tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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heck, if you're running a presidential campaign that you'd want your name being google with eating pets, eating dogs, eating cats like that. >> this gracious. >> well, i mean, maybe he thinks it's a win all right. >> so he is shutting down the possibility of another debate, maybe because even though he says he won, he seen that reuters ipsos poll. he's seeing what people think. all right, so he could change his mind erinperrine was thank you. just mine again and we don't know what will happen, but is it better for him as you look at the numbers to do another debate or not, what republican voters believe that he in fact should do another debate because perhaps they feel like he can't do particularly worse than he did in that debate against kamala harris. interestingly enough, democrats actually do not want other bay just 35%, one and the debate that of course makes sense as well, because i think a lot of those democrats feel like, hey, kamala harris beat donald trump. let's run off the field right now, but that's what i was saying to axelrod. why not just take your chips and go and he said, well, sometimes you really want to make sure you get the win. all right. thank you, harry. thanks so much to all of you for joining us. it's time now as all
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tonight on 360, donald trump says, it's one and ron still claiming victory. in his debate with vice president harris. >> he's now backing away from another also tonight, why is the former president traveling around and listening to conspiracy promoter whose latest moves? >> because attacking the vice president's ethnic background, keeping them honest. and later, how lucrative the vice president's campaign says the debate was for them, and how she's trying to turn her performance into votes in one battleground state good evening. >> thanks for joining us just two days after a debate, the most observers from across the political spectrum said donald trump lost the former president said no to another because we've done two debates and because they were successful, there will be no third debate too late anyway, the voting has already begun oh, both he and vice president harris are on multi-state campaign swings today. >> he also complained about the abc news moderators again those
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two people should be fired as an anchor couple of more years they'll be fine. as you as st she looked at me with hatred and arise love is the word nasty that would be abc's linsey davis. >> he's talking about and if attacking the moderators after losing a debate is a go-to move for him those attacking women and nasty? >> he was by far the nastiest to joe biden. there was nobody nastier than her. she was extraordinarily nasty to kevin o. if she was nasty to a level that was just a horrible thing. she was probably nastier than even pocahontas by the racist attorney general of new york state letitia peekaboo, james in the wings. they've got a local racist democrat district attorney in atlanta. how about low iq maxine waters amoroso is obviously the ultimate villain
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and add the nastiest. i think it's very natural question when you ask a continue in a very hostile, nasty town, what a stupid question. but i watched you a lot. you ask a lot of stupid quite by the way, there was cnn's abby philip, he's talking to their that last sound bite as for vice president harris and hurt take on all this. here's what she said today in charlotte, north carolina nights ago, donald trump and i had our first debate the voters to have another debate and what is at stake could not be more important our campaign also weighed in with a bit of trump whispering a senior adviser tells us, quote, he changes his position every day i predict there will be
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another. >> the harris campaign is also claiming a big fundraiser st. paul telling the new york times they raised $47 million in the 24 hours following tuesday's debate. vice frozen also picked up another republican endorsement today, this one from alberto gonzalez, the attorney general in the george w bush administration, who called the former president, quote, perhaps the most serious threat to the rule of law in a generation in a politico op-ed today as for the foreign president is choice of associates is in the spotlight on two fronts tonight. there's right-wing agitator, laura loomer, who has been traveling with the 2d, the debate and yesterday to nine 9-11 remembrances. she's been criticized by congresswoman marjorie taylor greene of all people for a racist tweet about the vice president's indian heritage will have more on that coming up. there's also new reporting from national public radio on this guy. his name is timothy hale, who's an ally and yes, federal prosecutors describe him as a white supremacists and if the mustache didn't lead you to this conclusion in nazi
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sympathizer, he was convicted of participating the january 6 attack on the capitol also, according to npr, he is twice spoken to the former president's bedminster golf club. again, according to npr, one was a fundraiser for group that supports capitol riot defendants. this is a video message from the former president that played to the event i just want to tell you that we're with you and our hearts are with you. i saw him is with you. we are with you and it's going to work out according again, to npr's report, this is one of the people, the former president was referring to, not for the first time this campaign. a lot to get to cnn's kristen holmes starts us off. she's in southern california where the foreign president is attending a fundraiser tonight. so what is the foreign president saying about not doing another debate with vice president harris? he's still claiming he won the last one >> today was really a re-litigation of the entire debase. heard him talking about it for roughly 30 minutes, going through almost line by line things he said things the
