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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  November 8, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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ministry were entered, five were taken to hospitals to be treated for their injuries and 62 people were arrested following the clashes that we saw in the city center. tensions had been rising ahead of this match, video has been sick and letting online and it appears to show supporters of the soccer club chanting anti-arab slogans and discussing rhetoric regarding the war in gaza. cnn has not been able to verify these videos. we know that authorities have expressed deep concern over the violence that they have seen. the new mayor of amsterdam says that this is shame , the dutch prime minister also spoke with the israeli counterpart benjamin netanyahu and both have described these attacks as anti-semitic. we know that the israeli authorities are planning to send evacuation planes for those injured overnight.
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president-elect donald trump and his first job announcement. who will be his gait keeper and what she asked for before she agreed to take the post and questioning vaccines and preparing to eliminate departments and what it means if robert f kennedy junior takes over as promised and preventing a strategy and staff being called heroes for stopping a potential school shooting. this is cnn news central ♪ new reporting on the race
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for power in the income being trump administration. donald trump has named susie wiles as his chief of staff, the first woman to serve in that role and what some republicans hope could bring order to a trump white house, order that didn't exist the first time around and the source tells cnn the clown car can't come into the white house at will and trump agrees with her. >> it is great to see you. so susie wiles is going in and what job do you think may be filled next? >> secretary of state along with the attorney general and obviously the treasury department and the secretary of treasury because these are the top jobs for donald trump based on his mandate and the dhs secretary and he wants to conduct deportations. these are the top jobs and he will have been lobbying for them for the
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past few years either directly to trump on tv or fundraising and a lot of people under him are his friends and through think tanks like america first action and while there are a ton of loyalists and trump facing a bigger premium this time around the and maybe central casting or other factors, at the end of the day we could see a few dark courses and they could be bigger name brands especially when it comes to the economy and if somebody like jamie diamond raise their hands and one of these titans of industry on wall street i could see trump skipping over some people he already had around him or somebody like that because it would give him a sense of power over the biggest names in the industry and a signal to wall street as well that he is friendly. >> what are some of the names being bandied about in the foreign-policy room? >> you have the ambassador to
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japan and he was a senator and he came up with a long time spending traveling with donald trump and he became friends with him and that is a big part of it so bob haggerty and senator rubio is a client of susie wiles or was and is from south florida where susie is from and he is seen as a neocon which cancels him out in terms of running for vp and his name was up there with jd vance and susie pushed hard for him but i think there may be some problems with the america first agenda and marco rubio and where he stands in a lot of issues. he may have to come up not just with susie wiles but i think this idea that she will completely block the clown show, she didn't do it on the campaign and she won't be able to do it in the white house.
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trump likes the kitchen cabinet and has a ton of people around him and all she can try to do is be savvy and maneuver within the environment she is in which is how she survived and she is one of the longest standing top staffers around because she hasn't pushed back that much and she won't be the traditional gatekeeper. >> she may steer the clown car rather than stop it. >> who else has donald trump's ear or who does have donald trump's ear in this process? is susie wiles whispering about choices or don junior or steve bannon ? >> don junior's clout with his father has gone up a lot in originally back in 2015 trump dismissed his political acumen and didn't think much of him and he showed he really understood the base of the party and started to see his popularity rise and he was an effective surrogate and then he saw polling that showed don junior could be the future of the party but then don junior
