that we jujust drop ththe price every y foot lononger in thehe o fix 90 s subway did d what 6 69t lolong says s right ear,r, 6 69 any foot-l-long. >> get thihis deal in n the sub up now, bebefore it's too lalat >> as yourur, host, i i have so rules. f first, no showers l lor than fivive minutetes. this is'a spot thahat's ththe role meananwhile, a at a vrbo w whenr vavacation renentals make e youe your tururf with a h host, try thatat's alall yours. b be ups e isis more ththan just ththe shi store whwhere the papacket shipg guararantee it s store. we know running g a small businessss ta a lot t of grit anand hustle wh the stress l less store e and d wewe've g got your babackstory becaususe when youou t trust us pack and s ship we g guarantee. it'llll get into o the hands s yourur customersrs safe whwhich wide w with the ststamp out wow
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guaranan cusustom ink dadata in
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a baseseball season fufull of surpriseses i'veve never seeeen tuesesday on tbsbs is breaeakinn yourur play usining teams ththa breaking o out. >> red sox, mets coverage begins tomorrow at 6:30 yeah, i'm on tbs and max will school has started in. >> that means the pressure is on and i'm not talking about all kids were talking about on the parents to, you know what i'm talking about, if you're a parent with kids in school right now, joined the bto, volunteer in the classroom, help with the fundraiser. it seems never ending. >> it is never-ending. that's why it seemed does that weigh in one moms take on the pressure to be involved is now dividing the internet. can you imagine that almost never happens? and it all started with this i don't know about anyone else out there, but meet the teacher is super stressful because i do not want to be involved at all. >> i don't want to do all that extra. >> i don't want to come in. i don't want to set up if the room on needs money for everyone to participate, fine.
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i'll demo money right over. i even told one of the coaches today that i am a venmo mob thumbs up and the self-proclaimed been venmo mom is here. kasie neal, joining us now. so kasie, we went through and we looked at some of the r' ma'am, i'm a teacher and don't want to be involved in meet the teacher. another way out, literally pay for the entire event. just don't make me actually go and it's important context here, the surgeon general just issued this new advisory saying parents are stressed out, you have four kids i don't know how you do it. you work full-time what was that moment? >> that sort of triggered this. like, i'm gonna get on my fellow talk about this and post it well, i honestly didn't think that it would go viral, but hs we just moved to a new county and i was getting really
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stressed because now that my kid my oldest kid is in another school, it was three meets the teachers that day. >> it was cheer practice after all of that, then i had baseball practice and i just was starting to feel super overwhelmed. i've been a parent for 11 years now, and i just i'm tired and i feel like i just kept stretching myself so thin to be there for every single tiny thing and i was like when it comes to the pto in the pta in the room, mom and a teen mom. i'm not doing it anymore. i'm not i don't want to do it. i appreciate the moms that. do you want to do it, but i'm personally stretched too thin as it is. i'm not doing it anymore and it's stressing you out. >> i mean, that's really you could your schedule makes me tired just thinking about it. what do you think when you've seen the reaction because on one hand, the reason that it has, i think divided the internet is because it's resonated with a lot of people, then you've got a lot of people judging you to what's
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it been like? >> so 90% of the feedback's been very positive. its teachers that are like listen, some teachers don't even want a room mom there like they're like they don't want the extra help and they've got it. i have other moms that are like i'm right there with you. like i will spend the money and drop off this snacks and then i have the parents that call me at a trash parent or tell me that my kids are missing out and that their deprived of me not being in the classroom and that i don't care. and those are the farthest things from the truth you're doing the best job you can as a mama four are working full time. we were just talking about how our moms growing up work full-time. >> they weren't full time. and can you see they didn't they didn't volunteer in the classroom because they couldn't they couldn't and also, i wonder if there are more demands now on on parents to be like, i might just sit my kids in the last year or two, like my son just went to
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kindergarten last year. >> and i was like, oh, my god, all these emails after email after email about different things at events in class parties where every little thing i'm valentine's day, that's the worst one. it does seem like kasie, there are just a lot of demands there. i personally feel like it depends on the county we're in a new county and i feel like they asked for a lot more than my previous county. i get email after email and it might just be because i do have four kids so i get four kids emails for all the classrooms and it just adds up. but i do feel like it is a lot. i don't mind donating cash or school supplies, anything that is needed for the teacher or the room mom, i just personally don't want to do it. i'm not a planner so then how do you sort of balance the need to venmo, which is absolutely right. and there is a need for that. but also, you know, helping your child and feeling how your child feel like you're showing up, you're there, you're there for them important moments. and what is
