tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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right under your nose. what's your name again >> i'm jim sciutto in washington. jessica dean has the weekend off. in a sign of mounting concern over what turned out to be a long running chinese cyber espionage campaign in this country, targeting some of the most senior u.s. political figures there is now going to be an all senators classified briefing scheduled for just after congress returns from recess next month. cnn has previously reported that hackers burrowed deep into some major u.s. telecoms providers, which allowed them then to have access to to the phones, phone calls text messages of so many people in this country and that this hack went on undetected. it seems, for months. the full scope of the hack not clear at this point, but one senator described it as the worst chinese espionage. espionage
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operation in this country ever. joining me now is democratic congressman tom suozzi from new york. he serves among other things, on the homeland security committee. good to have you back. thanks so much for taking the time this saturday. >> yeah. jim thanks so much for having me on. >> listen, the more i read you're probably in the same boat with me about this chinese hack, the more concerned i get one. it's major two. it was going on for months before the u.s. even realized what was happening here. can you give us a sense, i mean, just your own reaction to this biggest security breach? this is for this country well, let me first say that this is one thing we can give president trump credit for, which is that he changed the whole discussion in the country for us to focus on the fact that china was our strategic adversary. >> they've been cheating. they've been stealing patents from us they've been using our technology. they've got some terrible things happening throughout their country with
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the uighurs in forced labor camps. the tibetans, for decades now the hong kong students have been incarcerated. we're hearing about taiwan and now this breach is really another thing in a long line of incidents where the chinese communist party is cheating. yeah. so we have to be very conscious of it. we have to be very focused on it. there's a select committee on china that works on these issues. i was on the congressional which is more about human rights previously, but we have to recognize that china has a plan economically, militarily in space, air, land and water. and they are coming after us. and that doesn't mean we're going to go to war there doesn't mean we want to go. it means there are competitors and they're breaking the rules. >> you know, one thing that strikes me, you know, this kind of hacking, by the way it goes, goes on in both directions. we should we should acknowledge that. but that when you speak of cyber breaches like this or telecommunications breaches like this, as you say, we've known for years that china is
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very, very busy in this space. and we but both the government and the private sector have tried to put up defenses. but here's a case where the defense has failed again and even it seems the sensors failed right, in that it was going on and we didn't even know it was going on. i mean, that's a that's alarming. i've heard i've heard testimony about, you know, thousands of incidents of of breaches of people trying to break into our, our, our security systems every single day, not every year, every day. >> and that combined with misinformation and disinformation, you know they're trying to undermine us from within. and i'm very disappointed, quite frankly, in president trump, because he was very, very he was out there in his previous administration about tiktok and concerns about tiktok. and now he's flip flopped, and now he's all but he's buddies with tiktok, which doesn't make any sense at all. we have to be very concerned about the fact that tiktok is a chinese owned
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company, and that they are sharing information. the concern is they're sharing information directly with the chinese communist party and trying to affect us or infect us even with disinformation and misinformation. these are all part and parcel of the same effort. a concerted effort by the chinese communist party to beat us. >> yeah listen, folks in the intel world told me years ago to stay away from tiktok. i've stayed away from it. i've tried to keep my family away from it as well. and it's i think it's a smart thing to do. all right, let's talk about what's happening in this country because of course, election just happened. there's a new president elect, and he's making his choices for his cabinet. you heard about that news? um, you know how democrats, yourself included, were concerned about the prospect of a second trump term? now that you are seeing his choices to lead the agencies of government? do you see him making a plan and putting the people into place to carry out a real transformation? right of some
