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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 5, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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make sure you join us every week for "your money." you can log on to, anytime, anywhere. have a great weekend, everybody. iran, turmoil, new trouble for president mahmoud ahmadinejad. top clerics might be turning against him. and who gets a ticket to the michael jackson memorial service? 1.6 million fans checking their e-mail right now. and a holiday inn in tragedy at walt disney world, a 21-year-old monorail operator is dead. hello, i'm brooke baldwin sitting in for fredricks whitfield today. you are in the cnn newsroom. begin this hour with more on the death of nfl quarterback steve mcnair. heard from nashville police a
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short time again on cnn, officially classified mcnair's death as a homicide but not ready to say whether or not it was a murder/suicide. mcnair's body was found in a downtown national condominium just yesterday along with the body of sa hay la dozen zblummy, described as a woman mcnair was dating for several months. both had died of gunshot wounds. >> while it was it is clear that steve mcnair's death is a homicide as a result of being shot four times, the police department is not yet classifying ms. dozen zblummy's death. she has a single gunshot wound to the side of the head but there is more investigation required. going to be interviewing persons throughout the day today and probably for the next several days. i expect it would be days before the classification is placed on the death. >> this avenues waitress at a local restaurant and worker says mcnair and his family were frequent customers.
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he has four young boys. steve mcnair, if you know this know he played 13 seasons for the houston oilers, tennessee titans and the baltimore ravens before retiring at the end to of the 2007 seasons, led the titans to the super bowl in 2000 and later shared the nfl mvp award with peyton manning of the indianapolis colts. the monorail train at florida's disney world normally car bride 150,000 riders each and every day but they are eye dell today after a 2 a.m. crash killed a train operator, pictures look you are looking at for an i reporter. the victim, a 21-year-old man. i spoke to the witness who shot the pitchers who wants to remain anonymous but told me that a moving ron monorail train ran into the back of a stationary train. >> we literally tried to gain access into where the driver would be, gained access into the rear part of the red one and that's the one that was park and there was nobody inside there.
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but like i said, the blue was so mangled up, we couldn't get access into that to see that trying to pry apart the doors and there was no way we could get in there. once fire rescue and the police showed up, they asked us to step back. >> one operator found dead at the scene that 21-year-old. the operator of the other train was uninsured but certainly shaken up emotionally, as you can imagine there are no reports of serious injuries to any of the passengers on board. mike griffin, disney's vice president of public affairs released this statement this morning. here it s he, "today we mourn the loss of our fellow cast member. our hearts go out to his family and to those who have lost a friend and co-worker. the safety of guests and cast members is always a top priority, so the monorail is out of service and we will continue to work closely with law enforcement to determine what happened and the appropriate next step." iran, one of the country a's most influential religious
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groups dissent. they are made up of top religious clerics and seminary students questioning the outcome and the recent presidential election recently. they released a same to that effect. it is seen as a strike against iran's supreme leader and president, ma'am mood ahmadinejad. ten minutes a ahead here, we will discuss this later development with iranian expert sanford professor. the obama administration underestimated the depth to of the recession it is said. >> the truth is there was a misreading of it is now our responsibility. so the second question becomes, did the economic package we put in place, including the recovery act, is it the right package given the circumstances we are
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in? >> the vice president went ton say he believes stimulus money will create mob more jobs but says talk of a possible second stimulus package is premature. in four hours now, president barack obama leads for russia, the highlight of a two-day summit with his russian counterpart but mr. obama will also speak to college graduates. cnn foreign affairs correspondent jill dougherty has more from moscow. >> reporter: at moscow's new economics school, when graduate students told their friends their commencement speaker was going to be barack obama, president of the united states, they didn't believe it. . many thought it was a joke. >> reporter: it is a world-class institution and hot bed of worldic thinking. >> i like barack obama.
