tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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with some schools being turned into shelters for the displaced seventy-year-old gemini yes. fled her village at 5:00 a.m. taking shelter in a training institute in beirut buried my son a week ago under bombardment. she says, my other sons stayed behind. he didn't want to leave our home with israel's air offensive intensive fine. it may be some time before gen. now sees her other son again if at all just to put today's death toll in perspective, the death toll 492 with 93 women and children among them. that's just a little less than half of the entire death toll for the 34 day war between hezbollah and israel in 2006 aaron absolutely
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of you for being with us. ac360 begins now breaking news and a possible campaign, stop at the southern border for vice president harris is new polling gives him a boost in arizona and two other battleground states. >> also tonight she says, yes, to a second debate, the former president says, no political power couple paul james carville and mary matalin join us for their take on the campaign plus the latest from israel and lebanon after the deadliest israeli airstrikes on hezbollah targets in a generation good evening. thanks for joining us, the former president is holding the second of two events today in western pennsylvania, his trip through the commonwealth shadowed by a mobile billboard for the democratic national committee many reading, there's no debate. donald trump's a chicken. the message alluding to his decision to opt out of a second debate with vice president harris, the faceoff would err on october 23 on cnn
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again, she's already said yes and invited him to do the same joining me on the debate stage let's have another debate is more to talk about him. voters of america deserve thing here the conversations that i think we should be having on substance on his shoes, on policies well, his answer now is no. and here's how he justified it she's done one debate i've done two it's too late to do another. >> i'd love to in many ways, but it's too late. the voting is cast by that he means early voting, apparently though it's hard to see why that would preclude debating again, the campaigning after all goes on hill election day. >> it doesn't stop when the early vote is cast. in any event, he's also again calling the legitimacy of the vote into question, posting this on social media quoting now, the democrats are talking about how they're going, how they're working so hard to get millions of votes for americans living overseas. actually, they're getting ready to cheat now he's referring seems to a program that's been around since the 1980s for getting absentee ballots to american
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service members and americans living overseas. that happens all the time. quoting again from the post, he's saying without any evidence that it amounts to stealing our military votes a foreign president is also making news with his answer to this question if you're not successful this time, do you see yourself running again in four years no, i don't know. i don't i think that that will be that will be it. i don't see that at all. i think hopefully we're going to be successful mr. president, thank you for the interview. >> i appreciate him much his tone there, notwithstanding new polling tonight from the new york times and siena college shows him competitive or better in three sunbelt states, leading the vice president in arizona and ahead, but within the margin of error, meaning no clear leader in georgia and north carolina. >> no clear leader either nationally in cnn's latest poll of polls, which shows the vice president ahead by three but it's pulling in the book border issue, which could be factoring to a decision the harris campaign is just now weighing namely whether to go there late this week. we'll have more on that shortly. new
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developments as well in the case of the republican who wants to be north carolina's governor, but also once referred to himself as a black nazi on a pornography forum, where he also said he'd like it if slavery was brought back and he would like to have some slaves mark robinson, that's his name over the weekend, several senior staff members of his quit. one of the state's republican us centers, thom tillis told cnn he would not be campaigning for him. and late today, republican senator and vice presidential nominee, j.d. vance, would not answer when pressed on whether the former president still supports the man he once called dr. martin luther king junior on steroids as i've said, that is mark robinson's case to make to the people of north carolina. i'm not going to make it for them. and the people in north carolina, they get to be the judge's of whether they believe him or not. it's really that simple. let's focus on the real issues that affect north carolina so a lot to talk about, starting with cnn's priscilla alvarez on that significant potential changes if vice president harris's campaign scheduled. so what are you learning about this potential trip to the border well, anderson, some campaign officials remain concerned that
