tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today! now and see how much you can save tv on the edge premieres tonight at nine on cnn breaking news you're in the cnn newsroom jessica dean in new york, and we begin this hour with breaking news.
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>> multiple staffers have just quit the campaign from mark robinson. he's the embattled republican candidate for governor in north karolina. the campaign telling cnn tonight for of its top operatives have stepped down from their roles. those exits coming just days after a bombshell scene you didn't report uncovered racist, sexually graphic, and lewd comments made by robinson on a porn website years ago robinson writing in a statement tonight quote, is appreciate the efforts of these team members who have made the difficult choice to step away from the campaign. and i wish them well in their future endeavors. i look forward to announcing new staff roles in the coming days cnn, kfile, senior editor andrew kaczynski, who broke this story, joins us now with more details. andrew, what are you hearing tonight well, that's right. >> cnn has learned that four top operatives to lieutenant governor mark robinson's campaign have all resign in the wake of our story including the campaign manager, deputy campaign manager finance
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director, and top consultant, and senior advisor. this is leaving his campaign right now with essentially out a senior staff adding into the last month of the election. and now i think the question is, where does this campaign go from? here are more staff going to? and this is just the latest fallout from that story that we published on thursday, a. >> right. and when you talk to him, i know you interviewed him. he denied a lot of what you laid in front of him with a lot of evidence. but what did you get any indication at that time that there might be changes and his campaign or is this a surprise to you? >> well, it's a surprise to us. we actually heard rumors ahead of our interview with him because people might have seen that our story started to leak out before we even published it. somebody on his campaign staff was leaking that somewhere and we had heard rumors that some of his campaign staff had resigned. and i asked him directly in that interview we've heard that staff on your campaign have resigned and he said to
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me, in that interview, i believe that none of his campaign staff have resigned. so since then, i don't know if this happened before then. now we know that in fact, all or many of his top operatives on his campaign have just all resign in mass. >> yeah, we're talking about a senior adviser the camp and the head of the campaign. it's a lot of senior staff members, andrew, just for people who maybe don't remember all the details, didn't get to read the report, give us an outline of what you all found so we found that between 2008 and 2012, mark robinson commented on the forums of a pornographic website where he calls himself a quote black nazi. >> he said that he preferred hitler to us. leadership. he one of the most disturbing comments we found with him saying that he supported reinstating slavery. robinson has also run as very harsh anti chiang, anti-transgender candidate for office. and we found a comment in our story where he said he enjoyed
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watching transgender pornography. he's running as a socially conservative candidate very anti-abortion. we found a comment where he said, but he didn't care if a woman had an abortion. there was a lot of very sexually graphic stuff that we couldn't even publish in our story. we also found a whole number of comments like where he said he got sexual gratification from a memory of spying on women in public showers as a teenager. so just pull lot of disturbing stuff there that we were able to trace to robinson because he's used both the same username all across the web that he used on that form that is actual name was listed on that forum a whole bunch of stuff that pointed that too, that user being mark robinson and mark robinson only yeah, it is incredible reporting and now we were seeing the real-world fallout here. andrew kaczynski. thank you so much for being with us, walking us through all of that i want to bring in our panel now cnn political commentator and republicans
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strategist, shermichael singleton also joining us democratic strategist and founder of lift our voices. julie roginsky thanks to both of you for being here with us shermichael. i just want to get your thoughts first and foremost as a republican as someone who i know talks to the trump campaign, north carolina is going to be quite a tight race if these polls are correct. >> and i was just talking to doug heye, who of course, is a north carolinian, also former communications director for the rnc. >> and i asked him about this theory of the case. i had heard yesterday from someone else on one of our panel's that maybe in other situations where there's a big blowout in a state, it's it may not matter, something like this to the presidential election, but when it's going to be one on the margins, most likely, is this something that can move those margins just enough? and i'm curious what your thought is kind of through that lens. >> i mean, it's typically not the norm, but i mean this is an unprecedented campaign to the premise of your question. it's certainly possible, right? but
