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tv   [untitled]    October 20, 2024 5:30am-6:00am PDT

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favorite pair of jeans today. i'm taylor available on the apple app store or android i've hanako montgomery in tokyo, and this is cnn away from leaning into cultural wars, but he's bringing it to a new level in the final stretch of his campaign. >> most notably by ratcheting up his anti-transgender rhetoric. >> bridge to keep it that hell out of our school they want transgender operations change a man into a woman. and in some cases, a boy
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into a woman without parental consent, we will keep out of women's sports how do you stop it to you go to the sports leagues. >> do you go to the olympics? just ban it? >> didn't exactly explain how he would just ban it, but just to look get a sense on why this is significant, is the money there. so much money on this issue right now is been a third about $22 million, right now being spent in the final weeks and just don't last two weeks of the campaign on this issue. for the first two weeks of october on this issue, more than crime, more than inflation, more than immigration. >> why? >> so the trump campaign believes that this is an extremely effective message for it animates the base. it could dissuade it's also a persuadable message to suburban women and black men and hispanic men. they say that it is a cultural issue and it's also code for kamala harris
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being too radical, too liberal they say that if she they say that it's so effective because it uses kamala's own work, how harris, his own words explaining the policy that people are really uncomfortable with about spending taxpayer dollars on transgender health care for inmates and so they say that it is effective for the base. it's effective for persuadable voters and its something it's part of their closing using argument. absolutely. yeah. but it's it's also not one of the most important issues according to the polls, according to voters, what they're telling pollsters ranked number 20 when asked about quote, extremely important issues influencing a vote that is according to a gallup paul, and the harris campaign's of course, quick to point out. >> new york times story about trump under the, under trump, us presence offered gender, affirming care as well. but nevertheless, what do you make
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about well, i think there's clearly a mismatch here and i think it's based in the kind of own republican belief that this does have more of an effectiveness that maybe some public polling suggests we should note that republicans have tried this before. >> this was a closing argument in the 2022 midterms, and we didn't see it really rise to the level to create the type of coalitions that really been projecting. but i do think it adds up to a larger argument that you do hear consistently from republicans. that's a bow a change of traditional roles in culture whether it relates back to the messages they have about masculinity and gender or sexuality, men and women sports. i was at north carolina charm office yesterday in the western part of the state and just the long crime and immigration signs they have keep men out of women's sports. i mean, they have had this front and center because to the point they do think it cuts across a lot of different groups. i just would say i think that's probably where the public polling misses it because maybe it's not that people are motivated by this individually but i do think there is a larger kind of
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question of where are these larger societal issues added? and that's something that's based in the kind of trump nostalgia message it saying that a return back to a traditionalist is important on the gender and sexuality and then includes this downstream. >> the question is it should how should harris responders? he really has not responded to this other than asking him a question at that fox news interview last week, but this is not one democrat in a swing state. sherrod brown respondent to similar attacks that he was facing biological men what if i told you so this was a lie? >> board is a complete lie and bernie moreno noted the truth is in ohio, this is already been banned. >> sherrod brown agrees with governor dewine these decisions should be made by local sports leagues, not politicians. >> should harris be taking a similar stand? >> i don't i don't know what you do see as you've seen it with brown, you've seen her
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calling all read the democratic candidate in texas. you are seeing democratic candidates affirmatively trying to go to the cameras, are make the point that this kate this charge against them as either unfair or not entirely accurate. and i again, i think i said when i don't know whether or not it's going to be an effective campaign strategy. it wasn't terribly effective in 2022 in the past, it hasn't. what i do know is that every republican strategists you talk to is convinced it's going to be an effective strategy and you look at the ubiquity of these ads across all senate races, and they think they have a winner here. i don't know if they do, but they clearly think so. but harris ignoring it, what kind of impact does harris ignoring these attacks essentially, what kind of impact will that have it could i mean, i do think this is a huge i actually do think it's a huge issue. there's a reason donald trump it says it in every single rally, and i do think particularly when i talk to trump's campaign about it, you're totally right leanne, i hear the same things, but especially what about the children in schools that's the thing that they are really seizing on that kids. mothers,