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the former president donald trump, as you laid out, is still leading on the issue of immigration and border security. >> but sources it's telling me they also see an opportunity they think that they can start to close that gap. and so they are weighing a potential visit to the u.s.-mexico border when she is slated to visit arizona on friday. now, of course, the vice president has visited the border as vice president, she's also done so as california senator and the attorney general and sources tell me that no final decision has been made yet on this potential stop, but it is certainly significant because it is telling of the campaign see in the issue of border security continuing to crop up as a top issue among voters. and if she were to go, she would go at a time when border crossings for low the lowest they've been since 2020. of course the administration has been citing executive action over the summer for the plummeting of those border crossings. and it would give her the opportunity to talk about that in battleground
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arizona, where again, as you mentioned, former president donald trump continues to hold a lead in those polls. so this would be a notable stop if she were to make it still significant though, that she's going to arizona when the polling is so tight, show alvarez, thanks. >> cnn's danny freeman is at the trump event and the western pennsylvania town of indiana. so what was the foreign president's message to pennsylvania voters today? >> simpson the theme of today when it comes to foreign president trump's trip to western pennsylvania was the economy, the economy, the comedy boredom comes to this particular rally. he only started speaking maybe a little over ten minutes ago. and at times he has spoken about inflation, yes afghanistan, other issues that he and the campaign i'm not trying to been drill down against vice president harris. however, he has talked about a leak last debate that he had with vice president harris, complaining about how the moderators treated me also said that vice president harris, he felt was terrible at the debate. he also criticized vice president paris is interview with oprah that took place the past few days as
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well, noting that he and oprah used to be close but earlier in the day, former president trump actually made a rare off the record stop when it comes to a grocery store and he actually paid for a woman's groceries at the store in front of cameras. really making it an opportunity to comment on the state of inflation in this particular country at this moment before that, he also held a roundtable with farmers and he was using that opportunity to talk about his ambitious tariff plans at one point, actually threatening the company, john deere, saying that he would put 200% tariffs on quote, everything that you want to sell into the united states. if the company moves production to mexico. so we'll see if he continues on that economic message tonight so far at this rally in indiana, anderson, and there's another trump campaign event that'll take place in pennsylvania, right? >> yeah, that's right. anderson, our own alayna treene, she actually confirmed earlier this evening that we now know former president trump intends to go back to butler, pennsylvania on october 15. we
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knew that he had been planning to go back to butler since he was shot at that rally back in july, but we didn't know specific details. now, we're learning he's going back there on october 5th and i'll just note anderson that particular event is particularly important to a lot of trump's supporters here in pennsylvania. i've spoken to them many folks who have said to me that they've actually determine that they wanted to volunteers step up and actually help out the campaign specifically because they were potentially at at rally in butler, pennsylvania. it has been galvanizing, especially for trump's supporters. here in western pennsylvania, anderson, danny freeman, thanks very much on the stand was ashley etienne, vice president harris's former communications director cnn, senior data reporter harry enten, also republican strategist doug heye and ana navarro and is a harris supporter. so let's talk about the colin, the ellipse. all looks good for trump. it looks good for trump. and i think it's part of a larger trend you know, last week we were discussing those great lake battleground states, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. those polls looked good for kamala harris. and indeed, if you take
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an average across those three states, kamala harris has a small advantage of two point advantage. you look across those sunbelt battleground states, do i think there were a lot of democrats in all these polls are too good for trump, blah, blah, blah. the bottom line is, even when you average across all the polls, not just polls that come out today, you look across the sun sunbelt battleground states, georgia, arizona, north carolina, on average, donald trump is ahead by a point and a half. and i think this speaks to a larger issue that the harris campaign has, which is she seems to be doing work kristen joe biden did four years ago in states in which the democratic coalition is highly reliant on voters of color. in north carolina and georgia, that would be african african-americans out in arizona, that would be hispanics. she is behind his pace on with those particular voters. she's holding around with white voters. and i think that's in large part why she is holding her own in the great lakes up and michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, because the debris our credit coalition is whiter. you were saying with black is a black man or black women. it's black men in particular who she's struggling with. she's also particularly struggling among younger black voters. this is something that we've seen in the polling, which is that among young voters overall.
