tv CNN News Central CNN November 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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>> group play concludes for the emirates nba cup. the competitiveness has been palpable for this tournament. >> the magic take on the nets followed by warriors and nuggets and away we go. the emirates nba cup coverage begins tuesday at seven regular season games presented by state farm on tnt more lawmakers targeted. >> we have new details about the bomb threats and swatting calls being made against democratic members of congress as well as some of president-elect donald trump's cabinet picks. plus, an update in the case of missing hawaii woman hannah kobayashi her sister says she has reason to believe that kobayashi is still alive. the latest details on the search for her. and women's volleyball, i should say, finds itself at the center of the transgender athlete debate. the co-captain of the san jose university women's
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team is now speaking out about accusations of fellow player is trans and defending the effort to get her own teammate banned from the game. we are following these major developing stories and many more, all coming in right here to the cnn news central we start with black friday in full swing right now across the country, as many americans head to malls or fill out their online shopping carts to cash in on the best deals this holiday season. more than 183 million people are expected to shop at some point this weekend, which could set a new record, according to the national retail federation. and they're opening their wallets big time with the average person spending a little more than $900 on gifts this year. cnn's mina duerson is live at a mall in east rutherford, new jersey. what are you hearing from shopping shoppers out there? mina you know, there's
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actually a lot of enthusiasm today. >> a lot of a lot of shoppers are choosing to come out in person, you know online shopping has obviously become very popular, but 65% of shoppers are projected to be spending their dollars this weekend in person. and we talked to a lot of shoppers. you know, who are really excited to take advantage of the deals in person. they feel like, you know, maybe they can trust them a little bit more in the mall, things they can pick up and feel and check out in person. so we spoke to some shoppers, you know, who told us that they had come specifically for deals that they could get here in the mall. we can we can hear from them tell me about the electronics that you bought. >> um, i'm on an esports team for cnn university, and so my monitor broke at home. so for me to be able to play, i just need to buy a new one. so i got the last one. and so i'm kind of happy one thing that has been reported is that president trump has said that he's going to impose some tariffs on countries where some of these products are manufactured. >> so some of these electronics could cost more next year. have
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you is that something you've heard about at all? >> definitely. and i don't like it. i think it's just i think it's unnecessary. i feel like the tariffs are just not needed and so, you know, that's one of those shoppers that told us that they had actually come to the store intentionally to buy some of these products before these tariffs do go into effect and, you know what kind of products specifically do you think are on shoppers minds when it comes to preparing for additional costs of tariffs what experts are saying are traditionally to look out for items that are manufactured overseas in places like china, mexico, canada countries where we can expect that if if the cost from tariffs do hit consumers, that they will be potentially upwards of 20%. >> so things like electronics, big household items, you know fridges, washing machines. but
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you know, a lot of electronics, tablets smartphones, gaming systems those are things that are on, you know big holiday deals this weekend. so there are things that shoppers are really looking out for. and potentially taking advantage of this weekend before those tariff impacts do take effect next year all right, mina dursun, thank you very much. >> also with a tease there of our next guest, you could end up paying a lot more for everyday goods like the ones many americans plan on buying today of. president-elect trump follows through with his promise to slap tariffs on imported products. here with us now is larry sabato director of the center for politics at the university of virginia. larry, you just couldn't wait to get in there and give us your take on things. we had you pop up there for a moment. that's okay it's the holiday season. um larry, i mean, what do you. i'm sure you've been watching some of this tariff talk coming from trump over the past week or so and you might have some thoughts on this. i mean, obviously we heard from one shopper there just a few
