tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 8, 2009 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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the small store owner is worried. he said his business has dropped 15% in the month walmart has been open. but the partnership says with more than a billion people in india to serve, there's room for everyone to do very good business here. >> it's been a very good move and we have high hopes for the opportunities to grow this format in other parts of india. >> reporter: the partnership plans to open 15 stores across india in the next few years, sara sidner, cnn. we are pushing forward now with the next hour of "cnn newsroom" with ali velshi! >> all right, pushing forward on the group of eight, tony. thank you very much. we'll talk about the group of eight, its agenda and why it's relevant. every year these world leaders get together, and every year you probably wonder why. if anyone can explain it, richard quest can. even richard might have trouble explaining the sarah palin saga. why she is hung out the "gone fishing" sign in juneau. we'll wade into all of that with
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our crack political panel. governor palin, michael jackson, hondur honduras, iran. it has been a very big few weeks for social networking and the news cycle. we are going to talk with a member of facebook's first family. hello, i'm alvy velshi, filling in for kyra phillips today, and you're in the "cnn today, and you're in the "cnn newsroom." -- captions by vitac -- all right. let's face it, government intervention hasn't exactly shocked the economy back to life in the united states or abroad. what do you think? should governments do more? should they do less? should they do it over? those are some of the questions for eight world leaders right now at a summit in italy. movers and shakers wondering, well, how to move and what to shake. we've got lots of questions. richard quest will answer a blunt one. is there any point to this fancy summit? i can't wait to hear that
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question or that answer, quest. paula newton is in italy with what's actually getting done. and kate bolduan's in d.c., where the american stimulus package has some people asking where are the jobs. well, g-8, it's a gaggle of eight industrialized countries, some of the biggest in the world. here they are, the u.s. and canada, japan, last year's host, germany, france, britain, and russia. and, of course, this year's host is italy. that's where we're going to be going into a little while, paula newton is there, and our ed henry is there. the town of la will la, to be specific, still recovering from a devastating earthquake, a few months ago. last year the g-8 didn't hit the nail on the head as far as the global economic crisis. here they are a year later and things haven't changed necessarily for the better, so what can they actually get done at this meeting besides eat well and pose for some killer photo-opes? let's take that question to somebody who would know very well, because he is a maestro of
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summits. he's with us from london. not sure what happened. the budget might have been cut. but richard quest is right there in london. richard, tell us a little bit about g-8. why it's relevant. what's actually going to be done for people who are watching us, what can they hope good comes out of this? >> if there was one summit meeting that they could probably all have stayed away from, it's probably this current g-8, ali. i'm not going to try and flimflam this one into something that it really isn't. because since last year's g-8, we've had two g-20s and we've had some serious, major summits, on this very subject. what this g-8 really is going to be about, is not so much whether or not, it's about the climate issues. it's about the environment. it's about how to get to basically look after planet earth. but also on the economics, this is the only reason i think this g-8 is interesting. you are familiar with the phrase known as the exit strategy.
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>> right. >> what that basically means is, how does the fed start raising interest rates again. how does the u.s. treasury and the administration start thinking about raising taxes again to start clawing back -- >> and there you've hit it on the head. for americans, for everybody around the world, if those are topics, that means for people who are thinking of borrowing money, for those people thinking about buying a house, those people who work, the issue of taxes and interest rates going up may be one that is very real in the next few years because there are deficits and someone's got to pay for them. >> yes. but you're missing one crucial point in that. how can you talk about an exit strategy when the thing is still in full flood. >> right. >> there's no question, that because the only thing that's keeping this global economic patient alive is exactly the painkillers, for example, low interest rates, high deficit spending and stimulus packages. >> right. >> now, they cannot agree on whether more needs to be done.
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they certainly can't agree now on when it's time to start clawing back. i think this particular g-8 will go down as one of the least interesting, the most boring, and probably the most irrelevant in -- >> but you are -- you are an aficionado of these remarkable, high-level world meetings. the fact is, is there some benefit, richard, to the optics of showing the world leaders getting together, to deal with the biggest issues that we're facing, or should they drop it and let the people who actually get the work done, which tend to be ministers and bureaucrats and lower-level people, just get it done? is there something about them all being together? >> look, this ingredient for this recovery have been put into the cake. it now has to bake. there's nothing that they can do that this g-8 that's going to make really a bit of difference. they can start to plan for the future, but we have the london g-20 back earlier this year. >> right. >> just in january. we've had -- we've got another g-20 in pittsburgh. >> pittsburgh, yeah.
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>> coming up on september, i think, the 24th. so, this g-8 is really just a -- well, let's tick this box. let's cross that box, and let's all get together for some more nice photos. >> all right, am i going to see you at that one, the fancy one in pittsburgh, on september 24th? because i'll make plans, if you'll be there, you can show me ropes. >> hey, i am politicking bigtime internally to be there. >> all right, anything i can do to help you, let me know. richard quest, someone that knows all about this. sorry, hate to do that to you, richard. it's new to me. let's find out about the nuts and bolts. let's go to la will la and find out what the eight men and women have accomplished there today. paula, let's talk about, now that richard has told us he doesn't think they necessarily will get a lot done, the bottom line is they are all there and we've sent you there, so tell us what is actually happening, paula. >> reporter: ali, there's nothing i hate more than having to admit that richard is right, but he is. already today, on climate
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change, you were supposed to have targets. concrete numbers on the table. what happened? china had to pull out early. no numbers on the table. more wishy-washy language on the declaration. let's move on and talk about it again at a climate change conference at the end of the year. this is a photo opportunity. what's important here, too, is you heard richard talking about exit strategy. here they're talking about more stimulus. and britain, most forcefully, and the u.s. kind of looking at it again saying maybe that first stimulus wasn't big enough. but other countries, canada, france, germany, saying, look, let's give the first stimulus a chance and see what's going on. because if you guys hadn't noticed, the bill on these things is getting quite large. >> right. >> reporter: what's going on, now, ali, they are actually touring behind me, a few miles from here, the city center of l'aquila, this conference is a lot about optics and it's about trying to show people around the world that these leaders under that they're facing adversity of all kinds. the earthquake here devastating to so many families, ali. i was here for it.
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on this ground that we're standing on right now, i mean, we had the mass funeral, almost 300 caskets. president obama getting a firsthand look at some of the destruction. thousands of people still living in tents. again, they're telling their prime minister, they are telling president obama, we want some permanent housing by the fall. this is the design of the italian prime minister. he wanted the leaders to come here and draw attention to this leader. ali? >> the italian prime minister is not one that usually has a problem drawing attention to himself. what is his latest outing that he got in trouble for? >> reporter: well, ali, this has been going on for years. but it was triggered in the last few months by his wife saying basically, i'm going to divorce you, because you're not fit to be my husband and you're not fit to lead the country. she said that quite publicly, and ever since then it's been one scandal after another. allegations about whether or not he had paid for sex, berlusconi denies everybody. and to boot, throughout this conference he's been able to really hold his head high, he tells me, because his approval
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ratings have basically held pretty steady. italians saying, look, this is the best leader we have to turn to right now, and he does get us. in terms of this summit, so far on day one, in terms of the optics of it, he's doing not so bad. >> paula, good to see you. thank you for talking to us. i'll talk to you soon. paula newton in la will la, italy. i've been pronouncing that a little incorrectly. >> back here, gop critics are lashing out at the obama stimulus plan. listen to this -- >> i found it also interesting over the last couple days to hear the vice president, vice president biden, and the president mention the fact that they didn't realize how difficult an economic circumstance we were in. now, this is the greatest fabrication i've seen since i've been in congress. i sat through those meetings at the white house with the president and the vice president. trust me, there's not one person that sat in those rooms that didn't know how serious our economic crisis was.