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explained to his father how this could be a franchise and we could keep it going, this brand or this maga trump brand and broaden jd vance and as much criticism he brought him over the line with that group of voters that he was supposed to target those young first-time low propensity breaux -- bro voters. >> it is given him some more clout and we know where don junior stands and ideologically to the right and steve bannon i don't think we'll have a lot of cloud. i know he speaks for trump from time to time but i do think that voice that says the party is here and you need to run with the party has been replaced by people like jd and don junior who aren't as far right as steve bannon but they aren't that far away but steve is lost a lot of credibility with donald trump. >> very interesting. we will wait and see when we get that next appointment. and when they
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come they come quickly. >> joining us now is a former republican congressman for illinois adam kinzinger. thank you for coming in for us this morning. let's talk about susie wiles, the first woman chief of staff. do you think she will be an enabler or bring guardrails ? >> let me just say offhand it sounds like the way she is and all the complements she comes with and she obviously ran a strong campaign and you would think guardrails and for the sake of the country i would hope so but let's keep in mind that enough people are talking about this. one of donald trump's jeep -- chief of staff mark kelly came in for this reason, guardrails and he was exhausted by this and ultimately, donald trump who said i want guardrails around me pushed him away because there were these shows walking by his office every day and draws it in and gets distracted. for the sake of the country, yes, i hope she can come in and act disciplined
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because it is important for the president and we have seen this before and unless donald trump recognized that mistake in the past i expect the same thing to happen. >> i do want to ask you. look, he has more power this time from winning the popular vote and the senate and potentially the house but what will that mean for a second trump term? when you look at the numbers, it is still 50% of the country that went for harris and are concerned? >> yes. there is no doubt this was a blowout from a modern kind of political reality from what we have seen and if you go back in history and compared to other blowouts it was a close election and in reality if you look at it from a historical perspective so half the country is dissatisfied and disappointed and there is an
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advantage, frankly, to the republicans having won everything and they get an opportunity to show america what their agenda is and they are confident it will be beneficial for america. we will see. if america sees that it is not, then america will see it. in the short-term donald trump has more power than he came in with in 2016 because he lost the popular vote and was seen as an aberration as he won but he did by the way have a majority in the house and senate so we could still do things. this time he did come in with a stronger mandate, but he isn't up for reelection. usually a president not up for reelection, in many cases, is a little weaker. what is working in his favor? he has a congress that won't oppose him but again it's kind of like the dog that caught the car and yes you have a compliant house and senate now, but what is your agenda? there is deportations and everything else but what is a proactive positive agenda by trump, and i don't know what
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it is and am not sure he knows because he didn't articulate it. >> as someone who has been outspoken against donald trump and the rhetoric of this used in the lead up to this and people like liz cheney and the former chief of staff and you name the person who is come up against him, nancy pelosi and others, are you concerned about retaliation? >> thank you for asking this question, because i do have a lot of people asking it. it is great to address it. i am absolutely the opposite of concerned about retaliation. let's be clear. my opinion has not changed. donald trump is a scared week a person. and he did win an election and i hope you see -- he is successful for the sake of the country but he is a trembling scared man and i have done nothing illegal so if you want to manufacture stuff, i am sorry, it is still a democracy and you won't have that ability. donald trump's
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strength comes when he intimidates people with power he doesn't have. i know the power he doesn't have, and i am not intimidated by it. so, no. thank you for asking me that. other people in this are like , is donald trump going to target you? and i do have to speak out and say, no, we are not intimidated by him. he is the least intimidating person i know. i am not concerned whatsoever. >> thank you for having this conversation with me this morning. i appreciate you. leaders from around the world congratulating president-elect donald trump and what this means for conflicts around the world that he is about to inherit. the economy was the top issue for voters this election. that is clear. how much should the harris loss be blamed on bidenomics? and how quick thinking staff were able to stop a potential school
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shooting. back on november 17 i am venturing across the globe to see how these weight loss medicines are affecting lives and affecting the industry. is it right for you? november 17.