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moments ago talking to mina in new jersey, saying, yeah, you know what? i don't like this, but i wonder if a lot of trump voters out there were thinking, okay, yes, he talked about tariffs out there on the campaign trail, but is he really going to do it? it sounds like he might do it. >> well he says he will. and this is donald trump so that means it's a 50 over 50 chance one way or the other. but look, jim um, as far as tariffs are concerned, if you believe the economists and i do, some of my best friends are economists, they say this will inevitably raise prices for american consumers. and possibly drastically on such on some goods. now, maybe this is just just a negotiating posture on trump's part. maybe this won't happen or it will happen only to a small degree. but if it does happen, i can guarantee you you will hear one thing from donald trump and all of his minions. it's biden's fault. that's good for at least six months. maybe a year. and they'll say, you know we
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inherited such a bad economy. it's going to take us a long while to climb out of this. this deep hole we're in. so there are lots of ways out of it for trump, particularly because he has such a dedicated base who will believe absolutely anything he says. >> i mean, even though larry, i mean, the facts tell us that when tariffs are imposed, it's the companies that are bringing in those products who pay those tariffs, and then they pass those costs invariably to the consumers who end up paying more in prices. um is it possible that this time around, if those tariffs do go into place, that people will draw that connection, they will figure that out well, jim, hope springs eternal. >> you know that's that's the way we live. hope springs eternal. so it's possible they will. i must say, your correspondent interviewed a very well-informed shopper. i somehow don't think she is typical of the american shoppers. at least the ones who vote. >> yeah well we'll see. i mean, you know, a lot of people voted
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to get inflation under control. if inflation goes up, obviously there could be a political price. but you know, trump is saying that these tariffs are about forcing action on immigration and drug enforcement. he had this back and forth with the president of mexico. he claimed that the president of mexico told him that, okay, yes, we're going to take care of the border. no problem. and then she had a completely different take as to what occurred during that phone call this is very much reminiscent of what we saw during the first term. trump would have these calls with foreign leaders, and you'd get two completely different readouts one from the white house and one from the other head of state yeah. >> and, jim, you were you were there in the white house. you were cnn white house correspondent. you saw it on a daily basis the donald trump, who served in the first term is the donald trump who's going to serve in the second term. you know, he's in his 70s. i'm in my seconds. so i get it. you don't change all that much when you're in your 70s. you can modify some
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things, but not many. this donald trump is going to do most of the same things, maybe all of the same things. he did in the first term. the difference being he has learned some things and he has some tougher assistance around him. people who are less inclined to compromise or to deter donald trump from doing things that maybe aren't in his best interest, but that trump doesn't see. >> and larry, i mean the election was less than a month ago, but consumer sentiment has already shifted for republicans. it has climbed more than 15 points. for democrats, it has fallen by more than ten points. what does that tell you about how a person's politics affect their views on the economy? i mean we're i guess we're a 50 over 50 country when it comes to our politics, and we're going to be a 50 over 50 country, i suppose, when it comes to just how we perceive how the economy is doing. and i suppose it goes a little bit back to what you were saying a few moments ago no matter what happens with the economy, inflation, tariffs and so on, if trump says, you know the sky is blue, that's that's or any other color, that's what
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his supporters are going to believe. >> yes it will be a kaleidoscope there, but it's whatever he says goes with his base. although i must say, after elections, this often happens today the two most important letters in the english language are d and r. they're very powerful if you have a d next to your name you think a certain set of values if you have an r next to your name, you think another separate set of values and it determines the way you approach the world. it's a perceptual screen in front of you and you interpret all news national and international through that screen. so you're going to see a lot of this guaranteed you're going to have democrats flipping on all kinds of issues where they were optimistic. now they're pessimistic and you'll have with republicans loads of people, millions of people who were pessimistic becoming suddenly very optimistic and i don't know how long it will last but it probably will last quite a while