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>> all right, the growing cry among frustrated, laid-off workers, where is my job, what has the stimulus done to get my job back, because frankly, jobs have been eliminated months and months at a time. let's go to kate bolduan, in washington, where house oversight committee is hearing testimony about how the states are handling the stimulus money, and for so many people, kate, what that means, stimulus money, it's supposed to translate into people working, jobs being created. what do you know about this? >> it sure is. chairman townsend, the chairman of this committee, said very clearly at the top of this hearing, what they want to learn today, is the recovery act working. well, it seems there's good news and bad news there coming out of this hearing. the comptroller general of the government accountability office who is kind of tracking and analyzing how the money is being spent, where it is going, says the money has helped to stabilize state and local government budgets, which all are under great stress right now. but the chairman of the committee also says there seems to be a significant shortfall in the ability of tracking the
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funding. now, listen here to a pretty heated exchange over job creation or, rather, slowing job loss, between republican congressman jason chavitz and the omb director rob nabors. >> how do you justify saying that you're slowing the free-fall? >> well, i think that what we would do is we would look back at the job loss that we saw in the first quarter, which was approaching 700,000 jobs a month and look at where we are right now. we're not happy with the job loss that we're seeing right now. >> i know you're not happy. we're not happy either, but the projection that the administration put forward and what would happen and not happen if we did or didn't do the stimulus are dramatic. they're unacceptable. >> we believe that the job loss is unacceptable as well. and -- >> now, the president's quoted as saying that the stimulus has, quote, done its job. is that true or not true? >> we believe that the stimulus has had the impact that we -- that we had predicted, which is job creation. >> now, the hearing is going on. it's picked back up after a
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short break. it's going on right now. they are hearing, the committee is hearing from some governors. i believe right now, yes, they are hearing from martin o'malley, governor of maryland. so, so far the administration, ali, has said the recovery act has created or saved 150,000 jobs. republicans jumped right on it, criticizing that number, saying, look, the government's measure is impossible to verify they say. how do you verify the jobs created or saved? they can't. that they say is a big problem. we were talking about it, we've alluded to it, it follows republican criticism already saying there's mixed messages coming out from the administration, vice president biden telling abc there was a misread on how bad the economy was. and president obama clarifying that to nbc while in russia saying they received incomplete information on the state of the economy. >> and, yet, there are a lot of people saying the unemployment right 9.5% now almost certain to go over 10% at this point. we are still going to lose many, many jobs. so, we might be splitting hairs as to how much information we
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had or didn't have. this is a bad economy, but it will be interesting to see what sort of answers they get. kate, thank you very much for that. >> of course. >> kate bolduan in washington. well, a lot of people -- see, this is new to me. i like kate so much, i don't really now how to get rid -- there we go. see you, kate. all right. maybe she'll be back tomorrow. with millions of people out of work, a lot of people on the topic that kate was talking about, are doing double duty in jobs they don't even like. but a new survey shows that americans are making big plans. and if you work in a federal building or visit one -- one on business, we got a story that should make you very, very concerned. plainclothes investigators sent out to check on security in four u.s. cities were able to smuggle bomb components through guard posts at all ten sites that they visited. they assembled the bombs in the buildings' restrooms, then took them into various offices in briefcases. they were later taken offsite
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and detonated, like you see here, to show the kind of damage that they could have done had they been detonated inside the government buildings. the government accountability office conducted the test, and its report was presented to the senate homeland security committee today. we're going to have much more on that story in our next hour in the "newsroom." and we are going to talk to t. boone pickens, the billionaire oilman, who just over a year ago had a big conversion, deciding that he was all about wind power. he was set to build the world's biggest wind farm in texas. now he says those plans are on hold. we'll hear why, and his estimate, about where oil prices are going. that could hurt you in the pocketbook. ( blower whirring )
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an fyi, out of l.a., the king of all memorials didn't come cheap. they're still crunching the numbers, but the city said yesterday's big send-off for michael jackson cost l.a. between $1.5 million and $4 million, for police overtime, street cleaners, stuff like that. you may have heard, los angeles, and much of the state of california, is broke, so the mayor is asking for donations. not from m.j.'s celebrity friends, but from you and me. check out this website. there's even a paypal link, if you've got some cash -- there's a website. we'll show it to you in a bit. if you have some cash to kick in, on the plus side, any donations you make to the city of los angeles for this purpose are tax deductible. meanwhile, michael jackson still making money for his
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family. his number one collection, that's number one collection, is the top-selling album in the united states according to sound scan charts out this morning. 339,000 units sold. "number ones" also is number one on "billboard's" top comprehensive album charts. "thriller" is number two. overall this country snapped up 800,000 copies of jackson's different solo albums in the first full week after his death. well, what's sarah palin up to? why is she quitting her job as alaska governor? we're going to check out what a couple of our political experts are saying about palin's decision and her possible plans for the future. gecko vo: you see, it's not just telling people geico could save 'em hundreds on car insurance.
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it's actually doing it. gecko vo: businessmen say "hard work equals success." well, you're looking at, arguably, the world's most successful businessgecko. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. thththththththththththththththth
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all right. there's some big storms rumbling across parts of the southeast and upper midwest. chad myers is tracking what's happening right now. chad, what have you got? >> ali, potential for tornadoes today, especially across the upper midwest, but in a place where we've had so much rainfall here, from orlando to tampa. 6 inches of rain in tampa over the weekend alone. we have the potential for more weather today. airports getting affected right now, atlanta. thunderstorm very near the airport. within about the last 15 minutes. planes at this point in time are not on time. [ inaudible ] >> chad, talking about the potential for tornadoes in the upper midwest. let's just change gears for a second. maybe you hate your job. but with this economy, you are right to be too worried to quit. and guess what, you're not alone about this. we're going to talk about this in a minute. you have high blood pressure... and you have high cholesterol. you've taken steps to try and lower both your numbers.
