tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 10, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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>> the kids all have to stay together. >> this is the top now for yet another show. thank you for watching "larry king live." i'm jim moret for "inside edition." thank you very much for watching. time now for erica hill and "ac 360." good night. jim, thanks. tonight breaking news until the michael jackson investigation. a source close to the family telling us they are aware it could turn into a criminal probe, and 360 has learned the scope of that probe is widening. a picture coming into focus of a multi-doctor, multi-state, multi-facetted human conveyor belt used to provide michael jackson exactly what he wanted and apparently what he wanted in great quantities. powerful prescription drugs. randi kaye has been breaking stories all week long. she joins us once again with a "360" exclusive live from los angeles. you're learning disturbing details into michael jackson's alleged drug history. what are you finding? >> erica, i have right here actually a confidential police
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document. this is from the santa barbara county sheriff's office. it is from 2004. it contains confidential interviews done with two of michael jackson's former security guards, interviews done in preparation for the child molestation case against jackson. he was acquitted in that case, you may recall, but there is plenty right here that really paints a very dark picture of jackson's apparent drug habit and the sophisticated operation that was in place to apparently help him get the drugs and the doctors he may have been getting those drugs from. we are not naming the security guards, but according to this document that we have, one of them told investigators jackson was taking, quote, ten-plus zanax pills a night. and he said that he expressed concerns about that to other jackson employees and was told by one, quote, jackson was doing better because he was down from 30 to 40 xanax pills a night. down from that. so 30 to 40 xanax pills a night.
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this is information, erica, coming right from his own security guards. >> and those numbers are just -- they're almost unfathomable, randi. what's in that document that's more specific about how jackson got his hands on all of those drugs? >> one of the security guards told investigators that he would get xanax prescriptions at pharmacies for jackson under, quote, fictitious names, including the security guard's own name. he named three other employees who were also getting prescriptions for the pop star under their names. the other security guard questioned backed that up according to the document. he also said he had picked up prescriptions for jackson that were in other people's names. >> so what about the doctors, then, randi? what do security guards say about the doctors that jackson's apparently getting the drugs and the prescriptions from? >> we're not going to name the doctors, but one of the security guards actually named five doctors that he said were writing prescriptions for michael jackson. again, not all of those
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prescriptions were in michael jackson's name. this security guard said in several states across the country, new york, florida, california just to name a few he personally drove jackson to different doctors' offices, which really paints a picture of docket shopping. that is in line with what our source close to the investigation is telling us. he tells us that investigators want to interview every doctor who ever treated jackson. so if he was going around the country getting prescriptions, you can see how wide the net really seems to be getting in this investigation. >> it's amazing to think about that any of these former employees use the word "addiction? ". >> well, one of the security guards described jackson as sharp and, quote, in tune before the doctors' visits and afterwards, quote, out of it and sedated. that same guard said he talked to one of the doctors and told investigators that the doctor told him, quote, jackson was addicted to demerol but said he was giving jackson a placebo to wean him off of it.
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according to the document we have, the security guard who really provided most of the information here quit his job with jackson after he says, quote, jackson fell on his face in a hotel room and hurt himself. this employee told investigators that he told jackson he was just not comfortable getting prescriptions for him, and he left the job. >> wow. incredible information there. i know you spoke with a friend of jackson's, the guy who tried to jump-start his career in las vegas after the child molestation trial. did he have any insight for you? >> we spoke to a man who knew jackson for ten years. he said when they were trying to get his show started in vegas back in 2006, he often appeared, quote, drugged up and incoherence. that's how he described michael jackson. he said sometimes he was so weak, so emaciated and thin that he had to use a wheelchair. that michael jackson was getting around las vegas in a wheelchair. eventually the stage show and the comeback was canceled because this man told me he just
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said he wasn't up to it. >> it's incredible to picture michael jackson getting around in a wheelchair in that state. he mentioned that he was drugged up, appeared drugged up. did he ever witness jackson taking any drugs? if so, what were they? >> well, he says that michael jackson would never use drugs in front of anyone. he just said that's something he never did. he said the general attitude among jackson's employees and his doctor who is hung around him all the time was, quote, let's keep the golden goose going and let's just keep him happy. he said nobody really tried to stop jackson from taking all the drugs and from harming himself. he said he was taking all kinds of drugs including the xanax i mentioned earlier, 30 or 40 pills a night at one point. it's really hard to believe. >> and it's a he sad picture on so many levels. randi kaye, thank you. digging deeper now into not only the sheer magnitude of these drugs but also the type and how anyone could get to this point. we'll bring in sanjay gupta. when you listen to some of the that information that she just
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gave us, as many as ten xanax a night down from 30 or 40, how is that possible someone could actually take that much of this drug? >> nothing about this has been normal or usual. the first thing that struck me as a doctor is i want to know what the dosage of these pills were. leaving that aside, no matter how you cut it, this is an extremely high dose of xanax. typically what happens, erica, in situations like this. people start off taking a few and take more and more and build up tolerance. that's something that people are familiar with. you eventually get to a point where you're taking more and more. when we were studying addiction, for example, for a cnn special, one of the pain doctors told me he had a patient that took 80 vicodin a day, 80 vicodin a night. you can get to that point. it is very, very rare, but it can happen. >> you mention addiction. xanax is highly addictive, correct? >> it is very highly addictive, and that's determined by a couple of things. if you stop taking it, the withdrawal is awful. people get tremors and seizures and shakes and sweats.