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your advice on setting those boundaries? >> i mean honestly, it's just realistically doing what you can do. i don't i felt like as a parent i was starting to get burned out because i have three of my kids play sports. now. i do attend baseball practices, all the games, the cheer competitions, which happened to be out of state for the most part. i am very active in the after activities is just the pto in the pta. someone came at me saying, well, you don't know what's going on in the school. i have a very open line of communication with each if my kid's teachers, if they need something they know that will be the first one to send in whatever they need. or if they just want me to venmo them or if it's a room on like, hey, we need x, y, and z for a party. and i don't have time to grab it. i'll just get him or her and i'll be like here yeah. >> right and my view is no different. we're all trying to survive that's where i as parents and a team effort for
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sure. yeah. yeah, absolutely. we should support each other and we shouldn't feel guilty if we can't make it to show up. and you know what if you want have been modi should have the right to venmo kasie meal. it's great to hear your perspective i think he channeled a lot of what parents are feeling and listen in maroon parent, but i'll tell you, do that honestly. i just pick my lane, but i've gone to the meeting for the room parents and it's like 2% men so before a judge venmo mom, i'm going to be saying dad's why don't you join the room parent ranks and i appreciate those ones who do amen to users. i say april itself it's thank you souch. we'll be right back. >> if you vote for me, i promise pizza everyday unlimited topics. but does the budget even exist for that ethan, why are we not talking about the fact that my opponent
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has coatings it kekept kept can i, getet a responsnse to the t and it's great t it's s raise means move himim we talkining at movingng m moving meanan c cont, inspectotors, strangngers, judg in my y carpet. >> well, w we talking g about ststaging. we e talking ababoute ficus fafau ficus. n nobody's gg to be a fufull ficus i in my ho. he couould use opepen dodoor se your housese directly y to theme me. . i guess wewe're m moving yoyou'd gogo asksked me abouout practicece. > this yeahah, that looooks totatally safe. . brief, first-titimer. let''s fofor tht facts. >> sure. >> it lookoks safe, bubut like nearly h half of allll u.s. car it's s been an accicident with r you see h how acaccidents imimpact p price. su don't t have to overpay onon p e in a accidents. . you want s sp you're going to need i it twini
11:58 am
knknow oh, thahat was too o lona paususe job withth the facts a e all nenew car facts.cocom, universisity of maryryland glob cacampus is a a school for reae life, , one that v values thata sense is y you'veve already achihieved earn n up to 90 undedergraduate e crcredits for relevant experieience, and g ge the susupport you need f from y first day toto graduatioion dadd beyond. whwhat will yoyour nextt ceterara? let's be for t the mo comfortablble, luxurioious, eco-frfriendly, anand affordaba hahandcrafted d american m made mattreresses on ththe market t , dedelivered anand set up i in a room of f your housese? saada luxuryry mattrtresses madede afaffordable. . did you knknow ththere's s a company y out the that w will pay yoyou to losose weweight, healalthy wage, , get to losose weight just t like ja, jeff, and d jessica my, , check >> i spend my check. > there's a realal healthy bebefore limitited so w we just drorop the pricice every y foot longeger in the apo 690 susubway did w what? 699 f longng says right t ear, 699 f
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any y foot-l-long. get t this dn ththe subway u up now befofore' too lalate. >> this s is our nicice shining doesn't care, bubut shingrixix proteststs only shiningrix has proven o over 9% effffective. >> shingngrix there'e's a vacci used t to prevent t shingles in adultsts 50 years s and older.r thininks does nonot protect t everyonene and it's not fofor those e with severere allergici reactions s to his ingngrediento a prevevious dose e and increae risk o of dion barar a syndromos i'i'm sorrrry, death f for gett shingrgrix 19 9 can also h happ ththe most c common sidede effe are e pain, redndness and swswe at the i injection s site, musc pain, tirednesess, headachche, shiverering, fever, , and upset stomach.h. ask your r doctor or phpharmacist a about shingngrix todaday? >> b but the gaiains are pumpin >> the markets c closed. >> featutures don't sleep p in e afteter hours bro is n normally fifinance bro shshe swswitched careers toto make moneney for y weddinings. and his dodoctor bl up, sweetie,e, grab yourur pigg bank. . we'rere going allll in. > let me asask you for r you wewedding. do o you want b beca ipo in a r river l let's s take ziba, somemething thatat your mothther always s wanted to o n got oror you c could give e the
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