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tv   Election Night in America  CNN  November 6, 2024 1:00pm-5:00pm PST

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that were in crisis and turmoil. >> i'm sorry to interrupt you, nancy pelosi, former house speaker on camera. i think it's pretty safe to say that kamala harris was the nominee, and not joe biden, because of the work that she did behind the scenes and even in public, to change the top of the ticket. >> is a prosecutor, she would talk about conversations with families in turmoil. in a moment like this, she puts herself back in that space of having those tough conversations. i imagine this was very businesslike. democrats are still trying to maintain normalcy, to act like this is something that is regular. people have to wrap their minds around the fact we are about to have an administration that is not going to be normal. at least, if they go along with what they said in the campaign. while we want to have the trappings of democracy, democrats have to
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recognize that things are going to have to be different. they're going to have to behave differently going forward. . >> brenda, you do a lot of work for republicans, getting data polling, focus groups. as we wait to hear from her, what, to you, is the biggest take away, particularly, from the whole notion that we all heard from tim harris. the women are going to save the day. the women are going to come in and vote for abortion rights, and so forth, and then we saw, almost across the board, including and especially, among suburban women, that did not happen. suburban women went one or two points for trump. >> exactly. if you have the luxury to vote on abortion, as a white suburban woman, you did. however, if your social economic status isn't, you're making $100,000 a year, you are not college-educated, you voted
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on the economy. you are more interested in grocery prices, inflation. we saw harris only had two gains. if you look at any demographic groups, it's with those higher socioeconomic status women. quite frankly, you can look at the cross tabs on the exit polls. if you say inflation did not impact me and my family, you are also >> aboxer was on top of mind. >> and matt the vice president r team are trying to send a messat of unii wasthat in the spirit of unity and the spirit of concession and normal, democratic transition of power, they are also saying, protect america. protect democracy. >> look, i chose to wear my purple tie today in the message of unifying our country today. what we really saw yesterday was, and i know there will be a
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lot of folks on the other side of this dais right now, who are probably pretty upset, but it was an american win in some ways. you have not seen a republican when the popular vote, and donald trump is on record to do that right now. you have not seen the type of conversation around the fact that this was a validation for donald trump, his policies. same thing was said in 2000. this is an american win in so ms because you saw such a multiculr donald trump and multicultural , hispanics across the board. let's turn it back to her and tn that she didn't expect to have e ticket and then she did and ones
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that she had was the fact that e president and joe biden and thes superviseing economically for ps what helped to change the coalis and democrats. as donald trump predicted move . >> it is steug any can't but no. >> two years ago dana during the sitting here stunneded a desante latino in florida and those fli. >> referee: and in texas. this is a trend that has been pe time because donald trump and io nameer of republicans and democe appeal to latino voters. most are working class folks.
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despite his humor and the jokesd the exaggerations of his wealtht were i'm from and from folks thp around that resinates. more so than -- >> a strong man. >> not just a strong man but a s succeeded in capitalism that hae flaunts versus the conversationn from democrats about latin x. i don't know how to say it. no one where i'm from knows how. they don't use it. so in conversations that i've bh republican op t*eufps today thea lot of it has to do with conver. the way the conversations are hh one democrat moment as go a a lo said we need to rethink the ways spes economy latinos and he saio these voters and i will give yof economic plan that kamala harriw weeks ago.
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we talked about it a will the o. a lot was copy and paste from wm african-american men. >> the opportunity agenda. >> second of all, most of the fo across the country that are latw it existed. >> oh, wow. >> because they were so much foy life. other things. >> that's a big problem. >> i don't think that message o. >> this is a question as we waie been wanting to ask and easy thk you brenda but i'll ask you guyf kamala harris. donald trump has won three pres. he lost -- excuse me he won two. the one that he won, the first a woman. the won that this time was agai. the one he lost was to a man. a white guy. how much of that the gender on t and who his opponent is -- i'm .
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how much did latent or otherwiss trepidation about voting for a o this? >> it's possible. i don't know. i think that's something that wn the numbers. the fact is you can say, is amet a woman as president? maybe so. but also woman didn't vote for . i think that's a big point. i don't necessarily think that i can't answer this well. i don't think woman are not saya woman president. the democrats for -- there's a g men went so much for donald tru. for the last ten years everythin called toxic and donald trump cd these young men feel like they n society. donald trump present as bad veri was but it's something that attr 25-year-old men who are like -- >> feel like they don't have an. >> i'm looking for a place in t.
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i think that's where both democn need to present healthy versiony which is fighting for the defenp if for right thing, ukraine and. >> that trance sends whether yor a latino man. whether you are of any particul. >> it also helps to remember i f last day, obama when he ran he f maybe almost two years to run ay comfortable with having an afrio will be president. kamala harris had 100 days. she didn't have enough time to . maybe she should have given a st fact they were going to make a a woman to get president. people didn't have time to get . you cannot underestimate in thir politics i think we did it wron. it's not so much left and right. it's out outsiders versus insidp
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has been very good in establishe who is fighting the elites who t them. the democrats have not had thate not competed for it and that isl have to figure out while we alse associate with the culture of ms without giving up the policy iso speak to issues of woman and ped everyone else in the country. >> can i disagree with that? this is data driven. i have been with twitter all das sexism. >> we can all relate. >> but clearly it's not. because if you look at the datah better than joe biden. she was out performing a white . you can see it clearly when she. >> here's the difference, tk*ptl crimes an convicted of them. we don't think of him as a crim. donald trump said racist thingso one calls him a racism. there's a privilege that i thine
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male give some to be a person we and do anything and be forgivene made a mistake for. i can't imagine a woman or a mag treated with that kind of leewae done those things. >> he had privilege as a white t hurt for being a woman. i just you don't see it in the . >> the flip side it seems like e related. >> she had to run a perfect camd argue she dade good job. also i think it was against dema sexist play. >> can i say real quick, you tat run she had. i'm not sure she outleized as wd have. i remember the convention in chs saying what is she going to off? america doesn't know her. she has a chance to fill in the. she has these taking these crazs from 2020. what will she offer? all you heard was joy and abort. i think by talking about abortir
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voters who may have agreed with, what it showed a lot of other vs misprioritizing it. she is not giving much to hang r her unless that's a number one . others were uncomfortable with d about it. >> i want to go over to howard y are still and i know that you'rg for the vice president like we e both talking about the mood ove. but you also are each talking tt the mood inside team harris. abby, i will start with you. >> reporter: , there's a lot ofg happening. some of it publicly and some of. just in the last couple of houre of the top trapblgist in the hag they did what they could with w. data dana one of them saying thg themselves out of a hole and i s
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a factual statement about wheree harris got in it. brought this into competitive te is a feeling that they probablyy could given the constraints thar given the short time frame. given as several people have det it was like to take over the jos like turning the titanic. it was like shifting this giants geared for someone else and tryk for her. >> and she did it effortlyless y afternoon on july 21st and july. as we reflect on the last few mg to me as we traveled around the. she rarely talked about the hiss poised to make. she rarely talked herself aboutf breaking moment unlike hillary . more like obama as i recall fro. she let others do the talking.
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as we look at this moment, thisn history on the campus of howard. she was saying just in a radio y morning if elected she would beu president and that is also a dim obama. now that will happen but i stilr candidacy after we dissect all d blue to red there is something d among young people. it was similar that i have seena candidacy certainly within any . she didn't hit the finish line e finish line. this will be remembered in a ve. >> right as jeff just pointed oe sitting on the campus of howarde oldest in the country and this o people of color and last night a lot of students here, a lot of m perhaps this was their very fir. there was a lot of disappointmen
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this crowd. people wanted to see her and he. they wanted the night to go difs to speak to those people to expk this time to come out and put tl message to them. not just a proform concession br supporters about what this campd you get this sense here that ped that. there are a lot of long hugs das crowd. it almost a funeral-like vibe dt you hear playing in the backgroy somber and especially the young. this is their first experience n some cases and their first expey tough loss. >> and abby, just stay on that . i remember going to howard withe candidate for vice president iny
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howard is her alma mater and shy deliberate decision to go to ho. she wanted to go to a hbcu. she liked washington. the idea that she is back thered that would be decided for a vics the now this side of this you cs moment where you had a lot of hr her even though she didn't leanc nature of her candidacy. it was historic. how much is that playing out th? >> reporter: dana, the fact thaf hbcu is a testament to what hbcd states of america. hbcus are the incubator of the s and have been for 100 years in . and so it means -- it's a valide
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institutions have been for the e of color. so she doesn't have to talk abot terms. she doesn't like to do that buty fact that she is here and she i. i know you can see just in a cos a couple seconds she is going t. dana, your point, think think to ability to this. in a sense she was lifted up bye class by educated black people. the divine 9 fraternitys but ths till about whether the democrats adequately speaking to people we educated who are working class r step foot in institutions like . it's both things at the same ti. >> that is one of the central de studying and seeing in this cam. the college versus non-college e in american politics now. what you just saw on the screeny
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person opal before every speeche podium and looks at the tell prs opal. she worked for hillary clinton y links to her between -- >> a lot of hillary alums in th. >> thinking back to vice presid. we saw her on the scene in 2007a campaign in iowa. there is someone in this crowd o is likely going to run for pres. or hire office so i do believe d but there's a lot of hope out tr generation and everyone of her y who are first time voters here? who are the gen z voters in the? that is something that i think s been a long time since the obam. those young voters are now olde. as we go further i'm told in ths going to again call for common n the final days of her campaign e interested to see how much she o
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hold the line. >> yeah, her tag line was when . i expect very much to hear what. what she looks that fight lookss also what i hear from a lot of n this space here at howard and be country. they know that the next four yes for the opposition party will b. it will be with a president likk in the white house and right noa democratic party that i'm not sr uncontested leader at this mome. i think she has a shot to be tho think that will be a position t. i think this is our first opporw and when she would lead. anderson? >> thank you back for the team . as we wait for vice president ke her remarks. what are your thoughts looking ?