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>> reporter: most of the people are fans of barack obama. >> i think it is impossible to solve international problems using powerful arms but instead, use powerful negotiations. >> reporter: almost all of them zeroed in on mr. obama's favorite slogan, change. >> now russia is very dynamic. it's not -- it's different now. >> vibrant? >> very vibrant. >> reporter: russia hit hard by the economic crisis. >> this crisis is like a ton of changes and economic science is changing the best time for economists to start a career. >> i think's great revolutionary president. >> reporter: you know, you have your own young president. you have president medvedev. >> concerns about our president
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generally i'm hopeful about the relationship between mr.ed me dead vef and obama. >> reporter: there is another favorite word that these students quote. >> i heard that obama is the word hope. i would like to hear from him some good news, nothing hope for, that at times, the time we are approaching right now are really that and really tough but there's something that's in our future and he is the first guy who believes -- >> reporter: a sampling of the young people president obama will be speaking to, a new generation that could be shaping russia's future. jill dougherty, cnn, moscow. u.n. officials say 16 u.n. workers have been kidnapped in eastern afghanistan.
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local police say the afghan workers received by gunmen at a mine clearing mission near pack tia. there is no lead hot gunmen might have been or their motive. a submarine picked up signals from the flight recorders of a yemeni airways jet that crashed last week. search teams hope to recover the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder in the next few days. that, they say, could contain key information as to what caused the crash. the yemeni jet went down in the indian ocean tuesday killing 152 people. there was one seoole survivor. could it will be another honor for the pop icon? we will tell how is calling for a national day of mourning. and iran's disputed election has some of the country's top religious leaders taking on the ayatollah. specially formulated to promote hairball control and healthy weight.
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iran's disputed election is drawing fire from some of the country's top religious leaders. the gam clergy seen as a backbone of the religious establishment released a statement saying the election was skewed. "how can one accept the legitimacy of the election just because the guardian council says so? can one say the government borne out of the infringement is a legitimate one?" the controversial election prompting a partial recount and
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two weeks of street protests. the director of iranian studies at stanford university joins me live right now from palo ale toe. doctor, thank you for coming on. before i get the reaction specifically from the statement here, i want you to first explain to me, a lot of people don't know who is this group of clerics and what kind of power, perhaps influence do they have on the people of iran and perhaps more importantly, the ayatollah? >> the most important seminary in sheism in iran is scholars, teachers, the most important sources of shiite theology in iran and maybe around the world. najaf is the other center that competes with them. around 1961, '62, ayatollah khomeini organized something called the committee or the assembly of teachers and scholars of jose.
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it was his creation and their job was to stand against the shah and propagate these ideas. >> stand united, powerful body of religious clerics? >> very powerful body. >> i know you are -- i want to just get to your reaction of the statement, because i know you are familiar with it, it is obviously questioning the election's legitimacy, siding with the movement and mir hossein moussavi. how is it significant and is it historic here? >> i think it is historic. we have to remember that this -- this group, there was a split within it and the -- khomeini government tried to make it part of the government and those who refused to accept it continue the opposition and that is the group that issued this and it is, i think, historic, because it comes on the heel of several other equally important announcements by other grand
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ayatollahs. these are the equivalent of cardinals in catholicism who have also doubted the veracity of this election, also considered it is sin to beat on people, inviting the revolutionary guards to cease their brutality. so when you put all of these together and when you remember that rafsanjani yesterday met with families of those arrested by this regime and suggesteded that the situation is untenable, all of this put together is, i think, creating the historic challenge to the regime and khomeini's leadership. >> they have to know how powerful it is of them speaking out, why when the election two was weeks ago, why has it taken so long to respond? >> some of them for -- responded
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earli earlier they are cautious and wait with enormous cautione eca. they waited and waited used back doors to try to get the opposition to back downment. and when this he realized they were sticking with ahmadinejad, they decided to go public but used everything they had in their power to convince the regime that the path they are on is an unten aable path. >> and perhaps this statement from this clergy group will serve as a catalyst for other voices to speak up, perhaps even lead to a nullification of the election. dr. abbas milani, director of iranian studies at stanford university, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. > investigators -- nope, sorry about that let me catch up with where we are going, missed you in my ear.
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new developments in the public memorial for michael jackson and could there be another honor for the pop icon? we will tell how is calling for a national day of mourning. iran's disputed election, as we were just discussing, has some of the country's top religious leaders taking on the ayatollah. could someone toss me an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together...
