tv CNN News Central CNN October 31, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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trump. you may remember that last month in september he had joined the former president at a rally in las vegas. he was wearing a red maga hat and he gave his endorsement while after the remarks at madison square garden, which of course have angered so many latinos around the country. nicky jam then posting on his instagram yesterday, a video saying that he is no longer supporting president trump. let's take a look mean who joined me around bikes. >> he
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many stars who are puerto rican including bad bunny, jennifer lopez, who as you said, is going to join harris tonight at a rally. >> mark anthony, luis fonsi. so the list goes on and on and these are huge stars who have huge impact. but as we see here, there are stars also coming out for former president trump in fact, even though it's seems like most celebrities are aligned with harris, and that is the truth. hollywood typically back the democratic candidate, trump actually has more celebrity support than ever sara. but yesterday there was a big surprise. arnold schwarzenegger saying he's choosing country over party, backing harris. >> all right. elizabeth wagmeister. thank you so much. appreciate it. a new hour of cnn news central starts right now. >> whether the women like it or
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not, what did donald trump mean by that when talking about protecting women? and what do those words mean on the campaign trail with just five days left in this morning, one, sean combs accusers being hit with an ultimatum reveal your identity or the lawsuit will be dismissed. this and 20 billion trillion trillion dollars. yes, this isn't real number two, with 360 heroes behind it. and it's how much money google reportedly owes russia after failing to pay a series of fines i'm john berman with sara sidner end kate baldwin and this is cnn news central days, kamala harris, donald trump through the battleground states at this point, heading out west, today with dueling rallies in arizona and nevada, donald trump will also be
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making a stop in new mexico harris is going to be joined today by essentially a who's who lineup of popular latino stars, a direct response to donald trump's madison square garden rally just as donald trump, hops out of his trump-branded garbage truck and gets on with his closing message which now includes going against he says what he says this going against what his advisers and allies keep telling, telling him when it comes to women about four weeks ago, i would say no, i want to protect the people. i want to protect the women of our country. i want to protect the women share please don't say that why they said we think it's i think it's very inappropriate for you to say so why i'm president, i want to protect the women of our country. well, i'm gonna do it. whether the women like it or not. i've got to protect them let's start this hour with one big thing. cnn political director david chalian is here with us. what is the one big thing you think david, that voters should know about today?
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>> well, off of what trump, i think everybody in a race, this close, kate, when you look at the results on tuesday night any slice demographically, geographically of the electorate can be the thing that tips this election, right? but i would urge everyone to look at the female vote. what happens on tuesday because we have been seeing obviously a big gender gap in this race. and that means that's not just harris advantage with female voters, but also donald trump's advantage with male voters. but look here on the screen this is our most recent polls of the blue wall states that we released yesterday afternoon. this is among female likely voters in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. you see kamala harris has a significant advantage among them in pennsylvania, it is closest. that is also where our overall horse race found the race closest and it is interesting to note that in michigan, wisconsin donald trump's advantage with men is not nearly as great as it
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exists as harris's advantage with women in pennsylvania, they are equally divided between the two genders, but there is remember, women make up a larger share of the electorate, that small increase in the overall share will matter if kamala harris performs on tuesday with female voters in a turbo turbocharged way? >> yeah, this is i mean that what you one key thing i know you're going to be watching when we start getting exit polls coming out of this come next week, president biden's garbage comment it got kamala harris is it gotten the way of kamala harris's message over the past couple of days. does harris have a biden problem it's not what he said in his what he claimed was his midst construed statement about garbage and donald trump's the speaker at donald trump's rally at madison square garden. >> her problem, her joe biden
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problem. is that he's the incumbent president of her party pretty she serves with him and his approval rating is down at 36%. that is her joe biden problem so i'm not sure that this moment of his garbage comments did anything other than perhaps give the trump campaign something to seize on from a message perspective, put them in garbage truck to take questions from reporters and allow them to try and get off their back heels where they had been for a few days based on the madison square garden rally, kate, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a joe biden problem. she does. it's the fact that he's wildly unpopular yeah. >> this morning, also, david, that we learned that donald trump's last campaign stop before election day is going to be in grand rapids, michigan. >> talk about that blue wall, talk about the significance of that as the final stop. yeah. our kristen holmes is reporting that superstition may have something at play according to her reporting of trump's aides, this is where donald trump closes out his previous
