tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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difficult conditions should be islamic republic she'll stand with lebanon's nation and the resistance in all areas this as iran braces for israel's possible retaliation for tehran's massive ballistic missile attack on all tobar first, iran's foreign minister warning the u.s against deploying missile interceptor systems to israel and the threat of a major regional war but all you right, we're prepared for any kind of circumstances. he said, we're ready for war, but we're also ready for peace. this is the definitive stance of the islamic republic yes i'm a stance they want to show that also involves mobilizing resources you for joining us. ac360 starts now
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election just three weeks from tomorrow, vice president harris is speaking right now, expected shortly to call out the former president's focus onon what he calls the enemy within, meaning americans and has promised to use troops to deal with them also tonight, bill clinton weighs in on a notorious murder for during the undocumented immigrant accused of it putting the harris campaign on the defensive and later the parents of hersh goldberg-polin, a 23-year-old israeli american hostage, murdered a month-and-a-half ago by hamas. speak out. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news. both candidates campaigning the evening in pennsylvania, donald trump near philadelphia vice president harris across the commonwealth in erie speaking right now and expected any moment to speak out against what donald trump has been saying louder and louder as election day gets closer about americans it's the enemy from within all those scum that we have to deal with. >> that hate our country that's a bigger enemy, that china and russia that's the former president and talking on
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friday to be perfectly clear about americans and over the weekend, he spoke openly about how he might deal with such people. this was how he answered when asked about outside threats to 2024 election, he quickly changed the subject to americans we have some very bad people. we have some sick people, radical left lunatics. and i think it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by national guard or if really necessary by the military again, he was asked about foreign threats to the election. his answer was about potentially turning active duty troops on american something. his running mate was asked about today and here's what he had to say. >> is, it a justifiable use it as assets if they're rioting and looting and burning cities down to the ground. of course it is, right? i think the question is is it a justifiable use of assets depends on what's actually happening. >> so for perspective, according to the brennan center for justice, the last time active duty troops were deployed on us soil was during the 1992 rodney king riots in los angeles, where the former president seems to be talking
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about is using troops against people protesting his election. he also is used military stick language about non-existent gang invasions of colorado i will rescue aurora and every town that has been invaded and conquered. these counts have been conquered. explain that to your governor. he doesn't have a clue. >> they've been conquered both colorado's democratic governor and auroras republican mayor called the invasion, talk nonsense. >> perhaps his comments will be dismissed by some as hyperbole, but it come on the eve of the publication of bob woodward's new book, in which former joint chiefs chairman mark milley, who served during the trump administration described trump as quote but a fascist to the core to which woodward writes, quote, i will never forget the intensity of his worry joining us now cnn political commentators van jones and david urban also political is meridith mcgraw. so van do you think it's an effective strategy for harris to be focusing on these remarks from the former president i think it's an important strategy
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because i do think that the stakes are getting higher and higher. you're seeing donald trump be increasingly disinhibited i mean, he's always been a kind of out there a little bit rough, but increasingly he is talking about using violence against americans in pursuit of his agenda and defensive his agenda it's not hard to say that you don't want russia and china messing up our elections. somebody asked you that question. that's an opportunity to stick up for america on the world stage and says, instead, he says he wants to hurt americans this is, this is troubling. this is not, i don't think i think he arrows would be wrong if she didn't point out that for the first time we have a candidate running for office who seems to be more interested in using american military against americans, then it gets foreign threats. >> david, i mean, do you really believe that the quote-unquote threat from within of radical the left. this is much greater than the threat of china and russia now, so andor said,
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let's just be fair and van to be fair the president, what i believe she was responding to a question posed by the host saying, if there was violence after the election, what would you do it? >> and trump responded the national guard can take care of it. and in extreme cases, the military could to put it in context. let's just be fair. that was there's contexts these questions so it's not like he's out there saying that i'm going to unleash the military on van jones were to come knock on you? your door and lock up. it's not just not not what he said and then to take that even to take it one step further, do you remember in 2016 the chants of lock her up and the trump from the podiums and he's going to put hillary clinton in jail and the anderson to your point hyperbole? yes. hillary clinton was not persecuted, prosecuted there was no trial unlike the trial and the persecution that took place at donald trump. and the fake russia collusion hoax that was perpetrated by the dnc
