tv CNN News Central CNN October 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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time all comes down to this. >> we can now make a major projection. >> the way only cnn can bring it to you election in america, special coverage begins tuesday, november 5 at four on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book dot if you or a loved one have mesothelial muck will send you a free book
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to answer questions you may have called now and will come to you 808 to 14000 cnn poll showing vice president kamala harris and former president donald trump's still locked in a dead heat pennsylvania eight critical battleground state where the vice president will soon be speaking. >> we'll take you there live and gas pump politics. what impact, if any, will falling gas prices it is in critical battleground states have on the race for the white house and injected and banned to yankees fans can kicked out of the world series after ripping the ball away hey, from dodgers star rookie betts now they won't feel out in the stadium for game five tonight. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in. you laugh right ear to cnn news central
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>> less than a week to go until the election. vice president kamala harris and former president donald trump are taking their messages to pivotal battlegrounds. today, the candidates are heading to wisconsin after first making stops in north carolina harris, there will first make a stop in must-win, pennsylvania as they both crisscross the country. the harris campaign finds itself fending off backlash over comments made by president biden that seemed to refer to trump supporters as garbage. >> so all of this as new cnn polling is giving us another snapshot of where the race for the white house stand and it's just six days out in two of the three blue wall states, michigan and wisconsin, harris is showing a slight lead. the race tied though in pennsylvania, and that is where our coverage begins with cnn's danny freeman, who is in harrisburg with the harris campaign danny the vice president, addressing biden's
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comments today, tell us what we're hearing from her >> vice president harris, of course, hoping to come to harrisburg today in addition to the other battleground states, she's visiting to make that pitch it's about unity, but this comment made by president biden that you just referenced really has been dominating a lot of the news cycle over the past 12 to 24 hours since that statement was made. the harris campaign understands this was not a good comment, did not come at a good time. it is not really what the campaign wants to be speaking out today. but as you noted, vice president harris has already earlier i really distanced herself from those comments, saying that she strongly disagrees with criticizing people based on who they're voting for. she also noted that she thought that president biden clarity provide his statements yesterday as well but meanwhile, we're also learning a little bit more about the campaign's thinking through this particular issue as it's come up for the past that's an adversary. mj lee reporting that on the one hand, one adviser said we're not going to lose a single vote referencing this particular
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incident right here. another former administration official have or saying, quote, the biden gab yesterday is just so infuriating. nobody wants him out there. so we'll see how much we see up president biden in the spinal they said the campaign. but again, back to where i am right now and where we started earlier, vice president harris really trying to drill home even in the wake of those comments, but it before that as well, that per ticket the bipartisan one, that a vote for the harris-walz ticket is a vote for country over party. take a listen to what she said in raleigh about this subject, not too long ago and it is, time for a new chapter where we stopped with the pointing fingers at each other and instead led us lock arm because with one another knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us vice president harris to day perhaps against the divisive language we've actually seen some folks in the crowd here.