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americans who are employed are thinking about their jobs. and needless to say, susan, there are a lot of people who aren't happy even though they have jobs right now. >> yeah, you know, you think there would be something called survivor's guilt. >> right. >> you would think that people would be kissing their computer screen every day that they arrived, because 6.5 million people have lost their jobs. that is the official count since this recession began. and we know if you count in underemployment with employment, it's far higher than 9.5%. yet this new survey frommed a dec adecco group which does staffing, certainly follows these kinds of things. it said 54% of the people it talked to, planned to look for a new job once the economy rebounds. as soon as that happens, they will be looking and looking hard. and the number is even higher -- that's a pretty high number to begin with -- but the 18 to 29-year-olds in that survey said 71% of them will be looking for
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a new job. ali? >> i'm glad that people feel there's a future in which they will be looking for a new job. but we're some time away from economic recovery even if the recovery begins in the next few months. it's some time away from the fact that we'll actually have a whole lot of jobs out there, so that's why people aren't going out and getting the jobs right now. i'm assuming that people that are unsatisfied with their jobs aren't out there looking for jobs because there isn't work for them. >> well, it's kind of telling. yes, on the one hand, yes, you do the most sensible thing, you hunker down. on the other hand, the dissatisfaction is so great, so it's telling you a couple things. one is the fact that we know, the labor department's told us basically for every job opening, there are six applicants. so, i mean, trying to find that rare job opening, it's like standing in line to addition for "american idol." there's just a lot of demand there. and what a lot of folks are saying is that when they are going for jobs, who are they going up against? they're going up against people
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who are unemployed. >> yeah. >> those people are hungry, and they're willing to accept less, that is, whether it's a demotion -- >> it's not a great environment to have any sort of attitude about it. you may have very good reasons for being frustrated in your job. you may be doing more, you may be doing more for less. but the bottom line in this environment, susan, you should come in and kiss your computer screen and look happy. how do you keep your job if you're in it right now? >> yes. adju adjust. accept it. it's far better than not being able to make the rent every month. you know, look, the fact is that millions of us are taking on more responsibility. there are fewer benefits. fewer benefits, fewer companies are matching 401(k)s and paying more for your health benefits and less pay. your pay is frozen. maybe you're even making less. maybe you are taking unpaid leave. all of these things. the fact is you still have a job. maybe the fact is to make lemon aid out of lemons. >> it may be feel like taking a step backwards, but the story we've seen of people taking such
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a big step backwards because they've lost their jobs, i hate to tell people it's time to be happy that you've got work. but for a little while, that's what it is. thank you for the story. >> pleasure, ali. >> susan lisovicz talking to us from the new york stock exchange. if you need inspiration in your jop search, we've found it in marlene graham. she did our "30 second pitch" on air back in march. she had lost her job in atlanta. she was a victim of downsizing but all her networking and class-taking and volunteering paid off. this week she is starting her new job as an information technology analyst. here's her best advice for job seekers. >> the best advice is pretty much to -- to stay focused, to be positive. not to depend on any one job search tactic. don't just go to job boards. don't sit back and wait for jobs to come to you. and the best advice is that network. networking, networking, networking. >> that's fantastic.
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one more success story, another "30 second pitch," contessa tucksen is on the job thanks to a contact who saw her here on cnn. she's working for a major company as an operational audit manager. now, if you want to be part of our pitch, go to our website or tweet us at kyracnn. a great idea. being able to get out there and use all the networking you can to get a new job. rather, let's go back to chad myers. we were talking to him and he was telling us about tornadoes. unfortunately we had a technical problem. chad, we've got you back now. >> it's the upper midwest, ali. i'm not talking about new york city. i'm not talking about a big, populated area, but we have significant weather that's rolling down through oklahoma city, about midwest city, right along the turner turnpike. and then some showers that will be moving into kansas city from st. joe. especially west of the city. and then rain showers into chicago. but the biggest threat hasn't even happened yet. the biggest threat today will be the threat of severe weather up
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here into parts of the upper midwest. there's minnesota, the dakotas, back up here into parts of nebraska. and then along and deep south here, parts of the deep south, into places like jacksonville, florida. you can certainly see some strong weather right now. it's all because of the heat. the heat clashing with some cooler weather across parts of the upper midwest. 91, denver. 77, billings. the front there causing the severe weather to happen to us today. we are also going to see here in atlanta, georgia right there in the middle of the screen, airplanes, 166 of them, trying to get to atlanta, georgia, right now. and there are thunderstorms in the flight path, so that's slowing people down as well. in fact, the flights now, atlanta, about 30-minute delay. tampa at 30 minutes. but, ali, compared to what we've had on friday -- >> yeah. >> -- and over the weekend, 19 to 30 minutes is a piece of cake. >> yeah. i got stuck two hours later on monday because of the delays. hey, you're way better than steering that board than i am. >> there's a button here, ali, an, oh, my gosh, i've really
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messed up button. you push that and everything goes back to where it belongs. >> chad, you've been helping me all day. we've had gremlins, at one point i couldn't hear my producer and chad gave me his box on the way. >> glad to help you. you got to listen to this one. i still can't get over this one. it's a human tooth, helping to restore vision for the blind. this is an important news story for your health.
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alaska governor, sarah palin, is counting down the days until she leaves office. in a political shocker, she abruptly announced on friday that she's giving up the governorship of alaska on july the 26th. the big question everyone is asking is why. our drew griffin caught up with the former republican vice presidential candidate on monday while she and her family were on a fishing trip. >> i'm certainly not a quitter. i'm a fighter. and that's why i'm doing this. to go out there and fight for what is right, without the constraints that have been surrounding me in these final months. i can't see me being totally out of public service, because that is within me. it is the way that i am wired. >> all right. you can read between the lines on that one. joining me now from washington, our senior political correspondent, candy crowley. and in arlington, virginia, politico's chief political
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columnist, roger simon. candy, first of all, anything out there that surprises, i can't see myself out of political office, it's in me, do you get the impression she has quit to pursue bigger jobs in the future is >> i think there's a difference between being involved in the public policy arena and politics and being elected to something, and she certainly left that a little mushy. i think that a lot depends -- so much depends -- on what she does with this time, between now and the next 18 months now and the time when we begin to see how the 2012 race is shaping up. is she going to go out there and campaign for those 2010 republicans that want her to be there? is she going to build on her political support? is she going to take the time, which we know she will, because she has a contract, to write a book and to sort of become a, quote, more serious person, if that's what republicans seem to think she isn't at this point, at least some of them? so, i think a lot really -- i don't think she knows.
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i'm not inside her head. but i don't -- i just don't get the impression that this is a governor who has said, yep, and then i'm going to run for 2012. i think she's looking at her options. i think one of them is to make money. >> you were on tv very quickly on friday when the announcement came out trying to sort of parse and it make sense of it, and one of the issues was that it didn't make sense right off the top. roger, you've written, and i just love this line from a column you've written, i think she's quit her job and is doing what she wants to do and is reserving judgment about her future. in doing so, she has made herself an outcast to the elite. maybe she is annoying everybody she shouldn't have annoyed but maybe she is doing what she should be. >> the reaction to her quitting her job was savage. would you think the people that didn't like her would want her to quit. no, instead, they said she's terrible, it's a quitter. it's never been done before. bob dole quit his job as a senator in 1976 to run for
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president. and no one went on and on that he'd let down the people of kansas. i think candy is right in saying she doesn't know what she wants to do. she might run in 2012. she might not run in 2012. i have a feeling that a lot of candidates, republican candidates, are going to want her to campaign in 2010. and when she goes out on the campaign trail, she's going to find, as many politicians to, that she likes the sound of the crowds. and that may encourage her to run. i think her options are open. she is probably the rarest thing in republican politics right now, an interesting person. when you go down the rest of the list -- >> yeah. >> -- you don't find a lot of people like that. >> candy, what do you think of that? do you think she's done that because she's sarah palin and she wanted to be unconventional and annoyed the media in snow no advanced notice, to gathering of the party? >> i think it was more random than saying, let's annoy the press, although she wouldn't be the first politician to use that as a rationale, i just, again, don't get the sense that she knows where she's headed and has
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decided to wants to do. i think she's clearly decided what she doesn't want to do. the only thing i take issue with roger about, and it's small. bob dole was already running for president when he decided to quit the senate. he was the senate republican leader at that time. it wasn't like barack obama or hillary clinton hanging on to their senate seat and going out and campaigning and going back every six months to vote. he had a job that took tame, the head of the republicans already was running. sarah palin seems to have quit without plan "a" obvious to anybody and i'm not sure, again, that it is obvious to her at this point. i think she just knows what she doesn't want to do. >> gives us something to talk about, candy crowley, cnn correspondent, and roger simon, politico's chief political columnist. thank you to both of you for taking time to talk about it. passionate protests being put down in iran. the passing of programs the greatest pop star of all-time. very, very different stories, of
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very, very different importance. but believe it or not, they've got something in common. both of these news stories spurred massive internet interest and clued all of us in -- all of us, even those that were deniers -- the power of the social networks siting. randy zuckerberg joins me from facebook, joining me from palo alto via skype. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> tell me what happened in the last few weeks starting with iran and into a lot of the other thins that happened really culminating now with michael jackson. what did you see in terms of trends on facebook in terms of how people were behaving and using it? >> it's been incredible to see how people are using facebook to organize around the global events that are so meaningful, immediately after the election in iran, we saw mousavi's page go from 2,500 to over 110,000 supporters on facebook.