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moderators that things kamala harris said, obviously with a trump spin. and now in front of a trump supportive audience. so getting the cheers, getting the laughed lines that he wanted during the debate. now, in this rally form to donald trump went on to say, as you noted, that he'd won the debate, that he had a monumental victory even said that polls show that he had won with women and independence, as we have shown cnn polling did not reflect that in most polling that we have seen did not reflect that in most conversations that we've had with republican operatives, with republican allies of donald trump's did also not reflect that they were talking about a couple of conservative straw polls from conservative networks that said that donald trump won the debate. he also went on to say hey, that the moderators were unfair. he talked about that at length. and then essentially said that he one so kamala harris wanted that second debate that's why he wouldn't be doing yet another debate. i cannot stress enough to how many republicans that i've
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talked to. these are people who want donald trump to win in november, who have hold me. they were disappointed in donald trump's performance on that stage. i even spoke to a number of advisers of his who said that they were nervous during the debate. they were nervous while he was speaking during the debate. they were concerned what it was going to look like. now they have sent said they don't believe it's going to move the needle that much, but it clearly tonight, donald trump reacting to that, we'll see him tomorrow. he's giving press remarks just outside of l.a. where his golf club is, and we will be there hopefully able to get some questions in about not just the debate, but also as you mentioned, him traveling with laura loomer. all right. kristen holmes. thanks. joining us now, former republican, virginia republican congressman scott taylor. and you touch offered senior correspondent with the grio in anthony scaramucci, who served for exactly one sky fair muji ten or 11 days depending on who's counting 11. >> it was 11 11 was the former president white house communications dressed he is now a harris supporter. we should point out it's great to have you all here. do you think he's actually not going to
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debate? >> it's 100% that he's going to debate that prediction here. he's he's a wrestler, you know, he's like a ufc thing. he's going to say he's not going to debate. he knows he lost the debate i was in that spin room when he arrived in that spin room, he went right the sean hannity's desk to tell everybody that he won the debate, but he lost the baby knows undersea would never showed up in the spin room if he had won that debate and he's generally if a night goes well, of course, you don't do that and he knows he lost the debate and he knows he's debating her again. but he has to have a buildup. he thinks there's a negotiating chip. he's trying to show is macho flux and i said to you before the show started, i knew where he was in trouble at 6:57 p.m. tuesday night i was with governor newsom. i looked at governor newsome has said he's in trouble because he's landing the plane at 6:57 p.m. for a 9:00 show and he's not going to be ready. he's going to be unraveled harris had been there for jack kennedy in 1960, got there before richard nixon got
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there the night before that, kennedy has spend the whole day of that debate. in fact, in his hotel room, like looking at three by five cards, going over answers and the vice president was there the day before she look well rested. >> she was very well-prepared. but he's macho man. he was probably plying the ymca song macho, macho man as he was landing the plane. >> that's not a stretch, by the way. that everywhere natasha, i mean, do you think there's do you think makes sense for harris to be pushing for another debate? >> i think that she was exceptional, and i think it was to her benefit that she got to prove who she was write everything donald trump said about her. she disproved. she was in command. she was smart, right? despite all of those insults about her intelligence. and so i think she opened up a curiosity for folks who maybe were on the fence to say, okay, maybe actually do need to get to know her a little bit more. another debate provides her an opportunity to dig down further into the details of her policy plans. she's she talked about them in the first debate, but i think it's a chance to show,
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again that it's not surface level that she has a plan. >> scott, do you think the foreign president wants to debate? do you think he should debate? >> i don't think he's worried about debating either way if he wants to or not. i think he'll do it. i think as anthony said, i mean, there are negotiations never debate for the rules for the moderator is and i disagree with obviously a couple of things that they're saying. i think that the high stakes were for harris. because she failed in that debate. done elections done she jumped over the low bar. i think, but i do think she failed and i'll get to why i think she failed and showing what our actual policies are. she failed in showing that she doesn't believe in those really left-wing policies that she's on video confidently saying she's going to do when she's president, she failed on that. and why i say that is when i walked in here last night in to cnn, there was there were they showed a poll and they showed who independence believe on the economy. and it was 20 points to trump. it was like 55, 35 and when they showed the actual undecideds reuters did, it was like six to ten people were for trump's. so i actually think take out all the opinions of
