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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  October 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> next, breaking news, an 11th hour report from the atlantic reporting. trump said, quote, i need the kind of generals hitler had and complaining about picking up the tab to bear a us soldier one reportedly calls an athlete mexican plus giuliani losing big time tonight. a judge ruling he must turned over his most proud highest possessions, including his new york city apartment to the two georgia election workers. >> he defamed. their attorney is with us live. so what are they going to do with giuliani's possession? questions and can you spot the deepfake here? new warnings about the lengths that some are going to to trick voters and why it's becoming nearly impossible to tell what's fake or what it's real without using ai yourself. let's go outfront and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, the kind of generals hitler had an 11th hour bombshell report from the atlantic. jeffrey goldberg quoting trump touting the loyalty of hitler's generals and reporting that trump complained about picking and up the tab for a fallen us
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soldiers funeral calling her an effing mexican. i will let start with hitler's generals. goldberg reporting that trump asked former, or that he asked trump's former chief of staff, john kelly, about claims that trump once asked him, quote why can't you be like the german generals? so goldberg then rights while he told me that when trump raised the subject of german generals, kelly responded by asking, do you mean bismarck's generals? he went on, i mean, i know he did know bismarck was or about the franco-prussian war. i said, do you mean the eyes or is general? surely you cannot mean hitler's generals. and he said, yeah, yeah, hitler's generals and the atlantic goes on to cite then two more sources who at the trump white house, they claimed that they heard trump say, quote, i need the kind of generals that hitler had people who were totally loyal to him that follow orders. now tonight, a trump spokesman shutting down that reporting telling us insisting that trump never said this but there's more in this atlantic reporting from jeffrey goldberg, who also says tonight the trump was outraged after
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learning the cost of a full fallen us soldiers funeral, which he had offered to pay for personally. army private vanessa julian was murdered by a fellow soldier at fort hood in april 2020. now according to the atlantic months later in december, trump reportedly asked his advisers in a meeting, quote, did they bill us for the funeral because he had offered to pay for it and then he continues according to the reporting saying, what did it cost? now according to attendees and to contemporaneous notes of a meeting taken by a participant in aid answered. yes, we received a bill, the funeral costs 60 thousand dollars. trump or became angry it doesn't cost 60,000 bucks to bury and i think mexican now again, i'm reading here the entire part from the atlantic and the trump campaign denies trump's said this entire exchange and it is important to note that the sister of an sea of vanessa gulia and tonight fighting back against the atlantic's reporting, she said to the publication, wow, i don't appreciate how you are exploiting my sister's death for politics, hurtful and
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disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members. president donald trump did nothing but show respect to my family and vanessa, in fact, i voted for president trump today. jeff zeleny is outfront live in detroit where president obama is set to take the stage at a harris rally shortly. but jeff obviously a report like this, you know, it's coming out now. it is coming out right before the election. that is what those involved to are sharing the information clearly wanted is the trump campaign worried about this new reporting from the atlantic coming at this 11th hour donald trump is taking the stage in north carolina tonight. >> his advisers there's of course, are looking at this very carefully, but they are pushing back against this report they're saying it as false. he never said it and as we take a step back and look at the bigger picture here it is hard to imagine any single report, any single anecdote, any bit of information about what donald trump said in office would changed many or
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any minds in this election. >> we are two weeks before election day and minds are hardened. views are settled. >> however, there are still those voters on the margins that the harris campaign is trying to reach out to voters that liz cheney was talking to yesterday here in michigan, trying to reach out to them to just disqualify the president. >> so people who may not be sold on vice president harris there they may not prefer her as a top candidate, but they are still at the middle of this. i am told that former president barak obama is not likely to bring this up here. first tonight. why? because he wants to fire up the democratic base. he wants to encourage them to vote early for vice president kamala harris. we've got a preview of what he was saying earlier. tonight, just a couple hours ago in wisconsin, early voting started there and he said, look for anyone who has any nostalgia about the trump economy that was my economy. he went on to say that trump inherited a very strong economy and then really just a
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deliberate, a litany of belittling and mocking descriptions of the former we're president, but as it comes to comments about hitler generals or the military, i do not believe that will be front and center in this conversation. and tonight, this is all about firing up the base. this is a base election. it's why eminem, the rapper, was making a very rare appearance here in his hometown of detroit there'll be introducing former president obama. >> i'm told. >> that erin is just one more reminder, even though we have two weeks before the election, 16 million people voted, there are still new pieces of information formation and on the margins that certainly can matter, but don't look for the harris campaign at least tonight, dillied into it too strongly. >> all right. >> well, thank you very much. jeff zeleny important context. let's start here with our panel. but margaret, let me start with you. trump's reported comments on hitler and interesting jeff, this view right? that didn't firing up the base and in people's minds being hardened, what impact does something like this have?