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>> i think sit a night that tooc party by surprise but it shoulde honest. the evidence has been there fore biden's deep unpopularity aboutn facing sear use head wins and tt of that time was to lecture fol. was to tell them that inflations they felt. was to demand party loyal i waso won things like a primary or mot the beginning of this or border. everyone lane you want to look t realize the seriousness of this. so by the time the candidates sk it's fair there them to say thef a hole. it's the same people who suppors re-election campaign that put t. for a lot of the voters, democre hearing a sense of shock that tr
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options that they did not get an on the direction of a party ande last time they hat a primary in. they would not have unifyed froo defeat donald trump and that tu. >> it does seem there their aree voters as opposed to looking atc party needs to look at. certainly, one of the things thg for vice president harris were s she had made when running for pe primaries in 2019. she ran for a very different ti. she ran much more to the left. she tried to come back to the cr true alignment but a lot of tho9 were the goter for the trump ca. >> no question. >> and senior democrats that i e aware of that. we heard jeff say this earlier. i heard it all day long and thie democratic party needs to do sog
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and it speaks to exactly that. i whether you like it or not tho vote and they do get to pick. i think the other thing to remee signs of this. so this is ant dow tall but a ss knocking on doors in western mas pennsylvania for harris registed independents. 30 doors. only one person was enthuse kw*o out and vote for harris. the other 29 were concerned aboe prices, the economy, being lefte party going to do for me and thy because they do a little survey. they were angry with the party t or wrong that donald trump unde. the party needs to take a look t
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and think about what comes next. >> harris ran the campaign turns an open question. what they meant by turning the . a lot of voters saying we are td that is how they saw it. >> it was reflected in those exe democracy number and in the pole election in that threat to demo. i think that was interpreted asl of donald trump and what he migy however, last night it showed ty republicans were worried about o to the democracy. i think that's why that number g up to the election. so mystical cuelation there. anderson, you and i talked abous for the last couple of months an your show two or three month ase harris would have to be 5-8 poie general election poll because ww about the trump voters and i tho
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be true. un. >> unless you look at the margi. the swing states were still wit. but i think there's going to ben again unfolding. >> there's an original sin herek there's an under estimation of n assumption that he will be seene because of the legal problems, y 6th and when you talk to democrs particularly in the post midtern was consolidating support arouns re-election. the reason they would dismiss ce or inflation always seem to turt that they thought republicans we many america could not get behi. it felt like their get out of j. that assumption was never suppod brought them to this point. it's reason why they did not hae the crisis of the first debate. some of that hog and belief thad not speak to the change that foa
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story they told themselves and k to haunt. >> there you see tim in the cro. it means the vice president is g out. abby phillip is there with jeff. i'm wondering jeff and abby havg much about the selection of timt played out in retrospect? right. >> you know i think that's a lod conversation about this electioi don't know that anybody close tt is questioning that. because that was her gut decisi. that was her based on who she w. >> absolutely. we talk a lot about the vice pre being selected. it's hard to imagine a race whed an effect. >> and we are getting vice press on stage right now. [ cheers and applause ]
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. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] . >> good afternoon. good afternoon. [ cheers and applause ]
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. good afternoon everyone. good afternoon. good afternoon. [ cheers and applause ] thank you all. thank you, thank you. so let me say and i love you ba. [ cheers and applause ] so let me say my heart is full . my heart is full today. full of gratitude for the trustn me. full of love for our country an. the out come of this election i, not what we fought for, not what hear me when i say the light ofe
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will always burn bright. [ applause ] >> as long as we never give up p fighting. [ cheers and applause ] to my beloved doug and our famiy much. to president biden and dr. bider faith and support. to governor walz and the walz fr service to our nation will cont. [ cheers and applause ] . 20 to my volunteers who gave sor
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themselves fop the poll and locn officials. i think all. i am so proud of the race we ran it over the 107 days of this can intentional of building communis bringing people together from ed background united by love of cod joy in our fight for america's . [ cheers and applause ] . and we did it with the knowledgo much more in common than what s. now i know folks are feeling em.
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we must accept the results of t. earlier today i spoke with presd congratulated him on victory ane will help him and his team withd we will engage in a peaceful tr. [ cheers and applause ] . a fundamental principle is whenn we accept the results. anyone who seeks the public tru. at the same time in our nation,s
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not tot a president or a party e constitution of the united stat. and loyal i was to our consciou. my allegiance to all three is wy while i concede this election ie fight that fuels this campaign. [ cheers and applause ] . the fight for freedom for opporr fairness and the dignity of all. a fight for the ideals at the h.
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the ideals that reflect americas a fight i will never give up. [ cheers and applause ] . where the woman have the freedof their own body and not have theg them what to do. we will never give up the fightr schools and our streets from gu. we will never give up the fight, equal justice and for the sacree of us no matter who we are or ws
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certain fundamental rights and e respected and upheld. [ applause ] we will continue to wage this we voting booth and in the courts c square and we will also wage it. in how we live our lives by treh kindness and respect by lookinga stranger and seeing a neighbor. by always using our strength toe dignity that all people deserve. the fight for our freedom will t like i always say we like hard .
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[ cheers and applause ] . n hard work can be joyful work r country is always worth it. to the young people who are wat. [ cheers and applause ] >> i love you guys. [ cheers and applause ] . sit okay to feel sad and disappe know it's going to be okay. on the campaign i would often se win. sometimes the fight take as whi.
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that doesn't mean we won't win. the important thing is don't ev. don't ever give up. don't ever stop trying to make r place. you have power. you have power and don't you eve tells you something is impossibs never been done before. [ cheers and applause ] . you have the capacity to do extn the world. and so to everyone that is watct disspare. this is not a time to throw up . this is a time to roll up our s. [ cheers and applause ] . this is a time to mobilize, moby engaged for the sake of freedome
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future that we all know we can . look many of you know i startedr and throughout my career i saw e worst time times in their lives. people who have suffered great . and yet found within themselvese courage and the resolve to takea stand. to fight for justice. to fight for themselves to figh. so let their courage be our ins. let their determination be our . and i'll close with this. there's an add and historian onf
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history. true of every society across th. the add and is only when it is u see the stars. i know many people feel like wek time. but for the benefit of us all it the case. but here is the thing. america if it is, let us fill tt of a brilliant, brilliant billi. the light of optimism, of faithd service. [ cheers and applause ]
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. and may that work guide us evf setbacks toward the extraordinae united states of america. i thank you all. may god bless you and may god bd states of america. [ cheers and applause ] i thank you all. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> that's kamala harris speakinr so at howard university. there alma mater. where she had hoped to making a. obviously very different speechn many ways but talking about impl transfer of power and doing whas administration can help the nexp which is traditional for these .
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>> she also by in large it was g positive speech but there is ont i thought was notable. she talked about how some peoplt we're entering into a dark perie words that i think were notable. she said in our nation we owe la president or a party but to thee united states. it jumped out at me because tp*d the retirement speech where he e didn't mention them by name. president trump but there is coe don't know what donald trump ise is said a lot of things that coi think that one there was direct. >> yeah, look i think that was o donald trump because the line bt accept the results of this eleca
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peaceful transfer of power exaco four years ago. so i thought that was her way o. >> absolutely. >> but at the same time doing i. i think this was inspirational e especially. there's a lot of young woman in. i know there's been a lot of tae fact that this is such a blow tr woman to rise to the top. we've seen hillary clinton losew we've seen kamala harris and the same man. who many people believe is high. but i would like to take this mt while there is sexism i believeo many other factors in this elece not to focus on that because i s with our ability to send the cor young people that this eventual. >> she didn't mention that. you have the hillary clinton co.
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there was the glass ceiling ref. these speeches are hard becauses inspirational it's a band-aid ag wound. democratic party has had a devat night. they will be picking up the asha long time. i would also say in the democraf this race, this was not a norma. this was a referendum on our po. it was a it was their last chand trump's project 2025 nightmareso fail at galvanizeing the countrt i think it cannot be understate. i don't i will also add though f democrats throughout this expere acknowledged peoples concerns am and the frustration i often heay this is how we will make that b. their response is usually donald trump is promising. i think it's for the next versis
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want to offer they have to starf acknowledging the concerns thatt lecturing over whether that be s concerns about the political syr them. >> i was just reading in your nw york times stevens wrote a piec. he voted for kamala harris and r reluctantly but he's conservatir is liberals lack to see where t. the discipline to do better nexe humility to hang. he also went on to say the demoe party of pomposity. >> you think that there will be? it is very temping to just sorto blame whom ever and not look att your own party did. >> that's why i said there are s as to why she lost. let's just look at the college e where my kids are.
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two separate college cam putss e that some of their jewish frieng woman who are jewish were votine it was a single issue for them e of israel. and so i said to them, even ove? they said yes. that's -- i think that piece ofr sold in the way in which some ji believe flipped their votes as . also, you saw a lot of signs isn saying save girls sports. i think the whole transgender ir sold as to how that resinate wis and the trump base. i think that was a huge thing a. >> i think we can say pretty clc party in the 2019/2020 time wase folks who were driving the disca specific lens of progressive idn language and even as early as 2e
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progressive the left kind of met landing even among black and br. we have to expand the identitien we talk about identities not jur jerks wall i was but class and f these things are informing folk. i was thinking back to the inteh kamala harris last year where ie administration is accomplishings black turn out so bad in the mi? she said ask me after 2024. that was the level of dismissivn coming to these questions. >> >> it was the large language ofs would show her campaign this tie issues she was talking about th. i want to go back to dana. >> thank, anderson and congresst with you. first before i ask you about ity
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for our viewers again what kamas specifically said when she disce of the peaceful transition of p. >> we must accept the results o. earlier today, i spoke with prep and congratulated him on his vi. i also told him that we will hem with their transition. and that we will engage in a pef power. [ cheers and applause ] . a fundamental principle of amers when we lose an election we acc. that principle as much as any or issues democracy from monarchy e who seeks the public trust must. at the same time in our nation s
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not to a president or a party be constitution of the united stat. >> as we were watching that livu because that was why you decidet against donald trump when you ws because of what happened on jand beyond. and so for you as somebody who a republican, supported joe bidend kamala harris how important was? >> i think it's really importan. look, democrats are not going ty democrats becoming republicans . if donald trump would have loste struggling with the transition . let's be honest but this is adu. this is kamala harris saying wee adults about this. this is more important than anyy because in 100 years if democrai
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think it will it's going to be e maintain that tradition. the other thing that was imports beginning to outline if future . we can be gracious in defeat buo defend the constitution and thae have now. and i thought she did very effen a concession speech which usualt of play for a long time but i ts effective in what she needed to. >> one of the most powerful sper witnessed in person and i coverw years was when john mccain gaven speech in phoenix, arizona in 2e kind of theme. it was up against a backdrop ofn of power being quite normal as t she was trying to make but stilt for granted. >> we can't take it for grantedh donald trump being in office anw he will play out over the next .
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it was his turn to do this. he was about it he didn't have . he didn't even show up at the i. i think a lot of people worry te to have this kind of progressioe administration to another. it will be interesting to see is is up at the white house with je of those traditional meetings bt have to go because he's been th. >> it's symbolic. >> i want to actually do somethe bit different. i want to bring you in but alsoe magic wall. brenda was talking about the exe focus groups that you've been se was talking about was this reale sawly ask you for the voters ves
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republicans. >> i think it's important for dy have their soul searching like . it's their turn now to think abn the left. it started with detpeupbtd the . it cascaded from there. think about who will control thw they are a party of white colles and black woman. voters that are not happy with d with what they are seeing in the border. they will continue to believe t. the only place that kamala harrd everybody else went red. i know you have been looking at. i want to dig into that.