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democrats and republicans and all that stuff we all know there's a slice of the electorate is going to decide this election. and i feel like the president, he won with them the wrong about the polling on the economy. a lot of voters do memories of pre-covid, economy under trump well, i am not going to dispute that she needed more fundamentals of foundation on the economy. >> i'll yield that this guy, the congressman, but where she won that a debate is she looked presidential. she showed up. she was classy, she was comported properly and chris christie chris christie's sent me a text and said, she deserves to be there. she looks like she deserves to be there and that's the wind for her i want to play something that the congresswoman debbie dingell, who was on cnn earlier said, michigan congressman with a warning for democrats thus far to this i was extended like every other democrat as i watched the debate i thought she got under his skin, one of
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my township supervisors called me and wanted to know what i thought. and i said, well, what did you see? think that discussion probably right back down to earth. it's just closer than people realize doing that. i mean, i served with debby and on she's she's how she's straight up, you know, she's tells you it tells you like it is. and i think that the president was he defensive shore. i mean, it was three against one. you have to anybody objective. you look at that. it was three against one. but i'll say, you know what? she was she saying there is he was on message about immigration, which is a real problem, flooding the country with unvetted millions of illegals in the border and open border. it's a problem. it's created crime, 100% created crime. people, women have been raped people have been killed and it's a big problem and she's being honest and she saying he's on message talking about that kamala harris, you're not talking about it because you don't want to take any blame for the open border. but that's the reality people see it as an issue because it is an issue. >> one thing i will say, i don't think that he was able to successfully be on message
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that night because he was so easily distractable. we were talking about the pets david muir for asked him, how do you plan to do it? that was a moment when he really could have been she joined a question about fracking into something that made him implode and he did not go after her on fracking. like, there was like it was malpractice, the opportunities he failed to take up on just as joe biden failed to take up on in the first to the point about immigration. he had an office fortunately to say this is how i do it, right. david muir says, hey, how do you actually remove all of these people? where would you start? >> and again, he went off on a rant and wasn't able to show that he actually kind i mean, that's i just want to challenge the congressman for one second. >> he she she did say to him, you know, you want to run on the problem. you don't want to fix the problem and i'm just wondering if there's space there for people because they were making major concessions to conservative representatives in the house and the senate on an immigration bill that trump told them not to sign. >> so that's it's a good point
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that you bring up and it is brought up quite frankly by democrats and harris supporters. but the reality is millions of folks came into the country much before this bill that would have let another 1.8 million immigrants come in legal. and of course, as soon as you pass something like that, you have a flooding of the border because that's what happens when you announce something that's incentivizes immigration. you have cartels, you have groups in turkey who are making money sending nationals foreign nationals across the border. that's a fact. they've made the cartels very, very wealthy. so i think that's that, that argument fall short on americans who have seen crime, who have seen women be raped, who have seen people be murdered, who have seen the net jobs go to noncitizens, not americans. they've seen that and that's happened much before democrats all of a sudden decided before an election, we better put a bill that question is, i mean, it does get to what donald trump acid the end of the bait, which is why not, why didn't you fix it the last three years, which he had, he started the debate with that maybe he
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would have done a better had a better night but she her line is always will you tank this bill, which is true and arguably outrageous does she need to get a better does she need to explain right? >> answer her position on the border. >> she has a great answer and she needed to say more of it, but her great answer is we inherited a disaster, whether it was covid are not on our watch, 21 million jobs lost no, no. let me let me finish the sentence we're fixing that and when we realized that there was a problem on the border way bigger than we thought originally we tried to fix it by accepting conservative writing of a bill. and mr. trump's stop that when asked where all the cynicism is in america right now, you guys are not helping each other. you might repeat, want to be helped. they don't want personal things that donald trump to block progress. >> we get it we got to take a break. we'll have more with this panel coming up next.