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also number two, jessica it forces the trump campaign to spend dollars in a state that under the ordinary set of circumstances, you would expect a republican to win and those resources could be spent a utilized in pennsylvania, which we all know as a must-win state, not only for the vice president, but also for the foreign president, if they're trying to get to that magic number of 270 with that said, i am not surprised that the senior staffers of mark robinson have resigned i mean, this guy is a disgrace. are conservatism he is clearly not authentically conservative. the republicans in north carolina had an opportunity and jessica keeps saying this on our airwaves for days now to nominate and go with former congressman at pastor, mark walker, someone who is a conservative, who would've ran an incredibly competitive race and particularly could have even one. i don't know, but yet they decided to go at robinson. and from my conversations with people in north carolina, many people knew that this guy had a troubled background, and yet
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they still risk not only the seat, but they also potentially risks the presidency by nominating this guy with a deplorable background. now you run the risk of turning off republican voters who may say, you know what, this is just too much chaos. i'm just going to sit this out. what are the implications for something like that for the top of the ticket that being the former president donald trump. you also have to keep in mind the implications for the battleground for the lower tier tickets. congressional races state, senate, state house seats all of those things are going to unfortunately be impacted by this one man. and all he had to do was step down several days ago. and his arrogance and his ego made him decide not to and julie, we've seen the harris campaign already cut an ad tying the former president to mark robinson, former president trump had endorsed him. although when he was at the rally on saturday trump did not say his name. he and mark robinson was not there. do you think that's going to be effective for the harris
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campaign in persuading getting potentially new voters to come her way of course it will because of course donald trump has yet to criticize robinson even after all the horrible things that andrew kaczynski uncovered and all the horrible things that we knew about even before educa scan covered them. >> look, let me just say this because this is so reminiscent of what happened to the trump orbit back in 2020 all of a sudden mark robinson looks like he is not going to win his staff on mass decides they're going to resign not because they're offended by what he said. because let's be very clear, he has said incredibly offensive things before shermichael pointed out, but because now it looks like they don't want to lost they don't want a big l on their record. this is so similar to what happened in 2020 where trump's staff stayed with him and stayed wafter all of the comments that he made throughout his presidency, and only after he lost january 6, gave them an excuse to say, oh, we just we just sincerest help from the guy. he's a bad guy. well, listen if you are with him throughout the entire
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four years of his term when he was doing unconscionable things trying to open fire on protesters i mean, the march down, the white house after his loss and the holding up the bible, if you were there for charlottesville. and yet you stuck around after january touri six when you knew that he wasn't going to get certified, you didn't want that loss on your record suddenly, you had some sort of moral epiphany bad him. same thing happened here with mark robinson this staff resigning today. i think it's kind a disgrace because they had no problem sticking with him when he said that the holocaust was not a big deal. when he said that some people quote unquote, need killing. talking about, i guess his own constituents to me, this is a little bit disingenuous and it's so completely symptomatic of the illness going on in our politics right now. and i ended just don't know why people more people don't talk about this and we are hearing from some republicans who just talking more generally about, about the situation there in north drawn about mark robinson as a candidate about the impact he could potentially have.