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of these agencies and their functions, or are you concerned about these appointments across the board? >> well listen, president one, the president is is empowered to make these appointments to his administration, but he's got to follow a process. we've discussed it before. it's in the united states constitution. the republicans are always railing about we've got to follow the constitution. we've got to follow the constitution well, the constitution says that the president can make his appointments with the advice and consent of the united states senate. and there are concerns about some of these appointees and and we have to go through the process of vetting these different candidates to make sure that they pass muster. now, do i think that 90% of them are going to be approved and it's not going to be much of a show? yes, i do think that will happen but you know, that 5% or 10% or whatever the number is, there's going to be questions raised about people and you know, you said, is there a plan? is there a strategy? there's always a concern about whether trump really has a
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strategy, whether he's thinking through all the different steps, the next step, it's kind of like more of a gut thing with him, an emotional thing. you like he should be in that job. you know, he gives a good speech. he's on tv. i mean process. >> who of the picks so far causes you the greatest concern no comment. >> i'm not going to you know, i was i was of course, like everybody else concerned about matt gaetz. i'm happy that he's pulled out. but you know, let's let's let's not focus on the stuff like you know pete hegseth tattoos or you know, bob kennedy, robert kennedy's, uh worm in his brain. you know, let's look at their experience let's look at what they're proposing to do and their background and let the senate go through their process of vetting these candidates so that they can decide whether or not to give their advice and consent to these appointments. i want to tell everybody you know, calm down. it's going to
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be, you know, what is it now 60 days until the president is sworn in on january 20th, maybe a little bit less than that. there's a long way between now and then. a lot's going to happen. we've got to calm down. we've got to stop worrying about how did these people vote for donald trump? that's not the question. it's why did they vote for donald trump and now he's going to be the president of the united states of america. he's clothed clothed with certain authorities but he's got to follow the rules and go through this advice and i don't like this this recess appointments idea at all. that's an attempt to game the system and the american people should not stand for that. >> and a number of republican senators have said quite the same thing. so okay, so let's set aside the personalities for a moment. let's look at some of the policies rfk jr. at hhs. let's forget about the brain worm. he is someone who has repeatedly raised questions about vaccines. and i'm not just talking about the covid vaccine. i'm talking about life saving
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he's raised those questions, folks have listened. if you look at the case instance, and people have lost their lives as a result, i mean that's a policy. i know that people voted for trump. i don't believe that people voted for ending life saving vaccines. so, so on that issue, and you represent a heck of a lot of people outside of the city of new york. do you think it would be good for their health to raise questions about vaccines in this country that have saved lives well, listen, i've gotten all my vaccines and my kids get all their vaccines, and we got our vaccines during the covid process. >> and i believe that it's helped with public health but he's raised questions about the number of vaccines that people got. and i forget what the year was. and then the dramatic increase in health related problems related to that so does he have a right to talk about those things? yes, the united states of america, but if you're going to be the the secretary of health and human services, these ideas have to be vetted and you have to go through a process. and it can't be, you know i'm not an
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expert and you're not an expert in vaccines, but most experts have said that what he's saying is not accurate. so we have to really drill down into this process. you know, when he talks about pharma having too much power and industrial agriculture having too much power, and it's affecting the food. we eat and it's affecting the the, our health style as long as it is in other industrialized countries. well, i mean, that sounds like a pretty legitimate concern but he's got to if he's going to take on this position, he's got to follow the science. he's got to go through process, and people have to hold him accountable for the things he said he can't just say things off the top of his head and head anymore. he's going to have to go through a process and it may be that he doesn't make it through the process, but it may be that he does make it through the process so we got to go through that process. >> let me ask you about another because another aspect of trump's plans, at least as stated publicly, is to and he