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and people are still in their echo chambers there's just no their information silos. >> there's no doubt about it and what i remember the first time around covering donald trump is he obviously had a very powerful ally in fox news but i think you can add to that this time around. larry, correct me if i'm wrong with elon musk being in charge of x, a big part of social media is now very much going to be on trump's side heading into the second term. >> absolutely and there are a lot of there are a lot of smaller media organizations that really flow into what we see with x and social media and fox on television so you have a universe where people really do silo themselves. it's true on both sides they silo themselves. they hear often a separate set of news stories, and they interpret the news stories based on the commentary that's folded around the news stories, how we're ever going to get out of this, i don't know, because i think people are siloing themselves even more so than they have in the past so how do we break out of
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that? well people have to agree at some point to watch at least a little bit of the other side's news coverage, and i don't see that coming anytime soon. >> yeah, it's not a bad idea. all right larry sabato, always good to talk to you. thanks a lot. appreciate it. happy holidays. >> happy holidays to you too. >> so at least five democratic lawmakers from connecticut, all of them from connecticut, say they were targeted with bomb threats over thanksgiving, the latest being u.s. senator chris murphy cnn national security reporter zach cohen joins us now. zach, we have new details about what was included in some of these messages what can you tell us? >> yeah, that's right, guys democratic house leader hakeem jeffries revealing in a new statement this afternoon that there is at least one consistent detail in all of these threats that were sent to several lawmakers on thanksgiving. and he writes in the statement, quote these incidents range from detailed threats of a pipe bomb placed in mailboxes to swatting all signed with, quote maga. at the conclusion of the message. so
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obviously the last part there is something jeffries revealing for the first time that does appear to have been consistent in all of these threats that were sent and targeted democratic lawmakers over the holiday. and look, we need to be very clear here, too, that law enforcement officials are still working to investigate whether there was any sort of motive or potential ideology that went in and was behind these threats. right. this is a key part of the investigation, and one that will play out in the coming days. and weeks. but again, we at least know that there is a consistent theme, or at least a consistent detail that ranged across the various threats that were sent out. and this speaks to something that a spokesperson for senator chris murphy, who you obviously mentioned was among those who received one of these targeting these threats in a statement to me earlier, she said that this appears to be part of a coordinated effort involving multiple members of congress and public figures. so potentially this could be what she was referencing. some similarity across the threats.
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and more broadly, this does underscore a concerning trend that law enforcement officials are taking notice of. and one that, you know, even if these bomb threats, which in this case, all were investigated, no evidence of a bomb was found. but even if there was no bomb, ultimately discovered, these threats can have an incredibly destabilizing effect. law enforcement officials increasingly believe that they can be intended to intimidate government officials to disrupt government operations including vote counting process and the vote administering process. so really, a range of possibilities here as law enforcement officials work with members of congress and others who have received similar threats to try to pin down where they're coming from and what's motivating them all right, zach cohen thank you very much. >> appreciate it. let's talk more about this with cnn senior law enforcement analyst charles ramsey. chief ramsey, always good to see you. >> good to see you. >> yeah i mean what do you think what steps will authorities take as part of this investigation into what's behind these threats? i mean, it sounds as though maybe they're making a little bit of progress in figuring out
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what's what. this is all about. >> well, i mean, they're going to try to trace the source of the call or however they got the information, but just let me say this calling in a false bomb threat or a swatting incident is stupid and it's dangerous. it's very dangerous. it's dangerous for the person who's the target. obviously it's dangerous for anyone who legitimately needs police service at a particular time, and all the resources are tied up on a swatting incident for an example. and it's dangerous for the first responders. i mean, these kinds of calls are priority one calls, which means lights and siren. you get there as quick as you can. i had two officers killed in the line of duty responding to priority one calls for service during my time in philadelphia. this is not a joke. i mean this is something that they take very seriously and if they're able to find the people responsible, they need to be arrested. and they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.