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after that election. all right by the way, i think harris is now talking about this. >> let's just play this him he's talking about the enemy with the pennsylvania. he's talking about the enemy within our country pennsylvania he's talking about that. he considers anyone who doesn't support him or who will not bend to his will an enemy of our country saying here he's saying that he would use the military to go after them. think about this and we know owe you a target and we know who he would target because he has attacked them before. journalists whose
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stories he doesn't like election officials, who refused to cheat by filling extra votes and finding extra votes for him judges who insist on following the law instead of bending to his will this is among the reasons. >> i believe so strongly that a second trump term would be a huge risk for america and dangerous. that's harris speaking live about this very topic. meredith what do you make? of her the way she is talking about it well, here we are just weeks away from november 5 and the election and donald trump has given them the harris campaign fresh fodder to talk about in the closing weeks at a moment when he has continued to have an edge on the economy and polling he's
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repeated now this enemies from within phrase at aurora and california in his interview with maria bartiromo on fox he's even talked about how one of those enemies from within is california congressman adam schiff and at a time when the campaigns are making closing arguments he gave them sort of a political gift here with bringing up this phrase repeatedly. >> and allowing the harris campaign to plow ahead. i heard that the campaign is planning to cut that into a new ad that's featuring former trump this russian officials talking about the threat that donald trump poses and so he, him bringing this up is giving, giving them a political gift right now, van are in, david is saying, look, this is about what he's saying is if there's violence after an election national guard can be called in that that's you know, that's not unusual well
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that was the context first of all, though, only violence after election that we saw was january. >> the january insurrection that he egged on. look, i people can kind of keep whistling past the graveyard, that sort of stuff. you're having military officials who have worked with this president coming out in a way. i've never seen. usually americans military stays out of this stuff. you have generals and former military people saying, this guy is dangerous, it's not just kamala harris, who's running for office and maybe it's an well, maybe she's just trying to make political hay you have people who have no reason to say anything who get nothing out of this waving their arms, jumping up and down, saying i work with this guy. and i think that he's dangerous when you have general milley saying he is a fascist to the core he got a democrat he's not the harris campaign. he's got it from the aclu. this is one of the toughest, roughest generals we've ever had. who's terrified of donald
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trump? and donald trump is throwing fuel on the fire, david, do you what would you put much credence in a general milley general kelly, i mean, you're i know you're a west pointer yeah. >> look, i have a great deal of admiration for mark milley's a good friend of mine general kelly, i have a great deal admiration for all these men and for different reasons they have their opinions and they are entitled to their opinions i don't share those opinions and i know there are lots of other people in uniform who served with the president, other general for officers who served with him. and crt closely with him that don't share that opinion are standing with them right now. so amazing about america's everyone's entitled to their opinion and everyone's entitled to their vote on election day. so you know, mark milley and i see each other. we have this debate in real life and real time van. and we don't, we don't agree about it and we're still friends just like you and i are amazing. >> meredith, the former president's rhetoric. i mean, it doesn't seem to be hurting him in the polls, certainly in this election remains obviously he's essentially tied that's got a concern the harris campaign well, we know that
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this this election is going to be one on the margins here. the polling could not be tighter. and we've seen in recent days how the harris campaign is to 0.4. president clinton, former president barack obama to try to gin up some support among the black male voters that they've seen some, of the polling has eroded. but look, it's going to be incredibly close, really tight, and both campaigns are really trying to chip away at really narrow margins of support here van, what do you think that that support has has chipped away well, i think that african-american men are, are hurting and uncertain like a lot of folks in the country. >> and i think have a particular set of concerns that haven't been addressed. now, i always tried to point out that the vast, overwhelming majority of black men and above 80% are going to vote for kamala harris, either like almost like north korea level numbers now she has massive support from african americans is just less than before. and i'm actually
