tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN December 30, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST
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>> hello. and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us from around the world i'm max foster. it is monday, december 30th, 9 a.m. here in london. it's 4 a.m. in plains, georgia, where reaction is pouring in following the death of the 39th president of the united states, jimmy carter. he was 100 years old, living longer than any other u.s. president. the carter center says he was surrounded by family when he died on sunday after being in a home. in home, hospice care for nearly two years. jimmy carter was known for his dignity and devotion to service, dedicated his life to fighting for human rights, and brokering peace in many parts of the world. president joe biden has declared january the 9th as a national day of mourning, calling on americans to visit their places of worship and pay homage to the late leader what i find extraordinary about jimmy carter, though, is that millions of people all around the world, all over the world,
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feel they lost a friend as well, even though they never met him. >> and that's because jimmy carter lived a life measured not by words, but by his deeds. just look at his life. his life's work. he worked to eradicate disease. not not just at home, but around the world. he forged peace, advanced civil rights, human rights, promote a free and fair elections around the world. he built housing and homelessness for the homeless with his own hands. and his compassion and moral clarity. clarity lifted people up and changed lives and saved lives all over the globe. >> well, cnn's nic robertson now takes a look back at the impact of jimmy carter's diplomatic efforts. >> hi. jimmy carter, do solemnly swear. >> jimmy carter's presidency lived in the shadow of america's cold war with the soviet union. but he refused to be constrained by east west communist
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versus capitalist tensions. >> we expect the normalization will help to move us together toward a world of diversity and of peace. >> he improved relations with china and tried for the same with the soviets in his foreign policies. he pushed for nuclear nonproliferation, democratic values, and human rights. he cut off military supplies to chilean dictator augusto pinochet and dialed back support for other latin american leaders in nicaragua, argentina and brazil. one of his signature white house legacies was the torrijos-carter treaties that returned the panama canal to panama in 1999. he also calmed mid-east tensions, brought together israeli and arab leaders at camp david, opening the door to the israeli egypt camp david accords. he normalized
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relations with china, weakened u.s. ties to taiwan in a vain hope beijing would weaken ties with moscow. but after the soviet union invaded afghanistan in december 1979, the last year of his presidency, he toughened his soviet stance, backed the afghan mujahideen in a war against the red army. the same year, 1979 islamic revolution in neighboring iran dealt carter a double domestic blow, spiked oil prices and led to a humiliating failed raid. operation eagle claw. in april 1980 to rescue americans captured by the theocratic revolutionaries in tehran. >> i can't stand here tonight and say it doesn't hurt. >> events overseas contributed to his 1980 election loss. >> the people of the united states have made their choice. and of course, i accept that
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decision. >> but out of office and the limelight, his global peacemaking grew. in 1994, he was the first former u.s. president to visit north korea, met kim il sung, the grandfather of today's leader kim jong un, at a time of u.s. north korean tensions, won concessions on north korea's nuclear program, dialing back tensions for a decade. but 1994 was his big year of high profile peacemaking. in september, he went to haiti. raoul cedras, the caribbean nations unpopular leader, was holed up in port au prince. carter convinced him to step down quite literally, as the u.s. 82nd airborne troops were inbound aboard blackhawk helicopters ready to remove cedras by force. carter won the day. save lives. the u.s. troops landed
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as de facto peacekeepers and later that year, carter went to the dark heart of bosnia's violent ethnic civil war, met the nationalist serbs in their mountain stronghold. paul tried to stop their bloody, murderous siege and shelling of the capital, sarajevo, to bring an end to the killing that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives during horrific ethnic cleansing. success came slowly in steps. carter helped initiate a short christmas ceasefire and by his presence, pushed the horrific conflict toward greater international attention. >> we have work to do. >> we have to go back to it now. >> thank you very much. >> less than a year later, another u.s. diplomat, richard holbrooke, parlayed carter's brief calm into the war, ending dayton peace accords. 1994