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you have puerto rican flags, even some folks who are not puerto rican, but still out here waving puerto rican flags, of course, referencing back to the language used by a comedian at for president trump's rally back at madison square garden. >> so i think that you can see that today is a little bit about the battle of people other than the candidate and their words impacting both of these campaigns will see it here in harrisburg when this rally begins in just about an hour or so, boris, brianna danny freeman live for us in harrisburg and so vga, danny. thank you so much. let's go to cnn's kristen holmes now with the trump campaign in green bay, wisconsin kristen talk to us about what the former president has planned there expect to see donald trump not only in wisconsin today, but also friday as well. he is hitting these battleground state heart as his team tries to chip away at any voters, they can ahead of that november 5 election. now of course, what we expect for him is more of what we saw earlier today. he is really trying to take this opportunity with those biden
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remarks to flip the narrative from those preprogram remarks from that joke that comedian told that was vile where he talked about puerto rico being a floating island of garbage and turn the tables on democrats. he spoke about those in north carolina earlier today. here's what he said about those biden remarks. >> my response to joe and kamala is very simple. >> you can't lead america if you don't love american judges hate the american people. >> and there's a lot of hatred look how they've treated you. they've treated you like garbage. frankly, they've treated you like you know what the truth is, they've treated our whole country like garbage, whether they meant to or not now part of the reason that donald trump team sees an opportunity here is if you'll remember what happened in 2016, this was a huge pivoting point for the donald trump campaign when hillary clinton called
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donald trump's supporters a basket of deplorables, something at that point, they capitalize on as well. >> now, just to be clear, donald trump obviously singing a different tune now that he's talking about these biden remarks. but donald trump has often criticize democrats in some of the hardest harshest of rhetoric, talking about how they're the enemy within when he's talking about democratic leadership attacking the party as a whole. so this message of unity is a new one, however, that doesn't take away from the fact that what biden said has caused outrage rage among a number of republicans. they're just going to continue to beat that down as they respond to those remarks and christian, we're also hearing trump stoke fears of voter fraud in pennsylvania. >> what's he saying about that? >> yes know, brianna, i'm i'm hesitant to repeat exactly what he's saying because so far we don't have any indication that any of this is true, is a lot of what we have heard before about how he's saying there's rampant voter fraud that law enforcement are getting involved. i do want to be very clear. cnn is taking this very seriously. we have teams on the
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ground. they have been reaching out to county and state officials who say they are investigating every claim of voter fraud. there also, we heard from the governor last night saying this was just donald trump being donald trump. that doesn't take away from the fact that these officials on the ground are taking this incredibly seriously. they are trying to run down all of these leads to make sure that there is no voter fraud we don't have any indication that there is right now what we're hearing from state and local officials as they are urging patients, they are urging these voters to be patient to go through the process and saying that they are doing everything they can to ensure that this is a safe and secure election. and as of now, that is every indication that we have as a network as we're doing our own research and looking into these different claims yeah, i'm part of that. >> we should borne out is a conversation we're having with al schmidt later this hour. he's the secretary of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. we're going to ask him about those specific accusations. kristen holmes live for us in green bay, wisconsin. thank you so much. >> so let's discuss now we have matt mowers, former trump administration official, republican strategist, and the president of the global public
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strategy firm valcour and maria cardona, cnn political commentator and democratic strategist maria. this garbage comment by president biden is not good. >> it's not good, and it's frustrating but let's be real. the people who are outraged about this comment we're never going to vote for kamala harris and two things president biden walked it back. >> he clarified his comments and it actually gives vice president harris a chance to distance herself from those comments and to clarify what she has been very clear about, both in her speech last night and in all the comments you've been saying today that she is the one who is embracing people who won't vote for her. she is embracing republicans. she's going to not call them the enemy. she's in fact going to give them a seat at the table so spare me when donald trump, who has called a man erica, a
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garbage can, which means he's calling all of us trash when he has called everyone that does not support him, the enemy from within yes. when we has caught when he has called latinos saying that we poison the blood of the country three let's take a look at what's going on in pennsylvania and in all the battleground states with the puerto rican community what biden said doesn't compare with the effect of calling the island of puerto rico a trash can because you are seeing so many what kenya's and latinos across the country. they have said to me, maria what trump did was go a lobby spiro, which means he messed with the hornet's nest you are seeing former trump. what can you voters saying? i am not going to vote for this? blank person. crossword and spanish. where do you see? because he's because he is not respecting us. and we
