tv CNN This Morning CNN January 23, 2025 2:00am-3:00am PST
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course, as you know, from your experience of being out here, the wind can change and move embers very quickly and sparks start spot fires. these firefighters are lined up along this road that we have been positioned on, making sure that all of the area that is near us is going to be safe. but of course, the glow of the flames from this vantage point is very ominous. luckily, temperatures are dropping and wind speeds are also dropping. and so we heard from the fire chief earlier in the press conference. they're going to try and take advantage of all of this this evening, while also letting these firefighters who've been working so hard all day today get some rest. so they're going to be kind of juggling all of that to make sure that this doesn't extend too far into tomorrow. and then, of course, these flames do not move into castaic the city proper, where so many residences are and structures are currently threatened. >> anderson more than 4000 firefighters responding to this
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extraordinary veronica miracle. thank you. the news continues right here on cnn. >> it's thursday, january 23rd, right now on cnn this morning. >> they were treated like the worst criminals. >> in history. >> they knew the election was rigged and they were protesting the vote. >> standing firm. the president still defending his january 6th pardons as one, just released. far right leader returns to the capitol. >> plus so that's a. >> game they want to play. >> game on. >> immigration showdown. the president's team rolls out their border blueprint, setting up court battles across the country and. >> the fire remains a. difficult fire to contain. >> another scorching fire turning the golden state skies red again. all right. it is 5 a.m. here on
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the east coast. beautiful live. look at the u.s. capitol dome on this thursday. good morning everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. donald trump standing behind his sweeping pardons and commutations for january 6th. rioters. those pardons, issued just hours after the president reentered the white house. and they included hundreds of people convicted for felonies for violence against police officers that day. in an interview on fox news, the president calls the whole thing a hoax. >> you had 1500 people that suffered. that's a lot of people. this was a political hoax. and you know what? those people and i'm not saying in every single case, but there was a lot of patriotism with those people, a lot of patriots. >> now with those newly signed pardon commutations, some of those set free. going back to capitol hill, among them oath keepers leader stewart rhodes, the leader of the far right
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militia group who was found guilty of seditious conspiracy for his actions that day and sentenced to 18 years in prison. now he's meeting with lawmakers in the building. he was found guilty of helping attack and repeating conspiracies about the 2020 election being stolen. >> so bottom line, no regrets. well. >> i don't regret standing up for my country. i don't regret calling out the election as what it was which was stolen, illegal and unconstitutional. it violated many, many state election laws. >> with hundreds of people now walking out of jails and prisons, the police officers who were attacked and who testified at their trials are seeing their own lives upended. >> please be advised that the offender is scheduled to be released on january 21st, 2025. >> that's a voicemail that was left for the man that you see in this video here. former u.s. capitol
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police sergeant staff sergeant aquilino gonell, who was attacked by rioters on january 6th while defending the capitol. that automated message was informing him that the man he testified against at trial, who was sentenced to six years in prison, was being set free, and he has received more than that. he posted this image on social media saying that each call and email that you see was a notification for a different person getting released. now, gonell and more than 140 officers injured during the attack are reliving that day. >> i was beaten, crushed. >> kicked, punched. surrounded someone reached underneath my visor, tried to gouge out my eye. >> and all these. >> people were just pardoned. by donald trump. >> who says that. >> they were the real victims, that they were the patriots. >> all right. joining us now to talk about this is catherine
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lucey, white house reporter for the wall street journal. catherine, good morning. good morning. he goes on to say there that he just doesn't understand what has happened here. that's daniel hodges. officer hodges was the one that the video has become well known. he was. he was jammed inside a capitol, a door. this clearly for those officers, a very difficult moment in time. and of course, president trump still trying to explain this because there was a point where the trump team, when it was still the transition, was looking at making a distinction between violent offenders, people who assaulted police officers on that day and others who ended up doing time or being convicted or pleading guilty to, you know, entering the capitol and yet not doing anything violent. what is the like the long term impact of all of this? >> yeah, and that's right. there were certainly people in his orbit. >> saying, maybe we shouldn't. >> do. everybody should. >> vice president was out on tv very. >> publicly saying this. yes.