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and likewise, with michael jackson, we also saw that his page went from 800,000 fans to over 7.5 million fans making him by far the most popular figure on facebook. >> what is it -- what is it used for in these instances? we saw on facebook people were posting video, they were posting information about what was going on with respect to iran. when it came to michael jackson, what was it basically being used for, the spread of information or people expressing how they feel? >> i think it's a little of everything. people are posting photos and videos. when it comes to iran, people are spreading messages about how to access proxies, how to help one another. the best ways to do private messaging through facebook. with michael jackson, it was really people sharing their last respects and connecting, surfacing new music and information and sharing their feelings. >> what do you do? how do you handle that? obviously with michael jackson, less complicated than it is with something like iran? but what is facebook's role there, because clearly you must
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have had some pressure, possibly from the government of iran, to stop facilitating this? >> it's a great question. i think it's really important that facebook is a neutral platform here. we really want people, whatever their beliefs are, whatever their feelings are, about the situation in iran, or michael jackson, that they can see facebook as a place to organize and share and really have a global conversation with people all over the world. so, you're right, it's an interesting position to be in, and we're definitely a neutral platform in that respect. >> randi, we'll have to have the discussion another time about what the future is, but i think there are a lot of people who have taken to seeing social media differently in the last few weeks than they did before. they've seen different applications for it. so, thanks so much for talking with us. randi zuckerberg, joining us fromo alto and facebook. a human tooth used to help a blind man see.
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all right. i'm going to talk to t. boone pickens now. he's what some people have described as a billionaire oil man. made a lot of money out of oil. made a lot of ways with a lot of his own money, deciding he was going to invest in the biggest wind farm in the world in a place called tampa, texas. that's been affected by a lot of things. now boone has got himself a whole lot of those turbines that he's got to accept on delivery, and we want to know what he wants to do about them. boone, there's been a lot of information out there. thank you for joining us. set the record straight. what's going on with your plan to get america on to wind energy and natural gas? what's changed? >> well, nothing's changed, other than you've got a bad economy, so financing has been very slow. you don't receive the turbines until the first quarter of 2011. so, we'll be right on schedule. we may not build the wind farm at tampa, texas, you may find it in wisconsin or nebraska or someplace else. but we'll -- we'll be actively building a wind farm someplace with the turbines. my garage is not big enough to
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take all of this. >> to take all of those. what's the problem with texas? why did you decide that that wasn't going to work? >> well, we need the transmission in there, and we won't have transmission until about 2013. so, we'll go ahead in 2011, we'll go to work someplace on wind. that's all the whole story has been kind of blown out of proportion. it's -- we're still going to do a project in pampa. >> you are in washington now, because there's been a bill that's been introduced to encourage greater use of natural gas in cars. this is something that you have been all about for a long time. tell me what's happened today and how that's going to change things for us. >> okay, that's the bill that was introduced, called senate bill 1408. it was introduced by senator menendez from new jersey and senator hatch from utah. i was up there with them. fabulous turnout. great amount of coverage on it. the reason is, that because this is the bill that will go with 1835 house bill, and those bills will come together as the bill
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that's going to solve the dependency on foreign oil, because you're going to go to natural gas as a transportation fuel. it's going to work. there's no question it is going to work. and i think it's a monumental day for the united states. >> boone, we've are getting a lot of input about -- about the changes that are going on to the pickens plan, which is what you've called it. i want to put one up on the screen that a viewer sent to us about -- about wind farms. let me just read this to you. he writes, t. boone pickens is not stupid. he knows the government isn't committed to wind, so he's investing in oil again. we want to be addicted to oil in this country. boone, your response to that? >> i didn't hear the last part of it. >> he said, we want to be addicted to oil in this country. he's sort of making a criticism that we can't get ourselves off of oil. >> sure, we can get ourselves off of oil. we have 2,000 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the united states. that is greater than the other two largest countries with natural gas, russia and iran. so, we have plenty of natural
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gas to get on to transportation fuel with natural gas. no, we can get ourselves out of this ourselves out of the spot. the addiction to foreign oil that is who be fixed. it affects us in the united states. >> you are still invested in oil. you still make money out of t you made a comment you thought oil was going to go back to $147 a barrel, which it was last summer. when do you think that is going to happen? >> tell me what the global economy is going to do. you have a big pickup in the global economy and it goes in 3%, 4% the next year. you will be coming up to 100. after that, growth will depend on it. demand will go up with growth. you have 675 million vehicles in the world today, 675 million. 1,500, 000. do you think there is going to be a greater demand for oil, you
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will have a greater price is the way it is. supplies capped off and if supplies are capped at 85 billion barrels a day, the only way you can control it is with price. so price goes up, kills demand and the price can go to anywhere. >> boone, nice to talk to you. thank you for being with us. we will continue to follow your efforts in terms of getting wind and natural gas viable energy sources. t. boone pickens joining me from washington, d.c. few people would believe that a human tooth could play a role in helping a blind person see. a new procedure is showing that it actually works. how does it work and who qualifies? elizabeth cohen is here to explain. elizabeth, i don't know what to ask you to start this conversation. how does a tooth help you see? >> it is wacky. it helps repair a damaged cornea. if someone has had a chemical splash into their eye. the university of miami is the first u.s. hospital to try this. they are in the middle of the
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procedure. we don't know exactly if it is successful or not. let's take a look at how it works. what happens is that dentists go in and actually remove a person's together, their canine together to be specific. they take a part of that together and turn it into an implant, which goes on the top of the eye to help repair the damaged corn na. now, this is done in europe and asia. in fact, it has been done hundreds of times. >> what is there about a together that does that? >> there is something about the material in the together that can act to protect. they have to grind it down. to cover up and help repair that damage. >> this is a viable cure for all types of blindness? >> only a viable cure for people who have cornual damage. there are loss of reasons that people are blind. >> is there likelihood we will see more of this in the united states? >> it is possible. right now, doctors use a form of
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plastic. there is some thought that a together might last longer. these folks in miami are the first ones to try it. we will see if it takes off. >> truly a most fascinating story. >> that's great. i am fascinated. >> a lingering strike is giving my home town a bit of a black eye, trashing toronto's pristine reputation. what residents are doing to stem the stench. e benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement