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pretty proud of african-america n men from saying we want to hear more specifics. we don't want to just boat part because she's black. we don't want to vote for it because she's a woman when a ballpark, she's going help us feed our families. she's going to make america strong in a way that makes our community strong. and she responded today and i think that's great, that she actually responded to those concerned. and i think you're going to see people began to move back democratic party direction, but african american men have real problems. and just like everybody else, we should be able to save those problems that have both parties contend and compete for our support. and i think that's i think it's healthy and i'm glad it's happening. i'm glad she responded proper. van jones, david urban, meridith mcgraw, appreciate it. coming up next. former president bill clinton hitting the trail for harris campaign question is, did he just score points for the trump campaign later, cnn's elle reeve talking to voters or what? could be one of the most pro trump counties in all the battleground states for our new class pet, we have
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a special guests cnn's harry the ages here with nibbles, the hamster jumping out to a ten point advantage in a job or jobs the goldfish big brand recognition, but it isn't translating in a boat. so what the heck is going on in here swim can be done pilk and so sorry, it's a decent assessment just a pet, he really is it's a part of our family knowing that he's getting good nutrition. that's a huge relief for me and my dad. >> oh, been piglet head? yes, that is your name. if you saw his big lipids, you would say the same to do we work hard and we pay our taxes, but billionaires are getting away with paying less in taxes than we do. >> donald trump gave them huge tax break and wants to give them another one. >> hell, we're going to give you tax. >> well, i'm not rich as hell. kamala harris will cut taxes
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for working people and make billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share. trump is fighting for rich guys like himself kamala is fighting for us. >> ff packs response multiple for the content of this had millions of people have lost weight with noon likely vacio, who found the perfect companion to his glp-1 journey, been able to track the progress when you open the app, they're definitely teaching me new habits. so i do not have to be on weight loss med spread get new glp-1 now available at oh, good job. >> we will arthritis pain relief hi, i'm jay jackson for almost 20 years, abacus life has been purchasing life insurance policies from seniors. and in just seconds, you can use the free calculator and abacus to learn what your policy might be worth for many of my clients. >> selling their life insurance to abacus was right for them and their estate plan don't
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back control with lipow flavonoid the source with kaitlin collins. >> tonight at nine campaign for vice president harris over the weekend, he also weighed in on a murder case that the trump side has made a large issue of which here's what he said about laken riley's murder allegedly by an undocumented man from venezuela might properly vetted, that probably wouldn't all, poverty bennett doesn't happen america is not having enough babies to keep our population so we need every
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day. it's better to do work the trump campaign was quick to cast the comments as an indictment of vice president's handling the border issues the harris campaign pointing to the bipartisan border bill, the former president blocked president, former president trump, that is, but that was after laken riley's alleged killer entered the united states joining us now is former california republican lieutenant governor able maldonado, also republicans strategist and harris supporter, and a varault is bill clinton, rusty out there on the campaign trail, was this an error know guy. thank you. can take anything anybody says, even people as eloquent as barak obama, as eloquent as bill clinton, take it out of context and make it into a gotcha moment. i had seen the entire the entire clip of what he had said and he spent the time before this talking about the border bill that did not pass the point he was making is if we don't want laken riley's to happen again, we need to pass comprehensive border bill. we need to have an
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immigration bill that provides more agents, that provides more jurisdiction, that provides charges for judges letting people are vetting people that's that's the money he was making. that listen, anytime you have the big dog, bill clinton out in rural areas, he has great at that. one of the things he said was i asked the harris campaign to send me he to the country. >> i know where i belong. i know where my people are. he is great for voter turnout. >> able. do you think he's i think he's a little rusty to be very sincere with you. >> i think we did have bidding at the border. president trump's last year in office, us border crossings were way down, but nobody, but in terms of vetting, i mean, you know i mean, everybody agrees there are not enough judges doing these asylum claims and what it's like a seven year wait under the trump administration, it's like a seven year wait. that's ridiculous but we need to remember too. >> anderson, that when president biden came in and kamala harris came in the very first hundred days, they send a lot of executive orders, a lot