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but the campaign is nonetheless pushing back. they don't want this to be something that takes off. they're saying is absolutely false. so you end up in story here where it appears its john kelly versus trump yeah, look if you have followed every twist and turn of the things that are reported to have been said in the white house to trump's top advisers over many years, this is this new report is simultaneously chilling outlandish and totally believable because it tracks with what we have come to know about donald trump as somebody who deeply cares about power and authority and has become this sort of demagogic figure that adores dictators and authoritarians and complete, yet, yes, men and yet never really achieved that the adoration for putin, the adoration for or orbon the iteration for every dictator who he or authoritarian who he met and sometimes really
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kowtowed to. it seems believable. on the other hand the people that we need to win. now, if you're kamala harris and i say we as somebody who is a republican, who is for harris our low propensity voters low information voters, where these twists and turns or not what they are going to vote over. this is about the couch, right? it's about the term is are getting trying to get voters off the couch. if you are not voting in your only tuning in and it is two weeks from today. >> a comment that trump made off the record or in private about hitler isn't going to get you to the voting booth. so the question is, what does it do to well, perhaps republicans like yourself, who have not fully decided what to do right? i mean, i guess that's the question mark is something like this, not like in a matter i mean, you decide if if people who are like, you in the sense that they are republicans who sort of nikki haley voters having to say, yeah so marc lotter, let me ask you about them and i'll read some of what jeffrey goldberg writes in his article about this
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conversation with john kelly. >> and just elaborate a little bit more so this is, this is kelly talking. he told me that when trump raised the subject of german generals, kelly responded by asking, do you mean bismarck? generals? >> he went on, i mean, i know he didn't know bismarck was or about the franco-prussian war. >> i said, do you mean the kaiser's generals? surely you can't mean hitler's generals. and he said, yeah, yeah hitler's generals now aren't jim sciutto mark, you may remember in his book when he spoke to john kelly and john kelly has shared other comments like this from trump's. so this is, this is coming now two weeks before the election, but in his book, jim sciutto reported that kelly told him, trump privately said, hitler, quote, did some good things. so the question is marc, do you think something like this with some of these people in the middle who maybe the nikki haley voters as margaret just said, perhaps that this could be damaging for trump at this 11th hour i don't really i mean, obviously a john kelly has said a lot of things about president trump over the years. >> a lot of those have been
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disproven and pushed back on by a number of different people who were in the room. a lot of the things that are coming out in his story tonight are being pushed back on from the chief of staff at the white house to the pentagon chief of staff. and as you pointed out earlier, the victims daughter, i'm sorry, sister. who pushed back against this reporting. so i think it falls into just more clutter two weeks from an election. if you're still undecided in this election right now, and if that's 34, 5%, i think it's because you wanted kamala harris to give you a reason to vote for her. she can't do it. she's not going to tell you how she's going to lower the gas and grocery prices that she caused to go up or seal the immigration at the border that she opened up. all of these things she hasn't answered the question, which is why you undecided and you know, you get the opposite with trump. >> all right, so fred, let me ask you because, you know, look, hitler's in the headline that the atlantic tried to put their, but i, i know we're living in sort of an odd world, but we've heard trump talk
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about hitler before. jim sciutto's reporting, right? >> we hadn't heard anything before. >> is what he said allegedly in this reporting about this soldier. so let me just give the background here. this is a 20-year-old army private, fred. she was bludgeoned to death by a fellow soldiers. she was the daughter of mexican immigrants. you grew up in houston texas trump and told the family that the military terry would be paying for the funeral and then he said, if you need help, i'll help you out a few months later when he's in this meeting with staff, this is where the reporting comes in, according to goldberg, trump asked, did they bill us for the funeral? what did it cost? according to attendees and contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant in aid answers? yes, we received a bill, the funeral costs $60,000. trump became angry. it doesn't cause 60,000 bucks to bury a mexican excuse my language there. i just read it. but that's what he said so fred, let me ask you in the family comes to trump's defense, which they are her sister, and said she voted for trump and that this is not true trump denies it. do you think
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something like this matters, fred? >> well, i think both the previous report and this report matters. and here's why. the one place where we agree is that if someone's undecided at this point, it is because they know what they think about donald trump and they're looking for a reason to vote for kamala harris, or it's just a vote at all. and so when you have reports like hitler and you have this report about about the soldier, these are things that just solidify people who are undecided because they don't like donald trump. and it creates an opening for kamala harris to, over the next week at 7:10 days to move them into her column and a race that's going to be won or lost on the margins, something like this can make a big difference and listen when you think about the story about the private, it reminds me of what happened just a few weeks ago at arlington national cemetery. and all the other things where you have so many generals who served under trump who are supporting kamala harris. all of this, all this goes to a very strong closing argument for for the vice president and buttress our argument that in many ways is the enemy from within.