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yes, she is doing better than joe biden was at the beginning of the year, right? just before joe biden dropped out of the race? but she's doing significantly worse than joe biden did four years ago. so it's a very interesting sort of different coalition one in which the electoral map at this point is still at least a little bit undetermined. >> ashley, why do you think she's not doing well with those groups that harry was talking about? >> well, i can think it's actually still quite early. i mean, the polls are a little all over the place. i always caution over-investing polls, especially at this time because there was never a poll that showed in 2016 that donald trump was going to win. but in addition to that what you're really looking at it this stage is the trend line. she continues to trip pinned up, close the gap with many of these key constituencies and donald trump remains flat. in fact, he's still at 50% unfavorables. i mean, that's incredibly high. so i think there's still a lot of opportunities. opportunities for the vice president, but she's got she's got a lot of room to make up for a lot of
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room to grow, but she's got to accelerate the pace. >> doug, i mean, as the now the republican governors association, they pull financial support from mark robinson in north carolina's several senior staffers. staffers have stepped down obviously, i mean, he's got nothing else to do so. i assume he's just going to stay in the race, but does is this thing i mean, is it over for him i think the race was probably over before thursday's revelation, certainly after the kfile revelations on thursday, the race went from not being on life support to being officially declared dead. >> and i think there are two reasons for that one is what these staffers at left you were not really on the 800m if you were looking at the mark robinson campaign, there were a lot of very smart professional people who decided to stay away because they're knew, they knew there was trouble coming and whomever robinson is able to bring on if anybody now wouldn't be the 800m, they'd probably be the queue r or s team. and it doesn't matter because the race is over. what does matter is whether or not now this is going to have an impact on the presidential race. and it certainly will
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have an impact down ballot for the counsel of states. and there's a targeted congressional seat in north carolina, one as well. that's why north carolinians are nervous. it's why republicans in washington are nervous. they've had to concede a gubernatorial seat. bad enough, but this could have much bigger implications. >> first lady milan trump has been pretty much out of the public eye for most of this campaign. obviously, she showed up briefly at the republican convention. she didn't speak there she did speak at two political fundraisers for the log cabin republicans, which is a gay group. it's been disclosed now that she was paid more than $237,000 there's furthest one of those events and what sort of unusual as the president of the log cabin told cnn earlier this month that the group did not put up the money for her to speak and the disclosure form did not give any more information about the source of the payment didn't say whether or not he knew about the money, but as far as i know i mean, does it make
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sense? i mean, why is she understand? there's a lot of grift in this family, but why is she receiving this money? she's the former first lady you would think there are some things she might do for, a larger issue other than just getting paid married to donald trump? i'm not sure i blame her for trying to get as much money as she can for putting up with him and pretended to be part and parcel of this. look, she's obviously a full participant in the trump family grift. just this in the last few days, we have heard heard about donald trump selling crypto. donald trump selling collectible coins melania trump, with this memoir book, which is about this debt. and now she's selling christmas ornaments for $90 each cheap christmas ornaments were $90 each. it's really i find that incredibly tacky and
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unseemly because the people that they are preying on. and when i say they, i mean, trump's writ large because they're all into this grift or the poor people are their supporters, their followers, who they are using the pay for their luxuries and to pay for their money. but it is tacky that supposedly people who have this much money are out there turning mar-a-lago and turning this campaign until the home shopping network. it is frankly tacky harry, just in terms of the numbers, i mean, if this polling holds up, i mean, do you think it is early to ashley's point? >> i mean, i think republicans thought it was early last week when those polls up in the great lakes, we're looking good for kamala harris. i think there are a lot of democrats who might argue it looks early now, look, we still have, you know, well over a month ago. yes. things could definitely change at this particular point going forward, but the bottom line is this has been one of the steady as racist on record,