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>> we did hear from senator tom cotton earlier today before this news broke he was on the sunday shows. i think we have that clip we can play i've seen these allegations, jake, and they're concerning allegations he owes the people saying was under his name on his facebook, but he owes the people of north korea your line and more answers about it, but we're talking about the presidential race here that matters to everyone, not just the people on wednesday. do you think that trump should still support mark robinson in north carolina i'll leave that to president trump. >> and most importantly, i'll leave it to the people of north carolina that is one state. we're talking about a presidential race that is going to affect every american at a time when a third of americans can't even afford their groceries and again, that was senator tom cotton with our jake tapper on state of the union shermichael. >> i just want to get your reaction to kind of what the senator was saying. there yeah. >> look, no, i think he's right. i was looking at that recent nbc poll that came out today that everyone's talking about. and while it certainly is good news for vice president harris because it does suggest
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that the momentum we've seen is certainly moving in her direction and it has provided her for what a four or 5% boost ahead of the former president. but when you actually start looking beneath that top line numbers, there are a couple areas where the former president does fairly well immigration as a 21, 22% or point difference. you look at the cost of living, the economy. donald trump has an advantage. you look at crime, donald trump has an advantage and if you one number that goes to tom cotton point about people being concerned just about cost of living, the economy, maybe even their futures 66% said that they are afraid, are worried about what future looks like for them economically. so while the top numbers look great for harris, if i'm on the trump campaign, i'm trying to figure out how do i articulate a message to voters who are concerned about the issues that i just laid out, particularly in a state like pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, wisconsin, those really crucial states that the former president absolutely we must win if he wants to go back to the white house jelly, what
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are your thoughts i want to actually go back to a thompson or cotton just said, isn't that hearts is to say, guys a disgrace and know donald trump should not be supporting somebody who calls himself a black nazi, somebody who says that slavery would not be a bad thing to bring back as maybe he by a few, is that really that? it's difficult for senator cotton to say, is it really that difficult for thom tillis, the senator from north carolina, who said, well, this isn't true that i guess that mark robinson should sue cnn and if it is true that he should reside, yes resign. >> why not have said that before? why not just say point blank. this is not the kind of rhetoric we need in the republican party, and we distance ourselves from it and we also think the president's the former president should distance himself from it too, because donald trump has yet to say anything negative about mark robinson and so these people are so desperately terrified of donald trump that they won't criticize him for not distancing himself for his own good, for mark robinson, potentially to win the state of
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north carolina, even at the expense of losing north carolina, they're so afraid of him that they won't say that he needs to distance himself from somebody who said he wants to buy slaves. a bluff black man saying he wants to buy slaves. i mean, is this really where the republican party is today? look, i'm a democrat, has been a lifelong democrat, but i strong and i agree with shermichael, we need a strong conservative party because we need two strong parties in this state. what the republican party is today is a cult and you just saw that with tom cotton saying what he said this is not a party that has any kind of values other than whatever the president, former president, the united states wants to espouse. and i think it's sad, it's tragic. now, just for the republican party, it's tragic for the american political system. >> shermichael, why do you think it is so difficult for so many of these republicans? >> to two say we don't agree with this, its objectives not what we want we'll look, i think a lot of them are looking at the electoral odds here and you need a lot of the voters who supported someone like
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robinson in north carolina and by that, i mean people who more than likely sort of fit the profile of him populous, nationalist, and sort of their ideological temperament. and i would imagine, at least from some of the things i've seen on social media. so this is sort of anecdotal at this point. but a lot of those folks in question was this stuff really real or the story is true if they were true, why didn't they come out before and so i think a lot of those politicians are aware of this. jessica and are trying to sort of walk the line of not offending them, but, but pivoting to things that they believe most voters are ultimately concerned with. but look, i just want to say quickly, most conservative people, most republican people, i do not believe her in a coat. i think there are a lot of americans who are conservative, who are republican and they're good, decent people people now, we can sort of raise the question of why certain voters would support someone like a robinson. and that's complicated conversation, would have enough time for it, but i don't want to insult every single american who happens to be republican, who happens to also be conservative. i take the point that was made but i think we should just sort of be