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presidential campaign. so there's a bit of tradition here. grand rapids is also a key battleground. in the battleground of michigan ten county will be one of the places we watch on election night. and so it is geographically pertinent to trying to get those electoral votes out of michigan. but it is also donald trump wanting to stick to tradition here and get a little of that warm memory of the 2016 victory where he wrapped up that winning campaign for him and tried to repeat history here it's great to see you, david. >> thank you, sir. >> all right. >> with us now, here in person is frank luntz, pollster and communications strategist you heard those numbers there. what is your takeaway? what are we seeing from these numbers? because we're seeing things get tighter and tighter and different places. and even in pennsylvania man, here's what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. paul simon in the music i'm the boxer. and i
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think that harris voters are seeing in the numbers some things that are very positive towards her. a level of intensity of passion of young women that can't wait to get out and vote and trump voters who are saying things that are beneficial to him. number one, the polling is better in almost every state. in 2024 than it was in 2020 or 2016. and number two, is that the early votes is very much more pro trump than it was four years ago. >> let me ask you this. you have argued i think just last night that biden may have tanked. harris is chances of becoming the president because of his comments about trump voters being trashed, which he has said was a gaffe but she's also come out and said, no, no, no. i'm gonna give people a seat at the table and not call them the enemy within. why do you argue that this might be the big issue? >> because it reminds me so much of 2016 and i think there are a lot of similar clarity's right now between this campaign
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and that campaign the divisions in the country were significant back then people didn't think trump had a chance back then. he's been gaining and gaining the momentum. i don't know who's going to win. i can't call it a nobody should, because statistically and probably, and focus groups, it is way too close to call however, the momentum is clearly in my, what i see and what i hear is in his favor and so every word, every phrase, every misstep, every gaffe, matters as those last remaining persuadables make their decision i don't believe in the undecided anymore, and i believe there is undecided. i think the only question is, can you be do you actually come out and vote if you don't like either candidate? because that is the vast majority of persuadables. people who don't like trump's attitude, don't like his persona. people who aren't still sure what harris will do in the first day, first
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week, first month, first year she has explained that over and over, but i am curious if you think the same about donald trump from the rhetoric that we heard at msg. and what has happened since which you have some very big names and latino pop culture in american pop culture coming out for harris or one of them denouncing donald trump and really careful as you've seen, my interviews to say it straight you're correct that she has said it, but voters haven't heard it. that's what matters. it's not what you say, it's what people hear. and if there is still asking the same questions than she hasn't said that enough or she hasn't said it clearly in donald trump's case, you and i may feel that it's offensive, may feel the things that he says is wrong but in the end, if voters are willing to put up with that because they like what he did on inflation. they like what he did on immigration. that's what matters. the bar is higher for harris because they don't know her the bar is lower for trump
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because they saw him for four years. and what he did all the good the bad everything and that's the challenge for her. in the end, i think she controls her destiny more than he does. we decided when we think about him, we have still not decided when we think about her. >> do you think because a double standard in voters minds there because they, you know, they sort of trump can say whatever he wants to say. and she if she makes one mistake, as you said, a gaffe or says something that people don't like, or even if joe biden, it comes out of his mouth. she's blamed. >> i understand why white people can feel that way. however, it's their right to feel that way. it's their right to judge the candidates for whoever they want it and i'm very careful not to do that as a pollster because in the end, the voters will decide, they well, why do you think that harris is taking up a bit better? in michigan and wisconsin, but in a dead heat and pennsylvania that has 19 electoral votes and don't think
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that 1% or 2% means anything. i think once again, we're getting so excited and so afraid. it's not that we want our candidate to win. my fear is that we want the other candidate to lose and that's what's driving this passion. we're what, five days from the election people are already. voting the early vote is very, very high all across the country. people's voices, they want their voice to be heard i don't follow one or two percent. i don't fall of something ticks up. i follow movement, i follow trends and the trend very narrowly is in trump's favor. >> frank luntz, we all have to wait. no one if they're smart is making a prediction this time around. thank you so much. for coming on and bringing your expertise minutes from now, a fresh read on inflation, which also means an important new look unhealthy us economy, which we also know is one of the top issues it's for voter five days out and one woman who has accused sean "diddy" combs of sexual assault is going to be forced to reveal her