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when kamala harris gave gave thh she was leaving the door open tt again. she's 60 years old. she just ran a campaign. you can say she has a head star. democrats out there already looe crazy. we will not do that. she just lost this. on january 7th of 2021 we neverd trump would be back and he's abe president of the united states. rule out nothing when it comes e president. but to that point about this mau are from san francisco, califort made we don't need a koesle eli. we got blown out. that used to be the blue wall. donald trump has twice in his td it red. the democrats were supposed to e sun belt and lost georgia and n. they are supposed to make progrt and they lost arizona and then . even hillary clinton carried thd trump in the last campaign. so democrats will say thank yoe and will mostly blame joe bidenl blame kamala harris for what has
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campaign but they will say it'se page. we just lost. slept left her o*plgs options o. -- she left her options open. this is america. look at all that red. how many democrats in your cares especially or from new york or e said nobody lives there. donald trump just won his seconl election because good americans. they may not do what you do in n francisco or los angeles but thd hardworking americans and just s well. they feel ignored. i just spent 15 months on the r. washington has never been more e people it governs and i would af these people think it's liberal. so whether the liberals or the e that or not they need to start h these people without a doubt. here is another way to look at . that is the full county perspec.
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this is donald trump over perfo. anything lit up there is where r performed yesterday. how he did in 2020. that is in 3,884. of the 4,622 counties in townshd trump ran better. almost everywhere. yesterday compared to 2020 and s you're trying to figure tout pao pile on here. but 1162 of those 4,622 countiee ran better by 3% or more. so the democrats have a lot to u can argue a lot of it is in ther rural counties. >> that's whey want to ask you . i joked fly over country which . it's old troef about how some pe of the country but what the mapt
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about geography it's about clast education. that is what the democrats have. now they are struggling with pry other than the majority of thosr destkpwraoes. >> a huge -- degrees. >> a huge bonus for the democrat to get these votes of college en voters who are republicans. what happened over time is whene votes and lost their blue color. my first campaign was 1988. michael won ten states but won t virginia. obama flipped states and came i. the question is donald trump di. you get over inflate bid your mt the states when you go through . the democrats have a lot of stuy try to rebuild. this is day one and it will taks an ugly map if you are a democr. >> it sure is. let's go back to caitlyn in wes,
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florida. how is donald trump and his ade? how are they reacting to what w? >> reporter: they were a littlee numbers were coming in last nig. i think as chris and i both knod it now and moving on to what ths going to look like and planningt listening to harris there and he that line about a peaceful trand she was. she was affording to trump whato the in coming joe biden and kams administration. you can act knowledgeing the vie which she did. she talked about the voters hav. this is their will and wasn't ty doubt about this win. it is the remarkable sea seeingm the trump team saying he praises what steven his spokes person s. not the result after we saw wha. >> i would assume that both kame
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biden will be there on inaugurar to donald trump the way he was e biden's inauguration day and thy in almost a huff. he is the most gracious when he. we know some of the horrible thd about kamala harris behind clos. she was able to get under his se biden was not and he took that s donors and alleys an publicly il lease and speeches. he has now won and now time forg that phone call which was praisa good race. we saw him dome that with nikkie bashed her. now items time for them to movee beginning that transition work. they are starting to pull out te administration and moving on fre experience. a lot of people around him haver
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two years. this is not a regular campaign r before. he announced after the midterm a week. so now it is time for them to as next process and as you said a e still very surprised that he wo. they were in almost disbelief. >> that he wob won so quickly *y optimistic and but even though e numbers would come in for them y actually did seemed surprising . >> so where we're sitting now. it's's across the water from us. but he has been basically on th. he's been meeting with a lot ofe victory parties last night. people were donors or hoping tos administration. and know that that moves quickl. those conversations start happee transition planning that happen. they are moving quickly to posir what this next few weeks are gor this transition. >> everyone who is looking for p administration job is very muchg
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to be a knife fight. they are ready to fight. that's why a lot of them are ma, reaching out to trump, suzy or e to him because they want to putr themselves before it's moving tr ahead of them. they believe everybody is out fy are in a very fast pace situatis that administration. >> in 2016 we saw everyone goiny of trump tower. you can know this interview pron real time. >> it's what you are hearing fr. it's processing this victory and including that conversation witt harris and president biden toda. >> thanks. good to see you. amazing reporting. more reaction to vice presidents concession speech and where they goes from here. our special coverage continues.
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welcome back to cnn. i'm anderson cooper. just moment as go at her alma mt howard university howard univer. >> as long as we never give up e keep fighting while i concede tt concede the fight that fuels th. [ cheers and applause ] >> president biden congratulatia decisive victory. 291 electoral votes to harris 2. shaping up to win the popular v.
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we still have four states level. arizona, nevada, maine and alas. michigan was called for him thig him a sweep of the blue wall st. republicans are now leading thel of the house. the 207 of the 218 seat. they need to win. and 40 are still there. the election also puts the gop e senate with three pick ups so f. meaning when all is said and dot election can have a mandate andf congress to help him carry it o. >> and that speech the central n out. what happens next from the trant the new cabinet will look like d cases we will talk about it. cnn abby phillip lip and jeff ay with vice president spoke. abby, we heard her concession s. it ran about 12 minutes.
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leaving the door open for some f political life for her. >> >> i think that is exactly whats anderson. it was moment for her to close r chapter to speak all of the peod here and millions watching at hr hopes in her at a familiar vulne democratic party. when suddenly over the summer, t the time, president biden was ke ticket and she became the nomin. i think it's hard to understater state how much of vibe change va harris represented when she got. this moment because of that higa low let down for so many people. one of the things anderson and n this speech.
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it was driven as she said by thd this campaign which were about . the threat that donald trump po. but i have to wonder after the w last night voters seem to say tt it, they understand it. they think that he doesn't haver but there were other issues tham and she did not address that ore democratic party claws back froe now. >> she did not. the fact that she was running dn administration as his vice pres. it was fight to be the candidat. that was always going to be so e who works just down the hall fr. who is approval rating was low . so she did not address that hown again it's far too soon to know.
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thinking back to the 2000 campa. people thought al gore would ru. we shall see. she is a young politician. i would argue that she has elevn this presidential race which ise as vice president she was sort e has a following. i was struck when she said it'sd disappointed. sometimes a fight takes a while. she was talking to the youth in. but also talking to democrats. they do feel sad and disappoint. how this goes from here or how s disconnect with large america ie interesting but in terms of a c. i was struck by the graciousnest that she said we will work withl transition of power. it sounds obvious but in this m. i think that was striking. >> just in terms of what happen.
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obviously folks in the trump can the transition looking at who wt positions. >> without question. this is something that 8 years p campaign was not expecting to w. this time they were hoping to w. abby and i both cover the trump. we remember what goes on behind. it happening for cabinet positi. that will be extraordinary but t has a much better sense of whats government is like. perhaps for a good or bad but ie hiring process this transition n interesting season in washingto. it comes on the 5th season everd this will be an extraordinary me surrounds himself with as we cos
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administration coming in. there were adults in the room s. a lot of tightened of business . that is not likely to be the ca. >> many few guardrails. that under scores one of the ths underneath the surface here esp. there are people who are afraid. actually afraid because donald d that the very first thing he ism is to carry out a mass deportat. there are american citizens whos who can get caught up in that. he made promises to go after hi. there are things that trump hast don't have anything to do with e are the things that are at the d the results last night were note ticket. you have a senate that is goingd it's already a congress that isp than it was when trump became p. so he will have a long road to n
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positions of position. he will have a better understane government and that is is the rt is very different that is diffe. you can sense amongst harris' sy understand that there's not goif a doubt given to trump as he gos presidency. they are preparing themselves ft could be very intrenched periodt donald trump and his allies in . >>. >> as we mentioned at the top pd president-elect trump also spok. we learned that joe biden will n tomorrow. cnn ka la is at the white house. first, what do we expect to heat tomorrow? and what did you hear about thed not only with donald trump but e
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president? >> reporter: the conversations . they were very high level. the white house official said tn congratulate the vice presidentd as a historic campaign and as fn with now president-elect donaldt biden talked about being a prese and ushering in a peaceful tran. those are some of the things tht president biden to touch on tome delivers this address despite se piercing rhetoric from the campt weeks we expect the president te was president for all people and trump to be the same. how he will uphold democracy whe core pillars of what he ran unpn 2020 and frequently revisited te of the last four years. now clearly it is not a biter sr president biden. it is expected to be bitter as s address in a race he believed tn
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whether that -- there's any of s we don't expect there. we expect him to be on script ah level but we will see when he as them. >> this is a dynamic here becaus you said still believed that hen donald trump. he was removed even though he ss own. what are you hearing from his as going on there behind the scene? es. >> reporter: there are three sct have emerged in the light of das have come in and not just come a landslide and decisive victory e biden's predecessor that he rany against and those three schoolss follows, joe biden should have . he had that strong coalition inf
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white working class voters that. perhaps he would have been able. then there's the school of thous blame should be placed on formeg hillary clinton in 2016 and to i who pushed bi delaware n out ofs time around with aides saying it powerful that told joe biden thp aside. they said any other democrat cop and clearly they say that was n. then there's a final school of t perhaps they didn't grasp how ut biden was. they believed that the data wouy out in voters sentiment that prs approval rating did not accuratw people actually felt on the groe know, voters are never wrong.. they have this opportunity to so cast their ballots and show whes
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are and that is the source of ak reckoning for the joe biden teaf day. >> their priority was with infle economy. thank you so much. anderson? >> dana thank you for joining u. senior advisor to the 2024 camp. you were part of president elect transition team. what are you hearing about the t together now. what do we know? >> thank you anderson for havin. we are attracting the best and s country has. i think the transition team hasb staying behind the scenes and gf people who want to work in the d want to serve this country in aw we're going through the processt and doing the necessary backgroe excited to have so many people f this administration and unifyin. i think what you will see from s going to be unifyed front and pd kamala harris spoke earlier. it was gracious phone call thatt
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gave and the president was clean a strong campaign and very tena. she wanted to work the with they the country. from the transition who wants td front and from the relationshipa harris and joe biden we are -bga unifyed relationship with the c. >> there are documents that thet needs to sign town lock transite trump administration can hit th. do you know if president elect d those yet? i understand there were severals team had skipped. >> listen those are the technicf transition. our understanding is they are ne signed but they are in negotiatg conversations and looking forwag understanding. but it's not a legal requiremenr the transition to sign anything. we are working with cooperatinge cross the thresholds so our peod
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properly with national securityd information and so that we can d running. let's be clear it is not a legan a phepl ren dumb of understandit for this transition. >> i remember when george w.busd talked about mandate that he ha. this is probably as close to a a presidential elect could have a. having control of the senate ory to have control of keeping conts well. what do you expect to see in th? >> it's very much a mandate for. what we expect to see for the fs people focused on afford abilit. the american people want to do h affordable. they have been wiped out and sue policies of the previous adminil focus on that and also focus onr nap is very common sense to the. they want to understand a counte
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to immigration. why are people breaking the lawy is our government not doing any. as we go forward with this commt we have. we will address issues in a camy but we will also make sure thate american people understand we ur priorities and appreciate them o forward in a common sense approe hit everything right that the pt made are kept. >> there were obviously the fort ran on this idea of mass deportt the republican convention holdit were printed out for that. do you know how that what is th? >> let's be clear. we talk about this mass deporta. it has to do with illegal alien. we are not doing thing with peoe illegally here legally. we always said the president sas going to be a stage process and.