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this wasn't a private conversation. and you saw on that on. inauguration day, the outgoing and incoming president both taking different actions. related to. january 6th, with the former president biden issuing pardons for folks associated with the committee that investigated it. i mean. >> this. >> really is. >> going to have long term impact, i think. both on how. >> pardons are looked. >> at it really politicizes the. >> use of. >> presidential pardons and that power. >> there's officer hodges right there in that door continuing. >> but also. >> but also yeah, the these. >> sort of now dueling. >> interpretations of what happened on that day. you had the president in his interview last night claiming these were all sort. >> of minor. >> offenses. and so that i think that is going to reverberate. >> as we go forward. >> um, let's, uh, hear a little bit more from stewart rhodes, whose sentence was commuted. and he again, was up
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on capitol hill yesterday. again, he was convicted in the context of helping to plan a lot of this. let's watch a little bit more of what rhoades had to say we were railroaded for political purposes because of who we were, because of our identity, because we're oath keepers. >> that's why we were prosecuted for seditious conspiracy. we didn't hatch a plan. there was no plot to invade the capitol, and we didn't bring any weapons. it's just it's just all kabuki theater to justify trying to prevent president trump from being able to run again under the 14th amendment, trying to disqualify him or put him in prison. either one of those things worked. >> so, catherine, in contrast, that this is, again, somebody who got out of prison with. i want to show you what congressman jason crow had to say, also because he met with some of those officers. crow, of course, was in the house chamber, uh, was one of the members of the house that had to be kind of, you know, escorted out to safety because these rioters were threatening to breach the doors. let's watch what congressman crow said. hey, i just. spent a time
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this afternoon with several of those officers who broke down in tears to me, trying to grapple with what this meant to them and their families. as these people walked free after doing what they did. every american should be astonished that donald trump would do this. and of course, for these officers, there's now the question, why is the justice department sending all those messages to aquilino gonell? it's because there are questions about whether they may face threats or recrimination from people because they testified against them at trial. >> that's right. >> i mean, and there's so much emotion around this, and all of these people are in the physical place where it happened, right? i mean, we saw this at the inauguration. at the inauguration, everyone is right there. um, mike pence, for example, all these people coming in and the experience of january 6th obviously was not a partisan one. this happened. everybody. and i think there's a lot of people grappling with what this means for them right now, which is hard. >> all right. catherine lucey, thanks very much for joining us this morning. i appreciate your reporting. all right. straight ahead here on cnn this morning
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burning again. thousands ordered to evacuate their homes as a new fast spreading wildfire erupts in los angeles. plus, how the trump administration rapidly moving to seal the southern border. and the president's anti dea orders gaining traction but facing resistance. >> we believe the dea is. >> just an unnecessary. >> layer of bureaucracy. >> a lot. >> of the decisions, including. >> this one that donald trump. did on on. >> day one. >> don't do. >> anything to address real issues that americans are facing. >> welcome back. >> have i got news for you returns february 15th on cnn. >> most men over. >> 40 look into. >> the mirror. >> and see. this when they could be seeing this most men. over 40 look into the mirror and. see. this when they could be seeing this. most men. over
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in the l.a. neighborhood of sherman oaks because of a new fire there. people were seen leaving overnight as firefighters scrambled to try to put out those flames. crews had already been battling the huge fire, which started yesterday. as of this morning, that fire is about 14% contained. you can see the smoke from that fire in this video from inside the cockpit of a california air national guard plane. some people trying to save their homes from the flames. >> everybody is watering their roofs. we are doing this house and the house next to us. we're hoping for the best. it's getting worse. it gets better, it gets worse. it gets better, it gets worse. but we have no expectations. >> joining us now is ariel cohen, meteorologist in charge of the national weather service station in los angeles. ariel, thanks for being back on the show this morning i appreciate it. can you give us the latest on where this fire is, what the status is? is it getting worse? getting better at what the fight looks like? >> yes. >> we have two.