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identity why a judge says she cannot proceed with her lawsuit as jane doe and wild lies about kamala harris shooting and endangered ron. >> i know being involved in a hit and run. cnn digs into the russian troll farms now spreading this how well do you think we're doing in this war against the russian disinformation more broadly extremely poorly do you see? he that changing anytime soon and it all comes down to this. >> we can now make a major for back jim. >> the way only cnn can bring it to you. election night in america, special coverage begins tuesday, november 5. it for sometimes omega-3s visual supplements can be difficult to absorb i recommend you kunal advanced omega-3 with phospholipids bound omega for up to ten times better bioavailability advanced omega-3 power of ten monday me,
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the medic, your annual enrollment period is now you may benefit from a medicare advantage plan. you could be missing out on the benefits that you may need why don't you call an ila? >> what if they cannot help me i me who you call an ila was created by latinos for latinos. >> i'm sure they can help you what did what can i help you know they speak english is glad in an ila are licensed and insurance agents can help you in both languages, game yeah. look i have original medicare, but i want to see the teesta. >> i need new glasses and coverage for my medication already original medicare doesn't cover that allow me to review the options available in your area and helped me find a medicare advantage plan that fits your budget and your needs. >> many medicare advantage plans offer low or $0 monthly premium and may include additional benefits such as routine dental vision, hearing, or prescription drugs coverage. we may even be able to help you find a plan that includes your
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his boot anti-semitism, a trail of hatred going back thousands of years. it lives in the shadows. it's not always swastikas in synagogue shootings. it shows up on social media and flyers on frontlines whatever it shaped the message is hate. and the shadow of anti-semitism is growing it starts with hating jews, but it never ends. there. if it stays hidden, it continues to spread. help shine a light on anti-semitism. visit shine a light on dark and together, let's drive out the darkness i got big plans but atallah do are suddenly legal. >> david, thanks to happen. >> shoulders, borys blow up tuesday, november 12, and
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discovery this morning, a new report finds that a russian disinformation network with ties to the troilus troll factory is targeting the u.s. >> presidential election in new evidence that prominent lawmakers have been taking the bait. let's get right to cnn, chief national security correspondent alex more marquardt with the latest on his good morning, alex morning, john. >> well, we worked with researchers from clemson university and focused on what they called the most important actors in the russian disinformation space for right now these are two shadowy efforts. one is called the fbi, which stands for the foundation to battle injustice or other illustrious name. and the other is storm 15, 16. and these are relatively new efforts, but they have very familiar origins. they can be traced back to the infamous russian troll farm called the ira, which was founded but you've guinea prigozhin, the longtime ally of vladimir putin, who was the founder of the wagner mercenary group. he then mounted that rebellion against putin last year and then
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mysteriously died in a mid-air collision. but storm 15, 16 and our fbi have been pumping out dozens of narratives that these clumps and researchers have been tracking over the past year. many of them focusing on ukraine and marjorie taylor greene and jd vance in fact, picked up on one of those fake stories that the ukrainians were using russian american aid money to buy yachts. but lately are fbi and storm 15-16 have been focusing more on the us election, pumping out fake stories, fake videos. one, that spread across the internet like wildfire was about governor tim walz sexually assaulting a minor that was a fake story, of course. there were two more about kamala harris such that she carried out a hit and run that she killed rhinoceros while on safari, both wildly false and then john moments after we interviewed these clemson researchers last week, there was yet another one that you could see really could have an impact on this election of
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ballots. mail-in ballots being torn up? in bucks county in pennsylvania, of course, a critical swing state that was fake, but it spread across the internet tens of thousands of shares in just the first few hours. and that's the kind of thing that these experts believe we could see a lot more of in the coming days, john, in alex, you learned that americans are being recruited to help with this initiative yeah. >> so the fbi is led by this woman named mirror tirado. she's a russian citizen and she was actually in american prison for two years for money laundering charges connected to cocaine smuggling. but she's been working closely with an american called john mark duggan, who is a was a florida sheriffs deputy who fled to russia back in 2016 after facing felony charges. here in the united states. and he has been helping spread many of these narratives. this is what those clemson researchers told me about him. take a listen he's useful idiot, is a useful idiot without question, how
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much of a win is it for the russians to be able to get an american like this to essentially launder their narratives. i think that it's incredibly important and you see the importance in how hard they've worked to recruit americans so john, our sources tell us that not only was he is spreading that disinformation, but who is she being paid for it as well? that is something that he denied when we reached out to him, another name is tara reed. she was a former staff writer and then senator biden's office back in the early 90s, she accused him of sexual harassment that is widely disputed but you can imagine how important it is for these russian efforts to get these americans to launder that information because it comes across as much more trustworthy if it's coming from fellow americans but of course, it's certainly is not. john it's just another reminder. >> how careful you have to be with the information you are seeing alex marquardt. >> thank you for this report. sara. all right. >> it could be the decisive battleground state,