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obviously, i said before a very core demographic, they're going after they think that's very effective with them that people are actually it's really going to be turned out by that issue because they're afraid about what's happening in schools with their children in 16 days, we'll see if they're right coming up for us. a group like to elon musk. now he's trying to stoke the democrats. israel divided michigan. of course, that's a state that could have troubled the white house house and the senate i hit the trail with the two candidates locked hugely consequential senate weeknights at nine decks, ma'am, g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. >> this small wearable replaced his finger sticks lowers. they went see and it's covered by medicare not managing your diabetes really affects your health for the future. >> the older you get, the more complications you're going to see. >> a new i couldn't nor my diabetes anymore because it was caused my eyesight to go back
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and the senate. so i visited the bellwether counties in michigan this past week to dig into the bitter battle between democrat elissa slotkin and republican mike rogers for the states open senate seat when republican mike rogers said this about donald trump? >> i think yesterday broke the spell that so many people had about donald trump clearly, his actions led to that. what we've there's no great way to describe what happened yesterday. sedition that was right after the january 6 attack is rodgers said of the outgoing president while you're right, you had responsibility for this. but now the former congressman is in a battle against democratic congresswoman elissa slotkin for a prize senate seat in michigan that could determine control of the chamber. >> how many are fired up for another four years of donald trump and his trump maintains his tight grip over the gop the
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to have developed a deep alliance, has rodgers, his fate appears tied to the former president in one of the nation's most important battleground. even sad that he was clearly responsible for the acts of january 6 do you stand by any i didn't say he was clearly responsible, but here's the thing. >> but do you stand why it's criticism that you had even donald trump said i was tough, but fair i'll take that all day long. all my criticism is out there and i'm not walking away from anything what i am telling you is now we have choices. >> i guess the criticism you'd get, you evolved on trump for political expediency to align yourself because you need to win this state i think that's nonsense look at the issues. i wouldn't line up with kamala harris on anything rodgers is now trying to tie vice president kamala harris to slotkin as she voted 100% with the biden-harris agenda, michigan is ground zero in the
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fight for control of the house and senate is slotkin and rogers are in a dead heat. >> and in mccomb county, the birthplace of conservative reagan democrats, slotkin is trying to make inroads. >> it's always been a hotbed and it continues to be habit. >> what is the message? just been? not connecting with those voters i think it's on us to reach out and earn people's votes and i think democrats pass a lot of really important legislation but we also got to get that message out. >> and we haven't always been graded that that's on us. >> on the airwaves. >> slotkin attacking rodgers over abortion. i'm scared that mike rogers will continue to take away my rights, but it's slotkin who has been on the defensive and outside group linked to mitch mcconnell, dropping a staggering $27 million in the final six weeks alone with gop groups spending $96 million on the airwaves outpacing democrats 88 million slotkin voted to allow states to ban gasoline vehicles that would crush michigan's economy
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and she's fielding relentless criticism for her vote to allow state limits on gas-powered vehicles. >> she's had to cut ads like this. >> i live on a dirt road nowhere near a charging station. so i don't own an electric car another challenge, the war in gaza, that has frayed the democratic coalition as an arab american groups. now, urging the states sizable arab population to not support the gop or democratic candidates for president and senate. all over israel the fec has a history, where we're judging people by their history. in here. and what am i going to take a chance by voting for someone, putting in office and that i think later and now a gop group is seeking to dampen democratic support by targeting arab americans with ads touting harris is in slotkin support for israel. but even as foxconn has backed the biden-harris agenda and campaign with the vp when vice president comes, you go, she has tried to show some separation.
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>> some of the proposals that are coming out. i want to look at them. i'm not immediately saying rara, i'm on board, but the truth is, i can have those conversations with kamala harris when we he disagreed. mike rogers can't disagree with donald trump as trump was in detroit earlier this month, he leveled this insult. >> our whole country will end up being like detroit if she's your president, where you okay with what he said you know what this is just i spent a lot of time in detroit and here's what the people of detroit have been telling you. >> i mean they are frustrated that they are not making improvements $38,000 in median wage in detroit, $68,000 out state police the rest of the country would look now, what we're talking about is there a schools that are failing and the democrats every year keeps saying, i'm going to help you. and there schools have deteriorated. >> slotkin says, it's part of a pattern. >> everyone who used to be thoughtful in independent just either has to get with trump and sloot, do anything he says, or they can't be in politics.