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marked a peak in carter's peacemaking, but far from the end of it. he helped found a group of seasoned international diplomats known as the elders, whose works span the mideast and far beyond. he helped the charity habitat for humanity change lives, building affordable homes, often showing up to help with construction. himself. in 2002, he was awarded a nobel peace prize for decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development. it was a path he'd picked, a post-presidency with meaning, and he followed it right up to his death. nic robertson, cnn, london. >> world leaders offering their condolences to the u.s. and the
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carter family. the french president, emmanuel macron, celebrated the nobel peace prize winner on social media, stating throughout his life, jimmy carter has been a steadfast advocate for the rights of the most vulnerable and has tirelessly fought for peace. france sends its heartfelt thoughts to his family and to the american people. that sentiment, echoed by the uk's king charles. he writes he was a committed public servant and devoted to his life, devoted his life to promoting peace and human rights. his dedication and humility served as an inspiration to many. meanwhile, the australian prime minister recognized carter's service, posting that his legacy is best measured in lives changed, saved and uplifted. for more, let's bring in cnn's clare sebastian. there's absolutely a theme, isn't there, in all of these comments, wherever they're coming from in the world. >> absolutely. max. commitment to peace, elevating the role of human rights in u.s. foreign policy. sort of the key elements of a lot of the tributes that we're seeing in
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terms of european leaders, we are seeing a focus in particular on the camp david accords, his his role in the middle east. german chancellor schulz called him a great mediator for peace in the middle east. this is a portion of what keir starmer, the british prime minister, said. he said his presidency will be remembered for the historic camp david accords between israel and egypt. and it was that lifelong dedication to peace that saw him received the nobel peace prize, which, of course he did in 2002. he goes on to talk about how he redefined the post-presidency with his remarkable commitment to social justice and human rights at home and abroad. but i think for europe, there's some reflection as well, given that we're now approaching the three year mark of russia's war in ukraine. on his ussr policy, which was seen as a bit of a failure at the time, it started on a on a warmer footing, but then deteriorated, certainly after the invasion of afghanistan. he did sign a nuclear nonproliferation nonproliferation treaty with brezhnev, but that was seen as sort of not particularly effective and a bit controversial at the time. so president zelenskyy has come out with a statement today. he said he was a leader who served during a time when ukraine was
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not yet independent. he said yet his heart stood firmly with us in our ongoing fight for freedom today, he said at the end of his statement. let us remember peace matters and the world must remain united in standing against those who threaten these values. and i think there's a reference there, perhaps veiled to the fact that there are nuances to his ussr policy, even though ostensibly relations between the u.s. and the soviet union did deteriorate during his presidency, that he did, many believe, introduced the idea that that the u.s. should foster the sort of more liberal elements of the eastern bloc countries, try to encourage that. and in particular, it's interesting to see what viktor orban, one of those, is the head of one of those former eastern bloc countries, said on twitter. he said the memory of president jimmy carter will always be cherished in hungary by returning the holy crown. this is a crown that was spirited to the u.s. at the end of the second world war, to the people of hungary at the end of the 70s. he gave freedom loving hungarians hope in a hopeless time, he says. i would like to express my deepest condolences
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to the carter family and the american people. interesting that he would hark back to that event. it was a controversial decision at the time, but it was part of that policy of fostering those liberal leanings. and he made it clear at the time that he was returning it, not to the hungarian regime, but to the hungarian people. i think, of course, the irony now is that hungary is hungary is now sort of moving back into russia's orbit, a russia that is sort of bringing back elements of what viktor orban called that hopeless time. >> i mean, he was a liberal, wasn't he? he became, you know, he wasn't as liberal as he could have been. and he, you know, he became, you know, he became more centrist, really, during his presidency. but it's interesting to hear people that are regarded as right wing orban and also trump singing his praises because he doesn't represent their type of politics at all. >> yeah, but i think he did sort of have those sort of universal values, right, of those human rights and peace. and all of that has come to the fore in his post-presidency years as well. when i think