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donald trump heading back to the white house and world leaders are waiting and watching and has promised to do more to go against terrorists
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and now mark esper served in the presidents first administration. thank you for being with us and was the first biggest difference? >> i think ukraine. president elect trump has promised he would solve ukraine within 24 hours before he actually takes office in january and already rumblings coming out and we heard that putin said he is willing to sit down and talk and i think that is number one on the agenda. >> when you say ukraine, to what end? is it basically mean that ukraine's effort to be russia back or over? >> we can go by what he said during the campaign and the caveat is who knows once position changes once he gets intelligence and gets advice from the pentagon and builds his team. but he does want to end the war within 24 hours and he thinks there has been too much killing and one of the proposals has been maybe there would be some type of rough armistice so where russia has been advancing over the next
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several months russia could keep 20% or so of the country and president zelenskyy would agree with some degree of u.s. assistance but that is one thing floating around. >> if the world sees ukraine in the conflict there come to a conclusion this way, what would china think about taiwan? >> that is my concern as i have said at the beginning days of the ukraine war is how the united states and european and asian allies reacted to the russian invasion of ukraine and autocracy invading a smaller democracy and what is it mean not just for european security but also china and the ambitions of the chinese president in that part of the world so will that in sent china to recalculate how it moves against taiwan and here it is, here we are in our 10,000+ north korean troops in russia fighting against ukraine and who would've ever thought
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that we would've seen that three years ago. >> we have been reporting all morning lawn about the jockeying to be part of this new administration and you are part of the last administration. what do people thinking about joining a trump administration need to know based on your experience? >> i have been saying for some time now that the president has learned from his last term in office he will be looking for people who are loyal to him and his agenda and plan and most presidents look for that but for donald trump he puts a high premium on that so that will be number one and also if you aren't in that orbit it will be hard to break in and closely controlled and reporting already says that donald trump next week will be handpicking himself his cabinet members and the deputy secretaries in each department because he knows how important the people are to affecting his policy. >> any warnings for anyone joining ?
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>> i think the past is a predicate for the future and there will be expectations of you in those roles in the expectations is that you are loyal to trump and his agenda and at this point in time people should go in with eyes wide open but i do hope good people go in. we want president trump to succeed and we wanted to succeed which means good people going and there and propping up the institutions and making sure they serve him as best they can consistent with how previous administrations have served presidents. >> if the phone rang and he said do you want to come back, what would you say? >> the phone won't ring. as much as i have enjoyed serving my country, this administration is not for me and i have been there once and i will leave it for other people to serve. >> why? when you say that the phone won't ring, why? >> i am a reagan republican and i have a new different view of the world and i think it's important for america to lead
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and support ukraine and taiwan and israel in a variety of things that i also believe that character and integrity matters and i want to preserve institutions particularly the department of defense where i think it is important we retain the civil military relations where dod has held up as at least one institution left that is widely respected by the american people. >> do you have concerns that that whole divide is in jeopardy? >> sure. every president pushes it to one degree or another and trump did in his first term and biden did as well but trump said there are certain things he wants to do with the military and i get concerned about that because i think our military is special in the role within society going back to the founding of the country 250 years ago is unique and we have
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to preserve that and we can't lose the trust and respect of the american people and if it gets politicized or used against the american people, risks happen. >> what do you see as your role or your responsibility in the next four years? >> i think is a reagan republican who has spent my time in the government on capitol hill and the executive branch is to continue to call balls and strikes are i think the administration is doing well or do better or make mistakes in the same thing i did with the biden administration. i bring a conservative and gop tilt to it and part of the challenges that republican spaces going back to the first trump administration and i said this for three years is that president trump delivered on a lot of republican objectives and principles like lower taxes and the regulations in the conservative supreme court but the problem is too often he went too far and we will all be watching to see willie go too far in any of these domains and it will be a challenge because arguably says he will have control of the senate and house in at least two years where he can push his agenda through whatever it could be. >> former secretary mark esper and it not at least future
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thank you for being with us. >> with a promise that robert kennedy junior can go wild on healthcare, new concerns about what that could mean here in the united states and what the biggest concerns are for abortion rights groups now that there will be a second donald trump presidency. that is ahead.