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the easiest people are the crim. the people that are still here. will be step one and once we unt moves forward we will move to t. let's be clear to the american t illegal aliens who have broken e been violent to our people. >> coming up john king breaks dy and later more on what we are lt transition as our special cnn ee continues.
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this is cnn special coveragt continued by much. sit wednesday and we already kne next president and a short times brought her campaign to a forma. in front of supporters at howart here in washington. and the fight for our counth it. it is always worth it.
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to the young people who are wat. it is okay to feel sad and disa. but please know it's going to b. >> cnn john king is at the magi. john, we still have a few statee outstanding and that could actud trump's victory even bigger. >> it could make it bigger or ce things. a couple things to look like frf the air at 4:00 a.m. t*t still leads in the popular . there's some democrats who say a couple weeks to finish its counn ballots. new york take as long time and e democrats out there holding oute might catch up in the popular vn is a strong lead. remember donald trump lost the e
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previous runs. that is a trophy he likes to han and is already talking about the popular vote as well.. when you look at this map and yd and where you see it. those are the blue wall states. donald trump flipped them in 20. that was the wow then and he fl. joe biden got the blue in 2020. now they are back. this is going to be the converst democrats. these states voted together sin. they voted blue except 2016 and. democrats will have a conversate democratic governors. they will lead that conversatioe pieces and move forward. well the demographics are changt so north carolina it was diversg more college educated. democrats should be able to winp took it back. joe biden took it by 11,000 votp took it back again. more college educated voters. more diverse should be able to .
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they didn't. then we are not finished out hep gets arizona back and even hilln nevada in 2016. we are not done. i can go in and take this away e are in the counts now in arizon. remember how narrow that was in. it's 64,000 votes. if you look at the map it's imp. if you go county by county and n the bronx, queen, donald trump . those areas will stay blue and a sweeping victory no matter how . one state michigan and you lookf time here in the campaign. this came back from last night. we were talking about what aboun places like the county where thf michigan is. as the votes were counted did c. you see at 71% right there compe biden. it did get better not back to jt got better as the count continu. here are the places the democrad
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it's striking. when i first started doing this. how did ronald reagan win those? now how is donald trump winningt among union auto workers. that's 2020 this is 2024 he is . so democrats will have to have w do we appeal to farmer and peoph their hands. not only in farm state america e america but in industrial state. the democrat haves sa problem. donald trump won the election. he was right to say the american him a mandate. he will probably win the populae over 300 in the electoral colle. the question is what does he do? he will have a republican senat. we are not sure about the congra resounding victory especially ae conversations we were having jue biden inauguration where donald.
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he's not done. he is coming back and come backn his back. >> sit a come back that is asto. no question about that. >> anderson? >> thank you john just mentione. we have a cnn projection to bri. cnn can now project a repube race for the house. representing the lehigh valley . republican gop state ryan mckene democratic congressman susan wi. it was district that joe biden n 2020. a gig gop pick up. we also have a prediction out oe there's a democratic pole in th. the incup want democratic congro his seat. now what does this all mean andn which district at this key momer
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the house? well democrats have some advants do as well. democrats are leading in a handd districts and republicans are ll of other districts. in order to win back control ofs need a net of four seats all to. right now you see the republicao democratic districts to get a fe united states house. there needs to be 218 seats to . at the moment the democrat havet majority given the fact that the picked up six seats so far. they could pick up couple more. democrats may pick up few as we. that may not meet the four seate majority. at the moment, anderson, the spe mike john johnson is projectinge gop will fold the house but nott that yet.
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the pathway for the majority ofe moment is complicated. >> just ahead president obama b. also back to florida for the trn ahead and vice president kamalan speech. tk*epl. republican.
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tk*epl. . republican. democrats. democratsic. president biden.
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- it's something about having that piece of paper. some people think that's worth more than my skills. - i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. - you gotta be so good they can't ignore you. - it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. - analytics and empathy. that's how i gain clients. - i am more... - i'm more... ...than who i am on paper.
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welcome back to our specialn election night in americ obama n part:. >> let's go back to florida. what are the next couple of daye trump team in terms of putting f a transition? >> reporter: anderson you cannot atmosphere trump is coming into. it is so different from 2016.
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obviously he lost in 2020 and we left the white house had a bit h a lot of the republican party. he was very isolated only had am and we are seeing how differents victory last night. the republicans mike johnson flr watching the results come in fre with former president biden as s the president-elect there last . you saw mike johnson the house . as far a congratulations are gom someone who was on stage 8 year. the former vice president himseo issued a statement saying that n pence congratulate late donald s election. he says he will continue to prao were in positions of authority t looking at that statement wheret they are praying and congratulad vance the position that mike pet now no longer does and jd vanceg to do what mike pence would not.
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it shows you as we were watchinw different this is going to look. the people who are around trump. >> everyone is on their best be. we are seeing this in all the sd trump himself in his phone calls praising her her tenacity. everyone is trying to focus on d turning the page. this is very different from whan 2020. do i want to get to what anders. we do have new reporting on whah that transition. they have offices open here in . they expect that the entire tran out of here. there will be meetings between s where the campaign was set up. donald trump is going to enterts republicans in terms of meetingo vet them himself and that's alr. how they have already held somee top contenders for these top adn
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positions. obviously everything is going th the former president but as we s transition had to get grog and f was not willing to engage in an. because he was soup city shous. he didn't want to get -- he was. sop instead howard and linda mce of that to prepare him for the e would win. >> when i interviewed is howardt vaccines and conspiracys about . the thing he was saying at the e had thousands of names lined upe your best people that should bee federal government. and so he does have a spread shg from potential people that the t of donald trump but the one knos he go along with the plan that t forward for him. in 2016 he famously did not. in 2020 we didn't see it happen.
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that's a question of what that e this time around 8 years later. >> i don't think we will know td trump sits down and looks at so. in addition to howard and two pd trump really trusts who have ben with the knives out for howard e are people who are circlinging . donald trump said he likes howa. they presenting that will be so. the other person to watch in thd list to watch is project 2025 p. >> which is thousands of peopler loyal i was. all from his program still loyal close to the former president. they will be providing the trang list of recommendations of peope hand picked and gone through wha rigorous loyal i was test for pn those thousands of administrati.
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>> there's no real ball lapse o. he will be able to get confirmey republicans. >> this is risky for him becausf promises now that he has all tht have to follow through with somo other people don't want in the . >> it's a remarkable moment and. this is what the next two monthk like as we're watching this so o wins out and what is a knife fin the trump term. no one expects that to be diffet time he was in office. trump said his worst mistake hee was in the office first time wa. personnel decisions. people like bill barr, jeff sess
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generals. that is all going to look diffee around. >> loyal i was will play high o. thanks. i want the look at some of the l said he will do in his second t. we have a list of things. mass deportations, 10-20% tarif, perpblg federal employees deeme. were does this start? do you think -- the mass deportn about it. he said we go after first people law here to deport them. all that takes time. >> it does take time but there y happen more quickly. for example, what does it mean ? what does it mean for nato? for daka? for dreamers? as far as ukraine is concerned,k today to say congratulations top
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on his impressive election victn and on. he will not be the only world ly to get in trump's good graces bo questions about revenge. retribution. what does this mean for people s focused on as political foes? >> he talked specifically aboute department of justice and formet raced questions about former mey mark millie and others. >> certainly outspoken general,s his chief of staff. i think liz cheney is someone h, nancy pelosi. then there's the question of whe legal cases against donald trum. special council jack smith who . >> it's clear what happened to . >> they will go way.
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big picture will there be any g? who will be the next attorney g. will that attorney general be s? >> i will add a few more things. his aides said he will start dr. he also put the fbi on the listf them. his enemy list could be more vae few names and also he will likee transgenderman ban in the milit. i think the biggest thing is whe house. if this is an spirely republicae are no guardrails there at all s could happen that we're not evet today. >> some trump supporters will st be able to pass confirmation sot it. he will have some non-confirmed.
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that -- he could pass confirmat. >> he could. i think that we should expect rd congress. that is overwhelming deaf rentin we have seen than in recent yea. the list of trump's there's thet he talked about. things like tariffs. things like the deportations bue reshaping of government. there's confucianism concentrate executive. they made a effort in this elecy to win but in a specific fashio. to win by rallying folks aroundd trump as a unitary figure and lt him to govern in that fashion. it is the reason things like prt just side shows in this race bua vision that for a lot of consere donald trump. will there be folks who say no . they are trying to ensure that .
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i wonder if donald trump will se things suggested to him. there lab lot of folks in the cg cosystem who sees this as a oppo things that say this have not bt before. that the laundry of list that w. aper we take project 2025 could. >> he could have two more supre. that's huge. >> everyone stay with us. we touched on this a moment ago. what happens with the federal ck smith against the president ele. paul reed joins us with the lat.