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things like habitat for humanity and, and the various peace initiatives, election monitoring was another big part of what the carter center has done are uncontroversial in the eyes of many and obviously led to to that 2002 nobel peace prize. but i think, look, looking back, obviously, we are at a point where some of the initiatives, particularly when it comes to to europe, are in a sort of bleak rear view mirror, right? i mean, hungary, as i say, moving back into into russia's orbit. he brokered that salt two treaty with brezhnev. but now we see basically all of the fabric of us-russia nuclear disarmament pretty much gone. there isn't a single treaty remaining that both sides are adhering to. but, you know, i think, as i say, those values are something that are things that hold true for many leaders today. >> claire, thank you so much. also joined by leslie vinjamuri, head of u.s. and americas program, chatham house joins us from salzburg in austria. thank you for taking time out to speak to us, leslie. but it's a huge moment, isn't it, for american history and something you'll be
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speaking to your, you know, your students that you speak to, but also you'll be writing to in your papers because, you know, he no doubt has a place in history. >> absolutely. >> i think for so many people that have studied u.s. domestic politics, america's role on the global stage and especially human rights, it's jimmy carter. you know, we think now of human rights and democracy promotion in a very complicated way. but america certainly being deeply involved in those efforts, whether it's, you know, using military force or using foreign assistance, not always for the better. but jimmy carter was really the first american president that put human rights on the map at a time when nobody was thinking about human rights as being important for america's global role or for its foreign policy. and he really took a, you know, values based presidency and morality based. he wasn't a known as being a as we as we've
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heard so much in the last hours as being a tremendous president. but those human rights came first at sometimes at the expense of his political support. and it was really that effort that informed his post-presidency work. and i think this is what people will continue to think of him for, not only his work creating the carter center, an election, elections, monitoring democracy promotion, serving as an unofficial ambassador, mediating peace around the world, restoring a democratic leadership in haiti, working in bosnia. but it really is championing those values, but not by advocating that america use military force boots on the ground. none of that was was part of carter's ambition, and certainly not part of his legacy. it was very much about making human rights central, as it informing
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conflict mediation. and again, prior to his presidency, they'd been seen as, you know, really at odds with each other that human rights would get in the way of what america needed to do to deter, as the soviet union around the world and to be a strong, um, strong superpower. >> and he represented it in many ways. the idea that, you know, the american president is the the global policeman. america's the global police service, if you like. and, you know, talking about democracy, as you say, human rights, fairness, not promoting war. do you think there's an interesting context in the time that we're living through now that he was this almost classical view of what a modern president should be? but we've we've lost our way a bit. there. >> you know, it's a it's a really troubled time. and i think jimmy carter was troubled by what was happening in the run up to last year's election.
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um, but, you know, on the one hand, he was a noninterventioni st, right? he didn't think america should be using military force to promote democracy. and that's certainly an idea that i think is now come back to the fore, uh, in, in america's foreign relations, certainly with president trump. um, but he, he was values first, and he was deeply disturbed by the polarization, by the division in the united states. um, he, you know, as we know, he was very concerned to promote peace in the middle east. the camp david accords were, you know, critical for his legacy, as was that peace agreement between egypt and israel. but if you look to the current moment, you know, america is in a in one could argue a radically different position than it was during his presidency. it's very hard to map. um, but what we do know is that there is a deep struggle amongst those who wish to shape