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right? if you were to ask me a month ago, who was ahead in the national polls, i would have said kamala harris was slightly ahead. i would've said she was slightly ahead in those great lake battleground polls, but the bottom line is this race anderson it's the closest that i've ever seen. and you can see it so well on the electoral map, right? let's just say that we believe the polling for a second and say we're going to assign each of the states to the person who is the polling leader, even at the lead, is very, very small. what do we get? we get kamala harris with 276 electoral votes to donald trump's 262. that would be the closest race since 2000, right? in terms of the electoral college. and of course that map is because kamala harris holds in those great lake battleground states, while donald trump does well along the sunbelt. but here's the thing to keep in mind. if you were to look at this map right now and apply the errors of the polling errors that occurred in 2020, right? when the polling underestimated donald trump, he'd win and all of those swing states right? he'd win in those great lake battleground states, for example. but if you were apply the error that occurred in 2022 when the polling actually underestimated democrats kamala harris would win and all those
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swing states, that's, we're talking about. we're told that that's what you're showing that poll right there. is that poll, that poll at map, that map. that map is if the polls are exactly correct and what i'm telling you anderson, is the polling is rarely exactly correct. we have a margin of error. it's there for a reason and the bottom line is at this particular point, either candidate to win this election rather recently actually, do you think next week's vice presidential debate matters much for either, i mean, for either candidate for either irs todd >> i believe that walz is on the ticket because he's going to voters that are those disaffected republican voters, independent voters those democrats that lean more right? i mean, that's his primary job on this ticket is to engage those folks, get them activated, get them galvanized and excited about this ticket. so he's got to actually achieve that while at the same
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time undermining j.d. vance and confidence in him, which he's already done himself. so there's not a whole lot of work that he is due there, but i definitely think that he is bridging the cultural divide with these reporters that i mean, excuse me, what these voters that democrats have had trouble turning out in the last two election cycles. so that's his primary job, and that's going to be his primary audience. so yes, it actually it does matter. >> and i just want to play something that the former president said at his rally tonight about what would happen if harris wins the election i mean, somebody i heard the other day, pretty smart person. >> and you think about it and it could be true. they said we don't win this election. that may never be another election in this just country could happen how do you interpret that i mean, i think budweiser is he quoting himself because i feel like he said that before in various ways. i feel like you're right. i mean, i feel like he has told us that he would be a dictator for day for
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one day, which is a little scary. i feel like he has told us that if he wins, there's never going to be a need for another election. and so i guess this is recycling the same point. i don't ask me to interpret donald trump anderson, frankly, i don't speak trump. i think the man the man is talking gibberish and makes absolutely so luckily, no sense. i really don't know how any american can go and stand in a rally for hours and hours to hear to hear what's like, i might as well be reading dr. seuss because that makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything that comes out of donald trump's mount and frankly, given all the things he says about her animal lecter and sharks and batteries and windmills. him threatening that there's not going to be any more elections as one of the lesser stupid things he says, all right, thanks to everybody by the way, every doctor says pretty much every day these days and it's quite enjoyable coming up next james carville and mary matalin on their new documentary, living
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life as a famously bipartisan political couple, and of course, we'll talk to them about the state of the race every minute i think about who's going to win is a minute. >> i'm not thinking of how we can win also tonight with the race in georgia as close as it is, we're joined by the former democratic candidate for governor there, stacey abrams get back i voted buttons. >> i drag remote. >> why no donkeys or elephants stands even ella think so oh boy, it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there's room for everyone, kind of like my podcast on cnn. plus look rainbows, white taken this style of shoe. >> they're comfortable, casual, stylish, but skechers has topped them and made them even better. because now they come in hands-free sketcher
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border on friday, plus new polling and much more when we get perspective now from the husband and wife team of mary matalin and james carville, they're the focus of a new cnn films documentary airing october 5, seven eastern title carville winning is everything stupid i want to start with you with just quick polls, nbc, cbs both released national polls showing vice president and leading nationally new york times, sienna poll shows a foreign prison ahead and sun belt states, arizona, georgia, and north carolina. when you see these numbers what do you think i answered? >> i say this and it sounds could post got to say all kinds of different things. i've just taken initial entry. or learned maybe 2008 all poll showed a really tight ration, 2000s, very tight. 2004 would really tight. 12 was really tight 16 was clearly a lot tighter. public average was only like 2%. >> i mean, trump underperformed in those 16 and dry and sudden break. one way or the other.