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questioning vaccines and calling for the elimination of entire departments tasked with overseeing public health and that is what robert kennedy junior has been saying for years and cnn has reported that he has been seen around donald trump since his win. and reinforcing the views and fears of some that trump really will task him with going wild on public health in the new administration. kennedy has no experience in public health. he is an environmental attorney but that has not stopped him
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from being the leading proponents of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories for years. what does this mean? joining me now is the director of the vaccine education center of philadelphia and a member of the vaccine advisory committee. >> before i show some public views , what you think overall him having power over public health in this country will mean for this country? >> to be honest, i can't believe we are having this conversation. if you do know the science and technological advances have allowed us to live 30 years longer than we did 100 years ago and you have this man, robert f kennedy junior a science denial list and a conspiracy theorist who has a sway over public health and he denies these advances and simply declares his own scientific truths and at the dangerous moment. >> he is a known vaccine skeptic and he has promoted misinformation and conspiracy theories for year -- years. and
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he said "there is no vaccine that is safe and effective but then he also told nbc news on wednesday, i have never been anti-vaccine and said this. " if vaccines are working for somebody, i won't take them away. people have choice and that choice ought to be informed by the best information. i will make sure that things are out there and people take individual assessments about whether or not that product is going to be good for them. >> you are the coinventor of a vaccine recommended for children in the united states and around the world for years and has saved lives and how do you respond to what he is saying? >> he said if vaccines are working for some people. the polio vaccine has virtually eliminated a virus that caused 30,000 cases of paralysis and 15,000 deaths per year and a form of the flu has virtually
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eliminated 25,000 cases of meningitis is -- diphtheria was one of the most common cause of death in teenagers and the whooping cough vaccine has eliminated deaths and he says if they are working? it doesn't make a bit of sense. he is a conspiracy theorist. you labeled him a vaccine skeptic. i am a vaccine skeptic. everybody who sits around the table at the advisory committee is a skeptic. show is the data that proves it is safe and effective. he is a cynic and doesn't believe it and he thinks there are conspiracies. it makes him a dangerous man. >> the other thing that he said right there is he is talking about he wants to make sure that the scientific safety studies and efficacies are out there. you understand it better than most the process of these
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studies as far as the advisory board and there is nothing about the approval process for a vaccine cloaked in secrecy. >> not at all. we said that in december of 2020 and we sat down to discuss the vaccines for covid and we the fda vaccine advisory group looked at pages of data and anybody could've looked at that data. nothing is being hidden. when he says we need need -- to really see the data he implies it's being headed like there is some unholy alliance to hide the truth from the american public, a truth only he will reveal so basically claiming there is a problem that doesn't really exist. >> let me play something else. he said entire departments need to be eliminated. listen. >> and some categories their entire department, that have to go and they are not doing their
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job or protecting our kids and why do we have froot loops in this country that had 18 or 19 ingredients and in canada there are two or three? >> with republicans in control of the senate it is possible he could win confirmation for a number of top jobs like the fda commissioner a director of cdc and to that you say what to the incoming trump team and the senators who may consider his confirmation? >> listen to what he just said. he thinks that froot loops contain certain ingredients that are dangerous. fine. what he should do is go to the groups whether it is the fda or usda and say i think this may be a problem and let's look at this and look at the data because i am sure there are things that they know that he does not. if there is a problem, it can be investigated and fixed and you just don't eliminate agencies. when he talks about eliminating
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agencies he is dipping his hand for the fact that he is a conspiracy theorist and thinks all of these groups are lying to the american public. i worry about him greatly, but i don't think he could be confirmed as the head of the cdc. i can imagine that people knowing what he does and says will confirm him for that but what worries me is that some of his anti-vaccine cronies would be confirmed for that position because he has a phd from harvard but he also is a virulent vaccine activists and i worry for this country's children. >> a doctor, you have spent your entire career trying to take care in saving this country's children. thank you so much. sarah? >> did voters hand donald trump an overwhelming mandate? we will show you the numbers next. and happening right now, fires are spreading quickly with
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families fleeing with nothing and what firefighters face in this hour ahead. but first we want to introduce you to one of the top five cnn heroes of 2024 raised in the slums of venezuela, ron davis alvarez found hope through music becoming a skilled violinist, conductor and teacher and inspired by the refugee influx to sweden, he later moved there and launched what is known now as the dream orchestra. >> anybody who can learn an instrument, especially those arriving to sweden. and it is the main language is music. >> i need one more chair. >> we have more than 300 people
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with kids, parents and young people in more than 20 languages and 25 nationalities and kids who were born here. we all need to learn from each other. this offers more than just notes but it offers something for your soul. music can access. it is a dream but a dream come true. >> how beautiful. that orchestra offers something for your soul and what a beautiful thing to say. go to cnn to vote for your favorite hero. we will be right back.