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they've got to send a message this is not okay to do this stuff. >> yeah, yeah, there are certainly challenges when it comes to an investigation like this. capitol police say that they aren't releasing a lot of information on these threats because in part they want to avoid copycats. how do officials go about determining if these attacks were simply similar or if they were coordinated, or if they were copycats someone watching this happen and then repeating it themselves well, it's hard to get around copycats because you'll have some somebody watching this broadcast for an example that thinks somehow that's a good idea. >> you know, a lot of stupid people, you know react to things like that. and so you're not going to get around that too much. but there are ways in which they can start to try to tie things together, to see whether or not it's a single source, if it's a group of individuals or what have you, that may be responsible for this. i mean attacking the leaders in congress, people newly appointed to the next
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administration, all those kinds of things. you can maybe start to see some kind of tie in. you'll get some copycats. but, you know, law enforcement is going to take this very, very seriously. and people need to understand, again this is not a joke. it is something very serious. and i think that when we start using terms like it's not credible and things like that, it kind of makes people think it's not as serious as it really is. obviously, if a bomb doesn't go off or you wind up, it's really not a home invasion in progress but in this current climate it's just a matter of time before one of these kinds of calls turn out to be legit. and then where are we? and so you know, everything has to kind of ratchet down a little bit. and we really got to start taking this stuff serious chief charles ramsey appreciate you sharing your expertise with us. >> thanks for joining us and happy holidays. thank you thank you. still ahead this hour on cnn news central australia passing a social media ban for kids under 16. why some lawmakers say they doubt the new measures will actually
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work. plus, we're taking you inside the renovation of notre dame cathedral, seen for the first time since a devastating fire years ago and with mar-a-lago set to reclaim its title of winter white house cnn traveled to palm beach, where we witnessed a city undergoing a mega makeover cnn heroes, an all star tribute meet and celebrate the honorees then find out who will be hero of the year. >> plus, a special tribute to michael j. fox, cnn heroes, an all star tribute sunday december 8th at eight. >> when i hear cancer, i hear death sentence every 15 seconds. >> someone will hear the words, you have cancer at the american cancer society, this is why we're here to help people through their entire journey. >> i was ready to battle to be there for my family and this giving tuesday. >> we're asking for your support. go online or scan the
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now watching just how australia will execute the world's first ban on social media for children younger than 16. >> a lot of parents i've got to think, are paying attention to this in this country no question. this law requires tech companies to take reasonable steps to make sure that those under 16 can't access social media. some lawmakers though, doubt it will actually work this is a rubbish bill. >> it has no substance. it's almost embarrassing i mean, this is boomers trying to tell young people how the internet should work let's discuss with cnn media analyst sarah fisher, who is also senior media correspondent for axios. >> also with us lisa strohman, a clinical psychologist who wrote the book digital distress growing up online. sarah first to you, what could these reasonable steps from social media companies look like? and what did you think about that lawmaker describing the law as
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rubbish? >> i think a lot of people in the tech field agree with her, and that's because you run up against two big issues, one in places like the united states, bands like this are almost unenforceable because of the first amendment. you've seen various states introduce similar laws, like in utah, only for courts to strike them down, saying that they go against the constitution. and then secondly, age verification online is really hard to do. now, this law requires the platforms so social media that age verification. but when you talk to platforms, they're going to argue that the responsibilities should be really left to the device makers, whether that be the mobile phone manufacturer or the computer manufacturer. but overall, it's really hard to do age verification right if you are to introduce something like biometrics you run into a ton of privacy data violation problems. and that's especially problematic with kids, because you'll note in most countries, including the u.s., we have stricter data privacy laws for kids than we do adults. and then you also run up against the problem of government