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are outraged and what we're going to show that outrage at the ballot box, or you since you're eager and just to jump in and we're actually going to play a clip for you of one of those puerto rican trump supporters that he's walking it back in a moment donald trump has said a lot of things and you can argue and you can try to parse the words. but generally, there's an irony to him saying that to be president, you have to let all americans given the rhetoric that he's used in the past, i'll see you. there is actually a key difference in first, i want to give maria the award for probably polishing the biggest target of the day and doing it very well. look what joe biden said is going to incentivize lot of americans who feel personally offended, not by some comedian but that no one's ever heard of. but by the sitting president, i'd states kamala harris is currently well but kamala harris, three months ago said he should be on the ballot and said he should still be present for harris on the ballot now? yes. and she also said he should be president for four more years now coming everywhere. >> but on this point, here's the key though now trump will obviously go after politicians. he certainly has made comments, some of which i disagree with about nancy pelosi and others,
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when he hasn't done is broad brush and entire group, half of the country. the way that joe biden, justice about the state of the city of baltimore, that it's rodent infested in this it's a disgusting and entire city. he has said about immigrants to her point that third genetically inferior, that the poisoning the blood of the country, blood doesn't have a legal status. so he's talking about a group of people that are in the country, many of them legally >> clare her though, he has been talking about the fact that we have seen unfortunately offer results are in urban areas as a result of policies and management from democratic politicians, whether it's the mayor of baltimore, whether it's the merit detroit, whether it's passed democratic governors of maryland. and so those are the only white house an apostrophe to what biden said, just but nevertheless, this is the same and there is still an irony. meat kettle, but he's essentially using
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rhetoric that no one should use in talking about what is there to gain from an election. in talking about policy and talking about leadership over the cliff. >> but let me say this all polls show this donald trump, if he wins on tuesday, which i believe he will win in a narrow race, is going to have the most diverse coalition that any republican candidate for president had in over a generation. and by the way, kamala harris is coalitions be more dependent upon white voters. they democratic politician don trump is going to break records with african american voters. it's going to break records with hispanic voters. so what does it say that despite all the outrage that gets manufactured over here, he's still going to bear with all these voter groups. it means they're looking beyond even some of the rhetoric and they are looking at the policies. and that's what they're going to vote for launches first of all, i don't think that that's true because what we are seeing, what the latino vote is that they are coming home to vice president harris. they are coming home to the democratic party. we are seeing the polls that actually plea know how to poll latino voters using spanish language callers. kamala harris is surpassing the numbers right now that joe biden had in 2020,
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add to that that comments about what the rico being trash about latinos poisoning the blood, and that number is going to skyrocket i've talked to black leaders, black pollsters. they are saying exactly the same thing about the african american vote. the rally on sunday night, the donald trump maga hate rally, didn't just go after what's the rico calling it an ocean of trash. they called vice president harris a prostitute. they called hillary clinton, the b-word they insulted muslims, they insulted jewish voters. they insulted whole swaths of america. and that is what americans are looking at now and they're contrasting that with kamala harris, who's the one saying, i respect everyone, even the people who didn't vote for me. that is the choice before us right now. and people are going to choose the person who is going to work on her to-do list for americans and not somebody who was hunched over assessed with vengeance and retribution on his eminence actually no, we
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don't actually know because the polls will not have registered these comments. >> so we don't know, we are waiting to see and there is a poll coming up, which is the election that's where it's going to tell matters. it's going to tell us, but i wonder what you thank as you're looking at some of the early vote that is coming in each year. i know each election is 2020, kind of tricky because it was the pandemic. and we're seeing sort of some shifting emphasis on mail and voting that i think has strategists scratching their heads, not quite sure whether they can bank on patterns are seeing, but what do you think about you know, a lot of republicans showing up for early vote and what that means is that cannibalizing day of vote. what do you think it's not? >> i've spoken to both the folks who do all the data for the republican national committee to actually operatives on the ground. you are seeing a disproportionate number of these voters are either first-time voters or they're low propensity voters, voters who we're a regular may not show up and you compare