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careful with that type of rhetoric. >> i do quickly really go ahead. i'm not suggesting that i'm suggesting that people like thom tillis and senator cotton are in a cult because they are supposed to be leaders. they are supposed to be the leaders, the young leaders of the republican party. and yet they don't have the backbone, the backbone or the courage to say, you know what? yes president trump, like the rest of us, should distance ourselves from somebody who wants to join our senate republican caucus this is a man running to be their colleague, and yet they are in this case, i guess he wants to be governor somebody who wants to be a leader in our republican party. and we'd, this disassociate ourselves from this kind of rhetoric. and the republican party, but they won't say it because donald trump won't say it that's the cult. its them and they're the people who are supposed to be the leaders of the republican party and they refused to say it. i'm not blaming the rank and file. i'm blaming them because they are the people that the rank and file is sensibly should look to, except for the fact that apparently twitter is wagging
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the dog in this case so to that point, we have taken julie, julie, thanks for that clarification. thank you for that. >> we have we have not heard anything from former president trump who did endorse mark robinson. i do want to play a clip. this is this is what he said about mark robinson in the past. let's listen this is martin luther king on steroids. i think you're better than martin luther king. i think you are martin luther king times 21 of the great stars of the party. one of the great stars in politics lieutenant governor mark robinson >> do you think or do you think we will hear anything from the former president distancing himself from mark robinson are condemning, you know, that actions that's a that's a really, really good point, jessica, i remember when you had doug mastriano on a couple of are there really friends candidates and the trump campaign or the adviser to the former president sort of distance him from those
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individuals, but he never really directly came out and said anything. and so based upon that history, i really doubt that trump will say something negatively about him. maybe he'll ceo, he's a weird guy, or he's an odd sort of guide. that's probably the the best we're going to get out of the former president in that regard. but look, i think if you're looking at north carolina and the data suggesting that this state is becoming more competitive to julia's point i probably wouldn't be a bad idea to more directly and aggressively distance yourself from someone like a robinson because you don't want to turn off some of those independent voters who may actually like trump on the issues of the economy and immigration may strongly be considering voting for him but for mark robinson and so there's a bit of a calculus here that i think the foreign president stood at least at a minimum, consider or julie, do you want to last word yeah. >> the only thing i've stated the most tiana point is that's a great analogy. and except for the fact that mastriano lost and a blow out and josh
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shapiro, who is now on the incredibly popular and the same thing is going to happen in north carolina because martin luther king is not out there. i had never been out there during his lifetime talking about how we should reinstate slavery because he might want to buy one or two, which is exactly what mark robinson is saying. and if donald trump can bring himself to distance himself from a guy like that that's a really low bar. i think that's not that's not a hard thing to distance yourself from. and yet he's still can't do it which, you know, what kind of message that said, not just to the people of north carolina, what kind of message does that send to the people of pennsylvania? to the people of michigan and so on. >> all right, shermichael singleton and julie roginsky. our thanks to both of you for your time today. thanks so much. >> we're gonna have more breaking news when we come back reaction to the one or one was overwhelming. >> the idea that this fictional character played any role in policy it takes his bananas tv on the edge, moments that shaped our culture premieres
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to remember, remember nerivan with car guru's, you can start your financing from home. only. you could do things your way all the time maybe sunday get up with guru's this is cnn. >> the world's news network new tonight we've just learned the white house is now coordinating with state and local officials following a mass shooting in birmingham, alabama, at least four people were killed, at least 17 others injured in last night's shooting that happened in five points south. >> it's a popular entertainment area there. a manhunt is now underway for multiple gunman believed to be involved. cnn's rafael romo is live in birmingham and rafael, we understand police believe the shooting was a targeted hit yeah, that's right. jessica, that's what birmingham police achieved. scott thurman said earlier at a press conference, he says, they believe it the
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targeted hit on one person, one individual, and the other victims were caught in the crossfire. police say four people died and 17 others were injured in the shooting. three of the victims and it's two men and one woman were found deceased here at the scene and another man died at the university of alabama hospital, according to police, while these are now looking for a group of individuals who arrived in a car here at the scene, opened fire and the fled in the same car and the shooting was also shocking because it happened in this area known as phi point south, as you mentioned, it's a popular place known for its restaurants nightclubs, pubs, and live music venues located near the university she'd of alabama at birmingham campus and downtown. this has been a very violent year for the city of birmingham. there was a shooting at a nightclub in july. the left four people dead and ten others injured in february, 4 men were shot and killed outside of public library. some residents say,