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america's foreign policy going forward, and carter's legacy, which is to say, you know, values must come first, that we must be a moral force for good, not with military force, but with the power of our diplomacy, our statecraft, our economic statecraft, um, that we must support democratic leaders, those those values, i think, are very much, as you've intimated, very much at risk in the current moment. um, and i think it's one that would have and did trouble him and would would have troubled him had he had he been alive to, to watch. >> okay. leslie, appreciate your time with us today. thank you so much. thank you. now across the u.s., flags are flying at half staff, including at the white house and the u.s. capitol to honor former president jimmy carter. president biden's proclamation for an official day of mourning will require all flags on u.s. federal buildings to be flown at half staff for 30 days. georgia governor brian kemp also ordered flags lowered at
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all state buildings and grounds to honor carter, a georgia native. now in new york, the empire state building was lit up in red, white and blue on sunday to honor his life and legacy. carter was the only former u.s. president to reach 100 years old. to put things into perspective, the empire state building opened on may the 1st, 1931, just five months before jimmy carter's seventh birthday. now only served one term, but jimmy carter left behind a legacy that endures to this day. a look back at how he changed the history in the middle east and beyond. next on cnn. >> ocd is more than what you see on tv and in the movies. it comes with unrelenting, intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better with specialized treatment. go to
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president jimmy carter wasn't afraid to take it on, inviting two of the world's fiercest enemies to the white house retreat at camp david in 1978. jimmy carter had been derided for his administration's foreign policy failures, partly because he's considered to have lost a u.s. friendly iran to the ayatollahs. but the camp david accords were his geopolitical triumph. he managed to strike a deal between israel's menachem begin and egypt's anwar sadat. but this moment really got started a year earlier, when the cameras flashed and rolled to capture sadat's journey into enemy territory. >> there has never in all these years been anything as striking and dramatic as this. >> indeed, sadat had made a massive gamble that coming in peace to jerusalem, becoming
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the first arab leader to visit israel and speak directly to its people would pay off. >> i said. >> but the two middle east leaders failed to reach a deal on their own. enter the american president, jimmy carter recognized a rare opportunity to act as the indispensable mediator. >> almost never in our history has a president devoted so much time on a single problem. >> he had studied the characters and histories of the two leaders who deeply mistrusted each other. he wrote sadat and begin personal letters inviting them to camp david. and when they arrived on american soil, it was high stakes for all three men involved. >> failure here would just increase the impression that mr. carter is a nice man, but an inept president. this meeting is truly historic, and the people who will participate know it. >> 13 days of intense negotiations. crucially, behind
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closed doors, no leaks, no social media, no media at all. >> the israeli delegation is totally zipped up. even less is coming out of it than is coming out of the egyptian delegation at camp david. >> carter and his team shuttled back and forth between the two men and their teams, often negotiating late into the night. carter's national security adviser, the late zbigniew brzezinski, described what looked like mission impossible sadat to sign a peace treaty with bacon, had to break ranks with the entire arab world. >> he had to face isolation, begin to agree with sadat, had to give up territory for the first time, and to give up settlements. >> when direct talks between sadat and begin became too heated. carter kept them apart and quashed any attempt to call off the negotiations. after two weeks of complications, drama and false starts, the men finally returned to washington to deliver the good news they
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had reached a deal just look at two weeks ago what the situation was. >> peace process all but dead. >> an achievement none thought possible. >> it appears that the president won. and he won big. >> decades after camp david, i sat down with president carter and asked him how in the world he had done it. there you were. you brought peace with menachem begin and anwar sadat. it all seemed so much easier then, was it? or is that just what we think now, all these years later? >> i think it was much more difficult because i was negotiating between two men whose nations had been at war four times in just 25 years. >> the magnitude of that accomplishment lives on in the image of that three way handshake, the israeli prime minister, menachem begin, summed it up like this the camp david conference should be renamed. >> it was the jimmy carter conference.