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pennsylvania neck and neck. now, it's now at the center of flight over early election ballots, how the legal disputes would impact the election. and new this morning, sean "diddy" combs accuser is given an ultimatum by a judge if the accuser it doesn't comply that case could be dropped. details on that ahead political analysis questions, now, biden said the right both stayed awake. why did trump pulled out of 60 minutes? >> i love pulling out network of i got news for you saturday now, this message is for anyone and everyone with medicare. do you have the coverage you need? medicare plans can change every year and right now is the 2025 medicare annual enrollment period. do you know about medicare part c plans, also called medicare advantage? are you confused about what a medicare part c plan covers and what benefits you can get in your zip code a medicare part c plan could help you save money and include additional benefits
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>> so the judge is trying to balance the interests of the plaintiff and the interests of the defendant as they do in all of these cases. and so she's going through the test here is that even the plaintiff, this woman acknowledges that in the 20 years since the alleged rape, she hasn't had any contact with combs and that's important because one of the reasons why she wants to maintain anonymity is because she's afraid that she said her own physical safety that should could be the harm, you know, the judge also saying that combs is in federal jail, right now. so the risk of that is low and a couple of the other factors and you're saying these are serious allegations against combs. there have been other plaintiffs that filed lawsuits under their own names and so it does not pass the bar of the potential harm and public scrutiny that this individual might face. and also, while she was 19-years-old at the time of the alleged assault, she wasn't a minors so those are the factors and the judge ultimately saying that the defendants have a right to defend themselves, including by investigating plaintiff and the people have a right to know who is using their court. she said that the storm has not it's not entitled to the exception gentle remedy of anonymity and
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saying that she has to decide by november 13 if she wants to refile this lawsuit under her actual name, or it will be dismissed. >> there are a lot of other jane and john doe's in the slew of lawsuits that he is facing. >> what could this how this pans out, what could this mean for them? so a lot of these lawsuits about more than a dozen of them were filed after comes was indicted and above i individual lawsuits, but by the same group of lawyers. now these lawsuits are all before four different judges. so this is an issue that individual judges will then evaluate. so it's not as though this is binding on those judges, but it's going to be the same test of factors that these judges will evaluate and in some of those allegations, the individuals to that they were minors at the time and of the alleged assault so those cases may be able to continue its dose. ultimately, this will be a test that each of these judges will have to evaluate for each of these plaintiffs. and it's unclear if this, judge excuse me, the plaintiff's lawyer has said that they've been contacted by more than 100 people staying at
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they had been assaulted by combs. question is how many new lawsuits will be filed if this is the standard going forward. that is really i mean, talk about you're talking about the delicate balance that this judge, in all of these judges now face as this goes forward thanks, kara, great to see you. john. >> all right. we are standing by for brand new numbers on inflation. they come just minutes from now. what do they mean for your wallet? what do they mean? he election and kind of mixed reactions this morning, president biden pretending to like a baby who was dressed up as a chicken for halloween it all comes down to this. >> we can now make a major projection. >> the way only cnn and can bring it to you election night in america, special coverage begins tuesday, november 5 at four on cnn high it said time of year again, the medicare annual enrollment period, you might be thinking, why should i care?
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>> well, if you're 65 or older or on medicare, you should because the annual enrollment period, which is right now, is when you can change your medicare plan. and the annual enrollment period and september 7. so ask yourself, do you have the coverage you are you getting all the things you want and need from your medicare plan? maybe don't even know what kinds of things are available to you. >> that happens. >> medicare can be confusing. >> do you know about medicare part c plans also called medicare advantage a part c plan could help you save money and include additional benefits that sounds pretty good, right but plans and benefits can be different based on the zip code you live in and medicare plans can change every year and enroll moment in part c plan is not automatic. this could all be a little overwhelming. >> so take a deep breath. >> and call the number that is up on the screen. now, with one phone call, you can get your questions answered and see if
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there are changes to your plan in the coming year or if there's so 2025 medicare advantage plan available to you in your zip code with additional benefits or cost-savings. he didn't get last year we'll put that number back. on the screen. you can call this number now for your free medicare benefits checkup and speak to a licensed insurance agent who can see if you are eligible for a 2025 i've medicare advantage plan, but remember, the medicare annual roman period is the time when you can change your medicare plan and the enrollment period ends december 7. so cold out. >> even if you call before the call and medicare benefits check they are absolutely free. and there's no obligation. make sure you have the coverage you need call 8088 to 0987. that's 8088 to zero 0987 i still can't believe he is gone. >> his past few days has been a whirlwind. >> there's so much to arrange. i just wasn't prepared.