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cnn's brian stelter with more on the former president's recent traveling companion and laura loomer are racist tweet about vice president harris and his seeming high tolerance for intolerance. lately, later, north carolina's democratic governor on kamala harris is chances and a purple state that are campaign now says is winnable. this time, we'll talk to the governor about that causes shingles is sleeping did 99% of people over 50 it's lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate shingles strikes is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and he could wake at any time thank you. are not at risk for shingles it's time to. wake up because shingles could wake up in you if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles proven
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vote i learned how our freedom to have an abortion was taken away. >> even in cases of rape or incest even to travel to get an abortion please think about me you know, who got rid of roe v. >> wade. >> now women are being refused life-saving care at hospitals and politicians are trying to ban birth control. please think about me. >> my parents called me they're miracle daughter because i was born with ivf but ivf could be ban to they think we're less than human. >> do they think we can't make decisions about our own bodies, about our own lives when you vote, please think about me and me. and me. >> because the politician who got rid of roe v. >> wade, he couldn't care less what works i'm just
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powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. gory i mourn liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn on this at the top of far-right alleged hitler's sympathizer and a far-right jewish anti-muslim agitator with one thing in common, strange bedfellows, perhaps, but both are trump associates. >> this is the alleged hitler sympathizer, who, according to a new i can't get over this picture. i mean, like that's like very on the nose received an award last month at this guy received an award last month at the former president's bedminster club. the one convicted of taking part in the january 6 capitol riot, who federal prosecutors say told his co-workers that enabled weapons station, quote, hitler should have finished the job this getting off the trump plane on tuesday as laura loomer, who once called herself a proud islamophobia and declared herself, quote, pro white nationalism. last year, loomer posted a video online which close with the following line, 9/11 was an inside job. it was particularly surprising
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to see her with trump yesterday in lower minute hadn't in shanksville, pennsylvania for 9/11 remembrances. she was also with them at the debate, flew there with him this weekend. she posted a racist comment on x about vice president harris's indian heritage. the whole tweet isn't worth repeating, but to give you a sense of aid, it reads in part, if a.d. kamala harris wins the white house will smells like curry and white house speeches will be facilitated it would be a call center so this was apparently too much for another far-right trump's supporters, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene denouncing it. >> i'm over it and i would encourage anyone else that matches her statements to stop so that's marjorie taylor greene who has in the past trafficked in q anon conspiracies, anti-semitic tropes. and as cnn's kfile has reported repeatedly, indicated support for executing prominent democratic politicians, including house speaker nancy pelosi, and former president barak obama. so that is now who's condemning laura loomer? for more on who she is? we're
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joined by cnn chief media analyst brian stelter. so who is laura loomer. >> she's a far-right activist, who fancies herself in investigative journalist now anderson, but she's really more like a bomb thrower. she's someone who's promotes yourself and court's attention through stunts and outrageous and offensive comments on social media and unfortunately, we live in a media environment that oftentimes rewards that and incentivizes that from the likes of loomer. during the 2016 campaign, she worked undercover with the group project veritas reportedly trying to infiltrate hillary clinton's campaign. she also mounted two failed bids for congress in florida, and she's repeatedly tried to cozy up to trump on the trump count, anderson, she has been successful. >> so why i mean, it's remarkable that she's very publicly associating with now the former president, she flew down on his plane to the debate at 99911 and remembrances yes. >> and there is really a mystery now about exactly what she's doing, right? the reports are that she has not
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been hired by the campaign, but she certainly in trump's inner circle this week, i don't think we know for sure what exactly she's going to be doing in the future. but during the republican primary, she's certainly was out there as a cheerleader for trump trying to attack ron desantis former president reportedly wanted to hire her last year. and according to cnn's reporting, he was talked out of it by advisers and aides who said that would be a terrible idea in some cases, it seems like he is buying what she's selling noxious incendiary in your face, hard bar hard ball style politics sometimes with racist and islamophobic overtones. he reposts a lottery for content on truth, social, and he spotted her in the crowd at an event earlier this summer saying she's a fantastic person, a great person. we know that some advisers are urging trump to try to behave so to speak. but laura loomer indulges in his most base instincts. but we don't know if she will continue to travel with him in the future all right. >> fine. shelter. thanks very much. and then you doesn't make sense to you that he would now have her around, makes total sense. it fits like a jigsaw puzzle piece perfectly because
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all the normal mid of the range republicans have left him some of them are tepidly supporting him like governor nikki haley, but she he wants nothing to do with her and he's grabbed habitat into these all right. >> people that help, right. the project 2025's and all the different things that are going on. he likes it and she gets him in trouble all the time. he's she came up with the turn black. i'm sorry, i'm saying that on your air, but that was donald trump's words, not mine and he thing he said yes, she fed the nav dj thing. that's her stuff okay. you follower on twitter at some of the most incendiary discuss things, stuff. but that's him. there's a very big part of his personality that lives in that space and you'd have to ask the equivocation that's going on 2016, a lot of us held our nose and said, okay, that's probably not right. we'll just pretend and through cognitive dissonance, but we have 989 years of data. now, that's him. he is laura loomer. and if
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you're supporting him right now, look in the mirror and say you're supporting somebody that is laura loomer is dna and laura loomer thought process and i just say also that he gets to avoid responsibility right? so having the laura loomer is out there saying the crazy things that maybe you won't say, right? the she gets to say it because she has no boundaries. she has a lot of support. >> i think they're looking like it's it's avoiding responsibility and it reflects a double standard because i i mean, you remember the obama years. >> people were going into who is pastor was, you know, 15, 20 years ago. and what the pastor said at a at a church meeting and you have laura loomer right there in the room with him. so i think she benefits from the publicity. but trump and his campaign, aviv this leader, a lot of republicans weren't happy with it. >> i just think this is a super juvenile to be honest with you. i mean, i've watched stelter on their said, well, do you know, you get to reward her for this. of course look, she's being talked about right now and you asked the question, who's laura loomer? i don't know who she is, but i just feel like this is juvenile watching him.
