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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am PDT

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penguin streaming exclusively on max seeing this situation distract from the good work of many hardworking people and a productive first year. so it sounds like the first year of the spitzer governorship. >> the only here is a disaster. yes. >> rather than getting his big legislative program with scores of items, we had been limited to around six or seven in a number one priority of eliot spitzer was to have the toughest sex trafficking law in the united states. he said, yes, he won. yes. >> as unbelievable as it sounds spitzer decided to prioritize making it a felony to knowingly sell travel-related services to
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facilitate prostitution and agenda item only sigmund freud could fully appreciate they're at least he succeeded new york's anti-human trafficking bill of 2007 was signed into law on june 6 we can only speculate as to how soon afterwards spitzer himself started breaking that law. >> spitzer goes from having won a landslide, having been the sheriff of wall street where people stopped him on the street to being a governor who's ordinary and i think that must have been really, really difficult for him governor's mansion management and look at the portraits and wonder what the former governor's would want to say to him he definitely was looking for spiritual endorsement there was so much
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acrimony involved it was rocky you're ready for the grand finale spitzer, what does he say? >> i got an email around 10:30 p.m. saying, please be at my apartment at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. >> this seems like an unusual request. >> isn't an amazing run. i knew something was wrong. so i didn't email them back. i just called and, he said, as early as tomorrow, the new york times will reveal that i have been involved with prostitutes against human sex trafficking is actually a customer, right? a customer, yes. john and i immediately become relieved. >> why? >> because now i understand what the hell happened to my friend he has been painfully aware that he's going to go down at any moment and it's hard to do your job while you
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feel like there's a gun in back of your head, even if you're the one that's holding the human, well, somebody's hold him i'm on the morning of march 10 as lloyd drove down to manhattan to be with his friends, they all knew that they had mere hours to formulate a plan before the whole world knew what spitz is there had done. so. you drive to his apartment in manhattan welcome to a greek tragedy we sit down at the kitchen table, sell the elliot and myself, and the first thing is she said, did you know that he was doing this and i said i didn't know i had no idea >> you still think the governor spitzer can stay god, absolutely. i would already formulated the plan on the way down to keep them in office. i wrote a speech that i wanted him to give i contacted shrinks
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i contacted a facility which deals with sexual addiction the spitzer camp was ready to fight or at least the people around him were spitzer's own feelings on the matter seemed quite different for the first few hours i'm resigning. i'm resigning today. and i dissuaded. i said, you are you are not competent to make that decision today. >> while spitzer's inner circle was in their war room in manhattan, lieutenant governor david paterson was 150 miles away in the capital albany, just going about his day there was an event that morning that the governor could not do. no problem. patterson had a covered then a second event, spitzer was still not around patterson started getting suspicious i felt like the character in a movie where everyone else knows what's going on except the character. but no one had any answers for him until shortly after 1:00 p.m. when the phone finally rang.
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>> finally, spitzer's secretary calls me. i hear something about it prostitute and entrapment something. so i said, well, what's the result of this? he says when the governance finished, he's going to resign so i called chuck schumer, who is the senior senator. i call hillary clinton was the junior senator from new york. kill re clintons, the first one to call back and she says, david, there was something very ominous about your message. is everything all right? i said i guess everything is all right, but i'm going to be the governor and about 35 minutes years. oh, my god. what happened just just getting how do you explain a sex scandal to hillary clinton as patterson had been warned, there was a press conference just after 3pm with the shocking news already splashed across new york times website everyone thought they knew what they were in for disappointed and failed to live up to the standard. i expected of myself. i must now dedicate
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some time to regain the trust of my family unexpected news, there was just one question on everyone's minds was elliot spitzer really going to try to stay in office political analysis. we have all kinds of questions about to feel so stupid person questions. >> what did biden do? that said the right paul stayed awake hard here getting questions. >> why did front pull out of 60 minutes? >> i love pulling out and done right questions. what are the predictions for next week's top stories? >> wiles for bankruptcy news network. >> have i got news for you next saturday at nine on cnn and streaming on max. >> if you're living with dry amd, you may be at risk for developing geographic atrophy or ga at be unpredictable and progress rapidly leading to
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audio book. we handle narration production and digital distribution. >> color scan, the qr code. now to regain the trust of my family. i will not be taking questions thank you very much i spoke to a number of sources in new york democratic politics who said they had been told without a doubt that governor spitzer would in fact resign and then of course he did not win new york democrat is said to be weighing his options and bracing for what could happen next. we'll waiting for the governor to do the right thing as soon as the times broke the story, it was everywhere and it moved really, really quickly. government charged for people with operating a high-end prostitution ring known as the emperor's club vip 0.9, mentioned in the criminal complaint, isn't in fact the governor the documents states client number nine, arrange for a prostitute named kristen to travel from new york city to washington dc. client nine said
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he would pay for everything according to a source with knowledge of the investigation, the two met at the mayflower hotel in washington, that encounter took about two hours on february 13, a day before valentine's day there are spitzer's supporters who think wall street had something to do with this. >> these moneyed interests, all these enemies, he'd made when he was attorney general, they were in on a grand conspiracy. i think that's that's that may well be the case, but so what you've been offered things in your life, i've been offered things in my life and i now i have agency to act and this guy had been pretty big dam agency. >> okay people like to speculate that this whole case was somehow set up by one of spitzer's very wealthy enemies. >> he's certainly lucky it's a really rich people hated him. i tend to think it's ridiculous because you'd have to know that he was interested in prostitution and he was not a guy who liked grabbed women's