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welcome welcome back to cnnn america continued. anderson talked about this in t. the question of what may happenl case against president-elect tro overturn the 2020 presidential d mishandling classified document. law reed is here with me now. i was thinking about how many te over the last year or so about l
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campaign for donald trump and es coming his way in terms of fedeg so intertwineded for him and he. >> it really is incredible. as we reported the whole trapbl. push all four back of the crimir as you can. the new york the trial they cous far as they would like. they would push the sentencing r client out of jail and appears e successful. i am told jack smith the speciat brought two federal cases againt trump is talking to top leaderse department about how to wind do. now it was expected expected ths re-elected the cases will go aw. they would be dismissed by the e department but i am learning the justice department they are loof legal council memo that deals wr
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sitting presidents how that appd how they can go about winding ds before trump is even in office. >> and president elect trump ise sentenced in new york on novembe hush money conviction. will that still happen? >> i doubt it. speaking with sources over the e learned that they intend to try. they have several after knews t. there is one pending appeal on . there's three things by the prot due until january so they can an that basis to get it delayed anl argument that he is the preside. he can't be sitting in the courg sentenced. do i not expect that sentencinge few weeks or probably ever. >> paula reed. thank you so much. back with my panel here and joik is cnn senior legal analyst. let me start with you. you and i have talked about ther
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some time. the tact that is potentially ofm seems to be off the table more d then you have the question of tt which ruled this summer that hey president would be immune from r official acts while in office. what are the ramifications of tg ahead? >> it's such an important point. this immunity ruleing is still . it came out four month as go ane living with the ramifications os looking ahead. the supreme court decided that d immunity cannot be prosecuted or anything he does within his offy define the scope of official acy and but also at the same time q. jack smith and the judge are trt what is and is not immune. when donald trump retakes offick
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if he looks at that he will fee. he will feel like anything he dn believe believably tie it somehe is immune from being prosecuted. so i think one major guardrail f office has now been eliminate b. >> back here matt, as a republiy who has worked for donald trumps transition 8 years ago i believr thought thoughts on that guardrd it being eliminate? ed. >> i think there's the same guay president has now. there are checks and balances. there's a u.s. senate, there's , there's congress he will have te end of the day. >> the judiciary the highest cod said -- there was a bigger suprh was the one that overturn the c. the executive branch has less ay day matters of what happens fron
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the west. i know everyone is talking abouy but the bigger one on the actuae that over tufrpbed. >> it's such an important point. >> when we say cheveron differee conversation. people will go huh? it's so important. this has to do with what republg called the swamp. what a lot of people here call f federal agencies that keep it gs president. and this ruling you can correct, e effectively says that a presie authority pretty much any autho. i was going to say it took f the agencies and the executive t you're right. >> the power in the hands of ju. >> and what it will do is put ae
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hands of congress which is wher. they are the ones making the lae for the people every two years f representatives and that's how . we've only recently given so mue federal bureaucracy. you have much more in the hands. >> this is just one of so many s that we have going to be talking about that have real life conse. for people, for industry, for s. >> no question. given the outline we heard frome phro missed he will do on the c. when you talk about mass deportt department of education et cete. i refer to matt on the experienh the trump transition but some oy on in the first trump administrh the chaos as we were talking ab.
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the physical binders that were e trump took office that had the n laid out by former governor chrn charge of the trump transition. there's different people in thet were fighting against other. had the trump family and the stt and that led to a ton of issues. you saw departures. i don't think you will see as m. the second administration will e and much more disruptive. >> you are the one who has beenk and balance of trump presidency. is that a real thing? especially if there's republicae board? we don't know about house but ld that way. >> in paper it's a real thing. in practice there's zero chancep says something and a republican- there's a 20% we would buck himt
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anybody that will do that they . this will be a compliant house. the reality is everybody knew td yesterday. so -p yes the american voted fos unchecked pow hear the the presi agree. constitutionally this belongs i. this belongs in the senate. in practice not a chance. they will not stand up against . >> this belongs in the house an. >> any decision-making. what are we going to do in vari. >> and the unchecked power argud kamala harris make it didn't wo. >> no. >> we are setting ourselves up h almost one unitarian governmentl control everything about the got sure we are prepareed in any set looks like when we don't have td balances anymore. >> just before we run out of ti. i want to play a latino voter an
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about why he voted for presiden. >> it's plain and simple. the economy. people think he's a businessmans out with numbers and probably gs with leaders from other countri. i mean, people are fed up also d the economy. the way it works. they figured he's the better op. >> that's fascinating and also y phone wherever that guy was. >> i couldn't take my eyes off . >> is that what you saw in your? >> absolutely. you saw it come to life. it's a focus group. that's what latinos were saying. we care about economy. he's talking about issues that . she is talking about democracy ?
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it look like everything in d.c.e trump presidency and talking ab. these are things i worry about o the grocery store twice a week. >> . it has a lot to do with some ofe years an more specifically whatn square garden. >> everybody was saying we weree radio shows. >> latino operatives about thiss anyone crude than things we say. >> they don't see it differentle says it. >> there's a work class sensibie part of the latino community tht land with them. when you look at research therem the new york times and the pha f latinos born outside of this cow york times that they did not see
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immigrants that donald trump is. and i think the proof is in theu look at some of the puerto ricat communities over the communities of puerto rico puerto ricans ind burch county trump shrunk or exe and if you look at florida oceom orlando, donald trump tphruped . joe biden won by double digits. that's a area full of puerto ri. >> thank you so much. don't go anywhere. cnn's election coverage will co. we will hear more on the presidn plans and the keys to his very .
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welcome to cnn special covey in america. i'm anderson cooper. >> vice president kamala harrisr concession speech after donald e office he lost four years ago.
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speaking from her alma mater. you must accept the results of . today i spoke with president el. i also told him that we will hem with their transition and that a peaceful transfer of power. we owe loyal i was not to a pret to the constitution of the unit. >> we know president biden is es the nation tomorrow and spoke wr today to congratulate him and ie
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white house as is tradition andt trump is returning to washingtoe that will be controlled by repud 52 seats and there's several rat yet called including arizona, na as of now. i want to start with caitlyn con holmes live in west palm beach w .
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off we are talking about what he next time around but these calln getting from world leader afterr congratulations started rollinge still covering the race before d in his favor by cnn. trump's foreign policy is a maje world leaders. some the have experience but a d leaders have changed. it will be a whole new world fog with a president trump over a p. >> a lot of the times that it'sy positive thing when he was on t. hi he has taken calls from the . he said he just spoke to him ana number of the world leaders andk
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of how early people congratulato reached out and who reached outp wasn't in power and tried to hah him. he cares so much about loyal i g respected. he believes that he because he r president should have the same . not all the world leaders agree. donald trump is tracking all of. he has a short memory when it cr example. after he met with him he had ber months .
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he was using executives the agai prime minister. obviously they have sense recone here. it speaks how much the world har years he reese been out of offi. he will end in 24 hours withouty reasoning as to how or what he . now a lot of that is how donald.
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za alinski. how he handles this remains to . one of the things he has contins how great he is at foreign poli. how he kept everybody out of wa. now he won the presidency and ht the things that he has been proo fruition. i don't think he has spoken to . that just speaks to the level og his energy fourth and what he's. he is not on social media at al.
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now to be back here he's just hd this political come back that he making. >> it is a completely different. the peaceful transfer of power. he was the se khraouted here suf the only people who are still w. susie spent time with him over s so many republicans distanceed . not responding to his calls. we are in such a different place around. they cannot get ahold of him beo many calls. i know people are trying to tals
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they might want for people thato who they believe have been loyar president. a lot of politicians do this nor president trump but who keep whs around him. you can see the stage how the ie changed in terms of the suzycy . donald trump, jr has been one om tphapbts children compared to 8. ivanka was holding that role.
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these are people who have diffey of them have been planning on hd planning on what they want to dt to influence government or the a whole or society. in terms of rfk talking about to with various health departments. a lot of people didn't think he. they put it on the field and ran the results were coming in they. that's why so much of the transr than the fact that donald trump? place. so much was a lot of chaos. people that he kept in office w. these are people who have been s for him to win and planing whatf this administration.
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so different from the day that s had. abby phillip and jeff have beeny throughout the day in washingto. that's where harris did come our concession speech to a crowd of. many of whom were in tears as sk for just about 12 minutes or so. we expect the former president e invitation from the current pree white house for a meeting. but we are just receiving this m
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president biden. he speaks to the future of vice. he says it was one of the best r made by bringing her in the foud she will continue to have a stas future here. talks about her. we know that he was watching hee residents of the white house wes striking. the emotion on the face of suppr here. even as there are so many queste democratic party and finger poil continue in the coming days abos role in this obviously. and the extraordinary set of cid to this 107 day campaign that e. >> in defeat in a shocking defe. abby as you were sitting there f the speech and i'm sure being tt you have a unique perspective o. there's one part that i wanted . here it is.
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>> my heart is full today. my heart is full today. full of gratitude for the trustn me. full of love for our country an. the out come of this election i. not what we fought for. not what we voted for but hear e light of mesh's promise will al. [ applause ] as long as we never give up andp fighting. >> there's no answer to this ri. but from all of your sources peg
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to what do you think is next fot harris? that is very unclear and thn described to me is this was a sr options open. from what might come next. whatever she wants that to be. when she leaves this office shee citizen again. she will be a former vice presie citizen and she will do with a n those offices do. they exert influence on the par. they have projects on the side. she might write another book buo is going to lead the democratice future. it's not settled. joe biden's statement put the tn a way for harris and i think ine they owe that to each other. she gave him an anor mouse amoud joe biden is showing that back. this is a democratic party thate
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looking for where the ideologico be for them next. it's going to be much more aboun capture the mood of the countrys been dominated by trumpism where entire country shifted to the rt election. who is going to be the person w? erin if there's one thing aboute did not really address that par. she addressed the part that i tr which is to protect american ded trump who she viewed as a threaa whole half of the country that r
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top issue was the economy and ie democratic party is in a soul sr house to answer those questionst messenger to answer those quest. >> pretty incredible. you go in a moment like this ant literally with such a void evena deep -- it's just an incredible. part for anyone to realize whate it sink in and that's what we ah together. abby and jeff thank you very mud university. anderson? >> erin i want to go back to joc wall now. john, the president elect has wy better than he did in 2020. can you show us the layout land? >> sure. this is why the president electt unlike 2016, he believes he has. his team said he should get a hf his big agenda items. we don't know if he will have ar
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democrats house. i don't know how to say anythin. look at that red on the map. it's overwhelming and you look e democrats who think california e counting votes for a couple wee. some think it's a remote possibs catch cans up on the popular vo. it's unlikely. remember anderson even when he t the popular vote. this' a trophy. he's over 50 act the moment. if you just look at the sweep il that made him president in 2016. joe biden flipped it back. donald trump has it again. north carolina was a battlegroup said democratss can get it and . georgia was a state that joe bi0 so was arizona. it looks like for trump and nevn hillary clinton won in 2016 andn 2020. if you look at the scope of thea battleground state perspective r overwhelming.
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look at this, these is every co. these are the results you're lo. a lot of democrat this is is a e democrats party. they look at raour america and s there. those are the fly over states. those are the hardworking ameri. democrats will have the convers. look at this, this is trump ovey county in 2020. look at all those counties that. some are blue. harris one those counties but ts performance in those. 3,897 of the 4, 600 counties ant everywhere. that boosted over 2020-2024. now let's look at it, this is o% or more. this is over performing by a sif you look at this. it's nearly 1200, 1175 of thosen township. if you are trump you are lookina lot is red rural america.