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>> wildfires right now in los angeles county. >> that continue. >> to grow at. >> this. >> point. there's definitely been a lot of work done also to slow their growth. and we're seeing that one is in northwest los angeles county. that's the hughes fire. and that developed explosively during the daytime hours on wednesday. early this thursday morning. the environment remains highly conducive for these fires to continue to spread. and any new fires to develop and and grow very significantly. if there were to be ignitions. the sepulveda fire also had expanded across portions of the eastern santa monica's, including the 405, threatening some areas that are very highly populated. and so overall, we're remain at a very high state of readiness when it comes to the fact that we're still dealing with this prolonged extreme fire weather event across southern california. >> can you give us an idea, you
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know, for for people who don't live in the los angeles area but may be familiar with some of the many landmarks that do exist, this fire, i understand, is close to some of them. i mean, what areas might people recognize that are under threat right now? >> exactly. the area around the getty museum is definitely an area where evacuation warnings have been issued. earlier, and everyone needs to be paying attention to the potential for evacuation warnings or orders. the evacuation order is issued for your area. you know you have to take that seriously. leave now. you don't want to wait at all seconds. make the difference between life and death. you know, this particular fire is not too far away from ucla, not too far away from beverly hills area, although it is more located over the eastern extent of the santa monica mountains and southwest l.a. county. farther to the north, the
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hughes fire is located far from the main population center of los angeles. however, communities around castaic and castaic lake are certainly being impacted by all of the smoke, as well as the fire spreading around the perimeter of castaic lake. and so, you know, as we head through the remainder of the overnight hours, the pre-dawn hours of thursday, we're dealing with a continued red flag, conditions, highly critical conditions. everyone has to stay at a high state of readiness, not only for these fires, but any other fires that if they were to form, could grow rapidly, grow explosively, and everyone needs to know where to go and have that go kit and have multiple ways to receive emergency information from emergency management officials and law enforcement. because again, those seconds make the difference between life and death when it comes to these evacuation orders. >> absolutely. and ariel, the winds at what is the forecast in terms of how long those winds may continue to last, or will there be a reprieve here
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in the coming days? >> you know, unfortunately, we're looking at the strong winds to continue on and off, especially over the higher elevations as we head through the daytime on thursday into thursday night and even friday morning. red flag warnings remain in effect into friday. highest winds will be over the over the mountains, although foothills locations could also experience gusty winds again over the mountains. gusts upwards of 60 to 65mph already occurring, and will continue at times all the way through friday morning. and so this environment continues to contain a volatile combination of ingredients, creating a very, very favorable setup for fires to grow rapidly. everyone needs to be prepared, be thinking about what could happen if you were to be threatened by these fires and evacuation orders come as we head into this weekend. a very dramatic change in the weather is expected as a storm system
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with a lot of cold air comes into the region. it will bring beneficial rains into many areas. we're talking about amounts upwards of a half to an inch in many spots of los angeles, ventura counties. locally, higher amounts over the mountains, especially coast facing slopes of those mountains. however, one thing to note is that if we were to get any thunderstorm cells or heavier rain cells set up, and if they go over some of the areas that were recently burned, that will be susceptible to debris flows, rockslides, mudslides and other flooding. talking about a very low chance, but one that's not zero, and we may not be particularly confident in those higher end impacts until right before they occur. so if you have susceptibility, especially near these recently burned areas, palisades fire eaton fire, hughes fire and any other burn areas, be already thinking about what you would do if you were to experience a debris flow, because we could be looking at the low chance for that occurring this weekend.
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beyond that, things will be drying out next week, although we don't see any significant santa ana wind events on the horizon beyond the end of this week. >> all right, ariel cohen for us this morning, sir. very grateful to have you on the show. thanks very much for being here. >> thank you for having me. and stay safe. >> you as well. all right. coming up here on cnn this morning, the snowfall has stopped across the south, but the danger still remains on the roads. plus, what president trump says about tiktok and china possibly having access to your personal data. >> i'm jeremy diamond along the israel-gaza border. >> and this is. >> cnn lumify. >> it's kind. >> of amazing. >> wow. >> lumify eye drops dramatically reduce redness. >> in one minute. >> and look at the difference. >> my eyes look brighter and whiter. >> for up to eight hours. >> lumify really works. >> see for yourself. lumify. >> dan made progress with his
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nine on hgtv. >> all right, 24 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup today on capitol hill, a key procedural vote to advance the nomination of pete hegseth as secretary of defense. the former fox news host, facing new allegations about his drinking. hegseth ex-wife reportedly giving a new statement to the fbi claiming that he, quote, drinks more often than he doesn't. hegseth was grilled on his drinking and allegations of sexual assault during his confirmation hearing last week. hegseth denies any wrongdoing. president donald trump, brushing off concerns about tiktok and whether china has access to americans personal information. he was asked about it on fox news. >> is it that important for china to be to be spying on young people, on young kids, watching crazy videos? >> the president signed an executive order delaying a federal ban on the app. he has said he's open to elon musk or larry ellison buying tiktok. the cold weather remains after this week's historic winter storm. that left at least 11 people dead. some snow and ice
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is melting away, but that's causing dangerous conditions on roads as it refreezes overnight. >> super dark and the roads were very slippery and so we decided. >> to. >> pull off here at. >> the first exit that we saw. >> more roads and highways are expected to open today. all right. coming up on cnn this morning, dismantling die how believers in diversity, equity and inclusion plan to fight back against the trump administration. plus, major american cities bracing for an imminent immigration crackdown. >> more agents in the communities. more people arrested. more collaterals arrested. >> this will be another moral stain on our country. >> superman. >> the christopher reeve story. february 2nd on cnn. >> when caroline has a cough, she. >> takes robitussin so. >> she can have those one on ones again. >> jim, can we. talk about casual. >> fridays? >> oh, sure. >> what's up? get fast.