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>> the final result israel would return the sinai peninsula to egypt, a piece of land. the two had fought wars over. egypt would finally recognize israel's right to exist and give israel access to the crucial suez canal shipping lanes. both leaders declared no more fighting. all three men would eventually be awarded the nobel peace prize. but one thing wouldn't change. arabs called sadat a traitor. three years later, he was assassinated by muslim extremists in his own country. still, many years later, president carter told me that he was proud of this first peace deal between arabs and israelis. >> the peace treaty that was negotiated between israel and egypt over extremely difficult circumstances was beneficial to both sides, and not a single word of the treaty has been
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violated. it was much more difficult than the altercation between the israelis and the palestinians is today. >> and that conflict, the one between palestinians and israelis, still rages on to this day. but it doesn't alter the fact that there was a shining moment when jimmy carter engaged the full and indispensable role of the united states and changed one corner of the middle east forever. christiane amanpour, cnn, london. >> for more, let's bring in paula hancocks from jerusalem. i mean, obviously, the middle east is always going to be a complicated patchwork of politics. but, you know, that legacy exists, doesn't it, of this peace deal between israel and egypt. and that's been. profound. >> absolutely, max. and it's it's a peace treaty that that is enduring as well. it it stands to this day, despite the tensions in the region at the
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moment, it is a peace treaty that also laid the groundwork for for further treaties being the first between an arab leader, an arab nation, and israel. now you can see from the responses from the current presidents of both egypt and israel just how significant what president carter did was and and that enduring peace, for example, isaac herzog, the the israeli president, in his statement offering his condolences, he spoke of president carter as being a brave leader, saying, quote, in recent years, i had the pleasure of calling him and thanking him for his historic efforts to bring together two great leaders, begin and sadat, and forging a peace between israel and egypt. he went on to say his legacy will be defined by his deep commitment to forging peace between nations. also, a statement offering condolences from egypt's current president, abdel fattah al-sisi, saying,
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quote, president carter was a symbol of humanitarian and diplomatic efforts. his deep belief in peace and justice has inspired many individuals and institutions around the world to follow his path. his efforts in preserving the peace agreement between egypt and israel will remain etched in history. so undoubtedly, one of the most significant foreign policy achievements of president carter. we did hear in later years, though, his his disappointment that he was unable to go further than that, that he wanted two parts to this agreement. firstly, he wanted there to be peace between egypt and israel, but he also wanted to to further negotiations towards palestinian autonomy. he wanted negotiations to be forwarded for for palestinian statehood, for the two state solution. and that is something that eluded him during his presidency. it is something that has eluded
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all leaders up until the current day as well. we also saw that once president carter left office, he then in the years later became more critical of israel. it is something he was obviously able to to vocalize more freely once he was no longer president. but he did write a book in 2006 called palestine peace not apartheid, a very provocative title which he acknowledged was provocative. he said he wanted to open the conversation, to start the conversation, and in the book said that that the u.s. needed to be more unbiased when it was looking at the treatment of of palestinians by israeli leaders in the the occupied territories, and obviously using the word apartheid, a very provocative word referring back to south korea and south africa's former
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repressive system of apartheid. and it did create a backlash among israel's allies. but he was unrepentant. he said it was important to have these difficult conversations. max. >> paula, thank you. president carter also making a huge impact in asia. we'll take a look at how jimmy carter is being remembered there. just ahead. >> welcome to times square. that's none of my life. >> new year's eve live with anderson and andy tomorrow at eight on cnn and streaming. >> does the pain in your arm keep you up at night? does the arm tingle hurt in the car or at the computer? hi, i'm doctor bruce vanek, but you can call me doctor bruce. i'm an orthopedic spine surgeon with two decades of experience, and i've dedicated my life to helping patients find relief. surgery is always a last resort, and that's why i
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framework for the 1979 peace treaty between egypt and israel. after his presidency, he and his wife founded the carter center. its mission is to advance human rights and alleviate human suffering. carter was honored with the first united nations human rights prize in 1998, and the nobel peace prize in 2002. he didn't shy away from controversy. starting in 2008, carter met with senior hamas officials, and in 2012, the former president wrote in a new york times opinion piece that the u.s. was no longer a champion of human rights in light of drone strikes and recent legislative action. you consider jimmy carter's greatest accomplishments. the camp david accords are likely to top that list. but as will ripley now explains, that's not necessarily how carter himself saw things. >> a smile and a handshake between two very different men who saw a common future. u.s. president jimmy carter and china's communist leader deng