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my home town has got some problems. 24,000 city workers, including garbage workers, have been on strike since june 22nd. residents are hauling bags to 19 temporary dump sites. garbage is piling up. all sorts of problems associated with that my old friend, austin delaney, with toronto's ctv looks at the mess. >> reporter: take a drive and it won't be long before you will see something is not quite right in t.o. tourists eager to discover toronto are quite quickly discovering, there is a garbage strike in the middle of their holiday. >> the trash is all over the place and it is kind of messy, really. we come from montreal and it is perfect there. here, sort of dirty and it's seedy. >> reporter: dirty and seedy she says visiting from san
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francisco. not the kind of picture we would like friends back home to see. >> it doesn't make it very attractive for us tourists to come in and look at toronto. >> so we boarded a double-decker to get a look from a tourists point of view. >> i am missing an awful lot. you do see a lot of garbage bins, not picked up. >> reporter: what do you think of the city? >> i still love it. >> reporter: that's what tourism toronto is hoping, that visitors will ignore the bad and see the good. with any luck, the strike will end soon. >> i think it has the potential to affect people's perceptions of toronto. most visitors walking around aren't really experiencing any great hardship by it. >> reporter: in the meantime, local business improvement association like this one here in chinatown clean up themselves in the hopes that tourists like sarah from london, england, will
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enjoy the sight, not see the effects of the strike. >> i haven't noticed it. in the streets or anything. >> reporter: tourism toronto says the city and its citizens are doing a good job keeping things tidy for our guests. >> austin was with me on my first breaking news story as a reporter many, many years ago and he walked me through the whole thing. let's hope the problems in toronto end. pushing forward this hour, how safe will you be next time you visit a federal building? a troubling new report should have you very concerned. bomb components smuggled past security guard. a baby accidentally sent through an x-ray machine. a guard asleep at his post. all those things are uncovered by plain cloez government investigators. the senate committee got an earful this morning. senators don't like what the
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report uncovered. the committee chairman, joe lieberman. >> as we approach the eighth anniversary of 9-11-04 and 14 years after the bombing of the federal building in oklahoma city, it is really outrageously unacceptable that the federal employees working within our federal buildings and the citizens who pass through them are still apparently so utterly exposed to potential attack by terrorists or other violence people. >> what a remarkable story. we will bring you more on this. right now, cnn, brian todd, joins us from washington. he has the details on this troubling story. brian? >> reporter: ali, this is a really devastating report by the government accountability office. they had investigators conducting sting operations on ten federal buildings. these buildings were security overseen by the federal protective service. they use private security contractors as guards similar to
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the ones in this checkpoint behind me. we are going to show you some video first. this is from the gao showing an undercover gao investigators actually going through a checkpoint, sneaking bomb components through a checkpoint at a federal building. they visited ten federal buildings and did the same operation in each of them. once they got the components past these check points, these investigators were able to go into bathrooms and other private areas and assemble, essential will debt ton nay tors and bombs. this is what we were able to make, a debt ton nay tore in the trunk of a car. this is how strong an explosive they were able to make. this video given to us by the gao. there was a hearing today on capitol hill. gary shenkel was called to account. here is what he had to say.
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>> when the gao presented its alarming oral report several weeks ago, it caused us all grave concern. we have all work very, very hard and were taken aback upon receiving this disturbing news. >> reporter: one other thing to mention, these buildings, ten federal buildings in four u.s. city, all buildings with level four classification, top security levels underneath the level of the white house, as far as sensitivity and the security level that needs to be in place, these buildings including facilities of the department of state, the justice department. these were offices of lawmakers, even including the department of homeland security, which overseas the guards in question. now, the gentlemen whose sound bite just ran did say that within hours of getting this report they increased the number of inspectors at some of these check points and they instituted a program to aggressively attack the management of these private
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security contractors. ali, a very, very devastating report for the federal detective service that overseas security. >> when he said all these years after 9/11, this is still going on. brian, excellent reporting on this. thank you so much. brian todd in washington. brian was telling us a bit about the federal protective service. in all, they have about 1200 officers and they oversee about 13,000 private security guards. the government accountability office says it visited 6 of the 11 regions of the federal protective service that they oversea. in all six regions, they did not require some of their guards to complete the mandatory 128 hours of training. joining us now is mark goldstein with the gao. thank you for joining us. first of all, how did you find out about this. was this a routine investigation by the gao or was there a tip that there was a problem with
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security? >> we were asked by three committees of congress to investigate and we have been doing so for several years. we issued a report a year ago that talked about problems that they had in managing and over seeing the protection of federal property. this most recent report specifically looked at the contract guard program and how they manage it. >> tell me that the private guards were not compelled to complete 128 hours of mandatory training. either it is mandatory or it is not, isn't it? >> that's correct. the problem is that the federal protective service doesn't have assurance that guards are fully trained and certified with certain kinds of responsibilities by the time they step on to a federal facility. not only did many guards not receive required training on x-ray machines. but they assure themselves they have to be responsible for their guard that these people were
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certified in things like firearms or domestic violence issues or baton training or cpr and first aid. part of our investigation showed that in pulling files for guards, that more than 62% of the guards files we looked at had at least one certification that had expired. in many instances, for many contractors, their guards had an expiration level higher than that. in the 75% range. so we have a lot of concern that the people standing guards may not be fully trained or fully certified. >> that's an interesting point. you are saying it is the management and training of them as opposed to simply not enough guards or a tech any logical problem? >> that's correct. there are a lot of issues. some of which are resources and technology. some of it is also issues of management. >> let's talk about this whole business of getting components into a federal building for bombs. this was done in a way -- was it done as if you guys were experts
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and you could sneak things by anyone or was it farrell obvious what was going on? tell me what happened as much as you can. >> i can't tell you what the components were. our investigators went into ten federal buildings of level four security, which i the highest level below the white house. they were able to get through the x-ray machines and the magnetometers. these were real bomb-making components. they were not at a concentration level that would have gone off. it was enough to get through the test. they got the materials past the guard post. they assembled the bombs inside of bathrooms in about four minutes and they freely walked around several floors of up to ten different federal buildings, including the offices of homeland security, health and human services, justice of the state as well as the offices of the united states senator and the united states representative out in the field. >> mark goldstein, fascinating story. thanks very much for joining us.