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emirates nba come november 12 at seven regular season games presented by state farm on flurry of legal battles over ballots and voter registrations in swing. >> state, pennsylvania, any moment the u.s. supreme court could rule on a republican led fight over purdue divisional ballot statewide in erie county, pennsylvania. democrats are suing over ballot delivery issues. and that's not all cnn's paula reid is with us now, paula, how will these fights actually? and will they directly affect voters in the state? >> yes. sara, of course, we know that we're seeing this flurry of legal activity in pennsylvania because it's such a key state in the electoral college. i mean, it's expected that that state could be the ballgame in terms of who wins the white house and let's go through a few of these challenges you mentioned erie county while we have seen over the past several months, it's been mostly republican aligned groups that have been involved with over for hundred and 30 different lawsuits. this lawsuit, an erie county, was actually filed by democrats who
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were saying that the state is not doing enough to address a disruption in delivering mail-in ballots to up to 20,000 voters. they are asking the court to make sure that steps are taken to ensure those people who didn't get their mail in ballots are able to vote. now, you also talked about york county, and this is one of two counties where they are investigating potential fraud related to voter registrations. now former president trump, he has sort of gotten out ahead of the results of this investigation and suggested that there has been, quote, cheating or fraud found in this state of pennsylvania. the state's governor has said that this is part of trump's efforts to sow doubts about the outcome in pennsylvania before this investigation is completed, sara, as you know, we can can you to follow this investigations of both of those counties and we'll report out what they actually find but there's also another question about dates on ballots. an appellate court in pennsylvania has said that the requirement
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that you what a handwritten date on your mail-in ballot violates the state's constitution. it's unclear how that decision is going to apply to the 2024 presidential race. in that case. but overall, sara, this is in issue that continues to come up in legal cases across multiple states because where you are required to put a date, i've learned from multiple sources that it's common for people to make missing stakes, especially older people. i'm told they tend to maybe put their birthdate. i'm sure is a busy college student when i sent in my mail-in ballot many years ago, i don't know if we put the right date right. people are distracted, they're busy and there's a lot of litigation about whether your balance should be disqualified or if you should could get a provisional ballot of course, this question of provisional ballots and being able to cure mistakes that you make with your mail-in ballot in the state of pennsylvania, where they instructions are especially complicated. there's an envelope, there's secrecy envelope that is something that the supreme court could weigh in john it today or even tomorrow, questions about what you do
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specifically in the state of pennsylvania, if you don't fill out and don't stuff the envelopes for your mail-in ballot in that critical state correctly yesterday we saw the supreme court weigh in on a dispute in virginia. it was interesting one to see that the supreme court was not but reluctant to get involved in an election issue this close to election day, the decision was also along partisan lines are once again watching the high court to see if they weigh in on this case. he's in this critical state where i think we're just going to see more and more legal issues arising over the next week. >> yeah. i think one thing we can all agree on doesn't matter what your party is. this is going to be a long, long ride and paula reid. thank you so much along that long, long ride, five days out both candidates very clearly pushing to win and if they win why will they have one that is a question that harry enten it has been pondering. >> and so we're bringing you this scenarios yesterday, harry, we talked to we talked about the winning factors. if donald trump correct. when
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today you're looking at kamala harris. so what's the prevailing what's the factors? >> so yesterday it was donald trump today, the case for kamala harris, the science is clear as day and the number one sign is that harris simply put, is more popular than donald trump. her net favorable rating is higher than trump. she's at minus two trump's at minus seven. i went all the way back since 1,956 and looked at the polls, does the more popular candidate usually when the answer is absolutely yes, 16 times the more popular candidate has won only one time, the less popular canada is one. i will note that was donald trump back in 2016. but of course, remember hillary clinton was quite unpopular herself. but the bottom line is this, kamala harris has been consistently more popular in the polls from donald trump as she's consistent distantly had a higher net favorable rating than donald trump and normally usually only the candidate is more popular, goes on to win on election day, democrats are fond of that saying, forget the polls when we vote, we win. yes. and you see something in that absolutely. >> let's take a look at the special elections, right?