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>> mark, let me it's interesting what fred sanger that he does think this could move the needle. it's also important to say that obviously the private sister is coming to trump's defense, but to fred's point trump has said comments that are not inconsistent with this, right? he's been very open. maybe he doesn't drive f bombs and public all the time. but his point of view has been said before. here's just some examples. >> there's never been anything like this happening to our country they're changing the fabric of our country. they're destroying our country in nevada as being turned into a dumping ground and you are hello country is being turned into an absolute dumping ground. the illegal immigrants are turning and then turning at a level that nobody's ever seen before. they are fighting our families before and you know, there's a lot more where that came from.
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do you find it hard to believe that he would in the context that goldberg reports say, i think mexican two people who are in the room and say that did not happen and to the larger point, i mean, he's talking obviously about the illegal immigration crisis. >> he's talking about the crime that we're seeing. obviously how fentanyl is poisoning so many people in our communities and taking young people from us. and so i think in the broader context, and when i see he say the polling that shows immigration now is among the top two issues along with the economy in this election, i think it's because people see what's going on. they don't like it. all right. margaret, i want to get one other thing here if i can, and that is something joe biden just said about trump he's talking about trump going to prison. >> here's what he just said. >> i know this sounds bizarre sounds like i said this five years ago, you'd locked me up we've got to lock him up
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do alright. so he said lock him up. you did that, then he sort of fixed it. wait, i mean, politically, i mean, lock him out. >> do you think that's okay it's not okay. but like let's not hold joe biden go higher standard than we hold donald trump, who literally ran his entire 20 he's 16 campaign walking hillary clinton up. i mean, it's almost become a meme. so of course, we don't look also those words mean something more now because of where we are five years, eight years later, right one, because trump literally may be locked up. >> but i but i do believe that all of us should hold ourselves let's do a higher standard than we hold donald trump, but we should not then hold joe biden, who shouldn't have said that maybe misspoke often misspeaks. probably misspeaks more than hear politician in public. and donald trump when he says stuff like that, isn't speaking, he's doing it intentionally. but look, we should all do better all of us
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should do better and we know that trump's not going to try, but, but everybody else should do better. all right. all of you please stay with me because we do have some breaking news. >> vice president kamala harris talking elon musk in a brand new interview, just coming out and you're going to hear what she has to say next. plus rudy giuliani just order to fork over as luxury new york apartment and his most prized possessions to the two election workers in georgia. he defamed. >> so what are they going to do with does assets his apartment is world series rings. >> their attorney joins me live and a former democratic congressman now pounding the pavement and pennsylvania, but it's not i mean, you might think i'm in pennsylvania to november 6 to get donald trump elected. >> donald trump as a democrat, as a democrat my rainbow kid. >> it's like you're generation has evolved past traditional political symbols.