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issued ids. a lot of young people, as you know, especially under 16, they don't have any form of a government issued id yet. >> and lisa, i mean 16 is the the number here. the key number here in the u.s., social media firms allow children as young as, what, 13 to join is there i mean, what does the science say about all of this? and what are the expectations that this that this could work? i have to think i was just saying this a few moments ago to a lot of parents are teenagers are of teenagers are thinking, you know what? this sounds like a really good idea because you just can't get these teenagers to get off these phones and get off these apps yeah. >> i mean, i think that the science is very clear that at younger ages it is very problematic and it causes massive injury. as a psychologist, i've seen over the last two decades a various issues eating disorders self-harm, suicide. so it definitely is impacted by the use of social media at particularly these young ages. i think that sarah has a lot of
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really good points in terms of the legalities and some of the things that if we're looking at it from a of a bigger picture there, but the humanity of our children are in crisis our families are not supported. and if we can give that balance back to the families and give them that extra three years as a psychologist, i tell parents, get them through middle school, get them into hopefully their junior year of high school. and that's really when kids can actually i think, tolerate some of the things that come through those algorithms. so if you're just looking at it from a clinical perspective, then my doctor opinion is that i think it's a really great idea, and we've got to figure out ways that we can make these, these age verifications work for families and for these kids. >> yeah lisa, because the danger isn't just psychological and issues of self-image and the sort of things you've talked about. there are also concerns about how this sort of technology can actually change a young person's brain. and their ability to focus. axios today
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had a piece labeling the next generation the snippet generation at the risk of sounding like a dinosaur saying that tv rots your brain, i do wonder how social media can change a child's attention span. >> yeah, i've talked a lot about the issue that i see of technology acquired ad nobody really talks about. it's not a diagnosis by any event, but when i look through and talk through school systems and families and teachers, we definitely are changing the way that we're taking information in. and so we have to look at it from a very large conceptual space and say, all right, are we educating? are we managing it right? if we're going to be this new ai or open ai system, we're really not actually creating our own content. we're sifting through it and we're trying to figure out what information that that whole scrape is giving us and what we want to use for our own creative thoughts, or how are we going to put our own spin on it so it definitely is a totally different generation.
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and to me, the power is giving that voice to the kids and really bringing them in. in some of these conversations. and that's what i do through my programs, and that's what i do as often as i possibly can because they truly are going to be the answer of how we manage this better in the future. we're not going to have an ability to have legislatures that are, you know, average in the average age of 60 to be able to really understand what our kids are going through. >> yeah. and sarah, you were saying earlier, it sounds like this is not going to happen in the u.s. is it possible in any way shape or form that you could see a crackdown on on what these tech companies do in terms of, you know, really getting kids addicted on this stuff absolutely and i would argue that's the solution, right? >> is instead of coming up with some sort of blunt law where it's virtually unenforceable, come up with various transparency measures, various changes to privacy measures so that you can make it a safer
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place for the kids that are using it. and that has been the route that we've been going on in the u.s.. i mean, if you look at the ftc, they've been urging to bring child privacy laws down from age 16 to age 13. they've been cracking down. more on child policy violations on companies like meta and tiktok. the platforms are trying to introduce more children friendly features and products if you look at meta, they've got messenger for kids. you know, tiktok has an under 13 policy, but then you know, kids over 13 have a different experience, which is much more moderated. that to me is the route that you should be going because it's actually enforceable. whereas if you look at what australia is doing, it's so blunt trying to expect that these social media platforms are going to be able to actually do age verification, otherwise face huge fines. what's going to end up happening is they're going to have to actually pull some of their features from these countries, and that's not the viable solution either. so i think for the us perspective, we're actually kind of treading the right path here, trying to find that middle ground as opposed to doing something so blunt that it's not even
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possible. >> it is going to be an ongoing debate, no doubt about that sarah fisher, lisa strohman, appreciate you joining us. thanks so much thank you still ahead, it's been three weeks since a woman in hawaii disappeared during what was supposed to be a layover. as she was traveling in los angeles. but hannah kobayashi sister just revealed she has reason to believe the 30 year old is still alive. we have new details. after a quick break news night with abby phillip weeknights at 10:00 eastern on cnn giving giving that's possible through the power of del i with intel. >> so those who receive can find the joy of giving back you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. >> millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits. they