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it's a really, really awful process. that's usually what dictates addiction. >> one other person reported an addiction to demerol, which was reportedly according to this person treated at the time by a doctor with placebos. would that be a connection between the treatment for addiction to demerol and this seeming addiction to xanax? >> these are two different classes of drugs. when you talk about pain pill or pain medications like demerol and the xanax falls into a benzodiazepime. there are things to wean people off. you don't usually interchange them, to say they gave it on them to wean it off seems unlikely. >> is the demerol a red flag to you? that's a big pain medicine, isn't it? >> it's a red flag. you're talking about something
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catastrophic potentially happening here, specifically you start to shut down one's ability to drive their own breathing. so they're simply not able to breathe on their own. they can lapse into coma as a result of that. it's a huge red flag. even with the tolerance i was talking about, these doses are exceedingly high for any human being. >> it's amazing a body or person could withstand any of that. as we heard from randi, it almost sounded like there was a lot of -- or there was a lot of visiting around the country of what a lot of people might call doctor shopping. >> there was. i saw some of that same stuff. you know what's interesting as we've been investigating this, erica, for the last couple of weeks now is how little regulation there is toward preventing that thing. doctor shopping does occur 100%. i can tell you it occurs. i have patients in my practice who have doctor shopped in the past. you go from one pharmacy to the next and forge names and get medications all sorts of different ways and it's very hard to stop.
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what we need and what this speaks to is some sort of national registry that can minute by minute track the people who are obtaining this level of medication, narcotics, benzos and other drugs that are potentially dangerous in these doses. we don't have it. it's remarkable how much this sort of thing happens. >> i only have time for a quit yes or no. could that change based on the celebrity of this case in particular? >> i think people are talking about this more than ever before. they're talking about substances being controlled. the answer, the quick answer is yes. >> good. i'll take it. dr. sanjay gupta. always good to have you with us. thanks. >> thanks, erica. let us know what you think of all this. join the live chat at i'm on there along with the staff of ac360. anderson is not with us tonight. he's on his way to africa for an exclusive interview with president obama. up next, though, it is another "360" exclusive tonight. michael wehr uncovering the outlines of a potential deal to end the fighting in afghanistan. learn who's pitching it, how it would work, and a sit-down with the taliban leader who right now
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has a $10 million american bounty on his head. a little bit later, a look at the lives of the jackson brothers and sisters. some famous, some forgotten. >> he always said that his family is first and his fans are second. i know he'd be so happy you're here supporting him. >> latoya, marlin, tito, what they're doing today when "360" continues.
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tonight a 360 exclusive about a possible opportunity to end the fighting in afghanistan. what used to be called american's forgotten war is now america's fastest-growing war and president obama's top priority. at least 635 americans have died in combat there since the fighting began. there's a massive american offensive under way right now, and no one expected to be the last one. what if it could be? tonight in a "360" exclusive michael wehr learned about talks with the taliban and how a deal might, might just be reached. >> reporter: i came to these mountains to unravel how the taliban in afghanistan are based
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from here across the border in pakistan. in these remote mountain valleys of pakistan's northwest frontier province, the taliban can hide, train, smuggle weapons and launch military strikes against u.s. forces in afghanistan. for generations the border here has been little more than a vague blur among the peaks. that is what is crippling the american effort in afghanistan. to put it simply america cannot win the war in afghanistan. certainly can't win it with bombs and bullets, and it can't win it in afghanistan alone. part of the answer lies here where i'm standing in these mountain valleys in pakistan on the afghan border, because this is al qaeda and taliban territory. right now there's as many as 100 taliban on that mountaintop between the snow-capped peaks and amid those streets.