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xiaoping both knew the fate of the world would one day hinge on relations between the u.s. and china. it was 1979. washington established diplomatic ties with communist beijing for a president who got a deal done between egypt and israel and struck a nuclear accord with the soviet union. carter believed ending hostility with beijing was among his greatest achievements. >> what are you most proud of? >> i helped promote peace between other countries that were potentially at war. i reached out to long term adversaries like china. >> his decision came at a cost. the u.s. no longer officially recognizes taiwan. u.s. troops pulled out the island democracy of 24 million people. now facing the growing threat of a possible chinese attack. >> from taiwan's perspective, that meant that it officially became a unrecognized state. and that really is what put taiwan in this very compromised position. internationally, the
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u.s. maintains unofficial ties with taiwan, regularly selling weapons to its military. >> china experiencing huge economic growth due in large part to its relationship with the u.s. now, china is the world's second largest economy, but prosperity did not trigger political reform. chinese leader xi jinping could potentially stay in power for life with a military more powerful than ever. bilateral relations dropping to the lowest level in years. carter always maintained people to people. ties will prevail. >> the best thing to do is to try to find some accommodation with china and to respect each other, and to try to find ways to cooperate rather than to confront one another with the differences that do exist. >> he made several trips to china after leaving office, warmly welcomed by top leaders. the 39th president of the united states, proud of his legacy, normalizing ties with china, now seen by many as the
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most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century. will ripley, cnn taiwan. >> cnn correspondent mark stewart is following breaking news for us from beijing. i know you've had a statement from the government there. can we interpret anything from them about how they look back at, you know, president carter's legacy and what the current administration are doing? >> indeed, max, the chinese government today released a statement. it came after a question from a reporter during a daily press briefing. but it does give a lot of credit to this idea that the carter administration created this framework, this structure for these diplomatic talks to take place. if we look back over the biden administration, for example, we have seen some very significant lows. and now in more recent years, things have been built back up to much more of a solid diplomatic relationship. in fact, today, a
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chinese spokesperson really did single out the president as a key promoter and decision maker in this diplomatic relation between these two very different nations. let's listen to some of the remarks today from spokeswoman morning. >> former president carter was a driving force and decision maker behind the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and the u.s., and had long made important contributions to the development of china-u.s. relations and the friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, which we highly value. >> it was just after 5:00 this morning here in china that we learned of president carter's passing. it has been a trending topic on social media, including the social media platform weibo. i want to share with you some of the responses that we have been tracking throughout the day since his death. among the responses, someone said, good old carter, a u.s. president who truly
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deserves the nobel peace prize among all the living former u.s. presidents, he is relatively friendly to china, was another response. someone also noting this is the last foreigner to appear in history textbooks. as we talked about earlier, the relationship between the u.s. and china has also been complicated by this new position that the united states, at least since the 1970s, took toward taiwan. at this point, no response that we have seen officially from the government in taipei. also interesting to point out that the relatively new japanese prime minister. he also issued a statement today. really lauding the former president for his work as a diplomat, not only during his time in the white house, but also in his post-presidency era. as we just saw, max, the former president, spent a lot of time in china. once he left the white house. >> okay, mark stuart, thank you so much for that update. coming
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up, a desperate relatives of the victims of sunday's horrific plane crash gather at an airport for any information on their loved ones in south korea. >> i want to be the greatest player that i could possibly become. >> audi. audi. >> ocd is more than what you see on tv and in the movies. it comes with unrelenting, intrusive images, thoughts and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better with specialized treatment. go to to learn more. >> every parent knows when it's time to go into. protect mode. kill 99.9% of bacteria when you add lysol laundry sanitizer to your laundry routine. >> do you have a life insurance
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>> that's right. max. and i mean, the emotions are running high here, even though the sun has set. it is after it is nightfall now. and, you know, max, it is harrowing to be this close only a few meters away from the wreckage. and we're going to show you the tableau and zoom in to different parts of what we're seeing. first and foremost, the nexus point of this disaster zone is certainly the tail, the section where the two survivors were rescued. both of them are in seoul hospitals right now, and they're certainly part of the key to determining what exactly happened. now, we've been here for hours, max, and i can tell you there are still scores of people here, but there are hundreds max, hundreds of members of the military, people in forensic white coats analyzing parts of the debris, searching for human remains for the myriad family members that are just about a kilometer away from where we're standing, huddled together, hushed,