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that to the democratic voters are showing up who are much more consistent voters as a percentage of overall it particular in the sunbelt states, nevada, arizona, north carolina, georgia, you are seeing republicans for the first time in a number of cycles, not even looking at 20:20, which yes was a bit of an aberration, but compared to 2016, 2012, 2008, republicans are actually going to go into election day with a lead in number of these states, which they haven't done before. and by the way, it's going to be a much closer margin going into election day in the rust belt states that was in 2020 or 2016 as well. you are seeing signs of enthusiasm if you're a republican strategist trying to parse through those are, these are the people you want to be showing up. these are not the people who are just going to show up every single year of both free regardless, these are the folks who maybe are listening to that joe rogan podcast, or maybe could debating about ned. i want to go out to voters on the couch. they are showing up right now. that's the reason why you see republicans so optimistic, right? >> let me tell you what democrats are seeing in the early vote data. and mats, right? we all talked about this. this is not 2020. you can't really compare the early
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vote data in general is down for both parties. republicans are excited because they do see growth in the early vote data for them because more republicans are, are voting early now than they did 2020, even though donald trump is still poo-pooing early vote in mail-in vote, which i think is bad for republicans in general. but right now, democrats lead in the early vote by over 500 thousand votes nationwide, and especially in the battleground states. so that is a good number for democrats, however we're also seeing independents and republicans who are voting. we can't really say who they're voting for and i have a prediction that they, the independent since are going to break for vice president harris. and there are a lot of republicans. and i know this from people that are going door to door who are telling me maria, i am going to vote for comment well, harris, i have had it with donald trump and the hatred that he is spewing, that is not what i represent, especially women republicans are telling me i do not want to raise my daughter in a country that's it's going to have
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where she's going to have less rights than i did. >> one more question because i promised that i would ask it and i'm crestfallen truly meant that we don't have the clip of nikki jam saying it was also in spanish while we would be able to like, not everyone will be able to understand and would get the vibe. basically, this was a reggaeton artist that came up on stage areas. we have really clearly, he's obviously the back of a very fancy car. >> and he's talking about, listen you can you know? okay moment you're latino, in many wondering, many immigrants that are struggling because of the economy. and that's chiefly the reason he says that he supported former president trump came out on stage. trump had no idea who he was. he was on stage saying, let's bring nikki up here. she's so hot. obviously, you recognize nikki is not a sheep he is now revoking his endorsement of donald trump, partly because of the blowback over the event on saturday obviously, he's not a household name, but in some communities, he's a very popular artists who means a lot
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what's the significance of him coming out now and withdrawing his endorsement of donald trump? >> well, and look, was hit on sunday was because he was called the wrong name. i don't know. you exactly what it was specifically mentioned what i'll say is that that if you were to actually go back even a week ago and i, i, get it works six days out from election. >> democrats are going to try to spin whatever they can to try to say, look, it was really about the puerto rican community in pennsylvania, regardless this was never this is not the building blocks that the democratic party thought they were gonna have to win pennsylvania by. if you look at the vast majority of polling, voters are not undecided right now and yes, maybe there's going to be one or two people will flipped. i guarantee if we found a couple of anecdotes, we could find some on the other side, the end of the day though this is a very baked in electric, voters have made up their mind they're not going to change it in the final six days, regardless of what you say, what it does change is whether voters are motivated show up we're not it's the reason why i think president biden's comments last night calling half of americans garbage is going to resonate with over have about half of the country, over half the country. where there could be more motivated to show up as a
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result of the fact that they feel like they were attacked by joe biden and his strategists. >> what i'm hearing from what nikki jam did and from what i'm hearing is what voters are saying. they are swing qing their votes in pennsylvania, 500,000 puerto rican us, more in the battleground states in nevada, john king had a piece about latinos, not puerto rico and latinos who were saying that didn't just off puerto rico's a pest, the latino community, because you're talking about us and people are calling blinken to my show latino dj saying they are switching their vote. so if you think that that has no effect, keep thinking that we'll talk on tuesday. >> well, it's probably going to be not tuesday, so let's book you just to be careful just to be careful and we'll revisit it. and maybe we'll know everyone wakes up. >> that's why wife here. so mad, mighty, appreciate the lively
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conversation you got it and forego. yes very much so. still to come, as we mentioned, former president trump continues to stoke fears of widespread voter fraud in pennsylvania. >> we're going to speak to the commonwealth's top election official in just moments. >> plus a mystery that is playing out in the nation's capital. people are asking, who is responsible for political art that is popping up art that appears to hunt former president trump political analysis. >> have questions. >> how biden said the right? >> stayed awake. >> why did trump pulled out of 60 minutes? >> i love pulling out losing that words of i got news for you. >> saturday, if not i use sure. >> you tend to exaggerate go ahead and call him yourself thank you for calling aetna. this is an how can i help you? >> do you really have medicare plan? covered dental vision, and hearing?