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i want to start off with a developing story in honduras. ousted president zelaya says he is returning to his country today but the military-backed government who took him out of power says his plane will not be allowed to land. our carl pen shall there for this looming showdown. he joins with us on the phone. i know he is saying they can't land and if he does, the military will arrest him? >> reporter: that is learn i the situation. they said they have been denied permission to land zelaya's plan and they will try him on charges including treason if he does try to land. we understand president zelaya is now in the air, an organization of american states meeting last night. he is now headed for honduras we understand but the flash point
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is going to be around the airport. already, thousands and thousands of his supporters are on the perimeter of the airport in tegucigalpa, the capital and in front of hundreds of riot police and also soldiers. so far, both sides have been trying to keep the peace, even the borders, for manuel zelaya himself, throwing sticks and stones, as we saw, confrontation a week ago now after the coup. so far, things are maintaining a calm. it is certainly a lot of tension here because it will only take one stick or one stone to set this thing off but the key issue is going to be what are they going to do when mr. zelaya's plane is about to land? because essentially, these supporters really have to take cell of the airport. they have to take control of the air strip if they are going to protect their president. because if not, as we are saying, the government is going
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to go ahead and arrest him, brooke. >> we are looking at video of thousands of the same supporters in tegucigalpa, karl, i imagine the scene is similar to what you described outside the airport. you mentioned a key phrase there keeping the peace. what kind of ramification might this have if zelaya is, in fact, arrested, when it comes to turmoil in the streets of tegucigalpa? >> certainly, his support letters try to not let it get to that stage. certainly, his supporters, from what they are telling us, will try to ensure that from the moment he lands, that they can surround him and protect him, but if they do try to take the airport, then when many people here, both on the riot police side and on the side of his supporters, believe that there will be clashes but many of his supporters could be bravado, but many of them say they are ready to fight if necessary, some even say they are ready to die if necessary, but if they are kept away from the air strip, mr.
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zelaya is in fact, arrested when he reaches this country, again that could be the trigger [ inaudible ] in other parts of the capital. something, in fact, that the main catholic clergyman here, archbishop rodriguez says that if zelaya arrives here it could be a bloodbath. that cardinal is fervently on the side of the coup leaders, brooke. >> karl penhaul, please stay safe. we will check in with you as we get word that manuel zelaya's plane is on the air strip atting at the goosy gal patch. thank you. a frightening tone a july 4th celebration in india. at least -- indiana, i should say. 16 people were injured when a pedestrian bridge collapsed in merriville near chicago. a fireworks display had just ended and about 100 people were on that bridge when it fell into the lake below. >> couldn't have happened at a worse time.
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luckily, we had ambulances on the scene and we had fire trucks on the scene and we were able to get to the people quickly enough, but there was a hampered response due to the chaos of people leaving and nobody being aware of -- that there was an emergency going on. >> emergency crews formed a human chain to get people out of the water. police say none of the injuries is life-threatening. one person did manage to suffer a broken leg but most of the victims injuries there were scrapes, bruises and twisted ankles. north carolina's outer banks a memorial parade sunder way now to honor three people killed yesterday when a truck carrying fireworks blew up on the southern end of ocracoke island. they were offloading the truck when it detonated. look at the aftermath there. two others were injured in that blast and the atf is investigating that one. and this was one of the barges macy's used to shoot off fireworks in this year's fourth of july display there in new york. the fire hoses? yeah, shortly after the fireworks last night it caught on fire. crews quickly putting out the
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flames. and a fourth of july weekend has been hot as a firecracker for some of us but showers and storms tamping temperatures down just a little bit there. our meteorologist is in the weather center with that like the rain, karen. >> not too much. get the ground wet, restore a little bit of the moisture that the southeast still needs in some areas. going to see what you is going on across the southeast. a severe thunderstorm watch that expires at 9 p.m. tonight. what we are expecting out of this is some pretty heavy rainfall in some isolate aed areas, possibility of hail but i want to point out if you head to savannah, temperatures in the 90s. in atlanta, staying cool, mostly into the 70s across north georgia. well, let's go ahead and tell you about what's happening across the west. got another severe thunderstorm watch out just to the south of denver and not quite to albuquerque. and we think some of the storms will fire up as we go through the afternoon here as well. there if you look across texas
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this is kind of the same line of storms that we saw yesterday. right across the same area near dallas, moving in across odessa, also toward mid land, texas, as well. and for the west coast, this ridge of high pressure in control for the last couple of days. yesterday, seattle was 87. they typically would be around 74, 75 degrees. so, you have got one more day all around the columbia river basin. those temperatures, 80s, 90s inland, could see 100-degree temperatures and what we are looking a at is this little weather disturbance moving in that will cool things down to more near-seasonable levels and one of the coolest. ups on record in new york, where temperatures were pretty much 70s and 80s. seeing 70s today, brooke that is my kind of weather. >> that is a nice welcome reed leave so hot with that concrete and the buildings it is nice. karen, thank you. >> all right, brooke. can you imagine a town now really just in the grip of
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terror? south carolina police circulate this picture here, hoping to stop a serial killer before he strikes again. and michael jackson fans getting the word on whether they can attend tuesday's memorial service.