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we will speak live with senator joe lieberman, chairman of the homeland's security committee for a half hour right here in "newsroom" about what the senate plans to do about these troubling, troubling discoveries. the global economy, the global temperature is all part of the g-8 summit happening right now in italy. leaders of the top eight industrialized nation are talking about how the global money crisis hasn't gone away. some countries like germany, they worry about inflation and are pushing for restraint. climate change is also on the agenda. there is no consensus developing between the nations on cutting their carbon emissions. some is taking place in the italian town of l'aquila. ed henry is on the g-8 beat. he has some behind-the-scenes
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perspective for us. ed is going to prove to me that his life is not all just one of perks and fancy travel with important people. ed, good to see you. >> ali, good to see you. i know you fly and travel first class. that's the kind of guy you are. we wanted to show you behind the scenes. it is not all fun and games here. obviously, there is a lot of substance going on. you mentioned the economy. these leaders already affirming a commitment on the first day to having pro growth policies, dealing with the financial crisis and talking about climate change, a commitment,a broad goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the last few moments, they announced, by 80%, among developing countries by 2050. that's obviously very far off. critics will say it will be hard to echb force. a lot of substance on the table. behind the scenes, a little fun. >> reporter: at the g-8 summit, everything is broken up into a
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village. everything is well man cured. even the welcome sign. it is pretty exciting to be covering the president of the united states stra united states traveling around the world. i don't want you to think it is a vacation. we only had a couple hours of sleep last night in moscow. get on a bus at 3:30 in the morning. take that bus to the airport. 3 1/2 hour flight to here and italy. once we landed, we had to take a two-hour bus from the airport here to the summit sight. we are working here with all the other television networks. we pool our resources. it's essentially, a well-manicured, well-done tent. sometimes you will hear other voices like my col leg from italian television. the reason for that, these big events, they have us all clustered together, one next to the other. it is not too busy right now because the summit just started.
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when it gets busy, it is pandemonium, because people are shouting over one another. this being italy, they have ad hoc capp cafes for people to remember. everyone is after one thing. the swag bag. it's a knapsack. you have a pencil and a highlighter and a t-shirt and even a swimming towel, a hot. my favorite part, though, this year, is a watch. what time is it? g-8 time. ali, you saw that t-shirt there. i am going to bring that back to the states for you. >> listen, you travel to a lot of places. is there much down time for you when you are on these trips or are you always ahead of the president or whoever is moving around. >> we are always trying to get ahead of the president. there is not a lot of down time.
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on this trip, we got to moscow on sunday night, sunday afternoon before the president did. that was really our first chance, since he was not around yet, to explore the city, get your bearings. this is a great learning experience for everyone when you get to go to such historic places. walking through red square, quite an experience. >> you interviewed the president and you were uncharacteristically well dressed for that interview. so much so that you got a comment from the president out of it? whe >> reporter: the president was complimenting me. he was wearing a gray pinstripe suit and he told me it looked good and matched my tie well. is wa telling him i was getting dressed in the dark at 3:00 in the morning. i was really glad i picked the right thing. it would have been embarrassing for the president to say the opposite. i think my pom would have been on my case. you never have to worry about that, ali, you are a well dressed guy. >> i learn a lot about reporting
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from you. stick with me, i will give you some dressing tips. ed henlery talking to us from italy. some of the president's top money men facing a tough grilling on capitol hill. >> why shouldn't every governor take the money, tell you what you want to hear? up until now, i haven't heard a good explanation about how we are going to force them to honor the commitment we are expecting them to take in exchange for the money? >> that's just a portion of a house oversight committee hearing examining how states are spending their portion of the $787 billion stimulus money. our kate bolduan has more on the often heated exchanges. >> reporter: ali, they said very clearly at the top of today's hearing what they want to learn. is the recovery act working? well, it seems there is good news and bad news there. the comptroller general of the government account ability office says the money has helped to stabilize state and local
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government budgets which are under great threat right now. the chairman says there seems to be significant short falls in tracking the funding. a heated exchange over job creation or, rather, job loss, between republican congressman and omb deputy director. he will here him from off camera. >> how do you justify saying that you are slowing the free-fall? >> i think what we would do is we would look back at the job loss we saw in the first quarter wirks was approaching 700,000 jobs a month, and look at where we are right now. we are not happy with the job loss -- >> i i know your not happy. we are not happy either. the projection that the administration put forward in what would happen and not happen if we did or didn't do the stimulus are dramatic. they are unacceptable. >> we believe that the job loss is unacceptable as well. >> the president is quoted as saying the stimulus has, quote, done its job. is that true or not true? >> we believe that the stimulus has had the impact we predicted, which is job creation.
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>> so far, the administration says the recovery act has saved or created 150,000 jobs. republicans criticize that number saying the government's measure is impossible to verify if a job is created or simply saved. this hearing follows what republicans say are mixed messages coming from the administration on the economy. vice president biden telling abc, there was a misread on how bad the economy was and president obama clarifying that to nbc wile in russia saying they received incomplete information. alaska governor, sarah palin, is counting down the days until she leaches office. the former presidential candidate announced on friday she is quitting the job on the 26th. seen here on a fishing trip with her family. she is not ruling out a run for the white house. in a new usa gallup poll, 19% of voters say they are likely to
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run for her. 24% say they are somewhat likely. month are than half say they are not at all or not too likely to support palin. among republicans only, 72% say they would be very likely or somewhat likely to vote for palin. bald, paper white with track marks on his arms. not how we have ever seen michael jackson. that's the word from a source involved with the investigation. incredible details just ahead.
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michael jackson's music is back on the top of the charts. more than 800,000 copies of his "different" solo album sold last week. he grabbed all ten spots on the top catalog charter. that breaks his own record. michael jackson also has five of the top ten music downloads. now, if you watch all of yesterday's memorial, you
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probably saw jackson's gold casket being wheeled out of the staples center to where? well, we still don't know. family and friends held a private memorial at a cemetery in hollywood hills. sources say he won't be buried there. no burial plans have been announced for neverland ranch either. >> another question. what killed the king of pop? on his death certificate, cause of death is listed as deferred. we have some troubling new details from the investigation. here is cnn's randi kaye. >> he with have a gentlemen here that needs help. he is not breathing. >> reporter: cnn has now learned disturbing new details about what precisely police investigators found when they answered the 911 call from jackson's house 12 days ago. a source involved with the investigation tells us jackson had numerous track marks on his arm and that those marks, quote, could certainly be consistent with the regular i.v. use of a
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drug like diprivan. diprivan is the powerful sedative commonly used in anesthesia in a hospital. a nurse who had worked for jackson told cnn he had begged her for dip privan a few months ago so he could sleep. investigators can't say if a diprivan i.v. drip caused the track marks. some of the marks appeared fresh, others, older. in fact, some of the newest marks could have been caused when emergency medical personnel rushed into the house and used their own i.v.s in an effort to save him. the source would not confirm if diprivan had been found with jackson. he told us numerous bottles of prescription medication had been found in jackson's $100,000 a month rented mansion. he described them as, quote, dangerous drugs, similar to those found in a hospital setting. that's as far as he would go. as for jackson's body, the
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source said he had never seen anything like it in decades of investigative work. he described it as, quote, lilly white, from head to toe. was it caused by the disease jackson said he had? we don't know. another source with knowledge of the case described jackson's body as having, quote, paper white skin as white as a t-shirt. he also told me his scalp was bald, that the pop star had no hair, that may have been a result of injuries jackson received when his hair caught fire while making this pepsi ad years ago. this source also said jackson's vains we veins were, collapsed in both arms suggesting frequent intravenous drug use. his final note, the body was emaceated despite the vigor he showed on stage during his final rehearsal just 36 hours earlier. randi kaye, cnn, los angeles. most people suspected it.