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silent prayers emanating from the corridors of this airport to pray for answers. and certainly finding remnants and remains of their family members. we also want to point out, just to the left of our frame of view, you can see the yellow crane towering well. the tail is about 15m tall, so 20 or so meters tall right there. it's been working more than 24 hours so far. there's still no time frame on when exactly this wreckage is going to be moved. the airport is closed until wednesday, and you can see charlie miller, our photojournalist, behind the camera. let's try to tilt down again to the wreckage that's just beyond the yellow caution tape. max, it's so arresting to see pieces of the plane. and i wish it were still daytime, because what we were able to see a couple of hours ago, besides what you're looking at right now, recognizable pieces
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of the plane in terms of tray tables, max seats that are now mangled metal, those magazines that you see in terms of, you know, things that you can buy, skymall type magazines, safety instructional cards. and what really got me was seeing the yellow safety vest inflated. but meters and meters away, thrown like a football field distance away from that tail section. so still so much going on here in terms of figuring out what happened. as you mentioned, confirmed that the pilot called out a distress call saying that there was a bird strike, but unclear max, at this hour, how a bird strike might have led to the cascading chain of events of the landing gear not deploying and leading to this catastrophe. max. >> okay, mike, really appreciate that. thank you for bringing us that scene from such a horrific situation. now for many, president jimmy carter is best known for the humanitarian work he performed
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georgia and a u.s. navy lieutenant. before going into politics. he served one term as georgia governor before serving as u.s. president from 77 to 1981. now, georgia is mourning and honoring its famous son. cnn's rafael romo has more from the carter center in atlanta. >> georgia governor brian kemp has already ordered that flags around the state be flown at half staff to honor the memory of jimmy carter. we have also heard from political leaders across the state praising the 39th president of the united states. and here at the carter center, where we are, we have seen how many people, regular people, have come here to bring bouquets of flowers. they've also brought candles that they have lit right there behind me at the sign. and we also saw a gentleman that brought a jar of peanuts to honor the memory of the peanut farmer who became the 39th president of the united states. and this
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institution behind me, the carter center, is very significant because after leaving the white house, he came back to georgia and was able through this place to keep on working on some of the causes that were near and dear to his heart, including promoting democracy, fighting disease, and seeking international peace causes that he took and worked on all over the world. i was able to have a conversation with craig withers earlier. he is the vice president for operations here at the carter center, and when i asked him to describe how he is going to remember the 39th president of the united states, he said a couple of things. number one, he said he lived a life well lived. and the second thing he said is that jimmy carter was a person who stuck to his principles, a very principled individual who always adhered to those
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principles. we are also hearing from the senators, both senators here in georgia, jon ossoff, said, for example, that among his lifetime of service in countless accomplishments, president carter will be remembered for his commitment to democracy and human rights, his enduring faith, his philanthropic leadership, and his deep love of family. we also heard from senator raphael warnock, who called carter one of his heroes. his leadership was driven by love. his life's project grounded in compassion and a commitment to human dignity. and, of course, president carter was admired and respected around the world. but nothing really compares to the love and pride many people here in georgia felt for the 39th president of the united states. rafael romo cnn atlanta. >> now, some of president jimmy carter's most visible and enduring work happened whilst volunteering with the group habitat for humanity. the international nonprofit
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provides affordable housing for families in need. president carter and his wife spent some four decades volunteering with that group. they led thousands of volunteers in the annual jimmy and rosalynn carter work project and habitat for humanity says it joins the world in mourning. the organization's ceo described president carter's outsized impact. >> if you say habitat for humanity in word association, the first thing most people would say is jimmy carter. so they were so connected. and i think their personal example and the way they loved so much, the work and the connections to the families who are purchasing the homes, inspired so many. and then the sustained commitment was so extraordinary. so, you know, in 1984, habitat was a tiny organization. and when president and mrs. carter rode that bus up to new york city and slept in a church basement to rehab a tenement building on the lower east side of manhattan, that's when the world found out about habitat. and that started a 35 year run
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of every year, going somewhere in the world to build homes alongside families in need. president carter told me frequently that working with habitat for humanity was the best way he knew to put his christian faith into action in a very tangible and practical way. >> thanks for joining me here on cnn newsroom. i'm max foster in london. our breaking news coverage of the death of former u.s. president jimmy carter continues now after the break. >> you only come across an artist like luther vandross once in a lifetime. >> luther. never too much new year's day at eight on c, we went with the website because nuts and dried fruit and pretzels and trail mix and
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