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>> busy defending the squad they, you know, trump, i never cared for. >> but at least i'll keep us saying i never voted republican in my life. i am voting trump a man or jc victory fund is responsible for the content of this message everywhere, but the seat the seat is level. now, to get it, you love your bike? >> we did too. that's why we're america's number one. >> it was like an insurer. >> but do you have to wedge it and everything will do that reminds me of my blank wolf was about the size of mine i knew motorcycles. have you seen it by the way around really? >> look how brushstrokes bottled a line of a gas tank problems lesson one jamie, stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson when it comes to our homes, we only want the very best, particularly when it comes to choosing replacement windows and doors. hi, i'm an romer thrilled to be with nick
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of pennsylvania. >> the extremely tight race comes as trump continues to stoke fears about election fraud they're joining us to discuss this is the secretary of the commonwealth of pennsylvania, al schmidt. secretary. thank you so much for being with us. i just right off the bat. want to give you the opportunity to respond directly to former president trump's claims from earlier today, he wrote, quote, pennsylvania is cheating and getting caught at large scale levels rarely seen before. he calls on supporters to report cheating to authorities, saying law enforcement must act now, your thoughts the people who run elections in pennsylvania at the county level are professional civil servants who are all operating within the confines of the pennsylvania election code. >> and the laws in pennsylvania. there is no evidence of anything indicating any sort of widespread voter fraud or if at all and i think
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it's important that our county partners always be vigilant. you never want to turn the other way whenever there are allegations or anything like that, you always have to investigate to make sure that our elections in pennsylvania are free, fair, safe, and secure? >> trump pointed to an incident in lancaster county where officials are investigating some 2,500 voter registration forms that they suspect could be fraudulent. can you take us through what you think happened there and do you expect that this might be an issue in other counties so we were in contact with lancaster county as we are all of our counties, right from the beginning anytime there's any allegation of anything like this to provide guidance and all the rest lancaster did what any other county would do, which is to invest it's the gate and make sure that potentially fraudulent voter registration applications or not processed and boris, they really want to draw a difference between a voter
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registration application and a ballot of voter registration application. >> voters are including their driver's license number. there, including there so security number, their name, their address, and all the rest. and when you show up to vote, your providing id for the first time when you vote in pennsylvania. so there's all sorts of safeguards built into the system. we look forward to hearing from lancaster with the results of their investigation are to understand the extent to which if at all, this they encountered potentially fraudulent voter registration applications. >> so important to make that distinction, there's a difference between an application and an actual ballot, and there are safeguards in place to make sure that those applications actually allow folks to access ballots. so moments ago, a judge requested or rather a judge granted a request from the trump campaign to extend on-demand mail voting in bucks county through friday. the
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lawsuit is alleging that voters who were in line applying for mail-in ballots yesterday, it was supposed to be the last day yesterday were turned away. were any voters turned away that you can confirm what's your reaction to this decision by the judge? >> yeah, i saw that decision right before coming on and joining you today mail-in ballot while mail-in ballot voting in pennsylvania has decreased since 2020 during that peak, covid environment. so the number of voters applying to vote by mail, although widely embraced and is a great alternative. if an improvement to voter accessibility is still less used and then in that 2020 peak covid environment, but one thing that has changed is an increase use of our board of elections offices. we don't have early voting the way other states have early voting. voters do have the ability to go to a board of elections office before the deadline which was yesterday to apply