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women by the blood or seemed seemed like someone who would be using prostitutes. i mean, that's what makes the conspiracy a little bit weird. like you would have had to know that he was vulnerable trouble this way. >> and when the details came out, it was clear that this was not just one moment of weakness even if someone had set him up that first-time. now one for spitzer to go back for the second or the third or even the eighth time? nor was anyone forcing him to make stupid mistakes that almost certainly help get him caught? that was all eliot spitzer when spitzer's started, the whole prostitute thing, he was putting money into a small regional bank that was just underneath the money laundering rules. >> and so the bank reports him like the governor what i know his name, he's the governor doesn't just do a transaction that would draw attention. he does it add a place where they would notice in his own name and spencer was sending these shady wire transfers to an obvious shell company, which soon revealed itself to be a front for prostitution ring but
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the fbi was all already investigating once those dots got connected, the former sheriff of wall street was done for he ran the racquets bureau at the manhattan da's office. so he knows the way this works. to the extent that he says, i thought i'd get away with it either that is simply an outright lie or it is an indication of such massive self-deception. but that also says something about what's going on not going on in this guy's mind, right after the first press conference, lloyd and silva spent a furious 61 hours trying to convince bits are to remain and fight and for the first time in his life, eliot spitzer chickened out cell, along with me is trying to convince him not to resign as governor he humor does i think i don't think he ever seriously considered it. >> he wants out he wants now he doesn't want to be hippocratic. >> he wants out because of the
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sex trafficking laws he pushed for yeah, that's the reason part of it. that's part of it. we made a principled argument here. you're afraid of being a hypocrite. you shouldn't elevate your sense of self over the interests of the state of new york and the people who elected you in this monumental plurality later becomes iconic for cause because of soda standing by her man, her man begun to a tone from my private failings with my wife, soda my children and my entire family the image of silver spitzer's standing beside her husband at the press conference was so powerful. in fact, it inspired and award winning tv series, the good wife, which lasted it's seven times longer than the actual spitzer administration still to to give
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up that much and then watch him blow it up like that on something fundamentally attacking your marriage that has got to be the worst ever though many eyes were on still does she of course, was not the reason everyone had gathered again two days later, elliot had come to a decision i am resigning from the office of governor as i leave public life i will first do what i need to do to help and he'll myself and my family. this has been one of the hardest the furthest and the fastest falls from grace that we've seen in american politics that dramatic end to the political career of a man who was once one of the democratic party's rising stars spitzer may have resigned to avoid the scrutiny he knew would come, but he could not outrun an american public that wanted to take in all well, the salacious details of his hypocrisy. >> the sheriff of wall street was dead long live client number nine a governor was
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described as a difficult client or that means to you is difficult client with me that he didn't feel he needed to wear a condom could also mean he had some unusual sexual proclivities that we haven't heard about yet. >> a little tmi there, jason, but thank you. >> eliot spitzer's sin was hypocrisy we're all hypocrites. we are all about so massive contradictions and we all know it and yet when someone is outed, as having those contradictions, we want to punish that person, drive them from public life rather than saying there. but for the grace of god, go, i, it's burn the witch even snl, which had never actually mocks blitzer before, just had to get their jabs in on the newly anointed client number nine and you wanted to have sex with a hooker, but you didn't want to wear a condom really, really, but might not be scary if your client number he won, but you are client number nine but no detail caught the public's imagination quite like the tidbit that spitzer allegedly kept on his black sox while
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engaging with sex workers, even if he did keep black socks on, who cares like if that's a kink? then lord help us for weeks with the only thing anyone could talk about new york magazine had a great eliot spitzer cover by barbara kruger, the artists. >> i mean, it was everywhere and ashley do pray afterwards for weeks was in the news for the first time we are seeing the face and learning the story, the woman's for whose sexual services governor spitzer allegedly paid thousands of dollars. >> she is the escort known as christian and she goes by the name ashley dupree. >> she'd already had made music on her myspace page. likes, this was a person who was ready for the spotlight. >> she ended up becoming a column asked for the new york post serious launched a radio channel just devoted to the eliot spitzer's scannell, just so people could talk all day long on serious about client night scandal was the end of eliot spitzer you'd be mistaken when
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you're a politician or a very famous person who goes through a major scandal though you have two choices afterwards, you can either go away forever or you can knots an eliot spitzer decided to not launch. >> that the ones so much that will be kitschy walking closet was the tie we got a problem. >> how can you sell your house or still going to space station for a mud bath and i'm going to open door open the door. >> open door gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your time hey, want held will you billionaires. but kamala harris
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>> what about commission-based products? >> we don't sell those were a fiduciary obligated to act in your best interests? >> so how do your management fees work? >> we have a transparent fee structured, so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments were clearly different tomatoes or they a fruit or a vegetable that's trouble that's doable for food actually, you're both right? wolf blitzer botanically speaking, a tomato is a fruit, but in mixed v hadn't the u.s. >> supreme court ruled that a tomato is a vegetable because of how it's used in cooking. >> i didn't know that. >> now, you do it is inevitable. chloe! hey dad. they will grow up. [cheering] silly face, ready? discover who they are. [playing music] what they want from this world. and how they will make it better. and while parenting has changed, how much you care has not.