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of them want aggression which caused catch and release, eliminated, remain in mexico policy so what happened was people started crushing the border, anderson and they just sit on the ground. they'd wait for border patrol agent to pick them up and then they'd go to the processing 72 hour processing fee our time and then they go back. they sent some warn our country you've record date. >> there was zero vetting were which won't occur for years because the system is so backlogged, which again, the harris campaign is pointing out is you need a an actual border bill that gets more judges that actually narrows the window. >> vetting from seven years to hours, the border was secure so when they still unable when border numbers were now, when a panacea under under trump less. and if we want to talk real facts, let's talk real had issues under practically every precedent our lifetime and we need comprehensive immigration
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reform. it we're going to address this in a way we need bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform, which was what this bill was. and let me tell you about, okay bill clinton may not be the bill clinton of 20 years ago, but you know what kamala harris has ever able democratic former president out there for her? donald trump doesn't even have his wife next to him. donald trump has no former president because they all don't like him, not even the former nominee, mitt romney, not george w bush not you know, any of the republican leaders that you supported. and i supported are out there, donald trump, the party has gotten rusty over nothing any day of the week. >> the party has completely changed. this is donald j. trump's party. there's no doubt about it. >> i have absolutely agree with the people are supporting him in huge numbers, latinos, i mean, did you ever think that 44% of latinos are supporting donald j. >> trump that was going on today. in american community
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supporting donald j. why? because his policies worked and they lived under his policies, honor. they lived under his policies. and now today today been able community is being choked by inflation. but let's look at the poll numbers you talking about the latest new york times sienna college poll, likely latino voters, harris 56%, trump at 37%, which is a much lower margin for a democratic nominee that they've had over the past three elections? look, i think there's a lot of things going on. one of the things that i found really interesting about that poll also, wanted the majority of the tunnels thank that when donald trump is making anti-immigrant remarks and when he's making talking with racial slurs and the things he says that we all have heard him say they think it doesn't apply to them and i i have a really hard time understanding that because i, you know, when the shooter showed up at a walmart in el paso and shot 22 people. and then there were another 22
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victims. he didn't stop to ask the people if they were legal or have they were undocumented he just shot people because they look like latinos and he went to el paso because there was where latinos went he was hunting down latinos inspired by anti-immigrant rhetoric. to me it boggles the mind that somebody who looks like you, who looks like me, who sounds like you, who sounds like me. think that when he is making anti-immigrant racial offenses, it doesn't apply. >> want to give you the last time i think i think anderson to meet when president trump is talking, he's talking about criminal folks that are being sent to our country we're not he's not talking about latinos that are coming here to work hard. there's a process to come here to work. >> this is going to ask you for your immigration papers that races is going to ask you for your immigration patterns. anna, do you think of latinos believe and they know the prison is not a race business owner that's why that's why he got investigated by doj for some 47 that means i on that
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bus. >> that means you're okay with racism. it doesn't mean he's not race to lose. >> leave it there thank you april mogen. >> appreciate it as well. well, coming up next talk in politics in what may be the most pro pro-trump county in all 2024 swing states will take you there week and asked questions like, what does a comedy show doing on cnn too much but i want donald how can you slice that i got news for you saturday at nine on the future is not just going to happen you have to make it. and if you want to successful business, all it takes is an idea and now becomes a future where you grew at dream into a reality the all new godaddy arrow, put your business online in minutes with the power of ai everywhere you look, things are getting more expensive. so it, consumer cellular with lowering the price for those 50. and now you can get unlimited talk, text
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to $100 gift card for a free quote is not good based brought. >> it feels like welcome back. >> cnn's elle reeve travels all over the country and is known for engaging people in conversations about their politics and beliefs and how they see our world. tonight, she takes us to rural southeast georgia to what may be the most pro-trump county in all of this year's battleground states question. where are you at?