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>> she's on the president is on what the white the way that you're the program is framing it in the way hey, the brian's framing get all it's like these rumors and innuendos. >> i don't know what she's doing on there. like, what are you talking about? that's not news. i don't think it's just juvenile beneath the show, to be honest with you, but we're not the ones who are hanging out with her. it's your candidate is hanging out with her and actually listening to her. we should take advice from her, took all the vice president and it off, turn black president, so he doesn't know you're not going to bring it. are talking about you guys who say and he's taking advice from her. how do you know that bryan doesn't know that point? >> he's writing i'm playing with him. >> that doesn't most thing memes that he then talks about and ads dogs into them. debate, have you on this show, had someone else who says crazy stuff anti-semitism, plenty that on the left have you, have you done the same segment for kamala because there's plenty of examples out there. so i just don't i just find this kind of juvenile to be honest with you, but you get but you're not doing is you're not talking about laura loomer, right there in your argument, do with her, right. what you're doing is you're trying to
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distract your argument. i asked me about lauren juvenile. that's okay. is a juvenile for the foreign president to hang out with her and to take advice from her. >> i don't know that he's taking the advice from her. i don't know who she is. is it? i don't know. it doesn't matter if she he's on that plane. lots of time you take advice from you he took a lot of advice from me. >> he wanted 2016, he brought her 9/11 references. know she's she's with him for days she's there for a reason. people who aren't just i just think anderson i just think yes. we might want to talk about right. rumors and i suppose i'm not i'm not ruling reputation who were just having a conversation about like rumors. i mean, this isn't this is not the american people don't care about this. they just don't care about your yeah. okay. okay. so when when he's saying what she said hang on twitter that kamala hours turn black and he's using her words at the nabj the american people don't care about that's like, that's a racist dog whistle. scott. that's something that he is getting from her. and she's lighting matches into his mouth.
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>> i mean, i just i just feel like come on, you know, that if he is getting advice from her, is that a while? >> as idea she's happy right now. >> i understand. she's got to be super happy because he's getting tons of airtime right now for nothing. and they just like brian said, i'm just i'm just asking you say as bad. >> i understand you don't want to answer the question because you are trying to deflect. >> i'm not trying that is that's your argument and i get it. i get it. i wanted to ask him, what do you asked him? is it wise for if she is giving him advice and he's taken let's remember, is that wise i don't know. >> probably not, but i don't know. he's taken advice. i don't know. do you yeah the reporting yeah. brian's reporting. >> actually, the reporting about her being on a plane and the memes that then end up in the debate. and also their a reporter who sat on the plane with donald trump and said laura loomer giving him advice. >> i mean, is there he is using her word scott. >> he's using her words and her sentence structure when he's in a debate or he's in an interview, he's taking her warn you guys are saying stuff that you just don't. they just it's just your opinion which is fine. we all have the white
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house. the white house also hit back at numerous comments about vice president harris say, let's play that do you must be really happy. the white house is that it is types of comments. it is un-american to say these types of things exactly. the kind of hateful and divisive rhetoric, rhetoric that we he should denounce and we should not, should not be part of the fabric of this country no leader should ever associate with someone who spreads this kind of ugliness. this kind of racist poison it's using anything do think obviously look trump has some very talented political minds around him in his campaign the fact that at this stage though, he's now bringing these other people, what does that tell you about when things go badly? >> for donald trump he reverts back to the laura loomer sort
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of stuff. so he's probably going to make more changes management level because he got destroyed in that debate. and every time things go badly for him, he recoils and he goes in that direction. i have to say to my new friends scott that i disagree with them because if it's on twitter that she just turned black and that is coming out of the former president's mouth she just turned black he is listening to her anderson, you don't want when the windows open to hear clippety clop outside, it's a horse, not a zebra it's occam's razor. he's listening tour. she's on the plane with them. he's talking to her. she's a new shiny penny for him and he likes it and he knows that he wants to win on white supremacy and misogyny. that's how he wants to know that you're laughing. we just met. so this isn't personal but we are raising children who i agree. >> i have nobody has nine my son is patient in puerto rican, an african american. i have to explain to him that this is part of the conversation. if
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children's start teasing other children over being from immigrant families, we're talking about real impact we are talking about needing a change in the character and a moral center in terms of who is a president and a standard that he sets for this country. so it just, it isn't funny right to dismiss and he has a responsibility to think about whose around him, who is in photos with him. because again, in many ways, they are speaking for him and to not i'll speak up to not denounce it is unacceptable. it's the same thing that happened in charlottesville and it's happening again charlottesville was a lie. that's first here's why. >> i just listened to you know, respond. go ahead, please. do you respond? i was respectful. the reality is this know can't know. no campaign democrat or republican is somehow innocent of inflammatory rhetoric. the president united states, got shot in the head my colleagues got shot at a congressional practice based baseball practice. but no campaign, no side is innocent of involve not