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for a mail-in ballot have that application process receive their mail-in ballot, complete it if they choose on the spot, and return it all in one visit so that is pennsylvania's equivalent of mail-in ballot voting many counties, as we saw, really struggled with the volume of people showing up to do that. it's very labor intensive. and our county partners and i've visited all 67 counties in pennsylvania in the last year to sit down with them to understand what their challenges are, to provide them with whatever materials, whether it's computers or anything else that they needed hardware to make sure that they can process things. but staffing is really something that is a county decision. >> sure secretary, i wanted to ask you about a report in the new york times that elections officials in luzerne county of installed bulletproof glass in the elections bureau office also panic buttons software on cell phones i'm wondering how concerned you are about violence surrounding election
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day and also the potential for some form of sabotage. the way that we've seen these ballot drop boxes in other states get attacked what are your concerns regarding violence and potential sabotage well, it's very disappointing that counties have to struggle with any of this, and it's one reason why the shapira administration in pennsylvania set up an election threats task force that is a group of agencies responsible for law enforcement and election administration. >> so we meet regularly to make sure there are open lines of communication between people responsible for law enforcement and election administration so if any of that ugliness returns that we encountered in 2020 and this is all a lesson learned from that. everyone knows what everyone else's responsibilities are. and if there are threats of violence or intimidation targeting our voters, our poll workers are polling places, or our county election officials that
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everyone knows what to do in the event that occurs. >> secretary al schmidt, we very much appreciate your time and your work, and we hope that things go smoothly thank you, boris. of course. >> still to come leaning on some star power, how vice president kamala harris has been getting a huge boost from a long list of celebrities on the campaign trail. in her brief and unprecedented run for the white house an election no other. >> and it all comes down to this. >> we can now make a major projection the way only cnn can bring it to you. >> election night in america special coverage begins tuesday, november 5 at four on cnn missing out on the things you love because of asthma. >> get back to better breathing with for sandra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every eight weeks for sandra is not presented breathing problems for other simpler conditions, allergic reactions may occur, don't stop your asthma
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cnn less than a week away. >> we can finally say it. a new cnn polling does give vice president harris a slight advantage in to blue wall states over former president donald trump, overall, though it's a dead heat, it is just too close to call her rise after president biden i've been dropped out of the 2024 race has been a meteoric world, wind and cnn's american battleground series, tom foreman shows us how the vice president went from running mate to top of the ticket in record time, tom, i'll just do it not only did she do this, but what she brought with her was this groundswell that donald trump simply has no way to respond to. and specifically, i'm talking about when charli xcx said kamala is brat for many people over the age of 30, it was like, i don't know what it means, but it was a really good thing and it's sort of was coming in line with taylor swift, coming along to endorse him. and then beyonce coming along to endorse him. now, does that necessarily
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translate? it's leading to a whole lot of votes among young women. maybe not, but we know they have oceans of young women who follow them. and just as importantly, they're young women that donald trump has no practical conduit to reach these people are the conduit to these people. and when trump has been struggling with female votes, there is very little indication that he can somehow turn this into something good for him and we know he loves being considered an a-listers he thinks of himself that way, these are super a-listers that he can have no effect on, and they have thrown all their weight behind kamala harris help. >> but notice that this seems to bother trump well, because of that, but i mean, most notably we know because of that infamous tweet when he suddenly in all caps put out the i hate taylor swift after, i mean, just a remarkable thing for anyone to do let alone somebody running for president. >> but i'll tell you one reason why this may have special resonance for him. remember back in 2020, hey, that big rally out in tulsa and
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all indications we're that a bunch of k-pop fans and tiktok fans, young people signed up for a whole bunch of tickets. they had no intention of using. and suddenly he had a bunch of empty chairs and a bunch of you have empty venue space that made him look bad that could be a reason that donald trump is very wary of what young people do and what young men and may do and why charli xcx, maybe a lot more powerful than even shiino's in this election, we will find out yes, i remember that event. it was probably the first big one in that summer. yeah. after the covid lockdowns and it was quite a moment for his campaign and all patients are they just signed up for all these free tickets and said we're going to be there and they never intended to be there and i'm telling you you don't want to get on the wrong side of the swifties or the tiktok army, or the k-pop army, don't know if he is on the wrong side, but he's clearly not on their side in the sense that they haven't embraced him and said he's our guy. >> but tom foreman, you can