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said this repeatedly is go after the enemy within, as he often describes it, and that that includes folks who've criticized him. lawmakers who've criticized him, journalists who wrote critical stories about him at least based on his public statements and now he has an attorney general. it's not matt gaetz, but it is pam bondi who has echoed some of that same language about going to the justice department, saying, we're going to go after these people. and i know there were two, two, two schools of thought on that. some that, that that's just that's just trump talk but others who look at what he said and look at how he ran this election and are quite concerned about what comes next. and i wonder where you stand. >> i'm, i'm very concerned about that type of talk it's it's like everybody else i'm very worried about it but we have to again take have two minds of thought here one is that when the president does something that's irresponsible or out of control or or something we disagree with,
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like when he, in his first term, he tried to get rid of the affordable care act he tried to get rid of protections for daca, for the dreamers. you got to fight back. you got to resist. but you have to also look at what can we do to work together to solve problems. i remember when trump was first elected in 2017, it was the first time i was elected to congress. i'd been in office before as a mayor and county executive. i wrote down things that i agreed with donald trump on and things that i disagreed with. donald trump on. and, you know, those things can continue to be things that i agreed on and disagreed on. and some things he flip flopped on. so we have to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. if everybody is going to explode and freak out over every single thing, then you're never going to be able to focus on the things that really matter you know, they said the other day on the show, i was watching you know, if everything's a five alarm fire, then there's no such thing as a five alarm fire. so we've got to we've got to pick our battles and resist. when things don't make sense or they're irresponsible and we have to work together when they do make sense. so. so
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am i worried about going after the enemy within? yeah, i am concerned about that. but let's see what unfolds. >> so let me ask you, be prepared. give me an example where you think you could work work together i know, for instance, you you ran and you and you won in your district twice in the last year, right? once the when santos left and then once in this election outperforming kamala harris in your district. i should note you have been one of the democrats most forward leaning on border security, but i imagine you're not one who believes there should be a mass deportation of many millions millions of folks in this country. so so where do you where do you find the overlap with the president elect's positions when it comes to immigration well, we should work together on border security to one, secure the border. >> two fix the broken asylum system and three, treat people like human beings, especially the dreamers and the tps recipients and the farm workers and the health care workers and, you know, the president, they say they want to deport criminals. okay. well, i think
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we have to support the idea of deporting criminals. nobody should be against see how they execute on that because if it turns out that they're knocking down people's doors and there's little kids being separated from their parents, and it's the criminal used to live at that apartment, but now they've moved away from that apartment. but they're subjecting these people to terror. then we've got to be very concerned about that type of thing. so we should support the deportation of criminals. there's no question about that. but mass deportations, your businesses are going to be in trouble. your law enforcement community is going to be in trouble because they don't want to see that type of anarchy i'm talking about local police officers and you don't want to treat people like they're not human beings. and separate parents. and children, especially subjecting people to being terrified, especially when when sometimes get this government makes mistakes. so we have to be very, very cautious and watch this very
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carefully. if the president was smart he'd take his win and he'd come to the democrats now, along with the republicans in congress and say, okay, let's cut a deal here. let's secure the border, let's build the wall. let's get more border agents let's get more immigration judges. let's fix the broken asylum system that's being abused right now. let's set up safe mobility offices in other parts of the world so people don't come to the southern like human beings. >> yeah, we'll see. certainly some of those elements you described were in that bipartisan proposal earlier this year, which the president opposed at the time uh, will look for your action on that topic and others. congressman tom suozzi, thanks so much for joining, as always thank you jim, and we'll be right back watch cnn's coverage of thanksgiving parades around the country with special appearances by chef bobby flay, jennifer hudson t.i. >> and more. john berman and erica hill host cnn thanksgiving in america live coverage starts at 8:00 on cnn.