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democrats in special elections, there performances the last two years, what has happened, we're looking at state legislative, and federal special elections on average, these democrats have surpassed joe biden's 2020 margin by two points, by two points. and remember, joe biden won. so the fact that these democrats have been doing better than joe biden's been doing, is a good sign historically speaking, there is correlation between how folks doing the special elections, especially in this polarized are, and how folks do eventually in the presidential election is actually one of the warning signs last time around in 2020, where democrats really weren't doing that great in special elections, despite the pulsing that joe biden was going to win rather easily, suggested trump would do better on election day this time around the special elections are suggesting the opposite, that in fact, joe biden, because democrats have been exceeding joe biden is margin, that maybe democrats will actually do better than the polls have been indicated. >> but what about the fact? two factors. one, the right track, wrong track country, so few people think the country is going on the right track, right
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now and also something you pointed out yesterday as a factor which is biden's bad approval rating? >> yeah. so yesterday, i pointed out that very few people think the country is going on the right track. very few people approve of joe biden's approval rating. you can see it right here in 2024 28% who said the country's on the right track, 40% approve of joe biden's job. but remember, in 2022, these metrics awfully, awfully similar. in fact, slightly less believed the country was on the right track, slightly more approved the of joe biden shot, but very similar numbers here, m remember, even though the top metrics were bad for democrats in 2022, the white house party did historically well net midterm. so the bottom line is kate, a lot of democrats believe one voters vote, they went and with abortion being a much bigger issue this time around than historically speaking, when it wasn't 2022, democrats that historically well, perhaps democrats will surprise a lot of folks into historically well, come next very interesting. >> thank you, harry. thank you. john. >> all right. with us now, is congressman byron donalds, a republican for florida
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congressman. thank you so much for being with us. i want to play a little bit of what donald trump said last tonight about protecting women it, whether the women like it or not, i've got to protect them why is donald trump things, whether they like it or not inaccurate. what you just played, play the full clip played in its context he was talking about the tragedy at our southern border that led to the death of jocelyn nungaray. jocelyn, mother has come out and endorsed donald trump because she fully believed that if donald trump was president, her daughter would be alive and so what he was talking about was, i'm going to protect women. i'm going to protect children and he was just telling a joke. really would tell them and joko behind some of this app said, not on, say you will protect women because they would take it out of context, obviously, what cnn is doing right now, taking it
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down, how you're actually going right the exact right context. >> especially violent, illegal, carbonyls who have raped and who have murdered women in the united states, congressman you just explain, the context. >> was with donald trump story was telling people how people close to him okay. >> his advisers were telling him not to use that type of language and say, i'm going to be your protector in is the context in that speech that was what he was doing. and then he said and then he said and then he said, i'm going to protect them. the women, whether they like it or not, and i'm not the only one asking you about this language. donald trump, his advisers clearly knew it was an issue in nikki haley has been talking about the language donald trump hang on, congressman nikki haley. this is what she said about the type of language that trump and trump supporters have been using. listen i mean, this bromance and masculinity stuff. >> i mean, it
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that it's going to make women uncomfortable. you've got affiliated pac so they're doing commercials about calling kamala the c-word or you had speakers at madison square garden you know, referring to her and her pimps that is not the way to win women so you're telling me there's no concern from nikki haley or clearly as donald trump set from people close to him his campaign about the type of language he's using. selective editing this morning you guys are completing two very separate things. let's get to the core of the, of the message that you played at the beginning donald trump was talking about protecting women and children in our country from the ravages of illegal immigration. you see it now we all know the headlines. jocelyn nungaray, rachel morin, laken, riley, these are women who were brutalized, killed, raped because is going to protect women in our country. he's going to
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protect children i say, what they like it or not. law. >> hundred thousand show high say in the united why i say i say one other woman will like it or not an hour speech, and not provide context. this is why the american people frankly are frustrated with media because you guys play games, you take things out of context. you don't explain them clearly, and you want to get caught up i've been semantics, the heart of what donald trump said very clearly is he's going to protect the women of our country because kamala harris and joe biden have refused to protect the women of our country. and that's a president should take that there's here's a longer clip of him, which leads up to him saying that he despite what the advisers say, he's going to say he's going to protect the women, whether they like it or not, listen for weeks ago, i