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but i don't think that we're going to get a good sensitive to polling but haven't changed a whole lot. it really hasn't but he's is your sense that who's winning, what's your sense right now? >> you know, every day i think about who's going to win every minute. i think about who's going to win is a minute. i'm not thinking of how we can win. and i just can't. i of course, like everybody else, i've seen the poll. i've talked to people about them. >> but about harris does 123, she can't win if she doesn't do 123, she can lose. >> and that's honestly the best i can come up with. >> what did you think of your former boss, dick cheney, endorsing harris? >> i love that to cheney has turned from darth vader to captain america, like last night, nancy pelosi's people like we loved dick james i'm the one who drove him to 11 11% as darth i i have friends on all sides of this.
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>> and that's who with deep convictions. >> and that's as it should be, and that's why i say everybody should quit listening two opinions because there's this as many of them is other things. and i just like think for yourself, why. >> i mean, when you look at just the last couple of months, you have donald trump talking about haitians eating cats and dogs his candidate in north carolina you know, revealed is talking about himself as a black nazi on a porn so he brought a 9-11 conspiracy theorists to 9-11 memorial ceremonies. why do you think it's this close i think it's more than clothes. of course, it's close. you just said it was close but it quotient a poll and i'm not convinced that is going to be caution election day i'll say if there's seven swing states deletion most least likely scenario is it breaks for three. it always gets again,
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every race other than maybe 2008 he has been close right up to election day. and i if i could be wrong, but it's going to break. in one direction or the other i really believed that in most of the time these elections do that and i don't like to predict elections. i would just say it just doesn't feel like a race that harris, who's going to lose, but that's just the feeling that's just a feeling as much as some democrats want this to be erased about a prosecutor versus a 40 is in your opinion, james is it's still the economy stupid. >> i think it is. i think that she has brought opening because trump is shan't you got nothing to lose. everything is terrible. i don't think i think people do have something to lose. i think people, most people who are working a job that people have jobs. i don't know how to tell people this, but your 401k to the extent you have watered probably doing a
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little better and i think he set up this dichotomy. you got nothing really. you you ought to try all of these tariffs and mass deportations which everybody says would have horrifically negative impact on economic growth. and i think that she's set up to say, you have something to lose, you have something in protective. you may we can do better, but we certainly don't want to go back and i think she's got a giant opening. i hope she makes it really did denying that trump's sets her up to say a lot of things. the problem is she says nothing unless she can serve salad dressing on it, and she hasn't said a thing. >> i want to play a clip from the documentary that you just talked about, the swatches do you know it's now my travel god that is our patients they both passionate little up their country. >> they both passionate they love politics they're both really expert in their students that game but they're on
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different sides. >> they have such a famous, i know it's like a cliche, such a famous it's mixed marriage. she's a devout republican. he's a reptile and yet they've made it work over the years i'm really conservative. he's really illiberal straight things in a changing changing wife. i'm not changed sexual orientation and not changing the political parties were going to go to the house. what we got here. okay they, have a deep love and a deep respect. >> there's no question. >> and the secret i believe, what do i know? >> but secret, i believe to their marriages? and on talk about politics what is it like living with you two friday night? if we work with you, we've probably be having a good stiff drink you're good i have to go do right now i'll let you go do that married thing that james carville. >> thank every bad i don't like to join them do you get sick if people asking you what, how do you live together? because there's a lot of folks who, who are have these dynamics and their families and they find it
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hard you have a pretty good we talk politics lead to advise on this every week. >> i was 40, he was 49 when we got married. >> that's not a conventional marriage. i got accidentally pregnant if 42 that's not conventional. so who are we to say? and also, why don't want to think like him and he doesn't want to think like me of two people think the same than they have our redundancy in their marriage. there's nothing redundant in this liaison that we have, you know, since been married for 30 calling it a little like it's still like okay. >> anderson, that's what keeps the merits healthy. i can think of it as a liaison, which i can play. >> an 80 people in the world because the doner time have tried to explain romance and they're still trying to explain it. so i did it. we're going to be able to explain it
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and what boost look, we're probably not going to happen if shakespeare couldn't do it, then who else can, do rock? how can we do it just before you go, what do you think in the next 43 days alike? in terms of the craziness like destroy entire cycle, things have happened that we couldn't imagine that. >> how many times did we start today? star of stars. you start to lose night. who go to thought this was going to happen? something tells me something delft's is going to happen. i don't know what it is, but the idea we've got 42 days to go six weeks. this is a sprint to the finish. i think there's there's another plot twist come in here. i just not good enough to tell you what it is. >> i can just as bernie sanders on this program, it's in the film called you a hack. you own that, you would have it was very did that. but i think it was you don't see it, look,
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russia actually the thing. and i said, oh, my god, how could it get lucky? you can, geez you all, you know, i'm so he calls you and then you went to matt on president biden saying you think it was time for to go do you ever worry about the stuff you say? i would i wouldn't be up nights. it would be up nights sweating after if i said something in the public die for 30 32 years now, i have never had to say if i said something that offended someone, i want you to truly know that r never meant to say controversial stuff. sometimes i'll say things intentionally to vote a conversation. but i've never had to come back and say, if i offended sub wide and far, i sometimes i offend people but actually intended to offend people. that's a different thank you for letting me be part of your liaison for you've got a big i'm pretty sure that a big part of our life we glad to be thank you, sir.