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saying inflammatory rhetoric you can't say that, you can't all be one side and you're all he's saying bad stuff and not criticize the other side. you have to be able to do both because i agree with you. i'm raising a son onto and i want him to be respectful and i want him to love all people and respect them. and he will because that's how i'm raising him. but just like you, i have to speak to him because he asked questions it as well, and it's on both sides. so look, i would love for our country and i would love for a political discourse to be a lot better and softer and not so inflammatory, because in the end, we're all americans. we love each other and we're all part of one team. the reality is that is not how it is right now. and most likely it won't be like that until the campaign at least is over and unfortunately it maybe not afterwards either. >> we're not talking about being above criticism i've done both sides. i've been able to criticize candidates on both sides. i'm just talking about myself. >> but you cannot look at the rhetoric coming out of classing. >> i was not lasting wait, it seemed was laughing at from
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commonly harris the fact that we're talking about this. >> so much and to be honest with you, i'm watching it. no offense and be i mean, i respect you. of course but you guys are speaking like you're in the president's mind and you're just not, you're not. that's all he's got, taylor. it was three on one tonight, but it wasn't three on one one time that the baby was fair and even and the losing side always blames the refs. >> they did their job, anthony scaramucci. thank you. and touch all for its got to tell her as well, coming up next, vice president harris kicks off a tour of swing states, two stops today in north carolina, say democrats haven't won since back in 2008, but think they have a chance now we'll see north carolina's democratic governor joins us you're seeing skechers, famous glide step, but where everywhere. >> and now that famous design is available, enhanced free sketches, slipping get the comfort and style guide step. >> now if you can it's a slip ends with no bending down or touching your suits try glide
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heart health. rush to walmart and find total bsw. >> reaction to the birth mono one was overwhelming the idea that this fictional character played a role in politics is bananas tv the edge moments that shaped our culture premiers september 22 at nine on cnn vice president harris is post-debate tourist swing states began in north carolina today, short time ago, she wrapped up her second stop in the state, democrats have begun to view as possibly winnable ever since harris became the party's standard bearer. biden
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lost it by only about 74,000 votes in 2020, now, the latest poll on north carolina come from quinnipiac university, shows harris at 49%, trump at 46%. the three-point lead is within the poll's margin of error, however, meaning there's no clear leader. earlier tonight, i spoke democratic north carolina governor roy cooper about the race in his state governor cooper, the last time a democrat got north carolina's electoral votes in a presidential election. that was 2008, it was brock obama. do you think harris can flip your state blue again? >> anderson, in 2008, north carolina made history by voting for barak obama it's time for north carolina to make history again by voting for kamala harris. i feel the same kind of energy we had thousands of people unpaid. donald trump, unpaid in charlotte and in greensboro this evening, they were energetic. they were on fire. >> they left here ready to make
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phone calls, knock on doors do volunteer work, taking people to the polls. >> i feel that same energy this year that i felt in 2008. and it's really exciting to see her come to north carolina right after that strong debate, performance and she's been on a roll since since the announcement. and she hasn't stopped. >> what is very positive. we know this is going to be a close race. it's going to be a close race. >> what do to that end? i mean, what do you think her campaign strategy should be in north carolina for now until election day will be here a lot. we know that in august this is my understanding that he spent more in north carolina than any other swing state. >> this is because donald trump must win north carolina if kamala harris can win here, then she's the next president of the united states. >> so i think this is her 18th
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visit to north carolina as vice president her presence here means a lot coming here as much as she can. >> we obviously want to see the ground game is extraordinary, making sure that she doing everything she can to gen up volunteers. >> and many of our volunteers had been first-time volunteers is the first time they've ever gotten involved in erase. >> what that says to me is that a lot of people who have been disaffected who just haven't been voting, but they don't think their vote matters or they're just frustrated with the government. >> i believe that kamala harris is going to energize a lot of these people. >> and they're going to go to the polls, they're not that many people who haven't made up their mind but there are a lot of people who haven't made up their mind, whether they're going to vote. if we can get those people to the polls, which i believe we can come on, harris can win north carolina and she's got the right message. fighting for women's reproductive freedom helping to