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they're currently under siege from local villages driving them from their bunkers. at the end of the day it's the pakistani military who tolerates the presence of groups like the taliban. it's not until america can cut deals with these people that there's any hope of the attacks on american troops coming to an end. the key leader the u.s. may have to deal with is this man, mohammed omar, the one-eyed cleric who actually created the taliban and led its regime. the man who, after the 9/11 attacks, sheltered osama bin laden, choosing war with the u.s. rather than surrender bin laden. even with a $10 million reward on his head, omar has defied all american attempts to capture or kill him. he still commands the afghan taliban as they continue killing u.s. and nato troops. he and other top commanders do all of this according to u.s. intelligence from sanctuaries here in pakistan.
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it was the pakistan military who helped create the taliban. when the cia was funding many of these same afghan groups in the 1980s in their war against the soviets, it was the pakistan military that delivered the money, expertise and weapons like stinger missiles. now for the first time in this cnn interview, the pakistan military concedes it still maintains contact with the taliban. at the military headquarters we med a major general who concedes the army's links with the taliban were toned down after 9/11, but -- >> but having said that, more intelligence organization in the world shuts its last door on any other organizations. >> reporter: and more than talking to the taliban, the general says the pakistan military can actually get the taliban to sit down with the united states and broker a cease-fire.
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that's where pakistan can perhaps provide valuable assistance to the american mission? >> i think, yes, that could be worked out. that's possible. >> reporter: this is one of the men who says he can help work that deal. >> people like me who serve the cause of the freedom of afghanistan. >> former cia ally general hah meed gole, he's famed as the godfather of the taliban. in terms of american national interests, who does america need to dialogue with? >> omar, nobody else. >> the most important taliban leader. but to get him and the other taliban to the table, pakistan wants something in return. it wants the united states to use its influence to reign in pakistan's number one military rival, india. india's close association with the u.s.-backed government in
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afghanistan worries the pakistanis, and the pakistanis accuse india of supporting armed separatists in one of pakistan's provinces. senior u.s. officials tell cnn the obama administration is willing to raise those concerns with india, and that the u.s. is willing to talk with omar and other taliban commanders. erica? >> it's interesting to see if those talks happen. michael wehr live for us in baghdad with that exclusive. thanks. one of least likely stories imagining. a brutal war erupting between a polygamist sect and mexican drug cartels. latest from iran where nighttime chants of god is great are giving way to daytime battle cries of death to the dictator. a brutal response from the government. all that and more ahead on "360."
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coming up, a polygamist sect in mexico takes on the drug cartel with deadly consequences. randi kaye joining us again with a 360 bulletin. we begin with the deadliest day in iraq since american forces pulled out of iraqi cities. at least 60 killed today in bombings throughout the country. the worst attack was in a northern city. the u.s. government is warning that the swine flu may be back stronger by fall. at a flu summit they say a vaccine should be ready for mid-october. underscoring the urgency, president obama interrupted his work at the g-8 summit to address the conference by phone. recent studies show americans still are not inclined to splurge at the mall. sales tracker says retail sales for june fell 4.9% compared to a gain of 1.9% the year before. this was the tenth straight monthly sales decline. and are you interested in a
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green-collar job? do you keep track of your frenemies and planning a frugal staycation? do you even know what i'm talking about? if not, look it up. they are three of about 100 new words added to the merriam webster dictionary. check it out. the green collar is an adjective used to describe people that work with the environment. a frenemy is essentially a fake friend and a staycation is a vacation spent at home or nearby. i like the staycation. i tried it recently and i've got to tell you it was very relaxing. >> i remember hearing very positive reports on it because, rand, we're really friends, not frenemies. >> that's right. so you know i staycationed. >> i do. american polygamists battling mexican drug cartels. it's a fight that turned deadly. the story and the secrets behind a compound full of u.s. citizens, just ahead. a bit later, his brothers and sisters. michael jackson's siblings,