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original wipeout. >> all new sunday at nine on tbs more intrigue in the case of hannah kobayashi, the woman from hawaii who went missing nearly three weeks ago during what was supposed to be a layover in los angeles. >> in a new interview kobayashi's sister says the family has new hope. the 30 year old is still alive. listen to her explain why we have received information which makes us still be hopeful that she is still, still alive. >> um we just can't divulge into it yet, and i don't think a lot of people understand that we have to be very careful. um of what we do release, because we're getting thousands and thousands of tips the last time kobayashi's friends and loved ones were in contact with her was on november 11th, when she sent a
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series of cryptic texts saying hackers had stolen her identity. >> all right, cnn's natasha chen is in los angeles with the latest. natasha, what are you learning? >> right. well, what we're learning is mainly from hannah kobayashi family because los angeles police have said very little about this case. in fact, the only time recently that this case has been publicly mentioned was at a city council meeting this week where the police chief said this. take a listen on friday, november 8th, 23 year old hannah kobayashi missed her connecting flight from lax to new york, which the investigation determined was intentional. >> over the next few days, she maintained contact with her family and was active on instagram and note there that he says that she intentionally missed her flight. >> she was supposed to make a connecting flight from la onto new york. the family police said. then arrived in los angeles a couple of days after
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that filed a missing persons report. and that's when lapd really went into full gear with this investigation, putting out that missing person's report. uh, what we've heard from the family is that hannah kobayashi was last heard from on november 11th. now that's really more than two weeks ago now with a strange set of text messages which we can show again on the screen here, where she texted a friend saying deep hackers wiped my identity, stole all of my funds, and have had me on a mind f since friday. i got tricked pretty much giving into into giving away all my funds for someone i thought i loved. now, in the recent interview given by her sister to news nation right before thanksgiving her sister sydni kobayashi says, in my mind it feels like someone is controlling her. her sister said that may not have even been her. the family also mentions surveillance video that they have seen showing hannah kobayashi at a downtown metro station. it's unclear exactly when that
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footage was taken, but again, all of this is coming from the family. the police have not released any of this footage. everyone is being very careful and tight lipped despite all the massive amounts of tips that we are aware that police and the family are getting. >> all right. natasha chen. very disturbing case. thank you very much. in the meantime, the san jose state women's volleyball team will play for the mountain west conference championship title tomorrow after boise state forfeited its match today against the spartans over reports of a transgender player on san jose state's team. this move comes despite the commissioner of their conference already ruling that the player in question meets the eligibility standards to compete the controversy has not only divided the volleyball world, but the spartan team, including one player who filed a lawsuit to prevent their own teammate from competing in that conference tournament. cnn's camila bernal joins us now live, and we're learning new details about how the team learned that this
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player was allegedly transgender. >> hey, jim and boris. yes so this player has been on the san jose state team since 2022, but it was in april when there was a news article that spoke about her gender and that's when this story really became a political story. instead of a sports story. so i want to first explain what's happening. this weekend. so san jose state was supposed to play a semifinal against boise state. boise state withdraws from the championship, which means that san jose will advance to the final on saturday. they will be playing either against san diego or colorado state in that final match. now boise did not explain exactly why they're withdrawing, but this is not the first time that they boycott these games against san jose. they did so during the regular season in two different games. and actually san jose has had six victories because of teams that withdrew and did not want to play against san
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jose state. so all of this again just became this controversy back in april and one of the team members the co-captain, actually, her name is brooke slosser. she filed a lawsuit to prevent the player in question from competing. now, san jose state has not confirmed the identity or the gender of the player which is also why we are not naming this player. but as part of this lawsuit and the co-captain of this team. also speaking to the new york times and she said this, i'm going to read it to you. she said, we just don't think it's fair that a man is allowed to play. so she was referring to this transgender teammate and said in that interview that she called it a hard decision to file the lawsuit because she didn't want to put her team through more than they were already going through. the father of the player in question here also spoke to the new york times, saying this the rules are allowing it and i've told my