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here is what is happening, a surprising voice of dissent in iran. some tough religious clerics are questioning the legit mass iscy of the country's controversial presidential election. just one day after finding the body of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair, police in nashville are still not ready to say if he was, in fact the victim of a murder/suicide. police say they found a gun under the body of a 20-year-old woman at the scene. she suffered a single gunshot wound to the head.
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here to cnn, getting new information about the private funeral of michael jackson. l.a. police say forest lawn cemetery is working with the family to develop a plan, that coming down just a short time ago. meanwhile, preparations are under way at the staples center in los angeles for tuesday's public memorial. also today, the reverend al sharpton calling for a national day of mourning for the entertainer. our susan roesgen is in los angeles. and for more of those details, susan, did the reverend say anything more about this private funeral? >> reporter: no he really didn't, brooke. in fact, we asked him several times pointedly when and where is the funeral and both times he said with a wink, the public memorial is tuesday at 10 a.m. i followed that up again. the funeral, in case he misheard me in the public memorial is tuesday at 10 a.m. so, he does not want to say publicly anything about when the actual private, we assume private funeral, will be. what he did here, brooke, is this famous african-american
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church behind me, famous in los angeles at the first african methodist episcopal church is he gave a fiery sermon. he had the congregation on its feet, when he said that the media has been disrespectful of michael jackson in his coverage of his death and he said that michael jackson is not being treated fairly. >> we come to l.a. for michael jackson, because there's a double standard, because when you had had other entertainers that had questions in their life, you did not degrade and denigrate them before their funeral like you've done michael jackson. >> reporter: now, reverend sharpton says he is as eagerer as anyone to find out what the investigation reveals about michael jackson's death what ever those details might be but he said let's not focus on that until after the funeral. again, he wouldn't say went funeral was but he followed up that, brooke, with i will' be joining that investigation along with everybody else on wednesday. so, read into it what you will.
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the main focus today from reverend sharpton, civil rights activist, was, again, the media is not paying enough trib be beaut to michael jackson to his life to his record-breaking career. as you know, brooke and everyone watching cnn the last week and a half knows cnn has done quite a few tributes to michael jackson and has focused on his fantastic record, his 13 number one hits, his best-selling album of all time, "thriller" which sold 50 million copies. we are certainly here at cnn reminding folks of the fantastic history that michael jackson has in american music. >> absolutely. i know you, yourself, spent countless hours in recent days covering the story as have many of our cnn staffers, on top of it. and let me ask you, to on top of additional memorial, hearing anything in the los angeles area that might be popping up for next week? >> no but i it think what we are hearing here, brooke, when reverend sharpton talks about the national day of mourning,
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according to the naacp, it is not a holiday i not a congressional-approved holiday but to turn tuesday into a national day of mourning, mostly for michael jackson fans. even at the church behind me here, they are going to have a broadcast, a simulcast of the actual memorial service for all the people who can't get into the staples center. reverend sharpton says let's have love vigils around the country on tuesday. let's have a show of love for michael jackson and his wonderful career. >> it will be a master show. a lot inside the staples center and in homes around the world. susan roesgen live for us, thank you. join us tuesday for our around the clock coverage of this memorial, as i mentioned, family and friends and fans saying good-bye to a worldwide music icon, michael jackson, the memorial, cnn, all day tuesday, starting on american morning at 6:00 eastern time. a small town terrorized by a killer on the loose. police search car by car, house
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by house, trying to stop a serial killer who is striking again. of the outdoors for your r cat. specially formulated to promote hairball control and healthy weight. friskies indoor wet cat food. feed the senses.