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to stories "360" has been following very closely. >> reporter: that's right, erica. over the last few years we've done a lot of stories about polygamy and mexican drug car tell violence. but we never imagine they would mesh like this. we're in el paso, texas just to our south of the mexican state of chihuahua. in chihuahua there was a small town founded 80 years ago about american mormons from utah who went down there because they were angry they made polygamy against the religion. they settled there. 80 years later not all the people are polygamists but are vocal against drug cartel violence. apparently they made members of the drug cartel very mad. this week about 15 gunmen went inside one of the homes, dragged two men out of the homes, both american citizens with ten children between them and killed them in a very violent way. how did hundreds and hundreds of american polygamists end up living in mexico for the last eight decades? after the mainstream mormon church abandoned the practice of
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polygamy in the 1890s not all mormons were happy about it. some groups who wanted to continue the practice of plural marriage broke off from the church. some settled here on the arizona/utah border. others who didn't want interference from u.s. law enforcement moved north to british columbia. in 1994, this family moved south from mexico, 130 miles, in the town of galeana, in the state of chihuahua. it's where they started the church of the first born of the fullness of times. they've lived here for a good part of the century. about a thousand work as farmers, and though illegal in mexico, like the u.s., some still practice polygamy. members of the family are well-known in the local community for their opposition to the drug cartels and their kidnappings. >> we want to be an inspiration and the conscience of all afflicted people from kidnapping. >> reporter: this man,
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32-year-old benjamin lebaron would not back down to the cartels after his 16-year-old brother was kidnapped last may. he refused to pay a ransom. he was eventually released. he head rallies and march to the state capital. earlier this week benjamin lebaron was dragged from his home, killed. the recent drug violence crippling the country, they suffer along with them. >> gary, it seems obvious that this killing was some sort of message to this community that really had been fighting back. what's the reaction been in the community? are they essentially backing down? >> reporter: well, you're right. it was a message. there was a note found near the bodies that said, we are very angry that 25 of our people were arrested following these killings, arrested for drug violations. they said, don't ever do it again. it was a warn withing, clearly. the members of this town said they will not back down. they admit they're scared and don't have arms.
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mexican weapons laws are strict, so they don't have guns to protect themselves. that worries them. they say they will continue to fight and make an issue about this. at the least they want more protection from the state government of chihuahua and the national government out of mexico city. >> gary, thanks. tell us what you think about this story. you can join the live chat at we're going to keep gary tuchman around. we'll dig deeper about this battle. between the politician mists and the mexican drug cartels. we'll look at what's at stake here and what this means for america. we'll go inside that war next door. there are allegations of racism at a philadelphia area pool. dozens of children say they were kicked out simply because of their race. the swim club denies it. we have the details.
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onstar. standard for one year on 14 chevy models. before the break we told about a polygamist community a breakaway sect from the mormon church which calls mexico home. hundreds of americans belong to this group, and this week two of its members were killed by a drug cartel. they were described as crime fighters who stood up to the
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cartels and who died defending what they believe in. fred burton is a counterterrorism expert joining us from austin, texas. also with us is gary tuchman in el paso tonight. fred, americans, as we learn from gary, beaten, dragged out of their homes, murdered in cold blood. it seems pretty brazen. but in some respects is this just another day, sadly, in mexico? >> erica, i'm afraid you're right. the area where this took place is a disputed territory. you have the juarez and the loras cartel fighting over this geography. what is more troubling is this location has the largest concentration of mexican law enforcement and military than any other place in mexico for the past two or three years. i look at this as a failure on the part of the mexican authorities to protect mr. lebaron and his family after the abduction of his brother.