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daughter, can this team get over this? and just come together and try to win she's a human and we're not going to be part of a mob mentality and march down to city hall and burn her at the stake. i feel like that's what this is turning into now. i do want to say that a federal judge in denver ruled that it is okay for her to play. she is allowed to compete, and then an appeals court upheld that decision. so she will be able to play and they will be playing this weekend. guys all right. >> camila bernal thank you very much. when we come back notre dame's billion dollar makeover. it is simply miraculous doctor box there were many failed attempts to fix my teeth. >> i retouched all my wedding photos and it was even affecting my health i trusted you because you specialize in dental implants. you created a permanent solution and customized my teeth so it still felt like me. my new teeth have improved my life and change my
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years after a catastrophic fire gutted notre dame, it's been brought back to its former glory. the parisian landmark is set to reopen to the public next week for the first time since 2019. today, the world got its first glimpse inside of the newly restored gothic masterpiece. it is in fact, a masterpiece. cnn's melissa bell is live in paris. melissa, we needed some good news. we got it. this is just amazing stuff. what? what more can you tell us here it is. >> and it happens to be in paris this friday. this was a glimpse. we got jim and boris thanks to the french president making his seventh and final visit to what has been a construction site now for more than five years. in fact, he described it to the many thousands of workers who were involved and who gathered inside to hear him today and to hear his thanks as the construction site of the century. and so the cameras followed the french president inside it was extraordinary. he went to visit, for instance, the timber, the forest as it's known, which is the part in the
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roof of the cathedral where this fire began. we still don't know how, by the way, several years of investigation. still still haven't told us whether it was a cigarette of a workman or an electrical fault. and the investigation has now been closed whatever started it, it was up there in the timbers, the beams of the roof, that it quickly picked up speed and took on such life he visited those timbers lovingly restored 2000 oaks, felled and used in the reconstruction of the cathedral which is exactly as it was, and yet so much better. i got the chance of going in earlier, and it is a completely different experience than what it was going in before the fire. although it's been restored precisely as it was the crown of thorns one of the greatest relics in the catholic religion, repositioned. but this time in a golden sculpture that you can see it better and that it should be better displayed. although all the details of its construction have been respected and they've sought to rebuild it as it was, the fact that it is now clean and the
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stones are gleaming and the artwork has been restored. the colors are what they were not just five years ago, but before they got dirtied by several centuries of wear and tear. the gold, the statues, the works of art entirely restored. the impression is quite different to what it was when you would go in five years ago, which you'll remember, it was quite somber. there was a darkness about notre dame. you could guess a lot of the artwork. you could see it, but you had to get up quite close. it is entirely transformed and you get a much greater sense of the extraordinary construction that it is. it is even more awe inspiring than it was before it caught fire. jenin boris. >> yeah melissa. i mean, i can't believe they were able to do this in five years. and at the same time, while they were preparing for the summer olympics. i mean, what a year for paris. just great, great stuff thanks so much, melissa bell. really appreciate it all right. and we'll be right back advil liquid gels are faster
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elect donald trump spent thanksgiving at mar-a-lago with his family and supporters, including elon musk, and on their dinner playlist, one of trump's campaign rally classics fei tian rajinder singh mar-a-lago has become the center of the trump transition, forcing the usually quieter area of florida into a transition of its own. >> cnn's randi kaye has more on that. >> this is the magnet where everybody who wants to see trump has got to come to palm beach artist bruce helander first came to palm beach in 1983 to open an art gallery on the exclusive worth avenue. >> a lot has changed since then, and with donald trump once again, the president elect palm beach, which leans democratic is again the center of the maga universe we've definitely seen a major trump