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two sisters,two twins, had the kind of memories of jackson other fans really can just dream of. michelle brown carson and meshon brown met jackson in the '80s and kept a friendship all these years. ladies, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, brooke. >> i know you have been in the dallas bureau since 2:00, ready to talk about michael jackson. let me first is ask you, michelle, you go -- both of you go way back with michael jackson, back as in backstage. >> yes. >> how did that come about? >> yes, we met michael back in houston, texas, when we were teenagers and the jacksons had a concert and michael and his brothers were getting ready to go on. he saw us, noticed us and walked right over to us and he said, you guys twins? we say, yes. he said, tito, jackie, guys come over here. he said, you look so much alike,
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it's incredible. we asked, could we take pictures, he said, sure, but wait till i come offstage because the flash will blind me. said okay. >> right. >> and when he came from offstage, he kept his promise. he came right back over us to and said, okay, guys, you want to take those pictures? we say, yes, so we took lots of pictures. he said, well, are you going to come back tomorrow night and he said, well, we were just guests -- we had passes for tonight. >> wait, michael jackson said, hey come back tomorrow night? >> he said come back tomorrow. he said you will be my guests. >> oh, my gosh. >> for the next two nights, we were michael jackson's personal guests at the show. can you imagine that? >> ladies, dreams coming true, sure your friends were so jealous. not only that but you-all remained friends with michael jackson to his death. i did read you-all had tickets to go to the london show? >> actually, we wanted to go to that show, we were waiting to hear the dates and see if they
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would come to the states so we didn't have a chance to make those plans because of his death. we didn't get a chance to do that. and one special memory that we had when he did see us backstage, he also noticed some outfits that we had with on. >> i was about to ask you about that, ladies. show them off, go for t explain what they are. >> yes. yes. >> this is the actual outfit. he said, i love your outfits. said those are so cool. and we had this on and he loved it and so we preserved it. >> he hugged us and kissed us. >> never wash it had ever since? >> never washed it. kept it -- this is ours and we have a jacket to match. and we have something so memorable. but brooke, what is also so cool was once we were watching a video, "can you feel it" with the jacksons and we saw the jacksons sprink this will love dust over the city and all of a sudden, all of them had on these
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cool outfits that were gold. >> so, michael jackson's dancers -- >> just like this one with. >> his brother -- >> gold outfit idea. we had a special memory. >> love the fact that it was -- >> this is why he liked it so much. >> all right. >> had one. >> ladies, let me ask you this question and i have a feeling judging by the fact you still have these gold outfits 20 years later, the answer is going to be rest, but did you register for the memorial service? >> we did. yes. yes, we did. >> final question, how will you remember him? first, michelle then meshon? >> i will remember how kind and sweet and loving and caring michael jackson is. he was just so magnetic. he had this aura that was around him that when you were in his space, you -- it was so magical. >> it was. >> the energy, you could not believe that came forth.
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so, he loved god answered knew that he was blessed. and he just wanted to share some of that with others and we are honored that he shared some of that with us. and we love you, michael, and we will never, ever, ever forget you. >> and my memory -- >> go ahead. >> is that michael is god's greatest gift to entertainment. michael -- i mean, we all copied his dance and his spirit was angelic and his kind spirit and the fact that we were ordinary twins from dallas, texas, and he took the time to treat us special whenever we were in his presence. >> accident. >> and so we appreciate that. one thing he said to us -- >> yes. >> he said "i will never forget you" answered appreciated the bond that we had. he said that, you guys are so close and you have each other. and i think he was longing for that, being regular, bag regular
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guy. >> yes. >> and he didn't get that while he was here on earth and we just hope that he can get that in heaven. >> yes. >> bless your family, michael. >> we do. >> mom, dad. your sisters and brothers, your children. family. our prayers are with you, we love you and thank you for the special memories that you have given us. >> yeah. >> it is amazing. >> thank you, ladies, this it is obvious he touch sod many fans, musicians, obviously family members as well. thank you for coming on and sharing your thoughts and your '80s gold outfit. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> welcome. ant to, cnn's don lemon will be taking an in-depth look at michael jackson's life and legacy, we will be talking about his childhood, music, his innocence ands i influence. this is cnn special presents, "michael jackson, man in the mirror" 8:00 eastern, only on cnn. a killer terrorizes a small
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south carolina town. police searching car by car and house by house, trying to stop the serial killer from striking again.