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>> gosh. >> all right. i'll have the cne and reporters here and they want to talk to a democrat i'm serious as a heart attack, who's here in town that would talk to him? >> let's say when you had to 100 him credit it's hard to find an open democrat and brantley county georgia where trump won more than 90% of votes in 2020 of all the counties and all the 2024 swing states. >> it's the most pro-trump and we wanted to know why we vote 90% republican not but one thing wrong hamlin's. okay, let's get that on the board. this plane about me we're a small rural county. lot of folks here live paycheck to paycheck and wonder too much month at the end of the money. people don't want a wall i want point john, the democratic party was for the working man and the republican party was for all the elites. and somewhere that got switched her in, some of that stuff, everybody here calls him president trump as far as the people in the round here is concerned, he's still the president democrats didn't used
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to be rare here. almost everyone we spoke to said the grandfather had been one, but those days are gone numbers do not lie. >> watching people five and six years ago, they had successful businesses. they were thriving, they were doing well every time somebody comes okay. then we'll have to close it relatively hurts. hendricks got a heat pressed to make customer t-shirts and it turned out that one kind of design really helps pay the bills. >> i've learned how to put it on my computer and kind of change things as long as it can still sell donald trump stuff. >> we doing good. >> there, just $5 $5.01 of her customers was sherry raul. we better while she was buying a trump sign and she said we could come sea or put it up. her grandson, tallinn died in an accident december before he could vote in his first election. >> he did loving front right, to get at time about one by with the term now you've just got his first job and he was like, i make you know, $9 an hour and i work this many hours. why do i only make this much money? and i told him, i
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said, son, it's politics. you got to pay taxes talent became really intrigued with it and started doing some more research. and he said, dad, looking at what me and you talked about, we need donald i'm trump in office and he just became a huge trump supporter. >> his parents said he would want people to know he was for trump. and so they put the sign up because he's not here to say it himself. >> thing is china is pretty fast on from trump to biden, even vacancy. the difference even the kids. yeah. >> i can take it to the piggly wiggly and i have a and you just look at the process. i don't know where you come from, but can compare it to what we've had four years ago is triple. >> there's some statistics that show that younger women are more likely to be for harris do you see any evidence of that here in this county? >> i don't really in this county, but i do know some younger females there are very much a harris person. and i mean, i'm not against sir, if i thought she'd be going to be different. and what was already in there in like she should have come out running
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independent that i'm not what listened to her a little more the next day at a diner, were regulars talk politics when biden claim that he had more jobs and created more jobs that's only because of corona because everything shut down that was not trump's fault. >> know the jobs report numbers were really good for september that just came out and said, the american people should numbers hey take that and you have created the washington, dc, you get credit for that to the american people that go to work every day even when they down, even when it's against making when it when it's going up, he'll we get up and we continue needle work. we continue to fight and we've made this country better today nobody in washington got a ride they take credit for what the american people have done. but we didn't want to leave town without hearing different point of view. they called some old friends to come by in the rottenness some folks will be
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able to talk and tell him to hurry up. >> i'm going to go fishing real loud cnn reporter is you want me to democrat and rapid daily power? >> but there were fewer floor which way you were there looking at all of you and on was racially has been >> united i will make no num got down there where's europe there are other gentlemen? >> high can join she's a cnn reporter and he won't. >> some democrats and brand identities, he keep firing one i told her i knew a couple of she said please call, pleases you wouldn't quiz. tell us. is i have voted republican.