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during his victory speech president elect trump said voters gave him an unprecedented mandate. we decided to look into the numbers. >> i looked into the numbers
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and i walked into the frame. >> yes you did and only the way you can. talk to me about how his support in this election compares to the last one. >> i think the improvement that donald trump had, holy toledo. trump gained ground in 49 states and the district of columbia compared to 2020 and i went back through the record books and when was the last time a party gained in so many different places? you have to go back to 1992 when bill clinton improved on michael dukakis's performance and the bottom line is no matter where you looked on the map in the matter where you looked donald trump was improving on where he did four years ago except for washington state and it is no wonder that at this point he looks like he will be the first republican to win the popular vote since george w. bush in 2004. >> to put off he gained ground
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with groups that republicans don't generally count as part of their winning coalition and really at all and how much ground to the game? >> again, holy toledo and oh my goodness gracious these are the types of groups you never would've thought he would've gained so much support among eight years ago when he first won against hillary clinton and he was the best gop showing among 18 to 29-year-olds have to go back to 2004 and how about among black voters in the best performance for republican candidate for president in 48 years since gerald ford in 1976 and among hispanic voters the exit polls go only to 1972 but his performance tuesday was the best for a presidential candidate for a republican an exit poll history and literally goes all the way back through history and breaks history and this is what we are talking about, groups you never thought he would do well among even for republican candidate which is what he did and if the 2016 election was about him with
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white working-class voters this one was about going through the democratic coalition and tearing it apart. >> it wasn't just what he did for his own support but it trickled down to helping in the senate and house? >> yes. a lot of talk this morning and this week in the gop will have a senate majority and we don't know if the republicans will have a house majority but we do think it is the most likely to be the case but look at the 2024 house gop national vote so this is in the popular vote and currently it is ahead by five points and expect that to shrink a bit as some of the california results come in but if he wins the house gop wins by more than 2.6 points, it will be the best house gop showing since 1928 and if there is any viewer out there that old, god bless you but the bottom line is it was probably the best house gop national vote showing during most of our viewers lifetimes. >> okay. thank you so much. god
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bless you. >> with us now the senior political analyst and senior editor at the atlantic so just laid out what happened. you have been looking into why, why did trump do so well in this way? the answer may not be trump in your mind and it may be joe biden. >> there is no precedent for a presidents party holding the white house in an election when voters are this discontented with the performance of that and we know with low approval ratings they tend to lose and jimmy carter 1980 and bush in 1982 in the election he referred to them trump himself in 2020 and what is less appreciated that is even if the president steps aside by choice or they hit the end of their terms harry truman in 1952 and lyndon johnson in 1968 with george w. bush in 2008, there
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party loses the white house in those cases. what you see clearly through political history and again last night is that when voters are discontented with the status quo, they are willing to risk an unpredictable future over continuing and unacceptable present. i think that dynamic was very much in play again. >> does this mean he didn't have concerns about donald trump? >> that is one of the most striking things if you look at the exit polls and the votes cast, it's not that they didn't hear the democratic case against trump at 55% said trump was too extreme and 55% said he would steer the united states toward a more authoritarian system and obviously a majority of voters continue to support legal abortion and the majority oppose mass deportation and a majority of voters one of the government to do more to expand access to healthcare but in each case, and in a decisive
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slice of voters with those opinions were willing to take the risk of voting for trump. one quarter of women who describe themselves as pro-choice voted for trump. one quarter of latinos who said they oppose mass deportation voted for trump and there were willing to take the risk that he would deliver what they wanted and an economy that gives them more stability at the price of potentially downplaying the risk that he would do the things they don't want. that dynamic i think was critical in a large number of voters with doubts about trump viewed the devil they know, which was a continuation of the biden approach is more threatening than taking this leap into the unknown a little like carter and reagan in 1980. >> it is interesting with the flipside in a way i think it also bolsters your argument is just in the elections i have covered in my career, 2004, for instance after george w. bush was reelected with the majority and got the popular vote, there