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>> what do you think that failure stems from? is it the fact that the government simply can't control these drug cartels or is it more about corruption? >> i think it's a combination of both. i think you're looking at the inability to secure and hold territory. i think you're looking at intelligence gaps here as to what this group may do. it's really unclear as to who may have murdered him, although the leading suspects are clearly probably elchapa who leads the sentaloa cartel. >> gary, you talked a little bit about the break about the residents there, about how they're not backing down but how they're afraid. have they talked at all about whether or not they feel they're getting support from the local law enforcement? essentially we're told there was an anonymous tip and two guys end up dead? >> reporter: they have had troops move into their town right now so they take relief about that. they are absolutely still scared, as are many people throughout the entire nation of mexico. we were in tijuana a couple of months ago and talked to a
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family with small children. the small children never leave their house anymore. the parents talk about how they were out all hours of the night when they were kids. it was perfectly safe. mexico is a very difficult place to live right now because there's so much terror and people are just very frightened everywhere, particularly in this little town. >> one thing that was surprising, though, was the fact that eric, the little 16-year-old brother of benjamin lebaron, one of the victims gary told us about, was kidnapped recently and the family didn't pay and they returned this young boy. that sounds like it's rather out of character. >> it is. it's very odd that no ransom was exchanged. i find that very odd. now, of course, this could be a new tactic, meaning if no money was paid to release this child, that may be a new public relations kind of move that the kidnap and ransom negotiators may have taken. just don't announce that a ransom was actually paid.
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>> okay. they may not announce it. moving forward, basically i have to say it doesn't paint a real -- it doesn't give a lot of confidence of the picture you paint of how things are run in mexico. do you think they're starting to make effective changes? >> we see no stop or slowdown this year of the violence. in fact, we're trending on the same kind of body count stats from last year. there's no segment, as gary said, of the country that's not touched by this cartel violence. again, i hate to say it, but this is just another day in mexico. >> we hope something will change soon, but certainly makes you wonder when. fred burton, good to have you with us. gary tuchman, thank you. fred is writing about america's role in mexico, surging gun tree. fascinating read. check it out at he clarifies some of the numbers out there in terms of how many guns come from mexico to the u.s. a great read there. tomorrow night we have a "360" investigation with help from
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erin brockovich, a crusader, champion for environmental rights. we teamed up with on the story about the worst environmental disaster in u.s. history. it is not over yet. dr. sanjay gupta has a preview. >> reporter: desperation is mounting here. families are terrified about their health. >> death, cancer? everyone here deserves a future. >> reporter: this is the largest environmental disaster ever. >> we have to convince someone that inhaling cancer-causing chemicals is bad for you. it just doesn't make any sense to me at all. somebody has to protect these people because they're going to find out ten years too late. it will be the oh, oops moment. i do have cancer. i am sick, then there will be no recourse for them. >> everyone deserves a future, and they also deserve answers.
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that story and the search for justice tomorrow night on "360." coming up tonight at "360," new protests erupting in iran. thousands take to the streets and not just demonstrators. later, family tragedy. a look at the jackson siblings from their very public grief to their private lives. an up close look ahead. >> michael, when you left us, a part of me went with you. a part of you will live forever within me.
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in iran an anniversary sparking new protests today. an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 people filling the streets of tehran. on the tenth anniversary of a major student uprising there against the islamic regime. protestors using this occasion to resume demonstrations against the outcome of last month's presidential election. police armed with batons dispersed crowds with tear gas. new demonstrations come after a relative lull following last month's bloody crackdown. joining us now, a contributor to the daily beast. good to have you with us. >> thanks, erica. >> today is the tenth anniversary of that uprising at tehran university. how are the protests of today and the pro-democracy movement of today digit from a decade ago? >> they're more experienced now than they were a decade ago. the uprising at tehran university often referred to as
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the 18-tier massacre, the date the massacre occurred which is today, of course, july 9th, was primarily students, university students calling for greater rights, greater freedoms. it was very easy for the government of that time to just say this was a threat to the stability of the state and then to crush the protestors without any kind of response, any kind of reaction or consequences. ten years later the protestors are sophisticated. they understand the way to change this regime is by using the legal means that the regime gives you, limited as they are, to your advantage to in a sense shame the regime, to say what you stand for is not what you are actually doing in practice. in a way it makes it harder to stamp out a movement by opening fire on protesters like they did ten years ago. >> it's also easier to get that message out because of the technology that's available to them today. >> you're absolutely right.
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ten years ago there was this incredibly iconic moment i wrote about on "the daily beast" today when a young protester took a shirt stained with blood and held it aloft. and that picture particulared on the cover of the "economist" the next day became the symbol for the student uprising. multiply that by 100, by 1,000. you think of the image of that poor woman, neta, shot by a basij member and watching her slowly pass away, that image was seen millions of times around the world. so it's a whole new world that these protesters are dealing with as well. >> you mentioned using that to their advantage, not in the way they protest but the technology to shame the regime into showing they're not what they say they are. at this point, though, is there any way for the iranian government to regain its religious or even electoral legitimacy or is thatter rep rably tarnished?