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warheads capable of hitting multiple targets. the target, in this case, the city of dnipro. the ukrainian president zelenskyy is tonight looking to the near future, saying he is waiting to see president elect donald trump's proposals for ending the conflict when he takes office in january when russia wants this war to end when america has a stronger position, when the global south is on the side of ukraine and on the side of ending the war, it will happen. >> i'm confident in that. it will not be an easy path, but i am confident that we have every chance to do it. >> next year our nick paton walsh is in the ukrainian capital of kyiv, with more reporter well, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy has suggested that the war could end next year. >> and i think that's a reflection not necessarily of
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victory looming for ukraine or defeat looming for russia. but the increased noise around the idea of some sort of peace settlement. indeed, in similar comments, he said that he would go and see trump in january once the president elect had taken office and might discuss what points or ideas for peace indeed, donald trump had in that meeting. at the same time, two increased diplomacy by nato around trump. we understand that the nato secretary general mark rutte, has been in florida to meet donald trump. and so that's just i think, a reflection of the increased motion around a new white house administration. months away. but that change in washington is also augmenting the pace of events here inside of ukraine. we've had a startling week, frankly, in which we've gone from last friday, the german chancellor, olaf scholz, isolation from major western leaders by telephoning the kremlin head, vladimir putin, essentially to sort of maybe
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kick start the idea of diplomacy. it didn't seem that call went particularly well. but then we had the biden administration authorizing ukraine to fire longer range missiles into russia. they did that pretty fast and then the kremlin had vladimir putin announcing that the device they'd fired over ukraine, over industrial sites in the dnipro, a multi warhead something new. they called the oreshnik missile, a hypersonic, non-nuclear could get through any western air defenses. so startling fast paced events. and that is i think, also to reflected on the battlefield where even the uk's ministry of defense intelligence suggested that the front line was as least stable as it has been since the invasion. that's simply a reflection of what we're hearing on the ground from multiple military sources of increasing ukrainian weakness and various points along the front line in the east in particular, because russia appears to have an extraordinary tolerance for casualties and consistently finding momentum so a
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particularly fragile two months ahead here, the geopolitical stakes increasingly rise. the kind of armaments that moscow and washington are finding themselves either using or supplying here, increasing in their sophistication and severity and i think a real concern that russia is going to go all out in the next two months to try and improve indeed it ascends to going to the table when donald trump takes office in january nick paton walsh, cnn kyiv, ukraine still ahead, we are seeing a lot of familiar faces as president-elect trump's white house takes shape. >> how former reality stars and cable news hosts are expected to fill cabinet level positions. leading major agencies. you are in the cnn newsroom you want answers. >> astute political analysis. >> we have questions how biden set the right off stayed awake. >> why did trump pull out of 60 minutes? i love pulling out. >> this is the news network.
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through the process. we cut through the confusion of the publishing world to make it easy for you. >> call ( 800) 563-0741. >> former florida congressman matt gaetz has found another way to make some money. now that he is no longer trump's pick for attorney general, and that is a surprising one. creating custom videos for money on cameo i'm glad i got the chance to connect with you. >> i'm glad that your buddy bryan got you this cameo and make sure you go crush life, and we're all rooting for you. >> this has actually become a new trend among former politicians and pundits to turn to cameo dr. oz. he's there along with expelled congressman jorge santos, trump supporter roger stone even former new york mayor rudy giuliani. joining us now, cnn media analyst and senior media correspondent at axios sarah fisher. uh we've seen a lot of this sometimes looks a little embarrassing that said, folks
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make money from it. so i wonder, i mean, is that is it as simple as that? it's it's a good way to make money when you're out of politics or looking for your next job. >> yeah, it's an easy way to make money. i mean, when jorge santos joins jim he was making more than his $174,000 salary in congress in his first week on cameo. so that should tell you how much these guys have to make if they do it right. >> and then the other thing is that it's a way to keep up with fans, if you will you know, donald trump and the republican party has gone really from focusing on thinking about people as voters to thinking about people as fans. >> and that's the whole point of the cameo app. >> um, listen, i know professional athletes do it as well. how much per video do these guys charge? >> so for matt gaetz, you're looking at over $500 a video. it can be a lot depending on what the ask is. but you know, i would be remiss not to note that there's some risk in doing this too. chris christie got on cameo and infamously was asked to endorse somebody. that person happened to be a democrat, and it's not the first time that's happened to politicians on cameo. so even