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read the series on american battleground. go check it out right now. tom, thank you so much. you welcome. >> coming up a flaming tiki torch and feces on the speaker's desk, who's behind this mysterious political hard popping up around the nation's capital were doing some digging, trying to find out the fun experienced. >> the cnn magic wall in the home of your hand. get live results. expert insights, and an immersive election experience. the magic wall, find it in the cnn app today, my doctor's office with a filing system from the 80s has my social think of all the places that can expose your info. >> lifelock monitors millions of data points for identity there's a problem fix it, guaranteed. >> why is nevada trusted by millions before i was not living my best life because i could not breathe causing nasal
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>> and earlier she was in north carolina where she spoke once again to abc news about president biden's garbage comment let's listen to this trump says that you were making their closing pitch for unity last night, president biden was calling his supporters are garbage. >> what did you in think when you heard president biden make those well, first of all, i think that the president has explained what he meant, but i said it earlier. >> i saw i'm this agree with dan, a criticism of people based on who they fall foreign. and i've made that clear throughout my career, including my speech last night my before i think this all happened which is i intend to be president for all americans and including those who may not vote for me in this election. i take very seriously my obligation of my oath to concern myself first with the needs of the american people and put them before whatever might be my selfish
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issues errors is now talked about this repeatedly or been questioned about it, and had to answer for it, which is certainly not what she would like to be focusing on today. and you could tell what she wants to focus on. she pivoted right back to her speech last night on the ellipse, trying to give her closing her closing message to the american people republicans have pounced on this though we should point out donald trump has repeatedly already today attacked vice president harris as well as president biden over these issues. pivoting to another story, some more sort of trashy in the toilets toilet humor, toilet adjacent toilet somebody, a person or group is trying you make quite a statement with some statues they're leaving around landmarks here in the nation's capital. >> it's meant to be art. but at least this one doesn't leave much to interpretation so it is a bronze likeness shaped like a popular emoji that we all know mysteriously turning up near the capital last week, it depicts the gift left on nancy
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pelosi's desk during the january 6 riot, and it's not the only piece of political art that has popped up around town. >> cnn's gabe cohen is here to explain what's going on. this is, i mean, these are real this is metal sturdy, art. >> yeah, these are a couple serious statues that have popped up in dc. they are not so subtle digs at former president trump, but they really appeared mysteriously. we don't know still to this day who exactly is behind it, who the artist or artists are. the one you showed? that was the first one that popped up pelosi's desk, a replica of former house speaker nancy pelosi's desk. that's on the national mall, right by the capitol. and you can see that basketball size bm, sitting on top of it and on it, there is a plaque at the bottom of the statue. i want to read it to you. it says this memorial honors let's be brave men and women who broke into the united states capitol on january 6, 2021 to loot, urinate and defecate throughout those hallowed halls in order to
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overturn an election president trump celebrates these heroes of january 6 as unbelievable patriots and warriors this monument stands as a testament to their daring sacrifice and lasting legacy. a little bit, i think of sarcasm in their eye since just just a little bit. and then cut to monday when another statue popped out, this one just a couple of blocks away from the white house in freedom plaza. it is of a tiki torch. it is titled the donald j. trump enduring flame and the plaque on this one reads, this monument pays tribute to president donald trump and the very fine people that he boldly stood to defend when they marched in charlottesville, virginia, referencing of course, that 2017 white supremacist march it says, while many have called them white supremacists and neo-nazis president trump's voice rang out above the rest to remind all that they were treated absolutely unfairly. and i can tell you having been out there at these statues yesterday, there becoming a tourist attraction here in dc.