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a serial people in gaffney, south carolina so frightened that even a minister is keeping a gun in his church office. five people here, five, have been killed in the past week. a massive search, as you can imagine, is under way and cnn's richard lieu which is in gaffney and filed this report. >> reporter: abby tyler, a much-loved 15-year-old died saturday morning two days after being shot. the cherokee county sheriff says she is the fifth if i can tim of a serial killer within one week. her pastor remembered abby. >> very vivacious. very -- a quick smile. he she lived her faith every day. she got that faith from her mother, her father, her grandparents. she leffed that faith every day
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of her 15 years. she was a good model for us. >> reporter: abby was with her father on thursday at the family business when she was shot. her father was pronounced dead at the scene. this picture is from her church. the killings began a week ago with the shooting of peach farmer klein clash at his home. on wednesday, the bodies of 83-year-old hazel linder and her daughter were found, bound and shot. police issued this sketch of the suspect, a white male in his 40s with salt and pepper hair. the town of gaffney, population 13,000, is on edge trying to celebrate the holiday weekend under a blanket of fear. taking precaution bus also scared, one shop owner and resident told us how his son reacted to the concern of a serial killer. he was actually fearful and scared and asked me not to stay open late because he was afraid something would happen at the house because of what a he hears it is constantly in the news. people are talking. that's what they have been
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hearing for the last few days. so he was fearful. he was scare and he was concerned for my safety. >> anybody works up here, somebody has a firearm all the time up here, just for protection. >> do you always wear it? >> no just working up here, i wear it here working, but all the time, i carry it in my car all the time. >> reporter: that is a more common reaction in this town as dozens of federal, state and local investigators work to track down the killer. >> richard lieu which joining us on the phone from gaffney, south carolina. richard, i heard in your piece, population of gaffney, 13,000. to have five murders in the span of a week has to be unfathomable. it is brooke, unfathomable, not only to the town of gaffney but also the county of cherokee. holds about a 54,000 people. they have in total, only six homicides in all of 2008 and they had half of that the year
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before. so five homicides just for this one town in cherokee county certainly is very shocking. and we look at this they have trying to understand being a small town who might this person be? they say they know everybody in the town but is this person amongst one of the people that live here? they don't know but they certainly are living in a bit of fear. >> richard, the last time we chatted was two hours ago, at a memorial for a mother and daughter two teachers that have been killed. what were those people saying there? >> people here are really remembering both of the victims as well the extended family of the victims at this moment, giving stories of how they worked with them, how they knew the community and how it they contributed to the community. they have come out in numbers, brooke. sitting in one of two parking lots absolutely packed. the service is going on right now, 100 people at first baptist church. it should finish in about 10 to 15 minutes, then we will see, no doubt, an outpouring of emotion
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as they finish remembering both of the two teachers, gina parker and hazel linder. >> final question. more on the investigation side, you are learning that two additional people in gaffney have died since we last reported the five deaths. now, i know you said the two additional death also not yet been connected to the serial killing, correct? >> that is correct, brooke. we had one death on july 3rd, a 35-year-old female in a traffic incident she committed suicide. according to the public information officer from cherokee county, she is telling us that is not related to the hunt for what they are calling this serial killer. then again overnight, july 4th, july 5th, there was a male. that death happening. the coroner said no immediate section, however saying specifically, he needs to perform an autopsy, which may happen today. but again, the county being very
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mum as they find trifind a suspect. >> tough to live through on a holiday weekend with. richard lieu which, appreciate all your reporting on gaffney, south carolina, for us. a special music program for at-risk youth it is blossoming in new orleans. tell you how it is changing lives for the better. the great american holiday is here. and here's something to celebrate - the gmc 72-hour sale. you only have 72 hours to declare your independence from interest payments for 6 full years, with 0% apr financing for 72 months on all 2009 sierra 1500s and yukon xl's... 0% apr for 72 months going on now... during the gmc 72-hour sale. visit!