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now, it is official. steve mcnair's death is a case of murder/suicide. the retired nfl quarterback was found dead in nashville next to the body of his 20-year-old girlfriend. she had bought the gun, which was found beneath her body. the tennessee titans are opening their fields to fans today and tomorrow to pay their respect. mcnair spent most of his career with the titan's franchise. why are garbage bags stacking up around toronto? we will tell you what the stink is about.
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town, i now in its third week, the biggest stink over garbage pipeups. toronto's reputation as one of the cleanest cities is being put to the test. to keep garbage off the sidewalk, the city has set up temporary dumping sites. residents are feeling the effect and smelling them. what about the tourists? >> trash is all over the place and it is kind of messy, really. we come from montreal. it is perfect there. here, sort of dirty and it is seedy. >> some 24,000 city workers are on strike, including garbage workers. they are fighting proposted cuts in benefits and sick pay. i feel bad in atlanta talking about how hot it is with the garbage piling up. what is it like up there? >> it is only 64 today. >> nice having you on my wall. >> pleasure to be on your wall. i had a little difficulty with it.
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>> here is your little icon. you can circle stuff and make arrows here. i feel like john madden sometimes. boom. there it he is go. only 64 in toronto right now. so i can point to it and you said there was some tornados up here. >> you just circled mont tremblant. that's the area you get into trouble. >> this is, oh, my gosh, what have i done now. rain showers across the south. even atlanta seeing some storms. that will slow down the airport alley. here are the airport de plays. atlanta, an hour and 20 minutes. now, they are going up. where are you going? you are leaving me. >> i am new at this. >> newark and 15 to 30. tampa at 15 to 30 as well. we will hit that button and it all goes back. severe weather across the upper midwest. so far, so good. if you are in toronto. >> i grew up in new buffalo, 90 miles across the lake. at least we get that nice, cool
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breeze once in a while. >> it is not the end but it is testing any city with a garbage strike. >> i remember one in new york city. >> the rats were happy. thank you for the lesson on the wall. we are going to be talking more with t. boone pickens, the billionaire oil man who ayear ago decided to launch an effort to transform some of your ency into wind energy. that has hit a bit of a roadblock because of the cost of raising money to do that. i will explain what he is doing and how that might affect you in the cost of electricity in the future. yeah. i'll contact emergency services and stay with you. you okay? yeah.
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i think i'll go with the basic package. good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. i was talking earlier to t. boone pickens, a man who made billions of dollars investing in oil. all of the sudden, he had an about-face an decided he was going to invest heavily in
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building wind hills in pampa, texas. he says the economy is making it tougher to actually get the job done. you will remember watching his tv ads. they were all over the tube last year trying to convince people to support his plan for wind power. here is some of my conversation with boone. >> set the record straight. what's going on with your plan to get america on to wind energy and natural gas? what's changed? >> well, nothing has changed other than you have got a bad economy. so financing has been very slow. you don't receive the tur bins until the first quarter of 2011. we will be right on schedule. we may not build the wind farm in pampa, texas. you may find it in wisconsin or nebraska but we'll be activity building a wind farm someplace with the turbins. my garage is not big enough to take all of that. >> what's the problem with texas? why did you decide that that wasn't going to work? >> well, we need the transmission in there.
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we won't have transmission until about 2013. so we will go ahead in 2011 and go to work someplace on wind. that's how the whole story has been kind of blown out of proportion. we are still going to do a project in pampa. >> you are in watching because there has been a bill introduced to encourage greater use of natural gas in cars. this is something you have been all about for a long time. tell me what's happened today and how that is going to change things. >> that's the bill introduced. it is called senate bill 1408. it was introduced by senator min senator menendez and senator hatch. this is the bill that will go with 1835 house bill. those bills will come together as the bill that will solve the dependency on foreign oil. you are going to go to natural
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gas as a transportation fuel. with health care reform getting much of the attention in congress, vice president joe biden announced a major boost for the plan. he said the nation's hospitals have agreed to a multibillion dollar savings deal. >> every day, you see firsthand the impact of the skyrocketing health care costs on american families. today, they have come together to do something about those costs. folks, reform is coming. it is on track. it is coming. we have tried for decades to fix a broken system. and, we have never, in my entire tenure in public life, been this close. we have never been as close as we are today and things remain on track. we have hospitals working with us and the pharmaceutical industry and doctors and nurses and health care providerwith us.
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we have the american public with us. in my view, we are going to get that change and we are going to get it this kreer. >> it's a tough question. there is already health care legislation being kicked around in congress. let's talk about what that legislation is and where this is likely to go. the bottom lip is it is about cost. health care, itself, everybody knows what the problems are. everybody knows how to solve it. josh leavs is here doing what h does. this is the complicated part of this thing. >> by the way, you have godden good with the wall. are you good with this one too? there is a key piece of legislation put out by this senate committee on health, education, labor and pensions. what you are seeing is that there is this group out heerks the congressional budget office, with some analysis at this point. everyone is talking about this. congressional budget office. you will hear the letters cbo so
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many times. let's go to what they are saying. >> they are nonpartisan. >> they are nonpartisan. they are independent. they analyze what the legislation is about. we are trying to drill down on what they are saying. as of today, coverage provision in this piece of legislation that we have got going at this point from the senate committee. it would cost $600 billion to pull off all the things they are saying over a period of ten years. there is one more thing we will see now. they are talking about expanding medicaid as part of this. that ads another $500 billion here. so the cost they are talking about in this piece of legislation so far would come out to basically 1.1 trilli$1.1. they are also building in ways to save money. the cbo is saying, we haven't analyzed all that. these numbers are important. right now, they can take a look and say, if it is going to cost
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$1.1 trillion, we have to put in a lot to save money. >> we will have to see what the legislation is and someone would have to run the other side of the numbers. >> and they have to keep updating it. if you are talking about vice president biden and the hospital plan, that's a whole new element. congress might undergo 100 changes. every time, brand new numbers. >> we will make a commitment to our viewers we will continue to break that down. we all need to know that if you grg to make a decision as to whether you are supporting change or which change you are spo supporting. >> we will all ultimately pay for this if there is debt from it. >> let's go over to chad myers. what do you have? >> a little bit ago, we were joking with xs and os. i said the late john madden. i didn't mean to kill the guy off. he is 73, alive and well and one of my favorite guys on television.