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that's nevada. that is a swing state. that's arizona a swing state. look at all these counties in g. they are over performed by 3% o. if you are the republicans theye donald trump they can't argue wl power and the strength of his bf you are a democrat whether you t from a county perspective or the like this that's a lot of hurt t and a lot of soul searching. >> do you still have the magic e places where vice president kamr performed? >> no we can do that. let's bring in the counties and. you look at harris over performy this could be a little bit and d in 613 of those 46 counties shea little bit but you bring in her- i don't have the 5% anymore.
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sorry we took that one off. she did over perform a little bt of counties but when you put tho it that's when this goes blank. that is a challenge for the dem. that will be one of the big cont only donald trump made with latk voters. democrats will have a big conver own turn out operation. it does look the turn out in 20e down from 2020. that was the pandemic year. it was easier to vote in many we a lot of conversations about whr democratss it's an autopsycy foa celebration and they try to bui. >> we have a trump campaign stao read. it says president biden called n frank late and extended an invia transition. president trump look president d
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to the meeting and appreciate t. interesting that trump is acceps invitation. >> especially since he didn't se inauguration. he clearly is anxious to get bat for the moment he's following a. >> it's easier to return as the. >> yes. even though there seems to be st why they haven't signed the trao allow that to go ahead, we are u will see reporting from kristinn about everybody's name who's ber different positions. from secretary of state to defe. you are seeing that going on. i just want to make including bk who wants to be in charge of def
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government efficiency which wou. rfk in health but it looks as ie republicans have a enough powere through who normally would not . >> i would mention this before,a lot of republicans are saying d. he will not be head of a departe wouldn't pass confirmation. >> maybe he would. >> we also heard from earlier rt the transition team they have be leader of the project 2025. than is something of the hiringy already veted from loyal i was l people who could work in the tr. that was something that the vics talk about a lot during the cam. they brought it up particularlyd
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that book clearly it didn't hava message that resinated and it sr hiring people that are talking t in this. >> yes this has been a concertee parts of the conservative trumpr the last couple years. there was a thought amongst they came in unprepared and relying o fill those positions. this time they were going to hay already knew had passed and a ld more so they have rallies theira that bureaucracy is an obstacled trump political vision happen. he should have power over that s is an intentional effort that ie reason why this project 2025 lem for personnel. i also think i spend a lot of tr fraud and i think there's been r
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imagination amongst some voterss promising this time around. i don't know if we can see thiss universal and as sweeping as thf democrats was as an endorsementt of policy issues. we are asking why he pulled tha. we have a democratic governor h. it's one i heard voters say. i think this time around you shs such. >> i heard that so much.
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from friends and from sources tt believe what he is actually say. i think one of the things that d much in the last four year yearg americans to the crazy things t. it almost became if orm so you n you heard the kraeu city things. -- crazy things. that did not reso nate with the. >> that put into talking about . over the last couple weeks. sit saying that's working with . he will not do a full scale abo. we don't know if that if he hasd happen we. we don't know what he will do at and we don't know about project. he tried to take himself away ft we don't know what he will do.
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i take him by his word and for s that he promised. >> it was not a pitch on democro republicans. i they's an important the point. it's not as if they were going t participate in political system. saying this is how we will fix . they were making a pitch to mor. i think there's some evidence hs who are most motivated by the le world have become democrats ovel years. they did not win the persuasion. >> they got the make up that th. the people that they showed up t pulled the level for donald tru. >> just quickly about norms it'd trump does not have a track recs . the fact that voters chose to ii
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think we will see that he will e when he gets back in office. >> our special coverage continu. the first time in four years ren charge of the senate but h next.
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is. there's still several races. >> right now the republican wila 52-48 senate. they picked up three seats in r. that includes ohio and montana t that majority could grow. let's look at why. in one race in pennsylvania whee term democratic senator. he is on the ropes down 27,000 t republican businessman dave mcc. he led a major hedge fund and ss own dollars in this race but he% and look 97% of the vote he's il
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very good act adding another se. also in nevada this is a big su. at the beginning headed in to te republican candidate there and . he is an under dog. he is in by 3800 votes as the fr democrat jackie rosen. 3800 votes. 47.4% to 47.1%. 89% of the vote is still more to republicans and democrats who be down to the slimmest of margins. there is another race a purple e not called in arizona. a state in which the democraticg ahead of the top of his ticket. he's beating the republican chae who ran unsuccessful two years . he is beating by 59% with 63% as in arizona but democrats feel gg
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that seat. there's some questions here abo. the republicans already have a . 52-48. what is the difference 53-47 orl give more of a buffer to presid. it will allow him to a nominee t easier. the minority party would have ag out of the minority in the termn in the 2026 and 2028 election a. every seat is why we are lookin. republican will have a 52-48 gns a54-46 huge news here. >> thank you. >> here with our political come. anderson, what happens as we gof the gop ends up controlling allf power when we talk about the hod the white house?
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>> we obviously have not calleds what happens in that scenario? that donald trump has a mandath for because you may get it. it also means that he can have e that he has the supreme court. not only does he -- >> maybe if he had a 5050 senatt be a possibility because maybe e republican who would not want aa worm in his head to be in charg.
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# he can appoint the people whoe 100% loyal to him and who will h him. >> and he said he wants individy rfk, jr. >> this was a mandate and he hao what people expect him to do aso economic dislocation. there's a lot of anxiety out non people out there have two simplr the -- well president-elect andn party. what's going to be the solutiony to lower cost and making sure ts people particularly men who wors who have seen a lot of those jor time return back back to them ay address the immigration issue. there's a lot that have seen ing in and the limited resources bee people and that has caused a lom chicago to new york. so we as a party have to figures those answers that's the mandat. >> can i say something that ann.
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i think he has a mandate and thd read it and that's thousand repd it. something that has been on my ml months. there's an article in june thato new trump administration alreads long article about all these grt there. they thought he would be biden e up the administration in court. you had jamie out there alreadyo try and tie him up before he wa. today the white house put out ag we will focus not on progress bd trump. my political advice to all these pick up the election results tot happened. the american people want this ps administration and his party toe things they promised to do. this is what happened last time. they were ploting to impeach hik office back in 2016. let us not have a replay of thi. can we just have a couple of yee
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republicans and president trumpy promised to do because the amery are asking for it. >> i have to say you that's ricd from trump who for four years nd that joe biden had won the elec. >> also -- he still hasn't. >> also from your mentor, mitcha was elected with the senate whir ridden a filibuster said he wilo allow him to get another term o. let's call a spade for a spade. people are elected to represente wancy. if you are a democrat and it ses election. you have a responsibility also o allow donald trump to get awe we wants to get away with. that is our democracy. people are allowed to take posi.
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that is the difference between a democracy. >> i agree that they have consta difference in responding to youd working over time to try to pred government from doing anything. this thing -- >> >> nominated supreme court just. i respect you scott and you aret sit here and say that republicae elected just roll over and let - >> >> my advice is if you go down o stop this government which justu will pay the price in election . the american people are asking . do not tie this man up. give this person a chance to le. >> i'm not sure of that. i will see. we have elections again in two . and donald trump most likely wia senate. he will be able to impose the t. he will be able to pass the depe
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wants. he will be able to do the things promised to do. we will see if all of those thie isn't some reshifting in two yed those things getting done becaue minority there's only so much te able to do. they can talk about tying thinge able to do so. >> you haven't touched on this . you are on the edges of it but e conversation out there and peopo are saying this is proof of. you can go to other networks th. of the racism and bigotry and wn american society that is in a s. i want to play what she said ab. the address today and i thoughtg how we address it. i want to play it. >> i don't think it's fair to so
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racism, yes he tapped in all ths america has ever had to offer. there's peopill agree and vote m because of those reasons but i t more money in their pocket and . >> that's a good points. i have seen so many people say n who voted for donald trump theys do. why would think they want to vog forward. >> then they go after latino and there's a lot of missong any wi. as if there are other reasons fr and support a donald trump. just as she said. there are reasons people made t. we tried joe biden and vice pres for three and a half years. we don't like the results. donald trump has an opportunityl solutions to those voters. >> i don't speak in absolute.
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i think that my song any existse want more money in their pocket. multiple things can be true at . when you're an adult you realiz. i don't anyone is saying that ta harris is lost this election ism but i think it would be puttingt think it exists. she couldn't be a 34 convicted p of a ticket. you couldn't either to be hones. >> i don't think that's becausek woman. i think george w.bush couldn't h some of the things trump has god be elected president twice. if you can say just because sher only i don't think most politico do what donald trump is able to. he's unique in that regard. >> i believe that donald trump a different stick than any normaln
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he's also a woman and is also an of color i think there are addeu can't deny. i hit pause because we will. >> i think it's the heart of whs talking about. our special election continues . next we will speak to a close t. what does she know about what tt this moment? we will be back.
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>> he was visiting with other wd talking to folks about what thil look like and making a list of e wanted to get done when he got e house. that president trump will revere rhetoric.
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that some of what we heard froml days from the election like thi. >> you know she's a very low iq. >> she sa communist. she's a radical left lunatic. >> we have some bad people and y dangerous. they would like to take down ou. >> they are bad people. we have sick people. rads call left lunatics the and- it should be easily handled by y national guard or necessary by . why should they think that he we the way he say he would treat t? why do you think he will not foe promises?
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123450 i know the american peopd for a president that wants to go make their lives easier. they found kamala harris far toe had radical ideas on social andt decisions in their lives an ame. they are looking forward to soms different path than what we havr years and that's president trum. they know what he did the last e white house and they trusted hik there again and make sure that s country. >> they did. do you believe that is ret rhet? yeah president trump has fos people. today when i was visiting with n making this country safer. we live in an unstable time. he is the leader of the free wos
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that every word he says tips thr an he is working to strengthen . he also recognizes a lot of fams campaign came to him and told hf losing loved ones because of ilt came in that were rapists or mus that are dangerous to this cound on making their communities mors to turn this economy around. he recognizes that so many famit able to go after the jobs that . they are not able to afford to h their family. energy price haves gone throughw what he needs to do to help eves country. >> well i appreciate your time . >> we will go back to the whitet reaction there after the vice pn speech and about the upcoming t.