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duty u.s. troops to the southern border. white house press secretary karoline leavitt confirmed the move, talking with reporters yesterday, saying the administration is looking to make homeland security a core mission of the department of defense. >> this is something president trump. >> campaigned on. the american people have been waiting for such a time as this, for our department of defense to actually take homeland security seriously. this is a number one priority of the american people, and the president is already delivering. but can you confirm. >> president trump was asked about his plans for immigration policy in his first oval office interview with fox news yesterday? >> this was a gross miscarriage of common sense to allow people to come in, and i believe the number is 21 million people and a large percentage of them are criminals all over the world. this is not just south america. the countries that you don't even think of. the congo has emptied their prisons out into the united states. >> cnn's senior reporter daniel dale
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fact checked some of those statements. according to his reporting, experts on both the democratic republic of the congo and the neighboring republic of congo have told cnn there's no evidence for claims that they have emptied their prisons in the u.s. as for the number of migrants who've entered the u.s. during the biden administration through december, there had been 11 million encounters with migrants during the biden administration. joining us now, the hills national political reporter julia manchester. julia, good morning to you. morning. so they are, in fact, moving very quickly. and they are involving u.s. troops from the department of defense. you heard the press secretary there talking about it. what has the reaction been to this on capitol hill from both sides of the aisle? well, it's interesting. >> yesterday we saw the laken riley act pass through the house. it will go to president trump's desk. obviously a different, you know, a slightly different immigration topic. but i think you're going to see, obviously, republicans rally around rallying around the president on this, supporting this. but democrats are, you know, very much have
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been forced to take a very, i guess, walk a fine line on this issue of immigration. there were 12 democrats in the senate that voted for the laken riley act, 46 in the house that voted for it. so you're starting to see republicans split them. and i think you'll see democrats in the house and the senate sort of make their own political calculations on how to handle this issue of immigration and the situation at the border. i am curious to see what the reaction in the states is, because i think, you know, obviously, we talk about democrats in washington within the beltway. it's obviously very important. but i think the democrats and the states, those attorneys generals who are, you know, pushing back on birthright citizenship, they're really the front line of resistance against trump on this issue. >> yeah. well, and, julia, we can look at some of these numbers. there's this poll here that shows 83% of americans favor deporting undocumented immigrants with a violent criminal conviction. this is an ap poll. and americans actually do favor even deporting legal immigrants with a violent
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criminal conviction. 69% of americans favor that. i mean, these numbers help explain part of why those votes are happening that way. >> absolutely. and i think it shows where obviously americans are. democrats see that going forward. but you still have a number of democrats, including progressives, pushing back on legislation like the laken riley act, saying that this doesn't do anything to lower crime. it doesn't address the immigrant, the broken. what they say is the broken immigration system. so there clearly is a divide in the party. but republicans, i think, have successfully been able to split democrats on this. and democrats are sort of having to go their own way individually in confronting this issue. >> let's talk a little bit about sanctuary cities, places where you've seen local, state and local leaders say we don't necessarily want to go along with some of the enforcement actions that the trump, you know, border ice is planning on, on doing. let's look at at tom homan, who is, of course, the border czar