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begins with slash team atlanta. this is cnn breaking news. >> kamala harris in a new interview tonight, trying to make the case that donald trump doesn't care about the american people. she sat down tonight with nbc. she did two interviews today and this is obviously two weeks to the day before the election. and the race is neck and neck according to the polls in here, is what she said president who is focused on solutions and not just fanning the flames of division and hate it's part of why people are exhausted with donald trump and his approach, because it's all about himself and his personal grievances and not about the american people right? everyone's back with me. so fred, that message, she's really pounding the table on that. is that going to move the needle right now with base voters are with, with voters
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who may end up you deciding this election in those crucial states. >> well, i think so because for, really, for two reasons, number one, so many people including the trump folks, said that she was not doing enough interviews and people needed to hear from her. and so she's doing that. and so this format is great for that. but then secondly, she's making the case. i think in a very cogent and com and strong away that the donald trump is a threat and that american needs to look forward listen. the american electorate is inherently a positive forward thinking electorate. and i think she's tapping into that as opposed to the desire to be negative and to go back in time, which is what donald trump is selling. >> optimism. i mean, look, country known for optimal resume, margaret, there's another exchange in the interview about where, where she's asked about her defense of joe biden after his debate in june and why she stood by him. and were you honest with the american public about his his state of mind? and if she was up upfront with americans about what she saw, here's that exchange can you say that you
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were honest with the american people about what you saw in those moments with president biden as you were with him again and again repeatedly in that time? >> of course, joe biden is an extremely accomplished experienced and and and capable in every way that anyone would want if they're precedent, you've never saw anything like what happened at the debate night behind closed doors with him it was a bad debate. people have bad debates. should he bet? >> he is absolutely. that's the reason why you're here and he's not running you'd have to ask him if that's the only reason why. what do you think i'm running for president united states? >> joe biden is not answer than that that that is a little confusing. >> actually to me. i mean, i find it a little bit confusing
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that, you know, people presume you're the vice president, you're hall is right down the office from the hall from that your office is right down the hall from the oval office you have lunch with the president once a week she kept better answer for that. >> fred wair, you do you agree i think she said what she said. >> she's the vice president. she's extremely loyal to him. and i think the point that she made his address that he had at a bad debate, people had bad debates. obama had a bad debate in 2012 that didn't make him a bad president no. >> no. i mean, it did change the course of history though. one way or the other it did mark harris was also asked about ilan musk going all in to help trump win, right? we know got to 100. i'm sorry, hundred million dollars. i don't think there'll be that many of them, obviously, it's one a day $1 million a day to registered voters in the battleground states so here's what harris had to say about musk tonight effective his support for former president trump in that key battleground. >> listen, i'm not about doing it. >> gimmicks and all of that. i think that what we you have to do and what i'm going to
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continue to do is to be out in communities mark, do you think this is a gimmick? >> do you think elon's actually moving the needle well, if it gets people to register to vote, i think i think it's encouraging people to participate in democracy. >> the one thing i do find hilarious is that when mark zuckerberg puts hundreds of millions of dollars into the 2020 election and into actual election offices democrats love it. but when there's a conservative or someone who's so supporting conservatives, they hate it. i mean, it's a double standard. we've got we've got the richest man in the world. they've got one of the top three are probably the rest of the top five it's a complete false equivalency though. >> i mean, what he is doing is paying people to register and it's also a campaign finance violation. so he's actually got a liberal. >> they were paying both know, you and i both know billionaires on both sides are flushing huge amounts of money into c4 shadow operations in order to try to influence this election. so it is not like there's only one on one side
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and there's a zillion on the other that is just not true alright. >> fred, there was one other thing that she did two interviews today, as i said, no rallies, no public events you know, you were celebrating her for doing interviews, but the reason i put the context around it, that you did the interviews and no contact, no rallies or public events is because trump has seized on that and talked about her schedule today. he just said this fred i was going to hit it really hard on the trail today, but now i don't have to because she's off. she's know i can't get off first. >> who died? he takes off. he have 14 days left and she'll take a couple of more days off to why she he's lazy as hell and she's got that reputation fred. let's look at two things about this. first, it's good to see donald trump after all of the interviews he canceled last week. he doesn't want to talk about that, but it's want to remind america. he canceled 60 minutes and several other interviews. the second thing i want to say, shame on donald trump for continuing to hello racist tropes by talking about a woman and a person of color