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what happened here last night, is that only he sad for the five-point south area, but for the entire city of birmingham. and one of them told us that panic and the chaos that ensued after the shooting it was people everywhere, people crying, screaming st. people were run and so it was very busy he knows a lot going on chess like the grievance type screaming like, you know i know someone is hurt or had passed away it in perspective at the national level, the incident this among 404 mass shootings in the united states so far this year according to the gun violence archive, the archive like cnn, the defines a mass shooting as one in which at least four people are shot, excluding the shooter know back to you rafael romo for us there in birmingham, alabama. thanks so much. and i talked earlier with the mayor of birmingham,
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randall woodfin and he told me, see, officials are doing everything they can to end what he is classified as an epidemic level of gun violence in birmingham federal partners and a change in laws. at the state level us city of berman and all municipalities in the state of alabama don't have all rule and so it takes partnership, collaboration, and down in the state house in montgomery to change laws that are stricter and tougher to give birmingham police the tools to take shooters off the streets prior to an incident like this. i will say that my heart goes out to the victims that are deceased. and for those victims who are who are alive, i do want to express that they recover well. and we're thinking about them, but our focus and our priority is literally on capturing the shooter or shooters who committed this heinous crime to make sure we can take them off the street and at this point,
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the shooter or shooters are still at large. >> what more are you learning about this? our reporting indicates it came from officials there in birmingham that said one person was being targeted and one is one too many. but this is just incredible, incredibly horrible collateral damage here it's unacceptable. >> i think you're in a situation where you had these assault weapons that are being used at a higher proportion in addition to that, you have converged and glock switches that are used on the semi-automatics to make them automatic. so when you pull the trigger that you've can't even handle the gun. all the bullets are released at one time. we're talking about a crime scene that unfortunately had over 100 shots and so in situations like this there are preventable measures prior to if police are giving tools by state law and or federal law you know, my
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position, is a nonpartisan position. i don't want to politicize a matter where life has been lost. and to many people today, have to wake up with a new normal where they don't have a loved ones. but i will say this does require a political shift at every level. it does require us to roll up our sleeves and make commonsense laws that actually saved lives when you're, when you're partisan, you get to just pick a side and stay on your corner. but my position has married. we only want to solve not only this problem but prevent things like this from happening, not just in birmingham, but all over our country and i want to ask you about the weapons used in the shooting you mentioned they were believed to have these conversion devices. >> are these switches that allow the weapon to override the trigger mechanism on a gun. so it essentially functions as a machine gun. you mentioned over 100 casings. i know the u.s. attorney's office in birmingham announced an initiative cracking down on those legal devices in july,
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you're talking about political will to change laws. what more are you hearing about people being willing to take steps to ensure the safety of people in birmingham, alabama want to i, want to thank the u.s. attorney. i want to thank our federal partners atf, fbi, not only for assisting in this crime, that's an open active investigation, but other crimes we've had where there have been mass shootings i want to make this very, very clear related to these conversions. >> it is federally outlaw. they are illegal federally, but not at the state level. >> but at the exact same time where the federal government have outlawed them. >> they also decrease atf budget atf is the agency we need to investigate. those who are making these conversion devices were selling these conversion devices. but if you strip their budget you tie their hands behind their back and prevent them from taking
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these types of devices off the streets that are in people's hands who only want to hurt and kill people and that was birmingham mayor randall woodfin. we think him again for his time, the u.s. is urging israel to lower the temperature when it comes to the tensions between attacks, between israel and hezbollah. as the back and forth grows more intense and more destructive we'll have more on this cnn newsroom i got news for you, saturday at nine on cnn i didn't redo this last year before you were preventing migraine with cute liptak remember the pain canceled plans, the worry that was then, and look at me now, you'll never truly forget my green, but you live to reduce his attacks, making zero migraine days possible. >> it's the when we pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequencies help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to q liptak most common side effects are nausea constipation, and sleepiness. learn how api could help you