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was all this talk in american politics changed forever with people understanding the evangelical vote in ways they never did and then what happened to 3 1/2 years later was a huge backlash landslide with obama winning and absolutely rewriting the political map and political history in 2012 with republicans doing their autopsy which said do things that the republicans ended up doing the opposite. and you don't know how it will play. >> first of all, we are living through unequivocally the longest period in american history where neither party has established a durable advantage over another in the period since 1968 is unique with the control of government rare and fleeting in the last five presidents that went into a midterm with unified control as trump does now lost it and no one has held the senate for more than eight years since 1980 which is never happened in
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american history and we have never gone for 45 years were they have held the senate for more than eight years. the thing i have learned the most in my life of covering politics is performance really matters. bush did win that reelection and then the war in iraq turned south and people weren't happy and you had the backlash. if trump has a mandate, it is to give people a more stable economy and not clear they are on board for everything else they want to do. we will see what happens if they go down the roads and the people stick with them. >> it will be fascinating to watch and a great explanation. >> thank you for having me. with donald trump headed back to the white house he could have the opportunity to effect the supreme court in his second term and three justices appointed by him are already there. we are joined with more on this. what could the president elect to do here? >> good morning. former
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president trump already has a running start on transforming the federal judiciary and that is one third of the bench, those three appointments that he did put on and they are young and still in the 50s. so many conservatives now are chomping at the bit for potentially more vacancies they can fill with younger conservatives. you know, one thing i do like to say is that these justices don't go easily. right now the oldest justice on the conservative side is clarence thomas at 76 and samuel alito at 74. too many of our beaters they think that is old near retirement age but not for supreme court justices and they usually don't go until their 80s. when you look back at the last dozen vacancies created, most of those were created either by death or serious illness and even if we go back just four, there were two deaths with ruth bader ginsburg and khalia and most justices in the modern era
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have left in their 80s so provide a little bit of a reality check for this part of the segment and even though donald trump has already had such a strong hand on the supreme court pointing people who enhance gun rights or diminished reproductive rights and federal regulatory power , we do have to wait and see if any justice actually does lead and gives him a chance to fill another seat. >> you have interesting new reporting on the youngest justice amy coney barrett. how is she being viewed by her colleagues ideologically? >> sure. when i talk about who has come on the court in recent decades, when you go back and look at her republicans have been able to staff this court, liberals have always been searching for a center and over
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the last 20 appointments the republican presidents got 15 of those in democrats only got five. so there has always been this quest for a center. that is what we see now with the three remaining liberals on the court trying to woo amy coney barrett and she has shown signs that she will engage with them on legal methods and doctrines in the three liberals i see are desperately trying to get some consensus into the census and one of the points i make is that while justice barrett has shown she will engage on legal methods in doctrine, that she usually, however, returns to the conservative fold and voted in the last session 90% of the time with chief justice roberts and brett kavanaugh. so at one point i would make overall is these justices have served for decades and she is the youngest
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as you just said unlikely to have a long tenure and we will see how her role involves -- evolve over time. she was the final judicial appointment by donald trump at the end of his first term. she did make the difference in ruling against abortion rights. but she may start backing away from some of those positions that she held before if the liberals get their dream on this one. >> thank you so much for your reporting. kamala harris's promise to protect reproductive rights in america didn't help her win the election although seven states did vote to protect those rights through ballot initiatives this election. what does the future hold for reproductive rights in the next term? this morning the staff in wisconsin lemon tree schools are being hailed heroes for quick thinking and stopping a potential school shooting. --