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as we've reported, a troubling new report about security at some of the nation's federal buildings should have you very concerned. bomb components smuggled past security guards, a baby accidentally sent through an x-ray machine, a guard asleep at his post. those are all things uncovered by plainclothes investigators. joining us now, senator joe lieberman. we heard your comments earlier today. you seemed remarkably shocked by this. there were things you learned at these hearings that upset you a great deal. tell me what bothered you the most? >> absolutely. the actual report from the investigator wasn't due until later this summer. when we got the interim report,
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we thought it was so shocking we wanted to go public to create some sense of urgency in the department of homeland security and this federal protective service. what shocked me the most dramatic is that in ten different federal buildings, ten gao, government investigators were able to get by security with the components of a bomb, go into the restroom, in some cases, actually asking a guard to open the restroom for them, because it was closed, assembling the bomb and walking throughout the building. now, god forbid that was a terrorist. if that had succeeded in five of ten cases, we would be alarmed. but to have it happen in ten of ten different buildings, something is very wrong with this agency. it has got to be fixed quickly. >> for those of our viewers who hadn't seen the story. these gao investigator, pla
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plainclothes, went into the restroom assembled the bombs and took them out and at the time ton nat tenonated them to see the damage if they were detonated inside. it seems to be management of the private security guards and the management of those security guards. is that what you think is the problem? >> basically, my conclusion is that the federal protective service is an agency in crisis. it is sick. it's got a lot of problems. it is divided into 11 regions. they have been operating too much on their own, inadequate demands made of the private security guards. 15,000 private security guards guarding 9,000 federal buildings in which millions of federal employees and citizens come
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every year and just falling down on the job. so they do need some more money. our judgment is -- my judgment is that we have to fix the management of these places and their contracts with the private security guards before we put an extra penny into them, because it will be wasted money. >> you are not going to support increased money yet. you want to have the management problem fixed first? >> yes and hopefully come back and give them more money, because they do need more money. >> senator joe lieberman, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. let's take a look at the markets. not a good day on the dow. sort of nibbling away at some gains we have had. the dow is down just 56 points. pushing down gets that 8,100 park. we have seen that up around 8,900. some thing to discuss on the market. maybe some concerns about this economic recovery we have seen. let's take a look at housing. we have a report out from pmi.
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if you buy a house and don't put enough money down, pmi is the ensu shurns you have to buy. there are places around the country that are particularly stable. take a look at the most stable plays, pittsburgh, pennsylvania. it has education and universities. cleveland, cleveland clinic, has hospitals and education facilities. columbus, ohio, houston, texas and san antonio, texas are the most stable. the least stable are miami, florida, ft. lauderdale, continues to be an empty market. riverside, california is also a risky market. las vegas is one of the markets that has the highest foreclosure rates, one of the highest in the country and los angeles, california.
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not a typictypical from what yod believe. it still makes it a good deal for some people. congratulations, india. you have made it. you are now part of the walmart universe. welcome. you will never look at blue vests the same way again. the world's largest retailer is open for business in the land of 1 bill peoplion people. >> reporter: an american retail giant is hoping to strike gold in india, a joint venture with a well-known company. >> we understand the consumer and the psychky. i think a good mix to understand the need. >> reporter: not everyone can shop here. this is a wholesale aptly named best price, modern hotel. only licensed business people for hotel or institutions are allowed in.
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their strict rules for big companies, they fear out multinational conversations will wipe out the little guy. 95% of the buying and selling happened in mom and pop shops. if you want luggage, you buy it here. you want dry snacks, go someplace else. vegetables, go to someplace else. for some businesses, it could mean visiting 25 places every day to stock the shelves, until now. >> everything you talk about, stationary, property, cult letterry, kitchen, groceries, your meat, your fish, everything is available under one roof. >> this also appears to someone who owns a tiny shop in a nearby village. >> i travel 40 kilometers but i save a lot of money and get good quality. i visit four to five times a week. >> reporter: not everything is excited about the new store in pun jab. small distributor says his
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business has dropped by 15% in the month walmart has opened. the walmart partnership says with more than 1 billion people to serve, there is room for everyone to do good business. >> we believe it is a very good move. we hope to grow this format in other parts of india. >> bharti walmart plans to open more stores. president obama's pick for the supreme court, sonya sotomayor, reaping for tough questions at her confirmation hearing next week. what would you ask the judge if you had the chance? tweet me at ali velshi. mr. evans? this is janice from onstar. i have received an automatic signal you've been in a front-end crash. do you need help? yeah. i'll contact emergency services and stay with you. you okay?
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yeah. onstar. standard for one year on 14 chevy models. hi, may i help you? yeah, i'm looking for car insurance that isn't going to break the bank. you're in the right place. only progressive gives you the option to name your price. here. a price gun? mm-hmm. so, i tell you what i want to pay. and we build a policy to fit your budget. that's cool. uh... [ gun beeps ]
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[ laughs ] i feel so empowered. power to the people! ha ha! yeah! the option to name your price -- new and only from progressive. call or click today. it was cell phone video that shocked us. developmentally challenged residents of a state facility forced to fight. the footage doesn't lie but a jury actually won't get to see it.
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prosecutors plan to appeal a judge's decision to toss this cell phone video from the fight club case in corpus christi, texas. former caregivers are accused of forcing developmentally challenged residents to duke it out for fun. the judge voted it is in admissionable evidence to the man to filmed the fith. he claims the phone was stolen. the judge has postponed the start of testimony until the. >> peels court reviews her decision. >> as always, team sanchez back there working on the next hour. i hope i did okay when i was filling in for you last week or the week before. i hope you still have some people who tune in to watch your show. i didn't wreck it for you, did i? >> no. as a matter of fact, as a matter of fact, young ali, i was told by all my own personal tweets while i was on vacation that you
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did a bang-up job. >> thank you, sir. it was a lot of phone. >> i sent you a tweet a moment ago. >> i just saw it. >> go ahead. tell people what i wrote. >> i didn't know it was from you. it says, ali velshi, you are so handsome and so talented and to find out that was you, rick, i'm honored. >> i love you, man, you are a good guy. >> what do you have working on? >> first of all, we have made a commitment to the story m afghanistan, especially now that things are getting a little heated over there in more ways than one. in large measure, because of the temperature that the troops are having to deal with but in large measure as well because nine soldiers have now given their lives as a result of he was going on there in afghanistan, try to kick the taliban out. the problem is not kicking them out. we've done that before successfully. it's keeping them out. it's kind of what we are going to be talking about. we have atia embedded down there
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with some of the marines. you are not going to believe what's going on in one of the other stories i have found fascinating and i am sure you have too. this situation with steve mcnain nair, probably one of the most talented quarterbacks to come down the pike in about ten years in the nfl. he turns up dead and police have told us they are going to be holding a news conference during our hour to finally say whether she killed him and then killed herself or whether it was somebody else who may have busted into the place and killed them both, which is what everyone is wanting to know. >> a remarkable story. we will be tuned in to hear you following it and be watching your show starting at 3:00 eastern. rick, good to see you, my friend. >> you too, man. >> send him your tweets, your messages on facebook and on myspace. . confirmation hearings for sonya sotomayor will start on monday. what would you ask her if you got the chance?
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here are some of your tweets that i've got. a number of people who are saying, ask her about her stand on abortion. that is obviously something people are going to want to ask. cactus moon said, did sotomayor mean her background caused her to support the rule of law rather than the good old boy's club. what past supreme court justice would she compare herself too? those are a couple of examples of questions i have got from you about what you would ask judge sotomayor. we have a team in place to let you know what they mean. some of us, including me, don't know sometimes, what does it mean when this judge is asked this question. what are they try tog get at? what indication will it be, about the way she is likely to vote and the impact that is
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our good friend and colleague, reza sayah is staffing the iran desk. there are still protests? >> definitely. lots of internet chatter calling on people to take to the streets an iran wuonce again tomorrow, e tenth year anniversary of a protest that led to the killing of several students. also, a protest scheduled in more than a dozen
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