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>> but. if people take this was a turning point in american government and politics, how so? because elliot and what he stood for all of the people and all of these areas transportation education infrastructure, arts and culture who felt that this was the administration that not only would fix this in the empire state, but then go to washington and advance these ideas on a national level. had now gone down. >> people believed in him so not just people in new york, this was a national government information. >> and all of that, all of that gone it was an overwhelming loss of a rare leader happening. >> the very same day that bear stearns collapsed, setting off one of the worst financial crisis in us history. but the sheriff of wall street had already turned in his badge we have just learned that eliot spitzer remember him, the former governor of new york, will not face any charges in
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relation to his prostitution scandal earlier this year, the us attorney's office investigated and ultimately declined to prosecute spencer. >> thank you. >> so resigning from office was the only punishment spitzer god for his law-breaking and hypocrisy the american people can forgive a lot when it comes to sex, but hypocrisy, not so much. at least if you're a democrat. >> so when spitzer ran for comptroller after briefly hosting a cnn talk show filled with way too much passive aggression, stay with us because he talked enough was the hypocrisy of his story that i got hung up on one of the things that a lot of people take offense to. >> you never faced charges under your own lock, the decision was made based upon the standards that were set by the department of justice and made by the u.s. >> attorney's office. they looked at the evidence and they dealt with me the way they dealt with everybody else who was in my situation. you really go back and talk. oh, absolutely. what you did was incredibly reckless and perhaps more importantly, it was very
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illegal, as you know, a class ii felony paying for sachs, a law you signed, bumping it up to classy when was the last time you broke that law? 2008. >> that's correct. and let me tell you, even though it may seem a quixotic and hard to make sense out of, i'm proud that we did sign that human trafficking law that was the right thing to do. it is important. it is something i believed in them and believe in now on even though you violated it that's correct spitzer ultimately lost the comptroller race in 2013 and that was not the only thing he lost. ally, spitzer and his wife filled up are divorcing though married for 26 years, the couple had been living in separate apartments for months but don't shed any tears for eliot spitzer, the divorce saying and do that hasn't 16 news breaks that he's being allegedly extorted by a russian woman named svetlana zakharova, who herself claims spitzer paid her for sex work the exact nature of their relationship remains locked in civil litigation in the end, we're left with yet
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another politician who sold the people of new york a bill of goods. governor spitzer. he was the person fighting for the people. he was stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. and i think people wanted to believe in a hero, someone his downfall came. it wasn't just the falling of eliot spitzer. it was the death of a dream look, i fell under his spell like lots of other people. >> i wish in many ways that he had been satisfied with doing what he was very good at it stayed on for another term or two terms as attorney general, i do think if he had done that, he might have helped stop some of the worst abuses that led to the financial crisis of 2008 maybe it's a case where he was externalizing his internal conflict. >> maybe he thought prostitution was strong and hookers should be thrown in jail. and that was you know, side-by-side in him in conflict with this attraction to prostitutes. if we just throw them all gel, get them all off the streets that i won't touch
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any of. >> i interviewed him, must have been 2018. i know he understands he caused a lot of people in his personal and professional life. a lot of pain. i know he's sorry for that but he certainly hasn't allowed it to consume his life have you ever asked him why he did this oh, he doesn't know he doesn't know. he has no idea. i mean, there's no introspection know psychoanalysis about i did this because they wanted to do yeah, there are people i'm not going to think about why i did this or why i didn't do this. they're not introspective. i'm not saying that that makes them better or worse. it's just he doesn't want to know any of that stuff and the truth is, that's what the people loved about elliott spitzer no, second-guessing, no debate on a crusade charging ahead to systemic change steamrolling enemies, cutting red tape in his path. his accomplishments were tangible in exceedingly rare which makes it hard not to
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mourn what we may have lost with the downfall of the sheriff of wall street. >> but it was his zealous belief in his own righteousness that made eliot spitzer's self-destruction inevitable. and that might be why this story is so chilling former president trump was a steamroller in the white house and it landed in insurrection on the steps of the capitol if we can't shake our addiction to strongman to those utterly convinced of their own greatness. there will be many more like spitzer in positions of power, posing even bigger threats who are fragile democracy crusaders wanting their portraits on the walls of history every governor of new york has the chance to be immortalized in a painting that hangs in the new york state capitol a self-directed monument to his or her own illustrious legacy. all of them are, they're all but to the first served in the early 19th century and left no the likeness >> this is behind the second is eliot spitzer


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