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>> thank you very much. thank you again, the new film is called carville. >> winning is everything stupid? it airs saturday, october 5th at 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn coming up, we're going to talk about the close race in georgia was someone who knows the terrain very well. stacey abrams, a former legislator, narrowly lost the 2018 gubernatorial election. there she joins us to talk about the final weeks of the campaign and what impact the state's controversial elections board may have is taking a break from breaking news to air. >> have i got news for you? >> breaking news. i'm getting a sandwich. >> we need to talk about what constitutes breaking news provide got news for you saturday at nine on cnn and streaming next day on max may like it never even happened. >> serve pro reading seven
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brow it's all part of the total scored about a family dealing with devastating event sometimes things happen for a reason and your job is discover the reason super man, the christopher reeve story pg 13 tomorrow the former president appears in georgia and sources say he also plans to attend this weekend's biggest college football matchup, georgia, alabama. >> this comes as the new york times sienna college poll shows a close race in georgia among likely voters, he leads by three points 47 to 44%. the lead is within the margin of
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error, meaning no clear leader tension surrounded the election could be felt today during a public meeting of the georgia election board two members of the republican controlled board defended their controversial new rule for acquiring election officials to hand count the number of ballots cast on election day. a lot of election officials, republicans democrats say it could inject chaos into tabulating the results on the day when republicans said of the lone democrat on the board, you are creating a conspiracy based off an assumption joined now by stacey abrams, former state legislator and democratic gubernatorial candidate in georgia. she also the author of a new children's book or third, stacy speaks up which goes on sale tomorrow does this new polling concern you in georgia? >> not at all in georgia is a purple state, meaning this is a competitive state and the lead is going to swap back and forth depending on how you model the voters the winner will be the one who takes the time to cultivate voters to turn those voters out. and two explain how their lives will be made better. and that is what kamala harris is doing every time she
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comes to georgia and what unfortunately, i think for republicans donald trump has been very woefully poor at doing because he spent so much time arguing about his past and whining about what's happening now that he has no real plan for their futures the obviously it was very close with biden that you helped a lot getting people, getting out the vote. >> there. are you doing the same kind of work now? >> we are, but what i think it's always important to remember about georgia was that it's a ten year plan, but it was a community effort. so you've got organization patients across the state that are doing work that or touching those communities that have been left out in years past, there activating communities that need to know that their voices should be heard and that are talking about the issues that are so incredibly important. issues like housing issues, like student debt and so across the state, we have activated community groups, activated organizations that have been hard at work for quite some time. and we're going to keep working until we get kamala harris elected. >> we've been reporting to this georgia elections board i
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think a lot of people, their eyes kind of glaze over things like this, but this is important because this idea of kind of an insider threat, the idea of actually having officials to are, you know, fully on just trump's supporters. and are there to throw a wrench in as much as they can. >> i think what we saw in 2020 and what we need to understand it, voter suppression has three things. can you register and stay on the roles? can you cast a ballot and district valid get counted? this is not one single issue. this is one of the issues they have put in place because of the horrific bills that were signed by governor kemp sb to o2 and 2021 sp1 89 this year, they've put a series of obstacles to counting those ballots in place, including mass voter challenges that are happening regardless of the party. it is a terrible thing to do because like 25,000 or something in georgia, i think just i think it's actually up to about 45,000 so we know that when you challenge