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take a listen a week out from election day. the message really resonating with some voters brought back some of that energy and anger that has faded over time. i think the message couldn't be for clear that we have to do our part to make sure that another january 6 doesn't happen again, we don't know who the artist is here, but we were able to obtain the national park service permit because these were allowed to be there by the national park service. >> they were approved. the names on it, or civic crafted, llc. and then there's the individual's name. we've been reaching out, but at this point, no one's responded. nobody seems to want to take credit. >> that individual's name not gabe cohen, is in i'm not going to say thing. is there a way to figure it out? i mean, how, what will these be out there for a while? >> so they are going to be removed as of now, the desk is scheduled to it'd be removed today, the torch tomorrow. so someone is coming to pick them up. we don't know if it's the artists. maybe the groups that were involved there is there
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has been security around them. so this is quite organized. >> if there's too could there be three? should we expect more the national park service said at this point, there's no permit for any additional art, but who knows, just a few days until the election, gabe, thank you for that very mysterious coming up next while americans go to cast their votes, gas prices are nearing three-year low, but will that have any effect on how people vote? we'll have more when we come back special coverage begins tuesday, november 5. >> at four on scene cnn shopping for health insurance is my favorite thing to do. >> just kidding. it's not that's why i tell everyone about health markets. and now simple, they may get, they searched through plans and help find the right fit for your needs and budget. you can do it online on the phone or in person with a licensed insurance agent. and it's not pushing my agent took her time to help me find the right plan at the price i want it i wish
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everything is this easy. not kidding checkout health they israel is under attack antisemitism like i never thought i would see jury about samantha's boy, max know he got spit on just walking at penn. >> i mean, that's scary. what about kamala busy defending the squad they, you know, trump, i never cared for but at least slow keep us saying hey, i've never voted republican in my life, but i am voting trump. >> a man or jc victory fund is responsible for the content did this message the best part of any of those renovations shows is always a transformation. they show you what the end i'm brian gary here with brian price from renewable by anderson, and he's going to show us some of their transformations. >> hey, brian, let me ask you if you remodeled your kitchen, would you choose the same styles your head? >> no. >> same can go through your windows and doors. for example, you're standing here doing the dishes and these girls totally
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they're and let it, these are some of the lowest gas prices we've seen in three years. so could those lower prices at the pump make a difference at the polls? cnn's vanessa yurkevich joins us now vanessa yeah, boris and brianna prices are falling and we could see a national average below $3 for the first time in years just behind me here regular gallon of gas to 95 and we're seeing that throughout the country in key battleground states, nearly half see prices less than $3 and we've been speaking to voters here all day. >> many who say their minds are made up about who they're voting for. gas prices are not changing. it but for those undecided voters are gas prices making a day they say they're going to wait to the last minute to figure out who they're voting for. listen to two of them. we spoke to earlier today as gas prices go, so go their feelings about the economy in general, it's one of those subconscious indicators
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of how people judge their car and for you, what's your subconscious saying i mean, i actually think statistically to economy is doing pretty well overall to be quite honest. >> but do you feel like the economy is doing right now the overall all economy, how do you feel like it's going? >> was miss all over everybody complaining it's a mess? >> yeah why is it a mask because every single one on the economy there from those undecided voters. but that last gentleman was talking about what a lot of americans are feeling right now, despite lower gas prices, they still believe cost of living is too high. hi, we know that on average, americans are spending $1,100 more on the same goods that they were spending two years ago. and that is impacted in people's wallets in potentially people's minds as they go to the polls. one of the good things is wages have kept up with inflation, but not for every american. and you can see there that some people are
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feeling the benefit of these gas prices and also, and others are saying that it's not enough. boris, brianna, vanessa yurkevich. thank you. you so much for that stay with cnn news central. we're back in just a few minutes on cnn confused by the medicare abc's, if you have original medicare, then you have parts a and b. >> have you considered part c medicare part c is sometimes known as a medicare advantage plan and it's one of the best ways to help protect yourself from out-of-pocket medicare costs. >> if you only have medicare parts a and b, there are three things you should do. >> one, call the number on your screen to to give the license insurance, age, and your zip code. >> three see what part c plans with benefits are available to you? >> 123. >> it's that easy. medicare part c plans are available with benefits you may not be receiving with your current plan. call now to enroll during the medicare annual enrollment period, there may be a plan
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ringing, get your business ready for business with seo x for prince on fiverr we couldn't leave you today without showing you this video from game four of the world series to yankees fans taking matters into their own hands in the first inning, mookie betts going for the foul ball, and these two guys, he grabs the foul ball and one guy just prize the glove open, taking the foul ball away, you got to see the welcome satisfaction on that fence face. >> yeah. what are you talking, man? so he the other guy who held his arm, he gets booted. that guy gets booted. they're banned from game five that's not hurt. so that's the good news. >> cognitive dissonance arguing that it was it was fair what they did is just it's fantastic. hey, thank you so much for joining us today. stay around for the lead with jake tapper starts right now
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