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week from g. watson, him. a. shock for see being. iraq well, feel it in not sure a moment but a movie probably level moreau or grain bridge how are you polo. tim scott, a lot. but we asked him you hopeful budget or means, job. precedent that merrick tonight, zelenskyy is scheduled to visit a pennsylvania ammunition factory a battle without limits. >> that's how a top breaking has blown. official describes its conflict with israel following week of stunning attacks across the israeli lebanese border. ben wedeman has the latest now from beirut jessica, it has been six days of skyrocketing tensions between israel and lebanon. >> and there aren't any signs either side israel or his butler is prepared to back down early sunday, hezbollah
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launched the first of three volleys of rockets deeper inside israel any time since the beginning of hostilities last october, his bullet claimed the targets included the ramot david airbase and a defense factor factory outside haifa. but it appears those rockets that weren't intercepted hit other areas, causing a few injuries and some damage to property while israel continues to strike targets in southern lebanon, more than 300 between saturday and sunday in beirut, hezbollah held a few general for ibrahim aqil, one of the group's senior commanders killed along with more than a dozen other militants. in an israeli airstrike on southern beirut friday hi day the strike also killed more than 30 civilians including women and children at the funeral, hezbollah's deputy leader naim cost him vowed that hezbollah's strikes deep inside israel or an installment in what he called a battle
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without limits. and said, despite the pager and walkie-talkie attacks and friday's airstrike in beirut. the group will continue to fire into israel israeli officials are making equally dire threats toward hezbollah with israeli army chief of staff, herzi halevi saying, are strikes will intensified. jessica, all right. >> ben wedeman in beirut. thank you very much still to come this evening, we are taking you deepens so rural michigan a crucial battleground state, of course, where democrats are slowly but surely trying to gain a foothold in traditionally red county can change here they can change just about anywhere election season. >> cnn has you covered, no matter the question from more about the candidates to rules in your state, to cast your ballot. the cnn voter handbook has your answers. visit
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unstoppable from starting strong to it's been a week so many ways to save life ready, wallet, happy. >> that's 365 by whole foods market i'm alayna treene traveling with the trump campaign. >> and this is cnn the battleground state of michigan is a must-win for both campaigns. donald trump, of course, winning michigan in 2016, biden taking the state in 2020 by just over 150,000 votes now, democrats are hoping to make gains. there, not only in cities and suburbs, but in the rural areas as well. >> cnn's miguel marquez reports what's, it like to be a democrat and a place that is so conservative i really keep a good sense of humor, deep in trump country. >> michigan's upper peninsula, something is stirring with democrats more people are
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starting to come out now that they know that i'm a democrat and i throw these signs up. >> my neighbors who i would have never thought were democrat, would go by and honk the horn thumbs-up. people are starting to step out and say, you know, i'm glad you're doing that. i'm kind of afraid to put a sign out, but i'm for you putting it out there in the 2024 race, michigan is again a battleground prize. donald trump, hoping for a repeat of his narrow 2016 when of the state and margin of 10,704 votes. >> kamala harris, looking to repeat joe biden's victory three from four years ago, joe biden will win the state of michigan despite that loss, trump performed slightly better here in menominee county why are democratic votes in rural michigan so important to winning the state in november? >> well, every vote counts, we if we get 30 or 40 extra votes in the county here with our
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work, that possibly could make the difference in michigan because michigan is going to be close, you are the chairman of the menominee county democratic party, the big massive menominee county, michigan democratic party. >> yeah how many members now? we have close to 80, pretty much tripled our membership this year. >> this is a small kind is about 12,000 votes at play here to have at active democrats in the party. what does that say about what? where things are right now here? >> well, to me it says that there are democrats in this county that have been hidden for awhile, >> know more was the president obama at the dnc or maybe it was michelle who said those sit around and complain about things do something that has been in my brain kind of repeating itself over and over since i heard that do something, it's like a democratic coming out i said, we're coming out, we're putting our democratic signs out. i'll popular or harris-walz signs well, they're
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popular and you don't have any signs. >> well you have no signs to give yeah. that's true. >> do you have a harris-walz sign at your house at while we have a hybridized one, it said biden-harris we folded it over and not just as harris. >> so this is as good as you can do now? yes. >> and i can see the lily made by the menominee county democratic party. chair. it is. >> why do places like this matter to what happens in michigan in the country? >> well, if people can change here they can change just about anywhere look, democrats seem buoyant in this little corner of michigan to other things that they are saying that they haven't seen in the past. >> one, the trump signs, there are a lot of him out there, but they say they're not as many as there used to be in previous election cycles. the other thing they say is that female voters, whether they're democrats or independents, or republicans women in this part of michigan, they say, are ready to vote for democrats back to you miguel marquez,