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a voters right, to participate, especially for voters to show up every four years, you scare them out of participation you put it, you have a chilling effect. well that mass voter challenge is being layered by the rule they passed a few weeks ago, which is the one that allows election workers to decertify election workers allows a member of county election board to decertify or refuse to certify an election so you have chaos for election workers around who gets to vote, then chaos around whether the election gets certified. and now you have to do a handwritten a hand count of the ballots, not of the actual answers, but just the number of ballots. well, in gwinnett, fulton into kept county or three largest counties, you're talking about 400,500 for thousand, 350,000 plus and you only get three people per precinct to do this count. that's a state of 11 million people, about four-and-a-half million votes. if not more that's chaos in the system. and it's intentional. it's
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designed to undermine confidence, to create chaos, and to put election workers in a position where they cannot, in good conscience, get to the result, which is to tell the people of georgia what we decided. >> i want to ask you about your new children's book. stacy speaks up. it's what a young girl who uses her voice to make a difference in her school what, why, why this is your third book? what is it like writing a children's book? >> it's so much fun the stacy stories, which is what i didn't use the name, but my mother gave me the name, but the stacy stories have really tracked issues and lessons i want young people to understand and with stacy speaks up. she's grappling with the issue of school hunger child hunger unfortunately, in the state of georgia one in every five children of experiences hunger, we have one of the highest poverty rates among children and unfortunately, our governors refused to accept summer ebt except money to fund school lunches during the
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summer this book preceded that decision, but for me it's emblematic of how important it is for us to understand the issue of child hunger. but also empathy and advocacy. i want young people to know that even if they see something is unfair if the ability to intercede, she stands up for her friends a young kid who can't get lunch, and instead of just bemoaning the fact that it happened, she works to try to make a change and she speaks up and when you do when we find our voices, good things can happen. >> to save him. thank you so much. >> thanks, anderson, look forward to reading the book to my kids, stacey smith because up. >> the new children's book is out tomorrow, coming up the deadliest day was really strikes in lebanon since the war in 20 you six more strikes may be coming or jeremy diamond has the latest from the region tv on the edge, sunday at nine on cnn what's the greatest invention of all time, new hands-free skechers, slip-ins. >> you just slipping and
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penguins streaming exclusively on max late word tonight from hamas, that one of its field commanders was killed in today's mass of strikes in lebanon. >> lebanon's health ministry says at least 492 people are dead after israel says it struck about 1,600 of what it says were hezbollah assets and israeli military officials say the operation is not over jeremy diamond has the latest israeli airstrikes battering southern and eastern lebanon but house but it is the most intense israeli bombardment of lebanon since the 2006 war the deadliest hundreds were killed and many more injured as the israeli military said, it targeted hezbollah weapons depots and rocket launchers meanwhile, israeli air defenses springing into action as hezbollah fired more than 200
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rockets and drones at israel, targeting the city of haifa and aning further south than usual at least two rockets hitting the west bank, more than 60 miles south of the lebanese border and just east of tel aviv as israeli fighter jets carried out some 1,300 airstrikes today, the country's leaders say they are deliberately escalating, hoping to change the equation. >> we've talked to promise to change the security balance, the balance of power in this is exactly what we're doing. we're dismantling thousands with rockets and missiles aimed at israeli cities and citizens had a lebanese officials say, this is simply israeli aggression in the continuing israeli aggression on lebanon is a war of extermination in every sense of the word on a destructive plan aimed at destroying lebanese villages and towns and eliminating green areas yes, in lebanon, israel's new escalatory strategy is pushing thousands to flee their homes.