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using racist terms like she's lazy and she's not out here working. listen, he complained that she wasn't doing interviews. she's doing that. he complained that she wasn't doing enough rallies. she did that she was here in atlanta all weekend long, going across the metropolitan area, going to church services attending rallies. she is back again this week. the fact that she possibly to do to interviews and reach millions of americans. i think is smart and i appreciate the fact that she, unlike donald trump, didn't cancel them or stage an event at a close mcdonald's to try to get a little attention, racist tropes, mark i mean, that's just the standard defense if you ever attack or your raised that drew massage. and is it has nothing to do with that. we're 14 days away. she took the day off to prepare for two interviews, which she shouldn't have needed to do. you could have done a couple of rallies, have the reporters go out there on the campaign trail in interview, you backstage. we did that 2016. we do it in 2020. i question that she needs to be in the battleground
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states with two weeks to go, especially when she's performing five or 6% behind where joe biden was in 2020. >> well, we'll see, i mean, it's posing mean gaussian. nobody seems to really know. all right, i appreciate all of you very much. thank you. and we do have joe rogan and trump's sitting down, so that's going to be interesting. next meantime, rudy giuliani is being forced to move out of his new york city apartment and handed over along with his most prized possessions, like a signed joe dimaggio, jersey two georgia election workers that he defamed so what are they going to do with their attorneys next? plus, can you spot the deep fake? new concerns tonight that ai generated images and videos could have a major effect on the upcoming vote and these images are actually not hard to me before election day, vice president harris basis voters and takes the pressing questions bye. >> anderson cooper moderates a cnn presidential town hall, kamala harris tomorrow at nine
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ritzy apartment, including tvs furniture, jewelry, and a signed joe dimaggio, jersey which is actually hanging above the fireplace. as you can see from now all of this now is about to belong to ruby freeman and shaye moss, the election workers at trump giuliani falsely accused. i'm sorry, of tampering with ballots, which led to threats like this. >> raise your store down
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around $150 million for spreading lies about them after the 2020 election so he didn't have the money. >> so now it's these assets. so let's go straight to kaitlan poll and she's live outside the apartment. giuliani is now being forced to vacate. and caitlin, you've done extensive reporting on giuliani's financial problems, so as you're standing outside that apartment building right now, that apartment i understand is worth an estimated six million dollars. and ruby freeman and shaye moss are going to be handed the keys in just days. so what then happens get control of this but it's not the real estate that they're thereafter here, even though this would be quite a nice place to live and had been in the past for the former mayor of new york is the money that they're after aaron. >> there is 150 million that is owed to these two women by rudy giuliani because he defamed them after the 2020 election. and so what is happening here
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is this apartment on one of the high floors in this building behind me, it's going to be handed over to the country of ruby freeman and shaye moss, so they can sell it and take whatever they make from it in the millions, very likely. then in addition to that, there also going to be getting control of a whole host of luxury items that rudy giuliani owns, things like a mercedes once owned by lauren bacall paul, a joe dimaggio signed jersey many, many watches, more than two dozen luxury watches, including one who was a rolex, one that was given to giuliani by the french president after 911 for his services here in this city as mayor all of that is going to be given to them so they can sell it off and collect the money to begin to collect on the debt that giuliani pays them it is an order with some finality here in the federal court in new york because giuliani hasn't done that much
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in court to fight this legally, and it's run out of a lot of appeal options to try and hold off them from getting this property. >> it took them about a year to get to this point in seven days. he's going to be turning over the property itself as well as all of the luxury items to them but then there's more at stake. the judge is still going to have to decide about a condo in palm beach as well as world series rings from yankees that giuliani has four of them are lots. >> it's really, i mean, it's incredible to think about it again. the former mayor of new york or kaitlyn polantz. thanks. thank you so much. i want to go now to michael gottlieb, the attorney for ruby freeman and shaye moss so michael, what is your reaction? i mean, so your clients have one that's now in seven days are going to have the keys to this apartment and they've been awarded these other items as well. what are your clients think i mean, i think we're all thrilled by this ruling. >> this is
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accountability for ruby freeman and shaye moss, a jury of rudy giuliani's peers found him liable for 140 6 million in damages for defaming our clients and terrorizing them in the aftermath of the 2020 election. and this is what accountability for that looks like. this is necessary and key step and our clients ability to start to recover some of what has been taken away from them by being appointed receivers of this property. >> so let me just talk about some of these assets. the mercedes once owned by lauren bacall, that katelyn polantz was just reporting on sign joe dimaggio, yankees jersey collection of luxury watches, 26 of them, won given by the president of france after september 11. what do ruby and shaye plan to do with all these assets well, i don't think there'll be wearing all the watches at the same time they're going to sell this