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fight the cost for everyday families that childcare tax credit and health care in north carolina, we just expanded medicaid 530,000 people now having health insurance. donald trump wants to take those health insurance cards away. that's going to be a big issue in our today we're going to hit all of these notes. she hit them today and i think she'll continue to do that. >> we earlier showed a quinnipiac poll which shows harris to the three-point lead. that's within the poll's margin of error. democratic nominee for governor in north carolina, attorney general josh stein leads the republican nominee, lieutenant governor mark robinson by ten points, 51 to 41%. robinsons made several controversial comments, obviously, do you think the gubernatorial race would have a major impact on the presidential race mark robinson, the republican nominee, is so extreme with his comments like men should lead, not women, that there should abortion you'd be denied with no exceptions he enters into
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the cultural culture wars. >> donald trump has heartedly endorsed mark robinson. i believe mark robinson will help bring donald front down in north carolina because republicans, democrats, and unaffiliated alike are burned off by mark robinson in his statements of turning north carolina backward. so i think there'll be a top-down effect and a bottom up effect were one of those few states that do elect our statewide offices at the same time, we elect the president no carolinians are independent. they sometimes split tickets. but i believe in this race that this government varies can help kamala harris and another reason why she needs to be here and all in for north carolina. >> governor roy cooper. thank you so much for your time. >> thanks. anderson coming up, the foreign president, laying the groundwork for another possible challenge to any election results. >> he doesn't like and the director, a new documentary and the last time he tried to overturn the election
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electric lexis rz news for you? >> premiere saturday at nine on cnn battleground state this election, but ground-zero for election lies about the last one. and today in his speech to supporters in tucson, the former president here to lay groundwork should be lose again i was told if i got 63 million votes, which is what i got in 2016, you can't lose just get 63. i got close to 12 million more votes. and that we lost. but we didn't lose what we're what we're never going to let that happen again in this time. we're never going to let that happen. we can't let that happen again well, my next guest is the director of documentary that appears on our sister network hbo. >> next tuesday, september 17th, stopping the steel is whats called. it's an inside look at the former president's attempt to overturn the election and how that challenge started well
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before any votes were cast. dan reed joins me now. dan, i mean, your film explores how the groundwork for what happened was laid long before people understood the scope of what was happening. >> yeah i think well, the film tries to do is join the dots. there were a series of before the drama of january 6. do you have all these skirmishes that are very relatively low level in counties and states of the united states. and its putting together all these dots and creating a picture for this moment of danger for the american republic that we've tried to do in this documentary the film tells the story through the perspective of republicans who held the line. >> and i want to play a clip of rusty bowers who was the republican house speaker in arizona during the 2020 election. i people may remember him. let's listen really. >> you remember when you told me you're going to bring me some bruce. >> have you got it no, i don't.
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>> jenna, do you have the proof? she goes? yeah. yeah. we've got the proof she had a satchel i don't have it with me. >> it's probably back at the hotel okay. >> thanks for letting me come i'm done. >> annuity wanted annuities. ask him and i told him they had to bring you the proof. they didn't bring it anything and i mean, this man who, you know, people showing up at his house, i believe when if memory serves me correct. >> when his daughter, i think was ill screaming you know, how important were you know, people like rusty bowers and others in preserving the integrity of democracy in you know, in our election in 2020 these republicans would that they're the ones that held the line, that the ones that puts their duties the country, their duties democracy before their political interests, and often paid the price data people who narrate
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this story for us, i, this isn't a story told by people who have a political ax to grind against? >> donald trump. he's of people. these are people who, who embraced his policies and who really wanted him to win. but just when it came to that moment when they were asked to portray the very principles of democracy and the american constitution, they just couldn't do it. and so they were the ones that we have to thank really for holding the line in 2020 is it clear? >> i mean, i've talked to a number of people who were involved in various states in various efforts. i've talked to some of the fake electors who have now said, well, when his grandson, for instance and say, well, i didn't know. we thought this was legit. lawyers had signed off on this i didn't know that this was part of this larger plan, that this was only to take place in case the supreme court overturned the election do you i mean, when do you trace the start of this? when did these efforts really begin well, you can see president trump laying the groundwork even before july 2020, even before the election, saying, the only way we're