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and it's sad to see it's like watching the last buffalo die. it is sad all right my panel is back to see the evolution him designed to tie himself to donald trump here, real full coattails strategy received that with republican candidates across the country, but michigan is such a complicated state because democrats have their own problems as well absolutely. and alyssa slotkin and other democrats have been sounding the alarm on the problems that democrats have in michigan for months. of course, this predates when kamala harris was the nominee, but they've had a lot of it's been difficult for them to make up where they were so low recently and alyssa slotkin in our interview with you essentially said that same week time's not done a good job getting out that message and so it's clear to me that those challenges still exist the one person who is trying to create separation, the senate side is larry hogan. >> so you have larry hogan and maryland who is clearly separating himself from trump and you have mike rogers who doesn't want any daylight. and
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we will know on november 6, which one is successful. >> it's the purple straight sahel strategy saying i'm going to tie themselves to trump and they may be successful, but maybe they both lose. maybe they go both when they split ticket voting. so much uncertainty in 16 days, we shall no, sir. all right. coming up an israeli counter attack on iran, could very well happen before election day kaitlan collins on never have time to repair. wait before you throw it away. led mighty minute saved the day. high. billy mays here for mighty mended the fast, easy way to mend him. and where it again, saving you money, mighty amended is got a glue, but a flexible bonding agent that grabs adherers and interlocks the fibers of virtually any fabric for a permanent repair. sowing takes forever but with my demanded just apply gently touch and mended this stream.
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for certain. have i got news for you saturday at nine on cnn? >> close captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years. >> you cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract helped prop thank you. cora, is a life's they tried today at your as a world braces for israel to retaliate against iran for its attack earlier this month president biden has urged restraint holding went to the white house, called a direct call with israeli president prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu this week the former president donald trump meanwhile said at a rally yesterday that he had also spoken to netanyahu, who's of course is also known by his nickname bibi bb, call me today and he said it's incredible what's happened. >> they said, it's pretty incredible. but he wouldn't listen to biden because if he did, they wouldn't be in this position for more of my colleague, kaitlan collins joins me live from tel aviv. kaitlan, what is the response been from the israeli government? to trump's comments notable comment from donald trump. >> we know that he had been in contact with netanyahu. he called him after the death of the hamas leader yahya al-sinwar. they had not connected, but clearly they have now spoken and given what trump related that rally last night. and since trump was saying that the united states president and the prime minister told me is not listening to the us president. i asked netanyahu's office for their version of this call. they didn't dispute what trump's said, but instead, in a statement and israeli spokesperson said in his
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conversation with former us president donald trump, prime minister netanyahu reiterated what he has also said publicly that israel takes into account the issues the u.s. administration races. but in the end will make its decisions based on its national interests. it seems to essentially confirm what donald trump was saying at that rally last night that bibi told him. but the reason that this is so notable here, manu is because we are in the middle of waiting to see how what israel is going to respond to that attack by iran on israel from october 1st, something that could happen any day now. and we know that president biden has urged israel to act with your strength, not to go after a iran's nuclear facilities, not to hit its oil facilities were fear of that, that could escalate this situation, this war, even further than it will were already this thing, right now. and so of course, seeing this response that we are waiting on from israel, it's a big question of what they're taking into account from the u.s. there and speaking of that plan for retaliation, kaitlan,
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cnn has learned the u.s. is investigating a leak of those highly classified us intelligence about those plans. what is the impact having that the leak is having about israel's plans to retaliate it remains to be scene of it. >> if it changes are curtails what israel plans to do here, it all manu obviously, us officials were stunned when these documents that started showing up on a telegram channel. these are highly censored instead of highly classified documents, where essentially the u.s. is looking to see what israel is preparing to do, how it's going to respond to that iran attack. they have a very high interest in what israel is planning to do. but the fact that this information got out there while us officials that we've spoken with have said they don't believe the extent of what was revealed. the information is all that damaging. the fact that it got out there is damaging and they are worried about that if further information could get out there, they'd clearly been keeping an eye on what israel plans to do i should note that israeli officials, i've spoken with in the hours since this
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came out our border line between amused and irritated that this information is getting out there right now. it doesn't seem that it's going to alter their plans at all, but it remains to be seen what israel is going to do here. manu yes, stunning leak with uncertainty implications. kaitlan collins, live from tel aviv. thank you for that, and that's it for inside politics sunday. thanks for watching. you can follow me on x some mkraju, follow the show at inside politics and you've ever miss an episode. of course, catch-up wherever you get your podcast, just search brings i'd call up next year, the union with jake tapper and dana bash, jag's coach yes include house speaker mike johnson, vermont senator bernie sanders. and thanks again for sharing your sunday morning with us, will see you next time >> name is sophie sasha robert ryan, and i'm alive thanks to my nurse practitioner. >> my nurse practitioners saved me i'm a lifelong heart condition. >> she prescribed the right medication. >> my np diagnosed my multi-organ failure. >> my np. listen which saved my
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