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>> yeah. yeah. >> i'd love for the man. i don't love for their power so what are your thoughts on the election for my thoughts on my what on the election most think about it. >> well, who are you going to vote for? >> correct person? >> well, i using the right person, to beat donald trump. okay. tell me why last time you saw him talking, did you watch his lips? >> were moving? the line all right. well, so mr. wilson here was telling us that january 6 was a big disqualifier for him, shouldn't have been what how do you feel about that bill? >> about like he's anti anti-american, he's trying to overthrow our government. >> and so are you thinking about voting for harris? >> yeah i after or not vote, he the only job than dropped yeah. it's robbery runoff vote for him
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now or you know, what's nice is that they're your own friendly and, you know they were they called them, asked him to come over. oh, yeah. this was one of the nicest places we've ever reported from places where there have been more closely divided, gotten yelled dad, i've been scolded, but everybody he was really, really know so what else stood out in terms of their economic concerns? what are they well i of course i wanted to ask them, what did they think of the democrats ideas for addressing the economic problems in the area? >> what did they think about raising taxes on rich people, something like that. they were not impressed they are older people. there sir. and about their kids. it's not doing so well. they want to pass stuff down to their kids and david here on the demand with the big beard, he said he ran a trucking company on paper. he's worth 10 million. so he didn't want his kids to have to pay highest state tax for his assets. >> elie reid, thanks so much really appreciate it up next, it's been more than a month since the israeli military confirmed that hersh goldberg-polin, an israeli
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american held hostage in gaza, was murdered by hamas. and for the first time since his murder, i'll speak to his parents who have fought tirelessly for his release. >> if you vote for me, i promise pizza everyday, plus unlimited topics. >> but does the budget even exist for that, ethan, why are we not talking about the fact that my opponent has coatings up morgan app to fix 99. >> wait, subway six neither. now foot off with just six out in the subway kamala harris will cut taxes
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for working people and make billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share. >> trump is fighting for rich guys like him kamala is fighting for us defense pacts responsible for the content of this had a heart attack. >> did they have life insurance know? >> but we have life insurance john i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, in only a few minutes, select poll found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family meets price. you can afford. >> select quote, we shop you save when you're home needs work, where do you go? >> and angie guys wear angie gay man with angie, find top rated certified pros in your area, plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs done well, find top rated certified pros in your area at angie the smiths your time is valuable
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power, brings you the ego power plus reaching an incredible 700 65 cfm. >> it's more powerful than gas and it's be as of up to 200 miles per hour, it's the most powerful ego blower ever. >> featuring egos hatan did 56 volt heart with the battery technology, it runs up to 90 minutes on a single charge of plus the same battery powers all you go to exclusively it blows as an egot authorized dealers i'm alayna treene traveling with the trump campaign and this is cnn at least five people were killed and 65 injured in israeli strikes overnight on a hospital courtyard in gaza. according to the medical group doctors without borders, this was the seventh time this year. this hospital compound was bombed over the weekend also, at least four israeli soldiers were killed and more than 60 others injured in a hezbollah drone attack on an israeli military base. around the same time as that attack, the u.s. military now it is sending an advanced anti-missile system and about 100 us troops to israel to
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operate it. the pentagon says the u.s. troops will quote, help bolster israel's air defenses following iran's unprecedented attacks. meanwhile, it's believed that more than 100 hostages are still being held in gaza. hersh goldberg-polin was kidnapped on october 7. i first learned about him a few days afterward when an idf soldier showed me this video of a young man being loaded into a pickup truck. his head had been blown off i didn't know it was hersh who's israeli american until a few days later when i happened to interview his parents at the time they were unaware of the video existed and they didn't even know if he was alive. i called them after the interview to tell them what i'd seen and i sent them the video since then, i've spoken to hersh's parents a number of times in april, a propaganda video was released by hamas showing hersh he was, he urged his family to stay strong and gay proof that he was alive. but at the beginning of september, the israeli military said they recovered the bodies of six hostages were who were murdered by hamas, including hirsch's.