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going to lose if it's rigged you played a clip just then which echoes that i think the still really starts when trump begins to ignore people like bill barr, his attorney general, who's telling him there was no fraud. >> and turns to rudy giuliani. and what bill barr in my documentary called the clown car of, of lawyers who then roll out this effort, which is very consistent throughout states and counties in the united states to overturn the election results. and that's something that may not have been very clear at the time. but when you rise for a 10,000 foot view, which is what this documentary does, enjoy. all the dots it becomes he was quite chilling and at the end of the documentary, i mean, there number of a warn that if trump gets the chance, he will try and overturn the decision that goes against them. again yeah. >> i mean, you know, this this documentary is timely, but also timeless and i think it it
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pinpoints a moment of danger for elections in general, for the idea of democracy in general, not just for this one, but yes, if you look back at what he did in 2020, i think it's very clear to the people, to the republicans who spoke to me to the trump supporters who spoke to me, that he made well, try and do this again he he there's always more as one of them said, there's always more you will take it further. >> then ran love your films and this is extraordinary one. thank you. again, the name of the documentary, stop the steal or premier on our sister network hbo next tuesday, september 17 at 9:00 p.m. eastern up next tonight, the gen z tiktok creator there's who support trump and harris alike with a common goal, getting more young people engaged in politics what are you seeing welcome to the now way to network. they switch the juniper is a.i. native network and now everything is so reliable that no one has ever left in the dark that's the now waiting network at work with real a.i. for an
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feel guess, my hundreds meant commercial and they're going to no, no, no, no i mean, it's unlimited premium wireless for $15 a month. >> me honestly, when i started this not only have to be like for power, there still people paying two or three times that much. so i shouldn't be victim blaming here still $15 a month. >> so value knew mr. clean ultra phobia, magic eraser. it's more magic than ever with the scrubbing power magic eraser and the clean power of dawn why should make soaps come here disappear and watch out sprays can leave grime like that with
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users. this comes as the popular chinese owned platform could possibly be banned in the country as soon as january over national security concerns but tiktok is still attracting a growing number of users, including young voters who say they used the app to keep up with politics. so what does that look like? cnn's donie o sullivan met with to gen z content creators when pro-trump one pro her harris to find out what's your most viewed video warning iran raises iran for more patriot than those who wrote bloom. but the trump flag in my office that was a couple of days go in airport on my way here to atlanta daughter hope is the biggest, most existential threat to gen z is mujer. >> yearly all tiktok users said in a survey that they use the app because it's entertaining, but more than a third said they also use it to keep up politics
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it's been a really fun time to be on the internet and so i met with two gen z tik-tokers to talk about how and why they make political videos despite what some people refuse to believe donald trump is receiving some support from people that are young, like, kind of like my age, right nasa is an iranian immigrant who's a mass thousands of followers with her pro trump tiktoks, many of which show off this maga store and far east lake minnesota you will get compliments from most people on social media, as long as you support their opinions. >> and i believe the algorithm also plays a huge part specifically on tiktok. god bless you. i followed you facts. >> you know, when you're posting this stuff that is going to start a debate? >> yes. >> and that's kind of the point i believe i'm providing a space for republicans and democrats to have debates. what are you seeing on your feet? >> i mostly see trump stuff finished getting ready with me
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while i talk about i went to the same high school as bailey well as baer and john for those of you who don't save this to watch it later, scratch sure. >> you might have been seeing online engagement for donald trump, but that's because young people are really, really scared of mariana pokhara works with voters of tomorrow, a non-profit focused on getting gen z to the polls, might take what's your least favorite thing and project 2020 hey, mariana is a big fan of vice president harris. >> you edited it this one, i had some help from one of our younger volunteers were specifically trying to reach a younger gen z almost gen alpha leaning audience. >> what that we've been talking about, what congress can do to support young people in congress are bowman what you got congress desk point just about every member for congress has either like a facebook page or an instagram or twitter, not all of them are on tiktok. and i think that's okay yeah. like not not not everybody is suited for it but i think it's really important and exciting that there's a lot of young people working in politics that are
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focused specifically on content creation right now the best messenger for a member of gen z is another member of gen z and donie joins joins me now, what about misinformation? >> i mean, how big of an issue is that onto yeah. >> look, i mean, you saw in that piece that folks have a lot of f-a-n. i will all the memes or whatever, but that i think there was this idea a few years back or maybe younger people, gen z, gen alpha but as, which was the first time i've heard with gen alpha were maybe on mute and set a new one. >> i have to learn, that's, that's the next, next, next up and they're using whatever comes after tiktok but yet all the memes that are going around and a lot of those have basis and misinformation. i mean, we've heard stories conspiracy theories about j.d. vance pieces of furniture and things like that sometimes that joke goes too far and some people, even gen z say, oh, is this sort of thing true? so just as we're seeing on the rice, the crazy stuff about eating cats and dogs and mice and ohio,
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