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thanks so much still ahead in the cnn newsroom tonight, president biden says the u.s. is doing everything it can to avoid an all out war between israel and hezbollah as they trey the most intense attacks in nearly a year projects and insane deadlines sink most renovations project is three months past the deadline, but this is when allison is at her best. i love it i'm just in windy city rehab season premiere tuesday at 8:00 on state tv knowing where to look for the best deal. that's just one advantage of having the home team advantage a team or trusted professionals working together. so you can win, meet your team now at slash home team progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online monster to-do list. really get a quote, progressive, i wanted my car
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viewers in 1990 to vice president dan quayle publicly criticize the hit tv show, murphy brown for its depiction of single motherhood setting off a cultural debate as america broadened its attitudes toward family values. and the questions sparked by these nationwide debates are still present and america's political and cultural consciousness today i never thought something that i wrote with lead to a culture war that's really what sparked a huge public debate about what the media meaning her family values was. >> why do you say they now values that we care about? it is a political issue during that when the only question is who values are you talking about? >> and that is the frame of the culture wars that we're fighting today now to discuss the climate of that tumultuous year and the culture wars that stemmed from it and beyond, dr. todd boise,
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professor of cinema media studies at the university of southern california. >> thanks so much for being here with us. i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me if you will, tell us a little bit about the america in 1992, what was the state of play at that moment, the biggest political and cultural moment? was of course, a year for presidential election ronald reagan had served two terms and his vice president, george hw bush et been elected in 1988 and was running for a second term himself. so you had three republican administrations and the bush administration was hoping to make it for so much of that year, i think is really the defined by that presidential election. bill clinton, who became the democratic nominee, of course.
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famously play the saxophone arsenio hall that year. and also, he decided to criticize a rapper by the name of sister soldier in a way that came, that became very political. also. of course, on the other side, you have vice president dan quayle choosing to criticize murphy brown in a way that led to this very prominent moment that would come to be known as one of the opening acts in a larger cultural war to talk a little more about that specific moment. >> dan quayle, the murphy brown conversation, and how it opened up what became that broader cultural war well, you know, dan quayle was figure who was often ridiculed during this time for a variety of things, but he criticized popular television show murphy brown in
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a speech that was actually focused around his comments about the la riots in the response to the rodney king verdict but for vice presidential figure to choose a popular network television show to criticize it drew a lot of attention and kind of set out some of the conflict on various sides of the issue around lifestyle, around murphy brown, the characters choice to raise a child without a traditional nuclear family and so anytime you have vice presidential figure criticizing a television show us the sort of thing that's going to draw attention. >> and this one did and i think it's still resonates today yeah, that's such a fascinating moment. >> hi, i'm dr. todd boy. thanks so much for that context. we appreciate it welcome tv on the edge, moments
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that shaped our culture premieres tonight at nine eastern and pacific only here on cnn. stay tune, we are following two breaking stories on this sunday night and politics takes a major shakeup involving embattled republican gubernatorial candidate mark robinson. we have key members of his campaign calling it quits. tonight after a bombshell, cnn we're going to tell you what sources are telling cnn also, republicans have unveiled a new plan to avoid a government shutdown that could just be days away. what house speaker mike johnson is now proposing. and does it go against president, former president trump's wishes more on that when we come bk polls for have i got news for you or property? >> yeah. >> what are the kinds we could run out the news before then would never happen if i got news for you saturday at nine on cnn and stream next day on max at morgan stanley
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potency, don't trust your health to the amateurs. choose doctors preferred. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta and this is cnn breaking news newsroom and i'm jessica dean in new york. >> we have breaking news tonight, multiple staffers have just quit the campaign for mark robinson. he's the embattled republican candidate for governor in north carolina. they campaign telling cnn tonight for of its top operatives has stepped down from their roles this exit coming just days after a bombshell cnn report uncovered racist, sexually graphic, and lewd comments made by robinson on a porn website years ago robinson writing in a statement tonight, quote, my appreciate the efforts of these team members who have made the difficult choice to step away
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