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earlier today, for the first time since his death, i spoke with his parents, rachel and jon jon and rachel. thank you so much for talking with me. it's been it's been a month and a half since, you learned the news that hersh had been been killed along with other hostages? what are the last what's the last month-and-a-half been like for you well, i mean, i think anybody who suffers a trauma loss as some sense of what we're really what we're going through i'm not trying to compare us to anybody else in trauma, but what is different here is, as you know, well, anderson, for 330 days, we were on a global campaign to save the life of persian other hostages we knew that they were suffering. we knew that they're being held in terrible conditions. we can talk more about that. but we were on a mission all day every day. and
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we believed our own optimism. we really thought we are bringing him home. we look forward, anderson tu meeting hirsch and to get the news on august 31, that they found six bodies including hirsch's, was just such a crushing blow and we are still grappling with it. >> we are we are oddly blessed because they're hostage families who know that their loved ones were killed and their bodies are still being held. and they were not able to give them, at least yet a proper, respectful burial. so were grateful that we got hershey his body and that we're able to give him that respect but it's it's crushing to spend those days so optimistic, so hopeful. >> so focused. >> they have an end like this i
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imagined meaning him as well, and i imagine him getting on a plane on december 27 of this year. which he was supposed to do december 27 last year for a trip to india and i imagined all of that i'm i'm i'm stunned i guess not surprised, but it's stunned. >> and just so sad and for your loss and the loss of so many been like well, i think that in order to get through the 11 months before day 330 i was using so much psychological suppression in order to function. >> you know, there was so much trauma and terror that we were experiencing as parents of someone there that i wish
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shoving all of this emotion and fear and as, you know, suitcases and shoving those suitcases into a room and not dealing with that because we were in battle, we were on a mission and in order to function, i had to suppress so much so i don't want to look back at those 11 months. >> i don't want to unpack those suitcases. i also don't want to look ahead at what does life look like without hirsch in it. so i'm kind of trapped in this very immediate present and i'm just trying to get through each day. i think we are in the first centimeter of 1 million miles journey of how do we get through? the rest of
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our lives, urinating and missing our son was looking at the calendar. >> it's been it was october 16 last year that you and i spoke for the first time. today is october 14 i really meant what i said. i come home time beyond our public campaign in our, in our apartment with her two daughters, literally slamming what it was going to be when we brought them home what would the family looked like? what would the celebration look like what kind of tone would it have? like we're getting into those details? >> and you know, we've said this elsewhere, but maybe maybe our optimism was something,
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that drove influencers to lack urgency to feel like he's going to come home at some point somehow and mail-in fact, maybe maybe it wants to infectious and it just, it made them the urgency that they needed i don't know. i really feel blessed that i was hersh's mom for as long as i was and although obviously this is the first you know moments in this lifetime of how you live with something that's really big and painful and not let it sort of drown you i really we've really made the choice that we really would like to not just exist what we want to live. we want to live for our girl. >> and the truth is, i want to
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live for hersh i want to live the life that her should've lived and that's a life filled with love and happiness and light. >> and we will always have this deep it's still possible to have that boyd and two be happy and choose life. i do think that i was talking to my daughter's about it today and we spoke to yoni levy about that the other day. we said i said on her unholy podcast that people walked out of auschwitz and they went on to have good lives. and some people walked out of auschwitz and they never left auschwitz a weird thing, anderson, where last year, saturday night, october 7 at midnight, i walked
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in from the police station where i've been dropping out dna samples and remember that saturday night, we assume person was dead and we had the chance to sit in our room and cry and talk and say then if he's dead we're gonna mourn. >> we're going to grieve but we have the live life eventually for ourselves, for our girls and for hersh and then in erie way, we had the exact same conversation on sunday, september 1st, 331 days later 330 days in between of optimism and hope next more of my conversation with the parents of hersh goldberg polin, what they've learned about his time in captivity coming up >> it's coming to cnn this fall pros and cons lists pro posted by roy wood jr. row with amber ruffin would likely in