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property, this property is they've been appointed as receivers by the court or receiver is a person that the court appoints to take charge in custody of property in order to sell it and maximize the value of those assets. it's sort of like an auction to see if they can how much they can get yes. >> yeah. there are vested with power to auction the property, to sell it privately to use their discretion been in order to make to turn this property into money to satisfy the 146 plus million dollars that rudy giuliani owes to them. >> all right, so some of the assets are in dispute. now, we're giuliani is a lifelong diehard yankees fan, right? you've got the joe dimaggio signed jersey but the world series victories he has four world series rings. and over the years and obviously those are those could be worth who knows what they're worth, the right person, certainly priceless. so an incredible amount of money, potentially, his son andrew giuliani though claims it. there's a photo
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that he's put out this photo right here where he's with his father he says this proof that his father gave the ring to him because he's standing there holding some of the rings. so how much are you going to fight this for that specific asset or will you? let that go. i mean, what are you going to do here? >> we're going to fight for every dollar for our clients to satisfy this judgment and will will have an opportunity to test the claim that those rings were gifted to mr. giuliani's son will have an opportunity to take discovery on that, and the court will have an opportunity to make his decision based on what the evidence shows about it for all of this, what we're trying to do is use the legal process that's available to ruby and shaye in the southern district of new york to hold the former chief law enforcement officer for the southern district, new york accountable for this debt that he owes to them earlier this month, you know, you talk about how so many families have gone through such sadness as a result of the political environment in this country.
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and rudy giuliani's family is among them, his daughter, caroline. i was speaking with her or she said that she was going to vote for kamala harris because she believed that trump took her father from her and i talked to her actually about ruby and shaye. and here's an exchange that i had with her about them to our country is trump's. >> so i think it's important to look at the culture that he has created and the peep, the way in which he has refused to accept that he lost the 2020 election and get everybody to compromise their values. do anything just to keep him in power and attack citizens like ruby freeman my men and shaye moss like he's willing to hurt his own people just to have power and kamala harris would never do that about i don't know if they even
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know that the carolinas said this and that she's voting for harris, but but how does something like that impact them? >> i mean, they have gone through obviously, credible horror. we played some of the calls and the threats that they have received but but yet there's a sadness here to other families and so many have been i've been broken apart by this yeah. >> i don't know if they know about that particular quote. right. say is that ruby freeman and shaye moss are heroes. they made a courageous decision to stand up for themselves to fight really, the most powerful men in this country and in the world in order to achieve accountability for for the harm that was done to them, but also to send a message to civil servants two election workers to citizens who are participating in our democracy without whom our democracy could not function. that the justice system will hold bullies accountable for pulling people like this into these
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kinds of conspiracy theories and trying to escape, the scapegoat them for political gain. and today's ruling, i think is an example of how the justice system, even though it may take some time and even though it may take resolve and the courage of people like ruby freeman and shaye moss will hold powerful people to account for these kinds of wrongs. >> well, michael, appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> all right. next to trump and harris campaigns, i spent a lot of money to win over jewish voters in a battleground state. but as our dana bash found out, both campaigns he's still have a lot of work to do. wait till you see this report, plus a special report tonight on the deep fake videos that are now being used to confuse americans about when, where, and how how to actually vote kamala harris tomorrow at nine eastern on cnn after last month's massive solar flare added a 24 hour to the day, businesses are wondering what
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should we do begin companywide power now anything can change the world for from hr two payroll adp designs for the next anything i'm a lifelong republican. i voted for trump twice, but i can't do it again. trump wants a national sales tax on imported goods. >> it will make everything more expensive for regular people all while giving tax breaks to billionaires we're gonna give you tax. >> kamala harris is for regular people. she wants to tax cut for 100 million americans. so we keep more of our hard-earned money. i'm a proud republican, but this year i'm voting for kamala harris pac is responsible for the content of this ad. millions of people have lost weight with noon, likely vacio, who found the purpose companion to his job healthy one journey through able to track the progress we open the app, they're definitely teaching me new habits. so i do not have to be on weight loss. may its forever yet 1000m glp-1 now available at noon doctrine some days you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine 15 or more headache
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cats. >> if your cats sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats were scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm dr. phil away, optimum looking at live pictures out of greensboro, north carolina where former president trump is speaking at a campaign rally and a win for trump and north carolina is pretty it's as close to a must-win as it gets for his path to two 70 and both campaigns tonight are focusing their efforts on turning out every single vote, not just there, but across the battlegrounds and in pennsylvania, who wins or loses may come down to this key group of voters. >> and dana bash is outfront this is an app that you have that's where the homes of the jewish pennsylvania voters, this leafy philly suburbs of baluch kenwood has a sizable jewish population, one that usually boats big for democrats the trump campaign is trying to chip away at that.