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talking about sanctuary cities. watch. >> so sanctuary city is going to get exactly. >> what they. >> don't want more agents in the communities, more people arrested, more collateral is arrested. so that's a game they want to play. game on. >> and president trump also spoke about this on fox news with sean hannity. let's watch that to. >> would you will you get rid of him? we're trying to end him. and a lot of the people in those communities don't want them. you know, california is a big example. >> cut off. >> their money. i might have to do that sometimes. that's the only thing you can do. >> so he's saying they're trying to get rid of sanctuary cities entirely. is the trump administration planning to try to take on these local officials in some way? and what's the reaction been to that? >> i think we're going to see a big legal fight between city states and the federal government on this. i mean, i think president trump is certainly telegraphing that that could be possible going forward, particularly obviously, in a number of these blue states. but, you know, we'll have to see how that plays out in the courts. i think you're still going to see resistance in a number of
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these cities and a number of these states, which happen to be democratic. so there's going to be a fight ahead. >> julia, can we talk a little bit about the border piece of of the legislation that's, you know, the trump agenda that's moving through congress and either 1 or 2 big pieces? we're not 100% sure yet, but obviously the president can do a lot with his phone and his pen. but there are some things that only congress can do, and it's going to take money to implement. a lot of the things that donald trump wants to do. what's the status of those negotiations kind of behind the scenes? i mean, what what do you think is going to end up like what's on track right now to be in a border package and what's not? >> yeah. look, i mean, we know that president trump has met with congressional leaders, you know, this week, have talked about that. i think republicans, for the most part, are united on this. i mean, i think it depends, really, what's tied to specific pieces of legislation going forward. >> all right. julia manchester for us this morning. julia, thanks so much for being here i appreciate it. all right. coming up on cnn this morning, two struggling nfl teams introducing new head coaches. can they end the misery for
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jets and bears fans. plus, the national urban league calling an emergency session to try to save die. that group's president, marc morial, is going to join us next. >> welcome back. >> have i got news for you returns february 15th on cnn. >> speak now. or forever. >> hold your. >> only took. >> for our cough. >> liquid. >> unlike robitussin dm. >> delsym liquid offers. >> 12 hours of cough relief all day or night. delsym cough. crisis averted. >> my grandfather's run. maya the. >> hatter for over 75. >> years now. >> he's got so many life experiences that he can share. finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded was special. to share with my grandfather. you don't get that moment every day. >> save up to 80% at the jewelry exchange. quarter carat studs 69. huggies 149. tennis bracelets 5.99 per carat, two
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leave. cnn's rene marsh looks at the potential impact of this move. >> our country is going to be based on merit again. >> all employees. >> of diversity, equity and inclusion or. >> dei offices. >> at. >> federal agencies have. >> been put on administrative leave. >> the trump administration. >> also cutting. >> dei initiatives, training offices. >> and taking. >> down social media and websites focused. >> on dei. >> and the. >> changes are coming quickly. >> this was the treasury department's. >> website on its commitment. >> to die. >> before trump. >> was sworn in. here it is now, the same at the labor department. >> the administration. >> also set an end of the month deadline for a plan to execute. >> a. >> reduction in force for these employees. in layman's terms, a plan for firings. >> how many federal workers. >> are we. >> talking about here that could be. impacted by this? >> we have no idea. and one of the things that we hope to to learn this week is exactly how many employees are working in dei. >> republican chairman. of the.