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though you stand to make a lot of money, the risk is that you can get embarrassed but isn't there also a risk that you could end up selling your little hello to someone that you don't want to be selling your hello to? >> right i mean, is that a risk as well? i mean, is there any kind of screening process that you can see as you sell these things? >> yeah so the creator definitely has the ability to say yes or no to different requests, but it is hard to tell if you're going to be asked to do a message on behalf of somebody or endorsing somebody that you don't know, just to the point i had mentioned about chris christie, you can get conned, but that's careful about what they're saying in terms of their message. i've talked to the cameo ceo about this a while ago, and he said, look, we're going to let politicians come on the platform. he said, if donald trump wanted to come on the platform, he'd let him. they're allowed to do political fundraising on the platform to to date, this hasn't been a huge builder of cameos business, but it definitely helps these struggling politicians when they're out of a job. >> all right, so other piece here, we're seeing that many of trump's cabinet picks have either entertainment or
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television experience. a lot of them in particular from fox news. but let's go through some of them. sean duffy for transportation secretary pete hegseth for defense both on fox news dr. oz of course, he used to have his own television show, his pick to run the education department. linda mcmahon she ran the very television friendly wwe media empire. mike huckabee now ambassador to israel. he was with fox news tulsi gabbard had a stint as a contributor. why is that? i mean is it you hear this explanation that he sees folks on tv and he's like that person can help me? >> yeah trump's a very visual guy. he's a tv guy. he gets most of his news and information by watching cable news and remember, he had a year 14 year stint doing the apprentice this is somebody who built his entire career off of being visually compelling. and so that's what the expectation is for the people that he hires. you'll recall back when he had his first press secretary coming out, sean
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spicer, one of the criticisms of him was that he was not, as he would expect to be a tv friendly guy and puttingk put together. that's what he considers a qualification for someone for these huge government roles. it's amazing. >> so let me ask you a question, though, sarah because all the talk is about how fewer and fewer people are watching tv including the cable networks right? it's not me saying that. it's just out there. is trump backwards looking to some degree by picking folks who still make their names on on old school media platforms. >> no, it's not backwards looking, because what he cares about is somebody that's compelling. whatever screen they're going to be on. now, he cares a lot about television, and that's why these are names that mostly came from tv but he's right to think that it's smart to have people who can be compelling across any platform whether you're cutting a clip for tiktok or cutting a clip for snapchat or any other visual platform. now the average president would say that it's not about your tv credentials and how you look on camera. it's about how you govern and how you're able to manage massive amounts of government
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employees. but that's not donald trump's m.o.. >> i mean, you'd kind of like it to be if you're going to be managing a massive amount of government employees. but well, we'll see what works. sarah fisher, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> still ahead, we speak to ranchers and residents of the border state of ranchers and residents of the border state of arizona. why? they support the more aggressive immigration stance president-elect trump has promised. you are in the cnn newsroom there were 66 americans that were being held hostage. >> i was being led across the embassy compound. people were running up to me shouting, death to america! >> the iran hostage crisis. how it really happened. tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> advil liquid gels are faster and stronger than tylenol rapid release gels also from advil. advil. targeted relief, the only topical with for powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact and
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>> thank you. >> don't worry be warranty. >> i'm bill we're on the california coast and this is cnn president elect trump's team is mapping out an aggressive strategy towards latin america. >> this according to two sources speaking to cnn part of trump's mass deportation plan, which he promised on the campaign trail. now his team is looking for ways to carry it out including possible consequences for countries that do cnn's david culver traveled to arizona, where officials and residents are hopeful there that trump can bring further security to the border u.s. >> mexico border. >> we're going to go run that. absolutely not. i just had him at 85. so we're going to talk suspected migrant smuggler. >> this suv going 40 miles over the speed limit. >> get back in the car now.