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would say no, i want to protect the people. i want to protect the women of our country. i want to protect the women serving please don't say that why they said we think it's we think it's very inappropriate for you to say why they said, sir, i just think it's inappropriate for you to say pay these guys a lot of money. can you believe it? >> i said, well i'm gonna do it. whether the women like it or not, i've got to protect them after that was made, the women in green bay, wisconsin, they stood on their feet and they cheered loudly because they want a president of the united states who's gonna follow the law, who is actually going to enforce our borders is going to make sure that we don't have 14 thousand illegal aliens who have been convicted of murder in our country, roaming free. >> the stories have been happening every city of america where women have been victimized let's talk about the young girls congress if we
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want to answer my question, traffic to work if you don't want to answer my question can you address nikki haley's comments, on i just question. >> you didn't you didn't address nikki haley's comments. nikki haley said that there is a type of language, then they listen congresswoman at this point, do you do you think answer to nikki haley then the nikki haleys irrelevant? >> no, john, it's not john to answer that matters five days before an election. is this, you have young girls who are from other countries who are traffic's to our southern border by the drug cartels, they are rate, they are sold into sex leaky haley on immigration children who have made while he was talking donald trump. what do you harassment, not to line up at madison square garden, the type of language is being used by donald trump and others on the trail. she's saying it doesn't connect with women. what's your answer to what nikki haley's saying, congressman john, i saw it with nikki haley's comments in their entirety was she was
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talking about was the lineup of speakers at the madison square garden rally when nikki haley was saying as well, how come there weren't more women? >> my response the other day was what, at least the phonic is a woman she's was you're actually change the text was about you want me to ask. >> she's taught, let me play an ad that she talked about specifically, there that comes from a super pac funded by elon musk, which supportive of donald trump. that's some of the language in the ad. let's play it kamala harris is a c-word. >> you heard that, right? a big old c-word. in fact, all of the other c-words think she's the biggest c-word of the mall that's right. she's a tax hiking regulation loving gun grabbing, communist is talking about congressman >> and that's talking about i find out from donald trump's campaign from an outside group, you're assuming that donald trump can control what outside
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groups do. he cannot. that would be a violation of federal election law. you know? well, this john so for nikki haley to try to put that on, donald trump is not accurate. that's for outside groups to deal with. we could talk about the outside groups that are running ads against donald trump calling him a fascist liking him to hitler, knowing the fact that there's been two attempts on his life, but they do it anyway so don't don't try to just talk about what what one super pac did because you're trying to run this clip from last night in green bay, again, taking the context away from our discussion today, the true context is, is that donald trump's going to do the job that a commander-in-chief should do. which is following the law securing our borders. and yes, deporting a lot of illegal immigrants out of the country. this is why americans favored donald trump when it comes to securing our border and immigration by by double digits over kamala harris because she's been an abject failure and those are the congress it's and byron donalds from florida, the
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context is there's five days to go in this election and the contact is we like to show what the candidates are saying. >> we appreciate you being with us there. >> thank you, john. >> just in the fed's favorite gauge of the inflation picture in the u.s. has been released and it's showing inflation it's been cooled even more in september cnn business and political correspondent vanessa yurkevich here to break down the numbers for us. this is for all intensive purposes. good news. >> we like to hear cooling. we like to hear that word. we are approaching the feds 2% target rate. that is what they want to see where 2.1% year over year, we are slightly up on the month of september up 0.2%, nothing dramatic, but still worth noting. and the federal reserve though likes this report in it because it is wide ranging. it shows prices in urban communities, also in rural communities. and it looks at more specifics about exactly how much people are spending but the thing that the fed is, they felt like inflation was
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under control already and they probably won't look at this report and make any dramatic changes about what they're going to be doing in the next meeting, which is actually right after the election, it's not before the election. and so we won't see any moves on interest rates, then it's after the election, but it's interesting because i was talking to voters yesterday out in new jersey at a gas station asking him about gas prices he says they haven't better understanding about how nuanced the economy is right now, they looked at gas prices, but realized that's one measure. this is another measure. they look at cost of living, cpi reports as another measure of where the economy is right? now what i saw from voters is they have really evolved on what they think about the economy. they can say one thing is good, something like this report is really good. but they you can also say that they're feeling strains and other ways in the economy. and so for voters that are going to be heading to the polls next week they'll probably look at this report and say, okay, inflation is looking good, but there may be other things that they're concerned about. a lot of times