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and yours. we're with all service-members and their families who need community, connection, and maybe a bit of magic. are you with them? learn more at today. pressure and improve heart-healthy rushed to walmart and find total bce the source with kaitlan collins next shared part of my conversation with hersh goldberg-polin, parents about the grief they've been experiencing since learning that hersh was murdered in a tunnel in gaza. >> here's more of our interview john, have you learned more about hersh's time as a hostage >> so what we've learned is at least towards the end of his captivity, and we don't know for exactly how long hersh and five others lax ovary, a-m-o-c,
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karmiel and eddin were held in a tunnel 65 feet underground. a tunnel that will just over two feet wide and five-and-a-half feet tall? hersh's six feet tall, so he and most of the others could not stand in this tunnel there was hardly any air, no light, no plumbing no real floor. i mean, it was a tunnel the six bodies were found in a tunnel but had six narrow mattresses that we can only assume from that when they were able to get any sleep, they would line them up head to toe because that's the only way they could possibly fit conditions in which these bodies were found the bodies were found on saturday, august 31, the belief is that they were killed roughly two days earlier on thursday, august 29
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gunshot wounds and all had suffered severe weight loss. >> hershu as i said, was just about six feet tall, came out at 115 pounds egg in a five foot five woman, 24-years-old, came out at 79 pounds and on and on non similar stories across all of them. >> we also know that the in the tunnel, they were surrounded by bottles of you're in that when they had to go to the bathroom, they would go in these bottles. and so there were many, many bottles of very dark you're in showing how dehydrated they were we know that they were starving because they were all completely emaciated at the toward one end of the tunnel. they had put a plastic bucket for you know, some sort of privacy when they had to use the bathroom, not for you're in
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the conditions are horrifying and that is so much of john was describing happened to her, but we have spoken extensively to forensic experts who've sort of dissected for us the report of what happens specifically to hersh, and it looks that, you know his left hand had been had been missing since he was abducted seems that when he was being shot, that he had put up as a defense his both arms. so bullet went through his right hand through his shoulder. actually, then into his neck and then out of the side of his head it looks that then he
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supposedly he was standing, crouched over because of course he couldn't stand up straight because he was too tall to stand in the five foot five tunnel. they think that then he dropped to his knees and then he was shot with the gun on his head, the back of his head, which exited the top of his head and he was found on his knees two days later and eddin, yerushalmi was resting, heard head was resting on his side or on his lap, and she had also been shot multiple times as had all four others. rachel and jon. is there anything else you want to say or you want people to know? >> i mean, i think we just finished, we're in the part of the jewish calendar where we just finished very somber, serious rosh hashanah is the
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judgment day and then we have a ten day period between russia, shaunna young keep poor, which is the day of atonement, which was just on saturday. and you know, we have a very big idea of how does one repent when someone feels that they have done something not not hitting the mark correctly and the way that you do that in judaism is when you find yourself in that same situation next time, do you choose to do differently and we've had so many people say to us that they are so sorry and they feel so bad about what happened to her and these other five beautiful young people and we have said to everyone don't be sorry. >> go save the one u1 and so as people from all over the world, people have power and influence
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from all different countries. >> people in the negotiating room, people adjacent to the negotiating room. i would just be c2 go and get these people rachel. >> goldberg and jon polin. thank you thank you. thank you. anderson well, that's it for us. >> the news continues the source with kaitlan collins starts now >> from the source. tonight, kamala harris goes all in on donald trump's enemy from withinin comment unleashing a searing attack after trump suggested using the us military on election day to handle what he calls radical left lunatics. >> thomas former defense secretary, will react sounded the alarm and at least six new accusers tonight or filing lawsuits against
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