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>> after a quick search, though, no migrants found. they let the driver go with a reckless driving ticket and move on to the next. running down cars like this all day. it's part of the stepped up search efforts for cartel backed drivers. on average, deputies tell us they bust 2 to 3 vehicles a day carrying migrants or drugs here. >> this is a really hot spot. >> so the cars will come down from phoenix, take the three hour journey along this highway and pull into a spot in here. hit the horn and they'll pop out of the brush. >> sheriff mark dannels tells me most smugglers are u.s. citizens, paid by mexican cartels. >> we've got to get back engaged. >> into what the cartel is all about ruthless, murderous gang. and number two is they have no respect for this country. >> they need to secure the border. at the border, jim. >> and sue chilton tell me the cartels use their ranch as a crossing ground. >> the idea that people coming through here, through my ranch are coming in to poison our people is very very objectionable to me.
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>> you can see they're all carrying backpacks. many of them are identical. >> they show me about two hours of surveillance footage collected from just five cameras on their 50,000 acres in arivaca. they all look like they're wearing fatigues and camouflage. i mean, it almost looks like a military operation. >> well, over 3000 people coming through my ranch in the last three and a half. we have no idea who they are. they're what's called gotaways. >> the jim chilton say the surge in gotaways started when president biden took office and halted construction of the border wall. sue points to the half mile gap on their ranch that she calls the door. >> obviously, if you leave your door where do people come in the open? the door. right. okay federal government's warning us that there are bad people coming through here. >> jim says he's come face to face with them. >> about 20 guys ran across the
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road and up that hill to going northwest. and the guy in front appeared to have a ak 47. >> do you carry any protection while you're out here? >> i always have a weapon david. here's my pistol. you have a weapon. people go the other way. >> we soon learned jim isn't the only one armed in these parts. >> you name it, i've been called it. >> some called him foley, a vigilante. he says his self-funded group, arizona border recon, is here to deter the cartels. >> it's a game of chess or whack a mole. >> who's winning them? >> volunteers from across the u.s. joined foley in his unofficial and at times controversial, patrol effort and so why do it i love my country, and that's why i said i'll be here until i feel it's secure. >> when you look at where the border wall ends, what goes through your mind? >> why did it end? why wasn't
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it finished? but i'll guarantee you that president trump is going to finish it and secure the border reporter. >> about 50 miles east of the chilton's ranch nogales businessman jaime chamberlain knows the economic importance of the border. his produce import company relies on the port of entry here. >> any time that you take away those resources, whether it's personnel or whether it's funding for for for border patrol, you are weakening those ports of entry. >> but he believes the economy and national security are about to improve. >> i think the new administration has made it clear that they're going to go after criminals first. >> are you nervous with with president trump coming in? do you have uneasiness about it? yeah. >> it's different you know trump is different. so but i respect him too. >> you know along the border wall we meet rafael celebrating his 34th birthday with his mom. and son visiting from the other side. a decade after crossing
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illegally. he is still undocumented working on a construction site with a team of about ten. how many of them would you say are undocumented? >> not like ten. ten. so everybody. yeah yeah. >> but cochise county deputies say they aren't focused on migrants like rafael traffic. they want the cartel fueled smugglers who operate day and night. >> i can kind of safely assume that i think activity will pick up in the in the coming days until the inauguration. and that's just the cartels, basically saying, hey now's the time. let's get it. you know, we're here to make money. let's let's get it while we can so, jim, as we spent time down there, we did ask folks what they made of president trump's intentions to potentially deploy the military to the border. >> and you've got a variety of different responses to that. mr. chilton, the rancher fully supports president trump fully supports that idea. local law enforcement say it could be effective if they have the cooperation and coordination in place ahead of time. but the
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vigilante you saw there, tim foley, very skeptical. he says he has seen the national guard deployed before along the border. he thinks the military may not be equipped for the terrain as he sees it being very challenging and so he believes that is not the way to go. it shows you that even amongst folks who are on the same side of things, so to speak fully supporting president trump, wanting to secure the border, there are differences of opinion in how exactly is best to do that. jim we and they will see very soon. >> david culver, thanks so much. still ahead, tourism turns deadly with six deaths in a popular asian vacation spot. the official warnings on how to stay safe. you are in cnn newsroom night that's good for the soul. >> join anderson cooper and laura coates for cnn heroes on all star tribune. >> thank you guys. >> meet the honorees and celebrate their life changing achievements. >> they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