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>> as the israeli military sent mass text messages, including to some residents of the lebanese capital and interrupted radio broadcasts urging residents in southern and eastern lebanon to evacuate in lebanon's bekaa valley is warning is focused on the villagers in the beqaa valley. >> residents were given just two hours notice before israeli jets began hitting targets including homes or the israeli military says hezbollah is storing rockets and weapons as smoking gulfs, swaths of lebanon, many now fear this is just the beginning prospect of all out war now looms larger than ever jeremy diamond joins us now from haifa. >> so what more is the idf saying about the strikes? >> well, anderson, the israeli military says that they hit a rocket launch facilities as well as weapons depots holding rockets, drones, long-range
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cruise missiles. and you can see in many of the videos of these strikes that there were indeed many secondary explosions indicating that the israeli military was hitting some of its targets. at least they are also claiming tonight that those secondary explosions caused some of the hundreds of casualties that we have seen across lebanon tonight. now, we have no way of knowing how many of the casualties could potentially be tied to those secondary explosions. what is clear though anderson, is that today the israeli military took this conflict to a new and very deadly the level of the israeli military clearly trying to escalate this conflict to try and get hezbollah to back down from its rocket attacks on northern israel. >> anderson diamond, be careful. thank you. >> i'll still ahead. what the unfounded claims about haitians in springfield, ohio are doing to that community or gary tuchman spoke with some haitian children and their parents next people in america. are watching and then the next day, our
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by our guarantee at customer >> this source with kaitlan collins. >> next moments, ago the former president weighed in again on springfield, ohio, as you know, he's repeatedly smeared the city's haitian community saying falsely that they're taking and eating people's cats and dogs tonight, he accused vice president harris and he says illegally flooding american community communities with half 1 million migrants. >> then he said this they will never be the same they will never be. do you think springfield will ever be the same? >> i don't think the fact is
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and i'll say it now. you have to get them the hell out. you have to get them out. i'm sorry that prompted some of the crowd started chanting, send them back over the weekend, or gary tuchman went to sunday services in springfield to talk with haitian haitian american families evangelical church of springfield, ohio was less than your role vibrant a reflection of the haitian community that is regarded springfield is a great place to live at the same time in another room children ranging from toddlers to teams gathered to pray and play with a youth pastor who encourages the young people to talk about a tough subject. oh, you feel about what happened? and swing feel about what they say about me going and the common sentiment. >> these three words how you feel about alicia is 10-years-old.
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>> she's in sixth grade. she was born in the united states. >> her father as gene. >> he moved to the u.s after the devastating 2010 haiti earthquake they are both upset at what's been said. >> it made me feel a little bit sad a little bit angry is springfield. >> they're eating the dogs. the people that came in, they're eating the cats. they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there last enough. >> springfield, there is no basis for what the former president said. and it's very upsetting and humiliating too many of the children here. close haitians can here for a better life so i think they have to stay strong and don't let the things that that trump says get to them just as strong job would is 13-years-old in eighth grade. he was born in the u.s. >> but moved back to haiti before his first birthday with
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his mom, baby. they came back to america about four years ago woods says he likes living in springfield. and how does that make you feel that there are people who don't want you to stay in the country and a little bit tell me about that. doing nothing. we just came here just a little bit of life. >> but now with bomb threats against the city of springfield, many are frightened. woods. mother, are you scared? >> alicia is. father. >> do you feel safe for your family and this community? >> absolutely not nobody knows what's going to happen. leader what is a confident young man? >> he wants to own a car dealership in the future. and he wants to protect his mom in the present. >> how long to stay at home so not a lot of people can come up to us and make phone a lot comments eating cats and dogs for the youth pastor at the church has some within the community have told her they are looking to get out. there
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living in springfield because they feel unsecure the scare, alicia and her family are staying put. but the ten-year-old who wants to be a doctor when she grows up, did listen carefully when her father told us he's concerned about his family's safety what does that make you feel hearing your dad say you save somehow matter what happens joins us now i'm so sad to see those kids kind of feeling the impact of these comments it really is sad anderson and they're just children. and every one of the children i talked to at the church service, want to stay in springfield? they like their friends. they like their schools. they like the routines. and among the older kids, i talk with a teenagers who follow the news they also like the fact that the mayor of the city and the governor of this state are supportive gary tuchman, thanks so much. >> the news conts continues the source with kaitlan collins
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