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>> house oversight. >> committee. >> james comer is an ally on trump's mission to eliminate dei. he says he'll work to pass laws in congress that make trump's executive orders permanent. >> it amounts. >> to hundreds. >> and hundreds. >> of millions. >> of dollars, if not billions of dollars in added payroll. >> the impact will go beyond government cutting, equity related grants and contracts and ending dei requirements for government contractors, all coming within the next 60 days. >> people are taking to tears because. they don't know what to expect. >> you know, it's. >> a smoke screen to really just fire a whole bunch of civil servants. >> trump's order could also impact government initiatives at agencies like health and human services that use dei funds to increase the diversity of patients in cancer. clinical trials, vaccine equity in rural communities and research that promotes maternal health equity. >> we are. >> going to abolish these dei agencies, and we feel
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it's a duplicative service. repetitive service. it's already illegal to discriminate. >> if the protections aren't there. doesn't it make it easier to violate a law? >> i think the protections. >> are. >> there. >> right now, agencies are not required to track dei expenditures, so it's unclear how much the government has spent overall. cnn analyzed the proposed budgets of 20 federal agencies. hhs, for example, requested $113 million in its budget for training for diversity in the health workforce and the department of defense asked for $50 million to fund dei related activities. that amount accounts for just 0.006% of the department's total budget request, according to a spokesperson. the biden administration expanded dei protections to a broader group of americans, including women, rural communities, military spouses and caregivers. what diversity, equity and inclusion programs do is open opportunities to qualified, deserving people who worked hard? it's not about
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dictating hiring decisions or filling quotas. >> all right. our thanks to rene marsh for that report. that push to eliminate everything dei from the federal workforce is not going unchallenged. the national urban league, convening an emergency session on wednesday with dei executives and community leaders. president marc morial calling for an unwavering and unified resistance. >> we stand. >> against efforts. >> by this. >> administration to. >> repeal, to. undercut or. >> to. >> undermine the. >> hard work. >> of many. >> generations of americans through what we call. >> unlawful, extraconstitutional and. >> ill advised actions. >> fighting the trump administration's anti dei actions will be an uphill climb. corporate giants like mcdonald's, walmart, ford, meta, lowe's, molsoncoors, tractor supply, harley-davidson and john deere have already modified dei initiatives. and joining us now is the president of the national urban league, marc morial.
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>> hey. good morning. >> thank you. so grateful to have you on the show. so let's talk a little bit about for you what this fight looks like, because there has been and you can see it from that graphic of all of these companies, a backlash against some of these programs. what does your fight. >> look like for many companies who've reaffirmed. >> their commitment to. >> equal opportunity? and it's. referred to in the nomenclature as diversity, equity and inclusion. it used to be called different things over the years. so i don't want people to get caught up and to understand what the essence of it is. and it's equal opportunity. now, the the administration's executive orders, i believe, are unlawful and unconstitutional, the bedrock for equal opportunity is the civil rights act of 1964. it's a magna carta of american law. all of these initiatives and programs are rooted in that. no president can change that by executive action. so in many respects, these actions are going to be challenged in court
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not once, not twice, but numerous times because of the fact that they go beyond presidential power. but here's the most important thing. i held this up yesterday. 81% of the american people, according to a harris poll, support the idea that the government and the private sector should do more to make sure their workforces, their boardrooms, look like america. so this is a fight, notwithstanding the noise, i would tell you where the american people, a cross-section of the american people, are strongly supportive of what we fundamentally believe and what we are going to work and fight for. >> do you think that there are any areas where taking the language and making it more accessible might help you convince more people that this is the right thing to do? because there has been kind of a focus on this in academic settings that certainly, you know, i've spoken with democrats on the hill, for example, who feel that perhaps changing that, making it more accessible would, would help. >> maybe if people read the
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language, maybe if they pay attention to details, maybe if they look beyond headlines, they'll see that fundamentally, what this is about is protecting equal access and equal opportunity and ensuring that people look at this set and the two of us look at this network and how it's changed over the last 40 years, ensuring that all people who have merit and are qualified have an opportunity to be interviewed for a job, for a promotion, for an opportunity. that's what this is about. i invite people to get beyond the headlines, learn the history and understand why. for an america whose population is becoming much more diverse, we cannot return to 1950s america where we strip away what this is really is stripping away all of the protections for equal opportunity. so people who are serious pay attention to the details. >> so what is step one for you, especially in terms of the federal workforce, where donald