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highlighter, and of course our favorite kabuki brush to apply it learn more about daily routine at laura >> i'm rahel solomon in new york and this is cnn growing following the death of an australian teen who has now become the sixth tourist to die from suspected methanol poisoning, and now numerous countries, including the u.s., are warning against consuming potentially tainted alcohol in the southeast asian southeast asian country of laos. >> cnn's melissa bell joins us from paris with the latest six people are now believed to have died as a poisoning in laos. >> the latest victim, a 19 year old woman from melbourne, australia who'd been backpacking through asia with
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her best friend. the two women are believed, according to the associated press, to have been given free shots in the hostel they were staying at before heading out for a night of drinking in vang vieng a popular hotspot other victims include a british woman an american citizen, two danish citizens as well with several western consulates saying they're working with some of their citizens who are believed also to have been impacted by the tainted alcohol those countries believe that methanol poisoning is to blame, although no cause of death has been announced. we spoke to one doctor who told us about exactly just how poisonous methanol was. >> even a drop of methanol is toxic. >> it has been estimated that an amount of ten milliliter of methanol could result in the deaths of an adult of 70kg, so it is really very toxic and the
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fatal amount is very low, according to the associated press, several people have been taken in for questioning, including the manager of the hostel where the two young australian backpackers were staying although no charges have yet been brought. >> what the deaths have triggered are warnings about the dangers of tainted alcohol and the need to take care. melissa bell, cnn, paris. >> good lord, what a sad story. thanks so much to melissa bell. still ahead, this hour, rain, colder temperatures and snow in the thanksgiving week forecast. not what you want when you're going to be traveling for the holiday. we are tracking tracking it all. as millions are already on the move you're in the cnn newsroom >> cnn is taking a break from breaking news to air. have i got news for you? >> breaking news. >> i'm getting a sandwich. >> we need to talk about what constitutes breaking news. >> have i got news for you? tonight at nine on cnn and stream next day on max with cargurus you can start your financing from home. if only
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spots in the northeast just coming up with incredibly high snow totals. high point, new jersey topping out at just under two feet. but other areas including pennsylvania and new york at least getting one foot of snow in about the last 36 hours. now, most of that snow is likely going to melt in the next few days as those temperatures begin to increase, you'll start to see them warm up in the midwest first before gradually seeing that warm air spread into the mid-atlantic. as well as the northeast, where much of that snow was dropped. take memphis for example, going from 58 from that high today. back into the low 70s by monday. takes a little bit longer to see that warm up. so new york and richmond will finally get their once we get towards monday and tuesday of the upcoming week. if you had travel plans today or even perhaps tomorrow, the southeast and much of the central portion of the country had absolutely no problems rough spot really is going to be much of the west. now that maine bomb cyclone that we had earlier in the week has finally
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exited the area, but we still have moisture coming into a lot of these areas, albeit not as much it's on top of what we've already had so because that ground is saturated, it's not going to take much to trigger some flooding in a few spots just over the next several days still looking at at least 1 to 3in more of rainfall along the coastal regions, and snow likely to be measured in feet. looking at an extra 1 to 3ft, ally in the sierras over the next couple of days then fast forward to thanksgiving day itself. you've got some maybe local last minute travel. you're concerned areas are going to stretch from pennsylvania back down into portions of louisiana. that's where you're going to encounter some of the heaviest rain. but then it begs the question, okay, what about the macy's thanksgiving day parade? many folks not only go to see it, but also watch it on tv. the rain is expected to really spread into new york city. once we get into the back half of the day, and especially thursday night. so the question becomes the front end likely is going to be okay but you may start to see some of those isolated showers beginning to pick up towards the
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