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>> you are walking the streets, knocking on doors in pennsylvania to november 6 to get donald trump elected. yet donald trump elected as a democrat, as a democrat, not just any democrat with peter deutsch is a former democratic congressman from florida. >> and i think donald trump and the republican party have done thing that the democrats have not done i'm being aggressive against the outrageous, almost insane level of antisemitism on college campuses. >> the deep pocketed republican jewish coalition has a data-driven strategy to find jewish voters open to donald trump, like clade schoenberg and make sure they vote for donald trump did magnificent things, right? starting with moving the embassy to jerusalem, only a block down the road at this exact moment. oh, meant jews for kamala harris gather in a saga a structure used during the week long jewish festival of sukkoth
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and now it's time women, were talking to abortion rights is number one, right up there with israel the jewish population in america is small, little more than two 2% in swing states likely to be decided on the margins. all demographics matter and pencil sylvania is the battleground with the highest concentration of jewish voters, about 300,000 according to data by brandeis university. >> the election is extremely close and the jewish vote is an essential part of a winning democratic coalition. >> since the brutal october 7 terror attack in israel. and spike in anti-semitism. many jews in america feel unsettled and the republican jewish coalition is spending an unprecedented 15 million this cycle with ads like this. >> what about kamala? >> busy defending the squad
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trump, i never cared for, but at least slow keep us saying, you don't have to like donald trump but donald trump will keep the jewish community safe. >> you don't have to like donald trump, that's quite a message. >> i think. i mean, that's the reality, right? >> haley soifer with the jewish democratic coalition calls that cynical and misleading. >> he's emboldened and incited and aligned with and dined with anti-semites he also scapegoated the jewish people what she's referring to this, if i don't win this election, and the jewish people would really have a lot to do with that. >> i don't think he was scapegoating. i think he said it a little differently. i will set it. >> are you telling me right now that if donald trump loses he will not blame the jews. >> i don't think it's going to be an issue because i think we're going to significantly increased the share of the jewish vote, jewish democrats are up with this ad we do have a champion, a partner, and a
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defender of our community the freedom and our values. and kamala harris trying to sway voters like jill and harry wilner, if she was here right now, we were having a cup of coffee i would say so. what what's going to be the especially anti-semitism. it's scaring the heck out i am totally undecided. why are you so? one undecided? >> i don't trust either candidate i am very concerned, of course israel's number one on my list he is horrible visual? i can't he doesn't shut up kamala. >> i'm not sure what she's gonna do. >> i don't know what lever i'm going to pull when i go to the booth, i joke about it but i'm going to sign my own name or or we're going to move to greenland, one of the other dan it's just fastening all these different conversations that you had when you actually look at the numbers and you look at a state like pennsylvania, could the jewish vote determine the election there? it really
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could. aaron, if you go back to the piece i mentioned that there are about 300,000 jewish voters believed to be in pennsylvania thick about the margins back in 2016 donald trump won by about 44,000. in 2020, joe biden won by about 82,000. so if you think about the jewish vote in pennsylvania, it and knowing that it largely has gone for democrats historically really for decades not just in pennsylvania, but nationwide. it is one of the key parts of the democratic coalition that if they lose some, it could really make a difference. >> yeah, i mean, you just you don't you don't get as you said, you only need some on the margin there, some votes to make a huge difference. alright thank you so much, dana. just incredible. you look at these voters slices in these states and realize, wow what a razor thin election will mean next, a new warning, the deep fake
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calls like this one which urge people not to vote in a primary are creating chaos across the country for voters november, not this tuesday that wasn't buyer's remorse, not on our watch at cnn underscored. we live in breeds shopping from tech to lifestyle the beauty we're trusted source for hands-on product testing, honest reviews, an expert buying advice are experienced editors test thousands of products so you can shop with confidence unbiased reviews unrivaled research, and unreal savings elevate your every day cnn underscored, see all our reviews and recommendations that underscored done okay. calm. >> body from the director of forrest gump comes to this cinematic germany rue. time. tom sure. does philando, tom
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hanks robin wright. >> sure does you may not have lived here but everyone has the military take his seat here here is where we want to be here in theaters november 1, pg 13, cell provider that was breached has my social from the credit check 75% of americans have had their social security numbers exposed you to recent data breaches that's why lifelock monitors million it's a data points for identity theft when i was five, i began getting sexually abused by my stepfather and he got me pregnant when i was 12 have occurred in states with total abortion bans and trump did this women and girls need to have choices with kamala harris. we do.