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seven states passed measures protecting abortion rights but in the south access remains limited and abortion rights advocates are very concerned that things could be worse now that donald trump is the new president-elect. amanda sued the state of texas over its abortion law after facing life-threatening complications and nearly dying after being denied abortion care and thank you for joining us this morning. i want to ask you what your biggest worry is now that
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donald trump has a mandate and he got the popular vote and also has the senate and potentially the house as well. what is it mean to you for reproductive rights: >> first of all thank you for having me and happy to be here. i wish it were under better circumstances because you are right. things are bleak right now in the country. it is quite terrifying to think about what a second trump administration could look like already because of his first administration and women in this country are dying and we have seen that happen. it will continue to happen so my biggest fear is the reality that we are up against which is the people in this country will continue to die as a result of being denied basic healthcare that they should have access without question. >> trump has said and has gone back and forth but he said he wouldn't seek a federal abortion ban within the country reelected him who proudly claims responsibility for the supreme court overturning roe v. wade but in seven of the 10
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states where this was on the ballot they passed initiatives to protect or keep abortion rights in their state and does that give you some hope that the states themselves, now that it has been pushed back to them that voters have come out and said we do think this is an important thing and we will keep this or enshrine this in the state constitutions? >> it does give me hope. i do think, again, we have seen time and again that when abortion is on the ballot, it wins and i want to point out that actually in an eighth state, in florida, the measure should've passed because a majority did vote for but unfortunately they failed to reach the 60% threshold required but the majority did want to enshrine access to abortion care in florida so we do certainly have hope and unfortunately ballot measures are not an option in every state and in texas we don't have an option to put abortion
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on the ballot. ultimately, what we need is federal legislation to protect and enshrine access to abortion and all reproductive care. i think the one thing we know about donald trump is he is unpredictable . i certainly can predict what he will do as far as federal legislation. all i can do is hope that he will listen to the american people when they tell him time and again that they believe in access to abortion and they don't think these extreme bands like the one in texas should exists. >> i want to ask about how you see things potentially getting more complicated for those who want to have access to abortion. we do remember back when the republican backed interest group urged a trump appointed federal judge to earn the fda's approval of a drug used in the vast majority of abortions, the medication. what you see happening there?
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>> i am very fearful for the additional restrictions that will be impressed upon the american people and whether that be access to birth control, ivf treatments, surrogacy and this drug user miscarriage and hemorrhaging in delivery and oftentimes to save lives so i am fearful that there will be more and more treatments in the reproductive round taken away from us. i am also fearful for folks being able to access basic care and basic gynecological care for example as we see doctors and states with these bands and -- bands mac and some don't want to practice and them and what it means for americans with a you live in a state that does this or not it will be harder. for people who live in a state where abortion care is legal and they still have ample ob/gyn's in their area, those
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areas are being overpopulated with people coming from other states and it's putting a real strain on the country regardless of where you live. >> a thank you so much for joining us this morning on a very important topic. >> staff at an elementary school in kenosha, wisconsin are being hailed heroes after their quick action stopped the potential school shooter on the doorstep of the school and police later arrested the 13-year-old boy and call the incident a potential school shooting after social media posts were discovered holding the teenager holding a gun and here is how parents reacted after the news spread. >> i just want to get my kids out of there and i don't know what i can do. i know i can to keep them out of school. but i want to keep them safe. >> it is terrifying. it is an elementary school and what kind of person has intentions to do things like that?
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>> we are following this and it is scary and it seems like a scary close call. >> it really was. police are describing a very narrow success here. and police say that this child entered a secure area of the school after trying two side entrances when he entered which is when he was confronted by school staff. immediately, he appeared very nervous and ran away and police were called to the school and able to get pictures that they circulated on social media. that led to an abundance of community tips. they were able to identify the suspect and find him and convince them to surrender before he and when police look at the totality of this case, they say a lot of things went right but


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