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iranian tv is reporting that tehran released a washington times journalist who was detained after the election more than two weeks ago. these are, here they are, file pictures of jason stouten, holds dual british and greek passports. he was arrested on june 23rd with no reason given. iran is still holding several other british embassy worker bus one, we are told, is expected to be released today. after some shocking news to the nation with her sudden and unexpected resignation, alaskan governor sarah palin going online to explain. check out her facebook page. according to governor palin's blog entry on her page there, she says she is leave egg the alaska governor post to answer a higher calling, without explaining what exactly that calling might be. but she also took the opportunity to slam national media. palin's resignation takes effect
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later this month. former president george w. bush did a little bit of traveling over this holiday weekend. he and the former first lady, laura, celebrated the fourth of july in woodward, oklahoma. mr. bush was the featured speaker for the 80th anniversary of a park there. >> i am often asked what do i miss most about being president of the united states? well, i can get by with the traffic jams. i sure miss air force one, but i really miss being the commander in chief of such fine men and women. >> woodward in northwest oklahoma is the latest stop in a number of out-of-the-way places the former president has visited since leaving office. what began as a summer program to keep new orleans kids off of the city streets is now blossomed into a year-round music haven. cnn a's fredricks whitfield shows us how it is changing lives.
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>> reporter: the powerful booming reach of rebirth, one of the popular brass bands in new orleans, just got bigger. a year ago, i told you about how far members of this nine-piece ensemble worked to return home to this city and their most loyal fans after hurricane katrina scattered everyone across the country. for drummer, derek, their gift of music needed to reach another audience, one with an even greater bill. >> a lot of stuff going on on the street and i figured could i do the same thing with a lot of other kids. >> reporter: he came one an idea. >> i had them out after my junior high band director. >> reporter: offer kids ages 9 to 14 a chance to learn music for free. >> that was the new advertisement. and that and just word of mouth. >> reporter: no strings attached, in instruments needed, just bring yourself.
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>> i call it the no excuse process. i give them a bus. i give them the transportation, give them the instruments, i give them the tutors, i give them the teachers, you don't have no excuse why you not here. >> reporter: at first, 42 kids showed up. >> in a week and a half, we had like 65, 70 kids. >> reporter: a year later. >> like about 100 kids in the program right now still. and 400 almost still on the waiting list. >> reporter: a year-round music education program for at least three hours a day, five days a week, known as the roots of music, fueled by donations, volunteers and lots of love. for kids like 9-year-old jeremiah russell, who first picked up a trumpet just seven months ago, even riding the program bus 20 minutes is an exercise in discipline. his mother sees the
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transformation. >> ever since he has been in the band, he has been a much better child, academically as well as his behavior. better. >> how has jeremiah changed over the last few months? >> 'cause they taught me how to behave and how to sit down and listen to the teachers and stuff. >> actually learning how to do music and take that further in school and every day life. >> reporter: 13-year-old brianna smith was bringing home fs from school. claire net now has her hitting higher note and better grades. >> what teaches me is that i know that by me playing in the band is -- i have fun doing it. >> reporter: the fun suspect just here but here, too. >> okay. 10 to the second power. >> reporter: program co-founder allison reinhardt helps make even math something to smile about. >> all of our kids have gone up a letter grade in mathematics and language arts. >> reporter: a success rate
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worth bragging. >> i see only like one kid who came here who wasn't really interested and changed his mind. he is actually to our band captain right now. he is doing the number one kid in my program. >> reporter: that would be tuba player terrence knockham, who loves the lesson he is now teaching other kids. >> just keep doing it until you good at it. >> reporter: this 15-year-old about to graduate from the program has big plans, like derek playing in his school band before one day earning a spot in a big band like rebirth, on a big stage. fredricks whitfield, cnn, new orleans. >> i caught rebirth live in person. mardi gras parades, the new orleans jazz fest and other festivals are involved. how fun. well, motown's planning to remember michael jackson. hear those and see the fs


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