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bump. >> i've got my phone ringing nonstop, so there's definitely been an increase in traffic. >> this is the one that we're going to show to the vince morada is a top selling real estate agent here. >> he says some people meeting with trump are now also looking to put down roots in the area. did your phone start ringing right after the election? >> they did in fact, just a few days after i got a call from a major broker who said to me, she's working with somebody in the trump brain trust, and they're looking to find something somewhere close to mar-a-lago in the 10 to $15 million range. >> mar-a-lago, the 58 bedroom estate that trump calls home is where the president elect has been conducting job interviews to fill his cabinet and holding key meetings during the transition period. in palm beach and neighboring west palm beach, just across the water from mar-a-lago. there has been a steady stream of limousines ferrying prominent republicans world leaders and others around the area. >> we've seen the president of argentina was in the city. we've seen, you know, nato dignitaries. >> we've seen fortune 500
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ceos. >> bernardo neto is the general manager at the ben hotel, which sits just about two miles from mar-a-lago. these days, it's a popular spot for media, dignitaries and anyone hoping to get access to trump or a job with the new administration. >> i think having any president elect two miles away but absolutely, since the election, we've seen a big uptake of reservations, but we've seen an increase at least 15%. >> the airports are filled, the hotels are filled, the restaurants impossible to get a reservation. >> it's a very exciting time. exciting for some but stressful too. security around palm beach is tighter than ever, especially along what's known as billionaires row. that's the area of south ocean boulevard where mar-a-lago is located. it's now closed to traffic, which has turned into a nightmare. >> nobody likes the traffic because you know what used to take 15 minutes to get
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somewhere. >> now you're taking 40 minutes to an hour, you know. so traffic is always an issue. but you know, that's that's what happens when a city grows. >> would you like to see them put the helipad back at mar-a-lago? >> i would say why not? yeah. why not? it'll be fun to watch palm beach may be at the epicenter of it all, but business just over the bridge in west palm beach is also booming billionaire jeff greene is building a one point 5,000,000 square foot office hotel and apartment complex. >> vanderbilt university has plans to build a $520 million graduate campus and companies like goldman sachs are moving in, helping to transform west palm beach into the wall street of the south. longtime palm beach resident sue bell whitworth robbins came here 50 years ago and loves all the attention on their tiny enclave and surrounding areas. >> oh it's magical. i think it's sort of exciting. it was always fun to be around important people.
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>> randi kaye, cnn, palm beach, florida. >> all right. it may be black friday, but thanksgiving has already turned out to be a record. a record breaker in online retail sales. what's driving it next for more than a decade, sega has been trusted again and again and again. >> for sega ask your doctor about sega these are the final days of the medicare annual enrollment period of every year i have to listen to all these commercials. >> we're sorry, karen, and we know it's annoying but we want to make sure everyone on medicare knows it's time to check and see if they can enroll in a plan that will save money or include additional benefits. >> i just want these commercials to stop. >> honestly karen, we do too. but this is the only time of year when everyone on medicare can call and see if there are plans with additional benefits
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available in their area. >> i already have a medicare advantage plan, so these commercials aren't even for me. >> well, karen, plans may change every year, and the 2025 medicare advantage plans are now available. the phone lines are open. just call ( 800) 521-2245. now, these are the final days of the medicare annual enrollment period. this is the only time of year when all medicare recipients can call and enroll in a new medicare advantage plan. this is also the time to call if you want to change plans. don't miss the deadline. these are the final days of the medicare annual enrollment period. >> do i have to call now for 2025? >> 2025 plans are available now during the annual enrollment period. licensed insurance agents are standing by to take your call. call now and get a free benefits review with no obligation to enroll. just call ( 800) 521-2245 now. >> so i can call and not sign up for a plan. >> that's right. we just want to make sure everyone on
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medicare gets information about plans with the coverage they want. in 2025, the phone lines get busy during this annual enrollment period, and time is running out. >> i need to get that number one more time. >> that number again is ( 800) 521-2245. >> is the call free to yes. >> the call and benefits review are free with zero obligation to enroll. call now. just call ( 800) 521-2245. now that's ( 800) 521-2245. >> one second. grandma. this guy's gonna buy my car. >> okay? >> you need carvana entering plate number. no accidents. right? >> no generating offer carvana can pick it up tomorrow. >> that's an amazing offer sell your car the easy way with carvana at morgan stanley. >> old school. hard work meets bold new thinking partnering to unlock new ideas to create new legacies. to transform a
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