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>> that's the perfect way to put it. unless this government figures out some way to at least address some of the grievances and demands of this massive protest movement, which is not really a pro-reform movement, it's an anti-ahmadinejad movement that swept up at least half of the population if not more. it will have a legitimacy problem moving forward. >> there's that problem but the reality, which is tough to understand in a country like u.s. we're tight on time. what are the chances that we're going to see real regime change in iran or democracy one day? >> well, you're definitely going to see democracy one day. the iran of 2009 bears no resemblance to the iran of 1979 or '89 or for that matter '99. 70% of the population under 30, 50% under 24. democracy is coming to this country, but it's going to be a long, slow process. right now, the real issue is that the revolutionary guard, the military intelligence
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apparatus is becoming much more politici politicized. they're gaining control over the state, and this has galvanized some of the major factors to join the protest movement. >> truly the beginning of the story. always great to have you, thanks. >> thanks, erica. at the g-8 summit in italy president obama said they have made important strides in combating climate change. critics were quick to point out the meeting didn't produce specific targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. today mr. obama will meet with the pope and then it's on to ghana where he'll sit down with anderson for an exclusive interview. back at home, president obama has a lot on his plate. there are new poll numbers that suggest some of his supporters are growing impatient. tom foreman has the raw politics. >> reporter: almost six months after taking office, president obama is still taking the world by storm. highly popular overseas and at home, too.
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however, the latest cnn opinion research corporation poll found a jekyll and hyde side to his support. 70% of those surveyed say he's a strong leader, almost as many say he is tough enough, but just 53% say he has a clear plan for solving country's problems. all three measures are way down from february. at "the washington post" chris cillizza is watching the shifting tides. he says democrats are holding firm. it's the independents who are restless. >> people are saying, well, wait a minute. we elected this guy to fix the economy. is it unfair to expect the president to fix the economy in six months? yes. does that mean it doesn't matter in terms of politics? no. the key to democratic success both in 2006 as well as president obama's win in 2008 is that independents largely voted like democrats. >> reporter: on the recession, health care and the wars, the president wants patience. >> change doesn't happen overnight.
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>> reporter: but even overseas, reviews are now mixed. a new international study found that in many nations, including china, mexico, and indonesia, people believe president obama will push america's relations with their countries in the right direction eventually. but so far they find those policies still lacking on military power, respecting international law, global warming. steven cole runs the nonpartisan >> there's a perception that the u.s. is a bully that pushes countries around. they're looking for real fundamental changes in u.s. foreign policy, and we don't see those changes yet. >> reporter: and that's changing numbers abroad and at home for president obama. tom foreman, cnn, washington. up next, kicked out for being black? a daycare center says dozens of children were forced from a pool because of their race. the swim club denies it. we have the details.
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this computer can be used to help... redesign our energy grid... cure diseases in the vascular systems. you could simulate the big bang. we can build... smarter cities... cut down on... crime... disease... gridlock... global warming. it can help us make the world work better. [child laughing] we just broke the petaflop barrier. i'm an ibmer. let's build... let's build a smarter... a smarter planet. the world lost a star, but they lost a brother. tonight, as the jacksons mourn the death of the king of pop, we're learning more about this famous and understandably heartbroken family. here now, the jacksons up close. >> reporter: they started this
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journey together. and now the jackson family grieves together. ♪ i'll be there mourning the brother whose star shined the brightest. >> i would like for you to give our brother, my twin brother, brandon, a hug from me. i love you, michael, and i'll miss you. >> reporter: marlon jackson, barely a year and a half older than michael, speaking of his twin who died at birth. the closeness of this family has been well-documented and increasingly public. speaking at the b.e.t. awards, janet spoke of their michael. >> to you, michael is an icon. to us, michael is family. and he will forever live in all of our hearts. >> reporter: while the jacksons may be the most famous family in music history, only a few of the nine children raised by joe and katherine jackson managed to make a career of their talent.