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welcome back to our special. election night in america contip
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transition now in full swing. we will go back to the white hoe latest there. sop k kakala saying choosing kee president was the best decision. what more have you heard about r relationship is tonight? we know that call was complo secret amongst aides that the rn the two is tough in recent monts tried to establish distance betn unpopular incumbent who ended ue election and the views that man. there have been some friction bf them has joe biden who believesb as president believes he deservt and where they have successes tt have been taking the credit andf monday morning quarterbacking *e
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biden world. they believe she was a flawed c. and believe joe biden maybe he d tout blue wall if he remains th. there's also some finger pointia and nancy pelosi urged joe biden favor of other candidates and tg over the president's defund popy didn't truly grasp how the elecg about the agenda. >> the president-elect was looko meeting with president biden. do you have any recording when ? we know that the statement g will take place shortly and thae working to put it on the books. it's something that didn't happn president biden won election ant trump was the out going incumbe. teams are working to put that tl
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let you know as soon as we haven that lands. >> and looking at tomorrow, thes expected to speak. do you know where that will tak? what message to convey? >> the messages he's delivered e certainly the addresses of the s delivered from if oval office al waiting for a location of this d down. we expect to be one of reflectih level messaging. president biden ran on a platfoe soul of the nation. we saw himself four years ago ar of the country that will bridgee aisle but what we've seen in cep divisions in this country still. so we expect him to give a nod e also giving nod to the power ofa peaceful transitions of power wt kamala harris said in her call t trump that she expects there toe
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around. >> up next special election covd more president trump plans for .
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good evening the next chaptd trump becomes the president ele. this is cnn special coverage ofn america continued. >> at this hour republicans arel of the white house the senate we still in. joe biden called president elecd planning to address the nation . vice president kamala harris adr supporters in washington. >> you have the capacity to do n the world. and so everyone who is watching. this is not a time to throw up . this is a time to roll up our s.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> this is a time to organize to stay engaged for the sake of frd the future that we all know we . >> a lot to get to starting wits covering the vice president. i want to play another person oe president said tonight. >> i am so proud of the race we. and the way we ran it. over the 107 days of this campan intentional about building commg coalitions. >> so obviously this was a hist. what are you hearing from staffn tonight about what happened?
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>> i have been speaking with sid me they thought it was pitch peo anderson many have told me thato heartbreaking. this was a campaign that was tr. there was a sense of optimism at where the race was headed and ht became clear that the vice prese the support that they believed s what they have been contending e of the day. a lot of people just going darkf the day and resurfacing and desh that they feel the vice presidet of this also includes finger po. there were strategies that weree harris campaign that included fo have the republicans. the republicans that they thougy former president trump and brinr
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side and in some of the countieo do that with the vice presidente president nominee going to thosl voted for former president trum. there was also an argument thath done to lock in their base and . but the vice president in her rs afternoon tried to strike the bn gratitude and there was a sombet also trying to be uplifting. what became clear and what the t intentionally wanted to do witho tell supporters to respect the s election. she said they must accept the rs election and then she committeda peaceful transfer of power. something that president biden s were not afforded wen former prt the white house back in 2021. but the vice president here tryy forward and asking for her su se
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the fight that she talk talked n trail on reproductive freedom. we will see where this goes froe vice president continues to figs talking about over the course os at her alma mater of howard uni. there's no doubt anderson that w the campaign is still graffleinn trying to sort what happened. i will say senior campaign offig their own staff and e-mails andy put everything out on the tables though they did try their best . it just did not lead to a victod could be possible just 24 hours. >> priscilla alvarez. thank you very much. >> president biden and president to meet pretty soon. a transition meeting that did n. it's fascinating the different y that the former president now h.
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>> fascinating but not surprisi. it's a meeting that was supposer years ago and now expected to ht with the reversals of the fortu. instead of joe biden being the , trump will be the in coming pre. he as accepted the offer that wy president biden to have two mee. it will happenen in short order. we will be watching that if dono washington to meet with him. we don't envision president bido palm beach to do the reverse. that speaks that the dynamics ss later and looking at this, if to washington to meet with joe bide it's a moment we did not see in. i with us there that day of joes inauguration. trump got on marine one and fleh and liveed a different life obvg
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that meeting in washington whenk there in january it is going ton when he entered in 2016 or whenn terms of the balance of power ee senate. you look at the republicans in . it is such a different world thn terms of being obstacles as them or as guardrails in stabilizingf the white house saw them. >> we talked about this the last has never been more true that ty is trump's party and when he shf 2025 he will be going to a home. and he will have control of thef the senate and he will be in th. the thing to focus on is it come senate. he still did not have support os the when he entered washington . marco rubio for example is one t critics. they run against each other nowt
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positions like secretary of stae serving in the administration ae senate who was just elected thad candidate by donald trump and h. this is a very different make ud of the republican party. you are seeing the full transfos election. we have been saying it again fos but the big question was donalde re-elected to the white house? he was. on top of that, were his alliesn the senate? remember 202 almost -- 20022 noe white house. dr. oz in pennsylvania. she going to have a senate thate who are trump allies. >> the way it looks like house e republicans will see how these t clear how much of a majority its as expected but we have seen wie has stuck very close by donald . trump saved him many times the .
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we have seen that dynamic playit minute flight by mike johnson tt night so he can be on stage witn he delivered that victory speece morning. >> there's almost no one in wa*s more to donald trump than mike . the amount of times he had beene is stopped and the reason it ste donald trump and his allies let. nike johnson owes a will the to. help tried to show that loyal ie president and it's likely going. >> and euplt is the level of pod trump will come in to office wi. i think that's important for pee will have a different senate mas to his own republican party on .
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as kristin noted house republict level of power. the first time entering office e court decision on immunity. it will be a reshaped presidencp when he arrives to washington i. >> thank you very much. caitlyn and christen and let's n this issue the balance of powerr projection. >> that's right. er cnn can project the democratn central virginia. the 7th district. defeating derrick anderson thatd race. former legal advisor from the ny council whose brother played a t trump impeachment beating derrit key race. what does this mean for the ovef power in the united states hous. remember democrats need to pickr seats to take back the house.
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right now they are fallen *g sh. there are six republican peck uo two democratic pick ups remainit very few opportunities to pick . now why are democrats falling s. let's pick that down further. look at nebraska. this is the seat who is a repub. democrats thought they could pi. the democratic candidate is beh% reporting in that race. that's not it. also in california another key y for democrats. they thought they would be ablen incumbent republican. that's 13 points in 20. it's ahead by 3100 votes againsc challenger and still a long wayt
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republicans think they can hang. this is also just a recent chan. arizona's seat wants this and it republican a freshman and democo pick him up as well. but now he is ahead. this is a new batch of votes th. there's a lot more to go. where do other races stand at t. democrats are leading in four r. that's good news for the democa bad news for them. two seats republicans are leadic districts which shows you why do the majority is so far. yes there are some but they areg that net of force seasons. item going to be difficult. one thing is clear even if repun control of the thousands erin sn will have a narrow majority likt
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congress. that's not always an easy recip. >> not at all. >> thank you so much. it's so important to lay that os complicated but still unknown we house. joining me now is the retiring m west virginia. i'm glad to talk to you. what a historic moment we are i. manu was laying out where the h. obviously donald trump has the d republicans have the senate. do you have any -- where you the on the house? do democrats still have a chancs have it in addition to the senae house? u it's in swing areas. said this, donald trump didn't e won with the common sense the ie
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middle. the power of the mid is unbelie. when you get to washington theyy got there. they got there by appealing to e people that are in the middle. i'm in the middle. a lot of republicans became homn republican democrats but we wans done. you get things done from the mi. so those are the tight races thy and when they do get by remembed and who volted for you. it will be the swing area. the middleover district that go. >> so when you talk about aboutt trump who got him there. results are overwhelming but ite as you point out. hispanic men stands out.
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hispanics over all better than g black woman, old people all peo. i know senator that you never es specifically. but there's a very basic questi. do you think any democrat could? >> anybody can be beaten if yout candidate with the right messags connecting with the people goiny trying to provide for the famil. they are not caught up but theys saying something that resinatesm under ever understand they willn and will be able to take care oe a job that they can try that. and things of that sort. what happens we get off in the n so much of how people will lives and that and forget about thosey
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working every day to live their. i think that swing area presides to understand that's where he w. his group has always been there' base was always there. it's that middle that swung to . >> that's right. i guess i'm saying there are pet said joe biden should have staye gotten out earlier and had a pre your own adventure. whether you're picking west or k out there and go if you had juss differently with a different tit be sitting where they are sitti. i. >> i i will not second guess. you know how i felt about a minf that sort. the bottom line is you need to . any time i run for office and ai
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always learn. i thought maybe a better candidr representative once i won. so i appreciate that type of bah that i think really tonight or e should be thinking basically hoe democracy. thanking all the poll workers. we will be able to show the tra. this is so much needed for the e world to be able to show that wt contentious times. i want to congratulate presidens victory and i want to thank kamr concession speech but basicallyt it and will have the transfer ao be there when they certify it as volumes to what we have in amer. >> it does on how that will pla. there's still time. we will see how all this goes. what we saw today was something. your seat is going to be taken .
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you left the democrats party ana democrats for a long time. before you go, senator somethinc congressman wrote on twitter. he's from the bronx. he writes: . >> you agree with him? do you think the far left is amt democrats need? >> extreme is extreme. whether it's far left or right. it's not the main stream. it's not how we live our lives . let me make sure that everyone e are americans first.
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forget about the party. those different of how you wills or fix problems. we're americans first. as an american i want my presid. i will do everything i can to he successful and you have to be ao power in the most respectful wag contributing and helping. if you can take that attitude ny could be country does well my sl and when it doesn't it goes to d basket. that's whey don't want to see h. i want them to remember that i e threshold. you know how sacred that is to . that's the glue that holds us te political tough atmosphere and e president trump will understands and how important sit for him te something that you might reallys
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done with the 60 vote threshold. that will be lasting and enduri. you do with a simple majority ae you it will swing back and hit d somewhere and we don't want thad forth and that's the differences going on and i thought was wrong . we will hold people accountablee that got him elected. >> . >> we appreciate speaking to yo. jim himes as we wait to see whie house. the republicans have managed to.
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election night in america c. joe had a word of advice for thg president-elect. >> donald trump didn't win justh the common sense the independen.
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he had a program that more peopn kamala harris did. that's the middle. i hope when they get to washingw they got there. tonight back out with the a. it's not clear how much donald e from attacking to the middle ang to be free reign to do whatever. >> donald trump may have won tho it. he pitch flipped with a more vee than he dad *r did four years a. >> who r. we see the middle rejection. it's a report from kayla she sas go talking about friction betwed kamala harris possibly about hem him. if anything harris was overly de
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biden. i think what we see from the rea story that the unwillingness toe administration whether it is inr immigration is a central proble. the second thing that stuck outs they were saying that maybe th*g shraoeubgt lip under rating of s unpopularity. that's the lesson from this wee. they did not see that. that is the ignoring of evidencn unpopular president for years. it's a reminder oh of how they . it's a thing after the elections unpopular. it was the fundamental fact of . was a status quo that we were st people didn't like and that inc. >> i feel like we learned this e
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but how polls are wrong and mise looking at the wrong places andg what the actual momentum is. it also is saying to me we hearl newers that campaigns have so te talking so much about their groe number of doors an all this stu. all of that seems to have been. they didn't know what was happey of us outside did. >> first of all when the fist et night from georgia that use liet of credence to exit polls but ie spot on. 50% went with trump in georgia. why would the middle do that? that was the beginning of how t. but also we have not talked abo.