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>> i'm kamala harris and i approve this message jake is really knows how to put the heart and your local community see what i did there >> you haven't i'm saying is right everyone, i start month gathered for his debit card i scream, are you money your money is a party at community, so your bank should be to light chase by linking our tiktok accounts with the family pairing tool. >> it's easy to make sure what my teens are watching on their tiktok, say an age appropriate ja select family movie night, no, family pairing on tiktok if you're living with dry amd, you may be at risk for developing geographic atrophy or ga, ga can be unpredictable. >> and progressed rapidly leading to irreversible vision
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loss. now there's something you can do to use, though down lower. ask your doctor about iser bay? >> it's going slower. >> laser vegas, an eye injection, don't take it if you have an infection or active swelling in or around your eye, eyes are vague and cause eye infection retinal detachment, or increasing the risk of wet amd is survey may temporarily increase i pressure do not drive or use machinery until vision has recovered after an ai injection or exam. eyes survey is proven to slow ga. progression, which may help preserve vision longer going, don't delay.
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california coast and this is cnn digital live pictures. you're looking at detroit, that is where foreign president barack obama will be soon
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taking the stage for a harris rally with the detroit native rapper eminem. it comes as cnn is learning a viral fake videos smearing tim walz was created by russian operatives this is according to a new assessment released by us intelligence agencies and it feels growing concerns about deep fakes, including some ai deepfakes. it could be used to create chaos even on election day. hadas gold is outfront rock, amy schumer, rosario dawson, a fake message saying, do not all of these celebrities are who they seem to be because this election, bad actors are going to use ai to trick you into not voting with just two weeks left until the election. >> fears are growing over the influence of artificially generated content we already know what they're going to do. they'll use fake phone calls, videos, or messages to try to change when, how or where you vote warnings like this from the nonpartisan anti-corruption group represent us trying to urge voters to think twice.
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>> the risk here is if they trick enough people in say, one target district in one swing state in a state that really matters to this election. they could throw the whole election deep fakes have been keeping campaigns and government officials on their toes. now having to fight a new front front in the battle against disinformation, like this fake robocall back in january with a voice resembling president joe biden, urging voters not to go to the polls during the new hampshire primary. >> voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to reelect donald trump. again, your vote makes a difference in november, not this tuesday the fcc find the political consultant behind the fake call $6 million. >> he is facing 26 criminal charges in new hampshire. he's pleaded not guilty but not all deep fakes are as targeted. manipulated images are all over the internet. >> some showing celebrity endorsements that aren't always true. >> like these images, former president donald trump shared on truth, social, making it appear he has the support of pop superstar taylor swift. despite a clear marking on one
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photo labeling it as satire, swift actually endorsed vice president kamala harris in an instagram post after the democratic national convention, many experts aren't as concerned about fake celebrity endorsements. they're worried that manipulated content online will confuse voters or in some ways, keep them from going to their polling stations. and it's incredibly easy to make manipulated images. i'm going to use a program called adobe access to manipulate a real photo into his showing something that didn't actually happen. so i'll take this photo. i'm going to say show me a car crash and here we go. what could be taken? several options of what could be a real car crash between two vehicles now, experts are worried that somebody might take an image like this and share it online and say something along the lines of the polling station is closed because of this severe car crash that took place and that might not actually be true, but that could keep people home. so this election be aware and always double-check what you see online with your state's election officials.