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43-year-old janet is perhaps the most well-known after michael. the actress and singer was on a film set when she learned about her brother's death. 59-year-old ribi jackson, the oldest of the siblings. she had a hit single in the mid-'80, is married with three children and calls las vegas home. la toya, 53, made headlines when she supposed for playboy and a tell-all book. she is now divorced living in beverly hills. shortly after the memorial, the three sisters addressed their brother's fans. >> we want to thank you for being here for him. he loved you very, very much. thank you. >> reporter: as for the surviving members of "the jackson 5" jackie is a divorced 58-year-old dad of two who promotes his dad's music career. 55-year-old tito, guitarist for the group, is also divorced. recently a celebrity judge on a british reality show.
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marlon is married with three children. there were reports the 52-year-old was working at a san diego department store last year. perhaps, not the life their parents imagined, but the lesser known siblings may have been the lucky ones. >> we would never, never understand what he endured, not being able to walk across the street without a crowd gathering around him. being judged, ridiculed, how much pain can one take? >> reporter: 54-year-old jermaine, original lead singer of the group, has been married and divorced three times. >> i said, michael, why did you go? why did you leave? why did you leave me? i -- what was going through my mind, larry, i wish it was me there instead of him. >> log on to to track the family tree of the jacksons and also read part of la toya's controversial book there. headlines from randi kaye.
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"360 bulletin." the hardest working woman at this network, i think. >> four workers at a historic black cemetery near chicago are facing felony charges in a grave digging scheme. accused of digging up hundreds of corpses and reselling the plots. the suspects allegedly dumped the remains in a remote part of the graveyard or reburied them with other bodies. in pennsylvania, a daycare center who paid to use a swim club's pool is saying racial discrimination. a charge the club denies. daycare officials say swim club members made racist comments about the black and his panic students who came to the pool and canceled their swimming privileges. details in the deadly monorail accident at disney world. the workers in charge of monitoring the tracks were outside the park at a nearby denny's restaurant at the time of the crash leaving a maintenance worker in charge. a 21-year-old train operator was
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killed. disney says it has suspended three employees pending an investigation but gave no other details. an unusual request from a california animal shelter, looking for television sets for its cats. workers noticed rescued felines were actually drawn to the shelter's only television, not just for the warmth. they allegedly liked watching tv. the shelter says being a couch potato can help abused or neglected animals get used to being around people again. i don't know about you, but i do have a cat. i do have a cat and he does tend to watch a movie with me when i'm watching tv. >> sometimes lulu does like to jump at the tv. every now and then. i'm going to have to watch her closely now. i'll report back. >> my cat actually once went behind the tv to see what was going on there. he couldn't understand how the animals on the tv were there. >> you could have won money with that on one of those shows. stupid pet tricks or something. >> yeah. >> right now, somebody's chance to win a t-shirt. "beat 360" winners. daily challenge to viewers to
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show up our staffers by coming up with a better caption for the picture on the blog every day. tonight's picture, actor george clooney attending the opening ceremony at the nobel for peace hall in italy. staff winner, chuck. his caption, sure, anderson cooper is considered king of the silver foxes but can he do jazz hands? we know he can't because he refuses to dance. we're lost, a.c. our viewer winner r.j. with this caption which i love. ten times, ten times, erica hill has turned me down. oh. you know -- >> is it true? >> randi, we're friends. if i ever heard from george clooney, don't you think you'd know? >> yeah. i do. >> i tell you. george clooney, if you want to drop me an e-mail, go for it. i could get you a beat 360 t-shirt, george. just saying. ahead, on the new york subway train, spirited tribute to michael jackson. music blaring, riders grooving. it was all good. it's also tonight's shot. the latest details in tonight's breaking story.
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widening investigation of michael jackson's death and the possibility it would lead to criminal charges. triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture. ask your doctor about trilipix. statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture.
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tonight's shot, a dance visual for michael jackson. it actually happened the day after he died on new york's subway in the last car of the brooklyn bound "l" train to be exact. take a look. ♪ apparently a jackson fan used twitter to spread the word about the celebration as the train raced toward brooklyn. the party really heated up. just another day in the new york city subway, randi. that's what it's like every day on my way to work. >> i've never seen people having such a good time on the subway. >> me either. i think i live on the wrong subway line. >> nice way to honor him. >> it really was. that was a joy. coming up at the top of the hour, the hard news. exclusive story, randi kaye will be back with that. what 360 is learning about the
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