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it went in favor of donald trum. harris still won it but 8 point. joe biden won that by 33 points. so what happened there? also new york city, 1/3 of the t to donald trump. in the bronx you had 35% increap in queens in brooklyn in new jee by five points. these are wake up calls to lewds that there is something going of the norm of how they were predi. >> i think the question began de to live up to whatever it is. donald trump thinks he has a ma. donald trump has been very cleas going to do and he won. looks like he won the popular v. i think in new york if the numbp
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in all five bureaus. that is not the rule vote. you see even in blue states. he got -- he went up in numbers. in some of the exit pollingt happy with the choices they hadn general. i think mansion was getting to e were going for donald trump thae everything about donald trump bs this is the choice they made bua dissatisfaction with choices. a mandate is clear. >> correct. no question about it. i think the other thing that wee back to is the word anchor. this was something that we hear. it went along with with the ecor not donald trump really has anyr understanding about many of thee worried about prices and the sue
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left behind they felt that his t expressed related to theirs. >> in the exit polls among his s understands my problems and car. >> 7%. >> but with grocery prices, eart came out 50% of all people saide struggling to make ends meet sis prices and grocery prices haves. >> do you ever worry in being ue choices. than has been the consise standr the past three years. it was just shock at the optione biden and rematch. i think that was fueled the bre. obviously tapered off at the en. i will say that it also filterst about a political system. there was mystical cuelation i f going into this. was donald trump a candidate whe
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anchor? it wasn't going to be apathetico be show displeasure with this a. i think it was up to donald true could summon that anchor or not. that's the surprising part of td because it could have gone the s what democrats were expecting. a lower turn out election wouldy got the people there they just . >> thank you as well. coming up next. democratic congress his taken te in the second trump presidency. that and more when our cnn elece continues.
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dad: hey boss. you okay? son: i said i'm fine. ♪ dad: you can talk to me. son: it's been really, really hard for me.
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election night in america. the day after and the statemento from bill and hillary clinton.. we must remember that america ie results of any one election ands do now will make a difference bt moves forward and one that fall. the clintons say we need to soln seize our opportunities togethes on it.
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join us democratic republican sn reelection. congratulations on winning your. i think you are as surprised a . do you think the house will remn control? >> i think it's a close thing. s in california. alaska a couple other places. i think it's best a 50/50 thing. california to produce results. so i am not giving up hope. i live in a world back in 2009 s have the presidency. 60 votes in the senate. a solid majority in the house o. shes that option attached to ob. was a moderate legislation as i.
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what i do worry about is if thai don't have much doubt that donaa phone call on day one and say ye filibuster. sit open field running for the d from my standpoint and if donale believed about what he says he'h tariffs and national security ty thought. >> one of the things that some s were saying from those who were, jr running hhs. he would never get past confirm. if trump has the control of thee he could. >> yeah that's right. this is why i am concerned abouo has been around far long time. if they do keep control of the . there's a couple moderateing fa. if they have the house majority. they were not able to manage thr vote majority. they will have all kinds of pro. the house was not governing in .
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the president was democratic sod to do and could be a moderatein. there will be a lot of nervous p lets his free flag fry and goes. people will say this is the endu do this stuff. there's nothing good about thist of a democrats but there's moden play. >> do you see mitch mcconnell im the leadership position. do you have any doubt that whoee leader on the republican side ie in with donald trump? >> well, no. it the short answer to your que. democrats like me, donald trumpe popular vote well he will. donald trump is not a winner. he is a big winner. it hurts me to say that. what are my republicans colleagy from that? is this the donald trump with we majority? no this is donald trump with wh. whatever liz cheney instinct exe
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republican party that's gone. donald trump owns these guys. >> he ran on mass deportations. there were signs at the republis that something you see happenin? >> i talked to a lot of people . freaked out in a lot of differe. deportations because the preside leverage of power and cdp and tf homeland security that is somett under way quickly. to put money n into it an take e will need congressional approva. we talked about the alignment t. the other moderateing factor. donald trump is famous for sayiy things where he doesn't do. you do not see the border wall . there's things that will not hat know what. i was one of the last members ot on the chamber on january 6th. none of us imagined that. it's unpredictable.
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a lot of things he says he wille he will do. >> thank you for your time. very very much. our special election election ce shape the administration might o expect from president elect on .
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welcome back to cnn's elect. take two cnn just learning presa call with white house staff in e i'm sure you are all feeling a s today i hope there's one emotioe sight of. that's pride. pride in everything we've accom. that's the direct quote from pr. that comes ahead of president bo address the nation tomorrow. kamala harris spoke to concede. what does he need to say. i think he needs to say not talt running which i doubt he will. we will be doing it. >> you don't think he should cot you wish he kept me?
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i think he should thank for bei. that's what adults do when peopr people lose. and then i would not use it as e accomplishments. there will be time for him to tn december and before the inaugur. but i would talk about the impor country is in and how divided wt the values we need to move forws still the president of the unit. democrats republicans and indepn talk to all of us how we can mos about to hand it over. >> all jokes ahead side. any time there's an election. there were democrats and the sa.
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this time there were people whod not want to be part of a countre out come. and here we are and it's presids opportunity to speak to those pm believe they are still a part ot they need to be part of this cot we are all in this together. is it suited to speak to peoplet inspiration. for the rest they are a differe. joe biden is a wise elder and ha particularly way of being empatt he will be very unifyed. he will talk about democracy ano participated. the voters who said it was a pia
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fact that was a process with ves held their ground. he is going to be out there def. i think saying to everybody. lease move forward and let's do. i think he will say to us what p on the phone today. i have invited donald trump to . he has accepted and my administo help him transition. >> in the meantime there's the s to start and you are in this moe accept what's happen and peopled you will start talking about a . rfk, jr was out there today andt this because trump said rfk, jr. today he spoke out what that mee running the fda. here's what he said. >> if your entire department lin department in the fda that have.
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that are not doing their job. why do we are fruit loops in the 18 and 19 ingreed ingredients. >> would you eliminate any of t? >> to eliminate the agency as ls congressional amovele approval g that. i'm not going to tkoplt on . i have an opinion as a parent a. i used to love them as a kid i . all jokes aside he referenced cl approval. is this what we are going to se? i. >> i don't know. we will hear from a million peo. people who supported a ticket aa seat at the table. there will be other people who s
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specific space and so no persono the policy and the most importaw there's only one boss the presie coming president of the united y advice to anyone who is trying e administration or be influentiae boss. he got elected he's the boss. so that's the person who makes n seugss. before you get out from your skn just remember the president is . >> you remember -- >> rfk is in a unique position. donald trump wasn't out there ce marco rubio being secretary of d campaign on rfk running out. >> ahead of the lines. he did over and over again. >> and rfk has had some controv. >> some? >> other things there's a lot ot
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and right who agree with him abd foods. >> yes. all these things. >> what's happening to our chil. >> there's a range of issues thd here but a range of people who h the white house or the agency be of billing. >> i'm old enough to remember wl hell broke loose when michelle k about nutrition and children. >> tried to tweak the food labes talking about. >> remember the attacks. >> we know more about it. >> that's ao how we know how ma. >> as a society we now many knou put in the body and the impactsn we've ever known. why should the government look e that? >> think of the younger people s compared to other developed wor. it can be part of the conversat. do i think there's some very set
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will see an increase in with yo. try to worry what is going on wm and why are we not taking bette. >> it will be great. we will see. >> we will see that in 2022. >> i was waiting. >> not even his family thinks t. >> there's all kinds of things t ought not be there. you and are in the same boat he. we crow what it's like to fightn in this country. when you have kids it's near im. vy some sympathys in this. i worry what the kids are ingesf days i guessly have to go -- yot about it. >> parents wrestle with this. >> the republican and -- you hal choice. you are not for rfk telling youo choose or that you can't choose. >> these are the conservations t
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loops. i was not allowed to eat them ae them. >> we got to go. >> but the ingredients are diff. >> . >> more of our special coverage. coming up with what the federale brought against trump. all of this so much time is appt discussing about the special co. we have breaking news on that nt .
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. welcome back to our electioa continued. we have some breaking news comip legal team and the hush money c. paula breaking all that for us. what are you learning now? so here i've learned that ts going to try to get trump's upcn new york canceled. there's tragedy in that case thy but this time they want to argut as president-elect trump is ents a sitting president and should y state prosecutors.
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now the judge has given himselff november 12th to weigh in on whe conviction should be tossed afts court immunity ruleing this sum. the sentencing will go away bute not trying to delay this. they will try to get this cance. >> trying to get it canceled. so huge development there and ws telling you about the federal c. now that he is president-elect? so i have learned that speck smith has been talking with leae department about how to wind dos against president elect trump. they are been talking about inte justice department guidance abog president can be entitled or prt applies to a president-elect. i am told these conversations we for several days. it is complicated and he has coo questions about what happens tos office but it is expected that e to order his justice departmente
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said he would do or dismiss thes expected at this point that thep before he gets to the white hou. >> paula thank you very much. all those breaking details. let's go straight to legal anal. starting with the latest reports legal team is now going to reque who handled the case in new yorg in the hush money case. that case that we spent all thog court as did the former preside. so how do you think that will g? >> >> this is another example of ae never encountered in american h. i can see the judge say nothingg scheduled for a long time i wile sentencing. if he's looking at the practicam concluding no no matter he willy behind bars. he's now the president elect ant four years of president. high bother and why get into th.
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so we will see how that one. now the immunity ruling from the down in july and there's been tn that in terms of then obviouslyw this election went to move forw. so we are still in the early stf immunity. so what do you think happens noa president-elect trump? >> i don't know that we've evern american history taking office w guardrails as few checks and bas donald trump is about to be have white house. on january 20th. he's just come through four cri. he's not going to spend a day b. e second the immunity ruling itd brand new and says anything whae tied to his official acts as pre prosecuted for. there's not going to be a federf donald trump while he's preside. there will not be a special coue
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attorney general will not allowt mueller to be appointed now. he has a republican senate and a republican house and supreme cof conserveives.. we will have to rely on the nond the good faith picks on his admn right, which is crucial. and i know, allie, you believe special counsel jackson, even though trump has medically, he will fire him, could come out with a full report, even though that case could go away. we will see if that will happen just for the historical record. so much as always to all of you for being with us on this historic day. our special election coverage continues now with anderson.


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