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trump has focused this? i mean, where are you suing? what is what's your game plan? >> well, we we have not yet determined. and we'll have an announcement soon on where we as a national urban league are going to challenge this. but there are many, many others who've already filed challenges, and there will be more challenges to this. and i think there needs to be a vigorous debate in congress about this. and as we certainly go forward. but i hope people will understand that for many women, many blacks, many people of latino descent, indigenous americans, asian americans an america in 1965 did not include any of us in positions of responsibility or power. the civil rights act meant that changed that in a very positive way. to strip that away in 2025 is a betrayal of that hard work. and it's also a betrayal to the next and future generations of americans. this
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idea that dni is antithetical to merit is not only a falsehood, it's mythology. what dni says is give everyone with merit a chance. >> all right. marc morial, very grateful to have you on the show. thanks always. it's going to be an interesting four years. i hope you'll. >> come back soon. we'll be back. >> all right. time now for sports. a wild, somewhat controversial finish in the nba last night in what could be a potential championship preview between the houston rockets and the cleveland cavaliers. coy wire has this morning cnn sports update. coy. >> good morning. good morning casey. to the. >> best teams. >> in the league. >> this game had all. >> the vibes. >> of the mid 90s. all sorts. >> of physicality. >> rockets had a 13 point lead in the fourth quarter. but the cavs go on a 19 zero run to bring it within two. the rockets alperen sengun gets a layup to go with a minute to go. he also gets away with shoving cavs jared allen. no foul is called. let's go 10s left. game tied. cleveland's donovan mitchell misses the go ahead shot. this time refs did
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blow the whistle saying allen fouled sheng thao. and he makes both free throws. so the rockets take a two point lead. cavs have a chance. darius garland fouled as he's taking the three a flagrant one on tari eason. so three free throw attempts for garland. but he misses the first two of them. he does get the third to go to bring the cavs within one. but donovan mitchell's desperation three pointer is no good. rockets hold on for the win 109 108. okc superstar shai gilgeous alexander did it all against the jazz. first player in franchise history to score 50 plus with multiple steals and blocks in a game. the mvp candidate averaging 32 a game this season. well, last night he was on like, lionel richie all night. a career high 54 points, tied for third most in thunder history as okc wins 123 114. elsewhere, the jimmy butler miami heat saga took yet another turn yesterday. the team suspending their six time
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all star for two more games after he missed the team's flight to milwaukee. it's the second time in three weeks miami suspended him. he just returned from a seven game suspension over the weekend after demanding a trade. the nba's trade deadline is february 6th. nfl news now the jets hiring their new head coach. a familiar face aaron glenn. the detroit lions defensive coordinator who improved their defense each of the last three years, finishing seventh in points allowed this season, the first time head coach glenn was drafted by new york in 94. in the first round, he was a three time pro bowl player. the bears, introducing their new head coach yesterday, former lions offensive coordinator ben johnson. he orchestrated one of the league's most explosive offenses the past three years. now he's paired up with last year's number one pick, quarterback caleb williams. here's his message to his new roster. >> i do. >> have a message. >> here. >> for the players. >> get comfortable being uncomfortable look out. all
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right, casey. put down your coffee. where do you see this? halftime at the nebraska usc men's hoops game. fans steps up. needs to hit a full court putt to win a new car. mascot watching intently, getting excited. the line is good. casey and he from 94ft away. drains it. and watch the tiger woods fist pump. yes, sir. he didn't just win any new car, casey. it's a porsche. macan. and here, he's kind of maybe hitting them. like, how am i going to. this thing's an expensive car. the taxes. you see his wheels turning a bit, maybe. >> well, that's true. usually they let you take cash. in those circumstances, if you. prefer it. which, you know. >> might be a smart move. >> but if it's red, you know, they charge a lot. actually, porsche charges a lot for a red. one of those things. >> i learn something new every day. i'm off to a great start today. >> thank you. >> see you soon. all right. straight ahead here on cnn this morning, elon musk throws cold water on a big announcement from the president. why did he
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diss trump's i deal. plus the president still trying to answer for his blanket pardons of january 6th rioters. >> only 2 in 10. >> americans support. >> pardoning the rioters. two out. >> of ten. >> if you want an idea of how. unpopular that is. that's only one point better than the rotten. tomatoes score for transformers revenge of the fallen. >> super man the christopher reeve. >> story. >> february 2nd. >> at granger. we know dealing with the unexpected is part of your job description. and you made a promise to keep the line running to power through the downpour. to be the one who always gets it done. and our promise is to help you do it with professional grade supplies for every industry. plus same day pickup and next day delivery on most orders, because you can't predict the future. but with the right partner, you can be prepared for it. call click or just stop by granger for the ones who get it done. >> they are trying to shut down
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plus. >> we're concentrating. >> on the worst first. >> immigration transformation. a flurry of executive orders from the west wing today. new policies will be tested in court. and later. >> is it that important for china to be spying on young people? >> brushing aside concerns president trump downplaying the threat of tiktok after giving the app a reprieve. and this. >> it's a. >> completely different beast, a fast moving fire. a new blaze in southern california exploding in size. calmer conditions could help crews get the upper hand. all right. it is 6 a.m. here on the east coast. a live look at the washington monument on this thursday morning. still chilly here in d.c. good morning everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with
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