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we look at wages has that kept up with inflation? yes, it has in many ways, but not for everyone. and so people are going to be taking a look at the economy as a whole, wondering is it working for them when they head to the polls? halls next week? >> for most people, it's their personal economies that really are dropped live what they see happening in the country, the nest of yurkevich. thank you so much. >> thank you. john alright, quote, it was like an apocalypse this morning, nearly 100 dead so far in a frantic search underway for many more who are missing after severe flash flooding and this morning, it could be the hottest halloween in the history, not just because of my sexy pirate costume new details on the record, high temperatures and time and cook on diamonds for this unbelievable price, diamond infuse technology creates the hardest non-stick coating. >> it's fine the times harder metal utensils shake big message, white claim, get glue
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she joins us now, happening? >> okay. what's happening here? this decline appears to be associated with how we've seen stricter guidance around the number of embryos that should be transferred during fertility treatments like ivf. of course, the higher the number of embryos that are transferred, the higher the likelihood of having a pregnancy with multiples but when you look at the data from 1998 to last year, the birth rate for triplets and higher-order multiple births declined 62% here in the united states, that's a huge drop and most of that decline happened after guidance was introduced in the early 2000s, recommending to limit the number of embryo transfers during fertility treatments. so that's what we're seeing play out here. we're seeing the evolution of guidance, as well as the advancement of technologies, which appears to be linked with this drop. in the number of triplets or quadruplets or quintuplets that are born here in the united states. kate when what are the risks that can come with having
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triplets, quadruplets, and quintuplets yeah, because that's the reason why guidance was introduced to begin with is because the guy was intended to reduce the risks of complications that come with having triplets or quadruplets. >> and those risks include and increased risk of preterm birth, preterm labor, high blood pressure, anemia miscarriage. so these complications can impacts the health of the mother and baby. and that's why it isn't important for any person out there who is pregnant with multiples at the time where you conceive spontaneously or whether you conceived with the help of fertility treatments important to stay on top of year prenatal care and to be aware of these increasing threats during your pregnancy, jacqueline howard. >> thank you so much, john. thanks. very twin parents. i can tell you got easy. all right. this morning, at least 95 people are dead, dozens more missing in spain after historic flooding in one city, they had to turn a courthouse in new temporary more and highwater swamp, the southern eastern
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parts of the country's look at some of that russia just hit google with a fine. so unfathomable. >> there are more than 30 zeroes on the number. look at that, that's 20 this silly and i'm not even sure how to pronounce. does cilium deck elian to what took it? does cillian another way to think about it as 20 billion trillion, trillion. this is all about google block in pro russian channels on youtube. a russian lawyer says that the fine is not paid within nine months. it starts to double-double every day. as for google, it says the ongoing legal matters will not hurt its earnings the biden celebrated halloween at the white house. they call it how do you read, by the way, that is the first lady in the panda suit there. they passed out candy and bookstore to trick-or-treaters. there is one moment is getting some mixed reaction online. the president pretended to take a bite out of a baby dressed as a chicken
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it's awesome of those costumes right there. trick trick-or-treaters might be wearing the wrong thing tonight with warmer temperatures in some places at halloween, millions will see record high temperatures cnn meteorologist derek van dam is in our weather center. derek, i'm just letting you know and i know i've given you he will hard time about the weather and you don't control it. but i don't i don't like it. i like my fault being fall temperatures and this is nuts look, i understand if you can transform your outfit tonight, maybe to let's say, ghostbusters, i'm thinking like a fridge backpack to cool off your candy bars from maybe your kids and so, you know, that type of thing, you're in the clear then. >> but that's the name of the game because the heat is going to be a problem. everybody is going to be sweating in their costumes tonight. there's no doubt about it, especially if you're located and across the northeast, record high temperatures being broken for many locations. here's a couple of examples. 81 is the warmest halloween in new york city's history. three, so look at that 80 degrees and this could be
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the third warmest halloween on record for washington, d.c. but it's all going to come crashing down with this cold front that's cooling our temperatures just to the west, it's also bringing a few showers and thunderstorms is that could be strong and could dampen your halloween trick-or-treat forecast across ark-la-tex exit into the central ohio river valley. it won't reach the east coast, so we'll stay mild and by the way, sara, mummies and vampire there is the same dance my kids do when they find the home that passes out the full size candy bars, just saying understood that i think even the mummies are going to be hot. there on the east side who bananas derek van dam. thank you so much. for cnn new central starts right now protect the women, whether they like it or not. >> we're getting new reaction just in elon musk order to
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